NEWSLETTER WELCOME TO: GO EAST – Growing Opportunities (in) East Alberta (for) Sustainable Tourism The GO EAST Regional Tourism Organization grew out of meetings between tourism stakeholders and in a Memorandum of Association in March 2012, a steering committee proceeded with the formation of the organization. Steering committee: Chair - David Humphries, Vegreville; Vice Chair - Gord Snyder, Wainwright; Treasurer - Yvonne Brown, Tofield WHO ARE WE?: GO EAST is a non-profit association dedicated to be the driving force for innovative and collaborative tourism marketing and development that contributes to the sustainability, prosperity and quality of life for tourism operators and communities East of Edmonton and across East Central Alberta. We are the region’s first Tourism Industry led association and are dedicated and experienced individuals engaged in Alberta’s Tourism Industry. We include businesses, attractions, non profits and community tourism professionals who are operators advocating and making decisions in the best interests of tourism operators for the region. We will invite all operators from the region to join us and will have high standards for accountability, governance and regional representation. Collaboratively we will work together to fill the need to promote and develop tourism opportunities across the region. We agree to continue working together with the people and businesses who have promoted the region successfully for many years. GO EAST RTO teams up with Tourism Solutions & the new GO EAST GUIDE. Join and be part of a unique social media and marketing organization in East Central Alberta formed to promote tourism and enhance economic development in our region.
TOURISM SOLUTIONS (THE MARKETER): will publish the GO EAST of Edmonton 2013 Travel Guide. Tourism Solutions has been publishing the official East Central Alberta (Kalyna) Guide for 15 years. Beyond the new name, exciting changes to the GO EAST Guide are expected including a Social Media Package created to promote our region. The Social Media Package will build the already established audiences utilizing Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumbler Instagram, Google+, etc. GO EAST of Edmonton Travel Guide will continue to be distributed throughout the region and exclusive targeted Edmonton locations and online. BECOME A MEMBER: By subscribing to the Social Media Package sold by Tourism Solutions and as part of your advertising opportunities in the new GO EAST Travel Guide, you become a member of the GO EAST Regional Tourism Association. HOW WILL GO EAST MANAGE AND MAINTAIN A COLLABORATIVE SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY? GO EAST RTO will work with Tourism Solutions to manage the social media strategy for our members to include the use of the current Kalyna Guide (distribution 70,000); associated website which animates all pages and information within the printed guide); regular Facebook and Twitter coverage to include current and special events, festivals, conferences, etc and regular collaborative and community opportunities to work together to cross promote between groups and associations. Tourism Solutions is qualified and able to: Drive traffic to the GO EAST website (which has already been created as the current Kalyna Guide website) and other stakeholder sites; create engagement through social media; discover and monitor other organizations; increase follower base; maintain social media and a social media content plan.
It is now time to build a more competitive sustainable and effective RTO Regional Tourism Organization Tourism Solutions launches GO EAST OF EDMONTON TRAVEL GUIDE
Tourism Solutions will also offer members the opportunities to participate in organized advertising campaigns offered by Travel Alberta and other media to include newspapers, on-line advertising offering discounted rates. HOW WILL GO EAST TOURISM REGIONAL ORGANIZATION FUND THIS SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY? Collaborating and cooperating together and sharing expertise and information, GO EAST can benefit all organizations equally and have access to funding on a level not accessible to smaller groups currently competing against each other for similar funding opportunities. HOW DO WE DEFINE THE GO EAST REGIONAL TOURISM ORGANIZATION ON A MAP? The boundaries are defined in the existing Kalyna Guide however, the committee will redefine the map as the group moves forward over the first and formative year of operation. EXCITED FOR CHANGE! We are excited to work with communities and businesses along with Travel Alberta with this brand new initiative by offering a variety of new and much needed low cost effective tourism marketing and development programs. Over the past 2 years tourism operators have express concerns about a serious decline in the competitiveness of the tourism region with no visible regional tourism marketing other than what Tourism Solutions is already doing on its own. GO EAST and Tourism Solutions will provide much needed experience and expertise to once again grow and develop tourism in the region East of Edmonton and East Central Alberta. Backed by a variety of communities and businesses, GO EAST is already making a difference and a positive impact! WATCH FOR MORE UPDATES! To become involved and for more information contact: Gord Snyder or Jolene Kisilevich 780-632-6191