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From theBoardroom
We hope you are enjoying our new feature, "From the Boardroom". This monthly feature will help members stay informed about important actions, policy developments, and special projects that were addressed at the most recent Board of Directors meeting. As Commodore Fish has stated to Club members, his goals for the year include increasing transparency and making sure members understand the many social activities that are taking place at the Club as well as what is happening with Club finances. We hope “From the Boardroom” will spark member interest, lead to suggestions for improvements at the Club, and provide information that members find useful.
1. Person of Interest: a. FB Director Tyler Whittico and Asst GM Sean Brown presented their competitive analysis for the F&B operation. The focus is on value and pricing adjustments.
2. Manager’s Report – General Manager Aaron Wagner a. Aaron discussed the change to the MDR schedule for operations to include the MDR on Thursday thru Saturday, in addition to the BRC from Wednesday to Saturday for limited dinner service from February 19 to March 21. b. Communications to provide notice to the membership of the change in MDR dining schedule.
3. Membership Report – RC Bob Weiland a. Membership report was reviewed noting 2 new members, 5 resignations, and 6 transfers
4. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer David Schaden a. The financial packet was reviewed and discussed. b. Discussed mid-month January financial results. c. YTD Operating income continues to trend positive as compared to budget d. YTD Membership exceeds budget by 6, trails prior year by 24.
Committee Reports: a. Met with 5 focus group from cross sections of membership b. Discussed the top key themes from those focus group meetings. c. Director Sobolewski will compare the focus group results with the Survey results to be sure it that all areas of concern were addressed d. Results of the study to be presented at the retreat.
5. Strategic Planning - Discussion by Director Sobolewski regarding progress to date on the Strategic Plan as included in the Board Book.
6. Yachtsman – Director Turner – Meeting regarding development of the Sailing program. Reviewing fee increasing for non-member participants.
7. Member Experience – Director Lueders – Discussion regarding the status of the noise abatement project. We have an expert that is looking into the various alternatives to improve the sound quality. The focus will be on the MDR to start. Discussion regarding the focus group meeting on dining.
8. Heritage – Director Backer – Fountain project underway. Library project is also moving forward.
9. Communications – Director Saldana – Survey results are in the latest Grosse Pointer. Discussed plans to move the Club communications efforts forward.
Membership Activity – Taffany C. Van Rossen
Member Satisfaction – Dr. Kevin M. O’Brien
Heritage – Joseph P. Schaden
Communications – Catherine W. Champion
Legal – Past Commodore Carl Rashid, Jr.
10. Commodore Report – Commodore Fish discussed a. Expressed his satisfaction with the way Committees have taken responsibility for projects and are working well with the Board Liaisons. b. Director Appointment – The Board