Technology is a blessing...really
I’m often asked about our school’s philosophy of technology. It might comfort you to know that we actually have one, and we are intentional about drawing upon it when investing in educational materials. Technology is a blessing to all of us. Whenever I’m in Uganda, I am always so grateful to have it. Even in a country described as “developing”, I can contact home relatively easily through email and cell phone, send a blog back to the United States, get access to money, and do so many things that would have been impossible just 15 years ago. Facebook, Twitter, and other social media allow us to stay in touch with friends, and communicate to a degree we never before have. The use of electronic readers and tablets make carrying vast amounts of information portable and affordable. Technology is a good thing, a gracious gift from God. But, like all of God’s good things, it can be corrupted by sin. “Sexting”, “cyber-bullying”, and the use of technology to promote idle diversions and poor stewardship of time are all examples of how technology can accelerate not only what is best in man, but what is worst. At Grace, we work with our students to try to give them a vision for how to glorify God and carry out the Great Commandment through the use of technology. At the end of the day, technologies are just tools, like hands and feet, that are controlled by the human heart. A heart redeemed by the blood of Christ and walking in the Holy Spirit will use them for redemptive purposes. A corrupt heart will use them for corrupt purposes. Technology can have tremendous educational value as well. Good classroom presentation and research applications can bring subjects alive for students. Interactive applications can allow teachers and students to collaborate in ways that are more effective and efficient than ever before. We are committed to finding and using those technologies that will help us to present new ideas and concepts to the “native digital learners” in our classrooms in a way that resonates with them and equips them to use technology for redemptive purposes. A couple of caveats about classroom technology are important. First, classroom technology is only as effective as the classroom teacher. The best technology is no substitute for a bad teacher. For technology to be effective, an effective teacher who is well trained in its use is necessary. Second, our school must choose and invest wisely in effective technologies. Following fads or trends can be a monumental waste of your tuition dollars, and the limited resources available. Over the next several months, you will be hearing more about Grace’s investment in iPad technology, and how we plan to pilot its use in the high school, with an eye towards expansion into other areas of the school. As we implement new technologies, please know that we are doing so prudently and prayerfully, so as to best equip your child and to best manage the precious resources God has provided.
I have directed you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in the upright paths. Proverbs 4:11
GCS School Board Mr. Clay White - President Dr. Hal Everett Mr. Chris Glenney Dr. Charley Gordon Mrs. Stacy Hamilton Mr. Jeff Johnson Mrs. Stephanie Nickel Mr. Fred Pate Mr. Scott Pierce Mr. Steve Spitzer Mr. Greg Strnadel Dr. Brent Wadle Mr. Mark Whatley Mr. Clay White Mr. Walter Wilhelmi
GCS Administration
Jay Ferguson – Headmaster Jennifer Dozier – Elementary Principal Karla Foreman – Junior High Principal Wanda Shaeffer – High School Principal
To assist Christian parents in equipping our
young people to influence the world for Christ.
GreatCam ps o LOWER CAMPUS El em entary ArtCam p
June47,June2528,& Jul y1619 9: 00am -1: 00pm Gr ades1s t 5t h.Cos t :$135
Sewi ng Cam ps:
Mot her swel comet oo! ) Gr ades4t h12t h.Cos t :TBD( Begi nnerSeam stresses June2528 8: 30am -12: 00pm
Experi enced Seam stresses June2528 12: 30pm -4: 00pm
Ki ndergarten Caboodl e June47 9: 00am -1: 00pm GCS1s tGr ader s .Cos t :$110
Phonem i c Awareness June1115 9: 00am -10: 30am Gr adesK52nd.Cos t :$100
El em entary Technol ogy Cam ps: Cl aym ati on June1115 9: 00am -12: 00pm Gr ades2nd5t h.Cos t :$125 Stop Vi deo June2529 9: 00am -12: 00pm Gr ades2nd5t h.Cos t :$125 Di gi talScrapbooki ng Jul y26 9: 00am -11: 30am Gr ades6t h10t h-Gi r l s .Cos t :$105
Cam p I nventi on
June1822 9: 00am -3: 30pm Gr ades1s t 6t h.Cos t :$215
Phoneti c Ski l l s forReadi ng & Spel l i ng June2529 9: 00am -10: 30am Gr ades2nd3r d.Cos t :$100
Begi nnerSeam stresses Jul y912 8: 30am -12: 00pm or12: 30pm -4: 00pm
I ndi vi dual a Tutori ng forPhoneti c Readi ng and Spel l i ng ski l l s DatesTBD bystudent MonThur s-Onehours l ot s .Locat i onTBD. AnyGr ade.Cos t :$100/ week
El em entary Spani sh Cam p TBD
UPPER CAMPUS Vol l eybal lCam p
May2123& Jul y2325 10: 00am -12: 00pm Gr ades5t h8t h.Cos t :$60( $100f orbot h)
HS Footbal lCam p
May2123 MonTues6: 00pm -9: 00pm;Wed3: 00pm -6: 00pm Gr ades9t h12t h.Cos t :$90
JH QB/ Rec Footbal lCam p May2123 8: 00am -11: 00am Gr ades7t h8t h.Cos t :$90
El em entary Footbal lCam p May2426 8: 00am -11: 00am Gr ades4t h6t h.Cos t :$90
ofSum m er! Regi strati on onl i ne now avai l abl e atgracetyl er. org
Gi rlPowerBasketbal lCam p
Softbal lCam p
Dram a Cam p -Al addi n,Jr.
JH Team Footbal lCam p
June1114 9: 00am -12: 00pm Gr ades5t h9t h.Cos t :$55
June1129 9: 00am -12: 00pm Gr ades2nd9t h.Cos t :$330 Regi s t erbyMay1s t Two show ti meson the29th.
El em entary SoccerCam p June1821 8: 30am -11: 30am Gr adesK55t h.Cos t :$65
Advanced SoccerCam p June1821 6: 00pm -8: 00pm Gr ades6t h9t h.Cos t :$50
JH ArtCam p
June1822& Jul y26 1: 00pm -5: 00pm Gr ades6t h8t h.Cos t :$150
HS ArtCam p
June2529 1: 00pm -5: 00pm Gr ades9t h12t h.Cos t :$150
Jul y912 9: 00am -12: 00pm Gr ades2nd8t h.Cos t :$65
Jul y30August1 8: 00am -11: 00am Gr ades6t h8t h.Cos t :$90
HS Study Ski l l s Cam p TBD
OFF CAMPUS Woodworki ng Cam ps: Begi nners May28June1& June48 Advanced June1115 Bot hCampt i mes :8: 00am -4: 00pm Gr ades7t hCol l ege.Cos t :$350+ t ext book
Dri l lTeam Cougarette Cam p Aug 1 10: 00am -2: 00pm DanceN’Dr i l l Gr adesK55t h.Cos t :$25
Mi niCheerCam p Jul y911 9: 00am -12: 00pm Gr adesK55t h.Cos t :$85
Basebal lCam p
Jul y912 9: 00am -12: 00pm Gr ades2nd7t h.Cos t :$75
Gradel evelforfal lof2012. Go to gracetyl er. org formostuptodatel i sti ng.
Honoraria and Memorials
Gifts given to honor or in memory of family members, faculty, students and friends by the donors listed below. Gifts are acknowledged immediately by a personal card to the bereaved or honored family. No mention is made of the gift amount. Many find this living memorial more meaningful than flowers. (Gifts received as of printing deadline for this issue.) In memory of Geraldine Dilly, grandmother of Cassidy (11th) & Madison (8th) Hammer Given by: Leann & Greg Strnadel and Tammy & Darin Cowart
In memory of Braden Alec Carson, brother of Ancel (8th) and Hope (5th) Carson Given by: Jennifer & Billy Dan Carson
In memory of Loretta Van Cleave, great-grandmother of Caleb (2007) and Garrett (2008) Pierce Given by: Tamra & Travis Pierce
In memory of Dewey E. Williams, grandfather of Rachel Williams (7th) Given by: Gigi & Brent Wadle and Jill Johnson
In memory of Delphene Young, grandmother of Tanya Davis (1983) and Jannie Herchuk (1980) Given by: Jackie & Don Chaney
In memory of Doris Powell, mother of Fran Rodebaugh (1993) Given by: Fran & Randy Rodebaugh
In memory of Loyce Goodwin, grandmother of Matthew (2011) and Megan (2008) Green Given by: Judy Nolley In memory of Jack McClain, grandfather of Wade (8th), Emma (5th) and Anna (5th) Burton Given by: Judy Nolley In memory of R.W. Schambach, grandfather of Amanda (2004), Christi (2007), and Craig (2011) Schambach Given by: Gigi & Brent Wadle In memory of Beth & Jim Bone, grandparents of Lauren (9th) and Christian (7th) Bone Given by: Amy & David Bone In memory of James Roseberry, grandfather of Bradie (9th) & Blakely (1st) Roseberry Given by: Brenna & Paul Roseberry In memory of Emma Hunt, great-grandmother of Caitlin (10th) and Cameron (8th) Hunt Given by: Carrie & Darrin Hunt In honor of Denny and Linda Alden, grandparents of Claire (8th) and Chloe (4th) Alden Given by: Suzy & Roy Smith In honor of Martha and Henry Lewis, grandparents of Mary Catherine (7th), Sarabeth (4th) and William (4th) Wallace Given by: Martha Jane & Michael Wallace In memory of Sydney Pate, grandmother of Leslie (2009) & Kelsey (2010) Pate, and Hannah & Sarah (2007) South Given by: Jackie & Don Chaney In memory of Emma Marie Ferguson, great-grandmother of Emma (9th), Annie (7th), and Ellen (4th) Ferguson Given by: Lisa & Jim Hurst, Sherry and John Ferguson, and Margaret Mebus In honor of Corgan Richards, brother of Luke (3rd) and Margaret (K5) Jenz Given by: Laura & Jon Jenz and family In Honor of Michael Jr. Dinner Committee: Brooke Auringer, Jennifer Bane, Kelly Hunter, Sheri Leal, Cheryl McLeod, Jodi Miller, and Angie Reed. Given by: Ann Brown, Dinner Committee Chair In Memory of Ben Meyer, father of Glo Tjoelker & great-grandfather of Rebekah Miller (2nd) Given by: Ann & Mike Brown
In memory of Ed Bays, grandfather of Brit (6th) & Brooks (3rd) Bays Given by: Laura & Mark Burton In memory of Watson W. Wise Given by: The Watson W. Wise Foundation In memory of Eric “Nick” Rognlie Given by: his loving wife, Gloria Rognlie In memory of Nadine & Travis Gilliam Given by: Novis Winkler In memory of J. D. Jones Given by: Cindy & James Jones In recognition of Olivia Nolley’s 13th birthday Given by: Alicia & Judy Nolley In honor of J.B. (2011) & Lulu (3rd) White Given by: Gail & John White In honor of Dee & Scott Pierce Given by: Cathy & David Krafve In honor of the Shari and Scott Wilson Family Given by: Cody Hunter In honor of Susan Boylan Given by: Will Hunter In honor of Chris Brody Given by: Emma Hunter In honor of Danny Dobbs Given by: Ty Hunter In honor of Karla Foreman Given by: Anonymous In honor of Martra Murphy Eades Given by Karen & Phil Hillis In honor of Jack Threadgill Given by Barbara & Darrell Campbell In honor of Denny Alden Given by: Kris & Scott Gusa In honor of Erin Miller Given by: Judy & Jeff Miller In honor of Denise and Keith Davis and children Given by: Paula & Kip Havard In honor of Grace Community Given by: Derrick Wong
To send an Honoraria or Memorial, you can go to or make checks to Grace Community School and send instructions to Grace Community School, 3025 University Blvd., Tyler, TX 75701
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Grace Community School 3001 University Boulevard • Tyler, TX 75701
Tyler, TX
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Grace Community School . . . Teaching Jesus CONTACT INFO LOWER CAMPUS: 3215 Old Jacksonville Road, Tyler, TX 75701 (903) 593-1977 UPPER CAMPUS: 3001 University Boulevard, Tyler, TX 75701 Jr. High: (903)566-5600 Sr. High: (903)566-5661