Hiring/Search Committee Best Practices

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Department of Human Resources

The Hiring Process Recruit, Interview & Select the Best Employees

PM 1.04 - Employee Recruitment & Hiring

Department of Human Resources

Preliminary Hiring Information  Position is advertised following the Advertising Process. – Exceptions to the Hiring Process may be made by the President when determined to be in the best interest of the College.

 Human Resources will provide training to potential committee members. – An employee who has completed training may serve on any future Search Committee. – An employee may not serve on any Search Committee without prior training.

 Applications are collected, recorded and screened by Human Resources. – HR provides Search Committee Chair a copy of the position announcement, job description and listing of all applicants. – Search Committee will view only qualified applicants’ applications.

PM 1.04 - Employee Recruitment & Hiring

Department of Human Resources

Search Committee  For Full Time & Part Time Established Staff and Faculty Positions: A Search Committee, comprised of a minimum of five (5) faculty/staff members is named by the appropriate supervisor in collaboration with the appropriate VP along with a timeline for filling the position via the search process. – The Hiring Supervisor usually serves as the Committee Chair. – The Division VP must approve Committee members and may serve on the committee.

 For Part Time Adjunct Faculty Positions: A search committee comprised of a minimum of three (3) faculty/staff members is named by the appropriate Dean or designee. The hiring Supervisor usually serves as the Committee Chair.

PM 1.04 - Employee Recruitment & Hiring

Department of Human Resources

Search Committee Confidentiality Interview Committee materials and discussions are strictly confidential and must not be disclosed to others outside of the Hiring Committee.

PM 1.04 - Employee Recruitment & Hiring

Department of Human Resources

Search Committee Duties  Selects candidates for interviews who meet the minimum qualifications. – List reason(s) why applicant not chosen for interview.

 Comprises a list of interview questions. – Interview questions must be approved by the HR Officer prior to the interview process. • Questions that would disqualify a person of a protected class are not permitted. (EEO, ADA) • No Personal questions permitted. • Exact interview questions must be asked of all interviewees.

 Interviewing chosen candidates. – Allow same amount of time for each candidate.

 Evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of interviewed candidates.

PM 1.04 - Employee Recruitment & Hiring

Department of Human Resources

Faculty Positions  During the interview, the applicant is requested to either provide videotape depicting ability to teach or to be prepared to conduct a (15) fifteen‐minute teaching session for the members of the interview committee.  Applicants will be required to write a one‐page response to a question provided by the Committee.  Final applicants will provide unofficial transcripts to determine that credentials are in order for the assigned classes.  Upon hire, the official transcripts will be placed in the Employee’s Personnel File and the Credentials Verification Form will be completed and forwarded to the Vice President of Instruction who will review and place in the personnel file.

PM 1.04 - Employee Recruitment & Hiring

Department of Human Resources

Adjunct Faculty Positions

 A search committee comprised of a minimum of three (3) faculty/staff members is named by the appropriate Dean or designee. The hiring Supervisor usually serves as the Committee Chair.  During the interview, the applicant is requested to either provide videotape depicting ability to teach or to be prepared to conduct a (15) fifteen‐minute teaching session for the members of the interview committee.  Final applicants will provide official transcripts to the Department Chair who will determine that credentials are in order for the assigned classes.  Upon hire, the official transcripts will be placed in the Employee’s Personnel File and the Credentials Verification Form will be completed and forwarded to the Vice President of Instruction who will review and place in the personnel file.

PM 1.04 - Employee Recruitment & Hiring

Department of Human Resources

Committee Chair Duties  Leads Search Committee.  Provides a list of all applicants to the President with candidates screened for interviews notated, the position advertisement, job description and interview questions prior to the interview process.  Schedules interviews.  Provides the interview packet to the President consisting of: – – – –

List of Committee Members Application material for each interviewed candidate List of Interview Questions Committee composite of strengths and weaknesses of each candidate

 Schedules appointment with Division Vice President and President to discuss.  Schedules appointment with top candidate to meet with the President.

PM 1.04 - Employee Recruitment & Hiring

Department of Human Resources

Committee Chair Duties cont.  Letters of reference are collected in Human Resources and shared with the Search Committee.  Committee Chair will receive original applications. – Please do not write on original applications. – Applications for candidates not chosen for interview should be returned to HR once interviews have been scheduled.

 Return all interview materials, including original and copies of applications, notes, etc. to Human Resources. – HR will send letters to all interviewed applicants. – HR will keep all interview materials on file for 6 months.

PM 1.04 - Employee Recruitment & Hiring

Department of Human Resources

Final Steps of Hiring Process  The Position Supervisor and Division VP shall conduct second interviews if needed, rank the finalists and conduct additional reference checks as needed.  The recommendation for hiring includes a starting salary for the candidate that is in keeping with the Faculty Salary Plan or Staff Salary Plan and is reviewed with the President prior to his approval.  Upon approval of the president, a written offer is provided to the candidate with a line provided for written acceptance.  If none of the candidates are chosen for the position, the position may be re‐ advertised.

PM 1.04 - Employee Recruitment & Hiring

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