Simed International Corporate brochure

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Providing medical solutions

Operating with the greatest care

Operating on a global scale Making health care work – is what we do at Simed International. Our organisation is an expert in providing the health care sector with turnkey solutions. We deliver customised health care facilities to a variety of clients yearly. This edition presents an integral overview of all our specialised activities.

Projects For an overview of our projects worldwide please visit our website:


Simed International

Embedding care in an urban environment

At Simed International, we design, construct, equip and maintain tailor-made health care institutions all over the world. Our expertise is in realising professional, advanced health care facilities in all circumstances.

Simed International

Materializing visions on a global scale 3

The hospital of the future

Simed International

Mastering the right infrastructure 4

By optimising a hospital’s infrastructure and interior, patients and visitors are made to feel welcome. Likewise, technology ensures that staff are able to work in a patient-friendly fashion.


Simed International

Simed International

The human factor


Creating patient-friendly environments to last a lifetime The atmosphere in treatment and nursing areas must be personal, calming and warm, and the modern care facility therefore has a representative character and a pleasant atmosphere.


Simed International

Digital technology

Simed International

Developing state-of-the-art solutions 8

Medical science is advancing all the time. Simed International plays an important role in this trend, supplying advanced equipment to health care specialists. We also support the clinical process through maintenance and training, and by ensuring that equipment and personnel are continually kept up to date.


Simed International

Simed International



“Health care is changing constantly, and we are changing with it” “Simed International is a specialised company that designs, builds and equips hospitals all over the world. Our success began in the Middle East and Africa in the slipstream of Dutch construction companies that were profiting from the oil boom of the 1960s and 70s. Our company grew as a result of on-thespot improvisation and pioneering, and we learnt to look comprehensively at what our clients needed for their projects. Over the years, we have further expanded our international business operations. Right from the very beginning, this enterprising culture of pioneering and creating solutions has been the defining characteristic of our company. Clients all over the world are drawn by our no-nonsense approach, thorough knowledge and specialist experience. Fair and square is what we are; a traditional value that to this day ensures the healthy growth of our company.

The Simed International name also stands for quality. We work with commit ment and with a sense of individual and team responsibility. We respect each other and regard each other as partners, whether our own staff members, cooperating suppliers, or you, our clients. Limits and bounds do not play a significant role in the medical sector, and it is for this reason that communication in our branch must be universal; it is all about trust. If we can achieve this, both literally and figuratively, we will have found the best guarantee for success worldwide. Success for you and for us!” Sietse Zoodsma Managing Director of Simed International

Simed International Head office We are an internationally-oriented company with employees working on projects all over the world. It is for this reason that our head office is dynamic and inspiring, yet has been designed to feel like a safe haven.


Simed International

Simed International

Care is part of our dna


Simed International boasts over 100 years of medical experience. Our history began in 1902 and we have been focussing on the medical sector ever since.

Simed developed from its sister company Stรถpler, which in 1962 began to undertake specific activities in the export department. In 1987, due to the enormous expansion of the business, it was time for the department to become independent. The company has since operated under the name Simed International, a name derived from the first letters of Stรถpler International Medical.

An innovative specialist Over the years, Simed International developed into an important player in the field, with extensive experience in medical projects all over the world. Simed International is now a leading Dutch company specialising in hospital projects. We offer a complete package of products and services for health care facilities. We are involved with the entire project: design, arrangement of funding, construction, equipping, long-term maintenance of medical equipment and staff training.

Simed International integrates technology with financial expertise and management skills, and in so doing is able to build hospitals and clinics on a turnkey basis. We also set up regional health care systems and supervise follow-up projects. Our integral approach allows us to introduce modern developments and top-class health care in a large number of countries, from Africa to the Russian Federation, and using our expertise, professional skills and excellent application of technology as a starting point. Our many years of experience are expressed in standardisation and professionalisation; we work on a process-oriented basis using quality handbooks in order to realise our projects flawlessly. This expertise enables us to focus increasingly on providing situation-based service. As an innovative specialist, we offer our clients complete and tailor-made hightech health care facilities.

Simed International

We advise our clients on financial structures and provide comprehensive planning prior to construction and equipping, and ensure that the medical facility continues to operate well following completion. We are committed to long-term relationships built on trust and partnership.

A new strategy In 1993, we established the Simed Health Care Group, of which Simed International became a subsidiary. The future is looking bright and we are looking forward to further expansion as an international company. In order to do so, however, it is essential that we expand our network with international and local suppliers and subcontractors. We have increased the number of area managers as part of a new market-oriented strategy. We are well aware that governments are spending money wisely worldwide and our clients therefore need greater certainty when it comes to complex projects. In cooperation with our network, our area managers are playing an increasing role as integrator for the

client, the client request and the environment, enabling us to offer turnkey solutions. The standardisation of our work processes and our customised service make it possible for us to provide clients with optimum service and maximum confidence. We believe that operational excellence occurs when the cooperation with our clients is organised efficiently, and that is precisely where our focus for the future lies: with you, the client.


Years of experience ensures a smooth process

Simed International

Realising your ideas is only the beginning


Every new health care project is a voyage of discovery in which mutual ideas and commitment lead to the best results. Together with you, we work towards realising future-proof, sustainable health care projects, wherever in the world and however complex they might be.

Our consultants, each with their own specialist expertise, support you from concept and planning to the building and maintenance of your health care facility. We use the experience we have gained from our other leading clients in the business community, health care institutions and government ministries to benefit your organisation and in doing so are able to assure you of maximum cross-disciplinary expertise and a fresh look at your situation.

From concept to realisation Partnerships begin long before a design reaches the drawing board. We receive constant feedback from our area managers who follow worldwide trends and developments in the regional markets. This allows us to develop new concepts for health care projects and to create market-oriented innovations; innovations that result in complete, tailor-made health care facilities.

Establishing a tailor-made health care facility We develop and realise customised solutions for each specific client request. Simed International operates on the basis of certain standards and takes into consideration client-specific circumstances such as culture, educational level and the population structure of the country in question. We can offer your company or organisation sustainable development in four steps. The first step is to provide thorough planning and advice prior to construction. The second step is to develop and realise a complete, tailor-made health care facility. The third step is equipping that facility. The fourth step concerns after-sales services such as maintenance, training and performance management, for which we offer specific performance contracts.

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Simed International

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The TSE Clinic in Luanda, Angola is a relatively small hospital where we are building a new dialysis centre. We are responsible for the construction and fully equipping the centre with 40 dialysis units and a special dialysis water treatment system.


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In Russia, Simed International provided assistance from scratch, with a unique concept for the functional plan and a concept design to develop a cardiology clinic in St Petersburg. The exterior of the building had to blend in with the surroundings and other buildings on the site.


Concept, planning and design The starting point for any project is formulated by a series of studies. Health care systems planning involves evaluation of the needs of a population with respect to its major health care problems. It sets objectives and priorities, and defines the means by which they can be met. Depending on your needs, Simed International offers this research service on an area-wide or national basis. A feasibility study is a thorough micro-level evaluation of the market and enables accurate planning for the proposed project and its financing. The functional programme outlines the primary criteria for establishing architectural and engineering design. The resulting spatial programme defines all areas to which an operational function is assigned. It provides the architect and equipment planner with essential design information, and constitutes a basic control mechanism for the implementation of the programme. The outcome of these

studies ultimately results in the architectural concept and design guidelines. It is on this basis that architects and engineers design their systems. Another important matter is the financial foundation of the project. Obtaining project finance can be a tedious business. Simed International, however, can advise on the financing or credit options available through national or international institutions or private initiatives. Implementation of the project should be supported by a sound financial backing. During implementation, we recommend expenditure supervision by Simed International to ensure adherence to this financial plan.

The Hygeia Private Hospital in Tirana, Albania is the first large-scale, fully private hospital in Albania. It is also the first hospital with a radiotherapy department including two linear accelerators and a gamma camera. The hospital consists of a multi-storey building with a total floor area of 25,129 square metres on a 13,000 square metre plot.


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Simed International




Upgrade of Huangshan People’s Hospital and Shexian County Hospital plus 25 surrounding clinics in China. Simed International arranged the medical equipment upgrades.


Construction and renovation The architectural and engineering guidelines are translated into sets of drawings corresponding to the functional and spatial programmes. In the development of the preliminary design, specific civil requirements such as optimised construction grids and floor strength are taken fully into account, while the mechanical and electrical design considers all essential elements. A room-by-room equipment schedule is needed for the selection of medical equipment. Simed International provides assistance in the overall coordination of the project between the architectural, civil, mechanical and electrical disciplines, as well as in the choice of equipment and other specific aspects of hospital technology. Project supervision is essential to ensure that all contractors, each with their own specific project tasks, are well coordinated. This guarantees the timely completion of each phase of implementation.

Procurement, supply and installation Simed International can deliver the complete inventory for a turnkey project as specified in the final design, and at competitive prices. This single supplier concept offers great efficiency and has the advantage that clients only have to deal with one supplier. Simed International has set up a unique and extensive data bank of hospital equipment available on the world markets. It guarantees optimal competitiveness on the basis of a price/quality analysis. Laboratory, pharmacy, kitchen and laundry equipment, to name just a few, can also be supplied directly in accordance with your wishes. Moreover, Simed International is well experienced in the delivery of communication systems such as patient registration and invoicing, diagnostic and treatment records, and interdepartmental data transfer.

Reliable transportation methods, even over difficult routes, are arranged by Simed International to ensure the safe, undamaged delivery of equipment to the very spot where it is to be installed. The logistics of just-in-time arrival are applied so that completion of the project moves ahead according to schedule. Simed International ensures that all installation specialists are on site so that the work is carried out professionally and in a minimum of time. After arrival of the equipment we use our unique protocols to test the equipment, making it ready for commissioning. This means that, after training of the users by our qualified staff, the equipment is ready for use and in a minimum of time.

Simed International

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In Huangshan, we trained medical staff according to a train-the-trainers concept, training a total of 12 nurse trainers, 222 nurses from county and village hospitals, 10 physician trainers in three clinical areas, and 125 physicians from other hospitals.

Services The new facility must become operative in accordance with all aspects of the original project concept and design. Furthermore, manpower requirements have to be met. This may mean providing specific training or employing specialised staff. Simed International can assist in matters relating to human resources, and can provide or organise professional training for medical personnel, either on site or at the manufacturer’s training facility. Equipment failure can severely hamper the efficient running of a health care facility, and thorough, rapid repair is a must if downtimes are to be kept to a minimum. Maintenance contracts can be negotiated with the equipment manufacturers or with local third party companies. If desired, Simed International can set up a maintenance workshop, arrange for spare parts, and train the maintenance crew.

For Orbis Maasland Hospital, the Netherlands, we were responsible for the medical equipment planning and site supervision during construction. We also took care of the supply, installation and commissioning of medical equipment, and the overall management of moving from the old premises to the new site. We will be in charge of maintaining this hypermodern hospital for the next 10 years.


A unique solution for each assignment

Simed International

Distinguishing factors in health care concepts


Patients recover more quickly when they are relaxed, and this is a fact that is central to our health care concepts. Every aspect, including architecture, functionality, interior and technology, has been carefully considered to ensure patients are guaranteed a welcoming and healthy stay at the facility. Environment and the sense of personal well-being experienced by the patient are becoming increasingly important.

Simed International gives great attention to patient well-being when it comes to designing health care facilities. In this respect, perception is also an important factor and this means that the solutions we design for our clients are also beneficial to health care. There are several factors that can easily be adjusted such as light, colour, audio (reducing environmental noise), pleasant views of the countryside and, last but not least, the use of sustainable materials. A specific environment that is tailor-made to suit the client’s wishes adds to the quality of the medical care provided. Benefit can be gained at various levels. For every hospital we plan to build and equip, we therefore carry out research into the cultural aspects of the country in which the work is to be carried out. Every country has its own specific characteristics and we recognise those differences in the concepts that we design and realise.

Sustainable and effective Together with our suppliers and partners, we are constantly working to achieve progress in health care. This requires highly specific and concrete applications. In cooperation with engineering agencies, for example, we research the use of energy in hospitals, opting where possible for sustainable solutions such as natural ventilation in Africa. A cold climate, on the other hand, requires efficient solutions for sustainable insulation.

Increasingly often, the operational branch of Simed International receives requests to introduce more efficient and more effective working methods into health care. Nowadays, many of the work processes involved in medical care can be automated, with robots taking over logistics processes. We want to offer advanced solutions and continually help to improve the care process. We also provide on-site training for technical and medical personnel so that local staff can also develop their expertise.

Concrete approach Cooperation with the client is ultimately what makes it possible for us to realise and implement designs optimally, the objective being that medical staff are able to carry out their work in as professional a manner as possible. This is also one of the reasons why we regard a unique and concrete approach to our clients’ projects as paramount. We tailor our entire service to the client’s individual needs, and being able to optimally meet the client’s specific wishes and requirements is the very standard to which we work on a day-today basis. Simed International provides excellent workmanship because it tailors the environment and equipment to the medical processes used by each individual client. Vision, customisation and sustainability succeed each other seamlessly in every project we undertake.

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Professional health care facilities form the basis of every design. Light, air and space are becoming increasingly important components of our sustainable health care solutions.

Concept and design

Simed International

A new focus for the future


The role of the new 1,000 bed Tamale Teaching Hospital was defined by the Ministry of Health to be a regional hospital capable of supporting medical school teaching. Furthermore, the regional hospital was identified as being the main referral centre for medical care in the region, and able to provide care in all specialised areas.

The Tamale Hospital had been in a state • No demolition is required, thus miniof disrepair for several years. The mising disruption to patients, visitors physical infrastructure was deteriorating and the services provided. It also leaves quickly due to lack of funding and existing buildings available for client subsequent neglect, making it impossible use, and requires little additional to provide quality health care services. infrastructure (e.g. walkways). The hospital was in urgent need of • The imposing multi-storey hospital redevelopment. building creates an impressive presence in Tamale and the New concept surrounding communities of the Simed International proposed a comNorthern region. The use of multipletely new concept, which consolidated storey buildings greatly improves the additional health service facilities functional efficiency, economy of into two new four-storey buildings, to design and energy conservation. be realised in two phases. These new • Locating the multi-storey buildings buildings are situated at the eastern end close to the existing power plant of the existing development in conjuncmeant that no large-scale infrastruction with prioritised refurbishment. ture had to be put in place, keeping It provides several advantages: distances short and costs low.




Simed International

Characteristics Phase 1 The first new, four-storey building is built. The existing hospital is renovated and redeveloped to create a fully-functioning 390-bed tertiary hospital with teaching facilities. Phase 2 The second new, four-storey building transforms the Tamale Teaching Hospital into a 598-bed hospital.

Overview of the new buildings (shown in red) and existing buildings of the Tamale Teaching Hospital commissioned by the Ministry of Health in Acrra, Ghana. This project comprises the renovation and expansion of the existing hospital to create a 1,000-bed facility. The new grand entrance of the building has an open construction spanning several storeys that link the various buildings together. The architecture is a mixture of western design and local practice.


Building towards the future of health

Simed International

Building to the highest of international standards


Simed International brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to international hospital projects in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and Europe. The diverse local circumstances demand that our staff possess considerable specialised knowledge and a great capacity for finding creative solutions.

One good example of this is the reno vation and expansion of the hospital in Tamale, in the north of Ghana. Tamale is the largest city in the region and is situated along the main transport route from Ghana to Burkina Faso. The city has a population of approximately 300,000 and is the fastest-growing city in West Africa. Tamale is a conglomeration of villages in which many of the inhabitants still live in mud houses.

The influence of local circumstances Local circumstances can determine whether or not a project can be carried out successfully. We often work at the location together with local parties in order to both optimise our cooperation with the client and guarantee quality. These parties support us in setting up and realising our projects with their specific knowledge and expertise on local circumstances.

In January 2009, when we were put in charge of this hospital project in Tamale, we began to review the existing plans and the recommendations made. We also carried out research into local circumstances such as the cultural differences between Africa and Europe, climate, the materials available, water and energy, all of which play an important role in the design and construction of a new hospital.

Simed International works with international, multidisciplinary teams that have knowledge of the country and its infrastructure, but also know which medical equipment is suitable and what conditions (both architectural and technical) the building must meet. Thanks to the intensive contact that we maintained at various levels with parties including the Ghanaian government and the Tamale regional government, we were able to start with the realisation of the project after just six months.

The Tamale Teaching Hospital is the only vertically-constructed building in the area, its six floors (in total) making it a prominent landmark. The position of the building is also a distinctive feature. It is the only building with an east-west orientation, this was chosen by the architect so that the sun’s path moves in a straight line across the building avoiding any problems caused by overheating.

When developing the Tamale concept and the design, we had to consider the climate, which is tropical and has two seasons. The dry season in Ghana is truly dry with no rain falling for months on end, whilst in the wet season rain falls continually for six months. The rainwater, the dust and the sand that blows everywhere greatly influenced the design of the new hospital. These were also determining factors in our decision not to use alternative sources of energy since wind turbines and solar panels are too sensitive for use under these weather conditions.

Simed International

Concrete is the building material of choice in Ghana. We have designed prefabricated steel structures to give the building a striking appearance. The undulating roof and the open walkways have transformed the hospital into a striking complex.


Transport and logistics

Simed International

Moving and installing with the utmost care


From the logistic heart of Western Europe, we send medical equipment and goods to a wide range of international destinations. We have spacious storage and transfer facilities for this purpose and our highly dedicated and experienced team of staff operate the various transport flows to our clients with precision and commitment, every single day.

All procured equipment and medical goods arriving from the manufacturers at Simed International’s warehouses are checked for completeness, conformity to specification, operation and quality. This is preceded by careful planning to ensure that all items arrive in time for shipment to the site. Repackaging and labelling is carried out where required so that related items are forwarded together. This enables efficient roomby-room installation.

Site delivery Reliable transportation methods, even over difficult routes, are arranged by Simed International to ensure the safe, undamaged delivery of equipment to the very spot where it is to be installed. The logistics of just-in-time arrival are applied so that completion of the project moves ahead according to schedule.

Equipment installation Where necessary, pre-installation drawings are provided so that the building and/ or utilities can be adapted for acceptance of the equipment. We ensure that all installation specialists are on site so that the work is carried out professionally and in a minimum of time.

Moving medical equipment Medical equipment is dismantled and reinstalled according to protocols determined in advance. Exceptional types of transport often have to be found to ensure that expensive installations can be transported safely and completely to the new location. It is essential that you can be sure all your equipment will be correctly reconnected in accordance with the applicable norms and regulations. Simed Services has many years of expertise in positioning and installing medical equipment. We can confidently and safely say that it is a unique skill.

Simed International

At our distribution centre, we handle approximately 200 international suppliers of every type of medical equipment and supplies. Our staff have extensive experience in supervising and realising the distribution process.


We do all we can to ensure that our assignments are carried out entirely in line with the client’s wishes. We offer various options for the transport, by road, by sea and by air, and installation of every type of medical equipment.

We make every possible effort to guarantee a professional, wellorganised logistics process.

Simed International

Equipping health care facilities


Translating demands into an integrated solution The facility design is the basis on which we start our projects. Prior to implementing construction work, we make an assessment of all the client’s wishes and requirements for the new hospital.

We start the process with the concept, after which we make the design followed by its implementation. The design for a new health care facility starts with the functional planning, in other words, the functionality that must be satisfied. This depends on the type of hospital to be built or the type of medical treatment the client wishes to perform. The facility design also includes an indicative budget, which is necessary for finding investors and for planning the project. The answers to all these questions form the basis for the subsequent choices that we make.

An integral approach Integration and a focus on solutions are the core concepts of the service we provide. In addition to the price, our clients value our one-stop shopping concept: we approach the functional planning, the feasibility study and the business plan in an integrated fashion resulting in the making of a total design. This guarantees the best results for the future within the proposed conditions. The Consultancy department initially makes a coordinated proposal. We then modify

this for various other departments; the equipment is only a part of the whole. This approach therefore goes much further than equipment planning alone. In creating the facility design, much attention is given to the various functions within the hospital and the way in which departments work in unison. Furthermore, the environment, the user, the patient, the options available (including the financial options) and the culture of a particular country must also be considered. All these factors should ultimately fit seamlessly together in order to have a complete and total overview. The end result speaks for itself.

Simed International

At the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam, we equip the very newest operating theatres, theatres that are so modern and unique that designers and installation engineers create specific designs for each individual area. Medical staff work with touch screens and voice control. Everything is computer operated, with staff using standards, system security, data management, communication, and data transfer via audio and video equipment. Surgeons have everything they require for an operation at their fingertips; nothing is left to chance.


In addition to the quality of the care itself, the hospital environment plays an important role in the patient care process. Medical examinations can be a stressful part of the hospital experience, so we create pleasant environments using various media such as video projections and light installations to help ease patient suffering where possible. The concept of patient-friendly environments is an essential starting point for all Simed International projects.

Our International Network

Simed International

Taking care of business worldwide...


Simed International offers professional, turnkey solutions that are realised all over the world. We guarantee high quality products and services that are tailored to meet the highly diverse wishes and requirements of various health care institutions. Experienced professionals and a perfectly functioning international network are essential in order to be able to offer our clients tailor-made solutions.

A business that performs well on a worldwide scale is like a well-oiled machine. Simed International has therefore divided the world into various geographical global regions, each of which are the ultimate responsibility of area managers. These managers preside over an international network of agents and maintain intensive contact with local governments and other parties responsible for health care projects. The area managers are supported by the various departments within Simed International: Sales & Procurement, Consultancy, Project Finance and Operations.

Challenge Clients generally have their own questions and often have some idea of what they want. In turn, we can advise clients about the further requirements. Simed International provides added value by astutely applying its specialised know-how and experience. Our clients’ projects vary from the supply and installation of medical equipment to the design, construction, equipping and maintenance of complete hospitals. Each and every project poses a completely new challenge.

Solid foundation In the initial phase of a project, our organisation can arrange a feasibility study, business plan and total design. Moreover, we can offer support when it comes to financing projects. Close collaboration and tailor-made solutions are needed in order to lay a solid foundation for a project. How that works in practice is explained in three interviews.

Simed International

“Good health care is one of the pillars of democracy” Marco Agterberg Area Manager

Partnerships begin long “I have been working for before a design reaches the Simed International for 10 drawing board. We receive years. Before that, I worked in the construction industry constant feedback from and, as a sales director, had our area managers who a great deal of client contact follow worldwide trends with governments and and developments in the institutional investors. regional markets. I developed various large building projects together with planners and architects, and I can now apply that background and knowledge in the medical sector. My region comprises Africa and the Middle East, while other area managers are responsible for Europe, Asia and Latin America. What I personally regard as a challenge is bringing health care to developing countries. I find the contact with clients, end-users and the local population very inspiring. People in Africa,


where things are very much still in the development phase, are incredibly proud. They want to progress, to achieve something, and they are motivated in realising their dreams. That gives me a great deal of energy and I get a lot in return for my efforts, in many different aspects. Our work can have an enormous impact on a country’s development. The three most important pillars that support a country’s democracy are infrastructure, education and health care. The fact that I can contribute to such processes by providing professional help to improving health care with help from professionals is an important personal drive to do this work.

One notable example is a country like Nigeria. Nowadays, you can see that a middle class has really developed in Nigeria, something that contributes significantly to the country’s democratic process. Simed International can really help countries to develop its health care further.”

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to your clients and come to the right conclusions” Dirk Joubert Consultancy Manager

Consultants at Simed International translate the most diverse client requests into a corresponding business plan that meets both content-based and financial criteria. The main task of the consultancy department is to transform the client’s dream into reality.

“I have been working at Simed International for five years. I am originally from South Africa where I studied medicine. On completing my studies, I first worked as a hospital doctor and later as a general practitioner in a private practice. I subsequently emigrated to the Netherlands, which is where I made the switch to business. I spent seven years working for Philips Healthcare as a Marketing Manager. In my current position, it is my job to translate the client’s wishes

into a feasible, workable plan. Many of our clients are themselves medical specialists who think from the point of view of their own area of specialisation when making important decisions. We help clients gain insight into the possibilities available and provide information about other factors that must also be considered, such as which diseases are most prevalent in the country in question. As consultants, we support clients using our knowledge and experience in order to

get to the core of the issue and make the right choices. Everything revolves around functionality; what does the client want, and what does he really need? By listening attentively and looking at the possibilities available, we can provide clients with a realistic scenario. We employ people of many different nationalities so that we can understand our clients, sometimes literally. If it is not possible to communicate in English, we use interpreters and local agents that speak the client’s language. In that respect, Simed International knows no borders.”

Gerbrand van der Linde Finance Director

Project financing is the basis of every public or private project. The financial department of Simed International has a network of banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions to provide clients with expert advice. Depending on the client’s request and wishes, we give advice on the financial structure of the project and, as an intermediary, we can also arrange this financing.

Simed International

requires a tailormade financing solution”


“Our service has many dimensions. Simed International conducts a great deal of business in emerging markets and for this reason it is important that we take various risk factors into account. Examples of these factors include the budget available, the country and location, and the complexity of the project. Our financial expertise is particularly valuable in structuring the project concept. Based on a business plan and a cash flow statement, we offer the client various financing proposals; Simed International often uses a combination of instruments for each individual financing proposal. We also often work in cooperation with governments that invest in health

care projects in developing countries. This is one of the reasons that we have partnerships in countries such as the USA, China, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. Thanks to government support, it is often possible to get credit insurance so that financing with a reputable financial institution can be arranged. All financial arrangements are, of course, made in consultation with the client. Our current project in Ghana is one good example of a partnership between Simed International, the Dutch government and the client. The Dutch government has donated 35% of the funds required to finance this project, for which the client has agreed to purchase Dutch goods in return. A good example of a combination of export financing

with a development component.We have also recently financed several large projects in Europe. Simed International provides tailor-made solutions in line with the financial wishes and requirements of the countries in question and the specific needs of the client. Our financial expertise is particularly valuable when business concepts have to be restructured in order to make project financing possible. This is the most important added value provided by the financial department together with our extensive worldwide network and experience in arranging financing.”

Performance management and training

Simed International

Maintaining your high standards is our priority


The Services department of Simed International focuses on all aspects of medical equipment used hospital wide. In order to meet the standards and guidelines that have been set for health care institutions, Simed Services has developed a concept that helps you, as a health care facility, with the day-to-day operational performance and maintenance of your medical equipment.

This concept also helps to improve equipment performance and keep costs to a minimum. Within this concept, and in addition to maintaining the equipment’s operational performance, our Services department also takes into account legal and regulatory requirements, user competence, the availability of documentation, process structure and maintenance planning, with the objective of achieving optimal performance from the medical equipment. Simed Services also offers training services for users and technicians, and is an experienced partner when it comes to moving medical equipment.

Simed International

Our Services department performing annual maintenance work at Medinova Kliniek Zestienhoven in the Netherlands. The entire clinic is screened and updated in two days.


Pragmatic approach The Simed Services concept focuses on the upkeep of medical equipment. Good preventative maintenance prevents equipment breakdowns and reduces the need for corrective maintenance. This maintenance is based on standard protocols drawn up by Simed Services in collaboration with the equipment manufacturer. The more technologically advanced the equipment, the more complex the maintenance often is. Based on our many years of experience in equipping complete hospitals, our highly experienced staff and the good relations and partnerships we have with a wide range of medical equipment manufacturers, we can approach these complex issues and problems pragmatically and creatively in order to achieve efficient solutions.

One point of contact for all your maintenance requirements Our Services department has its own service centre. This centre serves as your central point of contact for equipment failures and maintenance planning. The service centre is manned by technically oriented staff who can offer you support in dealing with equipment failures. This service centre also offers assistance in performing on-site maintenance work. Simed Services engineers have all followed a medical technology training course and can also rely on their many years of experience in the medical sector. In order to keep up to date with the most recent developments, our engineers follow regular training courses which also make use of partnerships with medical equipment manufacturers. As a health care facility, you benefit from the economies of scale, allowing you to focus on your core business of providing health care.

Simed International

A comprehensive maintenance concept creates safety for clients and staff, and with it a trusted environment for all parties concerned.


Performance management for better safety and efficiency Our Services department works on the basis of service level agreements, which define mutually agreed performance indicators and quality requirements, and include a description of what you may expect from us. By registering your equipment (assets) and the accompanying work activities in our asset management system, we can accurately monitor whether agreements have been met. These activities include the registration and analysis of equipment defects, allowing us to give advice about potential solutions, for example in the form of extra training courses for users. Using these analyses, we can also make manufacturers aware that certain product improvements might be required. Optimal equipment performance and a safe environment for the patient and your staff form the basis of long-term partnerships with our clients.

Working with protocols

Tailor-made training courses

Medical equipment should always be dismantled, moved and reinstalled in accordance with fixed protocols. Transportation requires knowledge of the equipment and must ensure that expensive installations are delivered to the new location safely and completely. In the new building, all the equipment must be reinstalled and tested in accordance with the applicable regulations so that you are sure the equipment can once again be safely used. Our Services department can count on its many years of experience in planning, transporting, installing and testing medical equipment before authorising it for use. A growing number of health care institutions currently use our removal service.

Following the completion of a health care project, Simed Services provides application training for users. These training courses are tailor-made. We can also provide customised training for your own medical technicians so that your department has more specialised expertise at its disposal and to further safeguard the clinical process. Regular training courses and examinations are easy to realise using e-learning methods, but can also be arranged on location, at the site of the manufacturer or dealer, or in the auditorium at Simed International in the Netherlands.

Simed International On-the-job training usually takes place in a normal work situation with own instruments and in everyday surroundings. This type of training is usually specialised and aimed at staff who work directly with the equipment involved. But we can also arrange for in-depth training courses to be held in specially equipped facilities at medical instrument manufacturing companies.

Training courses are also held at our state-of-the-art auditorium in the Netherlands. This is where we present our new concepts and ideas.


Contact us at:

Head office The Netherlands Simed International B.V. Middenwetering 1 P.O. Box 9486 3506 GL Utrecht The Netherlands T +31 30 265 22 00 F +31 30 261 88 97 E

USA Simed International Inc. 267 Fifth Avenue, Suite 908 New York, NY 10016 USA T +1 212 265 64 66 F +1 212 265 64 02 E

Belgium Simed International nv/sa Koning Albert I laan 62 1780 Wemmel Belgium T +32 2 267 38 10 F +32 2 267 45 01 E

Germany Simed International GmbH Graf-Adolf-Platz 15 40213 D端sseldorf Germany T +49 211 88 242 456 F +49 211 88 242 200 E

Russia Simed International B.V. Russian branch Zemlyanoy Val, 9 4th Floor 105064 Moscow Russia T +7 495 967 93 11 F +7 495 967 97 00 E

China Simed International Ltd. Suite 705, Level 7 Tower E1, Oriental Plaza 1 East Chang An Avenue Dong Cheng District Beijing 100738 China T +86 10 8515 3288 F +86 10 8515 3228 E

Making health care work

Simed International B.V. Middenwetering 1 P.O. Box 9486 3506 GL Utrecht The Netherlands T +31 30 265 22 00 F +31 30 261 88 97 E Production Simed International Utrecht, the Netherlands Concept, editing and design Total Identity Amsterdam, the Netherlands Sieds de Boer Yvonne van der Wal Julius van der Woude Printing Badoux Houten, the Netherlands Photography and illustrations Simed International Utrecht, the Netherlands Renders Fotografie Amsterdam, the Netherlands Cablon Medical B.V. Ger Vendel Hollandse Hoogte Philips DHV Nasa AE Mimarlik Atolyesi Cover illustration: human neurons Š 2011, Simed International

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