Touch Of Grace Spring/Summer 2013

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Touch of Gr ace Spring/Summer 2013

A Biannual Publication for Students, Parents, Alumni and Friends


Internet Safetyp.18



State Champions p.12

Strategic Planning p.10

From the Headmaster

To Sp

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he end of the school year is hectic, but

it also brings with it an opportunity for reflection and gratefulness. As I look back on this year in the life of my kids, I am grateful for the way that God used this school to impact their lives. Their minds are better trained now than they were in August. They are better able to write, to think. They are more emboldened to speak in front of a crowd. They are better able to give an account for the hope that is within them. They made new, godly friends who will help hold them accountable, and for whom they will return the favor.

They struggled with other friends, but God used those precious, painful opportunities to teach them how to live in community and that love doesn’t keep a balance sheet. They learned how to work Tip! hard in a generation that expects things to be given to it. Most of all, they know their Savior better, understand His Word more deeply, and love Him with a heart that only comes from greater trust. They learned all that from the teachers and coaches of this school, imperfect people who may have made some mistakes here and there, Tip! but committed their lives this year to love my kids and to teach Jesus to them. They did that well, and I am one grateful daddy. In Christ, Jay Ferguson

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Ho &M

Features Celebr ate


School Board


AJ’s Story


Internet Safety


Auction on the Orient Express Grandparents’ Day Cougar Field Dedication PCM Uganda Visit Teacher Appreciation Week

Who are they and What do they do?

Influencing the world for Christ

From grassroots up - how GCS is dealing with this tricky issue head on



Legacy Awards State Champs! College Application Process Elementary & Junior High Academic Support Center

Publisher/Editor: Elise Carter

Spring Sports Recap College Signings

Fine Arts Alumni

Photography: Lisa Pierce

Class Notes Alumni Chapel Reconnect!

Contributing Writers: Tim Connor Devin Delaughter Joe Dirksen Mary Dirksen Jay Ferguson Christina Jontra Lisa Provines Joshua Webb


Athletics 24-25

Productions State Competiton Results

Touch of Grace Spring 2013

8 12-13



Graphic Design: Elise Carter Leah Hart Print House: Impressive Image Works

Development Uncommon Generosity Meet the Brinks


Infographic A day in the life of a GCS dollar bill


JOG Update Cougar Gapper


Honorariums & Memorials 31

Touch of Grace Spring 2013


Corporate Partners

Platinum: Medicine Chest White Shaver Longhorn Ford Wells Fargo

Gold: Azalea Orthopedics Healthy Figures, LLC Rehab Pro WRL

Bronze: ADAGIO Dermatology & Aesthetics Brown Bauman & Smith Larry Melhart Insurance Agency Tony’s Cars GCS thanks our

CoRPoRATE Partners

Touch of Grace Spring 2013


Corporate Partners funding provides needs-based financial aid, educational enhancements, and helps with big events like the ones on the last two pages. For more information, or to sign up for the Corporate Partners Program, please contact Tim Connor, Director of Development at 903-566-5678 ext. 150.

Gr ace Community School Administr ation and Faculty

Dates indicate first year at Gr ace Community School ADMINISTRATION Headmaster Jay Ferguson; 2002 - M.Ed. Covenant College Elementary Principal Jennifer Dozier; 1996 - M.Ed. Centenary College Assistant Elementary Principal Lisa Provines; 1996 - M.Ed. Covenant College Junior High Principal Joe Dirksen; 2012 - M.S. Purdue University High School Principal Wanda Shaeffer; 2003 - M.Ed. East Texas State University Assistant High School Principal Galen Taylor; 1989 - B.S. School of the Ozarks Athletic Director Devin DeLaughter; 2010 - M.Ed. Covenant College College Guidance Joshua Webb; 2007 - B.S. Louisiana Tech University Director of Curriculum Development Karla Foreman; 1996 - M.Ed. Covenant College Director of Development Tim Connor; 2010 - M.Ed. Baptist Bible College Director of Marketing Elise Carter; 2012 - B.S. Texas Tech University Director of Accounting Karen Parmlee; 2011 - B.S. Texas A & M University ELEMENTARY FACULTY Four Year Kindergarten Linda Trammell; 2008 Donna Youngblood; 1995 - A.S. Tyler Junior College Five Year Kindergarten Heather Allen; 2010 - B.A. University of Texas, Tyler Jennifer Davin; 2007 - M.Ed. University of New Mexico Sherri Harden; 1997 - B.S. University of Texas, Tyler Ginger Key; 2006 - B.S. University of Texas, Tyler First Grade Jeanne Crawford; 1981 - M.Ed. University of Texas, Tyler Dana Hymer; 1990 - M.Ed. University of Texas, Tyler LeAnn Shields; 2006 - B.S. Texas A&M University Second Grade Ann Terese Brandt; 2012 - B.S. Troy University Stacy Holmes; 2002 - B.A. McNeese State University Glo Tjoelker; 1985 - B.S. Calvin College Third Grade Amy McArthur; 2010 - B.S. Liberty University Denise Rasco; 1989 - B.S. North Texas State University Nan Timmons; 1995 - B.A. Texas Tech University Fourth Grade Brooke Auringer; 2012 - B.S. Southwest State University Pam Craver; 2009 - B.A. Stephen F. Austin University Judy Miller; 1992 - B.S. University of Texas, Tyler Fifth Grade Tip! Julie Aldredge; 2004 - B.S. Stephen F. Austin University Angie Hicks; 2011 - B.S. Texas A&M University Mischa Phillips; 1998 - B.S. University of Texas, Austin Spanish Ashlie Cook; 2011 - B.A. University of Texas, Tyler Music Laura Burton; 2011 - B.A. Carson-Newman College Art Belle Thomas; 2006 - B.A. University of North Texas Computer/Science Tammi Long; 2010 - B.S. Stephen F. Austin University Librarian Kay Green; 1998 - M.Ed. University of Texas, Tyler Physical Education Dawn Bridges; 1996 - B.A. Baylor University Nurse Brenda O'Neal, R.N. 2000 - B.S. University of Texas Medical Branch Darla Foreman, R.N., 2011 - B.S.N., University of Oklahoma

Faculty SECONDARY FACULTY Art JH - Marilyn Ackerson; 1997 - M.S. Stephen F. Austin University JH & HS - Anna Pierce; 2011 - B.F.A. University of North Texas Bible JH - Marilyn Ackerson; 1997 - M.S. Stephen F. Austin University HS - Michael Bertino; 1999 - M.A. Dallas Theological Seminary JH - Mark Hageman; 2007 - B.S. Stephen F. Austin University JH - Tyce Jensen; 2011 - Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary HS - Chuck Kelley; 2011 - B.A. San Diego Christian College HS - Galen Taylor; 1989 - B.S. School of the Ozarks HS - Lauren Williams; 2012 - B.S. University of Texas, Tyler Computer JH & HS - Kristen Stovall; 2010 - M.A. University of Texas, Tyler HS - Greg Brandenburg; 1996 - M.Div. Western Seminary Drama/Speech JH & HS - Delisa Bice; 2001 - M.A. University of Houston JH & HS - Katie Ritcheson; 2012 - B.A. Stephen F. Austin University English JH - Kristen Brody; 2006 - B.A. Moody Bible Institute HS - Blaine Davis; 2007 - B.A. Wheaton College JH - Paula Evans; 2000 - B.S. Texas A&M University JH - Rhonda Ham; 2004 - M.A. University of Texas, Tyler JH - Amber McClenny; 2007 - B.A. University of Texas, Tyler HS - Rachel Pavey; 2012 - M.A. University of Arkansas HS - Karen Watkins; 2004 - M.A. University of New Mexico Foreign Language JH - Tyce Jensen; 2011 - ThM Dallas Theological Seminary HS - Yanely Mesa; 2011 - B.A. Dallas Baptist University JH - Lisa Parker; 2012 - B.S. East Texas Baptist University HS - Lonna Stewart; 2008 - M.A. University of California History/Economics JH - Tom Alden; 1994 - B.S. Stephen F. Austin University HS - Cindy Allen; 1995 - B.A. University of Missouri HS - Chris Cochran; 2012 - B.S. East Texas Baptist University JH - Myles Cunningham; 1982 - B.S. Grace College HS - Ann Fedell; 2010 - B.S. Harding University HS - John Keeling; 2012 - B.S. Texas A & M University JH - Mike Maddox; 2006 - B.S. Texas A & M University Instructional Technology/Librarian Christina Jontra; 2006 - B.S. Abilene Christian University Mathematics HS - Laura Duncan; 2006 - B.A. University of North Texas JH - Elaine Hageman; 2007 - B.S. Louisiana State University HS - Ryan Hinch; 2012 - B. A. LeTourneau University JH - Stephen Olson; 2012 - B.S. University of Texas, Tyler HS - November Roberts; 2008 - B.S. Middle Tenessee State University HS - Jeff Shelton; 1997 - B.S. Stephen F. Austin University JH - Kathy Shelton; 1997 - B.S. University of Texas, Tyler JH - Ashley Wilhelmi; 2006 - B.S. Texas Tech University Music JH & HS - Susan Boylan; 2004 - B.S. Penn State University JH & HS - Jason Montier; 2010 - B.S. East Central Ada University JH & HS - Phillip Rumbley; 2007 - B.A. University of Texas at Dallas JH & HS - Jeff Shelton; 1997 - B.S. Stephen F. Austin University

Tip! Physical Education JH - Tom Alden; 1994 - B.S. Stephen F. Austin University JH - Kendall Fox; 2011 - B.S. University of Texas, Tyler JH - Elaine Hageman; 2007 - B.S. Louisiana State University JH - Kristen Stovall; 2010 - M.A. University of Texas, Tyler HS - Lauren Williams; 2012 - B.S. University of Texas, Tyler Science JH - Danny Dobbs; 2007 - M.Ed. Texas A&M Commerce HS - Sarah Flynn; 2012 University of California, San Diego HS - Kathie Koch; 1999 - B.A. Houston Baptist University JH - Kathy Shelton; 1997 - B.S. University of Texas, Tyler HS - Janet Taylor; 1995 - B.S. Texas Christian University HS - Norm Thompson; 2010 - B.S. Stephen F. Austin JH - Robyn Welch; 2002 - B.A. Texas Tech University Yearbook - Karin Davis; 2009 - B.A.A.S. University of Texas, Tyler Nurse - Melanie Mills, R.N.; 2005 - B.A.A.S. University of Texas, Tyler Touch of Grace Spring 2013



It Takes A Community There are many opportunities for you to play an active role in Grace happenings. Active participation takes on many different forms: volunteering on campus or in the classroom, helping with special events such as the Veterans’ or Grandparents’ Day or our annual fundraising events, welcoming students to our Lower Campus as a Door Dad, and cheering for our students on stage and on the playing fields. Every Grace parent is encouraged to become an active member of the Grace School family and an active participant in their child’s Grace life!

Parental Care Ministries PCM exists to help poor and orphaned children of Uganda by meeting their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs in Christian schools. We also equip 50+ pastors to spread the Gospel throughout Uganda. GCS has been and will continue to be a partner with PCM. To learn more, visit


Auction On The Orient Express was held this past November and was an amazing and successful night. Grace hosts an auction every other year, and all proceeds raised go directly to the Grace Fund. This year’s auction raised over $340,000 which means that, thanks to your generosity, 200 students will receive a Grace education in 2013. Thank you for changing lives! Touch of Grace Spring 2013



Grandparents’ Day was once again a fun-filled, familyfilled, activity-PACKED day! You gathered in the Elementary for classroom visits, refreshments, and special exhibits and then joined us at the high school for a truly inspiring Fine Arts Showcase. Both students and grandparents alike had faces glowing with joy as we celebrated what we’ve learned this year, together.


In April we had the pleasure of hosting some very special guests as Pastor Emmy from our sister school in Uganda brought a whole plane-full of students with him to visit Grace. From guestteaching 5th grade humanities to adventures in the high school cafeteria, it’s safe to say that the sibling schools looked the part as we spent precious time with our Parental Care Ministries family.

Opening Day

On March 19, the Grace Cougars baseball team opened their season and dedicated their brand new field. The evening was a special one, kicking off with a family-friendly atmosphere filled with jumphouses, faee-painting, special concessions and music. Alumni baseball players and their families were invited, and had a special on-field introduction before the game began.

High school Principal Wanda Shaeffer was honored as well, throwing out the first pitch and having the team dedicate both the game and their entire season to her late husband, Lanny Schaeffer. Although the game stayed close throughout, even going into extra innings, the Cougars rallied and ended the game with a 2-1 victory over the All Saints Trojans.

This was a memorable evening for everyone in attendance, but especially for those who have spent years of time and effort building the GCS baseball program and new facilities. The baseball team was crowned disctrict champions this year, and were strong contenders for the state championship. Go Cougars! Cougar Field March 9, 2013 Touch of Grace Spring 2013


Legacy Awards

With the encouragement of the school administration, we are establishing four new senior awards this year. These Legacy Awards are being given as a way to remember people who helped lead Grace Community School in its formative years as it became recognized nationally for its commitment to excellence and in honor of two students who symbolize that excellence. Mr. Jerry Burgess led Grace Community for thirty years as a teacher, principal and administrator. During much of that time he was working alongside Mrs. Sue Johnson who was also a teacher and principal. Jeremy Kersh and Ashley Prothro Trant were both Grace graduates who stood for academic and personal excellence during their high school careers and afterwards as students at Texas A&M. The awards being presented in their memories will highlight students who pursue excellence today.

Sue Johnson Leadership Award In Recognition of humble leadership, patience, perseverance, excellence in daily life, devotion to Christ, servant spirit, and loyalty to those they serve.

Jerry Burgess Leadership Award In Recognition of humble leadership, patience, perseverance, excellence in daily life, devotion to Christ, servant spirit, and loyalty to those they serve.

Presented to: Bailey Barret - 2012-2013

Presented to: Tyler Forehand - 2012-2013

Ashley Prothro Tr ant Excellence Award In Recognition of pursuit of excellence in all things, academic achievement, devotion to God, passion for life and service, and dedication to family, church and community.

Jeremy Kersh Excellence Award In Recognition of academic excellence, passion for learning, perseverance, hard work, humility, and dedication to family, church and community.

Presented to: Ashton Terry - 2012-2013 ership, patience, perseverance, excellence in daily life, devotion to Christ, servant spirit,

Presented to: Jacob Spitzer - 2012-2013 Presented to: Ashton Terry - 2012-2013

Touch of Grace Spring 2013


School Board Mr. Greg Strnadel - President - works as a Financial Consultant and

Regional Manager for Well Fargo Advisors, married to Leann, has two children - Megan a 2012 graduate of GCS and a student at Texas A&M and Cason, a sophomore at GCS. Enjoys hunting and college football.

Mrs. Laur a Culver - stay at home mom to Caleb, Andrew and Anna and wife to Matthew Culver. An avid health and fitness enthusiast who teaches spin and Zumba at local gyms in Tyler.

Dr. Hal Everett Mr. Chris Glenney - serves as Senior VP/Chief Administrative Officer of

Trinity Clinic, married to Shannon with three wonderful kids, Caleb (13), Josh (11), and Kate (6), loves to spend time with family at home or on vacation and enjoys anything involving Texas A&M football.

Dr. Charley Gordon - works at Precision Spine care as a Neurosurgeon.

Author of In Plain Sight, Seeing God’s Signature Throughout Creation & It’s not the Diet, and other Surprising Secrets of Longevity. Married to Kimberly with four great kids Abby, Grant, Reid and Grace.

Mrs. Stacy Hamilton Mr. Jeff Johnson-GCC Elder - Lisa is his best friend! But he really likes his kids too. Loves dogs but is not an owner. Gets to ead books and talk to people for a living - pretty nice. Loves Grace Community and wants it to be excellent in every thing. Passionate about Christ.

Mrs. Liz McCown - Husband is Roger. 4 kids Corbin, Lexi, Ava and Fletcher. Attend Glenwood Church of Christ.

Mrs. Stephanie Nickel - married to Todd Nickel, has four children attending Grace- HS, junior high and elementary. Involved in BSF. Hobbies are art and running.

Mr. Fred Pate - President of Summit Industrial Products, a manufacturer of

synthetic industrial lubricants. Enjoys his role as a teacher of young married couples in his church. Enjoys strumming his guitars and banjos. Married to Cynthia and has two daughters who graduated from GCS.

Mr. Scott Pierce-GCC Elder Mr. Steve Spitzer - works as an attorney with Ramey & Flock, married to

Trish, father of four boys, gets in a jog when he can, and is frequently coaching an athletic team or broadcasting a GCS athletic event.

Dr. Brent Wadle - Family Physician for Trinity Mother Frances Clinics,

married to Gigi. Oldest son, Jacob, graduates this year and is going to attend ETBU. Youngest son Caleb is a Freshman at Grace. Involved in helping with youth group at Grace Community Church and love all sports.

Mr. Clay White Mr. Walter Wilhelmi - Partner in the accounting firm of Prothro, Wilhelmi & Company, married to Ashley (who teaches at the GCS junior high), daughter Riley ’10 GCS grad, attends Texas Tech University, daughter Madison ’12 GCS grad, attends Blinn Junior College, son Christopher is a Freshman at GCS


e appreciate the services of these members of the GCS board, especially since they receive no compensation and give of their time in the spiritual leadership and stragetic planning of our school. Their list of responsibilities includes the admonition to stay humble, spend time growing closer to the Lord, and strive for excellence in glorifying God.


ow blessed we are to have a team of leadership who not only support and guide us to academic and professional excellence, but more than anything have a deep and abiding passion for Christ and a true love for Grace Community School. They offer continuous prayer for our headmaster, staff and students and support them in multiple ways.

Keeping the Main Thing our Main thing: Meet the 20122013 School Board members What do a hospital administrator, a financial advisor, and a stay-at-home mom have in common? In our case, they work together with several others from various walks of life to make up the Grace Community School Board. The primary purpose of this board is to serve as the caretakers of the mission, philosophy and vision of the school as outlined in the original articles of incorporation of the school. They manage one employee - our headmaster - and monitor the financial operations of the school. Because of the term limits of GCS board members, many people have served the school on this board over the past 39 years. We thought you might like to get to know something about the current board members personally.

Touch of Grace Spring 2013


Strategic Planning

The Grace Community School Board is a strategic board, and it is primarily concerned with the long-term health and direction of the school. Its focus is on planning for growth and financial stability. It makes broad policy decisions for the school, rooted in prayer and wisdom from the Holy Spirit. Perhaps most importantly, the School Board is the primary keeper of the mission of our school. One of the board’s primary roles is to make strategic plans for the school’s continued financial and missional health and stability. The following are highlights from the School Board recent strategic planning session. The Board plans for these initiatives to be accomplished over the next five to seven years. Please join me in praying that God would accomplish these great works through our school family, and that He would be glorified in the life of our children.


Goal: Christian

Build a model community characterized by Christian distinctiveness, for God’s glory and the growth of Christian education worldwide. • Develop faculty and staff professionally and spiritually through intentional method of professional development, hiring practices, and curricular review and alignment • Develop delivery mechanisms for ongoing intentional biblical training and encouragement for parents and families • Develop student formation and programs through intentional chapel and small groups, peer leader development, and community service Touch of Grace Spring 2013



Goal: Long-Term

Ensure long-term sustainability for the continuance of Grace’s mission.

• Build endowment to be equal to or greater than annual operating budget • Build $1.8 million cash reserves • Commit to conservative budgeting, consisting of controlling fixed costs, coupled with competitive salaries and value pricing • Fully fund the Grace Fund each year, increasing family participation by 10 percent

Develop student


Goal: Diversity/ demogr aphics

Mirror 50 -70 percent of the current racial demographic environment of the Tyler community in the school’s student enrollment.

• Develop a school infrastructure that supports diversity (financial, social, spiritual, emotional) • Reflect the diversity to which the school aspires in its staff makeup • Develop means to educate school families on the value and promotion of diversity • Pray for and actively recruit churches and pastors in congregations of color to have their children attend GCS

Why Plan Strategically?

“ With a clever strategy, each action is self-reinforcing. Each action creates more options that are mutually beneficial. Each victory is not just for today but for tomorrow.” ― Max McKeown, The Strategy Book


Goal: Educational Excellence Be recognized state-wide as an institution of outstanding educational excellence, undergirded by a biblical worldview, to be measured by:

• Establish US Department of Tip!Education Blue Ribbon Status • Increase the selection index score over the course of the freshman, Nam inum alia adicia sophomore, Am ipsapid mi, eiciand Temjunior years for identified students, thereby increasing the number of National Merit Scholars • Achieve ACT average scores that exceed the college readiness benchmark scores for English, mathematics and science • Bring effective, standard-setting integration of technology into the classroom • Develop effective strategies for meeting needs of current students with learning differences

Did You Know? Strategic planning involves working through a multidimensional process to determine the main goals and set tactics with which to accomplish them.


Goal: Facilities

Provide the facilities GCS needs to serve its community effectively for the next decade.

• Ensure safe, secure premises on all campuses by completing all Tip!recommendations made by recent security audits • Build a structure to house both middle Nam inum alia adicia school and 6th) on one floor and Am ipsapid(5th mi, eici Tem junior high (7th and 8th) on the second floor, and move 5th grade to the upper campus • Build ancillary high school expansion (department offices, fine arts facilities, tennis courts) • Renovate the current Lower Campus, including the addition of a Kinder Center Touch of Grace Spring 2013



The TAPPS Academic/Speech State Meet was held on Friday and Saturday, April 5 & 6 2013. The GCS Academic/Speech team came in first place by one point. The months of work leading up to a state competiton for both student and teacher are often grueling, tiring, and full of effort that sometimes feels invisible in a world that celebrates big, showy events. However, as the academic/ speech team proved, sometimes all you have to do is quietly and consistently march your way to victory and let the results speak for themselves!


Grace is blessed to have an incredible faculty of teachers who not only care about excellence in academics, but also have a true servant’s heart when it comes to ministry in the classroom. The students learn how to work hard; how to value discipline; how to achieve results - but more than anything they learn how to love the Lord with all their heart, MIND, soul and strength. Congratulations to the 2012-2013 GCS Academic/Speech Team on an amazing year.


Over all Results:

Individual Results:

Ist - Tyler Grace - 67 points

Monica Lim - Ready Writing - 3rd K irby Lemon - Prose Interpretation - 4th Tiffany Lim - Spelling - 3rd Emma Brookshire - Spelling - 5th Michael Fedell - Calculator - 6th Savannah Ochran - Solo Acting - Ist Chloe Robert - Literar y Criticism - 3rd Cayla Ward - Literar y Criticism - 4th Jake Shields - Social St udies - 5th Benjamin Hink ie/Caitlin Bice - Duet Acting - 2nd Jacob Sikes - Poetr y Interpretation - 4th Jaydee Edwards - Original Orator y - 3rd Jesse Edwards - Mathematics - 2nd

2nd - Corpus Christi Incarnate Word Academy - 66 pts 3rd - All Saints Episcopal School - 64 pts 4th - Houston Northland Christian School - 55 pts

5th - Fort Worth Christian - 52 pts 6th - Sugar Land Fort Bend Christian Academy - 43 pts Touch of Grace Spring 2013



College Search Timeline Freshman Year

Sophomore Year

• •

Develop a four-year plan for your high school courses. Usually, you’ll want to take the most difficult courses in which you can succeed Start looking at college websites in order to learn their admissions policies Take PSAT in October & PLAN in March Start & maintain a file of activities, achievements & awards to be used in a resume later

The PSAT (preliminary SAT) is in OCTOBER & the PLAN (preliminary ACT) is in MARCH.

• • •

Continue to work hard in school & maintain good grades Take an active role in your favorite extracurricular activities. Invest in a few things where you are skilled & passionate Continue looking at college websites & start building a tentative list of prospective colleges. Take every opportunity to talk with college representatives at campus visits/college fairs. Learn to use Family Connection & complete “Do What You Are” personality profile Take the PSAT in October & PLAN in March Attempt your first real ACT & SAT in the spring or summer Update your achievement file

Junior Year •

• • • •

Get informed: complete the “Do What You Are” personality profile.

• • •

Work hard to maintain your grades. Most college admission decisions are based on grades from the end of the junior year Do intentional planning & practice for the PSAT/NMSQT. This is the year when it really counts & can open doors for your future Take a leadership role in your extracurricular activities Talk with college reps at college fairs/campus visits Take the SAT & ACT again, including SAT subject tests if necessary Begin to visit college campuses, making overnight visits when possible. You are allowed 2 excused absences in both your junior and senior year for this purpose Continue building & refining your list of colleges, identifiying your preferences such as size, location, etc. Select your senior year classes Register for & complete AP exams Update your achievement file Finalize prospective college list

Senior Year • • • •

• • •

Have fun visiting campuses! You have 4 total excused absences for this very purpose.

Register for another SAT/ACT if you’d like to improve your score Refine & narrow college list Make final updates to resume & print several professional copies Organize your applcations, making sure to note all deadlines & required materials. Complete in deadline order Request recommendation letters from teachers, counselors & employers. Give them two weeks to complete Write your college application essays. Work with GCS English teachers to get help Request transcripts to be sent about the same tim your application is submitted Schedule and complete interviews with any colleges that require them Begin searching and applying for private scholarships ALL applications should be mailed before Thanksgiving break File the FAFSA as soon after January 1 as you are able. This is the best way to secure financial aid from colleges Keep your achievement file updated Once you’ve made a final decision on your college choice, be sure to decline other acceptances Avoid seniorits. It can absolutely interfere with/void your acceptance Touch of Grace Spring 2013


AJ’s Story

A GCS graduate’s take on life outside the “Grace Bubble” and why we really SHOULD be thanking those tough teachers now.

“I didn’t

think college would be as big of a step up as it was... as it is.”

I thank AJ for taking time out of his break to come up to the school and visit with me. He is extremely gracious, letting me know that he is more than happy to talk about Grace; that he has already been up to the school previously in the week to visit old teachers; that he misses GCS. With that kind of a lead-in, I decide to launch into my questions. GCS: Tell me about yourself a little…your background at Grace, where you’re in school now, what you’re studying, that sort of thing. AJ: I’m studying Biomedical Engineering at Louisiana Tech, and I really like it. It’s hard, but I like it. I went to Grace from K4-12th. I had Mrs. Youngblood for K4. GCS: How do you feel about your Grace education? Was it easy for you? Challenging? Somewhere in the middle?


Evans walks in the room, plops down the chair across from me, grins and shakes my hand. He’s dressed the part of your typical college student on spring break - khaki shorts and a wrinkled t-shirt - and I have a sneaking suspicion that he just started the day. It’s 10:30am. I miss college.

GCS: How did you and your classmates respond to that change?

“It was when my English professor asked me to stay after to class to tell me that I had tied the highest score ever given on a Freshman English assignment that I started to realize...I have been well-trained for a reason.”

Touch of Grace Spring 2013

AJ: Up until junior high I just enjoyed school and didn’t really think about it much. But I remember thinking in the middle of 7th grade, “this is getting really hard.” The teachers started really expecting a lot out of us, and would pull us aside to talk to us when we were getting behind. I remember in English especially, we started having to write a ton. It seemed like the writing assignments were neverending!


AJ: Some of my friends, I remember, were getting pretty mad about it. They would complain a lot about how much work we had to do, especially as we got into high school and the workload just increased. GCS: So you never complained? AJ: Haha, no I wouldn’t say that. Yeah I complained some. We had to do this huge assignment in Mrs. Watkins class where we had to use MLA format, and annotated bibliography cards, and we were doing this on top of everything else we had going on, sports and drama and trying to have a life. And it felt like a lot. But the thing is, I am so glad we did that now, because now that I’m in college, none of our professors have time to teach us any of that stuff.

Enjoy people’s company while you have it.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff.


I used to think if I had a bad test, a bad game, or just a bad day that the world was possibly coming to an end. I wish I would have cut out some of the dramatics and just enjoyed school more.


Instead of spending a lot of time getting annoyed with people for being different than you, try to take people for who they are. Everyone brings something to the table, even if that intitally feels difficult to handle.

My roommate is the valedictorian of his class of over 400 people, and he is barely passing. I had no idea how many kids never learn how to write a paper the right way. And then in college they give you an assignment and expect you to know how to do it, and if you don’t, you fail. So now I’m definitely not complaining. GCS: That’s a great point. Do you remember any other classes or experiences that you feel differently about now than you did at the time? AJ: Hm…yeah, Mr. Bertino’s class. His class gave me so much doctrine and theology and discussion. He had this whole openforum/debate thing going on in class, where we would have to write a paper about a belief we had, or about a topic, and then we would have to explain WHY we thought it. I didn’t realize at the time - although I enjoyed the class - how much that would help me in college. GCS: How has that particular prep helped you in college? AJ: When you’re at Grace, you are really in a bubble. I think I didn’t realize once I was out how many people are just really struggling with what to believe. And I feel like, what we are called to be as Christians is a light in the darkness, and there is a LOT of darkness out there. I feel really confident in what I believe, and in my foundation - in who I am and what I think - and a lot of that comes from Grace and stuff like Mr. Bertino’s class MAKING us think and reason through those kinds of questions. GCS: That’s awesome, AJ. What an encouragement for your teachers - I’m glad you visited them this week to pass that along! One more question - Grace offers so much in the way of academics and extracurriculars that students and parents often feel that they are in over their heads. Did you feel that dynamic when you were at Grace, and if so what do you have to say about it? AJ: Yeah, definitely. Grace does have a lot of extras. I played golf, was on the drum line, was in student government, and had a parttime job. Along with all the academics.

Be Selfless.


Learn how to serve with the time you have now, because you will have MUCH less time when you get to college. If you can learn how to develop habits that involve planned service now, you’ll be ahead of the game.

Start visiting colleges early.


Make your college visits with an open mind. Just because you have always thought you would go somewhere doesn’t mean it’s the right fit for you. You might surprise yourself when you start thinking about what really feels right for your personality.

“Parents...I can see where they come from, they don’t want to see their kids struggle - but better to learn how to fall and get back up here than in college where a fall means you move back home.” So it was pretty busy. And lots of my friends had even more extracurriculars and were just doing something every second. My parents wanted to make sure that I learned how to work while I was in school, and I am really glad they did because time management in college is nothing like it is in high school. In high school, especially at Grace, you have teachers, coaches, and parents all around you who genuinely care about you and want to help you succeed. They want to help you learn how to manage your time, and to do well in class, and to not miss practices, and all that. In college, no one is there helping you do any of that. You can find people to help you, but none of your teachers are talking to you after class about how you can rearrange your schedule. They don’t care! They just expect you to show up and do your work. So I understand parents and kids feeling like Grace expects too much, but I am so glad I learned some of the hard lessons about having too much or not enough going on while I was in high school, instead of failing out of classes in college. GCS: Thanks so much again for coming to talk to me, AJ. Any last comments? AJ: Enjoy your friends and the “Grace Bubble” while you have them. Make a big effort to go out and meet new people in college. Oh, and take Mrs. Hamm’s SAT prep course sophomore year!

Touch of Grace Spring 2013


Elementary From The GCS Elementary

Building Family Identity:

5 tips for “WE-ism NOT ME-ism”



Worship Together As a family, focus on God as the center of your family. Attend church together; involve your children in ministry.


Family Meals

Family Nights

As much as possible sit down together to eat. Discuss and ask questions about the day. Intitiate conversation.

Plan times to be together without friends. You can play games, go geocaching, have a movie night, ride bikes, picnic - the possibilities are endless!



Family Vacation

Support Each Other

It doesn’t have to be a big, costly trip. Day trips, camping in the backyard or a quick overnight. Just be together, making memories.

Attend special events of each family member; show the members of your family they are important to the WHOLE family, not just mom & dad.

Touch of Grace Spring 2013


Academic Support Center Update: Mary Dirksen’s heart for helping students learn Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you. These verses from Hosea 10 create a vivid picture of Academic Support for the 2012-2013 school year. It is an honor to be a part of this groundbreaking program. Partnering with parents, students and teachers here at Grace is an immense privilege. Partnership is, after all, one of the great foundations of Christian education. Highlights have been the incalculable blessing of working alongside of dozens of intentional, energetic, creative, engaging students: 6th-12th graders, new students and homegrown, all shapes and sizes, gifts, abilities, opportunities and challenges. As Dr. Seuss once said: ‘Oh the places you’ll go!”. The participants in academic support have grown in knowledge and ability, in sweat and tears, in joy and laughter, in appreciation, friendship and respect. Our parents are praying, encouraging and inspiring. The faculty has been welcoming, compassionate and accommodating; our staff and administration provide solid scaffolding and the curriculum is engaging. Together we are building a community for learning, whose foundation is Jesus Christ. The Academic Support Center is located in the Junior High building and we are looking forward to enlarging our space by taking down a few walls. Looking ahead to the 2013-2014 school year, academic support will be offered at four different levels. Students who have occasional questions or are in need of a short term intervention may come to the ASC for assistance throughout the school day, as well as before and after school. The second level is for students who are requesting a Learning Lab instead of a study hall for regular assistance in review, reteaching, consolidation of new material, practice, preparation for tests, and the development of study skills and other executive skills. The Learning Lab will consist of small groups of students at the same grade level.There will also be after school tutorials available. The third level is for parents who are requesting one-on-one assistance from the ASC. Finally, parents may also hire a tutor through the ASC. These “Grace Tutors” are available to meet with students in the library for one-on-one instruction. For levels 2-4, there is a fee attached. As we continue to break up the unplowed ground of academic support, we appreciate your prayers and any suggestions relating to ways in which we can better serve all of our learners at Grace. Our goal is to create a community for learning, building on community strengths as we build one another up in this great work of Christian education.

To learn more about Academic Support or for more information about our fee structure, contact Mary Dirksen -

GCS Junior High It’s ALL about Jesus. First, we are so thankful to the parents who partner with the JH so the students can learn more about themselves, their world and their God. It is a JH goal to teach Jesus in every subject and activity. Academic: The GCS JH offers a curriculum that is both rigorous and taught in the Light of His Word. The students are also a part of a Fine Arts curriculum (drama, art, choir, orchestra or band) that incorporates their artistic part of their life. Several academic competitions are held throughout the school year. Spiritual: JH student chapels this year challenged the students to be wise in their thoughts and actions. Many local youth pastors shared their experience with the students as only youth pastors can. The students also have Bible classes each week where the focus is learning more about the Saving grace of their Lord and Savior. Social: This past year we began a small group project called Caritas Groups. Each group is made up of about 14 students and one teacher. These monthly meetings were a time for the students to share a Bible lesson together and do a fun project. Our goal is to keep these groups going next year in the place of one chapel per month. Physical: In 6th grade P.E. Coach Fox gets the students up and moving and at the same time teaches them a lesson from the word of the day, such as “responsibility”. Coach Fox will review and discuss with the students the practical aspects of what it means to be a responsible student, child or a Christ follower.


hey share a last name and a passion for Christian education, and GCS has been more than doubly blessed by the addition of Joe and Mary Dirksen to our staff. Multiple times every week the statement “what did we do before...” can be overhead in the halls. We are so thankful the Dirksens made the cross-country move to serve and teach Jesus with us in East Texas. Touch of Grace Spring 2013


Internet Safety Untangling the Web I

t all started with an idea for a quick after-school meeting. Christina

Jontra, the Director of Instructional Technology at GCS, had just

basic action plan

answered yet another email from a parent dealing with the massive onslaught of technology in their household. What is Instagram? Is Kik ok? How can I know what all these different apps are and if they are safe for my child? How can I possibly monitor it all? Christina knew there was a huge need for heart-centered education on the topic, but answering emails seemed to be just the tip of the iceberg.

GCS Internet Safety Talks

She wanted to do more. Parents needed more. The topic of Internet Safety is not a new one, but in recent years it has skyrocketed to the top of most concerned parent lists. And just like that, the GCS Internet Safety Talks were born. The first

Parents seem overwhelmed by apps. According to, the Apple apps store houses some 850,000 apps and boasts that 800 apps are downloaded per second. How can a parent possibly keep up with that? CommonSenseMedia. org is a great resource parents can use to learn about almost any app. The great thing about is that is allows parents to post their own reviews. Another great web site for parents to use is http://internet-safety.yoursphere. com/. Both of these sites have a wealth of information that will help parents navigate the internet and social media safely.

meeting was held after school in the conference room and was so wellattended that a second meeting was quickly planned. This one was held in the high school library and once again, the room was nearly packed. Requests to watch the talk online for parents who could not attend were met with a Vimeo link for the recorded lecture and with that, the opportunity to provide further resources for families seeking information.

The “ one-time after-school meeting” had some legs. With a third talk already in the works, a student at GCS approached Christina and asked if she might speak on her personal experience with social media and technology. Not only was this student’s testimony beyond compelling, but also presented an invaluable view to parents - how all this works from a kid’s perspective. The third talk’s audience was at capacity, and the unflinchingly honest student testimony brought many to tears as some real-life evil entrenched in unsupervised


No iDevices in bedrooms


Parents should have passwords to email and all social media sites


Have a technology curfiew


Keep cell phones and internet enabled devices in parents’ room at night

social media use was brought to light.

There is still so much more to say on this topic, and as technology continues to change, the need for new and relevant information will grow. Christina and the


Take up phones and other tech devices when friends come for a sleepover

GCS faculty will stay resolute in their goal to stay engaged in this battle, but they can’t do it alone. The main tip, if all of the incredible information could be summarized into one point, would be this: Parents/Grandparents/Aunts/Uncles/

The following three pages are a reprinting of a

Adults - stay involved. Know what your kids are doing on their devices. Know who

letter from author Charles Martin to his children

they are talking to. Monitor the use. It’s not spying, it’s not invading - it’s safety and

on this subject. As we have been working through

boundaries. Yes it requires a mind-set adjustment. Yes it requires extra work. But

the frequently asked questions in relation to internet

the results of helping your children safely navigate the technology they are already

safety, we have relied heavily upon this letter, and now

using are invaluable.

want to share it with you in full.

Touch of Grace Spring 2013



Internet Safety

to My Boys - Charles Martin


The following Ten Rules apply to iPhones and iPods and anything else that starts with an “i” (hereafter referred to as ‘the fruit’). It also includes anything technological that takes you out of interaction in this world and sucks you into some other where your body is here but your mind elsewhere. If you object and state I can’t change the rules of the game once it’s started, tough. My house. My rules. My game. Note: These are not requests. These are mandates. Rules from on-high. Think lightning bolt to some place you don’t want one.


Failure to agree or comply with any and all of these rules will result in immediate confiscation of said fruit and termination of your lease. No questions asked. Your membership in the Facebooking-texting-YouTubing-Googling-Tweeting-nauseating-Iam-the-king-of-my-own-private-island-so-don’t-mess-with-me-club is hereby revoked. You can reapply in a week for a minor infraction. 30 days for a major infraction. 90 for a real zinger. And before you ask, “No, saving your pennies and buying your own fruit does not circumnavigate or nullify these rules.” Further, the degree of the infraction and resulting punishment is entirely dependent upon my subjective feeling at the moment. Don’t like it? Tough. Welcome to earth. Hand in the fruit. Note: if you’re feeling all of a sudden down, like I’m peeing in your corn flakes, don’t worry. You’re not the first to get kicked out of the garden.


Ownership is not a right. It’s a privilege I’m doing you a favor. Just to be clear, I own it. You are borrowing it. If you don’t like this fact, tough. I gave it to you. And if you want to argue this, and state how you paid for a portion of it with your hardearned Christmas money, hand it in. Hence, you may NOT do what you want, when you want, however you want, whenever you want, wherever you want, with this thing. Just to make sure there’s no confusion -- you are NOT king of your own private island, so if in doubt, ask. And I don’t care what your friends do or are doing or how hard this is on your social life or how it handicaps your cool-factor and resulting ability to be accepted by the other island dwellers. I navigated high school and then college AND dated and married your mom without ever sending or receiving the first text. After twenty years of marriage, we’re good. You will be too. One last note regarding your friends, before you offer the, “But dad, all my friends...” Again, I don’t care and I don’t give a flying rat’s butt what they are doing. They’re not mine and I’m not responsible for them. God gave me you. Not them. If what you are about to say is true, their parents are either out to lunch, nuts, naive, or just terrible parents. You’re lucky I’m not one of them.


Never say or view anything which you wouldn’t say or view out loud in my presence. Hear that? ‘Out loud in my presence.’ So think before you let your fingers do the talking and your apple does the walking. Note: This is especially crucial when texting girls: never say anything in this device that you wouldn’t also say out loud in the presence of that girl’s mother AND father.


Never lie with this thing. Don’t mislead or insinuate. Don’t gossip. You CAN Encourage, build up, edify, ask honest questions, joke appropriately, small talk, or shut the h-e-double hockey stick up. Everything you type in here is public -- swimming in the air around our heads in invisible little ‘0’s and ‘1’s. I don’t care if you think it’s private. It’s not. Because every few days I’m going to pick it up and read everything you’ve written. “But, dad!” You object. “You don’t trust me?” Take a look in the rearview. Do you really want to go there? Let me put it this way...I’d like to give you a chance to rebuild it. If I’m raining on your parade, you’d do well to swallow your pride, silence that defiant voice inside you and come in out of the cold. Trust is built over time. When sufficient time has passed, I’ll trust you more. When is that time and how much is that time? Don’t know. I’ll let you know when I do. Given that it is my God-given right to read everything you say, you may not erase anything. So, refer to rule #5. If I discover that you do, you lose the fruit. If it has a password, I know it before the fruit does. If the fruit rings, answer it. Period.

Touch of Grace Spring 2013



The best and most useful button on here is the one that turns it off. Use it. Frequently. Check out of that world and into this one. Trust me, you’ll live. What’s more, the other humans on the planet will thank you because you’ll start acting more like one of us rather than a robot with spastic thumbs and a nervous tick.


Before you ever send a picture, ask yourself if you would send said picture to your mother, father and both sets of grandparents. If not, yep that’s right, you guessed it, don’t send it. If you do when you shouldn’t, you lose the fruit. The excuse of, “But dad, I thought...” won’t work. Turn on your internal filter, and use better judgment.


You will reattach this fruit to its charging vine in the kitchen Sun-Thurs by 10pm. And by 11pm on Fri and Sat. Exceptions granted upon request. Failure to do so will result in immediate forfeiture and confiscation for at least a week. “I forgot” will get you no sympathy.


No texting between the hours of 10pm and when you wake up -- which is logical cause it’ll be hanging from the vine and not in your hand. If you can’t remember to do this, then set a nightly alarm to remind you. I will not. If I see you handling the forbidden fruit passed 10:05pm, you lose it for the following day. If you need it to serve as an alarm, you may ask to do so but know this -- the temptation to use it while it sits idly on your bedside will prove difficult -- as your history has shown. With that in mind, you might do well to buy yourself a $2 alarm clock from Wal-Mart and save yourself the temptation, aggravation, and resulting confiscation. Consider yourself forewarned before I lay an axe to the tree.


All music on this thing is subject to my approval. And if you are going to spend money on it, ask permission before you do. I can and will delete at will. If it sounds angry, spits profanities, contains the ‘explicit’ label or talks in any way I deem inappropriate about drugs, alcohol, or girls and their bodies or what the artist/musician/singer were, have, are going to, or wish they were going to do to them, it’s gone. Our bodies are a temple. And when God declared this, he didn’t stutter. Note --> Girl’s bodies = temple of God. He made it for His pleasure. Not yours. When it’s your time to experience that (which is waay cool and you’re going to love it), He, her father, and she will give it to you. Until then, we’re not defiling it.


Same rules apply to movies. Note: Cool movies must be watched with me. Cool lines will be remembered and quoted frequently between us in stocatto’ish fashion which will sound like incoherent babblings to the uninformed. Your mother will not understand this but don’t look down your nose. She brought you into this world (I saw it) and she can take you out. She multi-tasks on a level you and I cannot comprehend. So, cut her some slack.


You’re right I said ten, but I’m not finished. With our mouths, we curse and we damn or we bless and build up. Hence, words matter. Never do the former. Always the latter. And, remember that bit about sticks and stones and how words can never hurt? That’s BS. They can hurt like h-e-double-hockey stick. On the other hand, in one of the most miraculous transactions to occur on the earth, they can bring healing to a deep wound. (For more on this, read my latest book. It’s entitled ‘Unwritten’ for a reason.) That’s why God gave them (words) to us. They started with Him. Like the fruit, we are borrowing them. Treat them delicately and with equal integrity for we will return them one day. With your mouth, you are either a walking, talking spinner of damnation, or a triage nurse roaming a smoking and scorched battlefield called earth. If you curse, damn or tear down, you’ll lose more than the fruit and it won’t be me who takes it from you. If you bless, build up, love, forgive, and bring laughter, well’ll gain more than my trust and it won’t be me who gives it to you.

Touch of Grace Spring 2013



I realize there is a voice inside you right now saying, “Dad, do you have to make such a big deal of this? None of my friends parents do this. I mean, seriously. It’s just a...” Here’s the deal, you’re not a weekend hobby or a passing fancy. Not something I tend to in my spare time. You are magnificent. Without measure. Not for sale. And... you are standing at the threshold of manhood. With that in mind...I’m your biggest fan, and I want you to make it through the doorway -- intact. I’m also your dad. God made me that. (It’s one of my greatest honors.) Therefore, I will not sell my parental rights at the altar of pop culture, or at the altar of what everyone else is doing, or the altar of indifference -which is the curse of this age. Trust me, you’re cool without trying and I’m anything but indifferent when it comes to you. Said fruit doesn’t increase your coolness. In truth, having your face constantly buried in it can make you look petty and insecure. Neither of which apply to you. This is the subject of a larger conversation (one we’ve been having since you were old enough to listen) so in the infamous words of Inigo Montoya, let me sum up -- The world is going to try and steal you from me/us and, if we let it, it will use (among other things) the fruit to do so. It’s also going to use alcohol, sex, drugs, fame, power, porn...the instruments are many and the battle constant. You were born into a world at war and are being hounded by a very real enemy who is hell-bent on ripping your head off. Maybe I’ll expand on this in another Manifesto, but, fear not, you have a King who’s stronger than your enemy. What’s more, he’s sent you thousands of texts All sitting in your inbox. String them all together and it’s the greatest love story every told -- one in which you play a starring role. Even better than Les Mis -- although I think Victor Hugo must have borrowed a few notes from the King’s Story cause I saw a lot of similarities. Anyway, in it you’ll find every thing you need to know about you, Him, and the battle plan. Look around a bit and you’ll find there’s an app for that.


The purpose for all these Don’t Do’s is NOT so that I can control your life and hold you under my thumb. I’m fighting for your freedom. Not your imprisonment. Trust me, we’d love to trust you with this thing. So, before you get puffy, remember, the Don’t Do’s allow the Get To’s. Realize that and this will sting less. It’s like football -- the game is played in that green space between the sidelines. And once you agree to abide by the rules and stop arguing with the guys in the striped shirts, you get to play all out and use the gifts you’ve been given. Which are many.


You are now free to roam the garden. You can eat your fill from all the trees but one. Avoid that one like the plague. It’s bitter fruit. Life or death. Choose wisely. I love you,


_______________Name _______________Date

printed with permission from

Touch of Grace Spring 2013


fine arts Choir and Orchestr a: •

The high school choir went to TAPPS State Competition in Belton on April 13th, and received TAPPS Vocal Music Champion for 4A.

13 vocal soloists, 4 small ensembles, 4 sacred ensembles, 3 show choirs, and our large ensemble received sweepstakes meaning a 1 in performance and a 1 in sight reading. Our guys large ensemble and girls large ensemble received 1’s in sight singing and 2’s(Excellent) in performance

6 high school students made the TMEA All region Orchestra. 32 jr. high students tried out for TMEA All Region Orchestra. 11 were selected. This is the highest number from any school in East Texas.

34 jr. high Small Ensemble medals were earned in Solo and Small Ensemble Competition

The high school orchestra advanced 2 large ensembles, 2 medium ensembles, 9 small ensembles and 7 solos to state TAPPS.

At state, one large ensemble, 2 medium ensembles, 5 small ensembles and 6 soloists earned top honors securing 2nd place in the TAPPS state instrumental competition

Jr. high orchestra earned perfect scores in the Director’s Choice Music Festival in Galveston. They also earned best in class and overall outstanding orchestra for the 3rd consecutive year.

On May 9, 6th grade choir, orchestra, band & drum line received first division ratings at the Sandy Lake Funfest Music Competition in Dallas. Dr ama: GCHS Acts of Grace Company placed 1st in their regional one-act play meet with numerous individual honors and 5th at the TAPPS Division I One-Act Play State Meet hosted at R.E. Lee High School in Tyler on Dec 1. The company presented the drama THE DEATH AND LIFE OF LARRY BENSON. Grace was the only 4A school to place in the top 6. The Fine Arts Department presented the musical THE WIZARD OF OZ in October, receiving rave revues.

Art: The Grace art department continues to grow and thrive. The students and teachers alike have enjoyed a productive year of learning new techniques, advancing skills, and have had a great time doing it. In March, GCS won a gold medal at the 2012/2013 State VASE (Visual Arts Scholastic Event) Competition. 35 works of art were selected from our district to compete at the state level. Each work of art selected had to compete with 1499 pieces of art from all over Texas. Only 17 of the pieces from our district won a medal at state and GCS student Anna Kindig was one of them, with a gold medal victory. Touch of Grace Spring 2013


Drum Line:

Fine Arts

The GCS drum line continue to be a fan favorite, performing at athletic events, festivals and everything in between. Our drum line students also participated in the TAPPS solo and ensemble competitons. Every percussion entry received a superior rating and qualified for state competition. On May 9, 6th grade drum line received first division ratings at the Sandy Lake Funfest Music Competition in Dallas.

Jazz Band: The Grace Community Jazz Band received all first division rankings at the state TAPPS competition. 2012-2013 marks the first year that students in the Grace Jazz Band participated in ensembles and qualifed for the state TAPPS competition,as well as the first year of competition for the Grace Community Jazz Combo, who received a division 1 ranking at the state TAPPS competion. The Grace Jazz Band also received a Superior Performance trophy and Best Overall Performance at the American Classic music festival at the Majestic Theater in Dallas. The sixth grade band beginners recieved an excellent performance award at the Sandy Lake Funfest Music Festival while the 7th8th Grade band garnered the Quality of Excellence Award at the Space City Music Festival in Galveston Tx.

Congr atulations

to the GCS Music Department for receiving second place in the TAPPS 4A State Competition in Instrumental and for receiving the title of 2012-2013


Glory to the Lord! Touch of Grace Spring 2013



With 2 district championships, a new baseball field dedication and 4 student athletes signing letters of intent to play at the college of their choice, it is fair to say that the GCS athletic department has had an exciting and busy year. Our Athletic Banquet was on May 9, and we felt overwhelmed with thankfulness for what the Lord has built for us at Grace.

Baseball – District Champions Congratulations to Coach Fox and the Varsity baseball team for capturing the 2013 District Baseball Championship.

Ladies Golf – State Match Qualifiers The Ladies Golf team made a strong showing at the TAPPS

All-District Softball:

2nd TEAM Kristen Mayfield Haley Evans Touch of Grace Spring 2013



Sports Recap

State Golf Match in Waco. Congratulations Coach Dixon and Lady Cougars.

1st TEAM Kylee Stanley

Tr ack and Field

3rd TEAM Taylor Kingsley Fallon Roberts Maddie Parker H.M. Brooke McCleney Hanna Wright

Congratulations to our track coaches and student-athletes on a successful 1st Annual Cougar Relays. Even with the rain and wind, the event was a great success. It was truly an all hands on deck event and you guys came through in a big way. The Lady Cougars Track and Field Team brought home their first ever District Championship with a strong finish at the 2013 District Track Meet in Dallas.

All-District Baseball: 1st TEAM Jacob Sptizer Blake White District MVP Canaan Klaassen 2nd TEAM Jacob Wadle Jonny Spitzer Austin Patrick

3rd TEAM Call Florence Dylan Sumpter H.M. Chandler Nutt


Touch of Grace Spring 2013




laire Garvey - Class of 2010

She’s beautiful, happy and an involved member of her sorority, Zeta Chi, at Dallas Baptist University. To look at her, you would never guess that this young woman has gone through significant pain or that she has given her heart to the Lord through it all. At the age of 10, Claire’s mother was killed in a tragic car accident. Such a heartbreaking and confusing event could have led to a childhood filled with anger, but even at a young age, Claire strongly felt the guiding hand of the Lord in her life. Claire attended GCS for all 15 years of her education, from K4-12, and worked at Pine Cove during summers in her high school years. She says that Grace’s influence on her life is immeasurable, and that she specifically remembers finding numerous opportunities to grow closer to Christ through relationships she formed with both students and teachers at Grace. Claire is now in her junior year at DBU, and is happy to be close enough to Tyler to visit her family frequently.


ustin DeLong - Class of 2007

After 5 years of playing keyboard for Luminate, a signed Christian band from Tyler, Dustin took a leap of faith and began a journey to serve the Lord in a new way. Last spring, after a last-minute mission trip to Sierra Leone, Africa with Young Life Africa, Dustin felt a strong calling to work in the medical missions field. Years of non-stop touring with his band had left him with exactly 0 college credit hours, so he enrolled at TJC as a biology major, and is diligently chipping away at his medical missions-oriented degree. As Dustin’s time with Luminate was winding down, he was also discovering a new passion - running. Dustin now competes regularly in 5Ks, 10Ks, marathons, and triathalons and can be found hitting the pavement with his running group, the East Texas Striders. Even with these new passions, Dustin hasn’t lost touch with his first love. He still plays music at the Green Acres Crosswalk service in a worship band he is a part of, and says he loves every minute of it.


erri Eisenbach - Class of 2007

Some paths just seem obvious from the start - after enjoying great success and achievement in both high school and college, Kerri felt that her clear choice was to embark on an academic career. She was selected as the philosophy department’s top student in academics and service at Texas A&M University, and in 2001 she graduated magna cum laude. But an international trip to serve in Costa Rica and Mexico changed Kerri’s mind about what she wanted to do next. Because of her accomplishments, Kerri had graduate schools from all over the country courting her, but she ended up choosing one close to home. The Bush School, at Texas A&M University, offered Kerri the prestigious Robertson fellowship to study international economics and development and with that, the pieces of the puzzle fell into place for Kerri. Now in her final year of studies, Kerri is using her God-given skills to make an immediate impact both her and internationally - truly influencing the world for Christ. Touch of Grace Spring 2013



R econnect!


hat do the phrases “Grace World”, the “Grace Bubble” and “Cougars what’s your battle cry” have in common? Well, if you are GCS Alumni, you already know the answer. Like the trick to beat level 3 on the orignal Mario Brothers, some things are just burned into your brain, for better or worse. Some of you we have reconnected with already, whether that be through alumni athletic events, because you participated in an alumni chapel, via your 10 year reunion, or (this one is extra fun) because you have brought your own kids to school at Grace. But some of you we haven’t heard from in a while and we would really love to catch up with you. If you, or an alumni you know, haven’t yet reconnected with us, please visit our website,, and click on the ALUMNI link at the top of the page to get back into our system. We can’t wait to hear from you! Touch of Grace Spring 2013


Development Uncommon Generosity

The best part of my job is standing between the needs of our community and generous individuals. I used to think that generosity was only reserved for individuals with financial wealth or the excess of money after the budget has been met. Nothing could be further from the truth. Since attending my first Journey of Generosity hosted by Generous Giving, God began to give me a much greater picture of generosity – and it’s not just about the money. The joy of generosity does not come from a guilt trip, but out of gratitude for salvation in Christ. When we fully recognize that all we have – our time, talents and treasure – come from Him, we begin using our resources to benefit His Kingdom.

Looking for an easy barometer? Take a look at your calendar and checkbook. How much of your time is spent on Kingdom work? No matter your vocation, God has placed you strategically in your sphere of influence to further His goals and objectives. Are your financial resources spent more on others than yourself? The numbers simply don’t lie. As a Christian community, we should all experience the joy of generosity. Interested in learning more? We have tons of FREE resources to share and help you along your journey of generosity. Feel free to give me a call. Better yet, stop by my office and begin a conversation today. Sincerely, Tim Connor, GCS Director of Development

Meet the Brink Family

It always starts



After having 2 children and homeschooling for the first few years of school, God put a desire in Rebecca and Andy Brink’s hearts to find a Christian school. From the moment they set foot on the Grace campus, they knew this was God’s place for the education of their children. With more kids on the way, how could they afford it? Andy works for a non-profit prison ministry, depending upon individual financial support – redefining “living paycheck to paycheck”. Rebecca is committed to being a stay-at-home mom to keep up with the growing family. Yet, God always provides for their needs. Now, with four in school, 2 future Grace students at home, and another one on the way, they continue a path of faith, trusting in God to provide the resources to make it all possible. They’ve watched God provide in miraculous ways – through generous individuals, financial aid, and special gifts – to supplement what they already pay. And they’ve never missed a payment – and that’s a Touch of Grace Spring 2013


BIG deal.


Touch of Grace Spring 2013


Development My brother and I have been at Grace since we were in K4. I’m now in 8th grade, and he is in 4th. Grace has provided us both with a great Christian education and helped shape us into the boys we are today. We are extremely grateful to all the families who have given so that we can continue to attend! We couldn’t imagine going to school anywhere else. One of my favorite things about Grace is the Christian atmosphere, and my brother’s favorite thing is the people, both teachers and kids. We are proud to call Grace our home!

Cougar Gapper

With the 2012 – 2013

school year behind us and the final monthly tuition payment complete, it’s time to look forward to next year. The summer months are full of new families inquiring about Grace and asking about financial aid. Would you consider making a 12th tuition payment to benefit these families?

Love, Andrew Dumas and Steven Dumas

We feel so blessed to have our child at Grace Community School. I have such gratitude in my heart for the donation to help my family pay for tuition. Last year at this time, we were beginning to wonder about where to send our child to middle school. A friend suggested Grace, but it seemed out of reach for our financial situation. As I began to pray about the 2012-2013 school year, God kept returning Grace School to my thoughts. We filled out a financial aid application, but were informed that we were not chosen to receive any funds. Heartbroken, I began to question, “Okay, what now?” Help arrived from an unexpected source, and a portion was also received from the Grace Fund. God provided a way for our child to be at Grace, which was obviously His plan. Thank you so much for having such a fund to distribute to those less fortunate.

Become a Cougar Gapper and help bridge the gap for these families. To register, simply contact Tim Connor in the Development Office at 903-566-5678 ext. 150.

Have you ever Considered...


oin the

Journey of


A retreat to talk about money without an agenda. To start your journey, email Tim Connor at To view the video, go to

facilitated by


his retreat changed our lives.”

-Wayne & Tina Lovejoy, JOG Participants

Touch of Grace Spring 2013


Honorariums & Memorials In honor of Blake Farrar and Lorie Farrar Given by: Becky Farrar

In honor of Heather Allen, K5 teacher Given by: Grayson Nicolardi

In honor of Drew and Anna Pierce Given by: Cathy and David Krafve

In honor of Jeanne Crawford, 1st grade teacher Given by: Landon Nicolardi

In memory of Claude Hanson, grandfather of Chris McLeod (10th) Given by: Glenda Hanson

In honor of 7th Grade Teachers at GCS Given by: Mara Gay

In memory of Edward Bays, grandfather of Brit Bays (7th) and Brooks Bays (4th) Given by: Glenda Bays In memory of Charles Langford, grandfather of Alex Langford (11th) and Rebecca Langford (10th) Given by: Amy and David Bone In memory of John Wilson, grandfather of Blake White (12th) Given by: Jenny & Jeremy Wilson In memory of Leona Maddox, mother of Coach Mike Maddox Given by: Jenny & Jeremy Wilson In memory of Lanny Shaeffer, husband of Wanda Shaeffer Given by: JoAnn and Gary Krafft, Doris Skinner, Karla Foreman, Ashley and Walter Wilhelmi In honor of Jody Dozier (6th) Given by: Isobel Hood In memory of Dr. Sandy Hadden Given by: Beverly & Don Crozier, Vicki and Kent Crozier In honor of Heather Allen Given by: Kristin Hoover

In memory of Della Kelley, Great Grandmother of Cameron Phillips (K5) Given by: Marilyn and Rod Phillips In honor of Kalynn Giffin (1st), Landry Norman (EEC), Kynlee Ashby (EEC), and Heidi Hawkins (EEC) Given by: Paula and Harold Hawkins In honor of J. B. White (Class of 2011) and LuLu White (4th) Given by: Gail and John White In honor of Stacy Holmes, 2nd grade teacher Given by: The Covington Family In honor of Ann Fedell, Janet Taylor, Blaine Davis and Chuck Kelley, High School teachers Given by: The Dacus Family In honor of Jennifer Davin, K5 teacher Given by: The Garibaldi Family In honor of Julie Aldredge, Angie Hicks and Stacy Holmes Given by: The Culver Family

In honor of Faculty and Administration of Grace Community School Lower Campus Given by: The Ferguson Family In honor of Julie Aldredge Given by: McKenna Hosch In honor of Ann Terese Brandt Given by: Jake Hosch In honor of Judy Miller and John Keeling Given by: The Stinson Family In memory of Hayden James Malone Given by: Juanita and Charlie Jones In honor of the caring Grace teachers who have had such an impact on London and Stratton Given by: Tisa and Billy Hibbs In honor of Judy Miller and Danny Dobbs Given by: Ann, Mike, Noah and Clay Brown In honor of Glo Tjoelker, Dana Hymer and Heather Allen Given by: Emelia Ditsworth and The Donnell Family In honor of Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Brody, Coach Parker, Mr. Olson, Mr. Jensen, Mrs. Pierce, Coach Maddox, Coach Welch, Coach Stovall Given by: The Ramirez Family

In honor of Linda Trammell, K4 teacher Given by: Landon and Grayson Nicolardi

Touch of Grace Spring 2013


Upcoming Fall Events: 8/19 - First Day of School 9/2 - Labor Day 10/11-12 40TH ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND 1 • Alumni Chapel • Homecoming Game • GCS at Festival on the Square • Alumni Reunion • Homecoming Dance

Save the Date to Celebr ate

40 Years of GCS!

10/14-15 - Fall Break 11/25-29 - Thanksgiving Break 12/23-1/6 - Christmas Break 1/20 - MLK Day Celebration 2/13-14 - Winter Break 2/27-3/2 - 40TH ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND 2 • Grace Cup Golf Tournament • Skeet Shoot • Grandparents’ Day • Fine Arts Showcase • Annual Banquet • Grace Community Church Open House

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