Beaver County CALP Jan - June Newsletter

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January - June, 2016

Beaver County Community Adult Learning Program (CALP) Community Adult Learning Councils will be focusing on providing Literacy and Founda onal Learning, Family Literacy and Community Capacity Building Programs (as directed by our funders Alberta Innova on and Advanced Educa on). Our focus is to be a resource centre to assist adults in naviga ng the various pathways, to reach their educa onal and career goals.

Building Vibrant Learning Communi es Let Beaver County CALP assist you to find the pathway to the next stage of your learning or career goals! Connect with us at: Beaver County Service Centre 5120-50 St., Ryley Or Box 140, Ryley, T0B 4A0 Phone: 780-663-3730 or 1-866-663-1333 Email: Our Website:

In this issue:

Beaver County Community Adult Learning Program (CALP) is funded by

BE ON OUR WEEKLY COURSE UPDATE LIST New courses or info will be added as needed please email to request to be put on our WEEKLY EMAIL.

•GED Prep. Course •ESL Class- Viking •Effec ve Resumes & Cover Le ers •IPhone User Workshop •Android User Workshop •Social Media for Business & Non-Profits •St. John's First Aid Courses •Family Literacy Programs •Se ng Goals •Improving Skills to Reach Goals

Beaver County CALP Learning Opportuni es In Our Communi es For more informa on or to register for the following courses call Cheryl or Kim W. at 780-663-3730/1-866-663-1333

GED Prepara on via Video Conference Academic Express


The GED (General High School Equivalency Diploma) Prepara on Program provides the skills to challenge the GED Exam. Instruc on is given in basic math, reading skills, and wri ng skills. Students receive a High School Equivalency Diploma from Alberta Educa on upon passing the GED Exam. The GED is recognized by employers and can serve as a prerequisite to further training. Students must be very commi ed to take this program an intake interview will occur to make sure it is the right fit for you. Tues. Wed. & Thurs. Jan.19-Mar. 31 5:00-8:00pm (100 hrs.) No Fee funded by the Gov. of Canada (Instruc on, Books, Calculator, Exam Included)

English as a Second Language Class in Viking

Dawn Chrys an

Are you new to the Beaver County and struggling with your English language skills? Our ESL class will help you develop your reading, wri ng, listening and speaking abili es in a suppor ve environment with a cer fied instructor. It's also a great opportunity to connect with members of your new community! Pre-registra on and evalua on of current ability is required. Wed., Jan. 20-Mar. 30 6:30-8:00pm $60

Effec ve Resumes and Cover Le ers

Cherril Davidse

Ge ng red of sending resume a er resume with no response? Been out of the job hun ng scene for a while? Come down for a fun and informa ve session that will help you get no ced. Mon. Jan. 18- Ryley, or Feb. 15- Viking, or Mar. 14- Tofield, or Apr. 18- Holden, or May 16- Ryley 6:30-8:00pm $20

Basic Computers

Cherril Davidse


Do you avoid the library because everything is computerized? Do you wonder how other people find really cool stuff? Ever wondered what the deal with “dot com”; “dot ca” and “dot org” is? Wish you could figure out how to access the internet without feeling “out of touch”? Come on down to our course and you’ll be clicking away like an old pro in no me. Sat. Feb. 6 or Apr. 2 9:30am-12:30pm $35

Will Planning

Andrew McLaughlin (Turning Point Law)


Learn the essen als of Will planning including the elements of will dra ing, and what you can and can't do with a will. This class involves discussion of the distribu ons and powers in a Will, what types of property the Will can and cannot deal with (i.e., joint ownership), what is in and out of an Estate and some of the common pi alls when planning your Will. Sat. Apr. 16 10:00am-12:30pm $15


Call Cheryl or Kim W. at 780-663-3730 or 1-866-663-1333

Beaver County CALP Learning Opportuni es In Our Communi es For more informa on or to register for the following courses call Cheryl or Kim W. at 780-663-3730/1-866-663-1333

iPhone User Workshop

A+Plus Cellular


Learn how to use the features of your iPhone. Are you properly backed up? What is the best solu on for online photo archiving? Learn how to troubleshoot the most common iPhone issues such as maximizing your ba ery life and monitoring your data usage. Find out how much storage you really need. Bring any ques on you ever had about your iPhone and have them answered. Leave this workshop truly loving your iPhone! Wed. Feb. 10 6:30-8:30pm $25

Android User Workshop

A+Plus Cellular


Learn how to make the best use of your Android smartphone. Whether it be a Samsung, HTC, Motorola, LG or any other Android we will be happy to answer all of your ques ons and assist you in tweaking your se ngs to ensure your phone is doing what you need it to do effortlessly. Are you safely backed up in case your phone is badly damaged? What is a widget and why would you want to use one? What is the best solu on to get your music onto your Android? Are you using unsafe apps? Are you going over your cellular data? Bring all of your ques ons and get personalized answers. Leave this workshop with a be er understanding of the Android opera ng system. Wed. Feb. 17 6:30-8:30pm $25

Social Media for Business & Non-Profits

Linda Hoang


In this workshop, learn how and why using social networking tools like Twi er, Facebook, and Instagram, can help you, your business, or non-profit build your brand, sell products and services, and drive engagement. In this workshop you'll learn: - How to incorporate a social media policy, guideline, and strategy into your organiza on - How to use social media to build brand awareness and improve rela onships with your audience to achieve your goals - Social media best prac ces and more - Hands-on how-to - set up your Business Facebook, Twi er, and more (instructor will request list of social media ques ons students have ahead of me to customize session so students get most value in the workshop). Bring your lunch, 30 minute break. Sat. Jan. 30 9:00am-3:30pm $105

Call Cheryl or Kim W. at 780-663-3730 or 1-866-663-1333


St. John's Ambulance First Aid Courses Emergency First Aid

Joslien Wannechko


In this one day course students will learn to recognize and provide interven ons for lifethreatening emergencies un l medical aid arrives. Topics include: CPR and choking for adults, shock and unconsciousness, severe bleeding, head & spinal injuries, major medical condi ons, and AED training & cer fica on. Mar. 5 8:30am-4:30pm $115

Standard First Aid Level C This two day course includes all of the skills in Emergency First Aid plus first aid for other injuries and illnesses including fractures of the upper and lower limbs. This course includes Level C CPR training and cer fica on (Adult, Child, Infant, and 2-rescuer CPR) and AED training & cer fica on Mar. 5 & 6 8:30am-4:30pm $155

Mystery Play – Parents/Caregivers and children 0-6 years of age – FREE - Join trained facilitators with Beaver County Family Literacy and Parent Link Centre in a morning of fun! Come on out – activities, stories, crafts and songs. Open to all Beaver County Families. Ryley Good News Church Mon. – 10:00-11:30 am Jan. 11, Feb. 1, Mar. 7, Apr. 4, May 2

Beaver County Family Literacy Day

FREE Celebra ons - Jan 25 - Feb 1, 2016 You are invited to join us for “15 Minutes of Fun” as we celebrate in your community. FAMILIES OF ALL AGES WELCOME! Please call or email to RSVP. Tofield – Mon. Jan. 25 10:30 am – 11:30 am Sunshine Villa – 3rd Floor Holden – Tues. Jan. 26 10:30 am – 11:30 am Holden Library Viking – Thur. Jan. 28 10:00 am – 11:00 am Viking Alliance Church Spilstead – Fri. Jan. 29 10:00 am – 11:00 am Spilstead Hall Ryley – Mon. – Feb 1 – 10:00 – 11:30 am Good News Community Church

PLEASE RSVP to or call Kim W. at 780-663-3730 or 1-866-663-1333 4

Call Cheryl or Kim W. at 780-663-3730 or 1-866-663-1333

Beaver County Family Literacy FREE Programs ALL Programs REQUIRE PRE-REGISTRATION (Maximum 10 Families/program loca on) (NO walk-ins or drop in's) Books for Babies – Parents/Caregivers of Children newborn – 18 months. Share books, play with language and connect with other parents. Tofield – Wed. – 10:15-10:45am Jan. 20, 27, Feb. 3, 10 Tofield Library


Tykes Talk - Parents/Caregivers of Children 1-5 years of age – Junior Book Club for Toddlers. Come and take an in depth look at a book through the story and games. Tofield – Wed. – 11:00am-Noon Jan. 20, 27, Feb. 3, 10 Tofield Library Viking – Thur. – 10:00-11:00am Jan. 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11 Viking Alliance Church Spilstead – Fri.– 10:00–11:00am Jan. 22, 29, Feb. 5, 12 Spilstead Hall


Little People – Simple Snacks - Parents/Caregivers of Children 2-5 years of age Make simple snacks while learning essential skills with your child. Tofield – Wed.– 10:30 –11:30am Feb. 24, Mar. 2, 9, 16 Location TBA Viking – Thurs.– 10:00-11:00am Feb. 25, Mar. 3, (NO 10), 17, 24 Viking Alliance Church Spilstead – Fri.– 10:00 – 11:00am Feb. 19, 26, Mar. 4, (NO 11), 18 Spilstead Hall


Numeracy Nuts - Parents/Caregivers of Children 1-5 years of age – Introduction to basic numeracy for toddlers through books and activities. Tofield – Wed.- 10:30-11:30am Apr. 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, Tofield Library Viking – Thurs.– 10:00-11:00am Apr. 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12 Viking Alliance Church Spilstead – Fri– 10:00–11:00am Apr. 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13 Spilstead Hall Call Cheryl or Kim W. at 780-663-3730 or 1-866-663-1333


Beaver County Adult Learning Can Assist You to Achieve Your Learning & Career Goals Your Learning or Career Choices

Upgrading GED Improve Reading, Wri ng and Numeracy Skills Improve English Language Skills Essen al Workplace Skills Basic Computer Skills Post-Secondary Op ons ‌The list of possibili es is endless just ask for assistance... You may have a choice of: Live Classes Video-Conference Classes Online Learning One-on-One Tutoring One-on-One Coaching

Look in our brochure or give us a call... 6

Call Cheryl or Kim W. at 780-663-3730 or 1-866-663-1333

Do You need Assistance Improving Some of Your Skills to Reach Your Goals? Would you like to improve your English Language skills? We will assess your skills now, Create a plan to work from that level and improve your skills. These skills may include speaking, reading, wri ng, numeracy work place essen al skills.

Beaver County CALP has: One-to-One Tutoring You will set goals, and then a volunteer tutor will assist you to reach them. Classes - Viking Class starts Jan. 20 see page 2 and Tofield Date To Be Announced For more informa on or to request a course call Cheryl at 780-663-3730 or 1-866-663-1333.

Language Instruc on for Newcomers to Canada Home Study Program (LINC HSP) Are you new to Canada? NorQuest College supports students' se lement in Alberta and Canada by offering courses that will help you improve English and develop life and work skills. This online, correspondence and phone part- me program is designed for recent immigrants who live in rural areas. For info:

Founda ons for Learning Program NorQuest College has partnered with community adult learning centres to offer college preparatory programming in Albertan communi es. The program is focused on building laddering opportuni es that allow rural learners to obtain college credits and transfer into post- secondary programming. For info h ps:// ons-for-learning/ Online Courses with CALP Support such as: • ESL Intermediate Listening and Speaking Founda ons • ESL Intermediate Reading and Wri ng Founda ons • Essen al Skills Founda ons Call Cheryl or Kim W. at 780-663-3730 or 1-866-663-1333


Would you like to improve your: reading wri ng or math skills? Beaver County CALP has: One-to-One Tutoring available. You will set goals, and we will have a volunteer tutor assist you to reach them. Call Cheryl at 780-663-3730 or 1-866-663-1333.

Founda ons for Learning Program h ps:// ons-for-learning/ Online Courses with CALP Support such as: • GED Prepara on Founda ons • Pre-Trades Math and Science Prepara on Founda ons • Prep for Prac cal Nurse Math Founda ons • Essen al Mathema cs Founda ons • Pre-Algebra Founda ons • High School Math Prep Founda ons • Essen al Skills Founda ons

Online Courses may open up many new opportunities for you, check out: Online learning anytime, anywhere... just a click away! • Introduc on to Quickbooks 2015 • Introduc on to Microso Word ‘13 • Responsive Web Design • Introduc on to Microso Word 2016 • Intro to Microso PowerPoint 16 • Introduc on to Microso Excel 2016 • Intermediate Microso Word 2013 • Intermediate Microso Word 2016 • Intermediate Microso Excel 2016 • Photoshop Elements 13 for the Digital Photographer • Photoshop Elements 13 for the Digital Photographer II


Call Cheryl or Kim W. at 780-663-3730 or 1-866-663-1333 Printed by

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