Fall 2011
Grace A touch of
Teaching Jesus
Community School
The Beauty of Simplicity
As I write this article, it’s 5:00 am. I’ve been up for two hours. I’ve just returned from Uganda, and I’m completely jet lagged. So, you can chalk what I’m about to say up to the muddled ravings of your sleep-deprived headmaster. Maybe. Or, maybe not. I know that going to Africa to work with churches and schools has in itself become trendy. Many of us want that photo of us with African kids for our refrigerator door. But, it’s difficult to go and not be profoundly changed by the experience, mostly for the better. And, my big takeaway from Africa this trip is: we’re too busy. Life is too complex. And, it is simply not good for us or for our kids. Before you think I’m going preachy on you, please realize that I’m the chief offender. My kids are at camp right now, a wonderful, faith-growing experience that I wouldn’t trade for them. But, they’ve been engaged in activities, trips, and other events this summer that have kept them from that unstructured time in which imagination thrives, in which contemplation soars. If you’re like me, summer used to involve one week of camp, one week of family vacation, and weeks upon weeks of “kick the can”, whiffle ball in the streets (if you parked on the road in our neighborhood, you were implicitly giving consent for your car to be used as third base), and lots of down time that was the perfect medium for imagination and creativity. And that’s summer. It’s even more complex when school starts, and we begin extracurricular activities on top of our schoolwork. Are we really creating well-rounded students that colleges like to see (a myth, really- most universities are looking for a well-rounded class composed of students who have depth)? Or, are we just creating over-scheduled, stressed out kids and families? There is a joy among Christians in Uganda, a paradoxical appreciation for each other and for life that shouldn’t exist among abject poverty and a hardscrabble existence. It’s taken me a while to figure it out, but I think part of it is that life is simple: you get up with the sun, you work hard, you come home, you eat simple food, you go to bed when it gets dark. Assuming you’re literate, you read your Bible and enjoy your family and your community by talking, laughing, and supporting each other. That’s about it. It reminds me of what Solomon said was God’s great gift to man, “that there is nothing I have directed you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in the upright paths. better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; also that Proverbs 4:11 everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil.” Ecc. 3:12-13. Don’t get me wrong; I don’t want to trade lives with my brothers and GCS School Board sisters in Uganda. It’s a tough life. I’m grateful for our lives, for our church, Mr. Clay White - President and for our school. This school provides a strong family community that I Dr. Hal Everett think is second to none. But, as we enter the new school year, would our Mr. Chris Glenney Dr. Charley Gordon kids be better off if we made them choose only one or two extracurricular Mrs. Stacy Hamilton activities this time around? If we helped them study hard, and use their free Mr. Jeff Johnson time wisely? If we actually taught them and modeled for them that quiet time, Mrs. Stephanie Nickel time unplugged from media, time spent sitting and thinking and enjoying a Mr. Fred Pate Mr. Scott Pierce good conversation and lots of laughter around the dinner table was healthy Mr. Steve Spitzer and right and God’s gift? That there was great joy in simplicity?
It’s not easy;
excessive complexity and busyness is a powerful drug that convinces us that our life has meaning and worth. But, if we slow down a little and encourage our kids to do the same, will we find that meaning and value and worth and contentment were right there all along, an oasis on the side of the superhighway of life?
It may be worth a try. 2
Mr. Greg Strnadel Dr. Brent Wadle Mr. Mark Whatley Mr. Clay White Mr. Walter Wilhelmi
GCS Administration
Jay Ferguson – Headmaster Jennifer Dozier – Elementary Principal Karla Foreman – Junior High Principal Wanda Shaeffer – High School Principal
To assist Christian parents in equipping our
young people to influence the world for Christ.
Investing in Your Marriage
Steve Tanner is the Family Ministries’ Pastor at Grace Community Church and a Grace dad. He is pleased to be bringing Gary Smalley in to help us with our marriages. Investing in your children, your job, but not your marriage? We spend hours working on everything except our marriages. Sometimes you have to fix the garage door, decide what to do with your 401K that is now a 201K, or figure how you will be at both of your kids’ soccer games that are playing at the same time. You know the stuff that I’m talking about that can eventually rob your most important relationship. Come invest in your lifetime commitment to your spouse at the Love & Laughter Marriage Getaway. You are guaranteed to laugh and reconnect with your spouse by bringing fun and adventure back to your marriage at this not-so-typical marriage conference. The Love & Laughter Marriage Getaway is custom made for you and your spouse with speakers who will encourage you with laughter and their own personal stories. If you’ve been looking for a tune-up, a ‘stimulus plan’, an upgrade, or some spice, this is your opportunity. Dr. Gary Smalley (known for his hilarious stories about his own marriage) and special guests will share the details you need to rekindle and renew your love. Rediscover each other and laugh together just like you did when you dated!
Topics Included at Seminar: • Love’s Best Kept Secret • Overcoming the Major Destroyer of Relationships • Learn the Key to Becoming & Staying Best Friends • Communication: Learn How Your Conflicts Can Lead to Greater Intimacy and Understanding • Discover the Value of Your Personality • Learn the Secret of a Close-Knit Family August 26–27, 2011
Grace Community Church (Lower Campus) 3215 Old Jacksonville Rd.
Friday Night: 7-9:45pm & Saturday: 8:30am - 3:45pm
$30 per person and every couple gets a book, Chick-fil-A lunch, snacks, and a gift bag. Tickets can be purchased online at gcc.org or by calling (903) 593-3800.
Who are these people and what are they doing? You will see these faces in various places, but you might not be sure who they are. Some are more behind-the-scenes and some are in leadership at a campus your child may not be at yet. Hopefully the following will give you a good picture of the GCS structure and administration:
Jay Ferguson –
Headmaster over all campuses: meets regularly with campus heads, administration, and the school board. He oversees all things Grace Community School.
Jennifer Dozier –
Elementary School Principal: handles parent relations, faculty relations, professional development, and oversight of all things elementary with the assist from Lisa Provines.
Lisa Provines –
Elementary Assistant Principal: oversees elementary chapel, student discipline, lunch, recess, ACSI and District Speech Meet.
Junior High
Karla Foreman –
Junior High Principal: handles parent relations, faculty relations, professional development, instructional supervision, and oversight of all things junior high with the assist from Mark Hageman.
Mark Hageman –
Junior High Assistant Principal: oversees junior high field trips, chapels, and student leadership and discipline.
High School
Wanda Shaeffer – High School Principal:
handles parent relations, faculty relations, professional development, curriculum overview and integration, and oversight of all things high school with the assist from Galen Taylor and Devin DeLaughter.
Galen Taylor – Assistant High School Principal: acts as Base Group coordinator,
deals with discipline “concerns”, our Germany relationship, and shares standard duties with Devin DeLaughter.
Devin DeLaughter– Assistant High School Principal:
coordinates Student Government, chapel team, Go Week coordinator, and shares standard duties with Galen Taylor.
Administration Tim Connor –
Director of Development: brings the money in.
Lisa Johnson –
Director of Marketing and Communications: tells the stories.
Jo Ann Krafft –
Director of Admissions: brings all the children in.
So Many Sports - How to get the GCS sports scoop: • All things sports can be found at gracetyler.org under the “Athletics” tab • Live online broadcasts of home Varsity Football games (link on “Parent Page” or under “Athletics” tab)
• All team rosters and game schedules are posted under the “Athletics” tab • Team records can be accessed under the “Athletics” tab
2011 GCS VARSITY FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Date Opponent Place Time Aug 25 Winnsboro TKG McCallum Stadium 7:00pm Sept 2 Eustace Clyde-Perkins Stadium Sept 9 TK Gorman Clyde-Perkins Stadium Sept 16 Mineola Away Sept 23 OPEN Sept 30 Trinity High School Clyde-Perkins Stadium Oct 7 l Trinity Christian - Cedar Hill Clyde-Perkins Stadium Oct 14 l Dallas First Baptist Academy Clyde-Perkins Stadium Oct 21 l Dallas Parish Episcopal Away Oct 28 l Dallas Christian Clyde-Perkins Stadium “homecoming and senior night“ Nov 4 l Waco Reicher Away Nov 12 Bi-District Playoffs TBA Nov 19 Area Playoffs TBA Nov 26 State Semi-Finals TBA Dec 3 State Championship TBA l Denotes District Game All games at 7:30 unless noted.
Social Media
With help from social media guru and Grace dad, Todd Hinkie – GCS is focusing on a social media presence. Striking that delicate balance between glut-of-information and the annual photo update, we will plan to use these venues to effectively get information out. We are also reviewing our general communications and publications. Here are the plans, as you know, plans are not laws and we will see what works best:
Email - we
will still use email. Nothing gets the word out to the masses in a timelier manner. Often a gentle reminder, sometimes a change notification, always a little surge of adrenaline when it’s from the school (did little Beatrice forget her notebook again?) – emails are effective. Expect the Weekly Update via email. Now, however, you can opt out of the list. We are adding a monthly e-letter that will feature student faces, accomplishments and upcoming events.
Magazine - the Touch of Grace magazine moves from bi-monthly to quarterly. It features articles, events, photos and reminders. This magazine is designed for prospective families to get a picture of Grace, as much as inform Grace families. Pass it around! The purpose of the magazine is to communicate:
• • • • •
Great stories in our Grace family Things going on at Grace Community School Philosophy behind educational decisions Parenting and family helps Putting faces with names of faculty and staff
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A touch of
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“Keeping Straight”
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Influencing the
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Influencing the world for Ch rist Influencing the world for Christ
Website - Everything you need to know can be found at gracetyler.org. All communication will be posted there or linked there. This is your one-stop memory bank.
Facebook - Grace Community School has a facebook page. Like us and you will know if: Something fun is happening at GCS? Posted here. New photos are posted on flicker? Linked here. GCS won the TAPPS district in music? Posted here. Results of state swim meet? Posted here. Chance to win GCS Spirit-wear items – oh, often here!
Twitter - Jeff Smith does an outstanding job keeping us posted on game progress. When you can’t be at the game, you can follow the action. Follow our sports and TAPPS progress at @CougarBackers. Follow quick immediate school updates and links to articles, websites and books that may be of interest to GCS families at @GraceTylerGCS.
Too much? Here is the logic –
First, notification in Touch of Grace. Then more timely reminder of details (date, time and place) via email with the GCS Weekly Update and e-letter. For those that enjoy Twitter – get brief nuggets of information about Grace and of interest to the Grace family.
Summertime and the teachers are working! High School
A team of GCS high school teachers met several times to work on a special project. With a desire to bring cohesiveness to our course of study, we are returning to the school’s roots and incorporating a humanities approach in our high school curriculum. This kind of approach integrates what students are studying in history, English, and the arts. The goal is to be reading literature that was written during the time period being studied in history, with projects or papers bringing it all together. This intentional method of study follows the chronology of Western Civilization. The historical and political documents during the progression of history become the source for much of the study. These documents go handin-hand with stories, poetry, devotionals, and books from the same time periods, thus giving students a “whole picture” way of learning. This year begins the process of moving over to this approach and over the next few years, we will complete the process. Because we never want to stop looking at what we are doing and just coast along, this change causes GCS to do the hard thing – look at what has been good and improve on it.
Junior High
Our junior high teachers and administration worked this summer to re-tool some things such as:
• reviewing field trips • procedures (drop-off and pick-up do we hear a cheer?) • and minor tweaking of study.
One example is that Latin will be continued in 7th grade. Another small change will be the introduction of Foundations & Frameworks methods in some of the junior high English classes. Select teachers had intensive training for this methodology in July.
This year GCS will introduce a new standardized test for grades 3-8. We will be using the CTP4 test published by ERB. We like that this test is online and results are much more immediate. Tests will be administered in the fall so specific needs can be addressed in a timelier framework.
Praying Parents of Grace
This unique ministry brings our Grace family together as needs come up in the Grace body. Kathryn Brewer emails a weekly devotional and prayer requests from our families. Requests are updated through the year. To be a part of this ministry, send an email to Kathryn.Brewer@rayltd.com letting her know you want to be a part of PPOG.
New Developments
Summer is a time for ANNIVERSARIES! While my wife and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary, we also ended our first year as the Director of Development at Grace. Our family has LOVED being a part of the Grace family. While I put the finishing touches on the annual report (coming soon), I am excited to report that, together, we reached and EXCEEDED our goal of $550,000!
Thanks to you: Olivia’s Garden was planted, a softball practice field was
created, technology was upgraded in our elementary classrooms, fine arts enhanced with new equipment and students received financial aid. If our office can be of any assistance, please contact us at 903-566-5678 ext. 150 or tconnor@gracetyler.org. Tim Connor
Honoraria and Memorials
Gifts given to honor or in memory of family members, faculty, students and friends by the donors listed below. Gifts are acknowledged immediately by a personal card to the bereaved or honored family. No mention is made of the gift amount. Many find this living memorial more meaningful than flowers. (Gifts received as of printing deadline for this issue.) In memory of Olivia Nolley Given by: Sarah Starr, Holloway family, In memory of Harlon J. Adrian, grandfather of Laura Strickland (12th) Given by: Jennifer & Phil Bane In memory of Ronnie D. Smith, “POPS�,grandfather of Maddux Buenaventura Given by: Sarah D. Smith In memory of Claude Lee Hanson, grandfather of Chris McLeod (9th) Given by: Gigi & Brent Wadle, Dremma & Glenn Throckmorton In memory of Tom Pennell, grandfather of Lindsay (2009) Collin (2011) & Abby (11th) Given by: Diana & Gregg Eppler In honor of Tim and Michelle Brookshire: Given by: Hodges Family Foundation In honor of Jason Montier and the GCS Middle School Orchestra Given by: Virginia & William Jordan In honor of Scott Snyder (2011) Given by: Ann Peterson, grandmother of Scott To send an Honoraria or Memorial, you can go to www.gracetyler.org or make checks to Grace Community School and send instructions to Grace Community School, 3001 University Blvd., Tyler, TX 75701
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage
Grace Community School 3001 University Boulevard • Tyler, TX 75701
Tyler, TX
Permit No. 936
Grace Community School . . . Teaching Jesus AUGUST 8-12 9 11 12
13 15
16 26-27 29 5 13
Teacher In-service New Parent Orientation 7pm (or 8/13 9am) 6th Grade Parent Orientation 6pm Meet the Cougars Night 7pm Open House for 6th Grade 9-11am Open House for 7th & 8th Grade Noon-2pm High School Open House 10am-2pm New Parent Orientation 9am (or 8/9 7pm) First Day of School - High School Elementary Meet the Teacher 10am-1pm First Day of School - Elementary & JH Gary Smalley Conference High School Parents’ Night 6:30-9:30pm
SEPTEMBER Labor Day - No School
National Christian College Fair 6:30-8:30pm See You At the Pole HS & JH 7:30am
CONTACT INFO LOWER CAMPUS: 3215 Old Jacksonville Road, Tyler, TX 75701 (903) 593-1977 UPPER CAMPUS: 3001 University Boulevard, Tyler, TX 75701 Jr. High: (903)566-5600 Sr. High: (903)566-5661 www.gracetyler.org
OCTOBER 6 10-11 12 18 20-22
21-23 24 25
27 28 29 31
HS Community Service Day Fall Break - No School PSAT for grades 9-11 Elementary Preview 8-10am Peter Pan - GCS High School Musical (four performances) JH Student Government to Pine Cove Fall Band Concert Minister’s Appreciation Day Barrage Strings Concert 7pm Jazz Band Concert Homecoming Football Game Homecoming Dance Fall Choir Concert