Department of Human Resources
Best Practices
Department of Human Resources
Search Committee Goals
To serve as an advisory body empowered to assist the hiring officials in making a selection decision. To establish a diverse pool of qualified candidates using proactive efforts to include members of underrepresented groups throughout the process. To represent JCC to all candidates as a successful, attractive and welcoming environment. To fairly screen, evaluate and recommend the best qualified candidate(s) for the particular position. To fully document the recruitment and selection process.
Best Practices
Department of Human Resources
Search Committee Process
Conducting a successful search is an ART – not a science, but there are “rules” and “best practices”
ALL search committee members share responsibility for attracting a qualified and diver pool of applicants and ensuring fair and equitable treatment of all applicants.
Best Practices
Department of Human Resources
Conducting the Search
Recognize that the search process is an exercise in public relations, marketing, employee selection and evaluation, interviewing, and legal risk management.
Establish and utilize only job‐relates criteria as the basis for all selection decision. Fairness and consistency are ley.
Deviations in the process from one candidate to another may lead to questions or concerns of arbitrary decision making or discrimination
Candidates will form their impression(s) of JCC largely based on the courtesy, timeliness and professionalism of our communications.
The job description should drive the search. The essential functions and required qualifications associated with the position are key to all advertising, interviewing and hiring process.
Best Practices
Department of Human Resources
Conducting the Search cont.
The purpose of advertising is to reach the largest qualified audience (and discourage those who are not qualified). Choose your recruitment sources accordingly.
Cast a wide net! Consider the broadest recruitment area possible, i.e., local, regional or national levels
Applicant Screening/Evaluation
Ensure consistent treatment of all applicants at each phase of the evaluation process.
Relative weights for each selection criteria should be developed and assigned prior to the review of any applications.
Develop a predetermined set of core interview questions.
Best Practices
Department of Human Resources
Be aware of Unconscious Bias
Every one of us has a lifetime of experiences and a cultural history that influences our judgments during the review process.
Even the most well‐informed person unwillingly allows unconscious thoughts and feelings to influence apparently objective decisions.
Evaluate each candidate’s entire application; don’t depend too heavily on only one element such as the letters of recommendation, or the prestige of the degree‐granting institution.
Be able to defend every decision for eliminating or advancing a candidate.
Best Practices
Department of Human Resources
Examples of Unconscious Bias Cloning Similar attributes/ background
Snap Judgments Good Fit/Bad Fit Comfortable and culturally at ease
Judgments with insufficient evidence
Positive Stereotypes
Negative Stereotypes
Presumptions of competence
Presumptions of incompetence
Best Practices
Department of Human Resources
Impact of Unconscious Bias Job Callbacks (Bertrand & Mullainathan)
Ethnic vs. Non Ethnic Names Non Ethnic Names: 50% more likely to receive callbacks than Ethnic Name
Academic CV Evaluation (Steinpreis et al., 1999)
Same CV, different names by gender Male applicant rated better in all categories, and more likely hired Pattern holds for both men and women reviewers
Fellowships (Wenneras and Wold).
Women applicants’ productivity score had to be significantly higher to receive same peer review application score as men
Best Practices
Department of Human Resources
Conducting Interviews
The job description should frame your interview questions (essential functions and required and/or preferred knowledge, skills, and other qualifications).
Committee members should be adequately prepared for the interview by reading relevant application materials.
Consider telephone interviews as an intermediate screening step to help the committee determine who will be invited for an on‐campus interview.
Provide sufficient time for both the candidate and those involved in the selection process to gather information.
Best Practices
Department of Human Resources
Effective searches do not “just happen.” They are the result of good planning, clear goals, and invested time and energy.
Best Practices
Department of Human Resources
Reference Checks
Every one of us has a lifetime of experiences and a cultural history that influences our judgments during the review process.
Use a standard reference and record checking procedure. Inform the applicant of your intent to check references.
Current and former supervisors are always the best source for references.
Focus on position requirements and the applicant’s qualifications/ suitability for the position.
Verify the applicant’s information regarding educational background, prior employment and scholarship.
If possible, have one person handle reference checks to assure consistency.
Best Practices
Department of Human Resources
Rejection Letters
Promptly notify, in writing, all applicants not selected for further consideration.
Keep in mind that the manner in which an applicant is rejected can be the trigger for a lawsuit, so use care in drafting these letters.
Keep the letter brief and factual (e.g., “We have now completed the initial review of applications and, after careful consideration, have selected other candidates to pursue. We thank you for your interest in employment with JCC”).
Avoid comparing the applicant’s qualifications with the person selected. You are under no obligation to discuss the search.
Best Practices
Department of Human Resources
Additional Concerns
Internal Candidates/Courtesy Interviews
Reasonable Accommodation (ADA)
Be Mindful of Your Casual Conversations (Inappropriate questions)
Avoiding Social Media
Making a Recommendation (ranked or unranked)
Dual Career Couples
Best Practices
Department of Human Resources
Recap: Best Practices
Diversity on the committee
Casting a wide net
Utilizing only job‐related selection criteria
Treating all applicants/candidates fairly and consistently
Avoiding unconscious bias
Ensuring interview questions are job‐related
Documenting the selection process
Maintaining confidentiality
Best Practices