Sister2sister 1st ed

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May 2017


Wellness Website:

WHO IS MY SISTER? ROMANS 12:16 “Be of the same mind towards one another.”

Sisterhood is a powerful bond between two women that can only be experienced when the bond has been established. Rather it be by blood, friendship, experience, circumstance, or commonality, the sisterhood relationship is special and God honors it highly among other relationships. One biblical example of this is that of Ruth and Naomi. (Ruth chapter 1). Ruth’s husband and sons all died, leaving her an old lady with no more children, and leaving their wives behind (Orpah and Ruth) who also didn’t have any children. As the biblical account continues, it is in verse 16 where Ruth responds to her mother-in-law “But Ruth replied, "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. It is with this very statement that true sisterhood begins to evolve. It is during the course of this sisterhood that the Kingsman Redeemer emerges. The goal of Sister-2-Sister and Rebirth Magazine both is to facilitate change; through Rein-

Inside This Issue:

vention, Reeducation, Restoration, and Renewal among American women of all ages, na-

tionalities, cultures, religious backgrounds, marital status, parent or not, and without regard to social class and status. In every neighborhood, subdivision, school house, church house, etc. there are hurting, dying women, that have suffered pains unimaginable, experienced brokenness, and/or are in search of a Fresh Start. Inside this newsletter you will find answers to questions, pertaining to women’s issues, brain teasers to stimulate your thinking, upcoming announcements

Introduction– Dr. Vanessa WilliamsCook

Let’s Just Praise by Elder Deonza Nash

Why are there no marriages taking place in the Body of Christ by Cherry Fitts DeLaney

Putting Stress in its Place from Rebirth Magazine

When is it My Time by Minister Darlene Mingo-DuBois

Main Feature: Healing & Wellness for Women by: Dr. Vanessa Williams

from Nana’s Girls’ Foundation, and articles written by different women at the forefront of local

church ministries Cross-country. Allow these women to minister to your places of hurt, pain, frustration, confusion, and bring joy, peace, and comfort to your soul, spirit, and heart. I hope you enjoy Sister-2-Sister as it is our very pleasure to bring you information, inspiration, and entertainment. Yours in Christ Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook

Here are some tips for

Putting Stress in Its Place from Rebirth Magazine

LET’S JUST PRAISE ... Let's talk about what to do while we are in the middle of a storm (situation). We often sit and cry, and want to feel pity for ourselves, along with others, but I hear God saying someone reading this article will need a word, or they may need to be encouraged. So let's break out with a praise. You will not have a nervous breakdown, but you will get through whatever it is that you are going through. Depression, does not belong to you. You often sit and say, ‘I should have been much farther in life,’ stop beating yourself up. Today is a new day, so rejoice! Hold your head up and smile. There are some things that the enemy stole from you while you were going through and you have got to get it back. Yesterday is gone and it's time to let some things go and do it totally God's way. You may feel like you’ve tried to please man, you may feel you have tried it your way, and it just didn't work. Now it's time to let it go, give it all to God, repent and move on. Ask God to order your steps. Now, getting back to what you are going to do while you are in the middle of your storm, "praise God ". You might say no one understands what just took place in my life, I just lost a love one, I just lost my job, my spouse doesn’t want to act right. I'm in the middle of a battle and I can't see my way out. Well my dear you have a choice, stay there or put a praise on it. It doesn’t matter what you are facing, trust God. God’s got everything in control. Praise confuses the enemy. Just when he thought he was going to make you lose your mind and breakdown, breakout with a praise. Confuse the enemy and watch him flee from you in the name of Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus! Elder Deonza Nash

Make no mistake about it. Stress is real. According to the American Psychological Association in 2012 Women continue to report higher stress levels than men. More women report experiencing extreme stress than men. What’s more, women are more likely than men to say their stress is on the rise. More women say their stress levels have increased in the past five years. How you handle stress makes a big difference in how you feel. It might even help your blood pressure, blood sugar level, and the rest of you. Use these

calming strategies to stop stress ASAP. Get Outside —Spending time outdoors, even close to home, is linked to better well-being. You're in a natural setting, and you're usually doing something active, like walking or hiking. Even a few minutes can make a difference in how you feel. Smile Like You Mean It—Don’t roll your eyes the next time someone advises you to “grin and bear it.” In times of tension, keeping a smile on your face – especially a genuine smile that’s formed by the muscles will help to relieve pressure and even ease headaches. Smiling also helps lower heart rates faster once your stressful situation ends. Break Out the Bubble Gum—Next time you’re at the end of your rope, unwrap a stick of gum. According to studies, chewing gum lowers anxiety and eases stress. Some researchers think the rhythmic act of chewing may improve blood flow to your brain, while others believe the smell and taste help you relax around your eyes as well as your mouth – reduces your body’s stress responses, even if you don’t feel happy. Sniff Some Lavender—Certain scents like lavender may soothe. In one study, nurses who pinned small vials of lavender oil to their clothes felt their stress ease, while nurses who didn’t felt more stressed. Lavender may intensify the effect of some painkillers and anti-anxiety medications, so if you’re taking either, check with your doctor before use. Tune In—Heading into a stressful situation? Music can help you calm down. In one study, people had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol when they listened to a recording of Latin choral music before doing something stressful (like doing math out loud or giving a speech) than when they listened to a recording of rippling water. (Wondering what that choral piece was, music fans? Try Miserere by Gregorio Allegri.), Antonio Vivaldi’s Seasons, or try listening to instrumental hymns from Maranatha. Reboot Your Breath—Feeling less stressed is as close as your next breath. Focusing on your breath curbs your body’s “fight or flight” reaction to pressure or fear, and it pulls your attention away from negative thoughts. Sit comfortably in a quiet place. Breathe in slowly through your nose, letting your chest and lower belly rise and your abdomen expand. Breathe out just as slowly, repeating a word or phrase that helps you relax. To reap the most benefit, repeat for at least 10 minutes. Be Kind to Yourself—We all have a constant stream of thoughts running through our heads, and sometimes what we tell ourselves isn’t so nice. Staying positive and using compassionate self-talk will help you calm down and get a better grip on the situation. Talk to yourself in the same gentle, encouraging way you’d help a friend in need. “Everything will be OK,” for instance, or "I'll figure out how to handle this."

Rebirth Magazine Launch Rebirth Magazine is a magazine written by women for women sharing stories of transformation and helpful tips on becoming a woman of excellence. This The 2016 Spring/Summer Edition of Rebirth Magazine will feature Kisha Johnson McRae CEO of the Stiletto Queen Experience and Certified Life Coach, from Bronx, New York. Also featured will be Christal Brown Heyward in Life After Divorce, Assistant Pastor and 1/2 of the Winners of the 2016 Low Country McDonald's Showcase Elder Darlene Richardson in I'm Every Woman, and Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook Owner of Nana's Girls Foundation, and Editor-in-Chief of Rebirth in the title story of Rebirth. Order your copy Today. , Launch Date: Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 7:00 PM FB LIVE DEBUT Pre-Orders $15.00 After July 30th $20.00 Ministry discounts available for orders of 25 or more

AND THE LORD GOD SAID, IT IS NOT GOOD THAT MAN SHOULD BE ALONE, I WILL MAKE FOR HIM A HELP MEET. (Genesis 2:18) So the question: WHY ARE MARRIAGES NOT TAKING PLACE IN THE BODY OF CHRIST? From the beginning, God knew with all His infinite wisdom that it was not good that man be alone. Genesis 20:20 tells us that the man gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the sky, and every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him. Genesis 2:22 tells us that God formed woman from the rib of man, and brought her unto the man. These scriptures let us know how important it was to God, and still is for man to have a mate and helper. But today the church, the Body of Christ has gotten away from what God intended for man. In today's time, we see more people in the world (unsaved) getting married and having mates than in the Church, the Body of Christ. In 1 Corinthians 7:2 it says Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. But the Holy Spirit revealed that many in the Body of Christ are not avoiding fornication. Many are under the misconception that because we are saved that it alright with the Lord to engage in fornication. Sin is NEVER alright with the Lord. Sin separates us from God. The Holy Spirit revealed that the church is now in this aspect is acting like the world. What is taking place in the church today is that many men in the body of Christ (not all) that are single are dating a sister in the church, leading her to believe she is the one, and because they are dating (exclusively is what she believes) she often gives in and consent to sexual relations, because she ASSUMES that they will be married. As soon as the brother in this situation gets this sister to give in to sexual relations, he then moves on to another sister in the church, while the first sister is unaware, and waiting, because she has given into that the brother thinking he will marry her!! Oftentimes the brother in this situation moves freely thru out the same church, telling countless and clueless women each not to tell anyone they are dating! Then this same brother in the church repeats this cycle with women across the Body of Christ. But I want to tell you today I hear the Holy Spirit say you can date, BUT DO NOT FORNICATE. But my sisters you have a part in this also to refrain until marriage. We know most women want to get married and they want a Godly husband, but know this, a Godly man will never want to take you out of the will of God. Men also know women want a Godly man and some men (not all) will use this to gain what they want. Can I be real with you sisters? Men like a woman that says NO!! Oftentimes they end up marrying someone who has told them no, or marrying someone outside the church. The Holy Spirit also revealed with this situation happening in the church, His people are not repenting of this, and repent means to turn away from... Many are saying Lord forgive me, and are returning to the same sin...Now unto him, who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, Jude 1:24 The Lord God is able, to keep, you from falling!!!!! So I encourage you sisters to wait on the Lord !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Psalms 27:14 - Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Prophet Chery Fitts DeLaney, Daytona Beach, Florida When you allow fear to creep in, you allow your faith to walk out!!!!

When is it my time? When is it my turn? By Darlene Mingo-DuBois In life, there are times when we feel as though things and situations in our lives are taking too long to manifest. We believe that we are entitled to a position. We have been beyond ready for a relationship. When is it my time? When is it my turn? This is the question that dwells in our thoughts, day to day. This is when we have to understand that everything happens in due time. Although in the world we currently live in, the predicting of the seasons continues to meld into one another. We now have winter in spring, and summer in fall. Not knowing how to dress from day to day but based on what the weather expert tells us, they provide us a guess work of what is to come so that we can prepare.

But it is when we understand, that all things come together in due season, we can begin to exercise the patience required to wait on it. In that waiting period, I coach my clients to prepare. In preparation go over and beyond what is required, see yourself already having it. Many men and women are ready to be united with their mate. They are frustrated in the wait. But again, in the wait, you are to prepare. You may not have the mate yet because you are not ready. It is not the season for that. So in the waiting for your turn and your time. Don’t become frustrated in your waiting. PREPARE for your due season. Delayed is not denied, there is purpose in preparation. We don’t wear mink coats in the summer, nor do we wear shorts in a winter blizzard. Be patient, It’s on the way in your due season.

Darlene Mingo is a Certified Life & Purpose Coach, Transformational speaker, Licensed Educator & Cosmetologist, Licensed Minister, Kingdom Ambassador, Mentor and, CEO of “The W.O.E. Network” and “D. Mingo Hair Solutions”. For over 20 years she has made transforming women’s self- esteem a daily work of service. In 2016, she added to her experience and became a Certified Life/Purpose Coach through the P4 Coaching Institute. As a Stephens Minister and Cosmetologist, over many years she has been a confidant to many. Hearing, Counseling and personally understanding the areas of struggle for many women she now helps them to not only recognize their beauty on the outside, she walks with women during the process of discovering their true beauty WITHIN. Teaching how to awaken, discover and reunite with the powerful women that has been waiting for her big reveal and the POWER of who she really is.

FROM NGF, INC. Each quarter we will bring you tips concerning today’s woman and issues pertaining to health and wellness. We are busier than ever. Our lives are filled with activity, events, one thing after another, and most times not taking time out for self-care. When we fail to tend to ourselves as important individuals, as a person we suffer emotionally. Emotional drainage happens more than not, because of failure to use the word “NO.” We don’t say no for many reasons. We fear hurting the other person’s feelings, or afraid of not being accepted, or my favorite we over extend ourselves because we believe we can do it all. There may even be situations where you are afraid to say no because you feel unsafe, or worse there is impending danger present and you think saying no will cause more harm than good. **IF YOU FEEL YOU CAN’T SAY NO TO SUCH THINGS AS: UNCOMFORTABLE OR INTIMATE TOUCH SEX DOING FAVORS, SUCH AS LENDING MONEY MEDICAL PROCEDURES ABUSE AND/ OR HARASSMENT CONTROLLING BEHAVIORS BY OTHERS SPENDING TIME WITH PEOPLE WHO TREAT YOU BADLY ALCOHOL OR DRUGS GOING PLACES YOU DON’T WAN TO GO DOING THINGS YOU DON’T WANT TO DO

Failure to establish healthy emotional boundaries causes us more pain than not, and often times illnesses, depression, or burn out occur. This is a matter of making personal choices. As an adult you have the right to make choices concerning your health and well being. While some choice may be limited by financial circumstances, or even disabilities, you have the right to make choices both major and minor about your life: who you marry, having children or not, where you work, your education, the style or color of your hair, how you spend your time, your hobbies, your leisure, where you live, or the clothes you wear. NOONE HAS THE RIGHT TO INTERFERE WITH THOSE CHOICES, except you be unable to care for yourself. If you are currently living with a violent partner you may be in serious danger if you suddenly stood up for yourself. If you have been hit, kicked, pushed, slapped, shoved, or threatened, if your children or other family members, friends or even pets have been threatened or harmed, you need to take the following steps: 1. Tell someone you trust about your situation. 2. Seek advice, support, or services from a shelter for battered women. 3. Contact a domestic violence hotline or clinic. 4. Make a safety plan for you and your family that includes a place to go, money, and people who will support you. Your goal is to get to a place of safety. Remember the choice is yours. DON’T KEEP GIVNG AWAY YOUR PERSONAL POWER!!!!

Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook

Poem: Phenomenal Woman By: Maya Angelou Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size But when I start to tell them, They think I'm telling lies. I say, It's in the reach of my arms, The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lip. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me.

Putting Stress...con’t from page 2 Write Your Stress Away—Writing will help you to resolve your issues. Putting your thoughts on paper gives you an avenue of release, and enable you to picture the resolution as you think through the resolution. It doesn’t matter whether you prefer pen and notebook, a phone app, or a file on your laptop. The important thing is that you’re honest about your feelings.

I walk into a room Just as cool as you please, And to a man, The fellows stand or Fall down on their knees. Then they swarm around me, A hive of honey bees. I say, It's the fire in my eyes, And the flash of my teeth, The swing in my waist, And the joy in my feet. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me.

Tell a Friend—When you’re feeling overwhelmed, seek out the company of a

Men themselves have wondered What they see in me. They try so much But they can't touch My inner mystery. When I try to show them, They say they still can't see. I say, It's in the arch of my back, The sun of my smile, The ride of my breasts, The grace of my style. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me.

you like a long walk or an intense workout at the gym, you’ll feel uplifted

Now you understand Just why my head's not bowed. I don't shout or jump about Or have to talk real loud. When you see me passing, It ought to make you proud. I say, It's the click of my heels, The bend of my hair, The palm of my hand, The need for my care. Cause I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me.

friend or loved one. Have a friend who’s dealing with the same worries as you? Even more reason to open up. You'll both feel less alone. Get Moving—When you work up a sweat, you improve your mood, clear

your head, and take a break from whatever is stressing you out. Whether afterward. Prayer & Meditation—The number one way to unplug and relieve stress of any kind, is to spend quiet time praying and meditating upon the Word of God. Focus on certain Scriptures that are sure to relieve stress, such as: Isaiah 26:3; John 14:7; 16:33; Proverbs 3:5-6; 16:7; and Philippians 4:6-7 are just to start with. Always remember these two things from the most prolific writer of the New Testament-Paul I Thessalonians 5:17, 18 Pray without ceasing. 18Give thanks in every circumstance, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.. Philippians 4:10-12 Now I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have revived your concern for me. You were indeed concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this out of need, for


I have learned to be content regardless of my circumstances. I know how to live humbly, and I know how to abound. I am accustomed to any and every situation—to being filled and being hungry, to having plenty and having need.… And finally, wisdom from the the first Pope-Apostle Peter himself, 1Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Rebirth Magazine Premier Edition 2017

Contact Us Give us a call for more information about our services and products Nana’s Girls’ Foundation, Inc. 5942 Liberty Chapel Road Ste. N Florence, SC 29502 (843) 289-0998 ngfcarolina@gmail,com

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NGF, Inc. 5942 Liberty Chapel Road Ste. N Florence, SC 29506


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