Total Licensing China October 24

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Francesca Ash

Co-Publisher Jerry Wooldridge

Editorial Director/ Editor Rebecca Ash

Office Manager Helen Bowerman

Subscriptions and Circulation

East Asia (Excluding China) Roger Berman, ZenWorks

Total Licensing China is published as a special issue of Total Licensing magazine.

Total Licensing Ltd

4 Wadhurst Business Park Faircrouch Lane Wadhurst East Sussex TN5 6PT


Tel: +44 1892 782220

© 2024 Total Licensing Ltd

Welcome to the October 2024 edition of Total Licensing China, the leading magazine published in Chinese and English and covering the world of licensing and merchandising.

Of course, many of you reading this will be attending this year’s China Licensing Expo in Shanghai. The show is held alongside China Kids Expo, China Toys Expo and China Preschool Expo and is, without a doubt, the largest show in China with over 45,000 sq m of exhibits and a visitor attendance of around 85,000 people over the three days.Within the halls, visitors can see more than 2500 international IPs, as well as Chinese brands and properties.

We very much hope you enjoy this issue. If you would like to know more about the magazine and/or have content you believe would be of interest, we’d love to hear from you.

Total Licensing will be at the China Licensing Expo (within the European Licensing Pavilion in Hall E2) and you can also contact us via email etc as per our contact list to the left of this or via our website

Francesca Ash

Jerry Wooldridge Co-Publisher Co-Publisher

Global Trademark Licensing are delighted to announce new Global representation with construction and agricultural brand, JCB.

GTL will be actively seeking to appoint new licensees in the toys, collectibles and interactive categories. Visit us at booth E2E19 to discuss licensing opportunities


2025 marks the 70th anniversary since Miffy first started delighting children and fans of all ages. Mercis are wellequipped to bring exciting programs to celebrate with fans and consumers across different touchpoints as always.

Strong momentum continues after the splendid Year of The Rabbit, Miffy joined force with Four Seasons Hotel in Beijing, located in Chaoyang District – the core business district of the capital city, to introduce a family-friendly staycation campaign to celebrate Christmas and New Year with festive and tasty afternoon tea sets and Miffythemed room stays.

A new destination for Miffy fans was opened this year in Suzhou, with their award-winning plush toy partner VIPO in iconic shopping landmark Eslite Bookstore. Miffy showed up in key moments to surprise and meet with

fans there. Do check this lovely space out and their high quality collection when in town!

Consumers could also find Miffy at the Children Baby & Maternity Industry Expo (CBME) in Shanghai this July. Miffy came with her good friend Boris to support long-term partner M&G Stationery. This is the first Boris mascot appearance in Mainland China. The future will see this cute little bear on more occasions.

Miffy, as an iconic and evergreen character, continues to bring fresh and exciting programs in China after over twenty years. Mercis was honored to be named “Entertainment/Character/ Digital Property of the Year” at the Asian Licensing Awards 2024. The partnerships mentioned were brokered by CAA Brand Management, Mercis’ agent for Miffy in China.


Winsing Animation will participate in several international events throughout October.

From October 5th to 8th, Winsing exhibited at the ACFM, booth C19. Attendees had the opportunity to preview the newest animated feature film, Into the Mortal World, which has garnered widespread acclaim since its release in Mainland China, quickly becoming the highest-rated Chinese film of the summer. Alongside this film, Winsing showcased a diverse range of film projects, offering a glimpse into the company's creative vision.

Winsing will also be exhibiting in the CLE from October 16th to 18th. At CLE, its latest animé IP, Shadows of the Void, a captivating animé series and Mongo, a delightful animated slapstick featuring adorable pets as well as the film Into the Mortal World will also be presented. Along with these IPs are the latest products and licensing opportunities. Of course, the beloved GG Bond will also be making an appearance, offering exciting new licensing and co-branding opportunities. Following CLE, Winsing will attend MIP Junior/MIPCOM, the world's leading children's entertainment content market, from October 18th to 24th. They will introduce a slate of fresh and engaging television projects designed to captivate audiences of all ages.


Guangzhou Art-land kicks off exciting collaborations with Rody in China. The Rody jumping horse was designed produced by Ledraplastic SPA, on Feb. 14, 1984. Rody combines the concept of a balance ball and a toy doll. Children can learn balance and coordination while jumping on Rody. Products including toys, fashion, stationery, homewares and FMCG have been launched in over 50 Countries. Rody has cooperated with fashion brands such as New Era, Porter, Levi’s, Kitson and other cross-over collaborations. With a fashionable appearance and a unique design Rody is no longer just a toy, but a popular Icon! Rody transforms into a trendy portrait brand!

2024 marks the 40th anniversary of Rody, and GZ Art-land have been appointed to manage the licensing business within mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau markets. 2026 is the Zodiac sign Year of the Horse which is most important in Chinese culture. GZ Art-land have strategized an all round licensing program for Rody to maximise the brand in the markets. Guangzhou Art-land Holding Company Ltd. (GZ Art-land) celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2024. As a pioneer in China’s Brand Licensing industry, it has received global and local recognition. Notably, GZ Art-land is the only China-based enterprise ranked among the Top 12 Global Licensing Agents for three consecutive years. The company manages over 20 popular IPs catering to all age groups, as the exclusive licensing agent within Greater China. These IPs include well-known brands such as SpongeBob SquarePants, PAW Patrol etc.


即将到来的2025年米菲将迎来她的诞生70周年庆典。为了这个重要 的时刻,米菲已蓄足能量,从各领域开始造势。

去年年末,在精彩纷呈的生肖兔年步入尾声之际,米菲与位于首都 朝阳区核心商圈的北京四季酒店携手庆祝节日季,以充满节日欢 乐和童趣的下午茶时光和奇妙的主题房入住体验送别2023,迎接 2024新年。

步入春季,米菲的毛绒玩具合作伙伴VIPO在苏州诚品书店开设米菲 主题店。开店那天,米菲也来到店铺和粉丝见面,吸引了不少专程远 道而来的朋友。

这个夏天,米菲的长期合作伙伴晨光文具在上海CBME参展。米菲 特意邀请了她的好朋友鲍里斯一起来到展位,和现场朋友们欢乐互 动。这也是鲍里斯第一次来到中国和粉丝见面。未来,我们还会在更 多场合见到这只可爱小熊的身影。

米菲,作为长青和经典的形象,已在中国发展超过20年,并很荣幸获 得2024亚洲授权业卓越大奖的年度娱乐授权项目奖项。未来,我们 将持续为大家带来更多全新的合作项目,敬请继续关注! 上述合作均由Mercis公司之中国区代理 创亿伯乐(上海)品牌管 理有限公司促成。

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迷你特工队与奇妙萌 可,伴你缤纷一夏!

2024年暑假,迷你特工队亲子 舞台剧在常州工人文化宫顺利 首演;奇妙萌可主题展7月完美 空降上海虹口龙之梦,8月厦门 集美世茂广场,与观众们现场见 面,开心问答,解锁精彩活动燃 爆夏天。

惊奇和睿广州文化传播有限公 司是一家专注3-8岁儿童动画IP 全产业链孵化运营的公司,主营 业务覆盖内容策划、动画制作、动 画发行、IP授权,以及IP衍生玩具 的开发、生产及销售。公司旗下的 儿童动画IP《迷你特工队》、《奇妙 萌可》在各大视频网站、卡通卫 视、IPTV、OTT及运营商渠道播放 强劲,屡登收视榜首,保持每年不 少于3部的优质内容更新。 迷你特工队和奇妙萌可将在今 年打造各超50场以上舞台剧巡 演,全国铺开商场主题展,快闪活 动。目前,授权产品矩阵丰富,授 权合作涵盖玩具、食品饮料、家 居家纺、文具箱包、运动户外、健 康美容、婴童用品、礼赠品、主题 空间等,授权品类已超120个,超 1000个SKU单品,累计超10亿市 场零售额。

今后,惊奇和睿会持续扎根儿童 市场领域,继续输出创新内容,以 紧密专业的态度建立战略合作伙 伴关系,携手研发更多有趣的授 权产品,为每个亲子家庭带来成 长快乐的体验。


《小羊肖恩》是英国阿德曼动画 工作室创作的黏土定格动画, 于2007年在英国广播公司旗下 CBBC频道首播,并在全球180个 国家播出。而男主小羊肖恩的初 登场,则是在1995年的Wallace and Gromit系列短片的《剃刀边 缘》中作为配角出现的。

从人气配角到农场男明星,小羊 肖恩历经30年,共获得4次艾美 奖、2次BAFTA奖、2次奥斯卡提 名。《小羊肖恩》系列动画不仅风 趣幽默,更具有高度的艺术性, 黏土定格动画的质感和独特的 情节设置让其成为动画史上的 一个长青IP。而在即将到来的 2025年,小羊肖恩迎来了他的 30周年纪念,《小羊肖恩》第七 季黏土动画也将与观众见面, 而Wallace and Gromit也将与 Netflix携手推出新作动画电影。 在中国大陆,小羊肖恩的独家授 权代理优扬传媒已深耕动画内

容24年,拥有近30个动漫IP的 品牌矩阵、上百家授权客户和超 过三千款授权产品。除了代理授 权宝可梦、布鲁伊、铁臂阿童木 之地球小英雄、萌浪兔疯狂兔 子、LOL惊喜娃娃等知名国际IP

在中国的授权外,优扬还与国际 知名动画工作室制作了原创动画 《小怪兽阿蒙》。

在即将到来的2025年,让我们尽 情期待小羊肖恩给我们带来的 更多精彩与快乐。


近年来,国内汽车行业迎来了飞 速发展期,各类专业汽车赛事、 汽车运动俱乐部和赛车场的建 设如雨后春笋般涌现。安素香港 有限公司(EEP)与国内头部汽车 品牌及汽车赛事也在逐步进行 紧密的合作。2024年,EEP与“中 国好车手”达成战略合作,并成 为其独家授权代理,在全球范围 推广IP授权。

安素香港有限公司成立于2012 年,总部设立在中国香港,是一 家专注于汽车品牌授权代理的 公司。EEP是意大利超跑兰博基 尼汽车的官方品牌授权代表。 “中国好车手”是2021年经国家 体育总局和中国汽车摩托车运 动联合会批准成立,列入年度全 国体育竞赛计划及中国汽摩联 赛历。赛道由速环设计专业级赛

道助力打造,旨 在打造将赛车 电竞与真实赛 车相结合的国 家级全国比赛。 有别于国内其 他类专业类、单 一化以及高门 槛的赛车赛事, 中国好车手围 绕赛车+的潮流 生活理念将线 上线下汽车运 动相结合,并融 入汽车科技安 全驾驶、全民运 动等元素,致力 于打造中国最具影响力的汽车 运动文化平台之一。

EEP作为赛事官方指定授权代 理商,未来将与“中国好车手”携 手并进,共同致力于在授权领域 通过各种IP衍生产品及活动,让 更多人感受到汽车运动的文化 与魅力。


AREAX x SpongeBob SquarePants Launches “Bikini Bottom Happy Journey” Series of Block Toys.

AREAX is a brand of Guangdong Sembo Cultural Industrial Co., Ltd. AREAX co-branded “SpongeBob SquarePants” to launch a series of block toys,which meet young consumers’ pursuit of personalization and trendiness through the combination of innovation and fashion. At the same time, the building blocks evoke happy childhood memories for many adults.

In 2024, AREAX and their co-branded SpongeBob SquarePants launched the 25th anniversary of the limited series of blocks with the theme of “Sweetie Party.” This included customized puppet appearance designs based on the official SpongeBob SquarePants joint artist Kolb-designed SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick Star’s limited image. While the product is trendy, it also includes a wealth of play features, such as movable joints that can be swung left and right, a puppet arm that can be pressed to eject a block figure, and a patting sensor light that allows the product to be used as a nightlight.

In addition, the “Bikini Bottom Happy Journey” series blocks have been launched. The Krusty Krab, Good Friends Box, and Wonderful Dreams Photo Frame, not only highly reproduce the classic scenes of the animation in appearance, but also have different play functions. In October 2024, AREAX will also launch the collector-grade blocks of Pineapple House, which bring happy childhood memories to everyone through interesting creative play.

As a new trendy block brand, AREAX has always focused on the playability and display of products and is committed to giving block products more vitality and imagination, so that the products can become part of the art collection. In the future, AREAX will continue to introduce collector-grade blocks Squidward Tentacles’s House, Chum Bucket and other more Bikini Bottom classic buildings, so that the trip to Bikini Bottom is full of joy!


Recently, the popular cartoon character DooroBear has surprisingly collaborated with MINISO. This cooperation resulted in a rich variety of products. The plush dolls are extremely cute, the hangers are exquisitely small, and the decompression rebound products are full of fun. These peripherals will be showcased in 2000 MINISO stores across the country, bringing consumers a brand-new shopping feast.

The original IP “DooroBear” created by Witzone Co. Ltd. belongs to the animation industry. Since its birth in 2016, it continues to be inspired by succulent plants and symbolizes “growing towards the sun.” From the initial small plant image, through continuous iterations, it has created many popular products while always adhering to its original intention.

As the first parent-child cartoon IP in China that focuses on children’s physical and mental health, DooroBear integrates content production, copyright operations and channel marketing.

It actively pays attention to issues such as agriculture, environmental protection, and vigorously promotes projects such as revitalizing agriculture through science and education and smart agriculture.

Nowadays, DooroBear has over 35 million fans across the Chinese network, with global short video clicks exceeding 10 billion. There are over 800 derivative products, and the sales volume has achieved 800 million.

The overseas business is also excellent, with versions in Chinese, English, Portuguese, and Japanese. It has over 3.5 million overseas fans and over 1 billion views. In the future, DooroBear will continue to deeply develop into the licensing industry and firmly promote the plan of revitalizing agriculture through science and education.

With the concept of “small truths in nature”, it will convey the power of growing towards the sun and letting more people feel the warmth and beauty of life accompanied by the lovely DooroBear.


ARTiSTORY has Collaborated with FILA and Centre Pompidou on a fashion sportswear collection

In May 2024, the vibrant 60-year cultural and artistic exchange between China and France reached a dazzling milestone. This summer, following the historical path and continuing the extraordinary journey of Sino-French collaboration, ARTiSTORY has partnered with the century-old brand FILA and the avant-garde art institution, the Centre Pompidou, to create a dynamic art event that merges modern avantgarde aesthetics with the pinnacle of fashion sportswear.

FILA drew inspiration from the Centre Pompidou’s collection and architectural style, incorporating selected modern and contemporary artworks and the building’s distinctive design elements into the collaborative fashion collection. The interplay of steel and softness is reflected through vivid colors and lines. ARTiSTORY also facilitated a challenging photoshoot within the Centre Pompidou, presenting a unique “Sino-French Fusion Fashion

Through innovative IP licensing and management strategies, ARTiSTORY has helped FILA evoke fresh cultural qualities, enhance its brand tone, and attract a diverse audience of art enthusiasts, leading a new era in sports aesthetics.

As an internationally leading cultural and art IP licensing and management agency, ARTiSTORY is dedicated to

the in-depth development of prestigious assets from world-class museums, galleries, libraries, science centers, and cultural heritage sites. By leveraging “creative storytelling,” they connect brands with top global art. They look forward to partnering with collaborators worldwide, sparking creative imagination, and exploring the boundless possibilities of cultural and artistic IPs.



广东森宝文化实业有限公司旗 下品牌AREAX砖区,联名《海绵

宝宝》推出系列积木玩具,通过 创新与潮流的结合,满足了年轻 消费者对个性化与潮流化的追 求,同时用积木拼搭唤起很多成 年人快乐的童年回忆。 2024年,AREAX砖区联名海绵

宝宝以“海派甜心派对”为主题 推出25周年限定系列积木,用定 制的木偶外观还原了海绵宝宝 官方联合艺术家Kolb设计的海 绵宝宝和派大星限定形象。产品 在具有潮流性的同时还加入丰 富的玩法功能,可左右摇摆的可 动关节,按压木偶手臂可以弹出

7月10日是奥特曼之日,在2024年的奥特曼之日,奇奥天尊旗下的“ 经典奥特曼”IP开启了从荧屏到现实世界的“英雄之旅”。

在孩子们的心中,奥特曼是宇宙之光,是超级英雄,是爱与希望。当 天,奇奥天尊携手病痛挑战基金会,共同启动了“相信光,与爱作伴” 经典奥特曼童梦计划。初代奥特曼和奥特曼赛文亲临医院,与罕见 经典奥特曼:光之力量照进现实

积木人仔,以及拍拍感应灯让产 品还能当作小夜灯使用等。

此外,“比奇堡快乐之旅”系列 积木已推出蟹堡王餐厅、好朋 友BOX、奇妙梦境相框,不仅在 外观上高度还原了动画场景, 还拥有不同的玩法。2024年10 月,AREAX砖区还将推出收藏级 积木菠萝屋,用全新创意的拼搭 玩法为大家带来又一段快乐的 童年回忆。

作为新锐潮流积木品牌,AREAX 砖区一直都注重产品的可玩性 与展示性,致力于赋予积木产品 更多的生命力与想象力,让产品 能成为艺术收藏的一部分。未来 还会推出复活岛人像屋、海之霸 等更多比奇堡经典建筑,让这趟 比奇堡之旅充满快乐!

病儿童现场互动,鼓励他们要有 勇气面对病魔,希望他们早日战 胜病痛,迎接属于他们的光明未 来。双方还将持续推进罕见病医 疗援助项目的落实,为更多需要 帮助的孩子送去温暖与希望。 同时,奇奥天尊还联合旧衣回收 平台“铛铛一下”和二手交易平 台“转转”,发起了“奥特曼之日 特别企划”,旨在激励年轻一代 采取实际行动,减少浪费,促进 资源的循环利用。奥特曼化身 为地球的守护者,呼吁人类用力 所能及的行动保护地球健康和 可持续地发展。随着经典奥特曼 IP生态圈的不断扩展和完善,奇 奥天尊诚邀社会各界,共同探讨 更多创意企划、授权合作及艺术 创作的可能性。让大家携手奥特 曼,持续传递“光之力量”,为营 造地球可持续发展贡献力量。


In summer 2024, Mini Force stage show successfully premiered in Changzhou Workers’ Cultural Palace. Meanwhile, Catch! Teenieping themed exhibitions with exciting fan-meeting activities were held in Shanghai’s Hon-

Wow Herui (Guangzhou) Culture Media Co., Ltd. is a company focusing on the whole industry chain of children’s animation IP for children aged 3-8.

Their main business covers animation & IP production, content creating, animation distribution and IP licensing, as well as the development of IP-derived toys.

Their children’s animation IP Mikni Force and Catch! Teenieping have achieved excellent results on major video websites, cartoon TV, IPTV, OTT and operator channels. The content has gained great popularity and the top rating, producing at least three series every year.

This year, there are more than 50 stage plays domestic tours, themed exhibitions and pop-up activities for Mini Force and Catch! Teenieping. We have gained great achievements in licensing business, including toys, food and beverage, home and textiles, stationery, sports, health and beauty, baby and child products, gifts, theme space, etc, which is more than 120 categories and exceeding 1,000 SKU, with market retail sales beyond 1 billion. In the future, Wow Herui will keep progressing in the children’s market with more innovative content, establishing strategic partnerships with professional attitude. They will keep on developing more interesting licensing products, bringing a happy growth experience to every parent-child family.


Enzo e Partners Limited has become the exclusive licensing agent for China Racer. In recent years, the domestic automobile industry has ushered in a period of rapid development, and the construction of various professional automobile events, auto sports clubs and racing tracks has mushroomed.

Enzo e Partners and the domestic leading car brands and car events are also gradually developing closer cooperation. In 2024, EEP reached a strategic cooperation with China Racer and became its exclusive licensing agent to promote IP licensing worldwide.

Enzo e Partners Limited (EEP) was established in 2012. Headquartered in Hong Kong, China, EEP is a company specializing in automotive brand authorization agency; the company is the official authorized representative of the Lamborghini car brand.

China Racer was approved by the State General Administration of Sport and the China Au-

tomobile and Motorcycle Sports Federation in 2021, including the annual national sports competition plan and China Auto and Motorcycle League calendar.

Different from other professional individual and high threshold racing events in China, China Racer combines online and offline car sports all based around the trend of a racing+trendy life concept, whilst integrating elements of car technology, safe driving, and national sports.

China Racer is committed to creating a major cultural platforms for motor sports in China.

In the future, EEP will join hands with Good Driver of China to promote China Racer motor sports’ cultural IP.

gkou Plaza in July as well as in Xiamen Jimei Plaza in August.


2024年5月,中法两国蕴藏宝贵 的人文艺术交流迎来了闪耀的 60周年。在这个绚烂的夏日,循 着历史的轨迹,延续中法合作的 非凡历程,ARTiSTORY艺述事协 助百年品牌FILA携手法国最具 颠覆精神的现当代艺术殿堂—— 蓬皮杜中心,共同打造了一场流 动的艺术盛宴,诠释现代先锋美 学与时尚运动的顶峰相遇。

FILA从蓬皮杜中心的馆藏中选 取了部分画作和蓬皮杜中心的 建筑风格一起作为设计元素融 入联名服饰中,钢筋与灵柔相 遇碰撞,通过色彩和线条娓娓 道来;同时艺述事协助FILA在蓬 皮杜中心建筑内部完成了极具 挑战的拍摄,呈现一场别开生面

的“中法联动大 秀”。

通过IP授权和运 营的创意玩法,艺 述事帮助FILA唤 起崭新文化特质,

提升调性,吸引众 多热爱文化艺术 的消费者,引领运 动美学新时代。

作为一家国际领 先的文化艺术IP 授权与运营机 构,ARTiSTORY艺 述事致力于深度 开发世界一流博物馆、美术馆、 图书馆、科技馆和世界文化遗产 的珍贵馆藏资产,通过“创意叙


近期,人气卡通形象萌芽熊与名 创优品惊喜携手。此次合作推出 丰富品类,毛绒公仔软萌可爱, 挂件精致小巧,解压回弹产品趣 味十足。这些萌趣周边将在全国 2000家名创优品门店闪亮上架, 为消费者带来全新的购物盛宴。

上海智间网络有限公司打造 的原创IP“萌芽熊”隶属动漫行 业。2016年诞生以来,灵感源自 多肉植物,象征“向阳而生”。从 最初的小植物形象不断迭代,创 造众多爆款却始终坚守初心。

作为国内首个关注儿童身心大 健康的亲子类卡通 IP,萌芽熊集 内容制作、版权运营与渠道营销 于一体。它积极关注农业、环保 等问题,大力推行科教兴农、智 慧农业等项目。如今,萌芽熊在 中国全网拥有超3500万粉丝, 全球短视频点击破100亿,衍生 品超800款,销售额达8亿。海外 业务同样出色,有中、英、葡、日 四国语言版本,海外粉丝超350 万,播放量破10亿次。未来,萌芽

事”助力品牌商家连接世界顶级 艺术。我们期待与世界各地的合 作伙伴相聚,激发创意想象,共 同探索文化艺术IP的无限可能! 洛迪小马RODY于1984年2月14日由意大利公司

熊将持续深耕授权行业,坚定推 行科教兴农计划,以“大自然小 道理”的理念传递向阳而生的力 量,让更多人在可爱的萌芽熊陪 伴下,感受生活的温暖与美好。


LEDRAPLASTIC SPA设计制作而正式诞生。2024 年RODY迎来40周年诞辰纪念。以经典骑乘马玩 具而闻名,深受世界50多个国家大小朋友的喜 爱。RODY以圆形设计理念,如跳跃球般的感触,培 养运动神经和平衡感,提高运动能力。

RODY凭借色彩绚丽、有趣可爱的造型,丰富的图 库素材,至今已在世界各地推出玩具、流行服饰、 文具、日用品、FMCG等多款产品。曾荣膺美国特种 玩具零售协会ASTRA颁发的“最佳儿童玩具奖”。

RODY也曾与多个时尚流行品牌如 New Era、Porter、Levi’s、Kitson等跨界合作,得到年轻 人和家庭的广泛支持。

RODY流行时尚的外观和独特的设计让RODY不再 仅仅是个玩具,而是一个最耀眼吸睛的时尚流行 Icon。Enjoy Rody Enjoy Family! 生肖文化是中国传统文化中的瑰宝,生肖代表的“

情绪价值”也是海 外IP本土化的重 要一环。2024年 Rody将由广州艺 洲人负责中国内 地、香港、澳门地区 的授权代理业务, 随着2026年马年 将至,期待RODY 能为更多品牌赋 能,创造更大的商 业价值。

艺洲人深耕品牌管理授权业务已达 25 年,成功 管理 20 多个品牌如海绵宝宝、汪汪队立大功等, 是国内唯一一家三度荣登License Global全球授 权代理商榜单排名TOP12的中国本土授权代理企 业。


Pacific Licensing Studio(PLS)

近日宣布其新身份:大都会艺术 博物馆(The Met)大中华区独家 总品牌授权经营商,以及东南亚 和韩国独家授权及商业激活代 表。PLS将与The Met联手推出 一系列创新的授权产品,吸引当 地的消费者。

纽约大都会艺术博物馆是全球 文化风向标,每年吸引超过530 万游客。该博物馆收藏了世界 各地5,000年间超过150万件藏 品,分为19个策展部门,为授权 项目提供无数机会。

根据为期三年的委任条款,PLS 将与当地合作伙伴共同生产和

分销一系列受The Met藏品启发 的产品。主要类别包括时尚、配 饰、家居装饰、家居用品、第三方 促销品、高端品牌食品、保健和 美容产品。此次合作旨在让该地 区的消费者近距离了解The Met 中藏品背后讲述的真实艺术、历 史和文化故事。

“借助此次与PLS的合作,我们 在提高The Met全球影响力并向 亚洲新受众介绍其标志性品牌 的战略道路上迈出了重要的一 步。”The Met全球授权业务主管 Josh Romm表示。“通过合作, 我们将打造创新的产品和体验, 引起众多消费者的共鸣,并为他


Smiley Company在中国开设 了7家新时装店,进一步加强其 在该国的门店网络。

这对Smiley来说是一个重要的 里程碑,标志着其正在紧锣密鼓 开展品牌扩张工作并努力兑现

为全中国消费者提供高品质时 尚产品的承诺。

新的时装店体现了Smiley高端 的设计方向,旨在提升整体购物 体验。

结合现代美学的室内设计及环 保材料给顾客带来 一种时髦感。该商店 经过精心设计,墙壁 上设有视觉装置,为 空间增添了独特的 艺术风格。

此外,Smiley最近还 在门店首次推出了 Smiley与蓬皮杜艺 术中心独家联名系 列,增添了独特的艺 术气息。

蓬皮杜艺术中心是 法国一家国家造型

们提供独特的机会,尽情领略博 物馆的丰富藏品。”

这将是The Met首次在东南 亚和韩国任命代理。Pacific Licensing Studio执行合伙人 Neal Rudge表示:“我们非常高 兴与The Met在这些市场展开合 作,并将继续提高其在大中华区 的影响力。”“这项颠覆性的任务 对我们公司具有重要意义,为广 大客户开启了一个跨文化沟通 和历史探索的世界。”

PLS的主要目标受众是年龄介于 22岁至36岁之间的成熟消费者, 最初将重点开发大中华区、韩 国、泰国和新加坡。随后,公司计 划将业务范围扩大到印度尼西 亚、菲律宾、马来西亚和越南,以 满足高档生活方式产品日益增 长的需求。

艺术博物馆,因20世纪和21世纪 的艺术收藏而享誉国际。

Smiley时装店分布在广州、苏 州、厦门等中心城市。Smiley计 划继续扩大其在中国的足迹,目 标是到今年年底在中国拥有15 家门店。

未来三年,Smiley计划扩张到50 家门店,覆盖更多城市和更广泛 的受众。

Smiley首席执行官Nicolas Loufrani表示:“我们很高兴在 中国开设门店,并与亲爱的客户 分享我们对时尚的热爱。”“中国 是一个充满活力和生机的市场, 我们期待为其蓬勃发展的时尚 界贡献自己的一分力量。我们的 目标是将最新潮流与出色的客 户服务相结合,提供卓越的购物 体验。”

名创优品让全球IP产业更有活力 名创优品集团执行副总裁 兼首席产品官 窦娜 ADA

首先非常感谢名创优品(以下简 称“MINISO”)能够接受Total Licensing杂志的采访!请您简 单介绍一下贵公司目前全球的 业务,如:IP矩阵、业务规模?

ADA:MINISO在全球111个国家 和地区拥有超过6600家门店,其 中中国市场超4000家,海外市场 近2600家。我们也是第一家进驻 美国纽约时代广场、法国巴黎香 榭丽舍大街、英国伦敦牛津街等 顶级商圈的中国品牌。

MINISO和迪士尼、芭比、三丽鸥 等超100个全球知名IP深度合 作,用“正版授权+亲民价格”的 战略,颠覆了IP周边产品开发的 传统模式和价格生态。今年,我 们也加大对于二次元等垂类小 众IP的关注,IP储备越来越多。

同时,我们现在有两个系列的自 主 IP,一个叫Mini family,一个 叫DUNDUN元宇宙。我们透过自 身的努力,想孵化出中国自己的 IP推向全球,为用户带来更加多 情绪价值的商品。


ADA:20年我们创始人叶国富先 生提出了“兴趣消费”,他指出现 在的消费者在购物过程中,除了 注重产品的基本功能和实用性 之外,还更加注重产品所能带来 的情感共鸣、精神满足、以及个 性化的表达。一个品牌 IP 型产 品比例越高,意味着商品的内容 属性越强。IP

赋予了产品更多 的故事性,原本一件只有功能价 值的商品,有了 IP 的加持,就会 变成一件具备好看、好玩等情绪 价值的商品。这也是名创优品一 直坚持的底层价值——产品必须 尽力做到审美价值(好看)、情绪 价值(好玩)、功能价值(好用)兼 得。

在“好看、好玩、好用”的原则下 面,我们进一步发现,随着整个 兴趣消费趋势越来越明显,IP成 为了产品与消费者之间最好的 情感连接点。所以我们基于IP不 断创新研发产品,MINISO和IP 产品的联名故事也在不断地发 生。

在原创IP这个板块也有很多有 趣的故事,我们精心打造了一款 原创IP——“墩DUN”,其角色设 定活力、皮实、呆萌,天生自带讨 喜属性,瞬间捕获了众多用户的 心,他们非常乐于在小红书等平 台上分享与墩DUN的欢乐瞬间。

也开通了自媒体账号,目前已累 积超过30万的忠实粉丝群体。许 多消费者为了墩DUN特意打卡 MINISO门店,更有人穿梭于各 门店之间,只为集齐所有系列款 式,这份热爱与执着,也成为了 我们和消费者之间的一份共同 的回忆。

可否分享几个有趣的授权合作 案例?

ADA: 2016年跟三丽鸥旗下 Hello Kitty 的联名是我们第一次联 名。三丽鸥旗下一系列 IP 形象在 全球备受欢迎。这次合作的成功 坚定了我们 IP 联名战略的决心, 也揭开了MINISO 成为新消费IP 联名大佬的序章。

比如今年大爆的CHIIKAWA项 目。我们是中国首家和CHIIKAWA联名的品牌,从规划到授权 到研发再到上市,只用了不到4 个月的时间,原本长达45天的生 产周期缩短到9-12天,1.0阶段 输出上百个SKU。首家快闪店上 海静安大悦城开业当天,凌晨五 点半商场外的广场上就已经围 满了粉丝,当我们正式营业后, 粉丝们把公仔紧紧搂在怀里,像 是把自己的宝宝接回家一样,特

别开心。MINISO的使命就是“为 开心而生”,我们希望消费者来 到MINISO不仅可以买到一个具 象的产品,更是一种正能量的生 活方式。

除了从外部引入IP合作 外,MINISO的自主IP 也在对 外授权。我们的MINI FAMILY和 DUN DUN UNIVERSE在全球有 很多粉丝,通过和公园、酒店等 跨界联名,让更多人认识到了这 些来自中国的可爱IP。作为中国 品牌,我们也希望能推动中国IP 在全球范围内的传播与认可,履 行文化输出的企业使命。

最后,能否请您谈一下贵司未来 几年的内容创作及IP规划上主 要方向是哪些?

ADA:MINISO的愿景是 “成为世 界第一的IP设计零售集团”。过 去11年,MINISO以高性价比开 启了IP的普惠时代,打破了“IP 等于价格贵”这一壁垒和固有认 知,让IP真正进入大众消费。如

今,我们海外 40% 产品都是 IP 产品,国内接近 30% 都是 IP 产 品。未来5年内,这个比例会达到 50%以上。

围绕这个目标,我们有两个方面 的核心举措。

在IP方面,对外我们将与更多的 全球知名IP合作,深入理解IP内 涵,开发具有全生命周期的IP产 品。同时注重自有IP的孵化与运 营,扩大自有IP全球影响力,针 对不同国家推出全球CITY PEN 系列,成为具有收藏和纪念价值 的必入单品。

在设计方面,我们在中美日韩建 立四大设计中心,向不同市场提 供更专业的设计,持续打造独具 名创风格的代表性爆品。

由每一个有灵魂有故事的IP产 品为用户带来惊喜与开心,由 一个开心的产品带出一个让人 开心的品牌,由品牌影响城市, 由城市影响全球,让所有人都 开心!让IP产业经济持续拥有活 力!

emoji®标志性品牌和 Medialink公布


emoji Company GmbH和 Medialink Group Limited的 子公司Medialink Animation International Limited将在 2024年推出一系列有趣的产品 和精彩的活动,让您在这一年过 得充满乐趣、有滋有味、精彩时 尚。

以下是迄今为止令人兴奋的快 照:

甜蜜的开始!Trolli与emoji®标 志性品牌联名庆祝中国新年 早在一月份,emoji ® 品牌便与 Trolli联名推出了一款软糖,这 款糖果采用喜庆的包装,甜蜜又 美味。这些糖果采用大胆的红色 调和桃花设计元素,以比以往任 何时候都更加甜蜜的方式来庆 祝中国新年。Trolli与emoji ®标 志性品牌联名,推出美味芒果口 味的emoji®品牌特色,用满心的 喜悦款待亲朋好友!

夏季风格:MSLAN与 emoji®品牌联名 今年5月,emoji公司与复古风 格的服装品牌MSLAN合作,推 出了既时尚又有趣的夏季系列。 这个系列将MSLAN自然简洁的 设计与 emoji®品牌俏皮的风格 相结合,旨在鼓励每个人亲近自 然,彰显个性。这款服装在网上 和实体店都有售,深受时尚爱好 者的欢迎,轻松打造时尚的夏季 衣橱!

尽情畅玩!Moetch与emoji®标 志性品牌联名打造快乐游乐场。 emoji®品牌特色和 Medialink与 时尚玩具品牌Moetch联名打造 快乐游乐场系列Mini Box Pro, 整个七月乐趣无穷!享受emoji®

标志性品牌带来的乐趣——跷 跷板、扭蛋机和海洋球——这个 玩具系列能让您尽情体验游乐 园的魅力。现场用鲜艳的黄色 装饰,超浓的Bana X Bana氛围 仿佛在暗示每一位游客:抛开烦 恼,享受快乐!

同月,ONE EAST与Mosaic( 上海)联合推出emoji ® 标志性 品牌,该品牌与Mandy集团和 Medialink集团合作,在上海推 出购物中心活动。购物中心以独

特的emoji ®品牌主题装饰为特 色,为宾客营造充满活力和创意 的氛围。此外,购物中心还提供 许多活动和互动拍照区,使其成 为全家人共享天伦之乐的完美 场所。

畅享美食:东莞茶源商城与 emoji®品牌联名提供美味佳肴 随着emoji®品牌主题零食上市, 八月让人大饱口福!emoji®品牌 与东莞茶园商城展开此次合作, 货架上摆满包装精美的美味零 食,有点心、薯片、糖果和饼 干。emoji ® 品牌特色让这些 零食变得无比诱人,顾客们 对这些充满趣味的美食爱不 释手。

即将上市!Matter Makers 与emoji®联名款:时尚与趣 味融合 9月,Matter Makers与 emoji®品牌即将联名推出备

受期待的时尚产品系列!这次时 尚的合作重新构想了 Z 世代的 沟通方式,将信用卡和相框等日 常物品与众所周知和我们喜欢 的表情符号融合在一起。该系列 展现了Matter Makers的独特风 格和泰国的时尚前卫,旨在以尽 可能最有趣的方式展示您的个 性。正如Matter Makers的创意 总监Bordin Aphimarn所说:“ 我们与emoji ®品牌合作就是为 了颂扬生活中轻松愉快的一面, 以及我们每天如何展示自我。”

emoji公司首席执行官兼创始人 Marco Huesges的激动之情溢 于言表:“我们对与Medialink和 不可思议的合作伙伴的合作感 到非常兴奋。每个项目都突出了 我们品牌的趣味性,并将其融入 日常生活,从时尚到美食以及两 者相关的一切事物。我们迫切想 让每个人都体验到这些合作伙 伴关系带来的乐趣、快乐和创造 力!”

Medialink Animation International Limited执行董 事Noletta Chiu补充道:“每年, 我们都在努力通过创意和创新 提升emoji ® 品牌的影响力。与 Trolli、MSLAN、Moetch、ONE EAST、Mosaic Shanghai、东莞 茶园商城和Matter Makers合作 只是我们迈出的第一步。我们很 高兴能继续为中国和东南亚的 受众提供充满活力和吸引力的 体验!”

emoji ®品牌将在2024年为您带 来一整年的乐趣,这才刚刚开 始!请密切关注即将开展的更令

人兴奋的合作! 关于emoji®标志性品牌

emoji公司是在全球超过150个 国家/地区注册的emoji®商标的 所有者,拥有的商品和服务多达 45 个类别。

emoji公司广泛的版权组合涵 盖超过1000个商标和25,000个 emoji ®品牌图标和受版权法保 护的设计,可用于合法许可和商 品销售、促销和活动、娱乐服务 和营销活动。

emoji公司的官方合作伙伴包 括超过1,400家世界著名的全球 许可合作伙伴,其中包括索尼 影视动画、彪马、欧莱雅、费列 罗、联合利华、汉堡王、Zara、好 时公司、沃尔玛、达能、尼康、富 士、雀巢、里德尔(Lidl)、家乐氏 (Kellogg´s)、阿尔迪(Aldi)、百 事可乐、Miss Sixty、英国广播公 司、C&A、法国邮政、口力(Trolli) 等。

全球多次获奖的emoji ®品牌被 Powerlist评为仅次于乐高和 可口可乐的第三大最具影响力 的品牌。emoji公司在全球150 个顶级品牌授权方中排名第66 位,emoji®品牌是有史以来最具 影响力的通用生活方式品牌之 一。

有关授权方面的咨询,请通过以 下方式联系我们:licensing@ emoji.com或访问我们的 网站 emoji®是emoji Company GmbH 的注册商 标。©2015-2023 emoji Company GmbH。保留所 有权利。

关于 Medialink Medialink Group Limited(股票代码:2230.

HK)是一家领先的知识产权(IP) 管理公司,总部位于香港,业务 遍及中国、日本和东南亚,积极 通过其IP促进文化交流,为整个 亚洲带来优质娱乐服务。

该公司成立于1994年,其业务主 要集中在内容发行和品牌授权, 还涉及内容制作、发行安排和动 漫产品开发。本集团提供投资并 与媒体内容授权方密切合作,分 销与动画、综艺节目、电视剧、动 画和真人电影相关的媒体内容。

同时,它还从亚太地区的各种品 牌授权方获得版权授权,包括商 品销售权、基于位置的娱乐权和 推广权。

该集团拥有自己的动画品牌, 其各种Aniß-One ® YouTube 频道(包括以亚洲为中心的 Ani-One ® Asia、以中文播讲的 Ani-One ® 中文官方频道,以及 其他东南亚频道——Ani-One® 泰国、Ani-One®菲律宾和 AniOne®越南)拥有超过664万订阅 用户,浏览量超过13亿。此外,该 集团还拥有自己的电子商务平 台 Ani-Mall®,主要销售动漫产品 和独家动漫精品。 hk/en/home.aspx


An interview with Ada Dou, Executive

First of all, thank you very much for accepting the invitation for the interview in Total Licensing China. Perhaps you could briefly introduce MINISO and tell us about your current global business such as your IP matrix and the scale of your business?

Ada: "MINISO has more than 6,600 stores in 111 countries and regions around the world including more than 4,000 in China and nearly 2,600 in overseas markets. We are also the first Chinese brand to enter top business districts such as Times

Square in New York, the Champs Elysees in Paris, France, and Oxford Street in London, England

MINISO has an in-depth working relationship with more than 100 world-renowned IPs such as Disney, Barbie, and Sanrio.

“Officially licensed and affordable pricing" - this is our guideline. This year, we have also established further connections with niche IPs, such as the second dimension, and there will be more to come in the future.

MINISO now has two of their own IPs. One is called Mini family and the other is called DUNDUN Metaverse. Our objective is to incubate Chinese IP and promote it to the world, bringing users more products with emotional value."

What is a product that provides emotional value?

Ada: "In 2020, our founder, Mr. Ye Guofu, launched the concept of "interest-based consumption". He pointed out that in addition to paying attention to the basic functions and practicalities of products, consumers now pay more attention to the

emotional resonance and spiritual satisfaction that products can bring during shopping. The higher the proportion of IP-based products for a brand, the stronger the content attributes of the product. IP is like a “story” that products convey to customers. In MINISO, we must try our best to achieve 3 key attributess of products: Aesthetic value (goodlooking), emotional value (fun), and functional value (easy to use).

Under the principle of "good-looking, fun, and easy to use", we further discovered that as the trend towards interest consumption becomes more and more widespread, IP has become the best emotional connection between products and consumers. Therefore, we continue to innovate and develop products based on IP, and the collaborations between MINISO and IP products are constantly taking place.

We have created an original IP - "DUNDUN." This character is cheerful and adorable, and captures the heart of many consumers. They are very excited to share their happy moments with DUN on platforms such as RED. We have also opened a social media account, and currently have more than 300,000 loyal followers. Many consumers visit MINISO stores just for DUN, and some even shuttle between stores to collect all the series’products based on this character."

Can you share some interesting IP collaboration examples?

Ada: "In 2016, we collaborated with Hello Kitty from Sanrio for the first time. Sanrio's brands are very popular all over the world. The success of this collaboration has strengthened our determination towards an IP cobranding strategy and also opened the door for MINISO to become a new consumer IP co-branding leader.

For example, the CHIIKAWA project is a big hit this year. We are the first brand in China to co-brand

with CHIIKAWA. It took less than 4 months from the idea to having the actual product in the market. On the opening day of the first pop-up store in Shanghai, the square outside the mall was already full of fans by 5:30 am! MINISO's mission statement is "Born for Happiness". We hope that consumers can come to MINISO not only to get an actual product, but also a positive lifestyle.

MINISO also licenses its own IP to others. UNIVERSE has many fans around the world. Through crossborder collaborations with parks, hotels, etc., more people have come to know these lovely IPs from China. As a Chinese brand, we also hope to promote Chinese IPs globally and fulfill our corporate mission of cultural output.

Finally, could you please talk about your company’s main directions in content creation and IP planning in the next few years?

Ada: MINISO 's vision is to "become the world's No. 1 IP design retail group". Over the past 11 years, MINISO has opened the era of universal IP with high cost performance. Today, 40% of our overseas products are IPbased products, and nearly 30% of our domestic products are IP-based products. In the next five years, this will reach more than 50%. To achieve this goal, we have two core initiatives. In terms of IP, we will collaborate with more world-renowned IPs. At

the same time, we will focus on the incubation and operation of our own IPs, expand the global influence of our own IPs, and launch global CITY PEN series in different countries, making them must-have items with collector and commemorative value.

In terms of design, we have established four major design centers in China, the United States, Japan and South Korea to provide more professional designs for different markets and to continue to create popular products with a unique style.

IP product brings the element of surprise and happiness to users. A happy product brings out a happy brand. The brand influences the city, and the city influences the world, making everyone happy! Let the IP industry economy continue to be vibrant!"

维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆 (V&A)支持各种形式的设计和 创意。屡获殊荣的品牌授权计 划通过与世界各地的制造商和 零售商合作来提供这一支持。博 物馆用历久弥新的藏品讲述引 人入胜的故事,受到这些故事 的启发,该计划在获得授权后, 提供量身定制的研究和设计开 发服务,从而创造出美好的产 品。V&A的藏品涵盖所有创意学 科,并提供各种灵感源泉,使被 授权方能够分享博物馆5000年 的创意故事。

V&A继续 激励和取悦 全球受众

品牌授权计划已经开展了30余 年,目前在全球拥有85个授权合 作伙伴。该品牌在今年“国际授 权卓越奖”的艺术、设计或博物 馆类奖项中获得了最佳品牌奖, 以表彰其为行业奠定了无可挑 剔的标准以及长期持续取得的 成就。该计划的分销网络遍及英 国、欧洲、美国和亚太地区的72 个国家/地区,涵盖壁画、家居装 饰、服装、珠宝、礼品、文具和手 工艺品——V&A的授权活动继 续蓬勃发展,这一令人难以置信 的成功反映今年业绩再次实现 了增长。

2023年12月,V&A与FILA在中 国大陆、香港、澳门和新加坡推 出了一个不拘一格的服装系 列,继续通过其世界知名的系 列激励和取悦全球受众。男装、 女装和童装系列秉承博物馆卓 越设计的核心价值观,并辅以 专业工艺,灵感来自William De Morgan引人注目的瓷砖设计。 该系列将De Morgan迷人的设 计和鲜艳的色彩带入生活,时 尚的面料体现一种优雅的气 质,运用现代技术实现卓越的性 能。FILA创造性地将神话故事中 的生物、花朵和图案结合在一

起,创造出新的印花和提花,用 一系列复杂的刺绣、针织品技术 和丰富的装饰进行诠释。

这些艺术作品反映了FILA 的“Do More of What You Love( 多做自己喜欢的事情)”精神,鼓 励更多人形成并表达自己的风 格,在向De Morgan经久不衰的 艺术眼光致敬的同时,颂扬了其 作品的永恒之美和迷人魅力。

新的被授权方Samsonite推出 了体现旅行艺术的行李系列。

该系列包括旅行箱包,灵感来 自著名的艺术运动,从工艺美 术运动充满自然气息和生机勃 勃的图案到18世纪迷人的花 卉和奢华的装饰艺术服装面 料。提供一系列既坚固耐用又 时尚的设计。2024年,举世瞩 目的巴黎奥运会和装饰艺术风 格百年华诞接踵而至。为了庆 祝,Samsonite为该系列制作了 多款行李箱和背包,上面装饰着

精美的巴黎街道地图,细数被称 为“光之城”的法国首都的历史。

陶瓷餐具和家居用品制造商 Joyye推出了一个令人愉快 的下午茶系列。最新系列采用

William Morris的壁纸图案和 纺织品设计元素,不仅仅体现在 餐具上;更是一种餐桌艺术。这 些富有创意和创造力的作品与 Morris永恒的花卉图案相结合, 打造富有现代感的餐桌文化。

在日本,Texet与零售商Nichibei 一同推出了一个新系列。该系 列包括四种卷帘设计,灵感来 自V&A品类齐全的工艺美术设 计系列;世界上最重要、最全 面的系列之一。该系列包括由

William Morris及其公司的工匠 设计的著名纺织品和壁纸,提供 一种永恒的魅力,充满现代设计 感。

Beyond William Morris:British Arts and Crafts 工艺美术运 动,1890-1920 年展览继续在中 国各地巡回展出,最近一次展览 于六月在广州广东美术馆举办。

该展览展出了工艺美术运动创 始人英国设计师William Morris 的作品。

展示V&A无与伦比、Morris备受 喜爱的设计系列,以揭示英国设 计和工艺在这一充满活力和创 造力的时期呈现出的丰富性和 多样性。该博物馆与其在中国的 代理商Alfilo Brands合作,创作

了一系列商品来纪念此次展览。 该系列包括日历、笔记本、音乐 盒、蜡烛和一些广受欢迎的冰箱 贴。所有产品均可在V&A的天猫 旗舰店购买。

除了巡回展览商品外,博物馆的 天猫商店现在还提供200多种 独特的产品,从而展示博物馆中 丰富多样的商品并加以利用。该 系列展示了维多利亚时代艺术

家John Tenniel爵士等先驱的 作品,借助蜡烛、珠宝和配饰等 元素为Lewis Carroll的作品《爱 丽丝梦游仙境》绘制备受喜爱 的插图。此外,工艺美术设计师 Walter Crane和William Morris 的图案还可装饰餐具、珠宝、文 具和礼品。

V&A成立的一个重要使命尚未 完成,那便是为所有人提供其世 界级的装饰艺术系列,以支持创 意产业,激发想象力,激励下一 代。

通过在日本、香港和韩国开展工 作,以及与Alfilo Brands和中国 天猫合作,授权计划继续让东亚 受众领略V&A创造的奇迹。

消费者有望在2024年及以后看 到更多令人兴奋的产品系列和 零售体验,无不彰显V&A卓越系 列的丰富主题、颜色和纹理。

emoji®-The Iconic Brand and Medialink Unveil Thrilling Collaborations Across China and South East Asia!

Brace yourselves for a year of fun, flavor, and fabulous fashion as emoji company GmbH and Medialink Animation International Limited, a subsidiary of Medialink Group Limited, roll out a series of must-see products and events throughout 2024.

Here’s a quick snapshot of the excitement so far:

A Sweet Start! Trolli x emoji® the Iconic Brand Celebrate the Chinese New Year. Back in January, the emoji® Brand joined forces with Trolli to introduce gummy candies that were not only tasty but wrapped in festive seasonal packaging. Featuring bold red tones and peach blossoms, these candies made celebrating the Chinese New Year sweeter than ever. With emoji® Brand characters and a delicious mango flavor, the Trolli x emoji® the Iconic Brand collaboration delivered a treat packed with joy!

Summer Style: MSLAN x emoji® Brand

In May, the emoji company partnered with MSLAN, the vintage-style apparel brand, to launch a summer collection that was as chic as it was fun. Combining MSLAN’s natural, simple designs with emoji® Brand’s playful vibes, this collection encouraged everyone to embrace nature and express their individuality. Available both online and in-store, it was a hit with fashion lovers ready to make their summer wardrobe pop!

Let’s Play! Moetch x emoji®the Iconic Brand Brings the Happy Playground to Life. July was all about play as an emoji® Brand character and Medialink linked up with trendy toy brand Moetch to create the Happy Playground Series

Mini Box Pro! Featuring iconic emoji® Brand fun—think seesaws, gashapon machines, and ball pits—this toy series brought amusement park magic into your hands. The vibrant yellow and Bana X Bana vibes told everyone: ditch the stress, embrace the fun!

In the same month, ONE EAST and Mosaic Shanghai join forces with emoji® - The Iconic Brand, in conjunction with Mandy Group and Medialink Group to launch mall events in Shanghai. The shopping center featured unique emoji® Brand themed decorations, fostering a vibrant and creative atmosphere for guests. What’s more, the mall offers many activities and interactive photo spots, making it a perfect place for the whole family to enjoy together.

Foodie Fun: Dongguan Chayuanshangcheng x emoji® Brand Delivers Tasty Treats August turned up the flavor with emoji® Brand themed snacks hitting the market! From biscuits to chips, candies, and cookies, this tasty collaboration between the emoji® Brand and Dongguan Chayuanshangcheng brought playful packaging and delicious flavors to shelves. The emoji® Brand characters made these snacks irresistible, and customers couldn’t get enough of the fun-filled treats.

Coming Soon! Matter Makers x emoji®: Fashion Meets Fun

September is about to get stylish with the highly anticipated Matter Makers x emoji® Brand collection! This trendy collab reimagines how Gen Z communicates, blending everyday objects like credit cards and picture frames with the emojis we all know and love. With Matter Makers’ unique touch and Thailand’s fashion-forward flair, this

collection is designed to showcase your personality in the most playful way possible. As Bordin Aphimarn, Creative Director of Matter Makers, puts it: “Our collaboration with the emoji® Brand is all about celebrating the lighthearted side of life and how we express ourselves every day.”

Marco Huesges, CEO and founder of the emoji company, shares his excitement: “We’re beyond excited about these collaborations with Medialink and our incredible partners. Each project highlights the playful spirit of our Brand and brings it into everyday life, from fashion to food and everything in between. We can’t wait for everyone to experience the fun, joy, and creativity that these partnerships bring!”

Noletta Chiu, Executive Director of Medialink Animation International Limited, added: “Every year, we aim to elevate the emoji® Brand through creativity and innovation. These partnerships with Trolli, MSLAN, Moetch, ONE EAST, Mosaic Shanghai, Dongguan Chayuanshangcheng, and Matter Makers are just the beginning. We’re excited to keep delivering vibrant and engaging experiences for our audiences across China and Southeast Asia!”

2024 is shaping up to be a year full of emoji® Brand inspired fun, and it’s only getting started! Keep an eye out for even more exciting collaborations coming soon!

About emoji® - The Iconic Brand

The emoji company is the owner of the registered emoji® trademark in up to 45 classes for goods and services in more than 150 countries around the world. The emoji company’s extensive rights portfolio covers more than 1,000 trademarks and more than 25,000 emoji® brand icons and designs protected under copyright laws and available for legal licensing and merchandising, promotions & events, for entertainment services and marketing campaigns.

Official partners of the emoji company include more than 1,400 world famous global license partners amongst them Sony Pictures Animation, PUMA, L´Oreal, Ferrero, Unilever, Burger King, Zara, The Hershey Company, Walmart, Danone, Nikon, Fuji, Nestlé, Lidl, Kellogg´s, Danone, Nikon, Aldi, Pepsico, Miss Sixty, the BBC, C&A, The French Post, Trolli, amongst many others.

The globally and multiple awarded emoji® brand was decorated as the 3rd most influential brand behind Lego and Coca-Cola by the Powerlist. The emoji company is on position #66 of the Top 150 Global Licensors and the emoji® brand is one of the most influential universal lifestyle brands of all times.

For licensing inquiries please contact us at or visit the website

emoji® is a registered trademark of the emoji company GmbH. © 2015-2023 emoji company GmbH. All rights reserved.

About Medialink

Medialink Group Limited (Stock Code: 2230.HK) is a leading intellectual property (IP) management company headquartered in Hong Kong, with business in China, Japan and Southeast Asia, actively promoting cultural exchanges through its IP, bring high-quality entertainment to the whole of Asia. Founded in 1994, its business mainly focuses on content distribution and brand licensing, and is also involved in content production, distribution arrangements and animation prod-

uct development. The Group invests and cooperates closely with media content licensors to distribute media content related to animation, variety shows, TV dramas, animated and liveaction movies. At the same time, it also obtains copyright licensing from various brand licensors in the AsiaPacific region, including merchandising rights and location-based entertainment rights and promotion rights. The Group has its own animation brand, its various Ani-One® YouTube channels (including Ani-One® Asia which is Asia-focused, Ani-One® 中文官方頻 道 which is run in Chinese, and other South East Asia channels – Ani-One® Thailand, Ani-One® Philippines and Ani-One® Vietnam) have more than 6.64 Million subscribers and more than 1.3 Billion views. In addition, the Group also has its own e-commerce platform Ani-Mall®, selling animation products and exclusive anime boutique. aspx

The V&A (Victoria and Albert Museum) champions design and creativity in all its forms. The award-winning brand licensing programme supports this by collaborating with manufacturers and retailers across the world. It provides a tailor-made research and design development service to enable the creation of beautiful products that are inspired and authenticated by the compelling stories from the museum’s ever-evolving collection. The V&A’s holdings span every creative discipline and provide a diverse sourcebook of inspiration, enabling licensees to share the museum’s 5,000-year-old story of creativity.

The brand licensing programme has grown over more than 30 years and now has over 85 licensing partners globally. In recognition of the brand’s impeccable standards and ongoing achievements, it was the winner of the Best Brand award in the Art, Design or Museum category at this year’s Licensing International Excellence

The V&A Continues to Inspire and Delight Global Audiences

Awards. This incredible win reflects another year of growth for the programme, with distribution networks to 72 countries across the UK, Europe, USA and APAC, spanning wall art, home interiors, apparel, jewellery, gifting, stationery and crafting - the V&A’s licensing activity continues to flourish.

Continuing to inspire and delight global audiences through its world-

renowned collections, in December 2023 the V&A launched an eclectic apparel collection with FILA across Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore. Championing the museum’s core values of excellence in design paired with expert craftmanship, the men’s, women’s and childrenswear ranges take inspiration from William De Morgan’s striking tile designs. The range brings De Morgan’s captivating designs and vibrant colours to life with fabrics and techniques that exude elegance and performance. FILA have creatively combined mythical creatures, flowers and motifs to create new prints and jacquards, interpreted through an array of intricate embroidery, knitwear techniques and rich embellishments.

Whilst reflecting FILA’s ‘Do More of What You Love’ ethos which encourages more people to create and express their own style, these artistic pieces are also a tribute to the enduring artistic vision of De Morgan and a celebration of the timeless beauty and captivating charm of his work.

New licensee Samsonite have launched a luggage collection that embodies the art of travel. The collection, which includes travel cases and bags, is inspired by celebrated artistic

movements, from natural and organic patterns of the Arts and Crafts Movement to the charm of 18th-century florals and the opulence of Art Deco dress fabrics. Offering a range of designs that are both sturdy yet stylish. In 2024, the world’s attention turned to the Paris Olympics and the upcoming centenary of the Art Deco style. In celebration of this, as part of the range, Samsonite created suitcases and backpacks adorned with exquisite street maps of Paris, interpreting the French capital known as the “City of Light.”

Ceramic tableware and homeware manufacturer Joyye launched a delightful collection that is perfect for serving afternoon tea. Using elements from wallpaper patterns and textile designs by William Morris, their latest collection is more than just dinnerware; it is art de la table. These creative and inventive pieces combined with Morris’ timeless floral motifs, bring a contemporary feel to tablescapes.

In Japan, Texet launched a new range with retailer Nichibei. The collection

consists of four roller blind designs inspired by the V&A’s vast collection of Arts and Crafts designs; one of the most important and comprehensive in the world. The range includes celebrated textiles and wallpapers designed by William Morris and his firm of craftsmen, offering a timeless charm that resonates with the design sensibilities of today.

The Beyond William Morris: British Arts and Crafts, 1890 – 1920 exhibition continues to tour throughout China, most recently at the Guangdong Museum in Guangzhou in June. The exhibition showcases work by the founder of the Arts and Crafts Movement and British designer, William Morris.

Displaying examples from the V&A’s unrivalled collections of Morris’ muchloved designs to reveal the richness and diversity of this vibrant and creative moment in British design and craft. The museum, in collaboration with its agent in China, Alfilo Brands, have created a collection of merchandise to commemorate the exhibition. The range includes calendars, notebooks, music boxes, candles, and some much sought after fridge magnets. The products are all available to purchase in the V&A's Tmall flagship store.

Alongside the touring exhibition merchandise, the museum’s Tmall store now features over 200 unique products, utilising and shining a light on an expansive and diverse selection of assets from the museum's rich archives. The range showcases pioneers such as Victorian artist Sir John Tenniel, whose much-loved

illustrations for Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland feature across candles, jewellery and accessories. Additionally, patterns from Arts and Crafts designers Walter Crane and William Morris adorn tableware, jewellery, stationery and gifting products.

An important part of the V&A’s founding mission was, and still is, to make its world-class collections of decorative arts available to all, to champion the creative industries, spark the imagination and inspire the next generation.

Through their work in Japan, Hong Kong and Korea, as well as with Alfilo Brands and Tmall in China, the licensing programme continues to bring the wonders of the V&A to audiences across East Asia.

Consumers can expect to see many more exciting product ranges and retail experiences launching throughout 2024 and beyond, which encapsulate the rich themes, colours and textures of the V&A’s remarkable collections.



Selfies品牌在全球范围内继续 保持强劲销售势头,并进一步进 军令人期待的新产品领域,同时 在独立礼品店、旅游目的地以及 亚洲大众市场保持深远影响力, 以补充其在欧洲、美国和澳大利 亚的市场份额。

我们很高兴地宣布与美国 Liquid Blue达成预印T恤协 议,同时与荷兰The Coloured House CV合作生产T 恤、马克 杯、玻璃杯和羊毛毯并销往欧洲 各地。

家居装饰再次成为一个强劲的 行业,床上用品、窗帘、靠垫、装 饰地毯、毛毯、壁布和狗床等产 品领域出现了许多新的品牌授 权经营商。

随着进一步扩展到礼品和收藏 品,产品目录中增加了许多新产 品,包括行李标签、药盒、酒壶、 开瓶器、瓶塞、拉链、钥匙扣、化 妆镜、圣诞装饰品等。

还提供一系列新奇珠宝,包括袖 扣、发夹、饰物、吊坠、耳环、翻领 别针和鞋饰等。

拼图游戏继续成为畅销产品并 继续引领品牌发展,同时在许 多地区打开了获得新授权的大 门。Prime 3D的Lenticular系列 拼图和大量文具仍然是我们最 畅销的授权商品之一,将销往世 界各地。

最近签署的新交易涵盖日历、笔 记本、日记本、涂色书、贴纸、铅 笔盒、彩色铅笔、纸板书、蜡笔、

记号笔、磁性罐、贴钻画和数字 绘画、眼镜和钥匙链、床上用品、 窗帘、毛毯、墙贴、印花卷帘门、 手机壳和设备贴膜等产品。

随着亚洲消费者现在开始接受 Selfies的普遍魅力,我们看到该 地区的增长潜力要大得多。

自我们首次授权给中国台湾的 Pintoo以来,我们的客户名单迅 速增长,包括位于菲律宾的全新 Selfie海滩度假区综合体和大众 市场。


The Selfies brand continues to see strong sales worldwide and with further entry into new and exciting product categories while retaining a strong presence throughout independent gift stores, tourist destinations and with mass market placements now in Asia to compliment those throughout Europe, USA and Australia.

Howard is pleased to announce agreements with Liquid Blue in the USA for pre print T Shirts and a collaboration with The Coloured House CV in the Netherlands for T Shirts, Mugs, Tumblers and Fleece Blankets for sales throughout Europe.

Home Furnishings have again been a strong sector with a number of new licensees for bedding, curtains, cushions, accent rugs, blankets, wall coverings and dog beds. Further expansion into Gift and Collectables has added many new items to the catalogue of products available ranging from luggage tags, pill boxes, hip flasks, bottle openers, stoppers, pull chains, key holders, compact mirrors, Christmas decor and much more. A new range of novelty jewellery featuring items such as cuff links, bobby pins, charms, pendants, earrings, lapel pins and shoe charms are also available.

Jigsaw puzzles continue to be very strong product line and continue to lead the way for the brand and have opened doors to new licenses in many territories. The Lenticular range of puzzles and huge range of stationery items with Prime 3D remains one of Howard's strongest licenses with distribution to all corners of the world.

New deals have recently been signed for calendars, notebooks, journals, colouring books, stickers, pencil cases, coloured pencils, board books, crayons, markers, magnetic tins, and  diamond paintings and paint by numbers, glasses and keychains. bedding, curtains, blankets, wall stickers, printed roller shutters, phone cases and device skins.

As the Asian consumer has now begun to embrace the Selfies universal charm they are seeing much more growth potential in this region. From the first license with Pintoo in Taiwan the client roster has quickly grown to include a whole new Selfie Beach Resort complex and mass market placements in the Philippines.


GTL简介 Global Trademark Licensing Ltd(GTL)于 2008年在香港成立,现 已发展成为一家领先的 全球授权机构,在英国、 欧洲和美国设有八个全 球办事处,同时在北京、 深圳、香港和新加坡设有 办事处,在亚洲保持深远 的影响力。全球业务范围 将进一步扩展到南美、澳 大利亚、新西兰和韩国的 更多战略合作伙伴机构。 作为中国市场的早期开拓 者,GTL在亚洲地区有着深厚的 根基,现在是亚洲五大代理商之 一,也是全球前15大授权代理商 之一。GTL的专家团队在所有主 要类别和众多领先品牌方面拥 有超过150年的组合授权经验。

GTL团队拥有引以为豪的丰富 市场知识以及积极创新和富 有创造力的业务拓展方法,助 力客户取得显著的业务成果。 这使得GTL能够为MercedesBenz、Jaguar、Range Rover、D efender、Pagani、Lotus、McLar en Racing and Scania等客户制

定全面的行业领先计划。该公司 致力于通过为合作伙伴提供战 略性和创造性的品牌授权,建立 强大的品牌知名度并提升品牌 体验。为了实现这一目标,GTL 提供六项核心服务——品牌代 理、制造商代理、市场咨询、审批 管理、特许权使用费审计和商标 保护,最终目标是让合作伙伴感 到放心,相信该机构能够像自己 团队的分支一样代表各自的品 牌和利益。

随着玩具行业越来越关注数字 化和互动,GTL拓宽了视野,将 其技能组合应用于如今世界上 最大的娱乐行业。

随着电子竞技的扩张、元宇宙的 进步和NFT的普及,互动 行业继续发展,为GTL客 户提供的定制策略已为行 业领导者Microsoft、Son y、EA、Tencent、Ubisoft 等公司提供不可多得的机 会,借机推出主要游戏并 在不久的将来推出蓝筹游 戏。授权专家团队让GTL 明白选择正确机会的重要 性,他们通过不断与客户 合作,量身定制策略,来管


诠释品牌价值 打造生活方式品牌是许多GTL 高端客户的核心任务。品牌拓展 可以很好地诠释品牌的基因,以 不同的方式讲述其故事,并吸引 新的受众。然而,随着品牌脱离 其核心业务,风险也会增加,因 此潜在的合作必须真实和相关。

GTL已帮助客户将品牌扩展到 许多新领域,包括服装、手表、行 李箱、鞋类、自行车和电动汽车 等。

GTL的流程包括: •选择具有适当协同效应的合 作伙伴,以实现品牌拓展的目 标。

•管理设计团队的互动,真实和 真诚地诠释所涉及的品牌。

•确保根据两个品牌的设计和 质量期望适时进行产品开发,以 达到目标价位。

•建立强大的物流链,以最大限 度地增加全球销售渠道的机会。

•最大限度利用各方的市场资 源,以确保有影响力的发布和持 续的销售支持。


络,包括全方位的客户服务支 持,以推动销售长期取得成功。

•定期分析以推动战术调整和 长期战略调整,包括未来的产品 开发和销售扩张。

以下是GTL与客户合作的一些 项目亮点:

McLaren F1 Ride-On让未来的 赛车手激情澎湃

GTL与McLaren在玩具行业的所 有赛车业务中展开合作,制定一 个全面的计划来满足车队不同 受众的要求。

通过了解这一项目(特别是在亚 太地区),他们能够提供有力的 市场细分,确保授权方获得最大 回报,同时为每个被授权方保留 明确的市场空间以实现蓬勃发 展。

这款受McLaren MCL60 F1赛 车启发的Ride-On展示了车队 的颜色和风格以及创新的产品 功能。事实证明,它在全球范围 内受到了孩子们及其父母的热 烈欢迎,事实上,McLaren RideOn在各个社交媒体平台上都倍 受欢迎。

为Lotus制定数字化战略 数字化和互动项目已经发展 成为汽车授权计划的重要基 石。GTL借助与全球所有顶级工 作室的关系,在众多平台和主要 游戏中为客户提供定制的数字 化战略。

对于Lotus Cars,GTL已制定一 项全面的计划,以支持公司引人 瞩目的增长计划和迅速发展的 汽车组合;创造性地利用Lotus

资产进行品牌建设,同时最大限 度地增加创收机会:

•Lotus Emira在CSR 2上首次 以互动方式亮相,同时向世界 展示了它是一 辆真车。自那 以后,GTL便为 Emira成功开发 了一个广泛的 互动项目。


Evija在互动项 目中不断引起 轰动。在游戏中 发布后,EA用

Real Racing 3 的应用程序图 标展示了Lotus

汽车类游戏、Metaverse、NFT和 电子竞技提供咨询和管理机会。

他们明白选择正确机会的重要 性,通过不断与客户合作,来管 理这一新兴行业的风险和回报。


GTL很自豪能与Lego建立长期 合作关系,并通过这种合作关系 开发出了一些真正优秀的产品。

Lego®TechnicTM与Land Rover Defender联名款 备受期待的新款Defender的推 出是JLR的一个关键战略目标, 授权也在其中发挥了关键作用。

Evija。Gameloft为玩家创建了 一个特殊的活动来访问Lotus Evija,此举引起了广大Asphalt 9玩家的兴趣 随着动态车辆组合的不断扩 大,GTL现已开始为Lotus汽车 系列的下面两款最新车型制定 并成功实施授权策略:Lotus Eletre和Lotus Emeya。


与GTL交付的LEGO Technic Defender模型一起在法兰克福 车展上进行了标志性的全球首 发。这一创新发布在所有媒体平 台上进行了前所未有的报道。

Land Rover Classic Defender 90 GTL与LEGO合作发布的LEGO Icons Land Rover Classic Defender 90进一步突显了 Defender传统与创新结合的


临Global Trademark



色点,为Land Rover爱好者和 LEGO车迷提供身临其境的搭建 体验。该设计如实诠释了1983 年的原始车型,配有功能齐全 的转向装置、操作悬架和精细 的内饰。通过两种定制方式,车 迷们可以打造一辆流线型Land Rover,或者添加配件和装备,开 启一场奇妙的越野冒险之旅。

配备功能齐全的转向装置、操作 悬架和精细的内饰,细致程度令 人匪夷所思。还包括灭火器、油 罐、工具箱、操作绞盘、挡泥板和 牵引板等配件。向经典汽车致以 最高的敬意。

通过与团队密切合作,GTL能够 利用其与世界上一些最大的公 司的授权合作伙伴关系来进行 品牌推广,为汽车发布造势。

GTL将两种模型无缝集成到 Speed Champions系列中,进 一步增进了其与Lego多样化产 品组合系列的关系。

Lego Speed

Champions:Lotus Evija

Lego Speed Champions模型 向英国第一辆全电动超级跑车 致敬。通过不断关注细节,这辆 车惊现了Lotus Evija的真实细 节。

这是Lotus与LEGO的首次合 作,Evija已连续三年畅销。

Lego Speed

Champions:PaganiUtopia 自2022年9月发布以来,Pagani Utopia一直被誉为世界上最出 色的超级跑车之一。

GTL确保这款精致的超级跑车 会驰名中外,GTL与乐高的关系 确保Speed Champions模型 将成为Pagani有史以来第一个 brick-built模型,所有这些模型 都经过精确的细节处理,从而捕 捉Utopia设计的美感。

Ride Ons

Ride On儿童专用电车几乎是一 个独立的领域。虽然不是千篇一 律的复制品,但通过对真车的主 要特征进行设计和调整,总能辨 别出来。它们总是引人注目,并 立即引起年轻(和老年)车迷的 关注。GTL的办事处靠近工厂, 并持续与最好的被授权方保持 密切联系,始终关注新事物和未 来的发展前景,因此一直在这一 领域保持领先地位。

GTL的所有客户都认识到在这 一领域进行品牌建设的潜力, 并首次真正让儿童决定自己的 品牌。Range Rover Ride On和 Mercedes-AMG SL 63分别是 SUV和跑车领域的标杆。


在过去的三年里,GTL和Scania 携手合作,为粉丝和产品所有者 打造了一个令人难忘的玩具和 收藏品组合。从精致的R系列卡 车成比例模型到供年轻人玩乐 的有趣玩具。

Scania以一流的汽车而闻名,因 此一定要与具有相似定位和注 重细节的公司合作,方能彰显该 品牌。

被授权方组合包括全球知名 的成比例模型制造商WSI和 Tekno,以及生产R系列消防 车等引人入胜的互动玩具的 Bruder。

Bruder Scania R系列消防车

Scania与Bruder合作开发了 Pro系列多用途车R系列消防车, 该车具有可移动挡风玻璃、功 能齐全的转向装置以及灯光和 声音模块,可实现逼真的游戏体 验。

其中包括松开软管灭火、启 动水泵和将梯子升到1200 毫米等功能细节。

正如所有Bruder玩具所期 望的那样,它按照最高规格 制造,确保下一代消防员能 够开始完善各自的技能。

WSI Scania 1:50系列

WSI Toys在压铸成比例模 型领域享有盛誉,尤其是 对于欣赏精密工程与复杂 细节皆具的爱好者和收藏家而 言。WSI生产高质量、高度细化的 模型,特别是在卡车领域。该品 牌对真实性和工艺的执着为其 在全球赢得了忠实的追随者。

WSI Toys以其精密制作的模型 而闻名,已制作一系列高度细化 的Scania卡车复制品,来庆祝该 品牌在全球卡车运输行业奠定 的标志性地位。这种合作关系确 实吸引了众多收藏家和爱好者。

GTL很高兴 宣布建筑 和农业 品牌JCB成为新的全球代表。

GTL将隆重介绍中国授权博览 会的新成员——世界知名的建 筑和农业品牌JCB。GTL将积极 寻找机会在玩具、收藏品和互动 领域中增加新的被授权方。

GTL参加2024年中国授权博览会 GTL将于今年10月参加中国 授权博览会,展示其不断扩大 的客户组合,其中包括许多 世界上最著名的汽车品牌,如 Mercedes Benz、Jaguar、Range Rover、Defender、McLaren Racing、Formula E、Lotus Cars、 Scania、JCB、Lambretta、Gulf、J ames Hunt 和 London Taxi。

艺洲人布局代理+自主IP双车道 加码全


广州艺洲人品牌管理股份有限 公司,创立于1999年,专注品牌 管理授权业务已达25年,完善的 授权管理团队和丰富的跨国公 司合作经验,使艺洲人拥有国际 一流的品牌管理经验和丰厚的 业务资源,在品牌运营方面具有 独特优势。凭借于此,艺洲人成 功运营了《汪汪队立大功》、《海 绵宝宝》、《无敌鹿战队》、《ViViCat》、《Qee》、《奈美兔》等20多 个知名品牌,品牌阵营覆盖全年 龄段,涵盖可爱童趣、懒萌治愈、 潮酷时尚等风格,每个品牌各具 特色,向不同领域的品牌客户提 供足够丰富的IP选择空间。

2024年,艺洲人再度荣登「全球 20强授权代理商榜单」并蝉联榜 单第12名,成为国内唯一一家连 续三年上榜TOP20的中国本土 授权代理企业!

随着中国经济发展和国民消费 水平的提升,个性化、多元化的 文化产品需求也将逐渐增加,对 具有文化价值和引起情感共鸣 的授权产品也更有倾向性。伴随 着国内原创IP产业的持续发展, 自主IP投资也成为艺洲人继代 理IP发展的同时,而大力发展的 方向。

近年来,艺洲人更是先后与爱奇 艺联合投资《无敌鹿战队》,与猫 猫家和腾讯倾力打造《宠物旅 馆》、《ViViCat》等原创IP,并且 为更好地发展潮流艺术IP《奈美 兔》,艺洲人与艺术家张戈老师 于2023年共同成立了上海奈美 兔品牌管理有限公司,由艺洲人 负责拓展奈美兔全球的授权业 务,致力于将国内原创IP扩大至 大中华区市场份额,打造属于原 创本土品牌领域的头部IP。

其中,《无敌鹿战队》凭借其出色 的动画内容和播出成绩,成为新 一代头部学龄前儿童动画品牌, 全新一季动画播出及复播期间, 热度不减,多次荣登全国动画片 收视率榜单冠军。在商业合作方 面,《无敌鹿战队》已与多家儿童 品牌推出爆款产品,2023年,《无 敌鹿战队》与知名婴童食品品牌 未零进行合作,针对中国市场的 消费习惯和喜好推出《无敌鹿战 队》健康儿童零食系列,从产品 包装、商超货架、广告宣传等多 渠道加入《无敌鹿战队》的IP形 象宣传,同时联合头部KOL资源 集中发布无敌鹿战队单品种草 视频,并通过直播增加无敌鹿战 队产品的曝光宣传,全网累计曝 光量破亿。短时间内,无敌鹿战 队的产品就售出几百万件。


流艺术IP,在艺洲人管理下,进 入授权市场不到两年,受到众多 国内外知名品牌的青睐,如:美 宝莲、麦吉丽、屈臣氏、中顺洁 柔、法国薇婷、百丽TATA、悸动 等并合作推出人气火爆的联名 系列产品,涵盖美妆、服饰、快消 品、家居用品等多个领域;亦受 邀参加海内外艺术作品展40余 场,美陈展近20场,覆盖巴黎、东 京、北京、上海、广州、苏州、杭州 等城市;多位明星到现场打卡并

掀起社媒传播热潮,活动整体曝 光量超15亿。

艺洲人在管理运营原创IP的过 程中,不仅将本土内容文化与海 外商业运作标准相融合,讲好中 国故事;还果断抓住机遇,为IP 迅速锁定对应的消费市场,提供 更多元化的产品和服务,以满足 消费者日益增加的需求。艺洲人 将持续深耕授权领域,完善IP矩 阵布局,代理IP与自主IP同步发

展,拓展更多优质的授权业务合 作,创造更大的商业价值。

如需咨询授权事宜,欢迎莅临中 国授权展艺洲人展位:E1F01.

或敬请垂询: 邮箱


Contact Us

If you are interested in discussing licensing opportunities for the Asian Region with us, please contact Jordy Howldar at Licensing@


Jordy Howldar, End Responsible Licensing Business, Asia Region, Van Gogh Museum

Van Gogh is popular in Asia. Why do you think this is?

Van Gogh’s popularity in Asia can be attributed to several factors. His vibrant color palette and expressive, emotional style resonate with audiences who appreciate art that conveys deep feeling and a connection to nature. Van Gogh’s works, such as his famous “Sunflowers” and “Almond Blossom,” have a universal appeal that transcends cultural boundaries. They are particularly admired in Asia, where aesthetics of beauty, nature, and individual emotion are highly valued. Additionally, Van Gogh’s story of perseverance, overcoming personal struggles, and dedication to his art deeply connects with Asian audiences, who often admire determination and resilience. The increasing cultural exchange between Europe and Asia through collaborations has also helped foster a greater appreciation of his work in this region.

Can you tell us about your licensing activities in China?

It’s our mission to reach a diverse audience with the life and work of Vincent van Gogh. Licensing is a great way of taking Vincent’s work and story

out to new territories and audiences. Together with brands that fit our brand DNA, it gives us the possibility to showcase art in new creative ways. Our licensing activities in China have been extensive and diverse. We have collaborated with several renowned Chinese and international brands to bring Van Gogh’s art into everyday life. For example, we worked with fashion brands such as Fila to create a Van Gogh-inspired collection of footwear and apparel, integrating his iconic works into streetwear fashion. We’ve also partnered with POP MART to develop limited-edition Van Goghinspired MeGa Molly dolls. Moreover, in the luxury sector, our collaboration with Chow Tai Seng has introduced high-end jewelry pieces that incorporate Van Gogh’s artwork into elegant, contemporary designs. These collaborations are designed to engage with a wide range of consumers, from art enthusiasts to trendsetters, while ensuring the authenticity and quality of Van Gogh’s legacy are maintained.

How important is the Chinese market to your licensing program?

The Chinese market is vital to our global licensing strategy. It is one of our largest and most dynamic markets, with an ever-growing middle class that increasingly values culture, art, and high-quality products. The Chinese

consumer is sophisticated, and there is strong demand for products that are not only functional but also rich in meaning and cultural significance. Our collaborations with local and international brands in China have shown that Van Gogh’s art has broad appeal across various demographics, from young, fashion-forward consumers to more traditional art lovers. Furthermore, China’s appetite for unique, artist-inspired products offers us immense potential to expand our offerings, making the market a focal point for our growth in the Asia-Pacific region.

What are your plans to grow your program in China?

We plan to expand our program in China by building on our existing partnerships with brands like POP MART, Jeep streetwear, and Chow Tai Seng, while also exploring new collaborations with both regional and global brands that align with our vision. We aim to create more diverse product lines, focusing on fashion, home décor, and lifestyle products that integrate Van Gogh’s iconic works. Additionally, we are interested in developing more localized and culturally relevant experiences, such as exclusive product lines that cater to Chinese tastes, perhaps inspired by the country’s own rich artistic traditions in conjunction with Van Gogh’s works.


Jordy Howldar,终止负责任的授权 业务(亚洲地区),梵高博物馆

梵高在亚洲很受欢迎。您认为这 是为什么呢?

梵高在亚洲的受欢迎程度有几 个因素。他的作品色彩丰富,充 满活力,富有表现力,充满情感, 这让欣赏艺术,用艺术来传达深 刻感受和与自然的联系的受众 产生了共鸣。梵高的作品,如著 名的《向日葵》和《盛开的杏树》, 普遍具有超越文化界限的吸引 力。这些作品在亚洲特别受人钦 佩,将美、自然和个人情感相融 合的美学在那里受到高度重视。

尚品牌合作,创作了一个以梵高 为灵感的鞋类和服装系列,将他 的标志性作品融入街头时尚。我 们还与POP MART合作开发了限 量版梵高风格的MeGa Molly玩 偶。此外,在奢侈品领域,我们与 周大生合作推出了高端珠宝,将 梵高的艺术品融入优雅、现代的 设计中。这些合作旨在吸引从艺 术爱好者到潮流引领者的广大 消费者,同时确保梵高的遗作保 持真实性和高质量。

中国市场对您的授权计划有多 重要?

中国市场对我们的全球授权战 略至关重要。

此外,梵高讲述坚持不懈、克服 个人困难和毕生追求艺术的故 事给亚洲受众留下了深刻的印 象,他们往往崇尚果断和坚韧的 品格。通过合作,欧洲和亚洲之 间日益增多的文化交流也有助 于人们更好地了解梵高在当地 创作的作品。

您能告诉我们在中国进行的授 权活动吗?

我们的使命是通过文森特·梵高 (Vincent van Gogh)的生活和作 品吸引不同的受众。授权是将文 森特的作品和故事带到新地区 呈现给受众的好方法。符合品牌 基因的品牌为我们提供了以新 的创意方式展示艺术的可能性。

我们在中国的授权活动广泛而 多样。我们与多个中国和国际知 名品牌合作,将梵高的艺术带入 日常生活。例如,我们与Fila等时

它是我们最 大、最具活力 的市场之一, 不断壮大的 中产阶级越


化、艺术和高 质量的产品。

中国消费者 成熟老练,对 不仅功能强 大而且富有内涵和文化意义的 产品有着强烈的需求。我们与中 国本土和国际品牌的合作表明, 梵高的艺术作品在各种人群中 都有广泛的吸引力,从年轻、时 尚的消费者到更传统的艺术爱 好者。此外,中国对受艺术家启 发的独特产品的需求为我们提 供了扩大产品线的巨大潜力,使 中国市场成为我们在亚太地区 实现增长的焦点。

您在中国扩展项目方面有哪些 计划? 我们计划通过与POP MART、Jeep street wear和 Chow Tai Seng等品牌加强现有 的合作关系,扩大我们在中国的 项目范围,同时探索与符合我们

愿景的区域和全球品牌的新合 作。我们的目标是建立更加多样 化的产品线,专注于融合梵高标 志性作品的时尚、家居装饰和生 活方式产品。

此外,我们还有兴趣开发更多本 地化和文化相关的体验项目,例 如迎合中国口味的独家产品线, 中国丰富的艺术传统和梵高的 作品可能会给我们带来一定的 启发。


如果您有兴趣与我们 讨论

亚洲地区的授权机会,请 通过以下方式联系 JordyHowldar: Licensing@


Moonbug是一家屡获殊荣的全 球娱乐公司,激励世界各地的 孩子们大声欢笑、学习和成长。

世界各地越来越多的家庭正在 通过数字平台来了解喜欢的故 事和人物。世界各地越来越多 的家庭正在通过数字平台来了 解故事,Moonbug的畅销儿童 IP组合则使该公司成为改变家 庭观看方式的先驱。消费者通 过多种数字平台和方式观看内 容,Moonbug则知道哪些内容、 故事和人物最能引起共鸣。

该公司通过收购原创于数字 空间的流行的儿童IP,建立了 资产组合。通过利用其创意和 制作专业知识,并采用综合方 法,Moonbug将这些资产发展 成为全球娱乐特许经营权。

Moonbug为世界上一些最大 的儿童娱乐品牌提供创意,其 中包括CoComelon,这是全 球最大的YouTube儿童频道, 在全球拥有超过3.3亿订阅者, 平均每月浏览量超过45亿。从 CoComelon的YouTube浏览

量数据来看,在全球前十大市场 中,有六个在亚太地区。

Moonbug Entertainment有史 以来第一次参加今年10月的中 国授权博览会。现有和新的合作 伙伴将更好地了解其全球特许 经营权,如CoComelon、Blippi 和Morphle,庆祝这些品牌度过 有特殊意义的一年。

CoComelon刚刚将其丰富多彩 的学习和儿歌资料库扩展到移 动设备。最近为苹果和安卓用 户推出了“CoComelon - 与JJ 一起学习和玩耍”。该应用程序 充满了互动、有趣和有创造力的 活动,支持儿童的社交和情感发 展——所有这些都围绕儿童最 喜欢的儿歌定制。

Moonbug最近授权 CoComelon与Genius Education合作,创作符合香港 教育局课程要求的主题英语教 具。这标志着Moonbug首次与 亚洲教育中心达成授权交易。

最初,这两位合作伙伴只计划制 作学习工作表。然而,在合作一 段时间后,他们决定开展更多形 式的合作,包括歌曲、视频,甚至 探索游学想法。到目前为止,香 港已有三所小学表示有兴趣使 用CoComelon的这些教具。

Moonbug亚太区消费品与体验 主管Ivan Wong表示:“此次合 作很好地展示了IP授权的新模 式。”他补充道:“Moonbug正在 积极探索各种与合作伙伴合作 的方式。”

Moonbug去年才成立亚洲团 队,并将香港视为进入中国大陆 的门户。CoComelon获得久负 盛名的“2024年亲子首选生活方 式品牌奖”,不仅Moonbug为此 感到自豪,也见证了该公司迄今 为止在该地区做出的努力。随着 产品授权深入到沉浸式故事讲 述中,娱乐与游戏之间的界限日 益模糊。游戏与媒体融合让孩子 们能够扮演最喜欢的角色,身临 其境,尽情体验。为此,亚洲的体

验和基于位置的娱乐工作才刚 刚开始。

事实证明,全新的CoComelon 充气弹出式活动在该地区非 常受欢迎。在马来西亚,我们 的合作伙伴One Universal Production SDN BHD因其卓越 的CoComelon沉浸式体验而获 得了久负盛名的“金马奖”,44天 涨粉200多万。

CoComelon还与马来西亚的零 售商Toy World合作,于2023年 8月先在槟城开设了一家主题儿 童软体游戏中心,并于2024年初 又在吉隆坡开设了一家。该公司 还计划在其他亚洲市场推出更 多以家庭为中心的体验,敬请关 注。

接下来:全球轰动的Blippi 每月在Netflix、HBO Max、Cartoonito、Sky、亚马 逊、YouTube等平台上的浏览量 超过10亿!Blippi通过将现实世 界的学习变成有趣的冒险,激发 世界各地儿童的好奇心。

在为期一年的特殊庆祝活动 中,Blippi通过新的消费品合 作伙伴关系、令人兴奋的新内 容和嘉宾亮相,以及新颖的现 场表演和见面会来庆祝其成 立10周年。该品牌的粉丝们今 年可以通过各种方式与Blippi 一起庆祝这一特殊时刻,包 括最近在世界各地推出的与 Reebok的新鞋类合作。美国 航空航天局 (NASA)、Build-ABear Workshop、Spin Master Entertainment、tonies ® Simple Modern、Bums and Roses、Sesame Street等是庆 祝Blippi十年里程碑的首选合作 伙伴。

数百万粉丝在YouTube上观看 了Blippi最近的10周年特别节 目,有精彩绝伦的特技表演,其 中包括Blippi有史以来最大的球 池和Blippi的糖果逃脱挑战赛。

今年晚些时候,Blippi将通过一 场60分钟的万圣节特别节目营

造恐怖诡异的节日气氛。一场名 为“Go Go Blippi Show”的新 Blippi汽车主题系列活动引得众 多年轻的汽车迷们为之疯狂。这 个系列有几个世界级的品牌,包 括Monster Jam®,在苏菲体育 场为Blippi和Meekah举办了世 界总决赛®活动。

最后,Moonbug推出了下一个 大萌宠Morphle。Moonbug和 Disney Branded Television 最近推出了《Morphle and the Magic Pets》,这是一部基于 YouTube热门影片《My Magic Pet Morphle》创作的在Disney Junior和Disney+上播放的新 动画系列。该剧讲述了Mila、继 兄弟Jordie和变形魔法宠物 Morphle的故事。三人组利用各 自的技能、智慧和想象力来解决 小镇的问题,让魔法宠物不再 恶搞,并让每个独特而有趣的 角色参加“魔法比赛”。魔法和喜 剧成为冒险的动力,但最终还 是友谊的力量将Mila、Jordie和 Morphle变成了一支战无不胜 的队伍。

今年夏天,Moonbug受到这部 动画的启发,在1800家美国沃 尔玛商店推出了一个色彩缤纷、 充满乐趣的玩具系列,其中包 括四种新产品,孩子们可以在 这里发现、互动并扮演最喜欢 的Morphle角色。这个令人兴奋 的产品系列非常适合那些喜欢

Morphle的女孩和男孩,他们可 以随时开始新的冒险,体验游戏 的魔力。

Moonbug在 中国授权博览会 (2024年10月16日至18 日)上的展位号:E1A05。

与此同时,Disney+在全球推 出了全新的剧集。在这些冒险 中,Mila、Jordi和Morphle将体 验一场乘坐怪物卡车比赛,帮助 Skunkafunk从魔法比赛中分 身,参加盛大的蛋糕烘焙活动, 上演一场魔法 才艺表演,在一 个诡异的山洞 里寻找一只传 奇的魔法宠物 等等!

通过与顶级 品牌合作以 及跨多个地区的各种授权机 会,Moonbug的定位是继续以 创新方式引领行业,并继续扩大 其产品供应,利用数据中的知 识,根据最受欢迎的剧集内容 以及以下产品趋势为产品开发 提供信息。Moonbug仍然致力 于为家庭提供包容性和引人入 胜的内容,并一直在寻找新的方 式,通过真实的故事和产品与全 球受众建立联系。

如果您想了解关于Moonbug的 更多信息并发现潜在的合作伙 伴选择,请联系。


Moonbug is an award-winning global entertainment company inspiring kids everywhere to laugh, learn and grow. More and more families around the world are looking to digital platforms to connect with stories and characters they love. More and more families around the world are looking to digital platforms to connect with stories and Moonbug’s portfolio of blockbuster kids IP allows the company a first-row seat to how family viewing is changing. Consumers watch content on a multitude of digital platforms and formats, and Moonbug knows first-hand what content, stories and characters resonate the most.

The company has built a portfolio of properties through the acquisition of popular kids’ IPs that were originally born in the digital space. By leveraging its creative and production expertise, and having an integrated approach, Moonbug have grown these properties into global entertainment franchises.

Moonbug is the creative force behind some of the biggest kids’ entertain-

ment brands in the world, including CoComelon, which is the largest YouTube kids’ channel worldwide, with over 330 million subscribers globally and over 4.5 billion average monthly views. Looking at CoComelon YouTube viewing figures, out of the top ten markets globally, six are in the Asia-Pacific region.

For the first time ever, Moonbug Entertainment is attending the China Licensing Expo this October. Existing and new partners will learn more about its global franchises, such as CoComelon, Blippi and Morphle, celebrating a year of very special milestones for these brands.

CoComelon just expanded its colorful world of learning and nursery rhymes to mobile devices. “CoComelon - Learn and Play with JJ” recently launched for Apple and Android users. Filled with interactive, fun, and creative activities, the app supports children’s social and emotional development – all set to their favorite nursery rhymes.  Moonbug recently licensed CoComelon to create themed English teach-

ing aids that are aligned with the curriculum requirements from the Hong Kong Education Bureau, in partnership with Genius Education. This marks Moonbug’s first licensing deal with an educational centre in Asia.

Initially, the two partners only planned to produce worksheets for learning. However, after working together, they decided to create additional collaboration formats as well, including songs, videos and even exploring the idea of a study tour. So far, three primary schools in Hong Kong have expressed an interest to use these CoComelon teaching aids.

“The partnership is a great example of new models for licensing IP,” said Ivan Wong, Moonbug’s APAC Head of Consumer Product & Experiences. “Moonbug is actively exploring different ways to cooperate with its partners”, he added.

Moonbug set up its Asia team only last year and sees Hong Kong as a gateway to enter Mainland China. Testament to its efforts in the region so far, Moon-

bug is proud to that CoComelon won the prestigious “Parent-Child Favorite Lifestyle Brand Award 2024”. As product licensing dives headfirst into immersive storytelling, the boundary between entertainment and play is blurring. The fusion of play and media allows kids to step into the shoes of their favourite characters and their worlds. To this effect, the Experiences and Location Based Entertainment efforts in Asia are just getting started.

Brand new CoComelon inflatable pop-up events have proved hugely popular in the region. In Malaysia, our partner One Universal Production SDN BHD was awarded the prestigious Golden Horse Award for their exceptional CoComelon immersive experience, which delighted over two million fans in 44 days.

CoComelon has also partnered with the retailer Toy World in Malaysia, with one themed soft play centre that opened in Penang in August 2023, and one that opened early 2024 in Kuala Lumpur. The company also has plans to launch more family focussed experiences in other Asian markets, so stay tuned.

Next up: Blippi, the worldwide sensation with more than one billion monthly views across platforms including Netflix, HBO Max, Cartoonito, Sky, Amazon, YouTube, and more! Blippi ignites curiosity in children all over the world by turning real-world learning into playful adventures.

It’s a special year-long celebration as Blippi celebrates its 10th anniversary with new consumer products partnerships, exciting new content and guest appearances, as well as new live shows and meet & greets. Fans of the brand can celebrate special Blippi moments this year including a new footwear collaboration with Reebok, recently launched around the world. NASA, Build-A-Bear Workshop, Spin Master Entertainment, tonies® Simple Modern, bums and roses, Sesame Street and others top a list of partnerships and collaborations celebrating Blippi’s 10-year milestone.

Millions of fans enjoyed Blippi’s recent special 10th anniversary show on YouTube, featuring larger-than-life stunt episodes featuring Blippi’s Biggest Ballpit Ever and Blippi’s Candy Escape Challenge. Later this year, Blippi will get into the spooky season spirit with a 60-minute Halloween special. And a new Blippi vehicle-themed series called “Go Go Blippi Show” will delight young automotive fans. This series features several world-class brands, including Monster Jam®, which hosted Blippi and Meekah at their World Finals® event at Sofi Stadium.

And finally, Morphle, the next big adorable sensation from Moonbug. Moonbug and Disney Branded Television recently launched Morphle and the Magic Pets, a new animated series on Disney Junior and Disney+ based on the YouTube hit My Magic Pet Morphle. The show follows Mila, her stepbrother, Jordie, and her shapeshifting magic pet, Morphle. The trio use their skills, smarts and imagination, to solve the town’s problems, keep magic pets out of mischief, and find “magic matches” for each of these unique and hilarious characters. Magic and comedy fuel their adventures, but in the end, it’s the power of friendship that turns Mila, Jordie, and Morphle into an unbeatable team.

This summer, Moonbug debuted a colorful and fun-filled toy line inspired by the series at 1,800 U.S. Walmart stores featuring four new products where children can discover, interact with, and bring their favorite Morphle

characters to life. This exciting product line is perfect for girls and boys who are fans of Morphle and ready to embark on new adventures through the magic of play.

At the same time, a brand-new batch of episodes launched on Disney+ globally. In these adventures, Mila, Jordi and Morphle will experience a ridealong monster truck contest, help Skunkafunk when she gets separated from her magic match, partake in an epic cake bake-off, put on a magical talent show, search a spooky cave to find a legendary magic pet and more!

Through partnerships with top brands and a diverse range of licensing opportunities across multiple regions, Moonbug’s positioned to continue leading the industry in new and creative ways and continues to expand its product offering, leveraging knowledge in data to inform product development based on the most popular episodes of content, as well as following product trends. Moonbug remains dedicated to providing inclusive and engaging content for families, and is always looking for new ways to connect with its global audience through authentic storytelling and products.

If you want to find out more about Moonbug and discover potential partnership options, reach out at

Moonbug Stand No at China Licensing Expo (16-18 October 2024): E1A05.

BrandTrendsGroup公 布最近在全球范围内取得 的一些重要研究成果。


不同年龄段的群体 如何与娱乐品牌互动, 揭示了在这个利润丰厚的 领域开展业务的授权方、 被授权方以及零售商 面临的主要趋势、机遇和 挑战。

如果您想了解 有关此主题的 更多信息,请发送电 子邮件至philippe. guinaudeau@ 联系BrandTrends的 Philippe Guinaudeau。

应对中国授权市场的增长、竞争和变革挑战 敏捷和适应性强的企业将面临大量机遇

中国中产阶级迅速壮大,可支配 收入不断增加,是娱乐授权的重 要市场。

当前的研究重点是0至65岁的个 体,这一群体具有各种偏好、媒 体消费习惯和文化影响。年龄多 样化是中国市场的显著特征。

该国拥有深厚的历史文化底蕴, 崇尚现代消费主义,形成了一个 独特的环境,全球娱乐品牌在这 里蓬勃发展,而且往往具有跨代 吸引力。然而,儿童、青少年、年 轻人和中年消费者的偏好存在 明显的差异。


该研究揭示了推动中国娱乐授 权行业发展的几个关键趋势,包 括国际品牌认知度不断提高、数 字娱乐需求增长以及性别和年 龄对品牌认知的影响。

国际品牌认知度不断提高 该研究的杰出成果之一是中国 消费者熟知的品牌数量显著增 加,目前共有556个不同的娱乐 品牌得到认可,比去年增加了 13%(众所周知,目前有数千个 品牌和人物可供授权!)。这一趋 势的推动因素包括国际内容日 益丰富、全球流媒体平台兴起以 及消费者对外国系列电影的偏 好转变。

中国的年轻人尤其关注全球潮 流,迪士尼、漫威、乐高等品牌都 在引领潮流。这些品牌的成功归 功于其跨越文化界限的能力,通

过电影、电视剧和商品等各种媒 体形式提供引起共鸣的内容。

但这并不意味着中国本土品 牌已被彻底边缘化。《熊出没》 (Boonie Bears)在消费者认知度 方面排名第四,其成功表明,尽 管本土品牌面临日益激烈的全 球品牌竞争,但仍有发展空间。

国际品牌拥有雄厚的营销预算 和完善的特许经营权,推动国内 品牌不断创新和调整,否则将面 临失去市场份额的风险。


消费者行为的一个显著转变是 数字娱乐日益占据主导地位,特 别是年龄较小的群组(0至14岁 儿童)。尤其是电子游戏,其受欢 迎程度急剧上升,反映数字设备 和移动游戏平台在中国家庭的 普及率不断提高。

BrandTrends的研究发现,有 数个电子游戏品牌跻身中国最 热门的授权品牌之列,其中 大部分是国际品牌,但也 包括中国新推出的《原神》 (Genshin Impact)。这一趋 势表明儿童和青少年与娱 乐互动的方式发生了更大 程度的转变。与主要通过电 视和电影等传统媒体获得 信息的老一代不同,当今的 年轻消费者深深植根于数 字生态系统,其中电子游

戏、社交媒体和流媒体平台占据 主导地位。

跨性别和年龄的包容性 该研究的另一个重要发现是中 国市场品牌认知的包容性。在提 到的556个品牌中,44%的品牌 得到男性和女性的共同认可,而 32%的品牌主要被女性提及。有 趣的是,这种包容性涵盖不同的 年龄段,表明中国的娱乐品牌往 往具有跨代吸引力。

这种包容性趋势表明,以家庭为 导向的授权策略在中国可能特 别有效,娱乐品牌有能力与父母 和孩子建立联系。

动漫和日本品牌的影响日益增 强

日本娱乐品牌和动漫在中国继 续享有很高的知名度,尤其是在 年轻观众中。中日文化的相通 性,以及动漫在全球的兴起,火 影忍者、海贼王、龙珠等品牌得 到了中国消费者的高度认可和 青睐。

这一趋势表明亚洲文化产品广 泛普及,越来越受到中国消费者 的欢迎。授权方和被授权方可借 此机会探索与日本品牌合作或 投资能引起中国年轻人共鸣的 动漫类商品。

了解这些趋势背后的根本原因 多种因素促成了中国的市场趋

势,包括消费者偏好改变、全球 媒体曝光率增加以及技术进步。

•文化全球化:随着中国消费者 通过流媒体平台、社交媒体和数 字内容紧跟全球潮流,他们与国 际娱乐品牌的接触也急剧增加。


外国品牌的增长,目前这些品牌 已占据市场主导地位。

•消费者日益富裕:随着中国中 产阶级人数增长,消费者拥有更 多可支配收入来购买娱乐产品, 包括授权商品。这在城市中心尤 为明显,因为这里品牌产品随处 可见,易于获取,消费者渴望购 买能够反映其媒体消费习惯的 产品。

•数字转型:数字设备、手机游 戏和流媒体服务的激增从根本 上改变了中国消费者的娱乐方 式。电子游戏和数字优先内容授 权现在最为抢手,能够适应这种 转变的品牌将发现巨大的增长


• 跨代吸引力:中国消费者, 尤其是80后消费者,对成长过程 中接触的娱乐品牌有着深厚的 依恋。例如,年龄较大的千禧一 代在荣升为父母的过程中可能 会继续接触漫威和乐高等品牌, 从而形成一种跨代吸引力,促使 成人和儿童消费者购买授权产 品。


机遇:市场参与者的战略方向 在这个充满活力和多样化的市 场中,对授权方、被授权方和零 售商来说,有几条明确的成功之 路:

1.利用数字平台:品牌需要打造 无缝的数字体验来吸引年轻消 费者。这可能意味着推出数字收 藏品、整合AR体验或将授权产品 关联到移动应用程序和游戏。

2.利用跨群体吸引力:开发适合 多个年龄段和性别的产品和营 销活动,尤其关注能引起孩子们 和父母共鸣的家庭品牌。

3.与全球品牌合作:虽然本土品 牌仍占有一定份额,但外国品牌 的压倒性优势和不断增强的主 导地位为与包括日本品牌在内 的成熟国际授权方建立合作伙 伴关系提供了机会。


中国娱乐授权市场蕴藏着巨大 的商机,但需要敏锐的适应战略

才能取得成功。市 场环境多变,竞争激 烈,且日益受到国际 品牌、数字娱乐和不 断变化的消费者偏 好的影响。挑战巨 大:全球参与者的激 烈竞争、严格的法 规、不同的群体目标 以及不断适应快速 变化的趋势的需求。 然而,对于那些愿 意解决这些复杂问 题的人来说,回报巨 大。随着超过556个 (并且还在不断增 长)品牌获得不同 年龄段人群的认可, 以及与传统和数字 娱乐相关的授权产品的需求不 断增长,增长潜力毋庸置疑。要 在这个市场取得成功,需要敏捷 性、了解本地和全球消费者行为 以及打造引人注目的跨代体验 的能力。 简言之,对于那些准备 在不断变化的环境中创新、调整 和竞争的人来说,中国娱乐授权 的未来潜力无穷。


本报告详细分析了中国最重要 的娱乐品牌的品牌知名度、受欢 迎程度和购买意向。所有提及的 内容都发自受访人的内心,并经 过精心编辑,以反映中国人的偏 好和选择。最重要的是可预测产 品类别的购买意向。该服务每年 为11,500多个不同的娱乐、时尚 或体育品牌提供四次报道,并采 访42个国家/地区的200,000多 人,包括婴儿和老人。

关于BRANDTRENDS集团 BrandTrends集团是一家 独特的跨国市场研究提 供商,专注于品牌、生活方 式、消费者行为和态度趋 势,尤其关注儿童、青少年 和家庭。

该公司拥有经验丰富的研 究人员和分析师,因每年 利用专业知识监测多达53 个市场的品牌表现、消费 者态度和行为而在业界享 有盛誉,成为该领域德高 望重的可靠权威。最有意 义的价值在于他们能够从 不同的角度看待事实,从 而以独特的视角解读真正 的市场趋势。

利用他们的专有分析方法 (例如品牌受欢迎程度指 数和消费者需求差距)以 及高质量的准确数据,客 户能够发现零售激活、竞 争环境以及品牌产品线资 产和设计中的最佳机会。

作为所在领域受人尊敬和 信赖的领导者,他们与各 个行业的全球知名公司合 作,包括消费品包装公司、 娱乐工作室、零售商和行 业机构。


A Pioneering Licensing Agency for Brand Extensions

An introduction to GTL

First established in 2008 in Hong Kong, Global Trademark Licensing Ltd (GTL) has grown to become a leading global licensing agency with eight global offices located in the UK, Europe, and the U.S.A., all whilst maintaining a strong presence in Asia with offices in Beijing, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Singapore. With further strategic partner agencies expanding the global reach into South America, Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea.

As early pioneers in the Chinese market and with deep roots across Asian territories, GTL now ranks as one of Asia’s top five agencies, as well as being a top 15 licensing agency globally.

GTL’s team of experts brings over 150 years of combined licensing experience across all major categories and a vast array of leading brands.

The GTL team prides itself on extensive market knowledge combined with a proactive, innovative, and creative business development approach that delivers outstanding results for its clients.This has allowed GTL to establish comprehensive, industry-leading programmes for clients including Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar, Range Rover, Defender, Pagani, Lotus, McLaren Racing and Scania. The company’s focus is on building strong brand awareness

and extending brand experiences through strategic and creative brand licensing for its partners. To achieve this, GTL offers six core services – brand representation, manufacturer representation, market consultancy, approvals management, royalty auditing, and trademark protection, with the ultimate aim of providing peace of mind for its partners, who trust in the agency to represent their brands and interests like an extension of their own team.

excellent way to translate the DNA of a brand to tell its story in a different way and reach new audiences. However, as a brand moves away from its core business the risk increases so prospective collaborations must be authentic and relevant.

As the toy industry became increasingly focused on digital and interactive, GTL broadened its horizons to apply its skillset to what has become the world’s largest entertainment industry.

Bespoke strategies for GTL clients have delivered premium opportunities with major titles and upcoming blue-chip games from industry leaders Microsoft, Sony, EA, Tencent, Ubisoft and others, as the interactive industry continues to evolve with the expansion of eSports, the advancement of the Metaverse and the ubiquity of NFTs. With its team of licensing experts, GTL understands the importance of choosing the correct opportunities and is continually working with its clients to build tailored strategies to manage the risks and rewards of this burgeoning sector.

Translating Brand Values

Building a Lifestyle brand is at the core of many of GTL’s premium clients. Brand extensions represent an

GTL has helped its clients expand their brand into many new sectors including apparel, watches, luggage, footwear, bikes, and e-mobility amongst many others.

GTL’s process involves:

• Selecting a partner with the right synergies to meet the objectives of the brand extension.

• Managing the interaction of design teams to deliver an authentic and genuine translation of the brand(s) involved.

• Ensure timely product development in line with the design and quality expectations of both brands to hit the target price points.

• Establishing a robust logistics chain to maximise global sales channel opportunities.

• Maximising the market resources of all parties to ensure an impactful launch and ongoing sales support.

• Supporting the sales network with the required tools, including comprehensive customer service support, to drive long-term sales success.

• Regular analysis to drive tactical adjustment and longer-term strategic

adjustments including future product development and sales expansion. Here are some of the programme highlights that demonstrate GTL’s work with their clients:

McLaren F1 Ride-On to inspire racing drivers of the future

GTL work with McLaren across all of their Racing properties in the toy sector, building a comprehensive programme to satisfy the diverse audiences of the team.

Their knowledge of this category, especially within the APAC region, allows them to provide strong segmentation ensuring maximum returns for the licensor whilst maintaining clear market space for each licensee to thrive. This ride-on inspired by McLaren’s MCL60 F1 car showcases the colours and stylings of the Team with innovative product features. It has proved a huge hit globally with both kids and their parents with videos of the McLaren ride-on proving to be extremely popular across various social media platforms.

Creating a Digital Strategy for Lotus

The digital and interactive category has evolved into an important cornerstone of automotive licensing programmes. GTL deliver bespoke digital strategies for their clients across a multitude of platforms and major titles through their relationships with all of the top studios globally.

For Lotus Cars, GTL have built a comprehensive programme to support the company’s impressive growth plans and burgeoning portfolio of vehicles; creatively using Lotus assets for brand building whilst maximising revenue opportunities:

• Lotus Emira had its interactive debut in CSR 2 at the same time as its the real car was revealed to the world, GTL have since successfully developed an ex-

tensive programme for Emira across the interactive category.

• The elegant Lotus Evija has continually generated a buzz across the interactive category. Upon its launch in-game, EA featured the Lotus Evija on its app icon for Real Racing 3. Gameloft created a special event for its players to access the Lotus Evija, generating wide-spread excitement amongst Asphalt 9 players With a continually expanding portfolio of dynamic vehicles. GTL have now begun to develop and successfully implement licensing strategies for the two latest additions to the Lotus vehicle line-up. Lotus Eletre and Lotus Emeya, GTL remains at the forefront of the industry, advising and managing opportunities in non-Automotive titles, the Metaverse, NFTs and esports. They understand the importance of choosing the correct opportunities and is continually working with its clients to manage the risks and rewards of this burgeoning sector.

GTL and Lego: a long-term relationship

GTL is proud to have developed a long-standing relationship with Lego and through this association some truly outstanding products have been developed.

Lego® TechnicTM x Land Rover Defender

The highly anticipated launch of the new Defender was a key strategic objective for JLR and licensing played a key role.

An iconic world premiere at the Frankfurt Motor Show in tandem with the LEGO Technic Defender model, which was delivered by GTL. The innovative launch generated unprecedented coverage across all media platforms.

Land Rover Classic Defender 90

GTL’s relationship with LEGO was also used to reinforce Defender’s heritage and innovation with the launch of the LEGO Icons Land Rover Classic Defender 90, an immersive building experience for Land Rover lovers and LEGO car fans alike. The design is a faithful interpretation of the original

1983 model, complete with functioning steering, working suspension and accurate interior details. With two ways to customise it, fans can build a streamlined Land Rover or add accessories and gear for an epic off-road adventure.

The level of detail is incredible, equipped with functioning steering,

working suspension and accurate interior details. It also included accessories such as a fire extinguisher, jerry cans, toolbox, working winch, mudguards and traction plates. The ultimate homage to an automotive classic.

Working closely with their teams, GTL have been able to leverage licensing partnerships with some of the world’ biggest companies in order to amplify brand messages and vehicle launches.

GTL further expanded their relationship with Lego’s diverse product portfolio range, seamlessly integrating two models into their Speed Champions range.

Lego Speed Champions: Lotus Evija

The Lego Speed Champions model pays a stunning tribute to Britain’s first all-electric hypercar. Underpinned

by a relentless attention to detail, the vehicle is a striking reflection of the authentic detailing of the Lotus Evija. It is the first time that Lotus and LEGO have partnered and the Evija remains on shelves for the third year.

Lego Speed Champions: Pagani Utopia

Following its launch is September 2022, the Pagani Utopia has been critically acclaimed as one of the world’s finest hypercars.

GTL ensured this exquisite hyepercar would be celebrated, GTL’s relationship with LEGO ensured that the Speed Champions model would become the first ever brick-built model of a Pagani, all finished to a precise level of detail capturing the beauty of the design of the Utopia.

Ride Ons

Almost a category in its own right are the Ride On cars for children. Not like-for-like replicas but nevertheless always recognisable due to the design and adaptation of the real cars main features. They are always an eye catcher and receive immediate attention from very young (and old) car fans. GTL have been pioneers in this category, due to the proximity of its offices to the factories and continue to have close ties to the best Licensees and always an eye on new and upcoming Prospects.

All of GTL’s clients have recognized the potential of this category as a brand builder and to literally get children behind the wheel of their brand for the very first time.The Range Rover Ride On and Mercedes-AMG SL 63 are benchmarks in the SUV and sports car categories respectively.

A different type of vehicle

GTL and Scania have worked to to-

gether over the past three years to build an impressive portfolio of toys and collectibles for fans and owners of their products. From detailed accurate scale models of the R Series trucks to fun toys for youngsters to enjoy. With a reputation for best-in-class vehicles it was important that Scania worked with companies that share a similar positioning and attention to detail to represent the brand.

The portfolio of licensees includes globally renowned scale model manufacturers WSI & Tekno along with Bruder who produce engaging and interactive toys such as the RSeries Fire Engine.

particularly among enthusiasts and collectors who appreciate the blend of precision engineering and intricate detail. WSI produce high-quality, highly detailed models, especially in the realm of trucks. The brand’s dedication to authenticity and craftsmanship has earned it a loyal following around the globe.

WSI Toys, (models) known for their precision-crafted models, have produced an array of highly detailed replicas of Scania trucks, celebrating the brand’s iconic status in the global trucking industry. This partnership has truly captivated collectors and enthusiasts alike.

Bruder Scania R-series Fire Engine Scania worked with Bruder to create the Pro Series Utility Vehicle R-Series Fire Engine, with a movable windscreen, fully functioning steering and a lights and sounds module, for realistic play.

This included details such as the ability to unwind the hose to put out the fire, activate the water pump and to lift the ladder to 1200 mm.

Made to the highest specification, as expected of all Bruder toys, it ensures the next generation of firefighters can start developing their skills.

WSI Scania 1:50 Collection

WSI Toys (models) is a renowned name in the world of die-cast scale models,

GTL are delighted to announce new Global representation with construction & agricultural brand JCB.

New for China Licensing Expo, GTL will be showcasing the world-renowned construction and agricultural brand JCB. GTL will actively be seeking to add new licensees in the Toys, collectibles and interactive categories.

GTL at China Licensing Expo 2024

GTL is heading to China Licensing Expo this October with a showcase of its expanding client portfolio, which includes many of the world’s most famous automotive brands including Mercedes Benz, Jaguar, Range Rover, Defender, McLaren Racing, Formula E, Lotus Cars, Scania, JCB, Lambretta, Gulf, James Hunt and London Taxi.



自然历史博物馆是世界领先的 科学中心,也是英国最受欢迎的 景区之一。全世界好奇心、灵感 和快乐的源泉。他们的目标是建 立一个人类和地球都蓬勃发展 的未来,推动变革,让地球的拥 护者参与到他们的事业中。博物 馆拥有超过370名科学家,正在 努力解决在地球上生活遇到的 各种紧急情况。

首先,自然历史博物馆代表 将出席2024年的中国授权博 览会。博物馆很高兴与其代 理商Promotional Partners Worldwide (PPW)合作,向中国 市场推出品牌授权产品。

自然历史博物馆在英国已经建 立了良好的声誉,其屡获殊荣的

授权计划为被授权方和零售商 提供大量设计灵感来源,使其能 够实现持续增长。

博物馆最近与玩具巨头tonies 进行了合作,tonies是一款无屏 幕的音频播放器,为儿童播放故 事、歌曲和自定义音频,呈现四

个新的沉浸式冒险故事,这些故 事都在自然界中创作,包括遇见 恐龙和深海生物,所有这些故事 都受到了博物馆的启发。该计划 取得的另一项成功是与Fable England合作的38件作品系列, 其中包括手绘珐琅珠宝、插画印 花丝巾、奢华睡衣以及标志性的 Fable Englands手袋。

除此之外,博物馆还与许多知名 品牌合作,包括与伦敦皇家兰开 斯特酒店联合推出的下午茶;与 My First Years联合推出的童装; 与ROKA London联合推出的实 用且耐用的袋子;与皇家造币厂 联合推出的三个引人注目的收 藏硬币系列等。

自然历史博物馆授权负责人 Maxine Lister表示:“博物馆的 藏品包括8000万件标本和一间 装满令人难以置信的艺术品的 档案室,使我们能够在合作中不 断创新,我们迫切想为中国受众 改编可视化资产和风格指南”。

博物馆希望将这个早已引人瞩 目的组合扩张到中国市场。


GZ Art-Land’s Journey in Brand Licensing and IP Management

Guangzhou Art-land Holding Company Ltd. (GZ Art-land) celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2024. Established in 1999, GZ Art-land has become a reputable award-winning company with a diverse portfolio that includes Brand Licensing, IP Investment, Multimedia Business, Product Development, and Artist & Fashion Collaborations.The company’s headquarters are in Guangzhou, with subsidiary offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. As a pioneer in China’s Brand Licensing industry, GZ Art-land has received global and local recognition. It has been honored as the “Best Licensing Agent” by Licensing International & Licensing Expo China, Asian Licensing Association and China Licensing Expo multiple times. Notably, GZ Art-land is the only China-based enterprise ranked among the Top 12 Global Licensing Agents by License Global for three consecutive years.

GZ Art-land manages over 20 popular IPs (Intellectual Properties) catering to

all age groups. As the exclusive licensing agent within Greater China, these IPs include well-known brands such as SpongeBob SquarePants, PAW Patrol, Dora the Explorer, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Barbapapa, World of Eric Carle, Qee, Domo-kun, Meowseum by Shu Yamamoto, Namito, Deer Squad, ViViCat, Pet Hotel, and Offish.

The company’s robust partnerships extend to more than 300 licensees across various categories, including products, promotions, events, and publishing. With over 50,000 SKUs developed, the retail value has exceeded US$2.75 billion. GZ Art-land’s commitment lies in safeguarding the interests of licensees, maintaining the interests of licensors, and fostering a mutually beneficial environment for all stakeholders in the commercial complex.

SpongeBob SquarePants: Initially, GZ Art-land served as Nickelodeon’s primary and largest

licensed distributor for audiovisual products in China. In 2008, it officially became the master licensee for SpongeBob SquarePants in Greater China and subsequently secured representation rights for other prominent brands like Dora the Explorer, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and PAW Patrol. Presently, GZ Art-land continues to be the master licensee for most of Viacom’s brands in Greater China.

Over the years, SpongeBob SquarePants has collaborated with leading enterprises across diverse sectors, including Only, Skechers, Chow Tai Fook, Cotti, Dettol, KFC, Nutrilon, Darlie, HP, JD, Huawei, Xiaomi, Bilibili, POP MART etc.

PAW Patrol:

PAW Patrol is a global phenomenon and a top preschool franchise at retail. In China, PAW Patrol has partnered with market leaders like Skechers, Milkground, Aimer Kids, Centrum,

Culturelle, Wyeth, Yoplait, Dencare, and Deli.

Since 2018, Milkground collaborated with PAW Patrol to launch children’s cheese stick at over 1,000,000+ points of sale, with a cumulative sale of 3 billion+ sticks, making it China’s No. 1 cheese brand.

World of Eric Carle:

Trusted by parents, educational experts and beloved by children worldwide, World of Eric Carle is an award-winning publishing franchise for over 50 years! Since 2017, has partnered with leading brands like Fila Kids, Balabala, Nest Designs, Mideer, Watsons. Products have been penetrated in retail channels like Toys “R” Us, Kidswant, moreover amazing events - The Playful World of Eric Carle Tour Exhibit with Kiddy Art Museum were launched in China, generating total traffic of over 100,000.


A world-classic picture book series created by Annette Tison and Talus Taylor in Paris since 1970. Since 2018, Barbapapa has collaborated with leading brands in Greater China, including China Everbright Bank, I.T Group, Edition, Baleno, MINISO, Shiseido, Biore,

FamilyMart, etc., covering key categories like fashion, FMCG, home, toys, promotions.

2025 marks Barbapapa’s 55th anniversary. Major marketing campaigns and limited-edition anniversary products will be launched throughout the year.

In managing IPs and developing licensing business, GZ Art-land remains dedicated to providing a comprehensive licensing service system that encompasses product design, marketing, brand management, and financial and legal compliance. Moreover, the company continues to emphasize providing

professional and integrated services in every aspect with utmost dedication and expertise to partners after granting the license, aiming to drive longterm sales success. We also continue to launch exciting new products and retail experiences to meet consumers’ demand.

For more information, please visit our Booth E1F01 at China Licensing Expo.

Alternatively, please email or visit our website:


据多方报道,国民可支配收入水 平上升将推动中国玩具市场增 长。此外,人们的偏好从传统玩 具转向现代高科技电子玩具,因 为这些玩具有助于提高智商、增 强运动技能、提高注意力和创造 力、促进个性发展和沟通技巧, 从而进一步加强市场发展。

此外,智能手机的使用日益普 及、互联网连接相对便捷以及电 子银行系统的兴起也会促进市 场扩张。

该行业中几家领先企业正在专 注于使用软木、粘土和竹子等环 保材料开发创新玩具,从而支持 可持续市场整体上实现增长。此 外,有组织的分销渠道增长和提 供送货上门和安全支付方式的 电子商务行业的兴起,让市场前 景一片光明。社交媒体影响力不 断增强以及国民收入水平提高 等其他因素也在影响市场发展。

市场趋势和驱动因素: 家长的担忧日益增加 由于过去发生过多起产品不合



长越来越担 心玩具安全 问题。制造







题,以保证 安全。

市场前景一片光明。此外,随着 数码玩具和智能设备的兴起,家 长越来越担心网络安全和隐私 问题。他们特意寻找具有强大安 全措施、保护儿童个人信息并提 供安全数字环境的玩具。此外, 积木、拼图、编码玩具和科学套 件等融入教育元素的玩具不断 发展,推动中国各地的玩具市场 日益壮大。

政府政策执行力度不断加大 中国政府出台了多项政策,如提 供税收优惠、补贴和财政支持,

鼓励对玩具生产设施、研发和创 新进行投资,以支持国内玩具制 造业并促进该行业的发展。这些 政策旨在加强国内玩具产业,提 高竞争力,减少对进口玩具的依 赖。此外,重要的是,他们已经采 取措施加强玩具产业的知识产 权(IPR)执法,从而加强了对专利 设计、商标和版权的保护。此外, 政府实施的进出口法规也对玩 具市场产生了影响,因为这些法 规负责监管玩具的进口业务,包 括安全认证、海关程序和标记要 求。政府还实施出口标准,确保 玩具符合目标市场的质量和安 全要求。

Licensing The Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum is a world-leading science centre and one of the most visited attractions in the UK. A global source of curiosity, inspiration and joy. Their ambition is to build a future in which both people and the planet thrive, being the catalyst for change, engaging advocates for the planet in everything that they do. With over 370 scientists the Museum is working to find solutions to the planetary emergency in all aspects of life.

In a first, the Natural History Museum is heading to China Licensing Expo in 2024. Working with their agent Promotional Partners Worldwide (PPW) the Museum is excited to be launching its Brand Licensing offering to the Chinese market.

Already well established in the UK, the Natural History Museum’s awardwinning licensing programme offers a vast source of design inspiration for licensees and retailers, enabling it to achieve its ongoing growth.

One of the Museum’s recent collaborations was with toy giants, tonies - a screen-free audio player that plays stories, songs, and custom audio for children – which saw four new immersive adventures stories

created across the natural world, including encounters with dinosaurs and deep-sea creatures, all inspired by the Museum. While another example of the programme’s success includes their a 38-piece collection with Fable England, featuring hand-painted enamel jewellery, illustrative print silk scarves, luxury sleepwear as well as signature Fable England bag shapes.

Alongside this the Museum has collaborated with a host of names, including an afternoon tea with London’s Royal Lancaster Hotel; childrenswear with My First Years; practical and sustainable bags with ROKA London; and three visually

compelling collectible coin collections with The Royal Mint, just to name a few.

Head of Licensing at the Natural History Museum, Maxine Lister said; “The Museum’s collection, which includes 80-million specimens and an archive bursting with incredible artwork, enables us to be endlessly creative in our collaborations and we cannot wait to adapt our visual assets and style guides for audiences in China”.

The Museum hopes to expand on this already impressive portfolio into the Chinese market.

Chris Tague,新业务总监 全球商标授权

关于中国为授权行业带来的机遇的一系列采访中的首个采访。 中国授权专栏由中国授权委员会下属CLE主办

贵公司如何从战略上发现中国 潜在的授权机会?

中国 概览 专栏

GTL:GTL在中国和香港设有专 门的办事处,拥有多位行业专 家,能够第一时间发现中国的授 权机会。我们参加各种贸易展览 会,与强大的被授权方网络保持 联系,但最重要的是,我们的团 队都是本地人,他们和家人一起 生活在中国,了解中国市场,因 此可以第一时间发现机会。

贵公司使用什么标准来评估潜 在的中国授权合作伙伴?

GTL:值得骄傲的是,无论是评估 中国还是其他任何全球合作伙 伴,GTL都能进行业内最严格的 被授权方调查。

我们有一个六阶段流程,包括行 业研究和背景调查、面对面会议

和工厂评估,以确保一切都符合 我们合作伙伴的预期标准,并降 低风险。

评估授权合作伙伴的标准包括: 公司历史、客户基础产品范围和 样品、销售渠道和历史、设施、质 量控制流程认证和管理团队的 质量。

我们还要求提供一份商业计划, 概述他们的授权产品计划。最 后,我们将通过获取推荐信和进 行信用调查来跟进此事。

为了促进中国授权协议的成功 执行,贵公司提供哪些类型的 支持?

GTL:GTL提供灵活的定制模式, 以满足客户的需求,从而实现他 们的业务目标,同时最大限度地 增加中国市场的授权机会。我们 提供全套服务,可以根据客户及 其现有团队、流程和系统的需求 进行调整。

其中包括:研究和分析;制定正 确的授权策略;销售勘探、谈判 和承包;财务和法律支持以及持 续的被授权方管理。我们还可以 通过商标保护、工厂评估和审计 提供进一步的控制,这在管理中 国市场时尤其具有挑战性。

我们的全球客户服务团队与中 国销售团队开展协调,以确保客 户获得全球覆盖服务和本地支 持。因此,他们可以最大限度地 增加品牌拓展机会,同时确保其 计划的各个方面都在掌控之中。


别成功或难忘的授权项目吗? GTL:很幸运,在中国我们与很多 被授权方都有合作,因此我们有 很多这样的例子,很难从中选择 一个。例如,我们最近开发和推 出的McLaren F1 Ride-On表现 非常出色,无疑是一款备受期待 的产品。我们希望这将是培养下 一代赛车手迈出的伟大的第一 步!

您在国际授权行业中看到了哪 些最新趋势和创新?您如何预 测这些影响中国授权市场的新 趋势?

显然,数字和互动世界在不断 发展,我们预计很快就会迎来 转机,Metaverse将变得更加成 熟,NFT的改进将提供更多的用 途和实用性。想象有这样一辆虚 拟汽车,您可以购买、定制、在不 同的网络游戏中比赛,并在网上 和现实世界中以其他方式使用。 随着这项技术被整合到其他产 品中,它可能会对其他领域产生 影响,随着人们以更规律、更无 缝的方式在数字世界和现实世 界之间移动,两者之间会出现更 多的重叠。想象有这样一辆虚拟 汽车,您可以购买、定制、在不同 的网络游戏中比赛,并在网上和 现实世界中以其他方式使用,如 交易卡、Ride-On和遥控。腾讯等 中国公司正处于这类发展的最 前沿,我们希望这些公司进一步 将产品扩展到游戏和其他领域, 因为各大品牌都在争抢客户并 吸引其注意。

Chris Tague, Director of New Business Global Trademark Licensing

How does your company strategically identify potential licensing opportunities in China?

GTL: With dedicated offices in China and Hong Kong, GTL have industry experts that are at the forefront of identifying licensing opportunities in China. We attend a variety of trade fairs, are in constant contact with a strong network of licensees but above all our teams are local people with families who live in and understand the China market so know first-hand what opportunities are available.

What criteria does your company use to evaluate potential Chinese licensing partners?

GTL: GTL prides itself on operating the most rigorous Licensee checks in the industry whether evaluating Chinese or any other global partner. We have a six-stage process which includes industry research and background checks, in person meetings and factory assessments to ensure everything is to the standards expected by our partners and to mitigate risk. The criteria with which to evaluate licensing partners would include: company history, client base product range and samples, sales channels and history, facilities, quality control processes certifications and the quality of the management team. We would also ask for a business plan to outline their plans for the licensed products. Finally, we would follow this up with obtaining references and performing credit checks.

What types of support does your company offer to facilitate the successful execution of Chinese licensing agreements?

GTL: GTL offer an agile bespoke model to fit the needs of our clients in order to meet their business objectives whilst maximising licensing opportu-

nities from the China market. We offer a full suite of services that can be adjusted to the need’s of our clients and their existing team, processes and systems.

This includes: research & analysis; setting the correct licensing strategy; sales prospecting, negotiation, and contracting; finance and legal support and ongoing licensee management. We can also offer additional control through trademark protection, factory assessments and audits, which can be particularly challenging to manage in the China market.

Our globally based client services teams co-ordinate with our China sales team to ensure our clients receive both global reach and local support. As a result they can maximise the opportunities for brand extension whilst having piece-of-mind that every aspect of their programme is under control.

Can you share a particularly successful or memorable licensing project you’ve worked on in China?

GTL: We are lucky to have so many examples that it is hard to pick just one as we work with so many licensees in China.

Aß recent example, the McLaren F1 Ride-On Car that we have recently developed and launched is doing fantastically well and is a fine execution of a much-desired product.We hope it will be a great first step in developing the next generation of Racing Drivers!

What are the latest trends and innovations that you can see in the international licensing industry

and how do you foresee these new trends influencing the Chinese licensing market?

GTL: Obviously the digital and interactive world continues to evolve and soon we expect there will be tipping point with the Metaverse becoming more established and an improvement in NFTs offering much more purpose and utility. Imagine a virtual car that you can purchase, customise, race across different online games and use in other ways both online and in the real world. This technology will likely impact on other categories as it is incorporated into other products and there is more overlap between the digital and real world as people move between the two with more regularity and greater seamlessness. Imagine a virtual car that you can purchase, customise, race across different online games and use in other ways both online and in the real world such as trading cards, ride-on cars and remote control. China’s companies such as Tencent, are at the forefront of such developments and so we would expect them to further expand their offer into gaming titles and other categories as brands battle to keep customer’s time and attention.

The first of a series of interviews regarding the opportunities that China presents to the licensing industry.

China Licensing Column is sponsored by CLE, which is held by the Licensing Council of China

Booth No E2C14-3


Two Daughters Entertainment Limited is an award-winning animation production company based in London, UK.

Founded in 2016 by entrepreneur and storyteller James Reatchlous, the company focuses on creating high-quality animated stories with a timeless appeal. They have developed a strong slate of features and series, aiming to produce enduring stories with inspir-

characters in a high-tech underground city built from natural resources and recycled materials. The series aims to inspire young children to be good citizens, with a strong emphasis on loyalty, teamwork, and sustainability. The stories revolve around the eponymous character, Moley, who is charming, loyal, and optimistic. He strives to make Moletown a happy place, but chaos often ensues due to his best friend

ing characters across various media, delivered by world-class studios and talent. Their content is centred on heartwarming stories for a family audience, supported by high-quality production values, engaging narratives, and strong character development that fosters emotional connections.

Their most recent release is “Moley,” an IP inspired by the bedtime stories James told his young children. The content released so far includes a half-hour special and a 52-episode TV series (11 minutes per episode) for 4–7-year-olds. The show features a dynamic group of fun and quirky

Manny, a faulty magic book that creates big problems while trying to solve small ones. Moley and his best friend Dotty must clean up the mess and re-

store order—no easy task!

Following the success of the half-hour special, the TV series was acquired by Warner for EMEA and is currently being broadcast across the region. Additional free-to-air channels have been secured, including ZDF in Germany, RTS in Switzerland, Peacock in the USA, TVP in Poland, Ceska TV in the Czech Republic, and NPO in the Netherlands. The company also secured a deal with Outfit7 to feature the content on their popular “Talking Tom and Friends” YouTube channel, which has over 15 million subscribers. Further content deals are in negotiation, alongside several innovative partnership deals focusing on important topics such as sustainability and citizenship.

Recently, the “Moley” TV series was acquired by Huashi and received NRTA approval for release in the People’s Republic of China. Major platform deals are nåow being secured, and the company is actively seeking partners to extend the IP into publishing, consumer products, and live events. Two Daughters Entertainment will be exhibiting at Brand Licensing Europe (stand E154) from September 24th-26th and at the Shanghai Toy and Licensing Show (stand E2C14-3) from October 16th-18th.



Two Daughters Entertainment Limited是一家屡获殊荣的动画 制作公司,总部位于英国伦敦。

该公司由企业家兼作家James Reatchlous于2016年创立,专注 于创作具有永恒吸引力的高质 量动画故事。他们招纳了各类人 才在世界一流的工作室中开发 了一系列强大的功能和产品,旨 在在各种媒体上创作由激人上 进的人物讲述的永久流传的故 事。内容围绕面向家庭观众的温 馨故事展开,辅以高质量的制作 价值、引人入胜的故事和促进情 感联系的坚强性格养成。

他们最近发行的专辑叫“Moley” ,这是一部受James给他的孩 子们讲的睡前故事启发的IP。到 目前为止发布的内容包括一个 半小时的特别节目和一部52集 的电视连续剧(每集11分钟),面 向4-7岁儿童。该剧讲述了一个 用自然资源和可回收材料建造 的高科技地下城市中一群充满 活力、有趣和古怪的人物。该系 列旨在激励少年儿童成为好公 民,特别强调忠诚、团队合作和 可持续发展。故事围绕同名人物 Moley展开,他富有魅力、忠诚、 乐观向上。他努力让Moletown 成为一个快乐的地方,但他最好 的朋友Manny却经常把事情弄 得一团糟,Manny是一本有缺陷 的魔法书,试图解决小问题,却 制造了大麻烦。Moley和最好的 朋友Dotty必须收拾残局,恢复 秩序——这绝非易事!

在半小时特别节目取得成功 后,Warner购买了该电视剧的 版权,目前正在中东及非洲整个 地区播出。还有更多免费电视频 道,如德国的ZDF、瑞士的RTS、 美国的Peacock、波兰的TVP、

捷克共和国的Ceska TV和荷兰 的NPO。该公司还与Outfit7达 成了协议,在其流行的“Talking Tom and Friends”YouTube频 道上播放这些内容,该频道拥有 超过1500万订阅者。更多内容交 易正在谈判中,同时还有几项创 新的合作交易,专注于可持续发 展和公民身份等重要议题。

最近,Huashi购买了“Moley” 电视剧的版权,并获得了NRTA 的批准,可在中华人民共和国

上映。目前可确保主要的平台 交易正常开展,该公司正在积 极寻找合作伙伴,将知识产权 进一步应用于出版、消费品和 现场活动中。Two Daughters Entertainment将于9月24 日至26日在欧洲品牌授权展 (E154展位)参展,并于10月16 日至18日在上海玩具及授权展 (EC241-3展位)参展。

Booth No



Mascots, Licensed character costumes – and more

With over 40 years of experience, RAINBOW PRODUCTIONS is a global leader in the manufacture of high-quality custom-made mascots and specialises in developing licensed IP into character costumes for use at live events.

The UK character and costume company prides itself on putting innovation, quality and sustainability at the heart of each and every project, with all bespoke mascot costumes 100% designed and manufactured London. Their continuing investment in new innovative technology provides them with a long-term global competitive edge, allowing them to remain at the forefront of worldwide costume character manufacture.

Rainbow Productions is the approved mascot manufacturer for high-profile international film production and licensing studios such as Hasbro, NBC Universal, Warner Bros. and Paramount, as well as the sole character

costume supplier to world famous attractions and spectacular events like the Queens Jubilee Pageant Parade, the Olympic Games Opening and Closing Ceremonies and Glastonbury Festival. Their mascots can be spotted in theme parks, shopping malls and sporting venues all over the world – from LEGOLAND® Resorts worldwide and Peppa Pig World of Play Shanghai to Yas Waterworld Abu Dhabi and Global Village Dubai. The company is also the official supplier of over 140 licensed children’s characters such as Bluey, PAW Patrol and Paddington™ for personal appearances in the UK. As well as bringing these household names to life in costume character form, Rainbow Productions hold training programmes for clients and also employs some of the besttrained actors in the unique medium of costume character portrayal, so that personalities and signature movements for the chosen characters are delivered. From creating unforgettable family days out, to boosting online engagement across social media plat-

forms, character-led events add value to and enhance the visitor experience, especially for younger guests.

Rainbow Productions are excited to be exhibiting for the first time at the China Licensing Expo in Shanghai from 16th to 18th October 2024. Find them at the European Pavilion, booth E2C14-1.

With over 40 years of experience, Rainbow Productions is a global leader in mascot manufacture, providing quality, bespoke mascot costumes and outfits, along with mascot training, to companies of all shapes and sizes. Rainbow is proud to count many of the world’s major Licensing Studios, Sporting Associations, International Brands, Theme Parks, Visitor Attractions and Hotels as clients.

Rainbow Productions is also the UK’s official licensee and supplier of over 140 licensed children’s character costumes, able to offer character appearances from Bluey, PAW Patrol, Teletubbies and many more, along with event management and professional performers.



RAINBOW PRODUCTIONS拥有 40多年的经验,是制造高质量定 制吉祥物的全球领导者,专门从 事将授权知识产权制作成人物 服装,用于参加现场活动。

这家英国人物服装设计公司将 创新、质量和可持续发展视为每 个项目的核心目标并引以为豪, 所有定制的吉祥物服装全部都 在伦敦设计和制造。对新的创新 技术的持续投资为他们提供长 期的全球竞争优势,使他们能够 在全球人物服装制造业中保持 前沿地位。

Rainbow Productions 是Hasbro、NBC Universal、Warner Bros.和 Paramount等知名国际电影制 作和授权工作室批准的吉祥物 制造商,也是女王白金禧年庆典 游行、奥运会开幕式和闭幕式以 及格拉斯顿伯里音乐节等世界 著名景点和盛大活动的唯一人 物服装供应商。他们的吉祥物在


世界各地的主题公园、购物中心 和体育场馆中到处可见——从 全球的EGOLAND®度假村和上 海的小猪佩奇乐园到阿布扎比 的亚斯水世界和迪拜的环球村。

该公司也是超过140个获得 授权的儿童人物的官方供应 商,如Bluey、PAW Patrol和 Paddington™,用于英国的个人 演出。除了以穿着各式服装的人 物的形式将这些家喻户晓的名 字带到现实生活中外,Rainbow Productions还为客户开设培 训课程,并会聘用一些训练有素 的演员,身着独特的角色扮演服 装,呈现所选人物的个性化和标 志性动作。从打造难忘的家庭外 出日到在社交媒体平台增强在 线互动,角色扮演活动可提供增 值服务并提升游客体验,尤其是 对年轻游客来说。

Rainbow Productions很高兴 首次参加2024年10月16日至 18日在上海举行的中国授权博 览会。欢迎莅临欧洲馆E2C4-1 展位。

Rainbow Productions拥有超 过40年的经验,是吉祥物制造的 全球领导者,为各种形式和规模 的公司提供优质的定制吉祥物 服装和装备,以及吉祥物培训。

值得自豪的是,世界上许多主要 的授权工作室、体育协会、国际 品牌、主题公园、旅游景点和酒 店都是Rainbow的客户。

Rainbow Productions也是 英国超过140件授权儿童人 物服装的官方被授权方和供 应商,能够提供Bluey、PAW Patrol、Teletubbies等人物演 出,以及活动管理和专业表演 者。

展位号 E2C14-1


Meiklejohn Graphics Licensing (MGL)成立于1990年,是艺术授 权领域的全球领导者,与世界各 地的制造商和被授权方合作了 30多年。我们引人注目的专业

图片是设计贺卡、日历、文具、拼 图、服装、家居用品、床上用品和 礼品的理想选择。

MGL的庞大存档包含70位当代 艺术家和摄影师提供的35,000 多张照片,涵盖野生动物、花卉、 风景、梦幻和时尚等主题。此 外,MGL还为儿童和青少年人物 设计提供有品牌的道具,为主流 娱乐品牌提供独特、经济实惠的 替代品。

MGL不仅是一家图片提供商,还 是理想的创意合作伙伴。通过定

制艺术品服务,我们可以定制图 像以满足您的特定需求,确保您 的产品具有充满活力和迷人的 视觉效果,从众多产品中脱颖而 出。


Established in 1990, Meiklejohn Graphics Licensing (MGL) is a global leader in art licensing, partnering with manufactures and licensees worldwide for over 30 years. Their professionalism and engaging

images are ideal for greeting cards, calendars, stationery, jigsaw puzzles, apparel, homewares, bedding, and gifts.

MGLs extensive archive features over 35,000 images by 70 contemporary artists and photographers, covering themes such as wildlife, floral, landscapes, fantasy, and fashion. Additionally, MGL offers branded children’s and teenage character design properties, providing unique, cost-effective alternatives to mainstream entertainment brands.

At MGL, they see themselves not just as an image provider but as a creative partner. With their custom artwork service, they can tailor imagery to meet specific needs, ensuring that products stands out with vibrant and captivating visuals.

They maintain a strong presence at key industry trade shows and actively

深远的影响力,并积极寻找新 生代创意人才,以便紧跟行业趋 势,并了解客户市场。我们最近 签下的艺术家,以及我们现有的 天才艺术家群体,都将在2024年 中国授权展会上露面。

seek emerging creative talent allowing them to stay current with industry trends, as well as understanding their clients' markets. Their recent signings, alongside their existing pool of talented artists, will be showcased at China Licensing Expo 2024.


KingsmanCreativesLtd.宣布 其总部位于美国专注于娱乐的 子公司Kingsman Xperience, Inc.和在亚洲迅速扩张的中国 最大的实景娱乐投资商、开发商 和运营商之一Max-Matching EntertainmentsCo.,Ltd.已建 立战略合作伙伴关系,在获得领 先的玩具和游戏公司Hasbro的 授权后,从2025年开始将全球流 行的NERF Action Xperience 家庭娱乐中心引入中国。

提供实现终极NERF体验所需的 一切功能:爆炸战区、运动挑战、 障碍赛、餐饮区和零售店。


根据合作关系,Kingsmen Xperience将管理知识产 权和授权方关系,并负责设 计和开发。Max Matching Entertainment将确定地点和 目标场地,开发资产,并提供一 流的运营和设施管理。永久性

Kingsmen Xperience高级 执行副总裁Corey Redmond 表示:“与Max Matching Entertainment的战略合作伙 伴关系是对我们核心技能组合 的完美补充,代表我们会继续 致力于在中国和亚太地区扩张 NERF Action Xperience。”“凭 借在景区运营和中国消费者洞 察方面的丰富经验和知识,以及

Kingsmen Xperience与跨领域 一流品牌合作的能力,我们将能 够为消费者提供美妙而难忘的 体验。”

“近55年来,NERF已经从一个 玩具品牌发展成为一种真正的 社交、积极的游戏生活方式,涵 盖超过25个不同类别,在全球拥 有众多热情的追随者。Hasbro 全球体验、合作伙伴关系和音乐 副总裁Matt Proulx表示:“NERF Action Xperience完美地展示 了如何在新的逼真环境中体现 NERF品牌精神,吸引粉丝。”“ 继NERF Action Xperience中 心在美国和英国大获成功之 后,我们渴望扩大与Kingsman Xperiency和Max-Matching Entertainments的合作范围,为 中国粉丝带来令人兴奋的体验 和充满活力的游戏。”

NERF Action Xperience室内家 庭娱乐中心计划首先在北京开 业,随后在中国其他地方开业。

NERF Action Xperience是一个 真正活跃的游戏中心,为所有年 龄段的粉丝提供一种令人兴奋 的全新方式来体验NERF品牌, 在NERF游戏中体验前所未有的 沉浸感和兴奋感。设施的大小将 从1,500m2 - 4,500m2不等,并将

“中国是世界上增长速度最快 的家庭娱乐产品市场之一。家庭 和年轻旅行者对世界级休闲娱 乐体验和目的地的需求日益增 长。

Max-Matching Entertainments

总裁Owen Zhao表示:“我们与 Kingsman Xperience建立战略 合作伙伴关系,旨在推出一系列 令人兴奋的冒险活动,在中国将 NERF Action Xperieness提升

Kingsmen集团首席执行官 Andrew Cheng在评论合作关 系和开放新景区时表示:“这些 新景区的开放标志着我们在世 界各地提供无与伦比的新体 验又迈出了重要的一步。NERF Action Xperience是一个高度互 动的景区,通过积极的游戏鼓励 团队建设和家庭或社区联系。鉴 于对品牌内容的强劲需求,我们 将继续探索新的机会。”


Maizen是一个富有创意和趣味 的多媒体品牌,并且很高兴宣布 未来将扩张到全球商品销售市 场。

Maizen的使命是为消费者提供 机会,制造持久、快乐的回忆。这 个多媒体娱乐品牌一直在致力 于讲述引人入胜的故事。这些 故事主要通过流行的电子游戏 来讲述,旨在提供娱乐、鼓励创 新问题解决方法并促进批判性 思维。这些冒险由聪明细心的兔 子 Jj、天真顽皮并且爱吃蛋糕 的乌龟 Mikey、可爱机智的小猫 Carrie,以及(最后但并非最不重 要的)忠诚无私的朋友香蕉小子 一起展开,他们凭借机智和创造 性思维摆脱了棘手的困境。

在过去的几年里,他们努力 在多个YouTube频道以及 Instagram、TikTok和X等社交 媒体上积攒了大量忠实的粉丝。

其中的英文频道最大,目前订阅 者已增至近1000万!您可以查 看我们的频道,网址为:https:// MaizenOfficial。为了帮助覆盖 尽可能多的受众,我们制作了 多语言内容,中文视频可以在 Maizen World频道观看,网址为 MaizenWorld。

不断增长的粉丝群见证了他们 的辛勤工作、激情四射以及不懈 追求,一切为了让人们开怀大

笑。他们认为自己非常幸运,因 为能够接触到世界各地的粉丝, 并且很高兴每天都能收到各个 国家的无数粉丝的来信并一一 回复! 他们的授权活动已在日本进行 了五年。在此期间,他们曾多次 成功发布产品并跨多个产品类 别展开合作。在此期间,他们幸 运地见证了人们对其品牌产生 了浓厚的兴趣,我们要特别感谢 他们的忠实粉丝和勤奋的团队。 这些合作为他们提供了一个绝 佳的机会,让新老粉丝通过有趣 的方式来表达对该品牌的支持。 他们一直在为Maizen寻找一个 新机会,以与独具特色且激人上 进的公司展开合作!

从2024年8月到9月,他们有幸 与全球商品销售公司Juniper合 作,为世界各地的粉丝带来第一 批Maizen官方商品!在限定的时 间内,超过160个国家的粉丝可 以通过选购自己的Maizen官方 服装和毛绒玩具来表达对JJ和 Mikey的喜爱!

这些商品采用耐用的优质材料 制成,非常适合玩耍和展示!他 们致力于用自己创造的商品来 打造Maizen世界及其中的人物。

他们非常感谢全球粉丝的大力 支持,无论是在销售方面,还是 社交媒体方面。

在首次全球商品发布取得巨大 成功之后,他们非常高兴地宣布

即将推出“2024年假日”产品!世 界各地的粉丝将能够从在线商 店Maizen.shop带回更多种类 的Maizen官方商品,不仅包括JJ 和Mikey,还有Carrie和Banana Kid的官方首发商品!有关“2024 年假日”产品发布的内容和发布 日期的更多详细信息将在未来 几个月内公布。

如果感兴趣,可以随时通过访问 网站Maizen.com或在社交媒体 频道上关注Maizen来了解所有 即将发布的新闻和公告。

店主们期待还有机会向这么多 新人介绍自己,并通过全新的媒 介打响品牌知名度!作为一个品 牌,Maizen很幸运能够在世界各 地培育一个活跃而热情的粉丝 群,在这个群体中,Maizen努力 成长并抓住一切机会表达自己 深深的感激之情。


Kingsmen Creatives Ltd. announces that Kingsmen Xperience, Inc., its United States locationbased entertainment focused subsidiary, and Max-Matching Entertainments Co., Ltd.. one of the largest investors, developers, and operators of location-based entertainment in China with rapid expansion across Asia, have form ed a strategic partnership to bring the globally popular NERF Action Xperience family entertainment centers, under license by leading toy and game company Hasbro, to China beginning in 2025. Under the partnership, Kingsmen Xperience will manage the intellect ual property and licensor relations,   lead design and development. MaxMatching Entertainments will identify the locations and destination venues, develop the properties, and provide best-in-class operations and facilities management. The permanent NERF Action Xperience indoor family entertainment centers are planned to open first in Beijing, followed by other locations throughout China.

NERF Action Xperience is a true active play center that unlocks a totally new and exciting way to experience the NERF brand for fans of all ages, bringing NERF play to never imagined heights of immersion

and excitement. Facilities will range in size from 1,500 m2 – 4,500m2, and will feature everything needed to realize the ultimate NERF experience: blaster battle zones, sports challenges, an obstacle course, a food & beverage area, and a retail store.

“The strategic partnership with MaxMatching Entertainments is a perfect complement to our core skill sets and represents our continued commitment to expand the NERF Action Xperience throughout China and Asia-Pacific,” said Corey Redmond, Senior Executive Vice President of Kingsmen Xperience. “With their vast experience and knowledge of attraction operations and Chinese consumer insights, combined with Kingsmen Xperience’s ability to collaborate with best-inclass brands across disciplines, it will allow us to create wonderful and me morable consumer experiences.”

“China is one of the world’s fastest growing markets for family entertainment products. There has been a growing demand for worldclass leisure and entertainment experiences and destinations by families and young travelers. Our strategic partnership with Kingsmen Xperience will introduce a line-up of adrenaline-pumping adventures, taking the NERF Action Xperience to a new level in China,” said Owen

Zhao, President of Max-Matching Entertainments.

“For nearly 55-years, NERF has grown from a toy brand to a true social, active play lifestyle with a passionate global following and footprint across 25+ diverse categories. NERF Action Xperience is a perfect example of how the spirit of the NERF brand can be translated to new and truly immersive touchpoints for fans,” said Matt Proulx, Vice President, Global Experiences, Partnerships and Music at Hasbro. “Following excitement for NERF Action Xperience centers in the U.S. and U.K., we’re eager to expand our reach with Kingsmen Xperience and Max-Matching Entertainments and bring adrenaline-packed experiences and dynamic gaming to our fans in China.”

Commenting on the partnership and opening of the new attractions, Andrew Cheng, Group Chief Executive Officer of Kingsmen shared, “The opening of these new attractions marks another step in our drive to deliver new and unparalleled experiences around the world. NERF Action Xperience is a highly interactive attraction that encourages team building and family or community bonding through active play. We will continue to explore new opportunities given the strong demand for branded content.”


Maizen, a creative and fun-loving multimedia brand, is excited to announce its expansion into the global merchandising market.

At Maizen, the mission is to provide consumers with opportunities to create long-lasting, joyous memories. As a multi-media entertainment brand, they are dedicated to telling compelling stories. Primarily told through the medium of the popular video games, their stories are crafted to entertain, inspire creative problemsolving, and promote critical thinking. These adventures follow the smart and careful rabbit JJ, the naive and playful cake-loving turtle Mikey, the sweet and resourceful kitten Carrie, and last but not least, the loyal and selfless friend Banana Kid, as they find their way out of tricky situation with resourcefulness and creative thinking. Over the past several years, they have worked diligently to build up a large and dedicated following over multiple YouTube channels, as well as on social media such as Instagram, TikTok, and X. The largest of which is their English channel, which has grown to nearly 10 million subscribers! You can check out our channel at To help reach the largest possible audience, we produce content in many different languages, the Chinese language videos can be watched on the Maizen World channel, at This connection with their growing fanbase is a testament to their hard work, passion, and continuous pursuit of what would make people laugh. They are very fortunate to have reached fans from all around the world and are always delighted to receive and reply to numerous fan letters from various countries every day!

Their licensing campaign has been ongoing in Japan for the past five years. Over this time, they have led several successful product launches

and collaborations across multiple product categories. During this time they have been fortunate to see great interest in their brand, for which we have their loyal fans and hardworking team to thank. These collaborations have allowed them an excellent opportunity to provide new and returning fans alike with a fun opportunity to show their support. They are always looking for new opportunities for Maizen to collaborate with unique and exciting companies!

From August to September 2024, they were fortunate to collaborate with the worldwide merchandising company Juniper to bring their first wave of official Maizen merchandise to fans around the world! For a limited time, fans from over 160 countries were able to express their love for JJ and Mikey by bringing home their very own official Maizen apparel and plush toys!

their fans across the globe, reflected both in sales, and on social media.

Their merchandise is made with durable premium material, perfect for both play and display! They strive to embody the world of Maizen and its characters in the merchandise they create. They are very grateful to have received such great support from

After the resounding success of their first worldwide merchandise launch, they are very excited to announce their upcoming Holiday 2024 product launch! Fans from around the world will be able to bring home an even wider range of official Maizen merchandise from their online store, including not only JJ and Mikey, but also the official debut of Carrie and Banana Kid too! More details on the contents and release date of the Holiday 2024 product launch will be revealed in the coming months.

Those interested can can stay up to date on all the upcoming news and announcements by visiting the website, or by following Maizen on their social media channels. The owners are looking forward to having another opportunity to introduce themselves to so many new people, and to spread awareness of their brand in a whole new medium! As a brand, Maizen has been fortunate to cultivate an active and passionate fan community across the world, a community in which they strive to grow and show their deep gratitude at every opportunity.

Merchantwise Group, a globally renowned licensing agency headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, with deep expertise in the gaming and digital sectors, announced recently it is expanding its partnership with Activision Blizzard to support their licensing businesses and consumer products distribution in Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) and the Asia Pacific region.

Merchantwise has represented Activision Blizzard’s licensing interests in Australia and New Zealand since 2020.

Sally Xia can be reached on sallyx@


Activision Blizzard is known for iconic video game franchises, including Call of Duty®, Warcraft®, Overwatch®, Diablo®, Crash Bandicoot® and StarCraft®, which are played by hundreds of millions of people around the world on console, mobile and PC.

Activision Blizzard Consumer Products Senior Director Fung Thai states, “We are thrilled to expand our international relationship with Merchantwise Group across additional regions. With the team’s talent and overall knowledge of the gaming business, we are happy to add their support to our global licensing presence in markets around the world. We strive to innovate and deliver the best-in-class consumer products for our fans globally and are excited to have the Merchantwise Group help in achieving that success.”

APAC, Sally Xia has been appointed as Licensing Director, North Asia and will work with Philippe Bost across the local Asian markets to secure licensing and partnership opportunities for Activision Blizzard.  A senior and experienced leader in consumer product and licensing business development across online and offline retail operations in the Asia Pacific region, Sally has extensive skills across licensing, e-commerce, local and cross-region wholesale and retail as well as category and franchise development strategy.

Merchantwise Group CEO Alan Schauder said, “Merchantwise is honored and incredibly thrilled to be expanding our relationship with Activision Blizzard across EMEA and Asia Pacific for gaming brand giants, including Call of Duty®, World of Warcraft®, Diablo® and Overwatch® We look forward to bringing innovative new consumer products and brand extensions to millions of gaming fans in these markets.

“As a result of this appointment Merchantwise is expanding its international reach with a talented and experienced team led by former Activision Blizzard Vice President of International Consumer Products, Philippe Bost who will oversee the international licensing programs across these markets. Based in Europe, Philippe has 30 years of experience in senior international licensing and retail roles and has been employed by global

giants including Disney and Mattel. Schauder mentions, “We are delighted to welcome Philippe Bost to head up our international licensing team based in Europe. Philippe is a highly respected licensing industry leader with deep expertise in the video game industry. His knowledge, experience and leadership will be invaluable to the success of the programs across EMEA and the Asia Pacific regions.”

Merchantwise Managing Director EMEA, LATAM and North Asia Philippe Bost said, “To join Merchantwise with the purpose to establish and build its international licensing and consumer products business is an amazing opportunity and is a role I am truly excited to take on. I am beyond thankful to the Merchantwise board for putting their faith in me to lead this expansion. We are ambitious and excited to develop Activision Blizzard consumer products’ portfolio with the best international partners to deliver innovative and must-have licensed products for fans in both regions.”

Based in Merchantwise’s office in China, former Activision Blizzard Director of Consumer Products Licensing

Commenting, Philippe and Sally said, "In April this year, Blizzard Entertainment announced its partnership with NetEase to relaunch the games to the China market.

As the Licensing Agency, our professional team is committed to providing excellent business management and services to Blizzard Entertainment and our licensing partners. We are thrilled to witness the ongoing enthusiasm of Chinese Gamers for the return of games such as World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, Diablo, and Overwatch. This enthusiasm has already translated directly into increased demand for Blizzard licensed merchandise. In just a few short months, we are excited with the significant growth in the sales of Blizzard licensed products, including collectibles, statues, toys, figurines, 3CE, peripherals, apparel, and lifestyle products. At the meanwhile, more and more partners are showing strong interest and seeking the licensing partnership with Blizzard. We are actively working to expand Blizzard’s IP licensing business not only in China but also in international markets, with the goal of providing players with a wider range of high-quality licensed products."



总部位于澳大利亚墨尔本、在 游戏和数字领域拥有深厚专业 知识的全球知名授权代理公 司 Merchantwise Group 今天 宣布,将扩大与动视暴雪的合 作关系,为其在欧洲、中东、非洲 (EMEA)和亚太地区的授权业 务和消费品分销提供支持。

Merchantwise 自 2020 年以来 一直代理动视暴雪在澳大利亚 和新西兰的授权权益。

动视暴雪(Activision Blizzard) 以标志性的视频游戏特许经 营而闻名,包括《使命召唤》 (Call of Duty®)、《魔兽世界》 (World of Warcraft®)、《守 望先锋》(Overwatch®)、《暗黑 破坏神》(Diablo®)、《炉石传说》 (Hearthstone)、《崩坏小子》 (Crash Bandicoot®)和《星际 争霸》(StarCraft®),全球有数以 亿计的玩家通过游戏机、手机和 个人电脑进行游戏。

动视暴雪消费产品高级总监 Fung Thai 表示:"我们很高兴能 与 Merchantwise Group 在更 多地区拓展国际合作关系。凭借 该团队的才能和对游戏业务的 全面了解,我们很高兴他们能为 我们在全球市场的全球授权业

全球粉丝提供一流的消费产品, 很高兴 Merchantwise Group 能帮助我们取得成功。

Merchantwise集团首席 执行官Alan Schauder表 示:"Merchantwise非常荣幸和 激动能够与动视暴雪在欧洲、中 东和非洲地区以及亚太地区拓 展合作关系,共同打造游戏品牌 巨头,包括《使命召唤》®、《魔兽 世界》®、《暗黑破坏神》®、《炉石 传说》、《星际争霸》和《守望先 锋》®。 我们期待为这些市场的 数百万游戏迷带来创新的消费 产品和品牌延伸。

"此次任命后,Merchantwise将 拥有一支经验丰富的优秀团队, 在前动视暴雪国际消费产品副 总裁Philippe Bost的领导下拓 展国际业务。 菲利普常驻欧洲, 拥有 30 年的高级国际授权和零 售经验,曾受雇于迪斯尼和美泰 等全球巨头。 Schauder说:"我 们非常欢迎Philippe Bost来领 导我们在欧洲的国际授权团队。

Philippe 是一位备受尊敬的授 权行业领袖,在视频游戏行业拥 有深厚的专业知识。 他的知识、 经验和领导力对欧洲、中东、非 洲和亚太地区项目的成功将是

Merchantwise公司欧洲、中 东、非洲、拉美和北亚区董事总 经理Philippe Bost说:"加入 Merchantwise公司,负责建立 和发展其国际授权和消费品业 务是一个绝佳的机会,我非常高 兴能够担任这一职务。 我非常 感谢Merchantwise董事会对我 的信任,让我领导这次扩张。 我 们雄心勃勃,很高兴能与最优秀 的国际合作伙伴一起开发动视 暴雪的消费产品组合,为这两个 地区的粉丝提供创新的、必备的 授权产品。

前动视暴雪亚太区消费品授权 总监Sally Xia被任命为北亚区 授权总监,常驻Merchantwise 中国办事处,将与Philippe Bost 在亚洲当地市场合作,为动视暴 雪争取授权和合作机会。作为亚 太地区线上和线下零售业务消 费品和授权业务发展方面经验 丰富的资深领导者,Sally 在授 权、电子商务、本地和跨地区批 发和零售以及品类和特许经营 发展战略方面拥有丰富的技能。 如需了解该地区的工作机会,请 通过 sallyx@merchantwise. com 与 Sally Xia 联系。 今年4月,暴雪娱乐携手网易官 宣,暴雪游戏全面回归中国市 场。作为代理公司,我们的专业 团队将为暴雪及授权客户提供 卓越的业务管理与服务。我们非 常高兴地看到中国玩家对《魔兽 世界》、《炉石传说》、《暗黑破坏 神》、《守望先锋》等经典游戏回 归的热情,这种热情已经直接 转化为对暴雪游戏IP相关衍生 产品的强劲需求。在短短几 个月内,这种需求已经推动 了游戏IP周边商品的销售增长, 涵盖收藏品、雕像、玩具、手办、 数码外设、服饰和生活用品等多 个品类。同时,越来越多的品 牌对与暴雪游戏IP的授 权合作表现出浓厚兴趣。

我们将积极拓展暴雪 IP消费品授权业务在 中国及海外市场的发 展,致力于为玩家提供 更多精美的周边产品。

© 2024 Activision Publishing, Inc. Activision、Call of Duty 和 Crash Bandicoot 是 Activision Publishing, Inc.

© 2024 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.守望 先锋》、《魔兽世界》、《魔 兽争霸》、《暗黑破坏神》、 《星际争霸》和 Blizzard Entertainment 是暴雪 娱乐公司在美国和/或其 他国家的商标或注册商 标。此处提及的所有其他 商标均为其各自所有者 的财产。

The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston amplifies its global licensing presence collaborating with leading and innovative Chinese consumer brands

The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, has joined forces with Kayou, the dominant Chinese brand in the gaming and collectible card industry to launch themed-educational card packs that take inspiration from the MFA’s encyclopedic collection.

The MFA, in collaboration with Kayou curated multiple collection card packs that feature various art movements and artistic styles, including modern and abstract art, ukiyo-e prints, and Impressionism that feature artworks by masters such as Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Paul Cezanne and Vincent van Gogh.

Additionally there is an assortment of creative thematic card sets titled “Angel Cards”, “Muse Cards”, “Fragrance Cards”, “Fairy Tale Cards”, and “Fashion Cards.” Each themed pack captures the inner strength, spirt and independence of contemporary women. Cutting-edge techniques such as

double foil gold stamping, varnish, and scent-infused ink add texture, shimmer and fragrance to the artworks reproduced in the collectible packs. Riding the collectibles craze, the MFA has partnered with Chinese brand POP MART, a global force in pop culture and entertainment, known for its editions of original collectible toy characters and blind box options. The MFA and POP MART’s first collab is an iconic-cross over with POP MART’s SKULLPANDA and the artwork of Austrian Expressionist painter Egon Schiele.

The collectible toy is available in two sizes and is being sold in POP MART stores and online across Asia and Australia. The product appeals to toy as well as art enthusiasts and engages the youth culture in a dynamic way.

The MFA’s collaboration with realme, a young and innovative smartphone brand, has merged art and innovation, borrowing inspiration from the legendary master of Impressionism, Claude Monet to the realme 13 Pro Series. Through the licensing partnership, realme has adapted the Impressionist style for younger generations worldwide through the integration of art and cutting-edge technology.

The design of the realme 13 Pro Series merges Impressionist elements with advanced technology to bring Monet’s artwork to life in a completely new way. Taking inspiration from Claude Monet’s depictions of nature and beauty, the realme 13 Pro Series design captures the dazzling effects of light and color from two masterpieces, Grainstack (Sunset) and Water Lilies. The golden grainstacks and purple water lilies have been transformed into two color variants – Monet Purple and Monet Gold. Both smartphone models feature a frosted glass material crafted with a unique flash gold process, reproduced by millions of shimmering particles that meld together

on the frosted high-gloss that capture Monet’s brushstrokes and the fleeting moments in his paintings.

Both the MFA and Trodat share over a hundred year history with their respective audiences. Working together, they have launched the Art Stamp Collection, a fun and creative art activity. The Art Stamp Collection features six unique stamp designs, six vibrant ink pad colors, eighteen distinctive impres-

sions, and six hundred and forty-eight possible combinations. These stamps offer a delightful way to create your own masterpieces, making it quick and easy to reproduce unique versions of the MFA’s world-renowned paintings and prints. The stamp is a perfect tool for creating, learning and engaging with fine art, and is a great gift for art enthusiasts. Stamping is not just a craft; it’s an art form in itself.

The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston is represented exclusively by Alfilo Brands in the Greater China region. Please contact for inquiries.

波士顿 美术馆

波士顿美术馆与中国领先和创 新的消费品牌合作,扩大其全球 授权业务

波士顿美术馆与中国游戏和收 藏卡行业的主导品牌Kayou联 手,推出了主题教育卡包,灵感 来自MFA的百科全书式藏品。

MFA与Kayou合作策划了多个 收藏卡包,其中包括各种艺术运 动和艺术风格,如现代和抽象艺 术、浮世绘和印象派,其中包括

Pierre Auguste Renoir、Paul Cezanne和Vincent van Gogh 等大师的作品。

此外,还有各种各样的创意主题 卡片集,包括“天使卡片”、“缪斯 卡片”、“香水卡片”、“童话卡片” 和“时尚卡片”主题。每个主题包 都体现了当代女性的内在力量、 精神和独立性。

双面烫金、清漆和注入香味的墨 水等尖端技术为收藏包中再现 的艺术品增添了质感、光泽度和 香味。

在收藏品热潮的推动下,MFA 已与中国品牌POP MART展开 合作,POP MART在流行文化和 娱乐领域具有全球影响力,以 其原创收藏款玩具人物和盲盒 选项而闻名。MFA与POP MART 的第一次合作是POP MART的 SKULLPANDA与奥地利表现主 义画家Egon Schiele的艺术作 品的标志性跨界合作。

这款收藏款玩具有两种尺寸,在 POP MART商店以及亚洲和澳大 利亚的在线商店销售。该产品不 仅吸引玩具和艺术爱好者前往 商店选购,还以动态的方式融入 青年文化。

MFA与年轻而创新的智能手机 品牌realme的合作将艺术与创 新融为一体,从印象派传奇大师 克劳德·莫奈的画作中汲取灵 感,推出了realme 13 Pro系列。 通过授权合作,realme通过艺术

与尖端技术的融合,为全球年轻 一代改写了印象派风格。

realme 13 Pro系列的设计将印 象派元素与先进技术融合在一 起,以一种全新的方式将莫奈的 艺术作品带入现实生活。realme 13 Pro系列的设计灵感来自克 劳德·莫奈对自然和美丽的描 绘,体现了两幅杰作《麦堆(日 落)》和《睡莲》中令人眼花缭乱 的光线和色彩效果。金色麦堆和 紫色睡莲转变成了另外两种颜 色——莫奈紫色和莫奈金色。这 两款智能手机模型都采用磨砂 玻璃材料,采用独特的闪金工艺 制成,通过数百万闪闪发光的颗 粒再现,这些颗粒在磨砂的高光 泽表面融合在一起,捕捉莫奈的 绘画技巧和画作中稍纵即逝的 瞬间。

MFA和Trodat都乐于与各自的 受众分享一百多年的历史。他们 共同推出了艺术邮票系列,这是 一项有趣而富有创意的艺术活 动。艺术邮票收藏包括六种独特 的邮票设计、六种鲜艳的印泥颜 色、十八种独特的印记和六百四 十八种可能的组合。这些邮票 通过一种令人愉快的方式来创 作您自己的杰作,使您能够快速 轻松地再现MFA举世闻名的绘 画和版画的独特版本。邮票是创

作、学习和参与美术的完美工 具,也是艺术爱好者的绝佳礼 物。贴邮票不仅仅是一门手艺; 本身就是一种艺术形式。

在大中华区,波士顿美术馆由 Alfilo Brands独家代理。请联系 lisa.zhang@alfilo.com进行咨 询。

The BrandTrends Group unveils some major findings from its most recent research worldwide.

Their research provides insights into how different age groups engage with entertainment brands, shedding light on key trends, opportunities, and challenges for licensors, licensees, and retailers operating in this lucrative space.

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Philippe GuinaudeauBrandTrends at philippe.guinaudeau@


Opportunities abound for the agile and adaptable

China, with its rapidly growing middle class and increasing disposable income, is a key market for entertainment licensing.

The current research focuses on individuals aged 0 to 65, a demographic that represents a wide spectrum of preferences, media consumption habits, and cultural influences. This age diversity is a defining characteristic of the Chinese market.

The country’s deep history of cultural values, combined with its embrace of modern consumerism, creates a unique environment where global entertainment brands, often with crossgenerational appeal, thrive. However, there are notable differences in preferences among children, teens, young adults, and middle-aged consumers.

Key Trends in the Market

The research reveals several key trends driving the entertainment licensing sector in China, including the rising awareness of international brands, the growth of digital entertainment, and the influence of gender and age on brand perception.


One of the standout findings from the research is the significant increase in the number of brands known to Chinese consumers, with a total of 556 different entertainment brands now recognized — a 13% jump from last year (and we all know there are thousands of available brands and characters available for licensing!). This trend

is driven by the increased availability of international content, the rise of global streaming platforms, and a shift in consumer preferences toward foreign franchises.

China’s youth, in particular, are highly attuned to global trends, with brands like Disney, Marvel, and LEGO leading the way. The success of these brands can be attributed to their ability to cross cultural boundaries, providing content that resonates across various media formats, including films, television series, and merchandise. However, this does not mean that local Chinese brands have been completely sidelined. The success of Bonnie Bears, which ranks fourth in terms of consumer recognition, shows that there is still room for homegrown brands, though they increasingly face stiff competition from global players. International brands, with their extensive marketing budgets and well-established franchises, are pushing national brands to innovate and adapt or risk losing market share.


A notable shift in consumer behavior, especially among younger age groups (children 0 to 14 years old), is the growing dominance of digital entertainment. Video game properties, in particular, have seen a surge in popularity, reflecting the increased penetration of digital devices and mobile gaming platforms in Chinese households. The BrandTrends research identifies several video game brands, mostly international but also including the Chinese newly Genshin Impact, as among the top licensed properties in China. This trend points to a broader shift in how children and young adults interact with entertainment. Unlike older generations who primarily consumed content through traditional media like television and cinema, today’s younger con-

sumers are deeply embedded in digital ecosystems, where video games, social media, and streaming platforms reign supreme.


Another key finding from the research is the inclusive nature of brand recognition in the Chinese market. Of the 556 brands mentioned, 44% are recognized by both men and women, while 32% are mentioned primarily by women. Interestingly, this inclusivity extends across different age groups, indicating that entertainment brands in China often enjoy a cross-generational appeal.

This inclusivity trend suggests that family-oriented licensing strategies could be particularly effective in China, where entertainment brands have the potential to connect with parents and children alike.


Japanese entertainment brands and anime continue to enjoy significant popularity in China, particularly among younger audiences. The cultural affinity between China and Japan, coupled with the rise of anime as a global phenomenon, has made brands like Naruto, One Piece, and Dragon Ball highly recognized and favored among Chinese consumers.

This trend is part of a broader movement toward Asian cultural products, which are increasingly embraced by Chinese consumers. For licensors and licensees, this presents an opportunity to explore collaborations with Japanese brands or invest in animeinspired merchandise that resonates with China’s youth.


Several factors contribute to the mar-

ket trends observed in China, including changing consumer preferences, increased exposure to global media, and technological advancements.

• Cultural globalization: As Chinese consumers become more connected to global trends through streaming platforms, social media, and digital content, their exposure to international entertainment brands has increased dramatically. This has fueled the growth of foreign brands like Disney, Marvel, and LEGO, which now dominate the market.

• Rising consumer affluence: With the growth of China’s middle class, consumers have more disposable income to spend on entertainment products, including licensed merchandise. This is particularly evident in urban centers where access to branded products is more widespread, and consumers are eager to buy products that reflect their media consumption habits.

• Digital transformation: The proliferation of digital devices, mobile gaming, and streaming services has fundamentally altered how Chinese consumers engage with entertainment. Video games and digital-first content are now at the forefront of licensing opportunities, and brands that can adapt to this shift will find significant opportunities for growth.

• Cross-generational appeal: Chinese consumers, particularly those born after the 1980s, have a deep

connection with the entertainment brands they grew up with. For example, older millennials may continue to engage with brands like Marvel and LEGO as they transition into parenthood, creating a multi-generational appeal that drives both adult and child consumers to licensed products.


In this dynamißc and diverse market, there are several clear paths to success for licensors, licensees, and retailers:

1. Leverage digital platforms: Brands need to create seamless digital experiences that engage younger consumers. This could mean launching digital collectibles, integrating AR experiences, or linking licensed products to mobile apps and games.

2. Capitalize on cross-demographic appeal: Develop products and marketing campaigns that appeal to multiple age groups and genders, particularly focusing on family-oriented brands that resonate with both children and parents.

3. Collaborate with global brands: While local brands still hold some sway, the overwhelming and growing dominance of foreign brands presents opportunities for collaborative partnerships with established international licensors, including the Japanese ones.


The Chinese entertainment licensing market presents immense opportunities but requires a sharp, adaptive strategy to succeed. The landscape is diverse, highly competitive, and increasingly driven by international brands, digital entertainment, and evolving consumer preferences. The challenges are significant: intense competition from global players, strict regulations, varied demographic targets, and the need to continuously adapt to rapidly changing trends.

However, for those willing to navigate these complexities, the rewards are substantial. With over 556 (and growing) brands gaining recognition across a broad age range, and growing demand for licensed products tied to both traditional and digital entertainment, the potential for growth is undeniable. Success in this market will require agility, an understanding of both local and global consumer behaviors, and the ability to create compelling, cross-generational experiences.

In short, the future of entertainment licensing in China is filled with immense potential for those who are prepared to innovate, adapt, and compete in an ever-evolving landscape.


The current report provides a detailed analysis of brand awareness, popularity, and purchase intent of the most important Entertainment brands within China. All mentions were spontaneous, and carefully edited to reflect the Chinese preferences and choices. The most crucial aspect is that it predicts product category purchasing intentions. The service reports on 11,500+ different Entertainment, Fashion, or Sports brands four times a year, and interviews 200,000+ people ranging in age from infants to seniors in 42 countries.


The BrandTrends Group is a unique, multi-country provider of marketing research, focusing on brand, lifestyle, consumer behavioral and attitudinal trends, with a particular focus on children, youth, and families. Their experienced researchers and analysts are renowned in the industry for their expertise in monitoring brand performances, consumer attitudes and behaviors across up to 53 markets annually, making them a reliable and respected authority in the field. One of their most interesting value points is their ability to look at facts from a different perspective, providing a unique reading of the true trends in the market.

Their proprietary analytics, such as the Brand Popularity Index and Consumer Demand Gap, coupled with high-quality and accurate data enable clients to identify the best opportunities in retail activation, competitive environments, and brand line equity and design.

As a respected and trusted leader in their field, they work with renowned global companies across a variety of industries, including consumer package goods corporations, entertainment studios, retailers, and industry bodies.

To learn more, visit


According to a number of reports, the market in China for toys is being driven by inflating disposable income levels of the masses. Furthermore, there is a shift in preferences from traditional toys to modern and high-tech electronic toys as they contribute to enhancing IQ, enhancing motor skills, improving concentration and creativity, and promoting personality and communication skills which is further strengthening the market.

In addition, the increasing use of smartphones, relatively easy access to internet connectivity, and the rise of ebanking systems are also contributing to the market’s expansion.

Several leading players in the industry are focusing on developing innovative toys using eco-friendly materials such as cork, clay, and bamboo, thereby supporting the overall growth of the sustainable market. Additionally, the growth of organized distribution channels and the emergence of the e-commerce industry, which offers doorstep delivery and secure payment methods, are creating a very positive market outlook. Other factors, such as the increasing influence of social media and

the presence of strong income levels among the masses, are also impacting the market.

Market Trends and Drivers: Increasing Parental Concerns

Parents in China have become increasingly concerned about the safety of toys due to a number of past incidents involving substandard or hazardous products. Manufacturers and retailers are responding to these concerns by ensuring their products undergo thorough testing and certification processes to guarantee safety.

This is creating a positive market outlook. Moreover, with the rise of digital toys and smart devices, parents are increasingly concerned about online safety and privacy. They deliberately seek out toys that have robust security measures, protect children’s personal information, and provide a safe digital environment. Furthermore, the continual development of toys that incorporate educational elements, such as building blocks, puzzles, coding toys, and science kits is providing a boost to the market across China.

Rising implementation of government policies

The Chinese government has implemented various policies, such as providing tax incentives, subsidies, and financial support to encourage investment in toy production facilities, research and development, and innovation to support domestic toy manufacturing and promote the development of the industry. These policies aim to strengthen the domestic toy industry, enhance competitiveness, and reduce reliance on imported toys. Moreover, and importantly, they have taken measures to improve the enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPR) in the toy industry. This has led to increased protection of patented designs, trademarks, and copyrights. In addition, the government has implemented import and export regulations that also impact the toy market as these regulations govern the import of toys, including safety certifications, customs procedures, and labelling requirements. The government imposes export standards to ensure that toys meet the quality and safety requirements of target markets.


WildBrain正与中国国家电视台CCTV 6合作,为中国观众带来《神探 加杰特》(Inspector Gadget)这部好剧。此外,WildBrain还通过在其 他地区展开新一轮销售,提高这个深受喜爱的仿生侦探在全球的影 响力。Inspector Gadget IP由WildBrain全资拥有,是最经久不衰、 知名度最高的娱乐品牌之一,深受世界各地儿童和家庭的喜爱。

CCTV6购买了WildBrain的CG动画《神探加杰特》系列第一季(26 集,每集30分钟)的版权,该剧于7月20日在中国网络首播,每周六 播出,这是中国国家电视台首次将CG系列电视剧呈现给观众。

WildBrain受众互动执行副总裁Kate Smith表示:“Inspector Gadget继续成为一个让世界各地的家庭一次又一次地重聚的标志 性品牌。该剧在CCTV 6 频道的推出满足了中国对知名IP日益增长 的兴趣,新一代家长和孩子已成为该剧的忠实观众。我们坚信中国 观众会喜欢这部深受喜爱的电视剧。”

在CG系列电视剧中,Claw博士复活了全球犯罪集团MAD,而这 位笨手笨脚、多才多艺的侦探也重新回到工作岗位,试图拯救世 界!和Gadget一起行动的还有他的侄女Penny和她忠实的狗狗 Brain。WildBrain是该热门系列电视剧的制作商和全球发行商,拥 有丰富的“经典”Inspector Gadget动画内容库,这些内容至今仍受 到全球观众的追捧。


英国标志性时尚和生活方式品牌Laura Ashley与Pacific Home合 作在中国推出全新家纺系列。此次合作由Laura Ashley的授权机构 IMG促成,标志着该品牌在中国市场的影响力显著提高。

首个系列将于2024年10月首次亮相,推出 展现Laura Ashley标志性印花和配色方 案的独特床上用品。此次首轮发布后,该 系列将扩展到厨房和浴室用织物,新产品 计划于2025年春/夏季推出。 此次新的合

作建立在Laura Ashley先前与中国最大的 时尚零售商之一太平鸟(Peacebird)成功 开展的合作基础之上。Peacebird与Laura Ashley联名女装系列于2022年推出,标志 着该品牌首次进军中国市场

Gordon Brothers Brands高级董事总经 理兼Laura Ashley Global总裁Carolyn D’Angelo评论道:“我们很高兴与Pacific Home合作并提高Laura Ashley在中国市场的影响力。通过此次合 作,我们能够将标志性的英国设计带给新的受众,充分展现Laura Ashley品牌彰显的优雅和精致。”



在中国设立基地标志着该企业 做出了一项重大投资,巩固了 Hunter Price对引以为傲的客户 至上理念的承诺。提升客户体验 主张一直是Hunter Price 2024 年商业战略的要素。

沟通、一致性和合规性是业务的 核心要素,这些要素将因宁波的 新基地和团队而受益。与供应商 和商业伙伴的利益相关者关系 都将因此次设立的基地而受益, 从而提高整个供应链的效率。独 家展厅将展示Hunter Price最新 开发的产品、其全球品牌合作伙 伴和自有品牌组合。新的工作场 所将为Hunter Price提供大量机 会,来接待远东地区的客户和其 他利益相关者。

Hunter Price International的 商业总监Allana Holmes解释 道:“通过提高我们在宁波的影 响力,我们已提升客户和利益相 关者在全球办事处的体验。过去 几年我们实现了迅猛发展并且 将继续保持这种势头。为了继续 按照计划有条不紊地开展业务, 我们现在必须进行这项投资,以 进一步夯实我们的基础和根基。

“这一最新消息完全符合 Hunter Price的以下核心价值 观,这些价值观是推动我们开展 业务、采取行动和做出决策的力 量:影响力、创造力,尤其是雄心 和信任。我们都体现了这种不懈 的努力,力求更好地完成每一件 事,同时为我们的客户、品牌和 合作伙伴做出正确的决策。”

Allana继续说道:“上周第一次 看到新办公室时,我们感到非常 自豪,我们迫切想在接下来的几 个月里在新展厅接待客户,并在 与Hunter Price合作时进一步提 升客户体验。”

During Licensing Expo

Total Licensing took a meeting with two creative giants whose combined achievements stem 8 Platinum selling video games, a #1 New York Times Bestseller, a USA Today Bestseller, an Eisner Award, 5 Wizard Awards, 2 Ennies, BAFTA Nominations and more.

One new studio’s mission to elevate NFTs, blockchain, AI, data compression and more...

Peter Wacks (CEO) and Paul Jenkins (Creative Director in Residence and Co-Producer, Exfinitum) had been introduced earlier by Ross Walker, an industry veteran and Yoton Yo Studios’s Chief Commercial Officer.

Peter and Paul took the opportunity to shine a light on Yoton Yo’s creative depth, and its well-advanced ambitions across gaming, authentication and data compression.

We’ve enclosed a couple of excerpts from our conversation, and we’ll cover more specifics in the next issue when we explore NFTs and gaming specifically.

Peter Wacks summarised “We’re building a first of its kind phygital, multiverse, multi-game TCG called Exfinitum. Physical tabletop cards will be matched 1:1 on the blockchain, meaning the same card can be owned and played on a table as can be played on your phone or PC - they’re forever twinned. Our proprietary technology was developed to enable this outcome, but its true potential has far greater consequence beyond Exfinitum.”

Jenkins, whose credits include writing Wolverine: Origin and who is also considered one of the chief architects of Marvel’s revival before selling to Disney added: “Peter and I are steeped in rich storytelling and how to develop narrative. When we met, we immediately hit it off and realised the potential of storytelling having

parity with the engineering arm of a games studio, and what that could mean for multi-year story arcs, seasons, cross-universe storytelling and user-generated stories. Our writers’ room is a trove of talent and we’ve already developed IP and crafted new ways to acquire users ahead of game launch.”

Jenkins went on: “Exfinitum significantly shifts the TCG paradigm creatively, technically, via play, and by being able to absorb any IP.

We’ve planned a long-time for it to be genre-defining, and the response from studios and other rights holders reinforces that it’s a game changer. We’re approaching alpha at year-end, and we’re on-track for a full launch in summer 2025.”

On some of the other technologies the company is close to unveiling, Wacks teased “We’re a games-led technology company. The tech that we’re building is to support one aim of eventually licensing an end-to-end game system that enables others to launch new standalone TCGs. We’re taking the pain away from the fun and creative process. To achieve that outcome we’ve had to create 1:1 phygital scanning software, and upend 150 years of data science to reimagine data reduction, transfer and storage. This week, we figured out how to print terabytes of data on paper and scan those files on our smartphone via its camera.” He laughed and we


We asked Peter about international rollout and plans for the Chinese market. Peter responded “It’s absolutely our intention to publish the game globally. The game system and story-arc means we can accommodate cultural phenomena into the game, and adopt IP that’s both popular and relevant in a specific geography. China is a good example. There is a rich heritage of storytelling and an enormous gaming market. The Chinese market represents a significant opportunity for us to embrace local IP, meaning Chinese gamers have a cultural stake in a global game. I don’t think that’s been done before.”

We finally caught up with Ross, who laid it out the way that we’d come to try to understand some of what we’d heard.

“I was seduced by YYS’s intellectual horsepower both creatively and from the standpoint of engineering new technologies. Peter’s spent 30+ years looking at the world through a different lens to the rest of us. Matching his ability to invent with the engineering capabilities we have from MIT and beyond will generate some world-changing outcomes that leverage blockchain and AI. Some will have a profound impact within the licensing industry for sure, but they offer far broader application outside it. Paul’s a creative powerhouse that brings to franchise building a level of simplicity, sophistication and process that I’ve not seen previously. The breadth of commercial opportunities is unmatched by any other company I’ve encountered. It’s been a real buzz to get back in contact with old friends and reunite.What’s to come from all quarters of the studio we look forward to disclosing later this year and next.”

We finished the meeting somewhat exhausted by keeping up with what we had been told, but keen to learn more and to delve into YYS’s specific use cases for NFTs in gaming in the next issue.

在授权博览会期间,Total Licensing与两位创意巨 头进行了会面,他们的共 同成就包括: 8款白金销量视频游戏、 《纽约时报》畅销书排行 榜第一名、《今日美国》畅 销书、一项“艾斯纳奖”、5 项“Wizard奖”、2项“艾 尼奖”、英国电影学院奖 提名等。

行业资深人士兼Yoton Yo Studios首席商务官Ross Walker此前已介绍过Peter Wacks(首席执行官)和Paul Jenkins(Exfinitum驻场创意总 监兼联合制片人)。

Peter和Paul借此机会展示了 Yoton Yo的创意深度,及其在游 戏、身份验证和数据压缩领域取 得的进展。

我们附上了一些对话摘录,下一 期我们将专门深入探讨NFT和 游戏。

Peter Wacks总结道:“我们 正在构建史无前例的物联网、 多元宇宙、多游戏TCG,名为 Exfinitum。实物桌面卡牌将在 区块链上以1:1的比例匹配,这 意味着同一张卡牌既可以在桌 上出现和玩耍,也可以在手机或 电脑上玩耍——它们绝不会落 单。为了实现这一效果,我们开 发出了专有技术,但其真实潜力 远超Exfinitum。”

Jenkins是《Wolverine:Origin》 一书的作者,也被认为是漫威 复兴的主要推动者之一,之后 将其出售给迪士尼,他补充 道:“Peter和我都对丰富的故事 讲述以及如何展开叙述有着深 入的了解。见面后,我俩一拍即 合,意识到故事叙述与游戏工作 室的工程部门具有异曲同工之 妙,而这对于多年故事情节、季 节、跨宇宙故事叙述和用户产生

的故事又意味着什么。我们的编 剧室人才济济,在游戏发布前便 已着手IP的开发并设计出了新 的方式来吸引用户。”

Jenkins继续说道:“Exfinitum 通过游戏方式以及汲取任何IP 的灵感,在创造性和技术上显 著改变了TCG范式。我们计划了 很长时间,使其成为一种流派定 义,而工作室和其他权利持有人 的回应也证实它将改变游戏规 则。我们将在年底进入内部测试 阶段,并计划在2025年夏季全 面推出。”

在谈到公司即将推出的其他一 些技术时,Wacks透露:“我们是 一家以游戏为主导的科技公司。

我们正在构建的技术是为了完 成一个目标,即最终授权端到端 游戏系统,使其他人能够推出新 的独立TCG。我们正在减少创造 过程的痛苦,让这个过程充满乐 趣。为了实现这一目标,我们必 须开发1:1的物理数字扫描软 件,并颠覆150年的数据科学来 重新构想数据的缩减、传输和 存储。本周,我们弄清楚了如何 将数TB的数据打印在纸上,并 通过智能手机的摄像头扫描这 些文件。”他笑着说,我们则点头 回应。

我们向Peter询问了国际推广情 况以及针对中国市场制定的计 划。Peter回答说:“我们绝对有 意在全球范围内发行这款游戏。 游戏系统和故事情节意味着我

们可以将文化现象融入游戏, 并采用在特定地区流行的相关 IP。中国就是一个不错的例子。 这里有着悠久的讲故事传统和 巨大的游戏市场。中国市场为我 们接受本土IP提供了重要机遇, 中国玩家将在全球游戏中获得 文化方面的利益。我认为这前所 未有。”

我们终于赶上了Ross的进度, 他以摆事实,讲道理的方式展开 阐述,我们试图理解所听到的一 些内容。“我被YYS在创造力和新 技术设计观点方面展现出的智 慧所吸引。Peter花了30多年的 时间通过不同的视角看待世界。 他的发明能力与麻省理工学院 等的工程能力相结合,利用区块 链和人工智能,将会取得一些改 变世界的成果。有些肯定会对授 权行业产生深远的影响,但在授 权行业之外的应用范围要广泛 得多。Paul是一个富有创造力的 人,他为特许经营建立了流程, 实现了前所未有的简单性和复 杂性。在所提供的商业机会的广 度方面,我认识的任何其他公司 都无法与之比拟。与老朋友重新 取得联系并重聚真是一件令人 兴奋的事情。我们期待在今年晚 些时候和明年披露工作室各个 方面的新动态。”

会谈结束时,因为要跟上所讲的 内容,我们略感疲惫,但我们仍 渴望了解更多信息,并在下一期 采访中深入探讨YYS在游戏中使 用NFT的具体案例。

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