L’Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta, Régionale de Canmore-Banff:
-Agit comme porte-parole régional pour le développement de services en français et la défense des intérêts des francophones dans la Bow Valley. Acts as a regional leader for the development of services in French and the defence of the interest of Francophones in the Bow Valley. -Offre une programmation locale d’activités en français, sociales, culturelles, éducatives et sportives représentatives des intérets de notre communauté. Offers multiple activities in French related to the social, cultural, educational, physical well-being and interest of our community. 2
This course guide is brought to you by
The Bow Valley Learning Council, comprised of local organizations committed to the philosophy of lifelong learning and literacy opportunities, and to the promotion and coordination of educational opportunities, aims to provide a variety of part-time, non-credit classes and experiences for adult residents of the Bow Valley, in order to enhance their personal or professional skills and further enrich their lives.
For further information regarding council activities, membership, program and special project grant opportunities or advertising, please contact us: By email info@bowvalleylearning.ca or 403.762.8114 Complete course listing and funding assistance information also found on our website:
Bow Valley
www.bowvalleylearning.ca @bvlearning
Hostelling International Pacific Mountain Region
The Bow Valley Learning Council, Alberta Innovation and Advanced Education, and Hostelling International – Pacific Mountain Region are committed to the philosophy of lifelong learning and discovery. To encourage this philosophy, adult residents of the Bow Valley in financial need may apply for financial assistance on selected courses.
For more details and the bursary application, please see page 62 of this guide. Please await bursary approval before registering for a course.
For further information please contact us by email at: info@bowvalleylearning.ca or by phone 403.762.8114. The application form is also available on our website: www.bowvalleylearning.ca.
Design & layout of this publication is provided by GoGo Graphics | www.gogographics.ca
A big THANK-YOU to the Bow Valley Learning Council Member Agencies! Alberta Health Services Pat Brooks Tel 403.678.5656/762.2990; Fax: 403.678.5068 pat.brooks@albertahealthservices.ca www.albertahealthservices.ca
Canmore Public Library Michelle Preston Tel 403.678.2468; Fax 403.678.2165, mpreston@canmorelibrary.ab.ca www.canmorelibrary.ab.ca
BanffLIFE Christine LaRocque Tel 403.760.2423; Fax 403.762.1264; banfflife@banff.ca www.banfflife.com
Hostelling International, Pacific Mountain Region Anthony Brook Tel 403.762.4123 ext 25; Fax 403.762.3441 anthony.brook@hihostels.ca www.hihostels.ca
Banff Public Library Sarah McCormack Tel 403.762.2661; Fax 403.762.3805 sarahmccormack@banfflibrary.ab.ca www.banfflibrary.ab.ca
Interpretive Guides Association Tracey Gage Tel 403.760.2854, Fax 403.760.2906 info@interpretiveguides.org www.interpretiveguides.org
Bow Valley Parent Link Cara Crawford Tel 403.678.7149, ccrawford@canmore.ca www.canmore.ca/parentlink
Job Resource Centre Donna Hayes Tel 403.678.6601; Fax 403.678.6630 donnahayes@jobresourcecentre.com www.jobresourcecentre.com
Bow Valley College Jane Neil, jneil@bowvalleycollege.ca; Cindi Hutchinson, chutchinson@bowvalleycollege.ca Tel 403.678.3125; Fax: 403.678.3127 www.bowvalleycollege.ca/bowcorridor
MD of Bighorn - Community Services Deb Grady Tel 403.673.3611, Ext. 223 deb.grady@mdbighorn.ca www.mdbighorn.ca
Bow Valley College – English Language Learning Cari-Ann Roberts Tel 403.923.8259 croberts@bowvalleycollege.ca
Société des parents pour l’éducation francophone de Canmore (SPEF de Canmore) Geneviève Poulin, spefdecanmore@telus.net
Bow Valley Primary Care Network Fiona Youden Tel 403.675.3000; Fax 403.675.3002 fyouden@bowvalleypcn.ca www. bowvalleypcn.ca
Town of Banff Community Services - Recreation, Parks & Culture Kim Coultis, Tel 403.762.1223; Fax 403.762.1264; kim.coultis@banff.ca www.banff.ca
Bow Valley Victim Services Association Pam Lockyer Tel 403.760.0197; Fax 403.762.3120 pamela.lockyer@rcmp-grc.gc.ca www.bowvalleyvictimservices.org
Town of Canmore Family & Community Support Services Crystal Shimoon, Tel 403.609.3743; Fax 403.609.8271 cshimoon@canmore.ca www.canmore.ca
Canadian Rockies Public Schools Carol Picard carol.picard@crps.ca www.crps.ca
YWCA Katie Chave
Tel 403.760.3200 Fax .403.760.3234 katie@ywcabanff.ab.ca www.ywcabanff.ab.ca
Canmore Museum & Geoscience Centre Debbie Carrico Tel 403.678.2462 curator@cmags.org www.cmags.org
Index of Members Alberta Health Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Banff Public Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Bow Valley College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46-61 Bow Valley Literacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Bow Valley Parent Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-36 Bow Valley Primary Care Network . . . . . . . . 29-32 Bow Valley Victim Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39 Canmore Public Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-41 Hostelling International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Interpretive Guides Association . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Job Resource Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 MD of Bighorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Société des parents pour l’éducation francophone de Canmore (SPEF de Canmore) . . 37 Town of Banff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-17 Town of Canmore - FCSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-43 YWCA Banff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Active Living
Strength & Stretching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 30 Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Exercise on a Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Mountain Biking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Mountain Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 River Canoeing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Tai Chi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Yoga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 12
Adult Literacy Program
Drop-In English Conversation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Computer & Employment Skills
Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 49, 53 AutoCAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Business Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 53-55 Computer Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Health Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 High School Upgrading/GED . . . . . . . . . 52, 58-59 Humanities & Social Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Human Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-55 Interpretive Guiding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Keyboarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Licensed Practical Nurse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Management Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Microsoft Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47-49 Personal & Professional Development . . . . . . 53, 56 Project Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Seniors’ Computer Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Websites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Family & Relationships
Divorce & Separation Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Parenting Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-36 Victim Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Wills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
First Aid & Safety
First Aid & CPR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11, 50
General Interest & Creative Pursuits
Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Chess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Dog Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Floral Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Movie Nights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Health & Wellness
Breastfeeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Cholesterol Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Diabetes Prevention & Management . . . . . . . . . 29 Feeding Your Soul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Happiness & Hope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Nutrition & Weight Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 30, 31 Pregnancy & Birth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Reiki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Sleep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Stress Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 60-61 French . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 37 Spanish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Non-Profit & Volunteer
Victim Advocacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Youth and Children
Cooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Feeding Your Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Home Alone Safely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Library Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 40-41
Index of Advertisers ACFA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Active for Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19 Banff Gymnastics Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Banff Trail Riders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Bow Valley College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 58 Bow Valley Kayaking Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Bow Valley Settlement Services & TFW Support . . . 7 Directions for Immigrants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
eCampus Alberta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Fairmont Banff Springs Golf Course . . . . . . . . . 22 Kim Mayberry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Mount Royal University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 45 Sally Borden Fitness & Recreation . . . . . . . . . . 24 Town of Banff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 19 Wood’s Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Course Funding Assistance - See page 62
Newcomer Assistance
Original logo:
Modified logo:
Literacy P R O G R A M
Connecting Immigrants and Community
This FREE service for Permanent Residents of Canada, Live-In Caregivers and Refugees provides any support needed to settle into the Bow Valley regardless of length of time in Canada.
This FREE service provides support to Temporary Foreign Workers (TFW) in the Bow Valley. We serve as your bridge between employment, community and Canadian society.
Jeanie Godfrey l 403.762.1248 l jeanie.godfrey@banff.ca Anna-Lisa Christilaw l 403.762.1149 l settlement.support@banff.ca
René Dumont l 403.763.1700 l tfw@banff.ca Important Things to Know:
Contact us to sign up for our regular updates or to book an appointment.
Important Things to Know:
Do you know about no-cost language classes? • Do you need help with housing? • Do you know how to prepare for your family’s arrival? • Do you need help understanding health benefits and where you could go for financial assistance? • Would your child like to come to our after school group? • Do you want to be working in the profession you were educated in? We’re here to answer these questions and any others! •
Upcoming Workshops in Banff and Canmore: • Living
in Canada as a Permanent Resident Preparation • Living with Wildlife • Financial Planning Workshop • Cross Cultural Training for agencies and employers • Family Reunification Workshops • Housing Information • Citizenship
• Career
Contact the Settlement Services Team for details. Locations: Banff Town Hall, 110 Bear Street, Banff Canmore Civic Centre, 902 - 7th Avenue, Canmore Other Bow Valley locations including Lake Louise & Kananaskis, on request. More information and a calendar of programs at: www.banff.ca/settlement www.facebook.com/settlement.services.in.the.bow.valley
Is your Work Permit expiring and you are still waiting for your LMIA and not sure what to do?
Are you being paid for your overtime? Are you working full time according to your LMIA? • Do you have questions about your contract and the terms under your LMIA? • Do you know your options for Permanent Residency? Please check with us and let us help you find the answers! Upcoming Workshops: Options for Permanent Residency and Express Entry Information Sessions • Drop In and Chat Sessions in Banff and Canmore • Group Webinars on Express Entry Keep updated about our sessions and more through our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/foreignworkersbowvalley Twitter page: www.twitter.com/CCISBanff •
Other Services: •
Community Integration Employment Rights and Responsibilities
Document Assistance
Group Meetings
Locations: Banff Town Hall, 110 Bear Street, Banff Canmore Civic Centre, 902 - 7th Avenue, Canmore Other Bow Valley locations including Lake Louise & Kananaskis, on request. www.banff.ca/tfw
Newcomer Assistance
Newcomer Assistance
LEARN ENGLISH The Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program is paid for by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. You must be a permanent resident of Canada, be committed to learning English and be able to attend class regularly.* We offer LINC classes in both Banff and Canmore in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. The world needs you, so call for more information. Cari-Ann Roberts, ELL Team Lead croberts@bowvalleycollege.ca 403-760-2485
Chiu School of Business
* Canadian citizens, temporary foreign workers and visitors not eligible.
BVC_20141113-BVLC_LINC_3-375x9-625.indd 1
14-11-19 10:17 AM
TOWN OF BANFF The Town of Banff’s Recreation & Leisure and Family & Community Support Services work in cooperation with the community to ensure that all citizens of Banff have access to a range of recreational, cultural, and social opportunities. Banff Town Hall, 110 Bear Street Banff, AB T1L 1A1 OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Monday - Friday Tel: 403.762.1251 Fax: 403.762.1264 www.banff.ca
REGISTRATION BY PHONE: 403.762.1251. Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Payment by credit card (Visa or Mastercard). IN PERSON: Banff Town Hall, Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Cheque, cash or credit card. BY MAIL: Town of Banff, Box 1260, Banff, AB T1L 1A1. Cheques should be payable to Town of Banff. FUNDING ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE FOR THOSE ON A LOW INCOME. PLEASE ASK FOR MORE INFORMATION.
Want to learn the other official language of Canada? This course is designed for those with no background in French. Learn simple grammar and vocabulary to help you build basic conversation skills. 3417 Mon 7 - 9 pm Apr 27 - Jun 22 $125 + GST Banff Community High School Magda Zablotni
French Intermediate
Those who have completed French I or who have basic knowledge of French will enjoy improving language skills through vocabulary, practical conversation, pronunciation, and grammar exercises. 3416 Wed 7 - 9 pm Apr 29 - Jun 17 $125 + GST Banff Community High School Magda Zablotni
French Conversation
This course is designed for those who wish to improve their conversational skills in a relaxed group setting. Topics for learning and discussion will vary with student interest. 3415 Wed 6 - 7 pm Apr 29 - Jun 17 $85 + GST Banff Community High School Magda Zablotni
Spanish - Beginner
Are you travelling to Mexico or to another Spanish-speaking country? Those with little or no knowledge of Spanish will enjoy this beginner course in a relaxed setting. You will learn basic words and phrases that will help enhance your language use for travel and day-to-day conversations. 3334 Mon & Wed 6 - 8 pm Apr 13 - May 13 $110 + GST Banff Community High School Fanny Salomon-Riedinger
Spanish - Lunchtime Conversation
Take time to practice your newly learned language skills in a safe environment. Improve on your Spanish conversations and listening skills so that you will feel confident on your next holiday. Don’t forget to bring your lunch! 3453 Tue 11:30 am - 1 pm Apr 14 - May 26 $65 + GST 101 Bear St. - Pioneer Room Lorena Orozco
ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSES & WORKSHOPS Instructor Amanda Corkery is a native English speaker from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Amanda is TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certified and passionate about teaching English. She is a skilled classroom instructor and private tutor. Her unique way of teaching allows students to feel at ease and have fun while learning. She customizes her classes to suit individual and group needs. Amanda has been described by her students as a great listener, patient, friendly, relaxed, flexible and adaptable; creating a supportive and engaging learning environment for her students.
English Language Learning
Learning English? This course will provide you with the proper level of English Language Learning instruction from beginner to advanced. Students will be assessed on the first day of class and placed into the appropriate level. 3414 Tue / Thur 7 - 9 pm Apr 21 - Jun 11 $110 Banff Community High School
ESL Workshop - Telephone Conversations
Making appointments over the phone and calling professional offices can sometimes be a challenge. Learn how to engage in conversation to book appointments with your doctor, dentist, hairdresser and mechanic over the phone, and also how to call your child’s school to let them know he/she is home sick or absent. In this workshop you will gain new vocabulary and develop the skills needed to successfully call many places of business for yourself and your family’s personal needs. 3422 Wed 7 - 8 pm Apr 29 $6 Banff Community High School
ESL Workshop - Resume Writing
Learn how to organize and format your resume in a clear and concise manner to get the job you want! This workshop will focus on how to best present your skills and education on paper to maximize the possibility of getting that interview. 3423 Wed 7 - 8 pm May 6 Banff Community High School $6
ESL Workshop - Cover Letters
Develop the perfect cover letter to sell yourself to prospective employers. In this workshop you will learn how to write and format a proper cover letter and how to use the prospective employer's job posting to highlight why you are the perfect candidate for the job. Wed 7 - 8 pm May 13 3424 Banff Community High School $6
ESL Workshop - How to Interview Well
So you've got the call for an interview. Now what? No need to get nervous. Take this workshop and feel confident you can ace your interview and look good doing it! Learn how to dress, what to say/what not to say and practice answers to typical questions you may get. Wed 7 - 8 pm May 20 3425 Banff Community High School $6
ESL Workshop - How to Give Directions
Have you been asked by customers or people on the street for directions and don’t know how to respond? Do you struggle in conversations when explaining a place you’ve visited? Knowing how to give proper directions is a very useful tool. Whether you are giving directions at work, at home or around town, this workshop will have you pointing in the right direction! 3421 Wed 7 - 8 pm May 27 $6 + GST Banff Community High School
FIRST AID AND CPR Notes: For those looking for CPR, EFA and/or SFA recertifications this can be done on the first day of the Standard First Aid Course. Please call for information.
Emergency First Aid and Level C CPR
Basic life support skills for those with easy access to emergency medical services. Focus is on casualty assessment, airway management, control of bleeding, and prevention of further injury until medical help is available. Occupational Health & Safety-approved. Fee includes manual; wallet card provided upon successful completion. All Emergency First Aid and Level C CPR courses will take place at The Fenlands - Meeting Room 1 3442 Thu 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Apr 9 3444 Thu 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Apr 30 3445 Sat 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Jun 13 $85 + GST Instructor: Peter Hungle
Standard First Aid and Level C CPR
Life support skills for the emergency responder, designed for those who may have a delayed response to Emergency Medical Services or who work in an industrial or high-risk activity setting. An opportunity to increase your knowledge regarding an A.E.D. (Automatic External Defibrillator) may exist at the end of the course. Occupational Health & Safety-approved course. Fee includes manual; wallet card provided upon successful completion. All Standard First Aid and Level C CPR courses will take place at The Fenlands - Meeting Room 1 3443 3446 3447 $120 + GST Instructor: Peter
Thu / Fri Thu / Fri Sat / Sun
8:30 am - 5:30 pm 8:30 am - 5:30 pm 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Apr 9 / 10 Apr 30 / May 1 Jun 13 / 14
DANCE WITH JOY Bollywood For Fun
Explore the vibrant, pulsating and rhythmic dance styles of BOLLYWOOD through this exciting and joyous class offered by Amrita Choudhury, a dancer/choreographer with more than 30 years of international experience. This class is designed for all ages, women and men. No experience is necessary - just bring a smile and be ready to move and experience joy! Come BOLLYWOOD with us through this rhythmic, joyous class. Sun 3 - 5 pm Mar 22 3405 101 Bear St. - Pioneer Room $50 + GST Amrita Choudhury Notes: Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gcza7sGFPCY
The Joy of Bollywood for Families
A fun, joyous and rhythmic experience for the whole family to enjoy! Experience the pulsating rhythms of BOLLYWOOD through this exciting and festive class offered by Amrita Choudhury, a dancer/choreographer with more than 30 years of international experience. This class is specifically designed for families; children/youth of all ages, women and men. No experience is necessary – come share in the fun with all, and celebrate together through the happy and lively beats of Bollywood! A fun afternoon for the whole family! 3406 Sun 3 - 4:30 pm Mar 29 $35 + GST 101 Bear St. - Pioneer Room Amrita Choudhury Notes: Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-3wwIoQkn0
HEALTH & FITNESS It’s a Guy Thing - Yoga
Are you new to yoga but don’t want to be the only man in the class? Come and learn the basics of yoga in a men’s only environment. Join Kathryn for a gentle flow class. All men yogis welcome, beginners or not. 3431 Mon 6 - 6:45 pm Apr 13 - May 25 (No class May 18) The Fenlands - Meeting Room 1 $60 + GST Kathryn Williams (RYT)
Looking for the fountain of youth? We don’t know where it is, but we can help you find all the other senior services in Banff. Got a question? We’re here to help. • Town Hall • banff.ca/heretohelp •
Have you been attending Kathryn’s beginner yoga class and are now ready to expand your yoga knowledge? This is your opportunity to practice and try new stretches, learn new poses and balances to add to your yoga routine. 3432 Mon 7 - 7:45 pm Apr 13 - May 25 (No class May 18) $60 + GST The Fenlands - Meeting Room 1 Kathryn Williams (RYT)
Lunch Hour Yoga
Whether you are on your lunch break or just starting your day, take time to recharge and create space in your body and mind. In this vinyasa flow class, we will synchronize breath and movement to develop strength, stamina, flexibility, and focus. All levels welcome. 3430 Wed 12:05 - 12:55 pm Apr 22 - May 27 $50 + GST 101 Bear St. - Pioneer Room Kathryn Williams (RYT)
Healing Yoga
Join Holly for a slow, gentle practice to enhance well-being and awareness through mindful movement and connection to the breath. We’ll make frequent use of props to support us as we find our own perfect expression of each pose. Classes will blend healing elements from different styles of yoga including Hatha and Restorative to create a practice that opens and restores the body, while calming and refreshing the mind. 3461 Tue 6:30 - 7:30 pm Apr 7 - May 12 $45 + GST The Fenlands - Meeting Room 1 Holly Foster (RYT)
Tai Chi - Continuation
Relax, recover your balance and move with the flow. This continuation class is designed for those who have been practicing Tai Chi with Jane or who have taken an introductory Tai Chi class within the past two years. The focus of this session will be moving forward and learning and practicing all 108 moves in the set. 3463 Mon / Thu 7 - 8 pm Apr 9 - Jun 4 (No class May 18) $100 + GST The Fenlands - Meeting Room 2 Jane Mackenzie
Reiki Level II
For those who have completed Reiki Level I, the Level II attunement will further enhance your natural healing and intuitive abilities. In Level II you will learn to send healing across time and distance, release mental and emotional issues, and increase your available energy flow. Please bring a blanket, pillow, journal and drinking water. 3462 Sat 9 am - 5 pm Apr 18 $95 + GST 101 Bear St. - Pioneer Room Jane Mackenzie
Great Balls of Fire
Join Kiley in this 4-week fitness class using the stability ball to challenge your balance and core muscles while getting a full-body strength workout. This low-impact class will teach you a variety of exercises that you can do at home. Modifications will be shown to accommodate different ability levels.. Stability balls are provided. Course instructed by a Can-Fit-Pro personal trainer and CSEP exercise physiologist. 3451 Tue 5:30 - 6:30 pm Apr 21 - May 12 $47 + GST 101 Bear St. - Pioneer Room Kiley Torti
Run and Pump
This one-hour class combines both running intervals and strength exercises in a mixed indoor-outdoor class for a fun, energizing springtime workout. Participants do not need to be hard-core runners but must be able to jog for 5 continuous minutes. The run-pump portion of the class will take place outside on local trails and paths. Each workout will finish with core exercises and a cool-down stretch. This is a great class for people looking to get into running and build cardiovascular endurance while working on full body strength and flexibility. 3452 Tue 5:30 - 6:30 pm May 19 - Jun 23 $60 + GST 101 Bear St. Kiley Torti
GENERAL INTEREST Working with Dogs
Hi, my name is Molly! My owner Yvonne (who happens to teach a great dog class) and I have booked the Scout/Guide Hall to work on dog training with you and your family members. We would really enjoy having you come to our class, "Working with Dogs." In this class we'll learn loose leash walking, recall exercise and how to relax. We will focus on family dog manners, which I use all the time, such as sitting, waiting, leave it and "no barking" (although this is a tough one). We can't wait to meet you and have fun learning together. Classes are 45 minutes to 1 hour long, just long enough for your owners to get tired. This class is open to all dog breeds and ages; dogs MUST be fully vaccinated. 3437 Sun 7:15 - 8:15 pm Apr 19 - May 31 $70 + GST Banff Scout and Guide Hall Yvonne Spence
Learn to Play Bridge
This course is designed for the beginner bridge player who wants to improve their memory skills. We are going to stretch our brain and exercise our intellect with the ultimate card game of logic and strategy. No experience necessary. All ages welcome! Thu 5:30 - 6:30 pm Apr 9 - Apr 30 3455 101 Bear St. - Pioneer Room $20 + GST Carole Kirk
Play chess in a safe and comfortable environment. These evenings will provide beginners with an opportunity to learn the basics of chess, from your opening move to checkmate. Intermediate to advanced players are encouraged to come as well - further your game strategy and play against new opponents for a more challenging game. Everyone welcome! 3456 Thu 7 - 9 pm $20 + GST 101 Bear St. - Pioneer Room Jonathan Day Notes: $5 drop in. Chess club is open every Thursday from 7 - 9pm until June 25.
Want to live like royalty? We can’t help you with that, but we can help you find affordable ways to live in Banff.
Got a question? We’re here to help. • Town Hall • banff.ca/heretohelp •
FEEDING YOUR SOUL Soul Writing - Awakening the Voice Within
Did you know that 80% of people want to write a book? I believe that we're all writers and we all have a message to share. Whether you are already an accomplished writer or you're just starting out, I will teach you how to stay connected to the "flow" while you write, no matter what your medium is....poetry, books, fiction, creative journaling or even blogging. Discover why the need to edit and spell perfectly actually gets in the way of your creating something amazing. Soul Writing is a self-discovery writing course. When you allow yourself time and space to "just write," you might be amazed with what comes through you! Please bring your preferred writing materials - journal, paper, napkin, cell phone, computer, plus pencil, marker, pen. Materials will not be supplied. 3439 Mon 6 - 7 pm May 11 - Jun 15 (No class May 18) $60 + GST The Fenlands - Meeting Room 1 Jen MacFarlane
7 Chakras and Money
Do you have money blocks in your life? Did you know we hold certain beliefs about money and one of the places where we hold them is in our Chakra system. These are limiting beliefs that can be uncovered and changed. Each week we will explore a Chakra and learn to feel the energy they are holding. We will then address the issues that present themselves by using a technique called “Tapping” to clear away old thought patterns and instill new ones. When we think and feel different about ‘Money’ our money shifts. 3450 Tues 7 - 8 pm Apr 12 - Jun 9 $50 + GST The Fenlands - Meeting Room 2 Fern Hodson
Law of Attraction
Ever wonder why? Why you get stuck in dead end relationships? Why you struggle to make ends meet? Why you are secretly unhappy or depressed? Why you don't have a dream job, or make more money? Here is your chance to find your answers. Mark your Calendar and call to register ahead for this Free Mastermind Mini Conference so that we can ensure your space. What's the buzz all about "The Law of Attraction" anyway? Join us, a trio of local Law of Attraction specialists, to answer all of your questions in a Q & A style forum. We will give you real tools to use in your life. When it comes to the Law of Attraction; have you ever wondered, How do I use it? or Does it really work? The Answer is YES it is a powerful tool to reveal your desires. If you are curious or skeptical come check it out! Bring your curious, open heart, mind, and your WILDEST DREAMS! If you would like a hot seat (receive coaching on a certain area of your life from the facilitators) sit close to the front of the room. XOXO Dream Big. 3438 Wed 6:30 - 8:30 pm Apr 22 By donation The Fenlands - Meeting Room 1 Jen MacFarlane, Jean Roberts, Fern Hodson Notes: Participants must Register.
The Desire Map
The Desire Map workshop is designed to help clarify what you truly want in all areas of your life. We will look at your existing belief around feelings and goal setting, what's working and what's not working, and replacing them with new and powerful ways of being. You will be guided through one of the 5 life areas to explore your most desired feelings. If you want to know more about The Desire Map check www.daniellelaporte.com or jeanvroberts.com/events 3454 Mon 6 - 7:30 pm Apr 27 Free The Fenlands - Meeting Room 2 Jean Roberts
Dream Board Workshop
Let’s get together and play while we create a clear direction for you to move forward in with your dreams. We will also be using a technique called “Tapping” to empower everything you put on your dream board. Please bring any crafty items like feathers, beads, magazines, scissors and glue. We will also have some supplies at the course for you to use as well. 3441 Wed 7 - 8:30 pm Apr 29 - May 13 $48 + GST The Fenlands - Meeting Room 2 Fern Hodson
Soul Speaking - Awakening the Voice Within
Do you have trouble speaking from the heart? Are you tired of “small talk”? Do you dream of sharing your story or expertise on stage but your fear takes over? Whether you want more connection in your relationships or want to inspire crowds of people, you need to learn how to share yourself, express yourself and become present with your audience (spouse, children, co-workers, or friends). This course will help you overcome your fear and have you speaking and sharing from your soul. Warning - This class may involve having way too much fun, as well as soul stirring conversation and sharing. 3440 Tue 6 - 7 pm May 12 - Jun 9 The Fenlands - Meeting Room 2 $60 + GST Jen MacFarlane Notes: Please bring a note book.
ENJOYING FLOWERS The Town of Banff is pleased to present “Floral Artistry Made Natural”. Sunny Barrett, master floral designer at Always Sunny will provide instruction for the fun and informative workshops. Sunny is a participating artist at many of Alberta’s finest events, including the Banff Christmas Market. Premium and responsibly sourced flowers and materials will be provided. For more information please visit Facebook:facebook.com/alwayssunnyca or Instagram: always_sunnydesign
Floral Necklace Workshop for Mother's Day
This is a beginner floral design course. You will learn how to design a fresh floral necklace. A beautiful trend you will be seeing a lot more of in 2015 and perfect for Mother's Day! We will be working with fresh spring flowers to design a wearable piece of art. Learn wiring and taping techniques along with some basic design theory. This is a great class to attend with your mother, daughter or friend. The minimum age requirement for this particular course is 10 years old. Tools will be available for use. Please feel free to bring your own as well. 3429 Sun 9:30 am - 1:30 pm May 3 $125 + GST The Fenlands - Curling Dry Floor
Summer Planters
Design a colourful and deer resistant potted summer garden. Your design will be a beautiful addition to your deck or front entrance. You will be designing a hybrid potted arrangement using both potted and fresh flower materials. An insert will be provided for you to place in your container at home. Please bring your gardening tools for this workshop. Sat 9:30 am - 1:30 pm May 30 3433 The Fenlands - Curling Dry Floor $130
Summer Garden Arrangement
This a beginner floral design course. You will learn to design a fresh floral arrangement. A big trend carrying into 2015 for the floral industry and a personal preference of mine, is using local and foraged materials to create a natural design. Local cut flowers from AB and BC will be sourced and gathered for this workshop. If you have your favourite garden flowers you would like to learn to design with, please bring them along! My garden flower tip: Day of the workshop cut them with a sharp floral shear, place immediately in room temperatue water and store in a cool place until class! This arrangement will include a vessel. Tools will be available for use. Please feel free to bring your own as well, just make sure they’re sharp. 3434 Sat 9:30 am - 1:30 pm Jun 13 The Fenlands - Curling Dry Floor $130 + GST
MOUNTAIN ADVENTURES Mountain Navigation - Map and Compass
This full day course will be a mix of theory and practical outdoor sessions. You will develop route plans and white-out navigation plans to help you prepare for your next mountain adventure. You will learn how to navigate the mountains and how to properly use your maps and compass. 3435 Sat 9 am - 4 pm May 23 $70 + GST The Fenlands - Meeting Room 2 Rod Plasman
Mountain Navigation - Mountain Weather
This course will include discussion and understanding of how the weather works in the mountains. We will cover the following areas: fronts, clouds, weather charts, satellite photos, current and correct information available on the Internet, same day in the field forecasting and getting a longer term outlook. Help prepare yourself so you can experience nothing but blue skies while enjoying time in the mountains. Sat 9 am - 4 pm Jun 6 3436 $70 + GST The Fenlands - Meeting Room 1 Rod Plasman
These river canoeing courses are broken down into a beginner and an intermediate course. The beginner course, June 4 - 7 is designed for those with lake canoeing experience who wish to enhance their skills for moving water and develop an understanding of canoe tripping basics. The advanced class, June 11 - 14 is for those who have already experienced a river canoeing course and feel comfortable canoeing in class I to II+ water. Emphasis will be on safety in river travel in a variety of real-life tripping scenarios. Each course will consist of an evening workshop and two full days on the water. Participants should expect to get wet and should be comfortable in moving water. Participants are responsible for providing their own equipment. Equipment list for two participants is: tandem tripping canoe, 3 paddles, 2 transport Canada approved PFDs - life jackets - with whistle, 1 throw bag, 1 bailer, wet suit, helmet, small first aid kit, individual clothing, and food. Beginner Class 3448 Thurs 7 - 9 pm June 4 Sat 8:30 am – 5:30 pm June 6 Sun 8:30 – 5:30 pm June 7 Advanced Class 3449 Thurs 7 - 9 pm June 11 Sat 8:30 am – 5:30 pm June 13 Sun 8:30 am – 5:30 pm June 14 $100 + GST The Fenlands - Meeting Room 1 Mike Baudais, Jim Olver, Jim Buckingham
Women’s Intermediate Mountain Biking
This 5 week intermediate course is aimed at improving your Mountain Bike Skills. This course is for women who have taken the beginner program before or who have been riding for a few years and are comfortable on blue trails. A fun filled course that will improve your bike handling skills while connecting you with like minded women. Skills that you will practice include: stance and balance, shifting, pressure control, straight line riding, roll down, descending strategy, cornering and going over obstacles in a climb. 3427 Mon 6 - 9 pm May 25 - Jun 22 $268 + GST Audrey Duval
Women’s Learn How to Mountain Bike
Learn to love mountain biking this summer! This 5 week course is for women who have little or no experience on a mountain bike, and would like to learn the fundamentals of riding in a fun and encouraging environment. Skills that will be covered include: basic stance, braking, shifting, cornering, climbing, descending and going over obstacles. Let’s get out and have fun! 3426 Tue 6 - 9 pm May 26 - Jun 23 $268 + GST Lynsey Dobish
Tables are available to rent for the rummage sale for $25. If you have used bikes in good working order you would like to donate for the bike sale, please bring them to the Fenlands on Friday, May 29th between noon and 3 p.m. All funds raised support the Banff community through the FCSS Building Bridges Grant. For more information or to book a table please call 403.762.1251 or send an e-mail to: community.services@banff.ca
BANFF FAMILY & COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Childcare But Did Not Know Who to Ask!
Do you have questions about local childcare options or regulation information? Join us for a short presentation with question & answer session that will cover: Banff childcare options, current availability & rates, costs to deliver quality care, educational components in part and full day programs, what “accredited childcare” means, government subsidies, how to decide what childcare is right for your child, what to look for in a childcare provider, tips on easing the transition from in home care to daycare, starting your own day home and more. Children welcome to come along, toy area provided. 3457 Tue 6 - 7:30 pm Apr 28 Town of Banff - Council Chambers Shelley Gregorash & Karen Foster-Jorgensen Notes: Workshop is free but please register
Life Support
This isn’t a medical workshop but an information session to help support your life in Banff. Topics include: How to get connected in the community, volunteering, local sports and leisure options, affordable living and a host of other practical tips for living in Banff. These sessions will be helpful for those new to the community or if you’ve been here for a while and are looking for ways to learn more and get connected. We are here to help, come join us for coffee and ask your questions- we are all about community! Can’t make it to the session? Visit www.banff.ca/affordable 3458 Tue 10 - 11 am May 12 Banff Town Hall - Council Chambers 3459 Tue 6 - 7 pm May 19 Banff Town Hall - Council Chambers Town of Banff Staff Notes: Course is free but please register
Social Profit Support
Involved in a social profit board, sports organization or informal group? Have questions about how to run a meeting or AGM, board responsibilities, group dynamics, strategic planning, funding, volunteer recruitment or any other related topics? We are available for individual or group support. Give us a call, our help is free. 403.762.1254 Community Development, Nancy Lewis and Ruth Pryor
StartSmart - Saving for your Child’s Education
Join our StartSmart facilitator for this FREE workshop that will provide you with information on how to open a registered education savings plan (RESP) and get from $500 to $7,200 from the government towards your childs’ education after high school. Can’t make it to the session? Visit www.banff.ca/affordable to watch a 10 minute StartSmart video. 3460 Wed 6:30 - 8 pm Apr 15 Banff Town Hall - Council Chambers Town of Banff staff Notes: Watch a short video at www.banff.ca/affordable
Financial Coaching
FCSS offers one-on-one sessions with a Momentum trained facilitator to assist with money management issues and questions. Whether it’s budgeting, banking, credit or consumerism information you’re looking for, our facilitators are here to help. Meetings are FREE and confidential.
Emergency Social Services (ESS) Information Session
Are you interested in helping out in the event of a local emergency? Come and check out what an ESS Reception Centre looks like and learn more about the different roles volunteers can play during an emergency. This will be a hands on and highly interactive evening. Coming to the session is not a commitment to volunteering, just an opportunity to be prepared! For more information or to register call 403.762.1251 or e-mail community.services@banff.ca 3464 Tues 6 - 7:30 pm Jun 2, 2015 Town Hall - Council Chambers Free Town of Banff Staff
Is there life on Mars?
The Town of Banff is pleased to present “Floral Artistry Made Natural”. Sunny Barrett, master floral designer at Always Sunny will provide instruction for the fun and informative workshops. Sunny is a participating artist at many of Alberta’s finest events, including the Banff Christmas Market. Premium and responsibly sourced flowers and materials will be provided. For more information please visit Facebook:facebook.com/alwayssunnyca or Instagram: always_sunnydesign
We don’t know the answer to that, but we know everything about living in Banff.
Got a question? We’re here to help. • Town Hall • banff.ca/heretohelp •
8 ways to tell if your child is physically literate How do you know if your child is developing physical literacy? Here are eight simple tests. If you answer yes to a question, chalk one up for physical literacy. If you answer no, your child probably needs some attention in that area.
Physical literacy is about developing the fundamental movement skills that all children need, such as running, hopping, throwing, catching and jumping. These movement skills in turn give kids the confidence to participate in different physical activities, sports, and games.
1. Forward roll Can your child do a forward roll on the floor? The forward roll is a basic gymnastic movement that shows your child has developed a reasonable degree of flexibility and coordination, as well as proprioception (knowing where the body is as it moves through space).
throw a ball is a good measure of a child’s overall coordination, and it’s an essential skill used in many sports.
2. One-leg balance test Ask your child to stand on one foot for 30 seconds. Get them to put their hands on their hips and lift the knee of their non-standing leg as high as possible. If they start hopping all over the place or falling over, they need to work on balance. Then try the other foot.
6. Land from jumping Watch your child as they jump from a low bench or your deck. Do they land with their knees aligned above their feet and sink smoothly into a squat? Or do their knees collapse inwards and their legs wobble around?
3. Swim (comfortable in water) Can your child swim? Swimming is at the core of water sports and is an essential skill for lifetime safety around the water (important when you consider that 75% of our planet’s surface is covered in water). 4. Throw a ball It may seem a bit corny, but the ability to
5. Strike an object Can your child hit a ball with a bat? A puck with a hockey stick? A badminton bird with a racquet?
7. Flat-footed squat Can your child do a flat-footed squat from a standing position and then stand up again? This movement indicates flexibility, coordination, balance, and strength. 8. Confidence to try sports Is your child confident when trying new physical activities or sports? Kids who have a reasonable degree of physical literacy are eager to try new sports and activities. Physical literacy is one of the most important gifts we can give our children. By developing physical literacy, children gain the skills and the confidence to be active for life.
facebook.com/activeforlife twitter.com/activeforlife pinterest.com/activeforlife Active for Life is a non-profit organization committed to helping parents raise happy, healthy, physically literate kids. For more articles like this one, please visit activeforlife.com/banff
I love to balance. My parents love it too because it’s a skill I can use in lots of activities as I grow up.
Help me develop physical literacy and I will be
activeforlife.com/banff 19
YWCA Banff
BANFF PUBLIC LIBRARY We do not charge for library programs. Library membership is free to all residents of Banff and ID9 (including Lake Louise). Please bring in proof of residency and government-issued photo identification to receive your free library card! BOW VALLEY LEARNING COUNCIL MEMBER.
101 Bear St. (across from the Post Office) PO Box 996, Banff, AB T1L 1H3 Tel 403.762.2661 HOURS: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs 10 - 8 | Fri 10 - 6 | Sat 11 - 6 | Sun 1 - 5
info@banfflibrary.ab.ca | www.banfflibrary.ab.ca www.facebook.com/banfflibrary | www.twitter.com/BanffLibrary
REGISTRATION Most programs are drop-in and do not require registration but if pre-registration is required, please contact the Banff Library: BY PHONE: Tel 403.762.2661 IN PERSON: 101 Bear Street (across from the post office), Banff.
Tales for Little 1’s (Drop-In)
Music, song, dance and story, specially designed for one-year-olds, 12-24 months, and their caregivers. ONGOING, THURSDAYS 10 AM No charge – drop in.
Tales for Toddling 2’s (Drop-In)
Stories, song, dance and finger-plays suitable for two-year-olds, 24-36 months, and their caregivers. ONGOING, TUESDAYS 10:30 – 11 AM No charge – drop in.
Babytime (Drop-In)
Rhymes, finger-plays, songs and lap bounces for infants 0-12 months and their caregivers. Expectant parents are also invited to attend. ONGOING, THURSDAYS 11 AM No charge - drop in.
Tales for Sprouting 3,4,5’s (Drop-In)
Stories! Music! Fun! For children three to five years old and their caregivers. ONGOING, TUESDAYS 11 – 11:30 AM No charge – drop in.
Children ages 6 - 12 are invited to this craft and story program held on a public school PD Friday. PRE-REGISTRATION STARTS TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO EACH MONTHLY PROGRAM. FRIDAY 2-3PM, APRIL 24, MAY 22 & JUNE 12, 2015
Teen Night: Minute to Win It
Teams compete in a series of crazy 60 second challenges to walk away with the title. AGES 12-18. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. SATURDAY 6:30-8:30PM MARCH 21, 2015
Teen Night: Iron Chef
Are you Banff’s next great chef? Compete against the clock and your peers to create a masterpiece. All materials will be provided. AGES 12-18. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. SATURDAY 6:30-8:30PM APRIL 25, 2015
Teen Night: Triva Challenge
Take the ultimate triva challenge! Compete in teams to test your knowledge of music, movies, books and more! All materials will be provided. AGES 12-18. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. SATURDAY 6:30-8:30PM MAY 16, 2015.
Wildflowers of Banff Park Presentation
GET A TASTE OF SUMMER WITH A MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION ABOUT WILDFLOWERS. This colourful show features the best trails for wildflowers in Banff Park, with five themes set to music ... from bold blossoms to diminutive gems, wild creatures enjoying flowers, majestic mountain scenery, and autumn colours. Presented by Ian Wilson and Jacinthe Lavoie, authors of “Wildflowers of Banff Park”. FREE! DROP-IN. WEDNESDAY 7:00PM APRIL 22, 2015
Brian Lehr, Magician!
the fairmont banff springs golf course 2015 golf lessons & passes
Learn to Golf
Little Stanley Program
2015 Tunnel Pass
Join us at the practice facility of The Fairmont Banff Springs Golf Course every Wednesday evening to learn the game of golf. Professional instructors will be in the practice area to provide tips and assist participants with learning the game.
Learn the FUNdamentals of golf in an engaging 1 hour program, Sunday afternoons at 5:00pm.
Play the Tunnel Mountain 9 hole course all season long with this special pass. The Cornish & Robinson designed course is a scenic challenge for amateurs and professionals alike.
For Junior Golfers aged 4 to 9. Included in the Program:
• CPGA instruction with emphasis on short and long game fundamentals
• Use of rental clubs & balls
• Golf safety / etiquette
• Use of putting & chipping greens and driving range
• A branded golf course gift
Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm to 8:30pm beginning May 20, 2015.
• Rainy Day sessions available
+ tax
per person, per session
Wing Wednesdays at Stanley’s Smokehouse Great BBQ on the fairways of the Banff Springs Golf Course. Join us every Wednesday after 4:00pm and enjoy the best wings in the Bow Valley for a special price of ¢50 / wing.
Bow Valley Learning Guide - full page.indd 1
• Fun golf related games & scavenger hunts • Access to Little Stanley Golf Course (on driving range) every Sunday following instruction
Sunday evenings from 5:00pm beginning June 14th, 2015.
+ tax
Tunnel Pass Includes: • Unlimited play on Tunnel Mountain Golf Course • ½ price green fees on Stanley Thompson 18 • 15% golf retail discount • 15% golf food & beverage discount
+ tax
annual fee without power cart
+ tax
annual fee for unlimited power cart use
full season, 12 weeks
For all inquiries contact: Golf Reservations at 403-762-6801 or email bsh.golfreservations@fairmont.com 405 Spray Avenue, Banff | fairmont.com/banff-springs/golf
2/23/2015 5:17:49 PM
Adult drop-in 1:30 - 3 pm Kindergym 3:30 - 5 pm Rec Boys/Girls 5:30 - 7 pm Trampoline 7 -8:30 pm
Kindergym 1:30 - 3 pm Rec Boys/Girls 3:30 - 5 pm Rec Boys/Girls 5:30 - 7 pm Trampoline 7 - 8:30 pm
Parent & Tot drop-in 1:30 – 3 pm Kindergym 3:30 - 5 pm Rec Boys/Girls 5:30 - 7 pm
Parent & Tot drop-in 11 am – 12:30 pm Parent & Tot drop-in 1:30 – 3 pm Rec Boys/Girls 3:30 - 5 pm Trampoline 5:30 - 7 pm
Parent & Tot drop-in 11 am – 12:30 pm Friday Fun drop-in 1 - 3 pm Rec Inter. Girls 3:30 - 5 pm Upper Inter. Girls & Boys 5:30 - 8 pm
12 wks from Mar. 16 Yearlong Drop-in
Class Ages (yrs) Kindergym 4 to 6 Learning through play, building confidence and making friends. Recreational Boys/Girls 6 to 10 Fun & fundamentals with coordination, balance and agility games. Trampoline 8 to 16 Core skills, rotations, landings, CanJump and “Big-Five” skills. Recreational Inter. Girls 5 to 8 Taking it to the next level in this pre-competitive class for girls. Upper Inter. Girls & Boys 9 to 13 For girls and boys with more advanced gymnastics skills. Parent & Tot, Friday Fun and Adult drop-in classes available in 10-packs.
Spring Registration starts March 3 online
Hostelling International is a proud member of the Bow Valley Learning Council. Together with BVLC, we are committed to the philosophy of lifelong learning and discovery. To encourage this philosophy, Hostelling International Pacific Mountain Region supports adult learning with a travel, language or outdoor component, through the funding of bursaries made available to Bow Valley residents. Please see P. 62 for funding assistance information and the bursary application.
Just for Kids Red Cross swimming lessons and Rock Starz Climbing
Revive Your Health Care Career No cost career services for internationally educated health care professionals
e-Career Coaching Online Personalized Learning Sessions Online Study Groups for Licensing Exams Workplace Communication Sessions
| directionsforimmigrants.ca
Bow Valley
Toll F ree: 1-877-297-2553
ay to Call tod bout learn a ity eligibil e m nts require
Directions for Immigrants is operated by Bow Valley College. This service has been funded by the Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada.
Don’t miss out! Bow Valley Learning Council provides promotional opportunities to show off your learning offers.
Kids Learn to Ride Program Registration at the Trailrider Store in person Space is Limited
Monday, June 15th & 22nd For more information please email: info@bowvalleylearning.ca
Join Year 2000 Calgary Stampede Queen Jolene Brewster for a fun and educational horse experience spread over 2 Mondays in June. Each session is approximately 1.5 hours. We will provide instruction and demonstrations on how to safely handle, groom, and ride a horse.
M. D. OF BIGHORN FITNESS AND RECREATION PROGRAMS Do you have a class idea? Give us a call 403.673.3611, x223 Check our website for our latest classes: www.bighorncommunityservices.com/programs Parent Link in Exshaw
The Parent Link Program is offered each Monday afternoon from 1-3 pm and Thursday morning from 9:30-11:30 am in the portable of the Exshaw School. This program is available free of charge to all families with children between 0 and 6 years old.
MD of Bighorn
Monday: Tuesday: Most Tuesdays: Wednesday: Thursday:
Puzzles – Noon Preschool Story Hour – 11 am Board Games – 7 pm (check Facebook each week) Homework Club – 4 pm Youth Club – 7 pm
Call 403.673.3571 for details on library programs or visit www.bighornlibrary.ca
Check us out on Facebook for special programming information!
Board members wanted
We are a thriving organization with a 40-year history of success. We are looking for insightful, passionate people to join us as we redefine our vibrant learning community.
Learning for the people... • Community-based • Career development • Fun!
• • • • •
Two-year terms Bi-monthly meetings Occasional committee work Summers off Great networking
Help shape the future of adult education in the Bow Valley!
Proudly offering adult learning opportunities in the Bow Valley since 1973... Talk about “continuing education!” @bvlearning
The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you. - B.B. King
Contact Ashley Butenschon, Executive Director info@bowvalleylearning.ca or 403.762.8114
ALBERTA HEALTH SERVICES Our Mission: To provide a patient-focused, quality health system that is accessible and sustainable for all Albertans. Alberta Health Services’ values have one thing in common: the quality of patient care. Our seven values - respect, accountability, transparency, engagement, safety, learning and performance - drive us, and unite us. BOW VALLEY LEARNING COUNCIL MEMBER.
Banff Community Health Centre - 303 Lynx Street, Banff | Tel 403.762.2990 Canmore Public Health Office - 104, 800 Railway Avenue, Canmore | Tel 403.678.5656
REGISTRATION Please follow registration instructions found under each course description.
Pool Operators Course
Is your pool safe for the public? This 3day course will satisfy requirements for facility managers to be trained in pool operations and will introduce pool safety concepts. Learn how to chemically balance your water, prevent physical injuries, and manage re-circulation patterns of your pool. $250 Banff Community Health Centre Book on line - www.bookking.ca/bkahsephpub. For questions, call 1-855-247-3433.
Certified Food Safe Course
Alberta Health Services Food Safety Course is an in-depth food safety course and fulfills the requirement for provincial food safety certification. $125 Canmore Provincial Building Banff Community Health Centre Book on line www.bookking.ca/bkahsephpub. For questions call 1-855-247-3433.
Feeding Your Baby
Do you have questions about feeding your growing baby? This class will cover topics such as when to start solids, textures and other issues related to feeding your infant in the first year. Babies are welcome. FREE Wed 10 - 11:30 am Apr 15 Canmore Parent Link Mon 10 - 11:30 am Jun 15 Canmore Parent Link Thurs 6 - 7:30 pm Aug 20 Canmore Parent Link Pre-registration required – call Canmore Public Health Program 403-678-5656 Wed 10:30- 12 pm May 20 Banff CHC - upstairs Pre-registration required - call Banff Public Health Program 403-762-2990 Anne Gilbert, Community Nutritionist
Picky Eating
Ever had mealtime struggles? Learn about ways to cope with picky eating, refusal of foods, strategies to help you develop a healthy feeding relationship with your child and more! This class is for parents of toddler and preschool aged children. Thurs 6 - 8pm May 28 Canmore Parent Link Pre-registration required – call Canmore Public Health Program 403-678-5656 Anne Gilbert, Community Nutritionist Note: You do not require a National Park Pass to attend Health Programs in Banff.
Alberta Health Services
Childbirth Essentials Weeknights: a six week course including baby care, breastfeeding and preparation for labor and birth. $140 Canmore: Canmore Hospital, Basement Classroom Banff: Banff Community Health Centre (upstairs) 303 Lynx Street Pre-registration required: Call toll free number 1-866-471-7011 (toll-free) or book on-line at www.birthandbabies.com. Please call to be put on the waitlist or for information as dates may be changed or added.
INTERPRETIVE GUIDES ASSOCIATION The Interpretive Guides Association is a non-profit organization offering a series of courses and exams designed to provide individuals with knowledge of this area as well as skills to work as guides in our mountain national parks. We provide training focused on sharing the natural and cultural heritage of the area for interested locals, hiking guides, museum interpreters, bus tour guides, information centre staff, rafting guides, horse packing guides, scuba guides, mountain guides and anyone interested in learning more about the Rockies. BOW VALLEY LEARNING COUNCIL MEMBER.
204 - 820 Main Street Canmore, AB T1W 2B7 Tel 403.760.2854 info@interpretiveguides.org | www.interpretiveguides.org https://www.facebook.com/interpretiveguidesassociation?ref=hl
REGISTRATION BY PHONE: 403.760.2854 | BY EMAIL: info@interpretiveguides.org | ON-LINE: www.interpretiveguides.org/main.php?p=609 FUNDING ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE TO THOSE ON A LOW INCOME. PLEASE ASK FOR MORE INFORMATION.
Professional Interpreter Course - May 9 - 14, 2015
The Professional Interpreter accreditation formally recognizes the knowledge, experience and interpretive skill of guides working in the mountain parks. Professional Interpretive guides have demonstrated the ability to transform an average walk in the mountain parks to a memorable and meaningful experience for park visitors. This course is for individuals who have been working as guides and either have their apprentice accreditation already or need an accreditation to work in the Mountain National Parks. Individuals who take this course must complete a written exam and oral exam to become accredited. These are scheduled seperately and must be applied for. Please visit our website for more details. $455 + GST Canmore - TBA Notes: Please email info@interpretiveguides.org or visit our webiste at www.interpretiveguides.org to find out the dates of this course. We will run one session sometime in May but are still working on the schedule.
Apprentice Interpreter Course
Do you want to work as a guide in the mountain national parks, or do you just love this area and want to know more about what’s behind the scenes? If yes, then this is the course for you! This two-day course is appropriate for any guides or interested individuals who want an introduction to effective interpretation skills, local natural history, cultural history and park management. After completing the course and passing the written exam you will have the accreditation required to work as a guide in the mountain national parks. Please note that if you want to work as a hiking guide, you do also need to take our group management course or have an equivalency. A membership with the association and the Interpretive Guides’ manual are included in the cost of this course. $325 + GST Thu 8 am - 5 pm, May 14 and Fri 9 am - 7 pm, May 15 Georgetown Inn, Dining Room $325 + GST Wed 8 am - 5 pm, Jun 24 and Thu 9 am - 5 pm, Jun 25 Georgtown Inn, Dining Room
Group Management Course
As interpretive hiking guides, we are responsible for the safety and well-being of the people we are guiding on park trails. This course covers proper pacing, risk management, trip preparation and group management techniques that will ensure the experience you provide for your guests is safe, comfortable and sets the required foundation for inspirational interpretation! THE GROUP MANAGEMENT COURSE IS REQUIRED FOR ALL HIKING GUIDES WORKING IN THE MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARKS AT THE PROFESSIONAL AND APPRENTICE LEVEL. Please note that all participants must provide a copy of at least a current 16-hour standard first aid certificate and hiking resume. $225 + GST Sat 8:30 am - 5 pm, May 16 and Sun 8:30 am - 5 pm, May 17 Georgetown Inn, Dining Room and outside on local trails. $225 + GST Fri 8:30 am - 5 pm, Jun 26 and Sat 8:30 am - 5 pm, Jun 27 Georgetown Inn, Dining Room and outside on local trails.
Basic Knowledge Online Guide Course
Our Basic Knowledge course is a four-hour overview of the geology, ecology, history and management of the mountain national parks. This course is open to all people interested in learning more about this amazing area. It is designed to introduce course participants to what makes the mountain parks unique and to inspire them about this place. This is an online course with an easyto-follow, user-friendly format. Those individuals with more experience and knowledge of the landscape are strongly encouraged to take the Apprentice or Professional level course. $79 + GST. Anytime. Online at www.interpretiveguides.org/main.php?p=654&s=609
BOW VALLEY PRIMARY CARE NETWORK At the Bow Valley Primary Care Network (BVPCN), physicians and allied health professionals work as a team to provide access to comprehensive primary care services for Bow Valley residents. The BVPCN also offers seminars and courses promoting health, preventing and managing chronic conditions. BOW VALLEY LEARNING COUNCIL MEMBER.
#107 – 1205 Bow Valley Trail Canmore, AB | Tel 403.675.3000 info@bowvalleypcn.ca | www.bowvalleypcn.ca
REGISTRATION Courses are FREE. Register online at www.bowvalleypcn.ca or contact Bow Valley Primary Care Network: 403.675.3000
Pre-Diabetes: Diet Essentials
Getting to the Heart of the Matter
Do the words “high cholesterol”, “high lipids”, “HDLs” or “LDLs” sound familiar to you? Do you find it confusing to know what you should and shouldn’t eat to help manage your cholesterol levels? If so, this education session is for you! This comprehensive session will answer many of your questions and provide you with tricks of the trade to improve your health! Registration required. 11 am - 12:30 pm Apr 10 Bow Valley Primary Care Network, #107 – 1205 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore Fri 11:30 am - 1 pm Jun 12 Bow Valley Primary Care Network, #107 – 1205 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore Fri Thu 2:30 - 4 pm May 7 Bow Valley Primary Care Network, #107 – 1205 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore Lesley Arnsdorf, Registered Dietitian
Staying Ahead of the Pack: Learn to Run for Smokers
This 6 week program aims to encourage smokers or those that have recently quit smoking, to include walking or running in their lifestyle through peer support and other incentives. Staying Ahead of the Pack is designed for any level of fitness and includes a combination of walking, running and stretching to ensure safe, effective technique and prevent injuries. Each session consists of an educational component, focusing on lifestyle tips (nutrition, equipment, clothing, resources). Registration required. Space is limited. Mon 5:30 - 6:45 pm Jun 8 Banff - location TBA (6 consecutive weeks) Kiley Torti, Active Living & Health Promotion Consultant
Bow Valley Breastfeeding Support Network
Please join us monthly for a group discussion, guest speakers and to gain support from your breastfeeding peers. The group is facilitated by a lactation consultant who is available to answer your questions. The group meets the third Tuesday of each month from 10:30 am - 11:30 am. Registration is required. Space is limited. Tue 10:30 - 11:30 am Apr 21 - Jun 16 Bow Valley Primary Care Network, #107 – 1205 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore Sarah Hassall, Lactation Consultant
Label Reading 101
Do you ever find labels on food confusing or difficult to understand? Too many numbers to comprehend? If so, this comprehensive session will clear up any confusion you may have. Learn what to look for on food labels, how to read and understand the Nutrition Facts Table, and how to make the best choices for you and your health. Registration required. Space is limited. Mon 3 - 4:15 pm May 11 Bow Valley Primary Care Network, #107 - 1205 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore Lesley Arnsdorf, Registered Dietitian
Bow Valley Primary Care Network
Today, there are more than 9 million Canadians living with diabetes or pre-diabetes. If you have been diagnosed with elevated sugar levels, have trouble controlling your blood sugar levels, or have a family history of diabetes, sign up today! Learn about managing your blood sugar levels and preventing diabetes by improving your dietary knowledge, awareness, eating patterns, and exercise. Registration required. Space is limited. Mon 2:30 - 4 pm Apr 6 Bow Valley Primary Care Network, #107 – 1205 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore Fri 11 am - 12:30 pm May 15 Bow Valley Primary Care Network, #107 – 1205 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore Thu 1 - 2:30 pm Jun 18 Bow Valley Primary Care Network, #107 – 1205 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore Lesley Arnsdorf, Registered Dietitian
Birth and Beyond – A Guide to Delivering in the Bow Valley
Are you planning to have your baby in Canmore? This two-session offering focuses on delivering a baby at the Canmore General Hospital, including management of labour/delivery and breastfeeding. Expecting mothers should be more than 25 weeks pregnant at the start of the first session. Your partner/support person is welcome to attend. These classes fill quickly! Participants are encouraged to register early. Each class is 2 sessions. Tue 6 - 9 pm May 5, 12 Tue 6 - 9 pm Jun 23, 30 6 - 9 pm Aug 13, 20 Thu Location: Three Sisters Obstetrics & Family Medicine Clinic, Suite 105 & 106 – 75 Dyrgas Gate, Canmore, AB. Sarah Hassall, Lactation Consultant
Bend & Stretch
Can you touch your toes? Do you feel stiff or tight and wish you were more Gumby-like? Building flexibility is an important part of a fitness routine to minimize injury to muscles and joints as well as improving overall posture. Flexibility plays an important role in day-to-day living as well as in exercise and athletic performance. Learn key stretches to reduce muscle tension, increase your range of motion and feel more energized. Registration required. Space is limited. Tue 2 - 3:30 pm May 12 Banff Fenlands Recreation Centre - Meeting Rooms Kiley Torti, Active Living & Health Promotion Consultant
Bow Valley Primary Care Network
Mind Matters - Nutrition and Dementia
We will discuss what the literature is telling us about nutritional risk factors in the development of dementia and cognitive decline in older adults. Some nutritional factors include antioxidants, B vitamins, and essential fatty acids. Registration is required. Space is limited. Fri 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Mar 20 Fri 11 am - 12:15 pm May 29 Bow Valley Primary Care Network, #107 - 1205 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore Lesley Arnsdorf, Registered Dietitian
Craving Change
A "how to" workshop for changing your relationship with food. Do you experience food cravings, emotional eating, or find you comfort yourself with food? This workshop will help you understand why you eat the way you do. This course is offered as 4 sessions over 8 weeks to give you the time to learn about your relationship with food and practice strategies for changing your eating habits. This course is intended for adults. Registration required. Wed 10 am - 12 pm Apr 8 - May 20 Room # 432, Canmore General Hospital Tue 2 - 4 pm Apr 7 - May 19 Banff Mineral Springs Hospital, Boardroom Carmen Prion-Frank, Registered Dietitian Notes: Every 2nd week
Happiness Basics
Happiness Basics is a simple, positive, empowering workshop. It is a facilitated program for people who want to learn to be happier. Happiness Basics moves people to action. This six-session seminar teaches low-tech and low-cost skills accessible to everyone. This course is intended for adults who are fluent in reading, writing and understanding English. This course is NOT intended for adults who are currently in need of counselling help for depression, suicidal thoughts, psychosis, or freshly grieving. Registration is required. 5:30 - 7:30 pm Apr 22 Mountain Lakes Room, Canmore General Hospital Wed Donna McKown, Registered Nurse Notes: 6 week duration
Exercise on a Budget
Limited financial resources? Don’t let money be a deterrent for exercise. Learn about free opportunities in the Bow Valley for exercise and the importance of active living in your daily routine. This session will teach you some basic exercises that you can do at home which do not require any equipment and will also give you some ideas of free or low-cost activities you can do to improve your fitness. Registration required. Wed 2 - 4 pm May 20 Banff Fenlands Recreation Centre - Meeting Rooms Kiley Torti, Active Living & Health Promotion Consultant
Waking Up To Healthy Sleep
Do you have difficulty falling and/or staying asleep? Then this class is for you! In this one and a half hour session, you will learn about normal sleep and factors that can interfere with sleep. Learn practical strategies to improve your sleep, develop healthy sleep behaviours, and eliminate sleep incompatible behaviours. Registration required. Wed 5 - 6:30 pm Jun 24 Banff Fenlands Recreation Centre - Meeting Rooms Ulrike Kimbley-Nicolai, Behaviour Change Specialist
Pressure Points
Designed exclusively for adults with high blood pressure (or their spouse/caregiver). Learn recommended guidelines and which foods contribute to lowering (or raising) your blood pressure. The registered dietitian has over 30 years’ experience educating patients on heart health topics such as this! You may also be interested in attending “Getting to the Heart of the Matter”. No Charge. Registration required. Fri 11:30 am - 1 pm Apr 17 Bow Valley Primary Care Network, #107 - 1205 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore Lesley Arnsdorf, Registered Dietition
Making Friends With Your Grumpy Back
Pain Explained
What is the difference between acute and chronic pain? Why does chronic pain continue in the body? Chronic pain can be mild or excruciating, a cycle of flare-ups or a constant burden, merely inconvenient or totally incapacitating. Not only does it impact our physical health, it takes a toll on our mental health and emotional well-being. Come learn what you can do to help better understand and manage your pain or support those around you who are suffering. Registration required. Space is limited. Mon 2 - 3:30 pm Apr 20 Bow Valley Primary Care Network #107 - 1205 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore Kiley Torti, Active Living & Health Promotion Consultant
Minding Stress: Reduce and Manage the Stress in Your Life
This course looks at what stress is, how your body reacts to it and the long term impacts of stress on our body and mood. We introduce some stress reduction techniques and discuss benefits of being physically active, getting enough sleep, watching emotional eating, making time for healthy choices. We will discuss steps to improve stress management. Registration required. Thu 2 - 4:30 pm Apr 23, Apr 30 Bow Valley Primary Care Network, #107 - 1205 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore Wed 5 - 7:30 pm Apr 29, May 6 Banff Fenlands Recreation Centre - Meeting Rooms Ulrike Kimbley-Nicolai, Behaviour Change Specialist Notes: 2 part class
Personal Resilience
This two part class identifies depleting stress reactions that impact health, performance and well being. Learn how to neutralize and replace stressful reactions that erode health, mental and emotional composure and resilience. Find energy drains and regain vitality to increase your ability to think clearly and find more efficient solutions with HeartMath self-regulation skills. Registration required. 9:30 - 11:30 am May 12 - May 19 Bow Valley Primary Care Network, #107 - 1205 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore Tue Ulrike Kimbley-Nicolai, Behaviour Change Specialist Notes: 2 part class
Is Weight Loss Surgery Right for You?
Are you overweight or obese and wondering if weight-loss surgery (bariatric surgery) is a good option for you? This session will be led by a Best Weight team member and a guest presenter who has first-hand knowledge of bariatric surgery. We will answer your questions and help you better understand your options for weight loss surgery within Alberta (or abroad). If you have ever considered this option to help you manage your weight, this class is for you! Wed 6 - 7:30 pm May 13 Bow Valley Primary Care Network, #107 - 1205 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore Randi Lynn Rinaldi, Active Living Consultant
For MEN by MEN: Men's Health Panel
Join 4 local healthcare providers for this insightful evening of “Bro-mance” (Bro-to-bro conversations). This men’s only group will be an informal conversation about various men’s health topics. Do you want to know more about specific health issues: disease prevention, mental health, regular screening protocols, medications, sexual health, sedentary living, medications, etc.? A panel of 4 male healthcare providers will educate you and answer all of your questions – nothing is off limits! Registration required. Mon 6:30 - 8:30 pm May 25 Canmore- location TBA Thu 6:30 - 8:30 pm May 28 Banff - location TBA
Bow Valley Primary Care Network
Do you suffer from chronic back pain or find yourself in a continuous cycle of flare-up and re-injury? Statistics show that between 60 and 90% of Canadians can expect to experience some form of lower back pain during their lifetime. Come learn how to stop the cycle and discover ways to better manage your pain for a quicker recovery. Find out about common triggers and how you can change your patterns and habits to minimize pain. Tips, tricks and tools to help you take better care of your back will be discussed. Registration required. Thu 5:30 - 7:30 pm Mar 12 Fenlands Recreation Centre, Banff May 28 Thu 2 - 4 pm Banff Fenlands Recreation Centre - Meeting Rooms Kiley Torti, Active Living & Health Promotion Consultant
I Am Still HOT - It Just Comes In Flashes
Does this sound familiar? Come and learn from the medical panel about menopause and how to navigate through it. Registration required. Space is limited. Tue 6 - 9 pm May 26 Bow Valley Primary Care Network, #107 - 1205 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore Wed 6 - 9 pm May 27 Banff Fenlands Recreation Centre - Meeting Rooms Louise Nieder-Heitmann, Health Promotion & Outreach
Freeing Yourself From Plantar Faciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a common condition that stops you in your tracks…literally. This 1.5 hour session discusses what plantar fasciitis is and what you can do to lessen your symptoms or become symptom free. This session will be part classroom setting and part participation. Wear comfortable clothing and be prepared to remove your footwear! Registration required. Mon 6 - 7:30 pm Jun 8 Canmore General Hospital, Mountain Lakes Room Randi Lynn Rinaldi, Active Living Consultant
Your Wellness Vison
Bow Valley Primary Care Network
Do you want to change your health and wellness? Have you tried to eat better, sleep better, get more exercise but never seem to stick to it? The first step in changing your health and wellness is to start with a good foundation. Whether you want to stay fit and healthy, improve your overall wellness or make a big change, having a personal wellness vison helps you manage life’s challenges and stick to your plan. Registration is required. Space is limited. Tue 7 - 8:30 pm Apr 14 Bow Valley Primary Care Network, #107 - 1205 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore Shayla Roberts, Active Living Program Coordinator
Learn to Run 101
Are you looking to start a run program but unsure where to start? Have you tried in the past with limited success? Learn how to start a run program – and stick with it! Topics covered include safe and sustainable progressions, reducing your risk of injury, the role of nutrition, basic biomechanics, building endurance and stamina, speed training, proper stretching techniques and how to stray motivated. Registration required. Thur 5:30 - 7:30 pm May 7 Banff Fenlands Recreation Centre - Meeting Rooms Kiley Torti, Active Living & Health Promotion Consultant NOTE: THIS CLASS IS LECTURE ONLY.
BOW VALLEY PARENT LINK Bow Valley Parent Link (BVPL) provides resources and support to parents/caregivers and children aged 0-6. This inter-municipal initiative between the Town of Canmore, Town of Banff and the MD of Bighorn offers programs & services in the following five core areas: Early Childhood Development & Care | Family Support | Information & Referral | Parent Education | Developmental Screening Program features include: Family Connections Stay and Play Drop-in program, resource library, toy lending library, clothing and toy exchange, parent workshops, family support, the Triple P: Positive Parenting Program, developmental screening, relationship counselling, community information and referrals and much more. BOW VALLEY LEARNING COUNCIL MEMBER.
Bow Valley Parent Link - Banff, 101B Bear Street, Banff. Tel 403.762.1116 Bow Valley Parent Link - Canmore, 600-9 Street, Canmore. Tel 403.678.2529 Bow Valley Parent Link - Exshaw, 27 Mt. Allen Drive, Exshaw. Tel 403.678.2529 parentlinkcanmore@canmore.ca | www.canmore.ca/parentlink | Facebook: Bow-Valley-Parent-Link
REGISTRATION NO FEES. Contact your local Bow Valley Parent Link BY PHONE: 403.762.1116 (Banff) or 403.678.2529 (Canmore/Exshaw)
Relationship Counselling (Ongoing)
Developmental Screening Using the Ages & Stages Questionnaires (Ongoing)
Parent-completed evaluation tools to assess the development of children 0-5 years old toward developmental milestones in the areas of communication, gross and fine motor skills, problem solving, personal social skills and overall development. A trained professional reviews the completed questionnaire and can meet with you 1:1, offer fun activities to enhance development and make referrals if necessary. Call 403.678.2529 (Canmore/Exshaw) or 403.762.1116 (Banff), or visit in person to pick up an age-specific questionnaire. By appointment. Free BVPL Staff
TRIPLE P PROGRAMS Triple P 1:1 Individual Consultations
Are you looking for new ideas for specific and challenging behaviors in your 0-6 year old? Whether the issue is sleeping, eating, tantrums, disobedience, or any other typical behavior challenge, Triple P can help. Meet with an accredited Triple P practitioner for up to 4 confidential sessions that will help you manage behavior. Learn how to track and monitor your child’s behavior, why these behaviors are occurring, how to make a parenting plan, and feel confident making future parenting decisions and sticking to them! For more information contact Christine deMontigny Bow Valley Parent Link Child and Family Worker at 403.678.2535 By appointment / No charge
Triple P: Positive Parenting Program- Seminar Series
Join other parents for one, two or three informative sessions full of strategies to build your confidence as a parent and to promote your child’s health, development, and well-being. All seminars and childcare are free of charge. To register, phone 403.678.2529, email parentlinkcanmore@canmore.ca, or sign up at any Bow Valley Parent Link Centre. Registration is required. Thu 6 - 8 pm Apr 16 - Apr 30 Free Banff Child Care Centre Cara Crawford, BVPL Education Coordinator
Triple P-Positive Parenting Program Online NEW!
Triple P Online (TPOL) launched in Alberta. This program hopes to make Triple P more accessible, and offers a personalized parenting course that parents can use in their own families. TPOL is an interactive program to help with specific or challenging behaviors you may be experiencing with your child. Participants will learn Triple P strategies and tools by using online modules containing multimedia and interactive activities. This program also provides parents with the support of an accredited practitioner that can be reached via email and telephone. If you are interested in learning more about this exciting new program please contact Cara Crawford, BVPL Education Coordinator at 403.678.7149 or ccrawford@canmore.ca. Check out the Stay Positive website to get your access code: www.triplep-parenting.net/alb-en/home/
Bow Valley Parent Link
Bow Valley Parent Link offers relationship counselling to parents of children from birth to 18 years old. Counselling is confidential and solution-focused. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Anthea Messier, BSW, RSW, BA by email at amessier@canmore.ca or by calling 403.678.7132. Free
I Grow, You Grow
Join other new parents with infants 0-12 months and learn about community resources, infant development, and various other topics. Each session will include group discussions, activities, local guest presenters, a healthy snack, and social time. To register phone 403.678.2529, email parentlinkcanmore@canmore.ca, or sign up at any Bow Valley Parent Link. Wed 10 - 11:30 am Apr 8 - Jun 3 Free Bow Valley Parent Link - Canmore Christine DeMontigny, BVPL, Child and Family Worker
Terrific Toddlers
Often we hear the toddler years being described as the “terrible twos.” Terrific Toddlers takes parents on an enlightened journey that challenges this perception! This four-week course provides detailed information about how toddlers see the world, as well as provides tips, exercises, and handouts related to positive parenting. Topics include the parenting role, child development, communication, guidance, and self-esteem. To register, call 403.678.2529, or contact us by email at parentlinkcanmore@canmore.ca or sign up at any Bow Valley Parent Link. Mon 9:30 - 11 am Apr 13 - May 4 Free Bow Valley Parent Link - Canmore Monique Desrosiers, BVPL, Early Years Coach
Bringing Baby Home - A Parenting & Relationship Program
Bow Valley Parent Link
Even the strongest relationships are strained during the transition to parenthood. Lack of sleep, never-ending housework and new fiscal concerns can lead to profound stress and a decline in marital satisfaction – all of which affect baby’s care. Most new parent programs address the birth of the child. Bringing Baby Home addresses the rest of the couple’s life together. In this to: • • • • •
workshop couples gain a sense of empowerment by learning new skills Prepare for the transition to parenthood Maintain relationship satisfaction after having a baby Promote positive parent-baby interactions Promote quality involvement for both parents Recognize the psychological and emotional need of their child
To register phone 403.678.2529 email parentlinkcanmore@canmore.ca or sign up at Bow Valley Parent Link. No charge, but registration is required. Bring your own brown bag dinner. Dessert is provided. Tue 5:30 - 8:30 pm Apr 14 - May 5 Free Bow Valley Parent Link - Canmore Anthea Messier, BSW, MSW, BA, Gottman Bringing Home Baby Educator
Nighty-Night, Sleep Tight Part 1
Zzz…How are you and your baby sleeping? Discussion topics will include different sleep plan options, temperament and your baby, daily routines and schedules, the pros and cons of different sleep training methods, and resources that fit your needs. This workshop is for parents with children under 12 months of age. Childcare is not available, but babies are welcome at the workshop. Registration Required. To register phone 403.678.2529, email parentlinkcanmore@canmore.ca, or sign up at any Bow Valley Parent Link. Tue 1 - 3 pm Apr 14 Free Bow Valley Parent Link - Banff Christine DeMontigny, BVPL, Child and Family Worker
Nighty-Night, Sleep Tight Part 2
Sleep challenges can extend well into the toddler years. Join us for an informative session about sleep and your 1-4 year old. Discussion will include moving your toddler into a big bed, managing toddlers getting off their bed when it’s bedtime, what to do when you get night visitors, and the importance of consistency. This workshop is for parents with children 1-4 years of age. Registration Required. To register phone 403.678.2529, email parentlinkcanmore@canmore.ca, or sign up at any Bow Valley Parent Link. Tue 1 - 3 pm Apr 28 Free Bow Valley Parent Link - Banff Christine DeMontigny, BVPL, Child and Family Worker
RAISING GREAT KIDS WORKSHOP SERIES This series of workshops gives families of children 0-6 years old practical tools and creative ideas to enhance the joys of parenting and to ease its challenges. Come learn about a range of parenting topics and engage in discussion with a variety of guest speakers. All workshops are FREE of charge and FREE childcare is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Avoid disappointment! Register at least one week prior to the workshop date. To register, phone 403.678.2529, email parentlinkcanmore@canmore.ca, or stop by any Bow Valley Parent Link Centre.
Feeding Your Baby
This class will cover topics such as how and when to start feeding solids, textures, and other important issues related to feeding your baby in the first year. Babies are welcome. Wed 10 - 11:30 am Apr 15 Mon 10 - 11:30 am Jun 15 Thu 6 - 8 pm Aug 20 Free Bow Valley Parent Link-Canmore Anne Gilbert, Alberta Health Services, Registered Dietitian
Do you know when your child should receive their first eye exam? Or the potential effects a sippy cup might have on your child’s oral hygiene? These are just some of the topics that will be addressed in this collaborative presentation and Q&A session! Join optometrist Dr. Joanna Phillips and dentist Dr. Natali Schindler to learn everything from how diet can affect your child’s vision, to what kind of toothbrush you should be using on your child’s teeth. Mon 6 - 8 pm Apr 27 Free Bow Valley Parent Link - Canmore Dr. Natali Schindler, Bite Family Dentistry Dr. Joanna Phillips, Canmore Family Eye Care
Wildlife Safety for Bow Valley Families
Do you and your family know how to avoid negative encounters with wildlife, and what to do if an animal becomes aggressive? Coyote, cougar, elk, and bear encounters are not uncommon in this area, and can happen on trails or in town. Help your family learn how to be WildSmart! This informative and interactive workshop will focus on keeping both you and your family wildlife safe and includes learning about bear spray. Thu 6 - 8 pm May 7 Free Bow Valley Parent Link - Canmore Tyler McClure, WildSmart Education and Outreach Worker
Holistic Parenting
Families are invited to join us for a powerful evening of sharing, led by Myrna Kooteney, Stoney Nakoda Family and Community Wellness Coordinator. This presentation will introduce positive parenting values in relation to holistic teachings from the 4-quadrant Medicine Wheel. The evening will begin with a smudging ceremony with a Stoney Nakoda elder and continue into an informative presentation focused on parenting from a balanced and holistic perspective. Come and explore ways to communicate and nurture your child’s overall well-being, and promote your child’s health and development. Tue 6 - 8 pm May 12 Free Exshaw School Library Myrna Kooteney, Stoney Nakoda Family and Community Wellness Coordinator
Parenting Toddlers with Temperament from a Sensory Lens
In this workshop, you will learn ways to incorporate sensory strategies to keep the brains and nervous systems of your toddler more regulated throughout the day. If you have a toddler with a temperament that is spirited/strong willed or overly cautious and sensitive and would like a greater understanding of how to parent more confidently, this informative and practical workshop if for you! Mon 9:30 - 11:30 am May 25 Free Bow Valley Parent Link - Canmore Eva Langford, Alberta Health Services Pediatric Occupational Therapist
Bow Valley Parent Link
Vision and Oral Care
Picky Eating
Ever had meal-time struggles? Learn about ways to cope with picky eating, refusal of foods, getting your child to eat vegetables, and more! This class is for parents of toddler and preschool aged children. May 28 Thu 6 - 8 pm Free Bow Valley Parent Link - Canmore Anne Gilbert, Alberta Health Services Registered Dietitian
Bow Valley Parent Link
Social Emotional 101
Parenting presents us with endless opportunities for growth and change, mostly our own! This presentation will be an interactive evening exploring how we can more intentionally influence our children’s social and emotional development as they age and transition to more demanding environments. What are good enough environments? How much does nurture impact nature? How much does your genetic blue print dictate development? What types of social interactions does the blue print demand to foster healthier development? Join us for an informative presentation to discuss these ideas as they impact us and our parenting. Thurs 6-8 pm Jun 4 Free Bow Valley Parent Link - Canmore Peter Baylis, PhD, RSW, Alberta Health Services Clinical Supervisor
Encouraging First Words
Come learn about language milestones, how babies learn language, and simple strategies that parents can use to encourage their children to communicate (and eventually talk). This will be an informal workshop led by a speech language expert with lots of time for questions and answers. Suitable for children age 0-3 years old. Wed 6 - 8 pm Jun 24 Free Bow Valley Parent Link - Canmore Sara Finlayson, Alberta Health Services Speech Language Pathologist
Parent Link at the Lake
Bow Valley Parent Link invites you to join us for a Family Connections Stay & Play drop-in program at the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise. Parents and caregivers with children 0-6 are encouraged to come and connect with other families. The morning will include fun activities and playtime for children, special guests, and yummy snacks. Wed 10 am - 12 pm Apr 8 Free Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise-Beehive Lakeshore Room Notes: Drop-ins Welcome!
Making SENSE of the OUTSIDE World: Sensory Learning Games
Come join the fun and spend quality time outside with your child, exploring the world through the sense of smell, touch, taste, sight and sound. Encourage creativity and develop imagination through play! This program is for parents with children 1-4 years of age, and babies are welcome. Bring your rubber boots and rain gear, as programs will run rain or shine. No sign up required-meet us there. Wed 10 - 11 am Jul 15 Free Bow Valley Parent Link - Exshaw Wed 10 - 11 am Jul 29 Free Bow Valley Parent Link - Canmore Wed 10 - 11 am Aug 5 Free Bow Valley Parent Link - Banff BVPL Staff Notes: For further information please call 403.678.2529 or email parentlinkcanmore@canmore.ca.
Parent Link in the Park
Bow Valley Parent Link is gearing up for our 7th annual Parent Link in the Park program. On selected Wednesday mornings over July and August in Canmore, Banff, Exshaw and Lake Louise, you’ll find us outside sharing games, laughs, special guests and snacks. Come join in the fun! This is a great opportunity to connect with other families and service providers in the Bow Valley. For families with children 0-6 years. Please visit our website www.canmore.ca/parentlink, call 403.678.2529 or check our FACEBOOK page for the latest updates. Jul and Aug (dates to be confirmed) Free Banff, Canmore, Exshaw, Lake Louise BVPL Staff
Espace communautaire accessible à louer/ Community space available for rent. Salle communautaire (415m2) / Multipurpose room (415 sq meter) Différentes tables de jeux / Variety of gaming table Cuisine Communautaire / Fully furnished Kitchen Lieu / Location: 3100b Suite #1 Stewart Creek Drive Information : 403-678-0082, Info@spefcanmore.com
PRÉMATERNELLE ET GARDERIE DE LANGUE FRANÇAISE / FRANCOPHONE PRESCHOOL ET DAYCARE Programme de prématernelle et garderie francophone pour les enfants de 3 à 5 ans. Francophone Preschool and Daycare program for families with children 3 to 5 years old. Lieu / Location: 3100b Suite #1 Stewart Creek Drive Information : 403-678-0082, info@spefcanmore.com
Accessible aux enfants de 6 à 12 ans. Emphase sur l’aide aux devoirs, leçons et l’apprentissage par le jeux. Afterschool care program for children aged 6 to 12 years old. Focus on homework support and learning through play. Lieu / Location: 3100b Suite #1 Stewart Creek Drive Information : 403-678-0082, info@spefcanmore.com
SPEF de Canmore
Cours de base exigé par les employeurs dans le cadre des programmes de santé et sécurité au travail. Tarification réduite pour les étudiants et jeunes adultes afin de favoriser leur expertise et employabilité. Coûts / Fees: a. Étudiant francophone (9e à 12e année): 60$ / pers. b. Jeune adulte (18 à 25 ans) : 90$ / pers. c. Adulte 25 ans et + : 105$ / pers. Date : Printemps 2015 / printemps 2015 Heure : 9am – 4pm Lieu / Location: 3100b Suite #1 Stewart Creek Drive Information : 403-678-0082, Info@spefcanmore.com
Bow Valley Victim Services Association
Attention Volunteers Our Association is currently looking for dedicated volunteers to act as Victim Advocates in the communities of Banff, Canmore, Lake Louise, Exshaw and Kananaskis.
Victim Advocates are required to provide non-judgmental support, practical assistance and information to victims of crime and trauma. Applicants require: •• good communication skills •• the availability to join one of our advocate on-call teams •• a willingness to participate in an extensive training program covering areas such as domestic violence, suicide intervention and sudden death •• the ability to obtain a RCMP security clearance •• the ability to commit to a one year contract with our program •• a valid driver’s license •• be looking for opportunities for self development and growth See training schedule on adjacent page.
If the above challenge interests you, please call 403-760-0197 or for more information, go to our website
www.bowvalleyvictimservices.org 38
BOW VALLEY VICTIM SERVICES ASSOCIATION We help victims of crime and trauma through practical assistance and emotional support. Bow Valley Victim Services work in partnership with the RCMP and other community agencies. We help individuals who have been involved with domestic abuse, sexual assault, sudden death, stalking and harassment, suicide and other crimes and traumas. Some of our services include: Helping people cope with trauma | Court preparation, accompaniment and updates |Information on the criminal justice system | Victim Impact Statements | Claims for restitution | Applications for financial benefits
REGISTRATION The following training program is open to interested members of the public. Admission to these sessions is free of charge, but pre-registration is required. For more information or to register, please email Peter.G.Quinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca or call 403.760.0197.
2015 - SPRING TRAINING Crisis Intervention
This workshop will discuss victims’ reactions in crisis situations as well as how to successfully intervene with appropriate and timely support. Dr. Peter Baylis is the clinical supervisor with Alberta Health Services, Mental Health. Peter Quinn is the executive director of Bow Valley Victim Services Association. 7 - 10 pm April 28 Free Canmore Recreation Centre Tuesday Dr. Peter Baylis and Peter Quinn
Sudden Death
The death of someone can be a painful and difficult experience. This session focuses on grief a, loss and bereavement, providing practical tips for caregivers. Brian Pickering is a grief counselor with Alberta Health Services Grief Support Program. Tuesday 7 - 10 pm May 5 Free Banff YWCA Brian Pickering
Domestic Abuse
Learn how to provide information and assistance to individuals in abusive situations from our internationally renowned presenter. Janet’s company, Exploring Solutions, provides counseling for those in abusive situations as well as extensive training for those in the field of domestic violence. Tuesday 7 - 10 pm May 12 Free Canmore Recreation Centre Janet Wagar
Suicide Intervention
This workshop will assist caregivers on how they can be of help to individuals with suicidal thoughts. The workshop will discuss how to recognize the risk of suicide, how to intervene effectively and how to help individuals access community resources. Tuesday 7 - 10 pm May 19 Free Banff YWCA Mandi Kujawa and Peter Quinn
Sexual Assault
This session will discuss the facts and myths surrounding sexual assault, the emotions victims are left to deal with, alternatives available for survivors, and how others can help after a sexual assault has occurred. Tuesday 7 - 10 pm May 26 Free Canmore Recreation Centre Karen Kuntz
CANMORE PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS: Mon - Fri 10am - 8pm, Sat - Sun 10am - 5pm, Closed Statutory Holidays. BOW VALLEY LEARNING COUNCIL MEMBER
Elevation Place,101-700 Railway Avenue, Canmore, AB T1W 1P4 Phone: 403.678.2468 Fax: 403.678.2165 www.canmorelibrary.ab.ca | info@canmorelibrary.ab.ca
Most programs are drop-in and do not require registration but if you have questions please call the Canmore Library at (403) 678-2468.
DROP-IN PROGRAMS FOR LITTLE ONES Children, along with a parent/caregiver, are invited to join us weekly in the Friends Program Room for fun-filled, age-specific, half-hour programs. Spring 2015 programs run from Apr. 13 – Jun. 1 unless otherwise noted.
Wiggle Time (Drop-In)
Walking babies up to two years, along with their parent/caregiver, are invited to this half-hour program featuring active rhymes, music, movement and books. The program is designed to encourage active participation and to promote parent/child bonding. Mondays at 10:30 am
Tales for Twos (Drop-In)
Children two years old, along with their parent/caregiver, are invited to this half-hour program featuring rhymes, action songs, and books. The program is designed to build a child's attention span and foster a love of books. Wednesdays at 10 am
Drop-in Storytime
Children 3-5 years old, along with their parent/caregivers, are invited to share a half-hour of stories, songs and fingerplays. This program is designed to build a longer attention span and foster a continual love of stories. Wednesdays at 2 pm. Ongoing.
Books for Babies (Drop-In)
Children from birth to walking, along with their parent/caregivers, are invited to a half-hour program featuring finger play rhymes, bouncing songs, walking songs and books. The program is designed to assist in the acquisition of language and to promote parent/child bonding. Tuesdays at 2 pm
Summer Reading Program
Children ages 5-12 are invited to join us for reading fun all summer long with books, contests, crafts, games and more. Daily in July and August during library hours. Additional weekly programs will run throughout the summer on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Call or check the library website for dates and times.
PD Day Programs
Drop-in on half-day Fridays for 2 hours of activities including video games, crafts and fun. No charge. Check the website for details and dates. For more information, see www.canmorelibrary.ab.ca 1 - 3 pm on PD Fridays
Sunday Storytime (Drop-In)
Children 3-5 years old, along with their parent/caregivers, are invited to a half-hour program featuring rhymes, action songs, an books. The program is designed to build a longer attention span and foster a continual love of stories. Sundays at 10:30 am
L'Heure du Conte
Histoires et comptines presentées en français pour les enfants de 3-5 ans accompagnés d'un adulte. Les Samedi à 10:30h à la bibliothèque dans la salle Friends Program Room.
Are you stumped by your tablet, e-reader, or laptop? Do the library databases puzzle you? We offer one-on-one tech help appointments with a library staff member. For information or to book an appointment, email your questions to info@canmorelibrary.ab.ca or call the library at 403.678.2468. Year-round during the following times: Mondays 3-5pm, Wednesdays 10am-12pm, Saturdays 10am-12pm
Library Movie Night
Wednesday is movie night at the library! Join us for a free weekly screening of a feature film. Call the library or check our website for upcoming movies. Movies will run every Wednesday from Jan 14 - May 27, 2015. There will be no movies during our summer hiatus from June 3 - Sept 9, 2015. The regular movie schedule will resume Sept 16, 2015. Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the Friends Program Room. Runs Jan 14- May 27, 2015 No charge. Donations accepted.
Knit One, Read Too!
Bring your knitting or crochet projects and craft with us at the Canmore Public Library. This is not a class but a chance to share knowledge and find inspiration in seeing other yarn enthusiasts’ projects. Share tips, tricks, ideas & books. No experience necessary. Join us in the magazine reading area and enjoy the company of your fellow yarn & book connoisseurs! First Wednesday of each month, 7 - 9 pm, next to the library fireplace Summer break June - August with regular sessions resuming in September.
Friends of the Library Speaker Series
Once a month, the Friends will host a presentation on a topic of local interest. Call the library or check the website www. canmorelibrary.ab.ca for further details. Admission by donation. In the Friends Program Room Usually the second Monday of each month at 7:30 pm January through May and September through December. There are no sessions in June, July or August.
We can help you host a video conference for your business, community/support group or class. Reservations are required and are subject to room availability. For information and booking our state-of-the-art video conferencing services, please call 403.678.2468. Available during library opening hours only. In the Library Meeting Room. Free. Year Round.
Magic the Gathering
Magic is a trading card game in which players battle each other. Experienced players are on hand to teach and guide new players. All ages and experience levels welcome. Drop-in. Thursdays from 6 - 8 pm in the Friends Program Room. Runs Apr - Jun, 2015.
Skill Craft Series
The Skill Craft Series is a monthly advanced craft workshop, aimed at adults and families with children aged 8 and up. Children between 8-12 must be accompanied by an adult. Tuition and materials are provided for free, but donations are always welcome. Please check the library website for details and dates. Summer break June-August with program resuming in September. Apr 19, 3-5 pm May 3, 3-5 pm in the Friends Program Room.
TOWN OF CANMORE - FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES Canmore Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) is a cost sharing program between the Province of Alberta (80%) and Town of Canmore (20%) to provide preventive social programs in our community. Local autonomy is a cornerstone of the FCSS philosophy that allows local programs to develop services that meet unique needs of individual communities. WHAT ARE PREVENTIVE SOCIAL PROGRAMS? Preventive social programs are activities that use proactive, strengths-based and intentional strategies to help individuals, families and communities develop skills required to form a strong sense of self, resulting in the ability to build healthy relationships with others. SERVICES AND STAFF AT FCSS * General inquiries, course registrations, Mayors Awards for Volunteer Excellence, Interagency E-letter: Program Assistant: Lu Douce – 403.609.3743 * Seniors programs, community workshops, Volunteer Driver and Specialized Transportation Programs: Mavis Sautner, Program Coordinator – 403.678.7129 * Mentoring, community course ideas, volunteer support: Crystal Shimoon Program Coordinator – 403.678.7127 * Classroom presentations, small group support, individual and family counselling: Jan Brychka, Family & Community Worker – 403.678.7131 * Classroom presentations, small group support, individual and family counselling: Alicia Kalmanovitch, Family & Community Worker - 403.678.7131 * Partnership opportunities, Rainbows Divorce Support, Roots Of Empathy, Bow Valley Interagency and individual counselling: Tara Gilchrist, FCSS Supervisor – 403.678.7130 BOW VALLEY LEARNING COUNCIL MEMBER.
CANMORE CIVIC CENTRE (MAIN FLOOR), 902 7th Avenue Canmore, AB OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Monday - Friday | Tel 403.609.3743 http://www.canmore.ca/Service-Areas/Community-Enrichment/Family-and-Community-Support-Services.html
REGISTRATION Contact Canmore FCSS at 403.609.3743 unless otherwise noted
How to Separate from Your Partner with Dignity
An information session regarding the legal dos and don’ts when a relationship ends. What is mediation, and does it really work? What are the “rules” for dividing property? Who gets to keep the house? Where do the kids live? Attend this free workshop and get some answers about the procedures that are a natural part of breaking up. Session is FREE but pre-registration is required. Free Thu 6:30 - 8 pm Apr 2 Canmore Civic Center Council Chambers Jessica Sturgeon, Attorney at Law
Executor of a Will
Everyone should have a will as part of their estate plan. How do you know who to appoint as the Executor of your Will? What kind of responsibilities will that person have? How long does it take to be an Executor? This information session will discuss the job description of an Executor as well as offer some pointers on choosing one, taking into account the estate legislation in Alberta. Free Thu 6:30 - 8 pm Mar 12 Canmore Civic Centre Council Chambers Jessica Sturgeon, Attorney at Law
Pardon Me
Is a criminal record having a negative impact in your employment opportunities, career advancement or travel plans? Contact the FCSS team to get set up with a free 1:1 appointment with Pat Kamenka. Pat can help you identify offences eligible for a pardon, review the process and forms required to obtain a pardon, and answer common questions. These individual, one-hour sessions are free of charge. Please call 403.678.7127 to set up an appointment.
Did You Know...
That the Town of Canmore Family & Community Support Services (FCSS), together with Canada Revenue Agency and a wonderful group of volunteers, provides free income tax preparation? Based on a simple tax return and an income limit of $30,000.00 this program will prepare and electronically file your taxes beginning March 2015. To volunteer for this program, or to see if you qualify to have your taxes completed, please contact Mavis Sautner, Program Coordinator for FCSS at 403.678.7129
Home Alone Safely
This program is designed for children aged 10 to 12, and their siblings aged eight and nine, to provide the whole family with tips and tools to prepare themselves for children spending time without parental supervision. However, the final decision always remains with the parent(s). Parents attend the first and last sessions. This helps the family know what the course is about, how it will be taught, who will be teaching, and how to address concerns. $30 per family Lawrence Grassi Middle School, Room 132 Session 1 l Family: April 12 l Sunday l 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. April 15 - May 27 (No class May 20) Wednesdays l 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Sessions 2 to 7 l Children Only: Session 8 l Family: May 31 l Sunday l 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Jan Brychka, Town of Canmore Notes: Sessions 1 and 8: The family attends these two sessions from 6:30-7:30pm. Location TBA. Sessions 2-7: Only the children attend these sessions, from 3:30-5:30pm at Lawrence Grassi Middle School, Room 132. ** There will be no class May 20th **
Emergency Preparedness
Have you ever thought about how to prepare for an emergency? This Red Cross workshop will help you consider how to look after your family for 72 hours, cope without power or tap water, and ideas to stay connected with family to receive information. Leave the seminar with more knowledge of the risks and the opportunity to create a family plan. The session is free but you must register to attend. Thu 6 - 7 pm Apr 9 Canmore Civic Center Council Chambers Free Red Cross Representative
Healthy Little Chefs Cooking Club
Through the art of cooking, youth will have the opportunity to meet new people, have fun and acquire a valuable life skill. This interactive program is designed to teach kids between the ages of 10-14 the basics of how to prepare nutritious, fresh food on a tight budget! Based on the Healthy U program, participants will learn about basic nutrition and how to read and understand food labels, make healthy substitutions and prepare delicious dishes. Free Wed 4 - 5:45 pm Apr 8 - May 27 Canmore Rec Center - Kitchen Tue 4 - 5:45 pm Apr 14 Canmore Rec Center - Kitchen Crystal Shimoon, Town of Canmore
Wild Little Women
This 8 week course provides girls aged 13 -15 with the opportunity to develop a sense of empowerment through experiential outdoor-based opportunities. Through the development of girls' outdoor abilities, we will explore the various aspects of empowering young girls to become strong women. The sessions will culminate in an appreciation event to celebrate their growth over the course of the program. $50 + GST Fri 12:30 - 3:30 pm Apr 10 - Jun 5 4 - 6 pm Apr 17 - May 29 Canmore Recreation Center Crystal Shimoon, Town of Canmore
The NEW Belly Dance World dance for kids Dance conditioning fitness classes Barre Classes
Book a class, workshop or performance for your special event: weddings, bridal parties, showers, kids parties & corporate events.
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BOW VALLEY COLLEGE PUTTING THE COMMUNITY BACK IN COLLEGE…IN THE BOW CORRIDOR Any time, any place, any path, any pace learning Designated as the comprehensive community college for Calgary & its surrounding region, Bow Valley College offers you a variety of learning opportunities with flexible delivery options, including classrooms, online, and self-paced modules. Whether you are taking a course for personal interest, to enhance your career skills, or to finish high school, you’ll have access to all of the Bow Valley College student support services you may need. Visit www.bowvalleycollege.ca\bowcorridor or drop by our campus in Canmore to learn more. A Bow Valley Learning Council Member
Campus locations and hours
Bow Valley College – Canmore Campus 800 Railway Ave., Canmore Provincial Building, Canmore, AB T1W 1P1 Phone: 403-678-3125 Fax: 403-678-3127 | Website: www.bowvalleycollege.ca/bowcorridor Email: bvcbowcorridor@bowvalleycollege.ca Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (closed daily 12–1pm) Evenings: Open when courses are offered. Call us for more information. Bow Valley College – Banff Campus 229 Bear Street – Wolf and Bear Mall, Lower Level, Banff, AB T1L 1A9 Phone: 403-760-2485 Hours: Open only when classes are running.
REGISTRATION In person – Canmore Campus, Provincial Building, 800 Railway Avenue, Canmore Payment by cash, Visa/MasterCard or Debit By phone: Call 403-678-3125 with a Visa or MasterCard for payment Please register at least one week in advance. Classes with insufficient registrants will be cancelled. Cancellation policy: Once your course has begun, no refunds or credits will be given. Compassionate grounds may be considered with official documentation. There are no refunds, transfers, or credits if you cancel within one week of the course start date. Cancelled classes: If a class is cancelled due to insufficient registration, you will be contacted by phone or email to notify you that the class has been cancelled. A refund will be processed for any cancelled classes. FINANCIAL SUPPORT: On a low income or unemployed? If you can’t afford a course, there may be funding available. If you are on a low income, you may qualify to have your fees fully covered. Drop by our Canmore Campus or call 403-678-3125 to find out if you qualify for financial support. Courses listed are also eligible for a Bow Valley Learning Council bursary. Please see application on page 62.
COMPUTER COURSES Our computer courses are designed for PC users and will give you the flexibility to work around your schedule and location, completing the course work in our classrooms or on your own computer at home. Courses are self-paced, with instructors available to guide and support you through the course by email, phone, and during tutorial times on campus. You may use our Canmore Campus computer lab on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30–9pm, where an instructor will be available to answer questions. You may also book an appointment to meet with an instructor during these times if you would like one-on-one assistance. Call 403-678-3125 for more information. Mac users: Please note that the final exam is written on a PC and therefore we advise using the computer lab time on campus to complete your course work. Note: A USB memory stick is required for all computer courses.
Computer Basics/Windows 7 – Self-paced
It’s never too late to learn how to use computers! This course explains common computer terminology, guides you through the features of the Windows 7 operating system, the internet and web-based email. You will learn the fundamentals of file management and how to navigate your way around your desktop PC or laptop; understand how to start programs, and create, save and organize your work such as documents, emails and pictures. You will also learn what resources are available to help users. This course is designed for those with little or no computer experience and those who need basic computer skills for the workplace. Self-paced 18-hour course. This course is not designed for Mac/iPad users. CON 0101 $245 Canmore Campus Ongoing registration for start date of Apr. 13 or later; end date June 8, 2015 Note: the instructor is available for course orientation and tutorial times in Canmore on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30–9pm from Apr. 13 to June 8, 2015. Please note that on the first night the instructor will be conducting orientations for all of the different courses and therefore will not be available for regular instruction. Computer lab will be closed on Monday, May 18 (statutory holiday).
Keyboarding – Self-paced
This course is designed for learners who are brand new to keyboarding, as well as learners who have basic skills but wish to increase their words per minute to a more functional level. Learn proper hand positioning and posture. Develop your skills and track speed and accuracy. Please note: students will need to attend the campus for this course, as it uses All The Right Type software, which is only accessible at the Canmore Campus. Course drop-in hours: 3–4:30pm, Monday to Friday. COMP 110 $95 Canmore Campus Ongoing registration: You have 4 months to complete the course.
MICROSOFT OFFICE COURSES All courses in this section are taught at Bow Valley College’s Canmore Campus by Catherine Mousnier. Ongoing registration for a start date of Apr. 13 or later; end date is June 8, 2015. Courses are self-paced with instructor available for course orientation and tutorial times on Mondays & Wednesdays from 6:30–9pm from Apr. 13 to June 8, 2015. Lab will be closed Monday, May 18 (statutory holiday).
Word 2010 Introduction – Self-Paced
If you would like to produce professional looking documents such as letters, memos, agendas, marketing and administrative forms and papers, this course is for you. You will learn how to use the best tools and features for each document. Explore how to efficiently edit, move and copy text; change fonts; apply bullets and numbering; borders and shading; insert and re-size images; enter headers and footers; insert page numbers; set alignment and indents; and change page settings. You will also learn how to format for envelopes and labels. Self-paced 18-hour course. $245 Canmore Campus COMP 113 Ongoing registration for start date of Apr. 13 or later; end date June 8, 2015. Prerequisites: Computer Basics and a typing speed of 20 wpm (or complete a skill assessment)
Word 2010 Intermediate – Self-Paced
Wow your clients, co-workers and boss! Take your knowledge of basic word processing to the next level and learn how to perform mail merges and create forms, newsletters and tables. Compile large documents such as handbooks, procedure manuals and reports with tables of contents, section breaks, themes, footnotes, citations and bibliographies. You will learn about inserting hyperlinks, using templates, grouping, cropping images, applying special effects and utilizing the Track Changes tools. Self-paced 18-hour course. COMP 114 $245 Canmore Campus Ongoing registration for start date of Apr. 13 or later; end date June 8, 2015. Prerequisites: Word Introduction and a typing speed of 20 wpm (or complete a skill assessment)
Excel 2010 Introduction – Self-Paced
If you have never taken an Excel course, now is the time! Excel is by far the most popular program used by businesses both large and small. This course will explain the terminology, help you understand the difference between a workbook and worksheet, and teach you how to navigate worksheets, add data, edit and reformat. You will also learn how to insert charts, work with basic formulas and apply the most efficient tools and features to work fast and effectively. Self-paced 18-hour course. $245 Canmore Campus COMP 116 Ongoing registration for start date of Apr. 13 or later; end date June 8, 2015. Prerequisites: Computer Basics and Word Introduction (or complete a skill assessment)
Excel 2010 Intermediate – Self-Paced
Become an Excel ninja! Build on the skills learned in Excel Introduction. Learn how to work with multiple worksheets, link data, create advanced formulas, use the database and sorting features of Excel and build on your knowledge of creating and formatting charts. By the end of this course you will be able to apply intermediate to advanced formatting techniques to create professional invoices, sales reports, budgets and databases. Self-paced 18-hour course. COMP 117 $245 Canmore Campus Ongoing registration for start date of Apr. 13 or later; end date June 8, 2015. Prerequisite: Excel Introduction (or complete a skill assessment)
Excel 2010 Advanced – Self-Paced
Become an Excel power user! In this course, you will learn to use the advanced features and functions of Excel. Learn to link, consolidate and merge data from multiple workbooks; automate worksheet functionality with macros; conditional formatting and data validation; and analyze and organize data through the use of goal seeking, subtotals, pivot tables and pivot charts. You will also learn to create and use templates. Self-paced 18-hour course. COMP 118 $245 Canmore Campus Ongoing registration for start date of Apr. 13 or later; end date June 8, 2015. Prerequisite: Excel Intermediate (or complete a skill assessment)
PowerPoint 2010 – Self-Paced
Use templates, drawing tools, text boxes, and clip art to create professional-looking electronic and print presentations. PowerPoint enables you to organize a collection of images and text into a presentation and place it on slides, overheads or printed pages. Self-paced 18-hour course. COMP 119 $245 Canmore Campus Ongoing registration for start date of Apr. 13 or later; end date June 8, 2015. Prerequisites: Computer Basics and Word introduction
ACCOUNTING All courses in this section are taught at Bow Valley College’s Canmore Campus by Brenda Howe unless otherwise noted. Register for a start date of April 13; end date is June 8, 2015. Each homestudy course has a one-hour instructor-led orientation at the start of the course. Daytime tutorials are available by appointment with the instructor where noted. Students are encouraged to register one to two weeks prior to the start date to ensure that they receive their textbook prior to the orientation.
Financial Accounting – Introduction
Are you interested in learning more about the world of money and finances? A basic understanding of accounting is useful for anyone who makes business or personal financial decisions. This course introduces you to the principles, concepts, and applications of financial accounting. You will learn the processes of recording financial transactions, adjusting accounts, preparing financial statements and completing the accounting cycle. You will also learn how to complete bank reconciliations and handle petty-cash transactions. 40-hour homestudy course with a one-hour instructor orientation at the start of course. Daytime tutorials are available by appointment with the instructor. ACCT 101 $295 + textbook Canmore Campus Register for start date of Apr. 13; end date is June 8, 2015. Prerequisite: Excel Introduction (or complete a skill assessment) Textbook is College Accounting: A Practical Approach 12th ed by Jeffrey Slater & Brian Zwicker, which can be purchased at http://www.bowvalleyshop.ca
Financial Accounting – Intermediate
Are you interested in increasing your knowledge of financial accounting or wish to brush up on your accounting skills? If so, this course will be of benefit to you. This course builds on the knowledge acquired in Financial Accounting Introduction. You will learn the accounting processes for handling merchandizing activities, payroll, special journals (cash receipts, cash payment, sales and purchase journals) and bad debts. 40-hour homestudy course with half-hour instructor orientation at start of course. Daytime tutorials are available by appointment with instructor. ACCT 102 $295 + textbook Canmore Campus (same textbook as Financial Accounting Introduction) Register for start date of Apr. 13; end date is June 8, 2015. Prerequisite: Financial Accounting Introduction
Sage 50 Premium Accounting – Level 1
Sage 50 Premium Accounting (formerly Simply Accounting) is designed to maintain complete accounting records for small to medium-sized companies. This course is intended for individuals who will be primarily doing data entry in Sage 50 Accounting. You will learn how to use and navigate the software and to perform daily accounting tasks in the General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable and Payroll modules. Sage 50 Accounting software is not included; however, a free student version of the software may be downloaded from the Sage website. 24-hour homestudy course with one-hour instructor orientation at start of course. Daytime tutorials are available by appointment with the instructor. ACCT 105 $295 + textbook Canmore Campus Register for start date of Apr. 13; end date is June 8, 2015 Prerequisites: Financial Accounting Introduction and Computer Basics or equivalent experience. (Note: This course does not teach basic accounting. You are expected to have a working knowledge of financial accounting concepts and processes). Textbook is Sage 50 Premium Accounting 2013 Level 1 by Master Trak, which can be purchased at http://www. bowvalleyshop.ca
Sage 50 – Information for Mac users
Sage currently does not provide a Sage 50 version for the Mac platform, nor do they support Sage 50 Accounting on a Mac. For Mac users, Sage offers Sage One, a cloud-based solution that works for both Mac and PC users. For more information about Sage software, contact Sage customer support at www.sage.com.
Sage 50 Premium Accounting – Level 2
This course builds upon the knowledge gained from Sage 50 Premium Accounting Level 1. You will learn how to set up a new company, create and process multi-currency transactions, bank and credit card reconciliations, payroll, customized reporting features, network security, projects and setting budgets. Sage 50 Accounting software is not included; however, a free student version of the software may be downloaded from the Sage website. 24-hour homestudy course with half-hour instructor orientation at start of course. Daytime tutorials are available by appointment with the instructor. ACCT 106 $295 + textbook Canmore Campus Register for start date of Apr. 13; end date June 8, 2015. Prerequisites: Financial Accounting Level 2 and Sage 50 Premium Accounting Level 1. Textbook is Sage 50 Premium Accounting 2013 Level 2 by Master Trak, which can be purchased at http://www.bowvalleyshop.ca
QuickBooks Introduction
This course covers the basics in working with an integrated accounting package suitable for most small- to medium-sized businesses. Topics include setting up company files, working with lists, bank accounts, creating invoices and sales receipts, receiving payments and making deposits, entering and paying bills, doing payroll, and tracking and paying GST. Software not included. The first evening includes an orientation that must be attended to proceed with the course. Instructor: Willy Fung ACCT 104 $295 Canmore Campus Mon. evenings 6:30 – 9pm, Apr. 13 – June 8, no class May 18 Prerequisites: Financial Accounting Introduction and Computer Basics
BUSINESS Basic Administration Skills
Learn the skills most commonly used by administrative assistants in a small business environment including proper telephone and reception procedures and etiquette; time and office management skills; business communications and office machine operation. You will also learn different filing systems, standard business letter formatting, and proof reading mark up. This course uses online resources, podcasts and video; students should be comfortable using these technologies and the Internet. Self-paced 40-hour course. ADMN 100 $265 Ongoing registration for start date of Apr. 13 or later; end date June 8, 2015. We recommend that you allow yourself a period of at least six weeks to work on the course. Prerequisite: Word Introduction (or complete a skill assessment)
Bow Valley College is excited to offer computer courses in the summer months. Please note this is a compressed course offering, which will run for 10 sessions over 5 weeks: Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7-9 pm, June 22, 24, 29, July 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22 and 27.
Word 2010 Introduction – Self-Paced
If you would like to produce professional looking documents such as letters, memos, agendas, marketing and administrative forms and papers, this course is for you. You will learn how to use the best tools and features for each document. Explore how to efficiently edit, move and copy text; change fonts; apply bullets and numbering; borders and shading; insert and re-size images; enter headers and footers; insert page numbers; set alignment and indents; and change page settings. You will also learn how to format for envelopes and labels. Self-paced 18-hour course. COMP 113 $245 Canmore Campus
Word 2010 Intermediate – Self-Paced
Wow your clients, co-workers and boss! Take your knowledge of basic word processing to the next level and learn how to perform mail merges and create forms, newsletters and tables. Compile large documents such as handbooks, procedure manuals and reports with tables of contents, section breaks, themes, footnotes, citations and bibliographies. You will learn about inserting hyperlinks, using templates, grouping, cropping images, applying special effects and utilizing the Track Changes tools. Self-paced 18-hour course. COMP 114 $245 Canmore Campus
Excel 2010 Introduction – Self-Paced
If you have never taken an Excel course, now is the time! Excel is by far the most popular program used by businesses both large and small. This course will explain the terminology, help you understand the difference between a workbook and worksheet, and teach you how to navigate worksheets, add data, edit and reformat. You will also learn how to insert charts, work with basic formulas and apply the most efficient tools and features to work fast and effectively. Self-paced 18-hour course. COMP 116 $245 Canmore Campus
Excel 2010 Intermediate – Self-Paced
Become an Excel ninja! Build on the skills learned in Excel Introduction. Learn how to work with multiple worksheets, link data, create advanced formulas, use the database and sorting features of Excel and build on your knowledge of creating and formatting charts. By the end of this course you will be able to apply intermediate to advanced formatting techniques to create professional invoices, sales reports, budgets and databases. Self-paced 18-hour course. COMP 117 $245 Canmore Campus
Excel 2010 Advanced – Self-Paced
Become an Excel power user! In this course, you will learn to use the advanced features and functions of Excel. Learn to link, consolidate and merge data from multiple workbooks; automate worksheet functionality with macros; conditional formatting and data validation; and analyze and organize data through the use of goal seeking, subtotals, pivot tables and pivot charts. You will also learn to create and use templates. Self-paced 18-hour course. COMP 118 $245 Canmore Campus
PowerPoint 2010 – Self-Paced
Use templates, drawing tools, text boxes, and clip art to create professional-looking electronic and print presentations. PowerPoint enables you to organize a collection of images and text into a presentation and place it on slides, overheads or printed pages. Self-paced 18-hour course. $245 Canmore Campus COMP 119
FIRST AID WORKSHOPS Emergency First Aid and CPR Level C and AED
Basic life support skills for those with easy access to Emergency Medical Services. Focus is on casualty assessment, airway management, control of bleeding and prevention of further injury until medical help is available. This is a Canadian Red Cross course and is approved by Occupational Health and Safety. Fee includes manual; certificate provided upon successful completion. Register at least one week in advance. Classes with insufficient registrants will be cancelled. $95 with GST Canmore Campus CON0268 Apr. 8 8:30am – 4:30pm Wed Instructor: Mike Geisler has been with the Banff Fire Department for the past 20 years and is currently deputy chief. He is an Emergency Medical Responder and is registered with The Alberta College of Paramedics. He has taught Health and Safety related courses for the past 15 years.
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPS Instructor Richard Berry is a professional nature photographer who has travelled the world looking for the perfect photograph. He is also a highly acclaimed photography teacher and has taught throughout Canada, the US and South America. Come and see why Richard’s photography classes are so popular. Register at least one week in advance. Classes with insufficient registrants will be cancelled.
Essential Photoshop
Our Essential Photoshop course will help you prepare images for a website and teach important skills for editing your photographs using Adobe Photoshop. In the first class you will learn how to make selections, understand resizing images and how to use the paintbrush, type, clone stamp, crop and eye dropper tools. In the second class you will learn how to use more advanced features such as how to use layers, actions and automatically adjust multiple images with batch processing. No prior Photoshop knowledge is required. CON0072 $115.00 with GST Canmore Campus Two Tuesdays May 26 & June 2 7 – 9pm
WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS Instructor Richard Berry has over ten years’ experience creating and designing websites. He is the owner of Blisslogik Inc., which operates 23 websites that create income from subscriptions, Google ads and affiliate partnerships. Richard uses WordPress for a variety of websites such as www.canmoreartguild.com and has collaborated with local web designers and international outsource companies for more complex websites. He is familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of both solutions.
Build a Website with WordPress
In this three-part class, participants will create a live website or modify an existing website using WordPress, a powerful but user-friendly online website creation and blogging tool. Many businesses, individuals and non-profit groups use WordPress to create and manage their websites. CON0286 $165 with GST Canmore Campus Three Tuesdays Apr. 28, May 5 and May 12 7 – 9pm Part 1 - Introduction to WordPress, Apr. 28 Learn about WordPress and how it is used to create a blog and/or a website. By the end of this class you will have a created a basic website or added pages to an existing website. Part 2 - Understanding Themes and Widgets, May 5 What are WordPress themes and widgets? How are they installed and used? There will be plenty of time in this class to continue working on your website and to ask for help. Part 3 - Understanding Plugins, May 12 Discover the power of WordPress plugins. Use plugins to add galleries, secure contact forms, calendars and easily share your website and blog updates on Facebook and Flickr. There will be plenty of time in this class to continue working on your website and to ask for help.
SENIORS WORKSHOPS Bow Valley College is excited to offer computer workshops for seniors in the communities of Banff, Canmore, and Exshaw. Offered in partnership with local agencies, these workshops are free to seniors. The workshops are limited to 10 participants. To register, please contact the location where the workshop is being offered, either in person or by telephone at the number listed below. Bighorn Library Exshaw 403-673-3571
Banff Seniors Centre 403-762-1253 (FCSS) Canmore Library 403-678-2468
Getting Connected
A fun, hands-on class that explains what the internet is and how to use it. Participants will learn about web browsers, how to do web searches, set up a web-based email account, bookmark favourite websites, and more. We will also discuss other ways of getting connected, such as using the resources at the public library, and we will talk about connecting with telecommunications software like Skype. Computers are provided. May 4
10am – 12pm
May 6
2pm – 4pm
May 8
10am – 12pm
Bighorn Library Exshaw
Banff Seniors Centre
403-762-1253 (FCSS)
Canmore Library
Internet Security and Email Fraud
Find out about viruses, Trojans, phishing and other common risks from the internet and email. Learn how to protect your identity and prevent yourself from becoming a victim of fraud. You will also learn tips on creating and managing passwords. Computers are provided. May 20 2pm – 4pm
Banff Seniors Centre
May 22 10am – 12pm June 1 10am – 12pm
403-762-1253 (FCSS)
Canmore Library
Bighorn Library Exshaw
Bow Valley College gratefully acknowledges our community partners for these workshops: Bighorn Library, Bow Valley Regional Housing, Canmore Public Library, FCSS Family and Community Support Services, Municipal District of Bighorn, Services Canada, Town of Banff and Town of Canmore.
GENERAL EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (GED) TESTS Earn a High School Equivalency Diploma issued by Alberta Education and recognized in every Canadian province and territory by passing the official GED Tests. The GED tests are open to all Alberta residents who are 18 years of age or older, who have been out of the regular high school system for at least ten consecutive months. The tests have one main purpose – to certify a high school level of academic knowledge and skills. Additional upgrading of high school courses may be required for students entering some post-secondary programs. GED Tests are written regularly at Bow Valley College, North Campus (345 - 6 Avenue SE, Calgary). For more information please call 403-410-1400 or visit the website for exam dates at the link below: http://www.bowvalleycollege.ca/programs-and-courses/academic-upgrading/ged/ged-tests.html
High School Equivalency (GED) Preparation
Prepare to pass the official GED. To help you get there Bow Valley College offers part-time, online programs. Part-time study options: • Real Time Online - attending live, real-time online classes • Anytime Online - independent, self-paced online studies, with local support The textbook Complete Canadian GED Preparation Handbook is available to purchase online at www.bowvalleyshop.ca. This book is an excellent resource for students preparing for the GED test. The book includes reviews in all test areas.
GED Preparation – Anytime Online
Take your GED preparation course online through eCampusAlberta. This course prepares students to write the battery of GED exams. Students have access to interactive learning activities, practice tests, and instructor support. Start date: Ongoing admission Fees: For a complete list of full- and part-time fees, please visit www.bowvalleycollege.ca/fees. Register: Online at www.ecampusalberta.ca under the “Adult Upgrading” discipline. Students have a maximum of six months from the date of registration to complete the course.
GED Preparation – Real Time Online
You will be able to attend live online classes two nights per week, led by an instructor in a virtual classroom. Subjects covered are Reading, Writing and Math. Each session is recorded to allow students to access lessons at a later time for review and study purposes. Start date: May 7, 2015 Tues & Thurs evenings 6-9pm Location: Online at your home Fees: For a complete list of full- and part-time fees, please visit www.bowvalleycollege.ca/fees. Register: Online at www.ecampusalberta.ca under the “Adult Upgrading” discipline.
Our Continuing Education certificate courses are available for the part-time learner and offered with flexibility to fit your schedule. Courses are self-paced, facilitated by a local instructor, or online. Some certificates can be achieved completely through online learning.
This part-time continuing education certificate program provides you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to perform complex administrative responsibilities to support chief executives and other high level professionals. Upon successful completion of program requirements, you will be proficient in computer applications, office management and administrative procedures. Courses are available through our Bow Corridor Campus and Calgary Campus continuing education department. Required Courses: • Keyboarding – Beginner and Skill Builder offered in Canmore • Computer Basics offered in Canmore • Microsoft Word Introduction offered in Canmore • Microsoft Word Intermediate offered in Canmore • Microsoft Excel Introduction offered in Canmore • Microsoft PowerPoint offered in Canmore • Microsoft Outlook home study • Basic Administrative Skills offered in Canmore • Financial Accounting Introduction offered in Canmore • Effective Business Writing online For more information about this certificate please call 403-678-3125
Learn to handle the accounting requirements of a business or office environment. Learn the basics of applied accounting through a variety of general accounting and specialized accounting software. Required Courses: • Microsoft Excel Introduction offered in Canmore • Microsoft Excel Intermediate offered in Canmore • Microsoft Excel Advanced offered in Canmore offered in Canmore • Financial Accounting Introduction • Financial Accounting Intermediate offered in Canmore • Sage 50 Introduction or QuickBooks Sage 50 offered in Canmore
The following four courses qualify towards the Certified Bookkeeper designation offered by the Canadian Institute of Bookkeeping. These courses only account for partial completion of the requirements for certification. For more information about becoming a certified bookkeeper, please visit: www.cibcb.com • Financial Accounting Introduction • Financial Accounting Intermediate • Sage 50 Introduction • Sage 50 Advanced
In this certificate, you will learn how to establish and maintain engaging, long-term and positive business relationships through an understanding of proper business etiquette, effective conflict resolution and practical time management strategies. This certificate will also teach you how to develop effective work habits and strong self-management skills that will help increase your personal effectiveness and productivity. Required Courses: • Ethical Business Fundamentals • Business Etiquette • Effective Business Writing • Conflict Management • Personal Productivity • Time Management Strategies
Being a successful manager means having a wide range of skills. Through this certificate, you will learn how to enhance your leadership, management, and critical thinking skills through the various tools and techniques outlined in each course. This certificate will teach you how to effectively implement changes in the workplace, develop a more skilled workforce through efficient talent and attention management, and lead and motivate your team to produce remarkable business results. Required Courses: • Change Management • Introduction to Performance Management • Advanced Performance Management • Critical and Productive Strategies • Workplace Complexities • Building High Performance Teams
This program provides practical understanding of the fundamentals of business functions including general accounting, computer applications, and introduction to project management. Designed for those who are already working in the area of business management, this certificate program provides the opportunity to add to your skill set and advance your career. Required Courses: • Essential Supervisory Skills Online • Introduction to Human Resources Administration Online • Financial Accounting – Introduction Canmore • Financial Accounting – Intermediate Canmore • Communication Strategies Online • Introduction to Performance Management Online • Introduction to Project Management Online
For more information about the certificates listed above, please visit https://coned.bowvalleycollege.ca/, or email continuingeducation@bowvalleycollege.ca
This part-time program introduces you to Human Resources functions and processes. Study the terminology and legislation that apply to Human Resources; discuss the processes of attracting, retaining, and developing staff. Topics include HR management systems, recruitment and selection, job evaluation, compensation and benefits, payroll, employee relations, health and safety, managing performance, and staff training and development. Required Courses: • Introduction to Human Resources Administration • Employee Recruiting and Selection • Compensation and Benefits Administration • Introduction to Organization Behaviour Elective Courses (students must complete 2 elective courses in addition to the 4 required courses): • Introduction to Performance Management • Advanced Performance Management • Conflict Management • Change Management • Workplace Diversity • Coaching and Mentoring
The AutoCAD 2D Certificate prepares the professional or student to work in the exciting field of two-dimensional Computer-Aided Design/Drafting. You will be trained to work as an AutoCAD Operator in a variety of industrial and business areas including architecture; manufacturing; mapping; surveying; electronics; interior design; landscaping; and electrical, mechanical and environmental engineering. The program is designed for working professionals who want to update their AutoCAD 2D skills. Required Courses: •• AutoCAD 2D Level 1 •• AutoCAD 2D Level 2 •• AutoCAD 2D Advanced
For more information about the certificates listed above, please visit https://coned.bowvalleycollege.ca/, or email continuingeducation@bowvalleycollege.ca
CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES – ONLINE OR HOMESTUDY Register online for the following courses at https://coned.bowvalleycollege.ca For more information on these courses, please call 403-410-1591 or email continuingeducation@bowvalleycollege.ca Online Students access course materials and learning objectives via the internet by logging onto their MyBVC account (provided upon registration). The course instructor provides support via email. You are able to work at your own pace and have 4 months to complete your course. Homestudy Course materials and learning objectives are mailed to you upon registration. You are able to work at your own pace and have 4 months to complete your course. Most courses require the purchase of a textbook. The course instructor provides support via email. Online Classroom Take advantage of our new, flexible learning environment! You can now complete one of the new business courses and receive live instructor support while studying from the comfort of your own home or at any other location. Courses are conveniently scheduled for the evenings, allowing you to learn while working full time. You will need a high-speed internet connection and a computer with the capacity to handle multiple platforms and web pages simultaneously.
BUSINESS Basic Business Communication – HOMESTUDY (COMM100)
This course focuses on the essentials of communicating effectively in a business environment, concentrating on real-world learning activities. Topics include the writing process in business, oral communication, report development, records management, and the technology appropriate to the planning and facilitation of everyday business communication. The mechanics of language such as word usage, sentence structure, spelling, and grammar are reviewed within the context of each topic. $325.00 Ongoing registration.
NEW Emerging Innovations In Social Enterprise – ONLINE CLASSROOM (CON0327)
Learn and discuss emerging Innovations in Social Enterprise. Social enterprise has united people, planet and profit by contributing to the economy and employing millions of people. This course explores emerging innovations in Social Enterprise, an intersection of business, profit, non-profit, cooperative, and government to achieve a dynamic hybrid of new businesses and social opportunities. This event will survey collaborator support, financial intelligence, ecological judgment, and the range of skills that make social enterprises flourish. $380.00 Apr. 14 – May 7, 2015; Tues & Thurs 6 – 9pm
Essential Supervisory Skills – HOMESTUDY (ADMN107)
Learn the skills you need to be an efficient supervisor and enhance your value in the marketplace, increase your chances of a promotion or simply make your job easier. Study from your home or office at your convenience. The supervisory skills learned in this course are applicable to any work environment. $325.00 Ongoing registration.
This course offers instruction in the language of medical terminology and teaches you how to read and interpret commonly used medical terms, symbols and abbreviations. Topics include rules, prefixes, suffixes, root, combining forms, and basic introduction to body systems. (3 credit course) $450.00 (additional charges may apply to this course) May 4 – Aug. 14, 2015; Tues 6 – 9pm June 1 – Sept. 11, 2015 July 6 – Oct. 16, 2015 Aug. 4 – Nov. 13, 2015
NEW Medical Terminology II – ONLINE CLASSROOM (HUCL 1402)
This course continues the instruction in the language of medical terminology and builds on the previously learned subject matter in HUCL 1401. Medical Terminology II integrates word components into exploring body systems, pathological conditions, lab and diagnostic procedures, and medication/drug classifications. (3 credit course) $450.00 (additional charges may apply to this course) May 4 – Aug. 14, 2015; Thurs 6 – 9pm
HUMAN RESOURCES Introduction to Human Resources Administration – ONLINE (HMRS150)
This course provides an overview of human resources functions, with a focus on terminology and human resources legislation. Topics include recruitment and selection, job evaluation, compensation and benefits, health and safety, training and development, employee relations, and client groups for human resources departments. $355.00 + learning materials (additional charges may apply to this course) May 4 – Sept. 4, 2015 June 1 – Oct. 1, 2015
MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT Introduction to Performance Management – ONLINE (CON0290)
This course demonstrates how to measure and enhance the performance of individuals and groups and align performance with the organization’s strategic objectives through various methodologies. You will learn how to develop a more skilled workforce through effective talent and attention management and how to become more efficient and proficient with delegating, managing time, setting goals and expectations and providing feedback. $325.00 May 4 – June 4, 2015 June 1 – July 1, 2015
In the Conflict Management course, you will learn crucial conflict management skills, including dealing with anger and using the Agreement Frame. Dealing with conflict is important for every organization no matter what the size. If it is left unchecked or not resolved, it can lead to lost production, absences, attrition, and even lawsuits. $295.00 May 4 – June 4, 2015 June 1 – July 1, 2015
Effective Business Writing – ONLINE (CON0310)
The Effective Business Writing course will provide you with a refresher on basic writing concepts (such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and an overview of the most common business documents. Strong writing skills will increase your value in the business world. $295.00 May 4 – June 4, 2015 June 1 – July 1, 2015
Time Management Strategies – ONLINE (CON0312)
This course teaches you how to gain control of your time through organization, prioritizing, and delegation. It will provide you with the tools you need to be an effective time manager and allow you to overcome issues of time mismanagement, such as procrastination. $295.00 May 4 – June 4, 2015 June 1 – July 1, 2015
PROJECT MANAGEMENT Introduction to Project Management – ONLINE (BUS0037)
This online course introduces the basic elements of project management. You will learn the characteristics of projects, the principles of project management and the five stages involved in effectively managing projects. By the end of this course you will understand the process involved in planning, managing and closing projects. You will be able to prepare a needs analysis document, a project proposal report, a project management plan, and charts including PERT and GANTT charts. $209.00 (additional charges may apply to this course)
LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES - ONLINE OR HOMESTUDY Register online for the following courses at https://coned.bowvalleycollege.ca under Health Administration
Care of the Agitated Client – HOMESTUDY (CON0035)
This self-directed homestudy course reviews key elements in the care of agitated clients for Licensed Practical Nurses, Health Care Aides and family caregivers. There is a final assignment for this course. Certificate issued upon successful completion of course requirements. One month to complete course. $149.00 Ongoing registration
Documentation Refresher – HOMESTUDY (CON0041)
This self-directed homestudy course reviews key elements in reporting, charting, and documentation for Licensed Practical Nurses. Learners have one month to complete the course, including the final exam. Certificate issued upon successful completion of course requirements. $149.00 Ongoing registration
Immunization – ONLINE or HOMESTUDY (CON0020)
This course is designed to meet the needs of Licensed Practical Nurses in performing the preparation and administration of immunizations. The course builds new knowledge, skills, attitudes, and judgments necessary for administering immunizing/ biological agents. Learners have four months to complete the course, including the final exam. $349.00 May 11 – Aug. 21, 2015 June 8 – Sept. 18, 2015 Prerequisite: Intramuscular and Intradermal Injection certificate. Graduates of Alberta-based LPN programs as of 2006 have this prerequisite. All others must provide documentation.
Leadership for Licensed Practical Nurses – ONLINE (PRNR119)
Building on the knowledge gained from their practical nurse education, this course provides Licensed Practical Nurses with the knowledge, skills, and confidence required to analyze their transition to leadership practice and effectively take on formal and informal leadership roles within an increasingly complex health care environment. Practical approaches to gaining skills and confidence in leadership roles are emphasized. This course is approved by the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta (CLPNA) for continuing competency credit for Licensed Practical Nurses. (3 credit course) $310.00 + textbook (additional charges may apply to this course) Ongoing registration: this course will start the Monday following the completion of your registration.
ACADEMIC AND UNIVERSITY TRANSFER COURSES – ONLINE Register online for the following courses at https://coned.bowvalleycollege.ca
HEALTH CARE Anatomy & Physiology – ONLINE (ANPH150)
This course offers an introduction to the normal structures and functions of the human body according to body systems. Recommended for those who have Biology 30 or who are able to commit to home/self-study of complex materials. $621.00 (plus textbook and learning materials)
HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES For more information on the courses listed below, please contact Miwa Imagawa at 403-410-1787, or by email at: mimagawa@bowvalleycollege.ca
Fundamentals of Written Communication – ONLINE (COMM181)
This course focuses on the development and practice of fundamental writing skills with an emphasis on grammar and paragraph writing, to prepare students for success in education and in the workplace. $285.00 (additional charges may apply to this course) Online course offered once per month, 15 weeks to complete course from start date. May 4 – Aug. 14, 2015 June 1 – Sept. 11, 2015 July 6 – Oct. 16, 2015
Human Growth and Development Across the Life Span – ONLINE (PSYC151)
This course provides a comprehensive overview of human growth and development and typical behavioural responses throughout the life span. Emphasis is placed upon the stages of development and their linkage to common events and adaptations. $311.00 (additional charges may apply to this course) Online course offered every two months, 15 weeks to complete course from start date. May 4 – Aug. 14, 2015 July 6 – Oct. 16, 2015
Interpersonal Relationships and Communication Skills – ONLINE (COMM180)
This online credit course has been designed to aid students as they develop strategies necessary for effective and accurate communication in relationships with others, whether those relationships exist in a workplace, a family, a friendship, or a classroom. It focuses on the development of personal strengths and self-awareness that contribute to the development of communication skills and positive relationships. $285.00 (additional charges may apply to this course) Online course offered once per month, 15 weeks to complete course from start date. May 4 – Aug. 14, 2015 June 1 – Sept. 11, 2015 July 6 – Oct. 16, 2015
What’s holding you back? HIGH SCHOOL UPGRADING
Take advantage of FlexClass, our face-to-face, self-directed High School Upgrading program. Get one-on-one help from your instructor right here in Canmore. Apply now for Fall start date.
Anytime online high school courses with local learning support are also available for a more flexible schedule. Start dates are ongoing.
MEET WITH A STUDENT ADVISOR canmoreupgrading@bowvalleycollege.ca | 403-678-3125 Government funding may be available for eligible students. Funding applications can take 8-12 weeks, so early application is advised.
Canmore Campus 800 Railway Avenue (Provincial Building)
Flex Class - independent, self-paced, instructor-led studies, with local instructor FlexClass is a self-directed and learner-centred high school upgrading program that offers several advantages and is a successful option for students who are ready to learn more independently. Using a personal approach to learning, instructors and educational assistants work one-on-one with students to help with questions. This learning option provides the following advantages: • Individualized instruction and additional support from educational assistants • Independent pace of learning • Orientation and course outlines with assignment due dates. Staff will answer all your questions and help you get started! • Access to computers and technology • Flexible hours will allow you to create your own timetable. Ideally suited for those who are working, have time restrictions to complete a course, and are able to study independently • Small groups can develop over time in the program, where you can collaborate and progress through the course together • Diploma or equivalency exams are offered for all grade 12 courses • Attendance required: five hours per week per course • The possibility of completing courses more quickly or even taking two courses for the price of one! Start dates: Ongoing from September to February (weekly intakes) Location: Canmore Campus Course length: 16 weeks (maximum) Register: Canmore Campus Fees: $583.00 (Price subject to change, is per class, and does NOT Include books & materials)
Anytime Online - independent, self-paced online studies, with local support A wide range of Alberta Education credit courses are offered through our Anytime Online option. These courses allow you to study at your own pace from your home, overseas, while working or travelling, or wherever you happen to be. Anytime Online students can write their exams at the Canmore Campus, at an eCampusAlberta partner college, or with a proctor arranged by the student and approved by the program administration. With Anytime Online, you may proceed through the course at your own pace, as quickly as you like or taking up to the maximum of 24 weeks. Instructors and tutors provide support through telephone, email, chat, and meetings by appointment. Students are provided with a mybvc.ca Google Apps account, enabling you to use Gmail, Google docs and Google calendar to ask questions, submit assignments and stay organized. Online courses include unit guides, assignments, media, and additional resources to help you succeed. All textbooks and materials can be purchased online or in person through the Bow Valley College bookstore (www. bowvalleyshop.ca). Start Date: Ongoing admission (weekly intakes) Course length: Students have a maximum of 24 weeks to complete course from date of registration Register Online: www.ecampusalberta.ca Cost: $583.00 (Price subject to change, is per class and does NOT include books & materials) *Government funding may be available for eligible students. Eligibility is based on income and career/educational goal. Make an appointment to meet with a student advisor at the Canmore Campus to find out if financial support may be available to help cover course costs. Apply well in advance of start dates, as there can be a long lead time for processing.
BOW VALLEY COLLEGE - ELL Bow Valley College, as a Comprehensive Community Institution, is mandated to provide adult learning opportunities to individuals living in small communities and rural areas within a 100 km radius of Calgary. We are the largest provider of English Language Learning (ELL) classes in the region. Newcomers to Canada, Canadian citizens and international visitors take English classes with BVC. Our teachers are known for excellence in teaching. BOW VALLEY LEARNING COUNCIL MEMBER. Canmore Campus Provincial Building, 800 Railway Ave. Canmore, AB T1W 1P1 OFFICE HOURS: 8:30am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday (closed for lunch 12 - 1pm) PHONE: 403.678.3125 croberts@bowvalleycollege.ca | www.bowvalleycollege.ca/bow-corridor
REGISTER ONLINE: Register for courses online at https://coned.bowvalleycollege.ca/ BY PHONE: (403) 678-3125. Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm (except from 12 - 1pm) Payment by credit card (VIsa or Mastercard). . IN PERSON: Canmore Campus, Provincial Building, 800 Railway Ave., Canmore. Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm (except from 12 - 1pm). FOR LINC CLASSES: Email croberts@bowvalleycollege.ca or call (403) 923-8259 for more information about testing. FUNDING ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE FOR THOSE ON A LOW INCOME. PLEASE ASK FOR MORE INFORMATION.
LINC: Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada
LINC English classes are available to permanent residents at no cost. Individuals wanting to take LINC classes must first take the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) Placement test. For more information email croberts@bowvalleycollege.ca or call 403.923.8259. All Skills C Mon & Wed 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Apr 8 - Jun 10 Banff Campus All Skills B Tues & Thur
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Apr 7 - Jun 11
Banff Campus
All Skills A Tues & Thur Tues & Thur
1:30 - 4:30 pm 6 - 9 pm
Apr 7 - Jun 11 Apr 7 - Jun 11
Banff Campus Banff Campus
English Language Learning: Intermediate
This intermediate-level course will expand and strengthen students’ ability to speak, listen, read and write English in a variety of settings. Mon & Wed 6:30 - 9 pm Apr 13 - Jun 3 $205 + GST Canmore Campus
English Language Learning - Advanced
This advanced-level course will expand and strengthen students’ ability to speak, listen, read and write English in a variety of settings. Tues & Thur 6:30 - 9 pm Apr 14 - Jun 4 $205 + GST Canmore Campus
English Language Learning: Multi-Level
This is a multi-level English Language Learning class for individuals living in small communities. All skills will be studied - listening, speaking, reading and writing - with an emphasis on the skills and topic areas needed for the community. Tues & Thur 6:30 - 9 pm Jul 7 - Aug 27 $205 + GST Canmore Campus
Listening and Speaking: High Intermediate
Listening and Speaking: High Intermediate is for English Language Learners wanting to improve their everyday speaking and listening as well as discussion and presentation skills. This course has a strong focus on pronunciation. Mon & Wed 9:30 - 12 pm Jul 6 - Aug 26 $205 + GST Banff Campus
Reading and Writing
Intermediate English language learners will focus on increasing their reading fluency and comprehension and improving their writing skills in this class. Lessons will include vocabulary-building activities, reading strategy instruction, complex sentence construction, and writing paragraphs. Mon & Wed 1 - 3:30 pm Jul 6 - Aug 26 $205 + GST Banff Campus
English Proficiency General Test Preparation
This course prepares participants to take English proficiency tests such as IELTS and CELPIP. In this course, you will: • practice each component of standardized tests - speaking, listening, reading and writing • practice completing language tasks within time restrictions • have the opportunity to receive feedback from a BVC instructor on performance as well as tips on how to improve your test score Tues & Thurs 9:30 am - 12 pm Jul 7 - Aug 27 $205 + GST Banff Campus
DO YOU NEED HELP TO PAY FOR YOUR COURSE? DO YOU LIVE IN THE BOW VALLEY? You can apply for a $50 course credit (bursary) to help pay for any adult course listed by our member agencies. Please note: The application is also available on our website www.bowvalleylearning.ca. Limit of one bursary per person per session for those on a low income or unemployed. Please contact the course provider to see if you qualify for help to cover full course fees.
Before registering for the course, please fill in this application (PRINT clearly) and submit: By mail: Box 8045, Canmore, AB, T1W 2T8 | By Fax: 1.888.516.7607 | By email: info@bowvalleylearning.ca Once received, you will be contacted within two business days. Questions? Please contact us at 403.762.8114 or info@bowvalleylearning.ca AT THIS TIME, COURSE FUNDING IS AVAILABLE ONLY TO CANADIAN CITIZENS AND PERMANENT RESIDENTS. First Name:
Last Name:
Gender: Male/Female
Start Date:
Mailing Address:
Course Name:
Residency Status:
□ Unemployed □ Employed
Name of Employer:
□ Self-Employed
Name of Company:
□ Canadian Citizen
□ Permanent Resident with PR Card
How long have you lived in the Bow Valley? Have you received financial assistance from us before? Why would you like to take this course?
I certify that I need financial assistance to take this course, and that all statements on this application are complete and correct. Signature:
The Bow Valley Learning Council, Alberta Innovation and Advanced Education and Hostelling International – Pacific Mountain Region are committed to the philosophy of lifelong learning and discovery. This personal information is collected for purposes of operating our Community Adult Learning Council pursuant to section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have questions about this collection, please contact the BVLC: info@bowvalleylearning.ca or 403.762.8114.
the next chapter of your career with eCampusAlberta 900+ online courses. 70+ online programs. 26 post-secondary institutions. One convenient way to learn.
Where life and learning click.
Your In-Community College in Banff and Canmore You don’t have to give up the mountain life to earn a better living. We bring advanced education opportunities to you, from upgrading to career programs, removing all barriers to your success. You get access to excellent programs on your terms – any time, any place, any path, any pace – that can take you further without ever leaving home. Visit bowvalleycollege.ca/bow-corridor