Sample Lesson Plan and Activities

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Johnston Community College Teacher Education

Fall, 2012 Course Description EDU 163 Classroom Mgt & Instruct (3 0 0 3) Prerequisites: ENG 080 and RED 080; Corequisites: None. This course covers management and instructional techniques with school-age populations. Topics include classroom management and organization, teaching strategies, individual student differences and learning styles, and developmentally appropriate classroom guidance techniques. Upon completion, students should be able to utilize developmentally appropriate behavior management and instructional strategies that enhance the teaching/learning process and promote students’ academic success Student and Program Learning Outcomes (as outlined by department) 1. 2. 3. Course objectives Develop a learning portfolio that supports the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards (see attached for specific skills): Standard I: Standard II: Standard III Standard IV: Standard V:

Teachers demonstrate leadership Teaches establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students Teachers know the content they teach Teachers facilitate learning for their students Teachers reflect on their practice

Writing Activities The skills to be measured is the teacher’s ability to design a series of instructional activities, and implement the activities as part of a discipline’s best practices. 0 Provide students with a detailed written description of an educational situation and a group of students in it, then asked to write2-3 page essay 1000-1500 words that describe how a teacher should plan, implement, and deliver instruction to those students. 0 Students must plan, implement, and appraise a one-week unit of instruction (Lesson Plans) with an actual class of students Provide at least two 30 minute videotapes of class sessions 0 Prepare a 2-3 page analysis that evaluates the three most significant instructional decisions made during that week. 0 0 Reflection essay (teaching education skills learning over the course of the semester)

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