Sister2sister 2nd ed

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October 2017

Wellness Website:

From Transition to Transformation The word transition would indicate that something or someone is moving from one state of being to another. It would indicate that a shifting or changing is taking place. Transformation is the result of transition coming to an end. Coaches vacillate over the number of stages for transformation. I am a butterfly fanatic. So, I have subscribed to Dr. Edward E. Wilson’s theory on the 7 stages of transformation. Now I have added a step which really when I look at it, it coincides with Step 5. Let’s look at these steps briefly. Mr. Wilson uses the following transformational cycle of the caterpillar to further explain his theory. “The caterpillar reaches a point in its life cycle where it is ready to change. It ceases its normal life activities and retires from the world. It constructs a cocoon to shelter it and structure the change. Inside the structure of the cocoon it introduces an agent that dissolves it, it liquefies itself. After it has dissolved itself it reforms as a new being inside the cocoon structure. And once it has solidified in its new form it breaks away that shelter and re-enters the world to engage in new life activities.” Why is this important? Let’s look a little deeper. Stage 1: Resolving You have to be ready to change. Romans 10:8-13 Stage 2: Retiring Once you have made the resolution to change you need to separate yourself from the places, people and habits you fill your life with, all act to reinforce your current way of being. Romans 6:12-18 Stage 3: Structuring When the caterpillar retires from the world, it builds a cocoon to shelter it and to structure the coming changes. Like the caterpillar WE need to create a space for change to occur while we go through the process. Philippians 4:8, 9 Stage 4: Dissolving Once the caterpillar is secure in its cocoon it secretes and enzyme that liquefies its body. After we have created the structure that we are going to change within, we want to dissolve our sense of self. We also want to introduce an agent or method to make the normally solid construct of our identity more fluid and flexible. It is here where new lines can be drawn, and a new self can be born. Galatians 5:19-26 Stage 5: Reforming Liquefied in its cocoon the caterpillar reforms itself in its new shape, the butterfly. It is here that our paradigm shifts. Reinvention, reeducation, restoration and renewal all take place here.. A new outlook and new body of practice are forged. We tell ourselves a new story of who we are and what we are capable of and we let old beliefs and old habits be forgotten. Romans 12:1 Stage 6: Solidifying After the butterfly has formed its new body it’s still not ready to rejoin the world it needs to solidify and dry out. We too need time to solidify after we have formed our new selves. If we were to rejoin the world too quickly we would find our new selves too fragile and it would be very easy to fall, or be pushed, into old habits. Isaiah 43:18, 19 Stage 7: Returning Now that the butterfly is fully formed and solidified in its new body, it breaks out of its cocoon, unfolds its wings and returns to the world. When our new habits and self have stabilized it’s time for us to return as well. You might have some resistance from people you know to your new way of life but some people will always resist change. Just go out in the world and be the butterfly. Ephesians 6:10-20

Inside This Issue:

Main Feature: Interview with Apostle Lucretia Hines pp.2-3

Introduction–Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook ………...... 1 Interview w/Apostle Lucretia Hines ………….……... 2 Movers & Shakers …....………………………………. 4

Marsha Davis, Lucinda Cross, Minister Darlene Mingo-DuBois

Pray with LaVondilyn W. San Kitts ………………… 6

Interview with Apostle Lucretia Hines, Author of FaithWalker From Where did the title FaithWalker derive? FaithWalker was derived from the Lord teaching me how to apply concepts of faith through operating in the Abrahamic covenant, and teaching thers how to apply them daily to achieve our God fulfilled destiny.

What do you believe is the message for women both inside and outside the church in this hour?

The total message for women I feel in this hour is to walk in wholeness. It's time for healing from the inside out. Some are dealing with health issues, obesity, and self-esteem issues due to past hurts , and dilemmas they have encountered. Woman don't have to fight anymore, WE CAN LIVE and BE FREE! Submission & humility as a restored woman.

There are many who still don't believe in women preachers, not to mention a woman apostle. How would you address this? As far as women Apostle's, according to Romans 16: 7 The Apostle Paul makes mention & notes : A woman named Junia. Junia served alongside Paul in his ministry, and was effective enough to be considered a threat to the local authorities, who imprisoned her along with Paul. He notes that Junias and Andronicus was with him in prison, and that they were outstanding among apostles. That lets us know that there were females in this office that operated in this five-fold ministry capacity to help obtain the kingdom of God. I usually ask for a scripture & reference point to those who still struggle with this traditional way & concept of women preachers & leaders.

How long have you been in ministry?

I have been in ministry a total of 11 years and counting with 3 churches established, and have ordained, and appointed leaders.

What is your platform? Foundational message? My platform widely used is media, and the arts such as writing books, screen writing, and comedy skits. My foundational message is: The Kingdom of God.

What would you say to a young woman in her first year of pastor Inc? What kind of advice? I would tell the new Pastor (Woman): Stay in much prayer , and fasting. Use great discernment, and allow the people who are in your ministry to show you who they are. Take your time placing them in leadership. Don't allow groups & clicks to form in your ministry. Rebuke in honesty & in love. Keep God first in your ministry. Don't allow the people to idolize you, always lead them to the father. What is the next step for you Apostle? Where do you see God taking you? My next step is television, and God allowing me to dominate the marketplace of media & celebration. What has been your most challenging issue in ministry, and as a woman? My most challenging issue in ministry was going through a public divorce, but yet God allowed me to bounce back better than before. As a woman I was often challenged with the spirit of religion & tradition in regards to women in leadership. I had to deal with Lack of support from other co-laborers due to jealousy, envy, and folks not understanding the suffering I have went through for the anointing & mantle I carry upon my life. What advice would you give to a young single mother trying to make ends meet? To a single mother with children, been there done that, I would give the advice to accept your weaknesses, ask for help, and keep pressing knowing you can handle and change any situation. Establish a relationship with God, and have faith in him to deliver you from any situation. I was homeless with my two-year old son due to having a disagreement with a relative who was an alcoholic and made poor judgement choices. I often had to fend for myself even though they opened up their doors to me. Living in my car, and sleeping on a friend’s floor, then several weeks went by, until I decided to accept my weaknesses, and asked for help. Once I humbled myself the rest was history.......... here I am today, a high school drop-out, ex-drug trafficker, and street dangerous street life with a total restored life. Sometimes God uses our children as tools to help deliver us.

Who is Apostle Lucretia Hines? Lucretia Hines is a woman who loves God, and submits to him through the power of sonship. She is innovative, a pioneer, and trailblazer. She is a mom, grandmother, and daughter. She is an entrepreneur with a big heart for Gods leaders, and people to be in right standing with the father. She is a fashion movement alone, and a class all by herself. She is an author, producer, model, and television talk show host. She is thankful to God for allowing her to deliver his people, and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ backed by the kingdom of God. She is

Marsha Davis of Miami, Florida, is one of our featured contributors to Rebirth of the Total Woman. This young lady will take you on her journey to becoming an entrepreneur. Ms. Davis will walk you through how her faith in Jesus Christ brought her to a place of ownership. She has a fabulous line of hair care products and will also give you hair care tips for your New Season. You really don’t want to miss this story of developing faith and learning to trust God first hand as He opens doors for this correctional officer to now be the proud owner and operator of Hair All Down My Back. You don’t want to miss this.

Whether you are natural, kinky, curly, or transitioning skimping out on a perfected bedtime regimen for your hair can be a bad choice. Even when sleeping hair can be vulnerable to breakage and damage but here 5 tips to help you perfect your night time routine to keep those tresses thriving. 1. Have a specific place where you keep all your hair care tools and products that you need for your night time routine (and your daytime hair routine as well) Have a special drawer or area where you keep your satin scarf, your moisturizer and oil, along with your comb and

your brush. This just

makes the bed time routine much simpler, especially on nights when

are less likely to do anything

you are exhausted from the day. You

to your hair if you have to find your hair scarf and then look for the comb and brush as well. So

keeping these items compartmentalized makes life just makes life easy. 2.

Moisturize your hair. Hair must be moisturized and the way to moisturize hair is by using a leave in conditioner by coating the hair with a small amount of leave conditioner from root to tip. You don’t have to drown the hair with the leave in. A dime sized amount should be sufficient to moisturize hair nightly. As a rule of thumb when looking for a moisturizer, if the first ingredient is not Water or Aloe then chances are it is not a moisturizing leave in conditioner. Also see Step 1 Daily Moisturizing Leave In Conditioner by Hair All Down My Back, LLC at if you are in the market for a leave in conditioner.


Seal your ends. Most people think that moistening hair works by itself but it ket

doesn’t. The reason why even the best leave in conditioners on the mar-

work only for a few hours is because most people don’t understand that water from the leave in provides the moisture for the hair but it is the oil

that keeps

or seals the moisture keeping the moisture in for day. After coating your

small amount of oil

strands with your leaving conditioner from root tip take a

and coat your strands also from root to tip with a moisturizing oil. A good oil

for beginners is Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Jojoba

Oil. However, are looking for an oil mix that will add moisture, shine and help with growth here is a sugges Light Oil by Hair All Down My Back, LLC at

tion: Step 2 Daily Moisture and Shine


Set Your Hair for the Next Day. If you are natural or wearing a protective style such as a sew in, comb or brush down your hair and then prep hair for the style you will wear the next day. Prepping could be as easy as braiding or twisting down the hair to keep away tangles and knots. If you are relaxed preparing hair in a wrap for easy take down the next is what you will do. Setting and preparing your style for the next day takes the guess work out of

things and also saves on time in the morning in case you have to dash out of the door.

5. Cover your Hair . Most pillowcases are cotton and can be extremely drying. The friction of your hair moving around on the pillow case without a barri er of protect ion will lead to breakage. A satin scarf or bonet can be found at any Beauty Supply Store and will help keep the moisture in and hair protected. If satin bonnets or scarves aren’t your thing, invest in a satin pillow case instead.

Mover and shaker #2 you have to meet. Ms. Lucinda Cross, the mind behind the

Lucinda Cross,

known as the Chief Activator is THE VOICE of this generation. CEO of Activate Worldwide. and founder of Activate Your Life 501c3. Her span of influence reaches more than 30,000 Activate members globally, over 35,000 via social media and hundreds of thousands through her weekly radio features WNBM 103.9 FM NY. Lucinda is an accomplished best-selling author with 5 self-published books under her name. Recipient of the Life Time Achievement Award from former President Barack Obama. She is a highly sought after International Speaker and Corporate Coach, crisscrossing the country weekly delivering her high impact, anticipated words of wisdom, self-discovery and

strategy. Lucinda’s story is compelling. It’s one of triumph and overcoming odds to regain her rightful place in life. It’s a story of using all of your life experiences to inspire thousands. Packed audiences, sold out seats, men and women always leave her Experience feeling inspired, encouraged and ready to ACTIVATE .

Darlene Mingo is a Certified Life & Purpose Coach, Licensed Minister, Transformational speaker, Licensed Educator & Cosmetologist, Kingdom Ambassador, Mentor and, CEO and Host of “The Situation Room-Kingdom Edition” 2017 Nominee for the ACHI Magazine Radio Personality and Inspirational Woman of the Year Award, author of “They Didn’t Tell Me I was Beautiful “ coming this fall, and “D. Mingo Hair Solutions”. For over 20 years she has made transforming women’s self- esteem a daily work of service. In 2016, she added to her experience and became a Certified Life/Purpose Coach through the P4 Coaching Institute. As a Stephens Minister and Cosmetologist, over many years she has been a confidant to many. Hearing, Counseling and personally understanding the areas of struggle for many women she now helps them to not only recognize their beauty on the outside, she walks with women during the process of discovering their true beauty WITHIN. Teaching how to awaken, discover and reunite with the powerful women that has been waiting for her big reveal and the POWER of who she really is. Join her Monday Evenings FB Live at 8pm.

PRAY - The 4 Parts to a Simple, Effective Prayer LaVondilyn W. San Kitts Do you believe that God cares about your life? You truly do matter to Him! You are His creation and He wants desperately to fellowship with you. He wants to know what's on your heart, what's weighing you down, what's lifting you up. He's the best friend you could ever hope to have - He's honest, trustworthy and totally committed to you. But just as in any friendship, the key to continued growth is communication. The more you talk with (not at) someone, the closer you will grow to them, the deeper the relationship will become. Not only does God care about your life, your wants, your needs, your joys, He wants you to care about His! He wants to share His heart with you, as well- His desires, His joys, His plan for your life. Prayer facilitates this kind of exchange! Prayer is simply communicating with God. It's a 2-way conversation that solidifies your relationship with your Creator. It can be a beautiful, desirable time of connection...if you know how to effectively do it. Here is P.R.A.Y., my 4-part process to prayer: 1. Praise - Begin your prayers with praise. Thank God for His goodness, for His kindness, for being the amazing Light in your life! This is where you pour your heart out to Him and tell Him how much you love Him. The Lord inhabits the praise of His people (Ps 22:3). And he loves to be praised and adored (not to mention how worthy He is!). Make this the first thing you do when you go to God in prayer. 2. Repent - Ro 3:23 reminds us that "all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." None of us is perfect. So, undoubtedly there are some things you wish you hadn't done - lies you may have told, anger you may be harboring, unrighteous thoughts you may have entertained, sins you've committed. If you confess your sins before the Lord, He is faithful and just to forgive you (1John 1:19). Repent - ask for forgiveness and then don't commit those same sins again. Repenting is an important step because if you have iniquity in your heart, the Lord will not hear your prayers. (Ps. 66:18)

3. Ask - Now you are free to ask anything of the Lord! Jesus says in Matthew 21:22 "and all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive." Do you need His intervention in a situation? Do you need a particular blessing? Provision, protection, grace, favor? What do you need? Ask your Father. Your God shall provide all of your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus! (Phil 4:19) In that same chapter Paul reminds you to, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Do you have a request? Ask Him! 4. Yield. So you've, praised, repented and asked, but in order for it to be a conversation, you must listen. This is the most important part of the process because it does you no good to talk at God and not wait for His response. He wants to respond to you, but you have to be available to listen! Spend some time in quiet expectation. Look for His response around you - perhaps through the lyrics of a song, or the kind gesture of a person, or maybe through a revelation that leaps from the pages of the Word. He will respond! Make sure you are open to hear what the Lord has to say to you. The Word says "ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." (Matt 7:7) Look for Him. He's heard your prayer and if you're open, He will respond in due time.

Do not fret because of evildoers; Nor be envious of the workers of iniquity. 2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, And wither as the green herb. 3 Trust in the LORD, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. 4 Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. 5 Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass. 6 He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your justice as the noonday. 7 Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,

Rebirth Magazine

Rebirth Magazine is a magazine written by women for women sharing stories of transformation and helpful tips on becoming a woman of excellence. This Premier Edition of Rebirth Magazine will feature Kisha Johnson McRae CEO of the Stiletto Queen Experience and Certified Life Coach, from Bronx, New York. Also featured will be Christal Brown Heyward in Life After Divorce, Assistant Pastor and 1/2 of

the Winners of the 2016 Low Country McDonald's Showcase Elder Darlene Richardson in I'm Every Woman, and Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook Owner of Nana's Girls Foundation, and Editor-in-Chief of Rebirth in the title story of Rebirth. Order your copy Today. , Printed Copy $20.00 Digital Copy $15.00 Ministry discounts available for orders of 20 or more Go to


Contact Us Give us a call for more information about our services and products Nana’s Girls’ Foundation, Inc. 5942 Liberty Chapel Road Ste. N Florence, SC 29502 (843) 289-0998 ngfcarolina@gmail,com

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NGF, Inc. 5942 Liberty Chapel Road Ste. N Florence, SC 29506


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