Grow with us

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SPRING IS A TRANSFORMATIONAL TIME IN ANY GARDEN. PREPARATION DONE over fall and winter months takes shape as blooms emerge and garden beds fill out. Amid dramatic and exciting changes, it’s impossible to look ahead at all that’s growing without also looking back to our roots.
This past March, the Garden celebrated its Founding Day, the day in 1842 when a group of plantsmen and prominent public figures from the region’s agricultural community came together to form the Worcester County Horticultural Society (WCHS). Their aim was to advance the science and practice of horticulture and spread enthusiasm for plants. There’s no doubt that in the decades since, we’ve built upon the strong foundation these early horticulturists laid, growing our mission in valuable ways. New England Botanic Garden stands here with over 200,000 annual visitors, more than 12,000 members, an ever-growing
community of dedicated donors and volunteers, an expanding footprint, and a robust calendar of educational programs and special events that connect people of all ages and backgrounds to nature. Who we are today makes me proud of the values we’ve held on to and those we’ve more recently embraced.
Connecting people and plants faces different challenges today than those our WCHS founders prepared for182 years ago. Today’s horticulturists, gardeners, and budding plant lovers are at the front lines of a changing climate, seeing firsthand the impacts of fluctuating temperature and precipitation extremes. Now more than ever, it’s important that we approach our gardens through a climate change and resiliency lens. This means promoting best practices for sustainable gardening, embracing opportunities to protect our natural resources, and ensuring our diverse community has access to nature and opportunities to learn about the value of plants.
Public gardens are essential to the health and happiness of our collective world. That’s why, in this issue of Grow With Us, we invite you to explore stories of environmental stewardship and discover upcoming educational programs, special events, and exhibitions designed to celebrate the spring and nurture a lifelong love of nature.
We look forward to seeing you this season!
Grace C. Elton chief executive officerA nnual Meeting Thursday June 20, 2024
4–6 pm
Save the date for the 183rd Annual Meeting of the Worcester County Horticultural Society. The meeting will be offered in person and virtually. Members are welcome to stay after the business meeting has concluded for our Thursday evening beer garden.
Into the Woods
New trails invite visitors off the beaten path to experience our precious natural landscapes.
Beneficial Border
In this ecologically focused garden space, supporting biodiversity never looked so good.
Classes & Programs
Explore your creativity or learn a new gardening skill through classes or programs for adults, families, and kids. There is something fun for everyone!
Thursday Summer Evenings
A beer garden, live music, and more make this afterhours series a summer highlight.
Poetic Kinetics
Experience an inspiring trilogy of aerial art that will surround you in color and motion.
New trails at the Garden invite visitors off the beaten path
LEFT The horticulture team clears a path to form a new trail.
ABOVE RIGHT Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana)
CENTER Lowbush blueberry flowers (Vaccinium angustifolium)
BELOW RIGHT Mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia)
ONE OF THE MANY THINGS TO LOVE ABOUT NEW ENGLAND BOTANIC GARDEN TAKES A BIT OF LOOKING for. Beautiful and relatively undisturbed woodlands and wetlands surround the Garden’s core property. This preserved land accounts for most of the Garden’s 200 acres. For years, trails extending out from the naturalistic gardens of the Inner Park have provided lovely, though limited, glimpses into this landscape. Now, thanks to a few key land acquisitions, the most recent being the 2023 addition of 14-acres previously owned by the Town of Boylston, opportunities to get off the beaten path and into nature are expanding.
This spring, Garden visitors can explore two newly blazed trails that wind through forest on the north side of the property. Developed by the Garden’s land stewardship team with the help of volunteers, the trails cover roughly a mile of steep, rocky terrain connecting the Summit and Mount Wachusett Overlook to the Inner Park. Bright coral and teal markers chart a course through beautiful, mature mixed oak forest. An understory of witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana), mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia), high and lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum and V. angustifolium), and American chestnut (Castanea dentata) sprouts grows among oaks (Quercus spp.), red maple (Acer rubrum), white pine (Pinus strobus), and black and grey birches (Betula lenta, B. populifolia).
Expanding the Garden’s trail system gives the community more opportunities to appreciate the natural world at a time when it needs our protection. Land conservation
is one of the most important things we can do as environmental stewards. It supports biodiversity, protects natural resources, mitigates climate change, and more.
Even more trail expansions are planned for the future. Some will extend into the Garden’s new 14-acre parcel, land now protected from all other development by a conservation restriction. Largely wetland, this area includes beautiful natural features, a waterfall, creek, and beaver pond, and a dense understory of native plants, such as the increasingly uncommon false hellebore (Veratrum viride) and nodding trillium (Trillium cernuum).
So, follow the trails beyond the gardens this spring and stay tuned as opportunities to experience the joys of New England’s natural landscapes continue to grow!
WHEN CONSIDERING WHAT TO DO WITH THE OVERGROWN SPACE HUGGING THE BOUNDARY between the Lawn Garden and the Frank L. Harrington Sr. Orchard, two things became clear to the Garden’s horticulture team right away. First, major change was needed. Second, major change would require a lot of work. Unchecked, a dense mix of ground cover and woody plants had formed in the roughly 12,000 square foot garden space. Not only did this clash with
the precise, formal design of the neighboring Lawn Garden, but it did nothing to advance the Garden’s goals of supporting biodiversity and demonstrating ecologically centered gardening practices to visitors.
In late 2021, after much planning, transformation of this out-of-control, in-between space began. The team removed unwanted and ecologically harmful plants first. Then in 2023, planting began. Over 9,000 plants
In the Beneficial Border, the artistry of horticulture shares a spotlight with the message that plants are foundational to all life on earth.
went into the ground. The result? The Beneficial Border, a beautiful garden featuring a plant palette sure to please not only visitors but the insects this new space was truly designed for.
The Garden’s new Beneficial Border borrows from the agricultural concept of a beetle bank. Incorporated into farm systems, these linear strips of native perennial plants provide food resources and overwintering habitat for predatory insects that help control other plant pests. For the Garden, attracting beneficial predatory insects was a goal for the space, but so was providing for pollinators and transitioning smoothly between nearby formal and naturalistic gardens.
BENEFICIAL BORDER PLANTS LEFT–RIGHT: Ornamental onion (Allium ‘Medusa’), rough goldenrod (Solidago rugosa ‘Fireworks’), cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis), Tatarian aster (Galatella tatarica ‘Jindai’), Moon Dust yarrow (Achillea ‘Novaachdus’), bugbane (Actaea simplex ‘Black Negligee’) Spring Flurry serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis ‘JFS-Arb’), yarrow (Achillea ‘Inca Gold’)
For the Garden, attracting beneficial predatory insects was a goal for the space, but so was providing for pollinators and transitioning smoothly between nearby formal and naturalistic gardens.
To achieve all this, the Beneficial Border includes three layers of design. The first, along the Lawn Garden’s Perennial Path, features a more formal design with ornamental onion (Allium ‘Medusa’), bugbane (Actaea simplex ‘Black Negligee’), different varieties of yarrow (Achillea millefolium ‘Paprika’, A. millefolium ‘Pomegranate’, A. ‘Inca Gold’, and A. ‘Novaachdus’ (Moon Dust)), and asters (Galatella tatarica ‘Jindai’ and Symphotrichum cordifolium). Many of these
flowering plants are clumped by color to be most attractive to pollinators. The second layer in the design progresses to include native shrubs like serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis ‘JFS-Arb’), hybrid witch hazel (Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’), and hybrid rhododendron (Rhododendron ‘Percy Wiseman’). The third and final layer of design includes pollinator favorites like cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis), rough goldenrod (Solidago rugosa ‘Fireworks’), and common yarrow (Achillea millefolium), as well as native perennial warm and cool season grasses. Several varied species of grasses provide visual interest throughout the seasons and habitat as well. By summer, the more naturalistic layers of the Beneficial Border will become home to the Garden’s apiary with a log wall enclosure designed to provide habitat for many different insects including native bees.
In the Beneficial Border, the artistry of horticulture shares a spotlight with the message that plants are foundational to all life on earth. As this space matures over the growing season and into the years ahead, it will continue to exemplify the exciting potential of ecological garden design.
Offering fresh, locally sourced lunch seven days a week. Garden members can now enjoy a 10% discount in the café.
For the most up-to-date information about our programs, or to register, please visit the calendar section of our website. For questions about our adult programs or youth and family programs, please contact our Registrar at or 508.869.6111 x174
Using a chair as a prop, come and have fun while enjoying the benefits of movement in this gentle yoga class. Classes are held indoors.
Tuesdays, 11:30am –12:30pm
$17 M; $30 NM
Yoga in the Garden MANDI GARRISON
Enjoy gentle-to-moderate flow yoga in a class for all levels. Tuesdays, 6–7:15pm and Thursdays, 10:30–11:45am
$17 M; $30 NM
Qigong & Tai Chi Movement ROSE HORWITZ
Breathe deeply and practice gentle fluid movements mindfully to reduce stress and improve overall wellness.
Wednesdays, 10:15–11:30am
$26 M; $36 NM
Energy Healing Sound Bath BRANDY LEFSYK
A sound bath reduces stress and anxiety by inducing a state of relaxation.
Wednesday, June 5, 9–10am
$40 M; $55 NM
Chakras Workshop BRANDY LEFSYK
Come learn about the seven major chakras in our bodies and the healing effects of sound.
Wednesday, June 5, 10:30–11:30am
$40 M; $55 NM
Gentle Yoga with Aromatherapy GEORGIA JOHNSON
Soft candlelight and aromatherapy create a warm ambiance for this calming evening yoga class.
Thursday, June 6, 6–7pm
$15 M; $22 NM
Relaxing Yoga Flow EMMA BARTOLINI
Start your Friday morning with a mindful yoga flow.
Fridays, 9:30–10:30am
$17 M; $30 NM
Friday Chair Yoga EMMA BARTOLINI
Join us for Friday chair yoga! This fully supported practice is a wonderful opportunity to explore the benefits of yoga in a different way.
Fridays, 11am –12pm
$17 M; $30 NM
Forest Bathing with Your Dog NADINE MAZZOLA
Bring your dog on this relaxing and mindful guided walk
Friday, June 28, 9–11am
$50 M; $65 NM
Spring Renewal Yoga EMMA BARTOLINI
Come enjoy a relaxing and rejuvenating yoga practice inspired by nature in bloom.
Saturday, May 4, 9–10:15am
$17 M; $30 NM
Relax and refresh through mindfulness practices and sensory awareness while experiencing the beauty of nature in the gardens.
Saturday, May 4, 9am –12pm
Sunday, June 23, 9am –12pm
$40 M; $55 NM
Grounding Yoga Flow EMMA BARTOLINI
Soothe, ground, and relax with a nature-inspired yoga flow
Saturday, June 1, 9–10:15am
$17 M; $30 NM
Solstice Yoga Mini-Retreat MANDI GARRISON
As the season changes to summer, enjoy this mini-retreat focused on yoga, meditation, and your wishes and intentions for the months ahead.
Saturday, June 15, 9:30am –12:30pm
$40 M; $55 NM
Raffia Weaving: Small Baskets LINDA SNAY
Learn to weave raffia into a beautiful small basket.
Friday, May 3, 10:30am –1pm
$50 M; $65 NM
Spring Watercolor Flowers MIRANDA GREENHALGH
Celebrate spring blooms with fun and simple watercolor designs! No experience necessary.
Saturday, May 4, 1–3pm
$55 M; $70 NM
Cyanotypes TONYA LEMOS
Enjoy making cyanotype photographic prints using a variety plants in this rewarding, educational, and playful workshop.
Sunday, May 5, 10am –12pm
$50 M; $65 NM
Smartphone Photography STEVE MCGRATH
Learn how to use your smartphone for photography, how to create great images on your phone, what editing apps to use, and how to share and print your work.
Sunday, May 5, 1–4pm
$50 M; $65 NM
Experiments with Watercolors VICTORIA CHAPMAN
Play and experiment with watercolors and see what they do! Explore how watercolors work and feel using a variety of brushes and different quantities of water.
Saturday, May 11, 10am –12pm
$55 M; $70 NM
Watercolor Nature Immersion NADINE MAZZOLA
Create a series of watercolor washes exploring water and skies and let your unique creative flow emerge in its own way!
Friday, May 17, 10:30am –12:30pm
$60 M; $75 NM
Spend time in the beauty of the gardens savoring the wonder of spring flowers, meadows, and woodlands, and create art from your experiences.
Saturday, May 18, 9:30am –12pm
$60 M; $75 NM
Monthly Photography Walks STEVE MCGRATH
Come improve your photography skills in this small handson class (only 10 students!). Each month will explore different areas of the Garden. All skill levels welcome.
Saturday, May 18, 10am –12:30pm
Saturday, June 15, 10am –12:30pm
$40 M; $55 NM
Sketchbook Nature Walk VICTORIA CHAPMAN
Take a leisurely hike around the Garden and stop to sketch what you see: plants, animals, trees, stones, or even statues.
Saturday, June 1, 10am –12pm
$35 M; $50 NM
Ink and Watercolor Trees VICTORIA CHAPMAN
Let’s get together and create some tree art! Use pen and ink, plus watercolors, to create beautifully contrasted tree compositions.
Saturday, June 8, 10am –12pm
$55 M; $70 NM
Macrophotography STEVE MCGRATH
Use your existing camera gear to make spectacular macro photographs and discover a close-up world that is full of pattern, color, and abstract imagery.
Sunday, June 9, 10am –2pm
$60 M; $75 NM
Introduction to Zentangle KAREN KEEFE
Learn the basic principles and methodology of Zentangle, an easy-to-learn method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns, many of them inspired by nature.
Sunday, June 23, 1–4:30pm
$45 M; $60 NM
During this workshop, participants will explore the alchemy of water, plant materials, heat, and metal, and come away with beautiful prints on watercolor paper.
Sunday, June 30, 10am –12pm
$50 M; $65 NM
This session will teach you everything you need to know about rose care, including uncovering winterprotected roses, pruning, planting, fertilizing, and choosing hardy varieties.
Saturday, May 11, 1–2:30pm
$35 M; $50 NM
Introduction to Horticultural Science & Botany
This class will provide an introductory review of plants and their parts, botanical nomenclature, and plant identification of leaves and flowers through the use of horticultural language.
Saturday, May 11, 10:30am –12pm
$40 M; $55 NM
Guided Tour of the Rhododendron Flower Show
Join members of the MA Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society to learn what makes a prize-winning bloom and what qualities to look for in your own flowers.
Saturday, May 18, 12:30–1pm
Sunday, May 19, 1:30–2pm
New Rhododendron Hybrids for
New England Gardens
Expert grower Peter Norris shares experiences and most recent successes hybridizing hardy New England rhododendron species with two recently introduced Chinese rhododendron species.
Saturday, May 18, 2–3pm
Intro to Rhododendrons and Their Care JOE BRUSO
Learn about the wide variety of hardy rhododendron species and hybrids that can be grown in our area, in addition to the basics of selection, siting, planting, and care.
Sunday, May 19, 2–3pm
Join us in the Garden on Saturday, June 29 to improve your evergreen and deciduous tree identification skills.
Plant ID: Spring Flowering Ornamental Shrubs
Improve your skills identifying spring flowering shrubs using horticultural knowledge of leaves, flowers, and other parts to identify species.
Saturday, June 1, 10:30am –12pm or 1–2:30pm
$40 M; $55 NM
Seasonal Pruning: Late Spring REED PUGH
This pruning workshop will focus on the bulk of our spring flowering shrubs and trees that have flowered on the previous season’s growth (old wood).
Sunday, June 2, 10:30am –12pm or 1–2:30pm
$40 M; $55 NM
Easy Roses, Happy Gardens:
A Stress-Free Introduction DAVE CANNISTRARO
Learn the secrets behind the basic care of roses, including topics like rose selection, planting techniques, fertilization strategies, pruning, and more.
Saturday, June 15, 10:30–11:15am
Friends & Foes of the Garden BALDO VILLEGAS
Learn how to identify insects, differentiate beneficial insects from garden pests, and best practices for minimizing pest impact on a New England rose garden.
Celebrate those you love or mark a special occasion!
Saturday, June 15, 11:30am –12:15pm
Plant ID: Evergreen & Deciduous Trees REED PUGH
Walk the garden and improve your identification skills of evergreen and deciduous trees by their leaves and flowers or needles and cones.
Saturday, June 29, 10:30am –12pm
$40 M; $55 NM
Seasonal Pruning: Summer REED PUGH
This pruning workshop will focus on late spring and summer flowering plants that had not flowered in the previous pruning window, as well as ornamental trees and evergreens.
Sunday, June 30, 10:30am –12pm or 1–2:30pm
$40 M; $55 NM
The beauty of New England Botanic Garden has inspired many to dedicate a place in the Garden in memory or honor of a loved one. Throughout the Garden, benches, trees, and garden beds bear the names of those who have passed and commemorate retirements, wedding anniversaries, birthdays, or other important milestones. To learn about dedication opportunities, contact Theresa Lee at or 508.869.6111 x168.
This course introduces Japanese flower arranging and gives students experience making arrangements in low containers (moribana) using a pin holder (kenzan).
Thursday, May 9, 9:30am –12pm
Thursday, June 13, 9:30am –12pm
$35 M; $50 NM
Create a cheerful spring basket with flowers and aromatic herbs to take home for someone special.
Saturday, May 11, 10:30am –12:30pm
$89 M; $95 NM
Make your own kokedama “moss ball” design using forced spring bulbs and moss, which can be hung or displayed in a bowl.
Saturday, May 11, 1–2:30pm
$75 M; $90 NM
Make a bodacious, fragrant peony centerpiece using locally-grown peonies and unique foliage and textural elements. Prepare to be wowed by peony beauty!
Saturday, June 8, 1–3pm
$150 M; $165 NM; $180 PAIR
Join us to create a medium-sized container garden with cacti, jades, and other succulents.
Sunday, June 16, 1–3pm
$80 M; $95 NM
Let summer blooms inspire your own floral creation to take home.
Saturday, June 22, 1–3pm
$80 M; $95 NM
This spring, immerse yourself in the world of “rhodies!” Enjoy fabulous rhododendron flower displays, educational lectures and workshops, and opportunities to purchase unusual and rare rhododendrons, azaleas, and other compatible plants grown by society members.
Saturday, May 18
SHOW: 12–5 pm
SALE: 10 am–5 pm
LECTURE: New Rhododendron Hybrids for New England Gardens | 2–3 pm
Sunday, May 19
SHOW & SALE: 10am–4pm
LECTURE: Introduction to Rhododendrons and Their Care | 2–3 pm
Get ready to be dazzled by a room full of roses! Browse a stunning array of colorful cut blooms on display and a selection of potted rose bushes for sale. Expert growers will be on-hand to answer your questions and help you learn tips and tricks for easy rose growing and pruning care.
Saturday, June 15
SHOW: 12–3 pm
SALE: 10 am–3 pm
LECTURE: Easy Roses, Happy Gardens: A Stress-Free Introduction | 10:30–11:15 am
LECTURE: Friends & Foes of the Garden | 11:30 am –12:15 pm
Mother’s Day Bouquets | AGES 5–12
Celebrate Mother’s Day and make a special arrangement in a vase.
Saturday, May 11, 10:30am –12pm
M: $25 CHILD, $0 ADULT; NM: $35 CHILD, $20 ADULT
Natural Sun Prints | AGES 7–12
Learn about native plants found at the Garden and harvest them to create several paper sun prints.
Sunday, May 26, 1:30–3pm
M: $15 CHILD, $0 ADULT; NM: $25 CHILD, $20 ADULT
Kids Garden Club | AGES 7–10
Come play in the dirt as we dig, investigate, and grow in the Climate Garden.
Saturday, June 1, 10–11am
M: $12 CHILD, $0 ADULT; NM: $22 CHILD, $20 ADULT
Wind Chime Suncatcher | AGES 7–12
Create an upcycled wind chime that captures the colors of spring at the Garden.
Sunday, June 16, 2–3:30pm
M: $18 CHILD, $0 ADULT; NM: $28 CHILD, $20 ADULT
Teens: Woven Wall-hanging | AGES 13–16
Play with fabrics and fibers to craft a woven tapestry to decorate your wall
Saturday, May 18, 2–4:30pm
M: $35 TEEN; NM: $45 TEEN
Teens: Yoga Retreat | AGES 13–16
Stretch and de-stress during this all-levels yoga class and practice self-care through a guided mindfulness activity.
Sunday, June 9, 2–3pm
M: $15 TEEN; NM: $22 TEEN
Make your child’s birthday one to remember and host their special day with us! Now booking for summer and fall. Visit for details.
Garden Buds | AGES 3–5
Join us for circle time, a story, a take-home craft packet, and a guided garden adventure. Wednesdays in May and June, 10:30–11:30am
M: $8 CHILD, $0 ADULT; NM: $18 CHILD, $20 ADULT
Family Gardening: Sow & Grow | AGES 6–10
Join us for a hands-on gardening workshop in our Climate Garden and sow your own starter seeds to grow a family garden at home.
Saturday, May 4, 10:30am –12pm
M: $15 CHILD, $6 ADULT; NM: $25 CHILD, $26 ADULT
Little Seedlings | AGES 1–3
Come explore the wonderful world of plants and practice sorting, counting, observing, and more.
Tuesday, May 28, 10:30–11:30am
Tuesday, June 25, 10:30–11:30am
M: $6 CHILD, $0 ADULT; NM: $10 CHILD, $20 ADULT
Family Firefly Walk | AGES 3–14
Explore the gardens and trails by moonlight and search for our favorite nocturnal insect.
Thursday, June 20 & 27, 8–9pm
M: $9 CHILD, $6 ADULT; NM: $18 CHILD, $26 ADULT
Wildflower Walk | AGES 7–12
Journey through our meadows and trails as we identify wildflowers and create our own native plant flower journal.
Saturday, June 22, 1–2pm
M: $9 CHILD, $6 ADULT; NM: $18 CHILD, $26 ADULT
Homeschool: Insect Safari | AGES 6–12
Explore what’s blooming here at the Garden as we learn about spring, flowers, insects, and pollination
Friday, May 17, 1–2:30pm
M: $9 CHILD, $0 ADULT; NM: $18 CHILD, $20 ADULT
Homeschool: Magnificent Mushrooms | AGES 6–12
Wander our trails and gardens in search of fungi as we learn about mushrooms and decomposition.
Friday, June 7, 1–2:30pm
M: $9 CHILD, $0 ADULT; NM: $18 CHILD, $20 ADULT
Homeschool: Climate Gardening | AGES 6–12
Practice gardening techniques while learning about plants in our Climate Garden.
Friday, June 21, 10–11:30am
M: $9 CHILD, $0 ADULT; NM: $18 CHILD, $20 ADULT
Limited space available. Reserve your spot today!
Unleash your sense of adventure, uncover the amazing science of plants, and explore nature’s hidden stories all around us. Limited space available. Reserve your spot today!
Myths & Magic | AGES 5–10
Join us for a week of play, exploration, and investigation as we search for signs of magic in enchanted gardens, cast spells, and make nature potions.
Monday to Friday, July 8 to 12, 9am –3pm
M: $375 CHILD; NM: $425 CHILD
Dinosaur Safari | AGES 5–10
Roar and explore during this week of prehistoric discovery. Become a paleontologist as we have fun with fossils, play dino games, learn about prehistoric plants, and conduct science experiments.
Monday to Friday, July 15 to 19, 9am –3pm
M: $375 CHILD; NM: $425 CHILD
Superhero Academy | AGES 5–10
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s the Superhero Academy! Discover your inner hero this week as we become planet protectors, practice our superpowers, and save the world.
Monday to Friday, August 5 to 9, 9am –3pm
M: $375 CHILD; NM: $425 CHILD
Dinosaur Safari | AGES 5–10
Roar and explore during this week of prehistoric discovery. Become a paleontologist as we have fun with fossils, play dino games, learn about prehistoric plants, and conduct science experiments.
Monday to Friday, August 12 to 16, 9am –3pm
M: $375 CHILD; NM: $425 CHILD
Join us for Nature Play Days at the Garden. Drop-in for free fun family activities this season.
Use your imagination to create magical worlds and explore the great outdoors as we play games, read stories, craft, and make new friends.
Nature’s Studio | AGES 3–8
Mondays, 12–2pm
Embrace your inner artist while you make music, draw, dance, and get creative in the Garden.
Nature Storytime | AGES 3–8
Tuesdays, 11am–12pm
Join us for an interactive hour of exciting stories about plants, animals, nature, and more.
Imagination Station | AGES 3–8
Wednesdays, 12–2pm
Stop by for imaginative play as we dress up and create magical worlds together.
Farm to Market | AGES 3–10
Thursdays, 11am–12pm
Stop by our Climate Garden, see what’s growing, lend a hand, and play at our farm stand.
Exploration Station | AGES 3–10
Fridays, 12–2pm
Drop by our nature-themed science station to play, read, learn, and investigate.
Available every day 10am–5pm | AGES 3–12
Check out our Discovery Backpacks filled with exciting activities and tools for exploring together. Visit the front desk to borrow a backpack during your next visit.
Searching for a special Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, graduation, or wedding gift? Celebrate your loved ones this spring with a membership to New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill. When you gift a membership to the Garden, your recipient will enjoy unlimited general admission to our incredible plant collections during all seasons and many more exciting benefits. Visit or call 508.869.6111 x171 for details.
An Evening of Solo Piano
Saturday, May 18, 7–8:30pm
Sunday, May 19, 7–8:30pm
Join Pianist Julia Scott Carey and Composer Stephanie Ann Boyd for a special solo piano performance of The Flower Catalog, a collection of 13 botanically inspired preludes. Set in the Garden’s iconic Limonaia conservatory at golden hour, this one-of-a-kind program will include the world premiere of a new prelude, “Apple Blossom,” and a Q&A with the artists. This event is presented in partnership with Juventas New Music Ensemble.
Visit for more details about artists, cost, and ticketing.
Sunday, June 9, 6–8:45pm
Sunday, June 16, 6–8:45pm
Join New England Botanic Garden and Juventas New Music Ensemble for two magical evenings of music al fresco. Take a stroll through our gardens at golden hour and discover a series of musical performances in different garden spaces along the way. This special event showcases luminous music by emerging composers, performed by some of Boston’s foremost chamber musicians.
Visit for more details about artists, cost, and ticketing.
illustration by Borcu Korkmazyurek for The Flower Catalog
Contemporary paintings inspired by the Garden, by Marie Anthony
June 1 – August 11
This spring, join us to celebrate the work of Marie Anthony, an abstract artist based in Boston. This unique body of work focusing on floral abstractions was directly influenced by the shapes and patterns she witnessed in the flora found here at the Garden. Dynamic large-scale oil paintings will adorn the Milton Gallery.
A New England Society of Botanical Artists
Illustrated Exhibit
June 8 – September 3
Learn more about native and introduced wildflowers found throughout New England in an illustrated exhibit featuring artwork created by the New England Society of Botanical Artists on view in the Fern Gallery.
Daigle of the New England Society of Botanical Artists
Thursdays in June & July, 5–9 pm
Thursdays in August, 5–8 pm
Included with the cost of General Admission (RAIN OR SHINE)
Visit for details.
This summer, unplug, recharge, and escape to our garden oasis. Experience live music by talented local musicians, a craft beer garden, lawn games, dinner specials, and more as you explore the Garden after-hours with friends and family. Hike serene wooded trails, wander the gardens to enjoy the blooms, and catch the sunset over the Wachusett Reservoir. Plus, don’t miss our wide variety of scheduled workshops and classes for children and adults!
Wednesdays in July, 5–9pm
Wednesdays in August & September, 5–8pm
Included with the cost of General Admission. (RAIN OR SHINE)
Join us for a midweek escape during our Wednesday extended hours. Discover the Garden at twilight on your own or with guided tours, explore adult and family classes, soak in the sunset over the Wachusett Reservoir, and enjoy dinner and drinks from the Farmer and the Fork café. Their Wednesday menu features delicious fare crafted with fresh, locally sourced ingredients that pair with drink specials from a rotating list of breweries and distilleries who will be onsite to spotlight the best of their libations.
Visit for details.
Botanical Mixology MEREDITH POWELL
Learn how to make unique cocktails with a botanical twist.
Select Thursdays, 6–7pm
$60 M; $75 NM
Summer Thursdays Yoga
Relax and refresh in this all-levels yoga class in the gardens.
Every Thursday, 6–7:15pm
$17 M; $30 NM
Family Firefly Walk | AGES 3–14
Explore the gardens and trails by moonlight and search for our favorite nocturnal insect.
Thursday, June 29, 8–9pm
M: $9 CHILD, $6 ADULT; NM: $18 CHILD, $26 ADULT
Take care of your family, save on taxes, and support the garden you love by including it in your estate plans. Designate a gift through one or more of these ways:
• Bequest
• IRA annual distribution
• Donor Advised Fund
• Appreciated stocks
• Beneficiary designations of life insurance, IRA, and retirement plans, bank accounts, and more
• Gifts of real estate
For more information or to request a free Estate Planning Guide, contact Sally Stanton at or at 508.869.6111 x103.
Visit for information.
Featuring a curated selection of gardening and nature-themed books, gifts, accessories, jewelry, and more for the mother figure in your life!
Aerial Art by Poetic Kinetics
June 22 – October 31
Experience a collaboration between art and nature as vast, fluid canvasses of color dance overhead in the wind. This trilogy of kinetic art will transform garden spaces into living tapestries sure to spark wonder and ignite the imagination.