What Is Mindfulness? Why You Need It Now, and How To Get Started By Megan Frey Wolfe We have been living through very challenging times. Regardless of your age and life situation, the pandemic has taken a toll on all of us. According to a recent article in Nature, more than 42 percent of people surveyed by the U.S. Census Bureau reported symptoms of anxiety and depression in December, and psychologists don’t see the number going down any time soon.
defaulting to autopilot, survival mode or simply “waiting until it’s over?” This is no way to live. Where is our joy in living? Fortunately, there are ways to take control and be in the present moment, for our own wellness, and for those we love.
Traditionally, when we think of wellness, a healthy diet and daily exercise comes to mind, but are we also taking care of our emotional health? Or are we
Doesn’t that sound wonderful?
In its simplest terms, mindfulness is the skill of being present in the moment. The practice of mindfulness Whether you are a retired person who is craving gives us the ability to bring our awareness to the here travel and time with friends, or an overworked par- and now. We all deserve to live a more fulfilled and ent who is juggling parenting, remote instruction and joyful life. By integrating mindfulness into our plan their own career, we are being challenged in ways we for self-care, we can become more present, decrease could have never foreseen, leaving us disconnected, stress and anxiety and bring more happiness, clarity isolated or depleted. and peace to our day-to-day lives.
Countless studies have proven that mindfulness has