The Hurst Sept-Dec 2024

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the Hurst

Welcome to the Autumn edition of the Hurst. Here’s hoping you all had a great summer – despite the best efforts of the Great British weather which conspired to not only force the Summer Fete to be cancelled but have, as we go to press, forced the cancellation of the revised 24th August date. Such a shame as it’s an event enjoyed and attended by so many from the village. A real community get together.

This issue, as always, is full of activities and happenings in the village. We are certainly an active bunch with sporting fixtures –such as cricket, bowls, walking football and more as well as charity and other indoor activities. For a small village, we certainly pack a punch!

The issue also says a fond farewell to Phyllis Cowling who was a powerful force in the village with her efforts for Comedy

Capers, variety shows and so much more. She will be missed.

The village school had a busy Summer term and congratulations to all the Year 6 children who achieved 85% in their reading, writing and maths SATS tests compared with 61% national average. Amongst the various activities including a disco, performances in the village hall and trips out, it was lovely to see the children learning how to play the Sussex game of Stoolball – lovely to keep local traditions alive.

Of course by the time the next issue comes out, we will be heading for Christmas (no, it’s really not that long now). Do let us know if you have any news, or any issues you feel we should cover. If you have any nominees you feel are worthy of our Heroes of Hurst Green spotlight, do let us know. The deadline is 15 November.

Editor: Francesca Wooldridge

Design: John Hawkins Print: Wealden Print, Hawkhurst


Allotment Association 01580 860251

Breakfast Club (75+) 01580 860760/860358

Brownies 01580 860742

Comedy Capers 01580 860221

Cricket Club 07796 976809

Holy Trinity Church 01580 880282 (Vicar)

Hurst Green C of E School 01580 860375

Nursery School 01580 860375 x211

Parish Clerk 01580 860111

Rother District Council 01424 787000

Short Mat Bowling 01580 752348

Twinning Association 01580 860977

Village Hall Booking Agent 01580 860425


Cars Mobile Car Mechanic: Cliff Mercer 07909 911869

Dogs Holiday and day care: Lorely Watson 01580 880061/07796 392653

Pippin’s Pet Sitting and walking: 07717 681972

Eco-friendly products Joanna Girling 07443 411677

Electricians Gareth Skinner 07929 839309

Tim Russell 07771 687636

House Portraits Christine Masters Art 07833 342020

Leather repairs Kay Lloyd,Wealden Saddlery 01580 860860

Pest control Paul Messenger 07940 744411

Plastering and tiling Edd Ripley, 07875 494493

Plumbers Aaron Plumbing & Heating LtdAaron Rowsell 01580 230330

Steve Walker 07564 405702

Private car hire and taxi service

Hugo, 01435 883803 Mob. 07931 605057

If you would like to be included in this list please email This is a free listing.

Macmillan: what can I do to help?

Come and support our coffee morning in Hurst Green Village Hall on Saturday 29th September, 10am – 2pm.

Every pound and penny we can raise will help us do whatever it takes to support people living with cancer.

Let’s do it for our community.

Let’s do it for people we know who are battling cancer.

Let’s do it in memory of loved ones who have passed away with cancer.

Let’s do it together.

Let’s help Macmillan to do what they do best.

Last year Hurst Green’s coffee morning raised a total of £1056.90.

Many thanks to local businesses and individuals who supported our raffle with prizes, made cakes, and all those who came for coffee and cake, purchased raffle tickets and made generous donations.

If you are unable to make our coffee morning this year but would like to make a donation please follow the link below:

Looking forward to seeing you all on 29th September.

Elaine Ralph

Coffee Morning Organiser

Raffle donations needed

Cake donations needed

Please contact Elaine

Tel: 01580 860358 Mobile 07931 248867


Place Date Time Contact

Hurst Green Village Hall Saturday 29th September 2024 10am to 2pm

Elaine Ralph 01580 860358

all makes and models of vehicles

if it’s still under manufacturers warranty)

Letter from the Vicar

Last Sunday’s reading was from the book of Ephesians, chapter 4 v 24 to chapter 5 v 2. This book was a letter from St Paul, which was intended to be passed around the different churches in the area, it is a letter addressed to all christians and is still amazingly relevant today. I thought I would share some thoughts with you from Diana Butler Bass, who is an American church historian and an Episcopalian (American Anglican). She writes:

“Tell the truth. Let your anger be appropriate. Work honestly and share your gifts”

“People often think that the Bible is obscure, hard to understand, and irrelevant. But today’s reading from Ephesians seems as fresh and accessible as when it was first written some 2,000 years ago. The passage is straightforward. It is a list of don’ts and do’s, a kind of inventory of spiritual virtues. The “don’ts” are clear and, at the same time, convicting. Don’t lie. Don’t let anger fester. Don’t steal. Don’t gossip. Don’t make God sad by cultivating bitterness, seeking vengeance, being enraged, fighting, defaming people, and or wishing others evil. The “do’s” stand as quite the contrast. Tell the truth. Let your anger be appropriate. Work honestly and share your gifts with others. Speak to encourage others. Be kind, tender-hearted, and forgiving of one another. Quite simply, this short section of Ephesians is a Christian moral code. In these few verses, you might hear echoes of the Ten Commandments.”

Hopefully, by the time you read this, the riots that we have seen across the country in the past week or so will be a thing of the past. But there really are two ways that we can follow, the way of the world or the way of God. In the riots we have seen an

extreme example of what can happen when people allow anger to fester, seek vengeance, are enraged, fight, defame people and wish others evil. It is however not only those who take to the streets wanting to cause trouble that can be guilty of these things. Many people never express these things but harbour them in their hearts. Imagine living in a society where everyone followed the example of Jesus, telling the truth, only being angry at injustice, working honestly, sharing with others, encouraging others, being kind, tender-hearted and forgiving! The reality is of course that most of us are a mixture of these things, good and bad at any given time. God is a God of grace and forgiveness, and christians are blessed to be able to confess the wrong things we have said and thought and done, or not done and to know that we are forgiven and given a fresh start. Renowned journalist and avowed atheist, Marghanita Laski once said, “What I envy most about you christians is your forgiveness; I have nobody to forgive me.” Whether we are christians or not, the instructions for life in Ephesians make a lot of sense, basically choosing to life a life of truth, kindness, sharing and forgiveness, a life based on principles of love can only do us good and bless those around us!

If you would like to explore questions of life and faith in a deeper way, then please do join us for the Alpha course at the vicarage starting on September 24th at 7.30pm (see page 7). We will spend a couple of hours sharing a simple meal, watching a short video and discussing it over coffee. We would love to welcome you – just let us know if you would like to join us.

God bless, Rev Annette 01580 880282 07900 332791


Allan Cheek continues his regular feature in the Hurst describing different walks of varying difficulty. Allan is happy to discuss this and other Hurst Green walks in more detail including the possibility of leading small groups. For information, contact Allan by text/ WhatsApp 07803 502972

Lamberhurst to Scotney

4.25 miles circular

This lovely circular walk from Lamberhurst through the Scotney Castle estate follows public footpaths throughout and a short road section to start.

Parking beside the delightful Chequers pub in the public carpark off the High Street head south along the old A21 in the village towards the entrance of Scotney Castle. Enter the grounds and follow the road to the public footpath on the right (see map

for details). This heads downhill to link with a main track to go over the delightfully named Sweet Bourne stream bridge then the River Bewl. Continue gradually uphill to the junction with other tracks and turn left straight uphill for some distance past some cottages until you reach the Quarry Pond and Kilndown Quarry Centre white building and Church Road.

Head left and in a few yards find the public footpath sign on the left. Take this for approx 150yds to bear right on the footpath heading steadily downhill through the woodland then out into pasture to recross the Bewl and yes back uphill to a main estate track which you cross and head left continuing uphill headling west for approx 500yds before turning right and northwards gradually downhill to reach Pierce Barn.

Turn left here on a surfaced track to cross the A21 bypass footbridge which then goes round a left hand bend. Look out for the

The Alpha course

There are a number of questions we all ask ourselves at some point, along the lines of what is the meaning of life, why am I here, and is there a God? But many people have stopped considering the christian faith because there are preconceived ideas of what it’s all about. This course starts with the questions ‘Who is Jesus’ and ‘Why did Jesus die’? and goes on from there to explain the basics of Christianity; some of the subjects are: Why pray? How can I have faith? Why read the bible? Who is the Holy Spirit? Does God heal today? How can we resist evil? and what about the Church?

If we really want to know what God is like then it helps to take a look at what Jesus said and did and how he related to people. And what does he have to say to us now, in the twenty-first century?

Advertise in the Hurst!

For a quarter page: £25 for one issue, £90 for a year (4 issues)

For a half page: £50 for one issue, £180 for a year (4 issues)

For a full page: £100 for one issue, £360 for a year (4 issues)

Please email us for further details:

footpath shortly after on the right which crosses a short stretch of field before entering Lamberhurst golf club fairways. Keep an eye out for golfers and their balls. Follow the clear footpath directions heading west and into the football/ recreation fields back to the carpark.

The distance is approx 4.25miles which should be comfortable in just over 2 hours.

Alpha is a place where you can be yourself. You can say what you think, and challenge everything. No question is too complex, or too simple, and your point of view is as important as anyone else’s. We admit we don’t have all the answers! It’s a 12 week course where we share a meal, watch a video and then talk about it.

All are welcome, whether you have a faith or are just interested. Details above. Watch a trailer here:


Reg Charity no. 229672

MONDAY 5pm Children’s gymnastics

7.30pm Short Mat Bowls

TUESDAY 8.45am Pilates (07798 663820) 7pm Jive & Lindy Hop (07766 881045)

8pm Parish Council Meeting (last Tuesday of each month)

WEDNESDAY 5.30pm Brownies (termtime only)

THURSDAY 8.45am Pilates 1.30pm Short Mat Bowls 8pm Zumba

FRIDAY 10am Breakfast Club (2nd & 4th Friday each month) 4pm Children’s gymnastics

For more information, contact: Sue Endean, booking agent: 07718 282605, 01580 860425

PHYLLIS COWLING: fond memories

Phyllis Cowling was a force of nature! What joy and pleasure she gave Hurst Green with her variety shows in aid of Children in need. We have many fond memories of rehearsals for sketches, dances and songs.

Phyllis first Joined Comedy Capers for the Pantomime ‘Robin Hood’. She brought together children from Hurst Green and Robertsbridge to add a new dimension to the Pantomime. The children joined and opened the show as forest of Nottingham animals and performed songs and dances. From then on, they became an integral part of Comedy Capers pantomimes.

“Phyllis Cowling was a force of nature! We have many fond memories of rehearsals for sketches, dances and songs”

inexperienced actors/ singers/dancers into and onto the stage. Adults came to support their children and were soon given a job backstage, in costume, makeup and making teas. No one said ‘No’ to Phyllis, it just didn’t seem like an option. All the ‘Tea Ladies’ were encouraged to drop their tea towels and quick change into a song and dance. Phyllis own family made regular appearances, notably her granddaughter Amber, who went on to a musical theatre degree. Many other young people started their performing at Phyllis shows.

In 2008, Phyllis put on her own variety show in aid of the BBC Children in need ably assisted by her daughter Yvette. She drew on her many contacts from the world of dance and with Yvette, put together a series of sketches, songs and dances that came together as a great show. Phyllis was very good at getting previously

‘The Scrubbers’ were formed when Phyllis got a group of us together to perform a dance based on cleaning ladies who threw away their brooms and danced to the radio in burlesque style. After that ‘The Scrubbers’ appeared in many guises as Nuns, South Sea islanders, Can Canners and backing for the ‘Copacabana’ to name but a few.

Alan Mills and Russ Clarke were her righthand men for these productions and she often called Russel! Down the length of the

from Comedy Capers and Children in Need

hall, to which Russ would reply, Yes, my little Piranha. When Phyllis needed everyone’s attention, she blew a whistle, very loudlynone us us will forget that whistle! She certainly brought out talents we never knew we had. Not just singing and dancing but over the years we made props like an authentic Chinese dragon, a moving Dalek, spaceships and a pantomime horse.

reins. However, Wadhurst dramatic club were absolutely thrilled with the costumes and they will definitely be using them in forthcoming productions.

“Much of Hurst Green only knew Phyllis for a fraction of her talented and creative life”

Phylis made a lot of beautiful costumes over the years for her shows and they were stored beautifully at her home. When Yvette and John had to clear Phyllis’ house, they were offered to us. Sadly, Comedy Capers don’t currently put on shows but we’d be happy for someone to pick up the

Phyllis arranged a Forties night for the Village, which was a great success, great fun and raised a good deal of money for charity.

Phyllis continued to teach ballroom dancing in the Village Hall with regular tea dances which were enjoyed by many.

I’m aware that I, and much of Hurst Green only knew Phyllis for a fraction of her talented and creative life but we are so grateful that she brought out our hidden talents and creative ideas that were born from her enthusiasm.

Hurst Green Church of England

At Hurst Green Primary School and Nursery, the children have had an action-packed Summer term. We are celebrating the success of our Year 6 children in their SATs tests – 85% achieved the combined standard in reading, writing and maths compared with the national average of 61%. We are very proud of each and every one of them. Year 5 and 6 also performed ‘Pantastic’ in the village hall

last week and showed how talented they are at both singing and acting. Everyone took part and had a great time. On the Monday before the end of term, we held a leaver’s service at Holy Trinity church for Year 6 to wish them well on the next step of their journey. There was some beautiful singing and sharing of memories and not many dry eyes in the congregation.

We have had another busy term of sport with a cricket tournament, where we came 2nd, Quad 4’s, which was held at Robertsbridge Community College, where we came 2nd and the Frewen swimming gala where we also came 2nd – great results and we’ll aim for a first next year! In PE lessons, the children have learnt how to play the Sussex game of ‘Stoolball’. To add to the many skills learnt this term, Year 6 took part in ‘Bikeability’ where they were taught how to ride safely on the road.

As part of our academy enrichment, many of our KS2 children performed the song ‘Zero to Hero’ from Hercules on stage at Hurstpierpoint. They were amazing and showed confidence as well as superb singing

Primary School and Nursery

and dancing ability. Additional enrichment activities this term have been our Silver Birch class trip to Hastings seafront where they enjoyed ice creams on the beach and a visit to Bodiam Castle, Willow class’s visit to Middle Farm, our Pre-Schooler’s trip to Blackberry Farm and a visit to Nursery from ‘Zoolab’. Chestnuts enjoyed a History Day where they dressed as a person from the Stone Age, chased a woolly mammoth and studied weapons and teeth from extinct animals. Oak class have taken part in a series of interactive and fun sessions about the New Testament from ‘Bible Explorers’. Silver Birch walked to the local woods where they learnt how being in nature can help to lower your heart rate and have also enjoyed an afternoon tea as their end of term treat.

“Many trips and activities would not be able to take place without our wonderful HGSA”

This term the children have had the opportunity to be part of various clubs including KS2 sports club, where they have learnt how to fence, and have played lacrosse and golf; gardening club, where the children have made compost and planted seeds; gymnastics club and KS1 art and craft club.

The children also took part in the Leaver’s disco where they were dressed as various film stars with an evening of dancing, hot dogs, face paints and fun tattoos. Many of these trips and activities would not be able to take place without our wonderful HGSA so we thank them for their contributions and to parents and the community for supporting the HGSA events.

So, if you’ve been driving down the A21 and noticed Captain Hook and his pirates with Tinkerbell or have been dazzled by Superman or have seen Spiderman crossing the road, then that’s us at Hurst Green Primary School!

After six years of trying, the Burwash over 60’s Walking Football team actually win something!

Walking football

We entered the Tonbridge Angels FC open tournament and won the plate competition against Maidstone in the final.

To say we were happy would be an understatement and we were very proud to be the only team photo holding pints of beer!

But that wasn’t our only competition during the summer. The footballers

entered three teams in the 2024 World Crazy Golf Championships in Hastings where we finished a creditable 24th, 33rd and 36th (out of 36!) This is against teams from all over the country and several from abroad who converge on Hastings to fight it out for the glory and honour of being crowned ‘King Crazy’

“To say we were happy would be an understatement and we were very proud”

We played Stoolball for the first time against the Burwash Common Stoolball league team and followed this with a game of Petanque against the ‘Petanquers of Ticehurst’. We thank both teams for giving up their time to initiate us into new sports. We held our AGM at Lakedown Brewery Taproom overlooking the lakes and have a visit to Hidden Springs Vineyard at Horam in early September.

We will, of course, still be meeting for kickabouts on a Tuesday evening and a visit to the pub afterwards – amazing we find time to fit it all in!

Our players come from all over our area and represent Ticehurst, Heathfield Stonegate, Robertsbridge, Hurst Green, Burwash and Wadhurst. Why not join us?

Contact Steve ‘Minty’ Mintram on 01435 882444 for more information.

Sponsored by Archway Builders of Burwash

Hurst Green Cricket Club – back of the net!

By the time you read this, we’ll likely be playing our final games of the season and preparing to put the square to bed for the winter. Before we do that, we have to send our thanks to quite a few people. First, thanks to all of you who donated plates, cups and other crockery for the Smash the Crockery stall. Unfortunately, the fete in June was cancelled due to high winds and I was pondering at one point whether to open a crockery shop but all was not lost as the Family Fun Day went ahead instead at the end of August.

Thanks to Leon and Ruth at the Royal George, who have renewed the pub’s sponsorship of the club and provided us with a smart set of new shirts, which have been worn with pride at our games this season.

necessary to install a base for the astroturf and we hope they’ll be up and running in time for the new season next April.

Thanks to everyone who joined in with our two quizzes this year at the Village Hall and the Royal George, compered superbly by our very own Nick Blackman, ably assisted by Sarah, and we hope to run some more in future.

Thanks also to Etchingham Cricket Club who have kindly donated their old cricket practice nets for us to set up at our cricket field. The poor weather earlier this year meant we had to cancel a lot of our sessions on the wet grass, so having the astroturf will give us a much greater opportunity to practice in worse weather than we are able to at the moment. We hope they’ll also attract new players to the club as well as inspire the next generation of cricketers from the children and young adults in the village. We’ll be making a grant application to Sports England to raise the remaining funding

In amongst all of this we have even played some good cricket, winning a game against a Robertsbridge development XI. We’ve had a few defeats as well but with the new practice net, we hope to be much more competitive next season.

The nets gifted by Etchingham Cricket Club
A new shirt from the Royal George


Above and right Guests enjoying a cream tea in our beautiful church. For anyone who wants a bit of peace and quiet or to pray, the church is now open all day on Sundays.

Below In July we also said goodbye as a church family to Annabelle and Richard Blackaby, who have moved up to Yorkshire. They recently received the Freedom of the Parish award for their outstanding contribution to the community. They have been central to the work of the church for the last decade.

Holy Trinity Church had a summer of teas and farewells –in early July we opened the doors of the church to anyone who wanted to share a cream tea, and shortly afterwards we said goodbye to some dear friends.



Tel 01580 880977


Also stocking – Candles, glass, ceramic pots.


Open Monday – Saturday

Telephone orders welcome

Wide delivery area

Major credit cards taken Committed to using less plastic

The Royal George Hurst Green

Dine in and takeaway Malaysian menu available through eurasia kitchen (wed-sun lunch 12.00 to 14.00 dinner 17.30 to 21.00) under new management

Draught beers & ciders ¤ cask ales ¤ WINE & Spirts

fresh coffee ¤ sweet and savoury pastries ¤ fresh sandwiches ¤ Homemade cakes ¤ ice creams

meeting place for local groups and societies Wifi ¤ large patio and garden ¤ TNT sports

Leon and Ruth would like to welcome you to the, new look, Royal George pub. Come and meet for a coffee and slice of cake in our coffee shop during the day or a pint and a glass of wine in a friendly pub atmosphere at night.

Open all day Tuesday ~ Sunday closed on monday

London Road, Hurst green, east sussex, tn19 7PN Tel: 01580 531508 e mail: theroyalgeorgehg@ Find us on Facebook & instagram

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