New England Botanic Garden Donor Impact Report 2024

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Dear New England Botanic Garden Family,

Thank you for supporting our community of inspired people who care so passionately about the environment, the natural beauty of gardens, and the joy experienced by a record 230,000 visitors in 2023-2024. Thank you for supporting our mission of creating experiences with plants that inspire people and improve the world.

We are proud of our achievements over the past year and are eager to share the highlights with you.

• In December, we concluded the Growing Boldly campaign raising $33M over seven years, exceeding the goal by $5M. Improved accessibility to the Garden, expanded parking gardens, the addition of The Ramble dedicated by the McDonough Family, the Climate Garden, the Beneficial Border, solar panels on the Horticulture Barn, and an increased endowment have had a tremendous impact on the Garden.

• We grew our footprint, adding fourteen acres of wetlands and conservation land. We also expanded our trails, leading visitors to explore more of our natural spaces to discover the beautiful and ecologically valuable plants that grow there.

• Ongoing development of our youth educational programming at the Garden and in the community means that children learn about plants and the environment, and become the next generation of nature’s stewards.

Your partnership ensures that the unprecedented growth and success we have achieved endures. We set out to be a “garden for everyone,” and our outreach efforts continue to bring people from diverse communities, as well as an ever-widening geographic area, to enjoy the horticultural resource we so proudly cultivate.

With sincere appreciation,


Heartful Commitment to Garden and Community

“In today’s world, it is so important to get out and enjoy nature. Financial support to help such a wonderful place that connects people with plants helps us all do and feel better.”


From their initial introduction in 1999 to their continued dedication as volunteers and donors, Bill and Susan’s enduring support displays the impact of long-term commitment. Through their generosity, they have helped cultivate a vibrant and inclusive space that brings joy to all who visit.

Inspiring Connections with the Natural World

“When you are sharing what you care about, it is its own little brand of magic. It makes it worth it every day. You want visitors to come back, and I want them to love it here just as much as I do.” KATHLEEN – 25-YEAR GARDEN MEMBER, 1842 LOYALTY CIRCLE, 2023 ANNUAL VOLUNTEER

Kathleen’s commitment to the Garden remains steadfast over 25 years. As a member, donor, tour guide, garden explainer, and master gardener, she shares her knowledge and enthusiasm with others to make connections with the natural world. Recognized as the 2023 Annual Volunteer, Kathleen hopes that her support will serve as an inspiration for others to show their support of the Garden through giving.

Sustaining Serenity and Timelessness for the Future

“My support of the Garden sustains the tranquility and consistency that I have seen here in my own life and what I hope for the future.”


Judy has found solace and inspiration in the Garden’s timeless environment, cherishing moments with her grandchildren now as much as she did with her children 30 years ago. Her commitment to supporting the Garden’s conservation efforts through donations and membership reflects her deep-rooted desire to ensure its continued existence as a haven of peace and natural beauty for all to enjoy.

Supporting Biodiverse Habitats

Supporting biodiverse habitats at the Garden involves integrating conservation principles with the Garden’s focus on sustainability, education, and environmental stewardship. When we think of our garden spaces as habitats, both the local ecosystem and the broader community benefit.

One way we foster biodiverse habitats is by celebrating native plants. Native plants play essential roles in our ecosystems, providing food and shelter to native insects, including important pollinators, throughout their lifecycles. By showcasing native plants in curated displays and naturalistic gardens, we not only contribute to habitat preservation but also demonstrate to our visitors how much beauty and joy these ecologically beneficial species can offer.

Conservation and ecologically focused projects are taking shape across the Garden. From meadow restoration and the installation of bluebird boxes to land conservation and the construction of a Beneficial Border garden space for pollinators, we leverage our resources and expertise to make meaningful environmental contributions that we hope will inspire others at the local and regional levels.

Supporting biodiverse habitats requires a commitment to environmental stewardship, collaboration, and community engagement. By integrating habitat preservation efforts into our mission and activities, we serve as catalysts for positive change, inspiring visitors to become advocates for the conservation of natural habitats and biodiversity.

Activating Youth Garden Spaces

Activating garden spaces dedicated to youth education and nature discovery is about sowing the seeds of environmental stewardship and fostering a deep appreciation for the natural world. By creating vibrant and welcoming spaces that inspire curiosity, connection, and learning, we empower the next generation to become lifelong advocates for the planet.

Where the Ramble, a garden for children, prioritizes experiential elements, engaging young visitors through innovative nature play features, the Climate Garden invites hands-on learning directly in garden beds that showcase techniques for growing food more sustainably.

To enrich the activity in these new garden spaces, our collaboration with local schools and youth organizations is so important. Hosting field trips, as well as drop-in and planned youth activities, maximizes the number of children and families who experience the gardens. Resources such as educational materials, guided tours, and ongoing support for teachers and group leaders can further enhance the educational value of these garden spaces.

The Ramble also serves as a space for community gatherings, events, and celebrations. Its picnic area, outdoor classroom, and performance space attract visitors of all ages and backgrounds and allow for enriching experiences that connect people more deeply to the Garden’s mission.

Stimulating youth education and nature discovery gardens is not just about planting seeds; it is about cultivating curiosity, fostering connections with the natural world, and nurturing a sense of wonder in young minds.


Financial Report

New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill

Fiscal year April 1, 2023–March 31, 2024

Total Revenue from Operating Activities Endowment Draw Membership Dues

Total Expenses from Operating Activities Fundraising General Administration Program

These figures are unaudited and subject to change. The FY 2024 audit will happen in June 2024 and the results will be finalized in September 2024. Please reach out to for any questions or a copy of the most recent audited financial statements.

Donor Recognition

Thank you to all of the individuals, foundations, and corporations who supported New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill in the 2024 fiscal year. View the full list of donors at

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Recognizing all donors who give two or more years consecutively.


Honoring annual leadership donors of $1,500 or more. Young professionals 40 and under are recognized at $1,000.


Recognizing the foresight and generosity of our friends who have arranged a bequest or planned gift to New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill.


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