Volunteer Handbook

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Our Vision: A world where all young people are valued and fulfil their true potential Our Mission: To open doors for young people through unconventional learning and innovative partnerships. Futureversity believes that the best way to achieve its vision and mission is by the active participation of citizens of the community. To this end, Futureversity accepts and encourages the involvement of volunteers at all levels in the organisation and within all appropriate programmes and activities. All staff are encouraged to assist in the creation of meaningful and productive roles in which volunteers might serve and to assist in recruitment of volunteers from the community. 1.1 Purpose Of The Volunteer policy The purpose of the policy is to provide overall guidance and direction to staff and volunteers engaged in volunteer involvement and supervision efforts. The policy is intended for internal guidance only, and does not constitute, either implicitly or explicitly, a binding contractual or personnel agreement. Futureversity reserves the exclusive right to change any aspect of the policy at any time and to expect adherence to the changed policy. This Policy and Futureversity’s ‘Volunteering Agreement’ is binding in honour only, is not intended to be a legally binding contract between a volunteer and Futureversity and may be cancelled at any time at the discretion of either party. Neither party intend any employment relationship to be created either now or at any time in the future. 1.2 Scope Of The Volunteer Policy Unless specifically stated, the policy applies to all non-elected volunteers in all programmes and projects undertaken by or on behalf of the Futureversity, and to all departments and sites of operation of the organisation. 1.3 Scope Of Volunteer Involvement Volunteers may be involved in all programmes and activities of the organisation, and serve at all levels of skills and decision making. Volunteers should not, however, be used to displace any paid employees from their positions.


1.4 Role Of The Volunteers Team The productive use of volunteers requires a planned and organised effort. The function of the Volunteers Team is to provide a central coordinating point for effective volunteer management within Futureversity, and to direct and assist staff and volunteer efforts jointly to provide more productive services. The Volunteers Coordinator shall bear primary responsibility for planning for effective volunteer deployment, for assisting staff in identifying productive and creative volunteer roles, for recruitment of suitable volunteers, and for tracking and evaluating the contribution of volunteers to the organisation. 1.5 Definition Of A Volunteer A volunteer is anyone who through their own free will, without compensation or expectation of compensation beyond reimbursement of expenses incurred in the courses of his or her volunteer duties performs a task at the direction of and on behalf of Futureversity. A volunteer must be officially accepted and enrolled by Futureversity prior to performance of the task. Unless specifically stated, volunteers shall not be considered as employees of the organisation. 1.6 Service At The Discretion Of Futureversity Futureversity accepts the service of all volunteers with the understanding that such service is at the sole discretion of the organisation. Volunteers agree that Futureversity may at any time, for whatever reason, ask the volunteer to leave Futureversity. A volunteer may at any time, for whatever reason, decide to stop volunteering with Futureversity. Notice of such a decision should be communicated as soon as possible to the Volunteers Team. 1.7 Volunteer Rights And Expectations Volunteers are viewed as a valuable resource to Futureversity, its staff, and its users. Volunteers shall be extended the right to be given meaningful assignments, the right to be treated as equal coworkers, the right to effective supervision, the right to full involvement and participation, and the right to recognition for work done. In return volunteers shall agree to actively perform their duties to the best of their abilities and to remain loyal to the values, goals and procedures to Futureversity. For further information on Volunteer rights and expectations please refer to Futureversity’s ‘Volunteer Agreement’. 1.8 Reviewing The Volunteer Policy Futureversity will work with its volunteers to review and update the ‘Volunteers Policy’ on a bi-annual basis.


N O I T C E L E S & T N E M T I U R 2.0 REC 2.1 Volunteer Role Descriptions Volunteers, just as paid staff, require a clear, complete and current description of the duties and responsibilities of the role which they are expected to fill. Prior to any volunteer assignment or recruitment effort, a role description must be developed for each volunteer post. This will be given to each accepted volunteer and used in subsequent supervision and evaluation efforts. Role descriptions should be reviewed and updated at least every two years, or whenever the work involved in the position changes substantially. All role descriptions shall include a description of the purpose and duties of the role and a designated supervisor. The Volunteers Team is available to assist staff in the development of volunteer roles and role descriptions 2.2 Recruitment Volunteers shall be recruited by Futureversity on a pro-active basis, with the intent of broadening and expanding the volunteer involvement of the community. Volunteers shall be recruited without regard to gender, disability, age, race, or other condition. The sole qualification for volunteer recruitment shall be suitability to perform a task on behalf of the organisation. Volunteers may be recruited either through an interest in specific functions or through a general interest in volunteering which will later be matched with a specific function. No final acceptance of a volunteer shall take place without a specific written volunteer role description for that volunteer. 2.3 Equal Opportunities And Managing Diversity Statement Futureversity is committed to equal opportunities and diversity. This commitment extends to our volunteers and we welcome everyone from our community as a volunteer. We will not discriminate against our volunteers on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, disability or impairment, age, race, creed, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, trade union activity, HIV or marital status, religion or belief or similar bases. Furthermore, we value difference, and recognise the value that the different backgrounds, skills, outlooks and experiences of our volunteers brings to the organisation. We will not tolerate behaviour that contradicts this statement or our full Equal Opportunities policy.


2.4 Recruitment Of Ex!Offenders As an organisation using the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Disclosure service to assess applicants’ suitability for positions of trust, Futureversity complies fully with the CRB Code of Practice and undertakes to treat all applicants for positions fairly. It undertakes not to discriminate unfairly against any subject of a Disclosure on the basis of a conviction or other information revealed. Futureversity is committed to the fair treatment of its staff, potential staff, volunteers, potential volunteer or users of its services, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, responsibilities for dependants, age, physical/mental disability or offending background. We have a written policy on the recruitment of ex-offenders, which is made available to all Disclosure applicants at the outset of the recruitment process. We actively promote equality of opportunity for all with the right mix of talent, skills and potential and welcome applications from a wide range of candidates, including those with criminal records. We select all candidates for interview based on their skills, qualifications and experience. Where a Disclosure is to form part of the recruitment process, we encourage all applicants called for interview to provide details of their criminal record at an early stage in the application process. We request that this information is sent under separate, confidential cover, to a designated person within Futureversity and we guarantee that this information will only be seen by those who need to see it as part of the recruitment process. Unless the nature of the position allows Futureversity to ask questions about your entire criminal record, we only ask about ‘unspent’ convictions as defined in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. We ensure that all those in Futureversity who are involved in the recruitment process have been suitably trained to identify and assess the relevance and circumstances of offences. We also ensure that they have received appropriate guidance and training in the relevant legislation relating to the employment of ex- offenders, e.g. the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Having a criminal record will not necessarily bar you from volunteering with us. This will depend on the nature of the position and the circumstances and background of your offences. 2.4 Confidentiality Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all proprietary or privileged information to which they are exposed while serving as a volunteer, whether this information involves a single member of staff, volunteer client, or other person or involves the overall business of Futureversity. Failure to maintain confidentiality may result in Futureversity to asking that individual to stop their voluntary work with the organisation. 2.5 Recruitment Of Minors Volunteers who have not reached the age of majority (18) must have the written consent of a parent or guardian prior to volunteering.


2.6 Interviewing Prior to being assigned or appointed to a position, all volunteers will be interviewed to ascertain their suitability for and interest in that position. The interview should determine the skills of the volunteer, their commitment to fulfil the requirements of the position and should answer any questions that the volunteer might have about the role. Wherever possible, staff who will be working with the volunteer should participate in the design and conduct of the interview. Final assignment of a potential volunteer should not take place without the approval of appropriate staff with whom the volunteer will be working. 2.7 Criminal Records Check As appropriate for the protection of the users of Futureversity, volunteers in certain assignments may be asked to submit to a criminal record check. Volunteers who do not agree to the background check may be refused the assignment. 2.8 Acceptance And Appointment Service as a volunteer with Futureversity shall begin with an letter of acceptance to a volunteer position. Notice may only be given by an authorised representative of Futureversity, who will normally be the Volunteers Coordinator. No volunteer shall begin performance of any position until they have been officially accepted for that position and have completed all necessary screening and paperwork. At the time of final acceptance each volunteer shall complete all necessary enrolment paperwork and shall receive a copy of their role description and ‘Volunteer Agreement’ with the organisation. 2.9 Length Of Service All volunteer positions shall have a set term of duration. It is highly recommended that this term shall not be longer than one year, with an option for renewal at discretion of both parties. All volunteer assignments shall end at the conclusion of their set term, without expectation or requirement of reassignment of that position to the incumbent. Volunteers are neither expected nor required to continue their involvement with the organisation at the end of their set term, although in most cases they are welcome to do so. They may instead seek a different volunteer assignment within Futureversity or with another organisation.



T N U L O 3.0 V

3.1 Maintenance Of Records A system of records will be maintained on each volunteer, including dates of service, position held, duties performed, evaluation of work, and awards received. Volunteers and appropriate staff shall be responsible for submitting all appropriate records and information to the volunteer management department in a timely and accurate fashion. Volunteer personnel records shall be accorded the same confidentiality as staff personnel records. 3.2 Requirement Of A Supervisor Each volunteer who is accepted to a role with Futureversity must have a clearly identified supervisor who is responsible for direct supervision of that volunteer. This supervisor shall be responsible for day to day management and guidance of the work of the volunteer, and shall be available to the volunteer for consultation and assistance. 3.3 Volunteers As Volunteer Supervisors A volunteer may act as a supervisor of other volunteers, provided that the supervising volunteer is under the direct supervision of a paid member of staff. 3.4 Volunteers As Mentors A volunteer may act as mentor to either another volunteer, student on a Futureversity course or a staff member. Mentors should not continue a mentoring relationship with their mentee after the scheme they are apart of has formally ended (this will usually be three months). 3.5 Volunteer!Staff Relationships Volunteers and staff are considered to be partners in implementing the mission, vision and programmes of Futureversity, with each having an equal but complementary role to play. It is essential for the proper operation of this relationship that each partner understands and respects the needs and abilities of the other. 3.6 Representation Of Futureversity Prior to any action or statement which might significantly affect or obligate the organisation, volunteers should seek prior consultation and approval from appropriate staff. These actions may include, but are not limited to, public statements to the press, lobbying efforts, collaborations or joint initiatives, or any agreements involving contractual or other financial obligations. Volunteers are authorised to act as representatives of the organisation as specifically indicated within their ‘Volunteer Role Descriptions’ and only to the extent of such written specifications. 3.7 Volunteer Supervision Training For Members Of Staff An induction on working with volunteers will be provided to all staff. In-service training on effective volunteer deployment and use will be provided to those staff who are highly involved in volunteer management.


3.8 Timesheets Individual volunteers are responsible for the accurate completion and timely submission of timesheets. 3.9 Dress Code As representatives of the organisation, volunteers, like staff are responsible for presenting a good image to clients and to the community. Volunteers shall dress appropriately for the conditions and performance of their duties. 3.10 Absenteeism Volunteers are expected to perform their duties on a regular schedule and punctual basis. When expecting to be absent from a schedule duty, volunteers should inform their staff supervisor as far in advance as possible so that alternative arrangements may be made. Continual absenteeism will result in a review of the volunteer’s agreement. 3.11 Evaluation Volunteers shall receive periodic evaluation to review their work. The evaluation session will review the performance of the volunteer, suggest any changes in work style, seek suggestions from the volunteer on means of enhancing the volunteer’s relationship with Futureversity, convey appreciation to the volunteer, and ascertain the continued interest of the volunteer in serving in that position. Evaluations should include both an examination of the volunteer’s performance of his or her responsibilities and a discussion of any suggestions that the volunteer may have concerning the position or project with which the volunteer is connected. The evaluation session is an opportunity for both the volunteer and the organisation to examine and improve their relationship. 3.12 Written Basis For Evaluation The volunteer role description should form the basis of an evaluation. A written record should be kept of each evaluation session. 3.13 Staff Responsibility For Evaluation It shall be the responsibility of each member of staff in a supervisory relationship with a volunteer to schedule and perform periodic evaluation and to maintain records of the evaluation 3.14 Leaving Futureversity Volunteers leave Futureversity at any time. It is requested that volunteers who intend to resign provide advance notice of their departure and a reason for their decision. 3.15 Exit Interviews Exit interviews, where possible, should be conducted with volunteers who are leaving their roles. The interview should ascertain why the volunteer is leaving the role. Suggestions the volunteer may have for improving the role, and the possibility of involving the volunteer in some other capacity with Futureversity in the future. Any property of Futureversity that has been loaned to the volunteer to carry out their volunteering activities should be returned no later than this point.


3.16 Communication With The Volunteers Team Staff supervising volunteers are responsible for maintaining regular communication with the volunteers team on the status of the volunteers they are supervising, and are responsible for the timely provision of all necessary paperwork to the team. 3.17 Evaluation Of The Organisation’s Volunteer Usage The Volunteers Team shall conduct an annual evaluation of the use of volunteers by the organisation. This evaluation will include information gathered from volunteers, staff and users.



T N U L O 4.0 V

4.1 Induction All volunteers will receive a general induction on the nature and purpose of Futureversity, an induction on the nature and operation of the programme or activity for which they are recruited, and a specific induction on the purposes and requirements of the role which they are accepting. 4.2 On The Job Training Volunteers will receive specific on the job training to provide them with the information and skills necessary to perform their volunteer role. The timing and methods for delivery of such training should be appropriate to the complexity and demands of the position and the capabilities of the volunteer. 4.3 Staff Involvement In Orientation And Training Staff members with responsibility for delivery of services should have an active role in the design and delivery of both orientation and training of volunteers. Staff who will be in a supervisory capacity to volunteers shall have primary responsibility for design and delivery of on the job training of those volunteers assigned to them. 4.4 Volunteer Involvement In Orientation And Training Experienced volunteers should be included in the design and delivery of volunteer orientation and training. 4.5 Continuing Education And Training Just as with staff, volunteers should attempt to improve their levels of skills during their terms of service. Additional training and educational opportunities will be made available to volunteers during their connection with Futureversity where deemed appropriate.



5.0 PRO

5.1 Purpose Of The Problem Solving Procedure The involvement of volunteers at Futureversity should be a positive experience for everyone involved. However, things can sometimes go wrong within a volunteer programme. A volunteer may have a complaint about another volunteer, a member of staff, or the organisation itself. Similarly, a volunteer's performance may be unacceptable, or someone may complain about a volunteer's work, behaviour or conduct. As volunteers are not paid employees, it is inappropriate to use the Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures that we use for paid staff to resolve problems involving volunteers. Volunteers are not covered by employment legislation, so a Problem Solving Procedure helps to ensure that volunteers are treated fairly and are not discriminated against. The Problem Solving Procedure aims to create consistency, and demonstrates our commitment to best practice in volunteer supervision. 5.2 Principles Of Problem Solving Every effort should be made to sort out a problem informally before a formal complaint is made, for example through supervision sessions and informal discussions. All complaints involving volunteers will be dealt with in accordance with this Problem Solving Procedure. Written notes will be kept and made available to both parties, and may be kept on confidential file. No person who is the subject of a complaint shall play a part in hearing it. If the postholder concerned is not readily available to fulfil his/her managerial responsibilities, or is the subject of the complaint, then a deputy must be accepted and given the same level of accountability and authority. All complaints will be treated confidentially, and only be discussed among those who are directly involved in trying to resolve the issue. Problems and complaints should be resolved openly, fairly and quickly to protect the volunteer affected, to minimise disruption to our staff, service users and other volunteers, to demonstrate that we respect our volunteers, and to protect Futureversity's reputation. 5.3.0 Complains From Volunteers This part of the Problem Solving Procedure outlines how a volunteer can complain if s/he feels s/he has been unfairly treated. If a complaint is made by a group of volunteers (two or more people), the group must nominate a spokesperson to represent them, and this person should follow the procedure in the same way as an individual would.


5.3.1 Oral Discussion Initial complaints, whether against a member of staff, the wider organisation, or another volunteer, should first be discussed between the volunteer and their supervisor. If the complaint is about the volunteer's supervisor, then the complaint should be made to the supervisor's Manager or the Chief Executive. The supervisor (or their Manager/Chief Executive) will meet with the volunteer as soon as possible to discuss their complaint. The purpose of the meeting is to aim to resolve the volunteer's complaint amicably. If the complaint is resolved to the volunteer's satisfaction, no further action will be necessary. The supervisor (or manager hearing the volunteer's complaint) may keep a brief note on the volunteer’s file. If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily at this stage, the volunteer can make their complaint in writing to the Chief Executive. If the complaint is about the Chief Executive, then the written complaint should be made to the Chair of the Board of Trustees. 5.3.2 Written Complaint A volunteer making a complaint in writing should do so within five working days of their oral complaint having been heard. Futureversity will respond within ten working days. The volunteer's written complaint will be considered by the Chief Executive (unless s/he is the subject of the complaint, in which case the written complaint will be heard by the Chair of the Board of Trustees). The volunteer may be invited to a meeting, and must take all reasonable steps to attend. The purpose of the meeting is to consider and try to resolve the complaint. The outcome of the meeting will be confirmed in writing. The Chief Executive's (or Chair of the Board's) decision is final. 5.4.0 Complaints Against Volunteers This part of the Problem Solving Procedure outlines how Futureversity will deal with complaints against volunteers. It gives the volunteer the right to be told why their conduct or performance is unacceptable, and the right to state their case. No action will be taken against a volunteer (including asking them to leave the organisation) until the case has been fully investigated. However, there are some occasions on which volunteers may be suspended immediately, while an investigation is carried out. These include, but are not limited to, acts such as theft, assault, acts of violence, malicious damage, deliberate falsification of documents, serious breaches of confidentiality, or harassment. The decision to suspend a volunteer will always be confirmed to the volunteer in writing.


5.4.1 Oral Discussion Sometimes minor issues can arise during the course of volunteering, such as a volunteer not fitting into a team as well as was expected, not performing tasks to the required standards, or being unreliable. Such issues are usually detected during regular supervision, and it might be possible to resolve them without resorting to more formal procedures. Before discussing a specific complaint about a volunteer, the supervisor should verify whether the volunteer: •Has received and fully understood their induction •Has a copy of their role description and person specification •Has copies of relevant Futureversity policies, including the Volunteering Policy •Has any unmet training needs •Needs extra support or supervision •Is unwell or experiencing personal problems affecting their volunteering. If this is the case, the supervisor should consider whether the volunteer is temporarily or permanently unable to cope with the demands of the role, and whether a break from volunteering would be beneficial, or if the volunteer feels ready to stop volunteering with Futureversity altogether. The supervisor will then discuss the complaint privately with the volunteer. The supervisor will be clear from the outset that a complaint has been made about the volunteer, giving specific, pertinent information. The supervisor will give the volunteer an opportunity to think about and respond to the complaint against them. The supervisor will listen carefully to and consider their response, making notes. The aim of the meeting it to find a win-win solution that provides the best outcome for the volunteer and for Futureversity. With this in mind, the supervisor will try to agree goals that will help the volunteer to fulfil their role, offering extra support, supervision and training, if appropriate. The supervisor may set a date to review the situation. They will explain that, if there is insufficient improvement, or if the complaint is of a serious nature, amore formal approach will be adopted, such as issuing a written warning. If the complaint was raised by someone other than the volunteer's supervisor (e.g. another staff member, another volunteer or a member of the public), the supervisor should ask the complainant to put their complaint in writing, if this is helpful. The supervisor should keep the complainant informed of any measures taken to rectify the situation. 5.4.2 Written Warning If the issue has not been resolved by initial discussion, then the volunteer's supervisor can issue the volunteer with a formal warning in writing, outlining the reason. The volunteer has the right to request a meeting with their supervisor to state their case. Depending on the outcome of the meeting, further targets may be set, or further help may be offered to the volunteer. If the complaint is of a serious nature, and is found to be valid, Futureversity may decide to ask the volunteer to leave the organisation. Futureversity has the right to do this.


5.5 Asking A Volunteer To Leave The Organisation If Futureversity decides to ask a volunteer to leave the organisation, a meeting will be arranged. The volunteer's supervisor will lead the meeting, supported by a Futureversity Manager or the Chief Executive. The meeting will take place in a private setting. The supervisor will follow up the meeting with a letter to the volunteer, re-iterating the decision to ask them to leave, outlining the reasons. This letter will include any information relating to the volunteer's departure. The supervisor will inform relevant staff, volunteers and clients of the volunteer's departure on a need-to-know basis, but is not required to share details. The supervisor will inform the Chief Executive of the volunteer's departure, including the reasons. The Chief Executive will report any volunteer departures to the Board of Directors. The decision to give a written warning or to ask a volunteer to leave is final.


T R O P P U 6.0 S

N O I T I N G O C E R &

6.1.0 Volunteers Expense Statement Futureversity believes that no volunteer should be out of pocket whilst volunteering with us and will reimburse all volunteers for their travel to and from their activity site. In addition Futureversity will reimburse volunteers that are volunteering for more than four hours up to £4.00 for a meal. In all cases, any volunteer expenses claim of over £10 made to Futureversity must be approved by a member of Futureversity staff in advance to the expenditure taking place. This applies to single or multiple items of expenditure. For example, if you wish to claim back the cost of bus fares relating to your volunteering, then you need to bring your bus tickets to our office for a refund before the total amount exceeds £10. If this is not possible then you need to contact us (by email, phone or by visiting our office) to gain approval for your expenses claim to exceed £10. If advance approval for expenditure of over £10 is not given by us in advance then we reserve the right to refuse an expenses reimbursement. All submitted claims must be submitted with their relevant receipts promptly by volunteers. Futureversity reserves the right to refuse reimbursement of expenses that have been submitted after one month of expenditure. 6.1.1 Public Transport Volunteers are expected to make use of public transport where it is available, unless its use results in considerable inconvenience, expense or if it is not a viable option due to a disability. The following traveling expenses will be reimbursed: •Rail fares. Standard class fares; prior authorisation from Futureversity is required. •Bus and underground fares. Expenses can be claimed as incurred providing they relate to a Futureversity Volunteer opportunity. •Volunteers should keep their bus tickets, write the details of the journey on a ‘Volunteer Expense Form’ (a copy of which can be found in the Futureversity Volunteer Handbook), and then bring these to the Futureversity Office for a refund. If such expenses are expected to exceed £10 then the volunteer should gain approval in advance. •Taxi fares. As incurred only if there is no other means of transport or to save time if the urgency of the journey warrants it. If it is known in advance that a Taxi is required, volunteers should contact Futureversity to arrange the booking.


6.1.2 Private Transport Futureversity Volunteers may use their cars for authorised journeys connected with their Volunteer Opportunity. The current mileage rate is 45p per mile, with the following exceptions: •When journeys could reasonably and more cheaply have been undertaken by public transport the payment will not exceed the equivalent fare. Futureversity cannot reimburse Volunteers for any parking charges that have incurred as a result in using private transport to volunteer. Futureversity will not reimburse any costs relating to traffic offenses including parking fines as a result of a Volunteer using private transport and cannot be held liable for any accidents/incidents that may or may not include third parties. 6.2 Access To Organisation Property And Materials As appropriate, volunteers shall have access to property of Futureversity and those materials necessary to fulfil their volunteer roles, and shall receive training in the operation of any equipment. Property and materials shall be used only when directly required for the volunteer task. 6.3 Recognition An annual ‘Volunteer Awards Evening’ will be conducted to highlight and reward the contribution of volunteers to the organisation. Volunteers will be consulted and involved in order to develop an appropriate format for the event. All staff and volunteers responsible for volunteer supervision are encouraged to undertake methods of recognition of volunteer service on a regular basis throughout the year. These methods of informal recognition should range from a simple “thank you” to a concerted effort to include volunteers as full participants in decision making and implementation for projects which involve the volunteer. 6.4 Volunteer Career Paths Volunteers are encouraged to develop their skills while serving with Futureversity, and are to be assisted through promotion to new volunteer roles to assume additional and greater responsibilities. If so desired by the volunteer, Futureversity will assist the volunteer in maintaining appropriate records of volunteer experienced that will assist the volunteer in future career opportunities, both paid and voluntary.


N U L O V 7.0


7.1 Health & Safety Futureversity has a legal duty to protect the health and safety of its employees, volunteers and others. We take this responsibility seriously and have made health and safety a management priority. We expect all our employees and volunteers to avoid injury to themselves and others and to co-operate with the implementation of the charity’s health and safety arrangements. Futureversity has established this Health and Safety Policy to ensure the Health, Safety and Welfare at work of all employees and others who may be affected by its activities. This policy will be implemented in all premises owned, controlled or adopted by the Charity. In pursuance of this Policy, the Charity will take action to:•Provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities •Consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety •Provide and maintain safe office environment and equipment •Ensure safe handling and use of substances •Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees •Ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks and to give them adequate training •Prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health •Maintain safe and healthy working conditions Futureversity has adopted a health and safety policy which contains full details of these responsibilities and arrangements. This full policy is available on request from the Futureversity Office. All volunteers are expected to be proactive and familiarise themselves with the health and safety policy. 7.2.0 Safeguarding As an organisation working with children and young people, Futureversity has a responsibility to act if abuse comes to light and, as far as possible, to protect children from the possibility of being abused within Futureversity. For the purposes of this policy a child or young person is anyone under the age of 18 years of age. Extreme care should be taken as misreading signs of abuse can result in significant harm or trauma to the child and their family.! In general staff employed in the independent and voluntary sector will not have the expertise to diagnose child abuse but do have a responsibility to be alert and aware of the signs.


7.2.1 General Points •Keep calm — do not appear shocked or disgusted •Accept what the child says without passing judgement (however unlikely the disclosure may sound) •Look directly at the child •Be honest •Let them know you will need to tell someone else, don’t promise confidentiality •Be aware the child may have been threatened and fear reprisals for having spoken to you •Never push for information or question the child as this can undermine any subsequent criminal investigation.! If at any point a child decides not to continue, accept that and let them know that you are ready to listen should they wish to continue at any time. 7.2.2 Helpful Things To Say Or Show •Show acceptance of what the child says •“I take what you are saying very seriously” •“I am pleased that you have told me.! Thank you for telling me” •If appropriate, “it isn’t your fault and you are not to blame at all” •“I am sorry that happened to you” •“I will help you” 7.2.3 Things not to say •“Why didn’t you say something before?” •“I really can’t believe it” •“Are you sure this has happened?” •“Why?” “Where?” “When?” “Who?” “What?” “How?” •Don’t make false promises to the child — like confidentiality — be honest now, any lies will be further abuse and betrayal •Never make statements such as ‘I am shocked!’ or ‘don’t tell anyone else’. 7.2.4 Concluding the conversation •Reassure the child that they were right to tell you •Let the child know what you are going to do next and tell them that you will let them know what is happening at each stage. 7.2.5 After The Conversation •Make notes about the conversation as soon as possible after the discussion.! Record exactly what the child said and when he or she said it and what was happening immediately beforehand e.g. (description of the activity).! Note the time, date and place of the conversation and the name of any other person present.! If the initial note is handwritten, keep it if it is subsequently typed up. •Inform one of the designated Futureversity Child Protection employees; Sarah Davies (Chief Executive), Anh Ly (Head of HR and Operations), Julia Harriman (Programmes Director) or Liz Jewell (Development Director) immediately on 020 7247 7900. 7.3 Insurance Employes liability and public liability are provided for all volunteers engaged in the Futureversity’s business. (Volunteers are encouraged to consult with their own insurance agents regarding the extension of their personal insurance to include community work. Specific information regarding such insurance is available from the Volunteers Team)



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EXPENSES Volunteers Reimbursement Form


Date Of Claim:

Address: Date

Cost Code

Description Of Expense



Total Amount:

Declaration •I confirm that this report is a true reflection of my costs incurred whilst working with Futureversity and a receipt for each line is attached to this report •I confirm that this expense report complies with the latest Futureversity polices relating to expenses •I understand that if my total expense is under £50 I will be reimbursed via cash and if my total is over £50 then I will be reimbursed via BACS and include my bank details below Authorised By: Claimant Sign

For Claims Under £50 I confirm that I have received the cash reimbursement for the amount shown above:

Date Of Signature

For Claims Under £50 Sort Code Name Of Account:

Claimant Sign

Claimant Sign

Account Number

EXPENSES Fuel Reimbursement Form


Date Of Claim:



Journey From

Cost At 45p Per Mile



Total Cost: Cost Code (Office Use Only): Declaration •I confirm that this report is a true reflection of my costs incurred whilst working with Futureversity •I confirm that this expense report complies with the latest Futureversity polices relating to expenses •I understand that if my total expense is under £50 I will be reimbursed via cash and if my total is over £50 then I will be reimbursed via BACS and include my bank details below Authorised By: Claimant Sign

For Claim Under £50 I confirm that I have received the cash reimbursement for the amount shown above:

Date Of Signature

For Claim Under £50 Sort Code Name Of Account:

Claimant Sign

Claimant Sign

Account Number

Staff tureversity u F t, e h tc Ellie Spa















Hours carried over from previous timesheet








Hours carried over from previous timesheet








Hours carried over from previous timesheet








Hours carried over from previous timesheet








Hours carried over from previous timesheet





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020 7247 7900


Registered Company Number: 2017713 Registered Charity Number: 1048822 Registered as: Tower Hamlets Summer Education LTD

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