Evaluation Instructions

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JCC Performance Evaluation Instructions Introduction Supervisors will need to complete a Performance Evaluation annually for each of his/her direct reports’ performance. Information collected during the review period will be used to complete the evaluation. Specifically, an Individualized Developmental Plan should be compiled for each employee identifying key functions and/or responsibilities from the position’s job description. Using these key functions and/or responsibilities, supervisors and employees can collaboratively set attainable goals for the assessment year. The supervisor should meet with each of his/her employees a minimum of three (3) times during the assessment year. JCC’s assessment year runs June – July. Meetings should be arranged for the beginning, mid-point and end of each year. Rating Standards All employees will receive a rating based on the following Rating Standards. Ratings should be added and averaged for all assessment criteria in order to give the employee an average overall rating. Each Function/Responsibility and General Competency will be rated and assigned a point as follows: 1 - Unacceptable:

Work performance is inadequate and inferior to the standards of performance required for the position. Performance at this level cannot be allowed to continue.

2 - Improvement Needed:

Work performance does not consistently meet the standards of performance for the position. Serious effort is needed to improve performance.

3 - Meets Expectations:

Work performance consistently meets the standards of performance for this position.

4 - Exceeds Expectations:

Work performance is consistently above the standards of performance for this position.

Performance Evaluation Form These sections of the form help supervisors give formal feedback about the performance expectations of the employee’s position. 1. Functional Areas of Responsibility: Supervisors may attach the most current copy of the position’s job description. If the job description is not attached; list the essential functions and responsibilities for the position for which the employee is being evaluated.

2. Part 1: Individualized Developmental Plan: In this section, the supervisor should refer to the essential job functions of the job description for the position for which the employee is being evaluated. a. Planning: The key functions/responsibilities should be inserted into the employee’s Performance Evaluation Form at the beginning of each review cycle. At this time the supervisor should meet with the employee to discuss what goals and/or improvements can be implemented on those key functions/responsibilities. Goals and/or improvements must be reasonable, attainable and measurable. b. Managing: Supervisors should meet with the employee mid-year to assess growth or lack thereof of the goals and/or improvements stated during the planning phase. Supervisors and employees should use this time to develop strategies to help reach the desired outcomes. This assessment is not limited to one meeting between supervisor and employee, instead intended for the supervisor and employee to communicate as often as needed for coaching, support and assistance. c. Appraising: Supervisors should meet with the employee at the end of the assessment year in order to evaluate the progress made by the employee throughout the year. The supervisor will rate the employee using the stated Rating Standards. Comments must be made by the supervisor when the employee receives a rating of Unacceptable, Improvement Needed or Exceeds Expectations. The ratings from this section will add with those of the General Competencies section to give the employee an overall average rating for the assessment year. 3. General Competencies: Supervisors should use these criteria to assess all employees. If it is found that the criteria does not apply to a certain employee the supervisor should state N/A in the comments section. Supervisors should assess the employee with these criteria at each of the three (3) required meetings with the employee. If it is found that the employee is lacking in any of these competencies, the supervisor and the employee should discuss means of improvement prior to the final evaluation. a. Adaptability/flexibility: Supervisors will rate the employee on how well the employee adapts to change, willingness to accept new ideas, etc. b. Attendance/Dependability: Supervisors will rate the employee according to how dependable and punctual the employee is, not only in reference to attendance, but also in their reliability to complete the duties of their position in a reasonable and timely manner. Please be aware that time off approved under the FMLA cannot be considered for assessment purposes. c. Communication Skills: Supervisors will rate the employee according to how well the employee communicates with others within the College. d. Human Relations/Interpersonal Skills: Supervisors will rate the employee according to how the employee interacts with subordinates as well as others within the College.

e. Institutional Commitment: Supervisors will rate the employee according to how well the employee’s professional interests and actions correspond with those of the College. f. Job Knowledge: Supervisors will rate the employee according to how well the employee understands and performs the duties of the position. g. Leadership Skills/Management Ability: Supervisors will rate the employee according to the employee’s ability to lead and supervise others. h. Planning Ability/Organizational Skills: Supervisors will rate the employee according to how well the employee manages within the parameters of the position in regard to responsibility, problem solving and effectiveness. i. Productivity/Quality of Work: Supervisors will rate the employee according to the employee’s proficiency, accuracy and reliability. j. Professional Development: Supervisors will rate the employee according how the employee shows professional growth in regards to the position. 4. Performance Evaluation Summary: The supervisor should complete this summary in order to consolidate the highlights of the evaluation for quick reference of the overall appraisal. The summary should be completed prior to the final meeting with the employee in order to better communicate the evaluation findings. a. Supervisors should highlight the employee’s strengths and targeted areas of growth. b. Supervisor and employee should collaborate on improvement strategies for the next review period. c. Supervisors will average the sum of rating standards from all of the evaluation criteria in order to give the employee an overall performance rating. d. The supervisor should give an overall summary of the employee’s performance and provide comments for support. e. The employee should state whether they agree or disagree with the performance evaluation and list any comments they may have concerning the appraisal. f. Signatures of the Supervisor, Employee and Division Vice President are required. Performance Evaluations are to be completed in full and the original should be sent to Human Resources so that it may be put into the employee’s personnel file. Performance Evaluations should be turned into Human Resources no later than July 31 following the evaluation period. Questions concerning the Performance Evaluation form or process should be directed to Human Resources.

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