Erne Water Taxi
Erne WaterTaxi is based in Enniskillen Co. Fermanaghand offers luxury guided boat trips of Lough Erne, Enniskillen and Devenish Island.In 2015, owner Barry Flanagandecided to invest in a fully-electric boat,partly powered by solarpanels attachedto the roof.
What prompted you to takethebold step of going electric?
“It wasquite simple really. We wantedto reduce our emissions andalsoreduce our fuel costs.Both thingswere very importantto us. The reason I set upthe businesswasthat I wantedto bring people to moreremote partsof the lake islandsmiles awayfrom Enniskillen. My own love of the lough grew from spending time on the water myself and then later teaching others on sailboats, canoes, kayaks,paddleboards,windsurfingboards.I alwaysfoundthat slowway of travelling to be the nicest waytotravel makingyour own power, with justthe soundof the windandthe wateraroundyou. It madea lot of sense tome to finda moresustainablewaybecause that’show people travelled forhundreds of years, long before petrol-driven engines came about at all.”
BarryFlanagan, ErneWaterTaxisWhat has the impact been?
One petrol-powered boat wasfully replaced by the electric boat which means emissionswere reduced by 50%.
Fuel Savings
The initial investment required was50-60% higher than buying a petrol-fuelled boat. Takingjustfuel savingsinto account,the businessestimateda savingof £5000/year which wouldhave given a pay-backtime of 10 years. However, addingsolar panels to the roof (now providing 3040% of the energy) and the increased capacitythat the electric boat offered (morevisitorsper trip) reduced the payback time tojust 5 years.
Barry had workedin The ShareCentre for a numberof years andhe wantedto have a fully accessible boat that could facilitatemultiple wheelchairs. The electric boat has fulfilled that dream,able to accommodate6 wheelchairs at once with an ease of boardinganddisembarkingwithoutthe need for a ramp. As the boat is silent, it alsofavoursvisitorswith auditorysensitivities
EmissionsDisconnectionand Closenessto Nature
The silent boat gives a peaceful opportunitytodisconnect fromthe noise andbusynessof everyday life. Many visitors remark on the sense of tranquillitythey experience andhow it allowsthem really hear and experience the lake wildlife upclose.
“Ididn’trealisehowmuchpeoplewouldvaluetheelectric boatuntilitwasbuiltanditwasareality.Peoplereallyvalue thefactthattheycantravelwithoutcausingmore emissions.”
Do you know?
TourismNI offers a range of practicaltoolkitsandtemplates to help reduce the carbon emissionsfromyourbusiness: Saving Energy & Reducing Waste| TourismNI
What are your sustainability ambitions for the future?
“We are delightedthat our electric-boattours are not contributingharmful emissions or noise pollution on the lake. Now we want to go back through our supply chainto ensure that all the electricitywe source from suppliers and the electricityour partnerbusinesses and organisationssource are all derivedfrom renewableand sustainable sources.”