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Join the Sailfish!
GPYC swim team is looking for You and your children!

Last season under the coaching staff of Head Coach Jimmy Singelyn, Assistant Head Coach Bill Thompson, and Assistant Coach Elizabeth Bourke, the GPYC Sailfish finished 5th out of 14 teams at the Michigan Inter-Club Swimming Association (MICSA) finals. And we won the Corsan Challenge by raising over $8000 for the YMCA Detroit Swims Program.

Much fun is had throughout the season, from poster making to pizza parties and the after-swim meet dinners and dancing. This year’s season kicks off with our Meet the Coaches/Spring Auction and Parents meeting on April 27, 2023.

The current schedule of regular-season swim meets are:
06/19/2023 at Lochmoor
06/22/2023 DGC at GPYC
06/27/2023 Country Club of Detroit at GPYC
07/11/2023 at Great Oaks
07/13/2023 Red Run at GPYC
07/18/2023 Birmingham Athletic Club at GPYC

We would love to have you join us. If you are interested, please contact the Swim Chairs, Brigid and John Zvirbulis at GPYCSAILFISH1@gmail.com or 248-318-5255.