A comprehensive overview of the Town of Little Elm’s progress toward the goals defined in our Strategic Plan.
2019 w w w. l i t t l e e l m .o rg
CONTENTS H ist ory & Po pul a ti o n
M ission & C o r e V a l ue s
Let t er f r o m the M a y o r
M eet t h e To w n C o unc i l
A Welcom i ng E nv i r o nme nt
En su re S tr o ng Re l a ti o ns hi p s
Live an d Pl a y
Op erat io na l I nte g r i ty
Exp an d in g I d e nti ty
En su rin g E x c e l l e nc e
The Town with a Lake Attitude 2
The Town of Little Elm has a long and rich history that stretches back over 175 years. From a small settlement chartered as part of the Peters Colony to the bustling town we see today, Little Elm has changed in size, appearance, and population. Surrounded by the beautiful waters of Lake Lewisville, Little Elm is a town that transcends time. Chartered in 1841 and settled in 1844, the Town of Little Elm grew from a few hundred people in 1966 to more than 45,000 in just 30 years, making it one of the fastest growing cities in Texas.
POPUL AT I O N G R O W T H 2019 =46,500 2018 =44,531 2017 =38,151 20 16 =37,171 2015 =33,419 3
MISSION The mission of the Town of Little Elm is to build on our unique lake opportunities and small-town charm, encourage diverse housing options and business opportunities, and provide an unmatched quality of life. The vision of the Town of Little Elm is a distinct and desirable lakeside destination for all people to live and play while enjoying a safe, vibrant, and welcoming community.
We are honest, loyal, trustworthy, transparent, fair and open minded, and have a culture of accountability. We keep our word and admit our mistakes. We stand up for what is right even in the face of a challenge, and do what is right, even if no one notices.
We recognize that we are entrusted with resources ultimately owned by the community, and as stewards of those, are committed to use the minimum resources required to realize the maximum result. We will find the shortest path on a route or in a process, and operate without waste, with proper use of taxpayer dollars, and without compromising quality.
We have a willingness to grow, to explore new ideas and to challenge the status quo. We are open to change though we do not seek change unnecessarily. We allow the freedom to try new things, and recognize that through creativity and reasonable risk, we will build a stronger, healthier Town together. We are an organization dedicated to learning and continuous improvement.
Customer Service
We are respectful, positive, attentive, approachable, responsive, and empathetic. We focus on being able to assist internal and external customers, not simply accommodate them. Whether the answer involves going the extra mile or sometimes even delivering bad news, we are courteous, patient, humble, and professional.
LETTER FROM THE MAYOR You picked Little Elm for a reason. Maybe you picked it because it was close to work or because your family thrives on recreation-based living. Perhaps you chose Little Elm because of its small-town feel. Whatever the reason, you stuck with us, and the reasons to choose Little Elm keep getting better. Little Elm is dif ferent in so many ways: your town is consistently ranked as one of the safest communities in the countr y. We have more shoreline than any other city in the area. We have a phenomenal, town-wide trail system that provides both connectivity and unmatched lake views, the biggest and best public beach in Nor th Texas, and one-of-a-kind special events and programming all year long.
You chose Little Elm for a reason, but whatever that reason, know this. None of what you love about Little Elm happened by accident. Your Town staf f and Council work hard ever y day to maintain the appeal of this great community by building on our local assets while developing new oppor tunities and keeping the histor y of our community at the hear t of ever ything we do. Be proud of the place you chose and know that tomorrow, you will have even more reasons to love the town you call home.
MEET THE TOWN COUNCIL The Little Elm Town Council is an elected, policy- and law-making body with the power to pass town laws and ordinances. At regular meetings, which are open to the public, the Council hears requests and grievances of local residents, as well as receives updates from Town staf f on projects and initiatives. Members ser ve three-year terms.
A WELCOMING ENVIRONMENT Little Elm will be a community that is safe and welcoming to all who live here and visit. A safe and welcoming community is accomplished through upholding a strong sense of community with an engaged citizenry, maintaining clean and aesthetically welcoming corridors and neighborhoods, preserving a low crime rate, and continuing to ensure that public safety officials are courteous, professional, and ethical while providing equitable service to all.
PRIORITIZING PUBLIC SAFETY • Added ATVs year round to park patrol. • The Citizens on Patrol (COPS) program completed 2,253 hours of service. • Collected more than 200 pounds of pills in DEA Drug Take-Back Program. • Security Baron ranked Little Elm 6th Safest City in Texas. • Added additional Motorcycle Officer to Traffic Unit along the U.S. 380 corridor to increase safety for travelers. • Responded to 41,839 calls for service from October 2018 to September 2019. • Made 16,369 traffic contacts. • Detectives recovered more than $160,000 in stolen property. • Cleared 64 percent of criminal cases. • Established the Silver Citizen Program, a voluntary database for at-risk seniors. • Added an additional ATV at Fire Station 3 to patrol greenbelt corridors in Union Park. • Purchased a new ladder fire truck.
MAINTAINING INTEGRITY • Maintained a 94 percent voluntary compliance rate and cleared 7,095 community integrity cases using a more proactive and educational approach to gain compliance. • Adopted and implemented the 2018 building codes to ensure the construction of safe building and infrastructure.
ADDED SERVICES • The Recreation Center added KidCheck software to their child watch services for parents/guardians to safely and easily check-in and check-out their children from Kid Zone childcare. • Maintained our Leave No Trace designation to keep our parks and amenities clean and safe for residents and stakeholders. • Animal Services reclaimed 204 animals, adopted out 251 animals, and transfered 161 animals to rescue.
The Town of Little Elm cut the ribbon on the the Public Safety Honor Park on Wednesday, May 15, 2019. First responders from area depar tments, elected of ficials, town employees, sponsors, residents, and other community stakeholders were present for the ceremony. The idea for the park came about shor tly af ter Little Elm Police Detective Jerr y R. Walker was killed in the line of duty on Jan. 17, 2017. The park features green space, pavilions, archways, benches, trees, and a walkway made up of engraved bricks purchased by the public, many with messages of thanks and gratitude to Walker and the Town’s first responders. The suppor t for the park represents the spirit of the community and is reflective of the suppor t the depar tment received at the time of Walker’s death. Additionally, the park features a statue of a large sheepdog on a rock. The sheepdog looks over statues of sheep which are placed throughout the park. The sheep dog is an analogy for first responders and their willingness to risk their safety for others. The inclusion of the sheepdog was not happenstance; Walker embodied the philosophy of protecting the public, and saw himself as the sheepdog. The park is located at 102 W. Eldorado Parkway, in front of Town Hall and adjacent to the Little Elm Public Safety Building. 8
ENSURE STRONG RELATIONSHIPS Little Elm will strive to maintain positive relationships within the community and region. Strong and positive relationships are accomplished by conducting business with a level of integrity, promoting open communication, transparency, partnership, and displaying a high level of courteosness in all of our communications. We will operate with a partner mentality with all entities with which we share a common interest.
INCREASING AWARENESS • Hosted the 4th annual Citizens Government Academy. The program has 70 graduates. • Started an alumni group for CGA graduates to increase awareness and activity among CGA graduates. • Partnered with 16 neighborhoods for National Night Out. • Hosted a Coffee with Cops Event. • Completed the 7th Annual Citizens Police Academy. The program has more than 120 graduates. • Completed the 13th Annual Citizens Fire Academy. The program has more than 150 graduates. • Police Explorers competed in the state and national competition. • The Little Elm Library staff participated in local community outreach events, including the Little Elm ISD’s Back to School Bash and the District’s Convocation, to promote library resources and services. • The Little Elm Library hosted its annual Summer Reading Program with programs and events that attract visitors from throughout Denton County, having a 75 percent increase in participation between 2015 and 2019.
• Became an active participant in the Make 380 Safe Initiative. • Installation of Happy or Not customer service feedback terminals in various locations around Town to gauge customer satisfaction. • Community Integrity and Building Services continued partnership with area HOAs to improve awareness and education of residents about common code violations. • Partnered with LEISD, Denton County, and the North Central Texas Council of Governments to fund the French Settlement Road Reconstruction. • Established joint monthly safety and security meetings with Little Elm ISD staff. • Trained Town of Little Elm staff and Little Elm ISD staff through the Stop the Bleed program be equipped, and empowered to help in bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. • Assisted with the creation of a Fire Academy Program within Little Elm ISD and conducted a weekly class to introduce Little Elm ISD students to the Fire Service. • The Recreation Center contracted with two area homeschool programs to provide regular sports and arts activities to local home school students. • Provided playground safety inspections and playground safety consultations for HOAs.
In October 2019, the Little Elm Police Depar tment began managing police ser vices in the Paloma Creek Nor th and South neighborhoods through contract agreements with these developments. The par tnership developed with the desire to increase public safety in the area to meet the rapid growth and demands of the corridor. The benefits of the par tnership for the region and the Town of Little Elm are significant in terms of crime reduction and an increased level of public safety for residents and visitors. It also gives the Town additional resources in terms of staf f and equipment. Currently, there are 14 LEPD of ficers staf fed in the region with one lieutenant, four sergeants, one detective, and eight patrol of ficers.
CULTIVATING COMMUNITY • Developed a Business Retention Program in conjunction with Little Elm Chamber Ambassadors to strengthen our relationships with local business owners. • Started the EDC Accelerator Program to help support Lakefront businesses in their marketing efforts. • Completed the Public Safety Honor Park to show community support between residents and first responders. • Created a liaison officer role for the Paloma Creek and Frisco West HOA boards. • Developed and implemented law enforcement services for Paloma Creek neighborhoods contracted and paid for by Paloma Creek to improve public safety for residents and the region. Through this partnership, the Little Elm Police Department was able to grow by 8.25 percent and improve community relations along 380. • Expanded the School Resource Officer Program (SRO) with Little Elm and Denton ISDs to add more officers to area schools to increase campus, staff, and student safety. • Installed lightning detection system at athletic fields to increase awareness of severe weather during youth sports games. • Implemented online dashboard to display progress on our Strategic Plan. • Developed and disseminated proactive and timely news releases to accurately cover events, programs, activities, and Town news. • Promoted communication channels as sources of information for stakeholders. • Consistently communicated Town of Little Elm Council decisions by sharing council videos online and providing council recaps shared on the Town website and Town Facebook pages. • Established a police substation within Fire Station 3, created North and South Districts to serve the 380 corridor, and added two additional patrol beats in the area to increase public safety.
Added additional officers to the Little Elm Police Department through contracts funded by neighborhood muncipalities and water districts bringing our staff to 80 certified police officers and ten civilians.
LIVE AND PLAY Little Elm will maximize recreational and leisure activities for the region, which will provide for a broad range of socio-economic and interest groups with the focus set on maximizing the unique lake front recreation opportunities that exist on Lewisville Lake.
AN ACTIVE COMMUNITY • Completed design and began construction on a 42,000-square-foot aquatic park. • Held the 5th Mayor’s Fitness Challenge program. This year’s event had the highest-ever number of participants (254). • Added a new Family Fitness Month program in July and expanded group personal training options. • Offered new recreation programs that included Twisted Cuisine Kids Cooking Class, Soccer Shots, and Basketball Tech. • Registered 113 teams for Adult Softball. • Added two new athletics leagues: Cornhole and Invidividual Pickleball Ladder League as part of our social league program. • The Pickleball League had 70 participants over four seasons and Cornhole had 51 teams of four over six seasons. • Indoor volleyball had six seasons and 36 teams. • Senior Center held a growing number on signature special events with each event averaging 90 participants. • The Senior Center fitness classes continue to grow in popularity and each has increased by at least 10 percent. The list of exercise classes includes: walk and talk, yoga, chair exercise, Tai Chi, a Strength, Core, and Balance class, chair volleyball, line dancing, and Zumba. • Reorganized Parks Maintenance to maximize efficiency to improve the overall quality of our ballfields. • Completed and adopted Cottonwood Park Master Plan. • Aquatics had 558 participants enrolled for 2019, and nonresident participation rate was up 24.79 percent.
• The Senior Center had a 10 percent increase in activity swipes, for a total increase of 414 percent in the last six years. Membership in the Senior Center has grown 414 percent in the same period. • Organized and promoted the Little Elm Library’s digital and electronic resources, educational, and career services. • Our Special Events Coordinator and Special Events Manager received their Certified Festival and Event Associate certifications and attended a national event managers conference to better improve Little Elm special events. • Hosted record numbers for our annual Fourth of July event, the July Jubilee. • Collected $13,100 in presold parking and $50,175 in day-of parking fees.
This year, we broke ground and beg a n constr uction on the Wood Family Dog Pa rk a t McC ord Park . This 3 -acre park is adja c ent to C ottonwood C r eek , and will featur e a l a rge dog ar ea and a small dog ar ea. The pa rk wa s listed as a top pr ior ity of r es idents in the 2017 Parks M as ter Plan. The Dog Pa rk l ink s the park proper to the S plas h Pad, pa rk ing lot, and r es trooms. 11
I n Aug us t , t h e Tow n of L i tt l e E l m broke ground on a 4 2,0 00 squar e-foot aqua tic pa rk . Thi s fa c i lit y, l ocated i n th e h ear t of the Lakefront District, joins the campus o f the Lit t le E lm Recreati on Cen ter an d S enior C enter. The a qua t i c p ark w i l l feat ure a retr actable roof and s ides that open to the outs id e, a doub le FlowR i d erÂŽ i n door wave sur f ing machine, s lides, and an activ ity poo l . I t wi ll a ls o have t wo l ap l an es, a lar ge play str ucture, a s plas h pad, and prov id e the op p or t un i t y for ton s of f un for t h e entire family - all year long. The p roj ec t i s exci ti n g for t h e Town, as it prov ides the oppor tunity for fun no ma tter t he wea t h er. The wa terp ark w i l l al so h ave a l azy r iver, par ty room s , cabanas , and a m ezza nine ter r a c e for en ter t ai n i n g . T h ere w ill als o be activ ities and progr am ming for a l l a ges . The p roj ec t i s ex p ected to b e completed in ear ly 2021.
I n 2 019 , we comp l eted t h e Har t s Branch Tra i l. T h e t r ai l , w h i ch run s f rom Walker La n e to t h e Lakef ron t Trai l at E l dor ado Park way, p lay s a vi t al rol e i n th e Town bec a us e it h el p s to con n ect n ei g hborhoods w h er e p r evi ous con n ect i vi ty di d not exist a nd uni te s east-west n ei g h b orh oods and t h e Town f rom th e n or th an d sout h sides of El d or a d o. T h e area at Wal ker L an e also c onn ec t s to t h e Sun set Poi n t t rai l s ystem t h at c onn ec t s to FM 423 restaurants.
The tr ail also prov ides a walk ing or bike path to am enities such a s McC ord Park , the S plas h Pad, the Wood Family Dog Park , Beard Pa rk , and the Lakefront Distr ict, our des tination dis trict of recrea tio n amenities and r es taur ants.
OPERATIONAL INTEGRITY Little Elm will ensure the integrity and long-term viability of the Town’s financial and operational process. Little Elm’s operational and financial soundness will be ensured by maintaining a competitive tax rate, aggressively recruiting retail and small business economic development prospects, planning for long-term financial obligations, and maintaining a level of operational efficiency.
PROCESS IMPROVEMENT • Improved the Development Process improved to be more streamlined and predictable by clarifying expectations and establishing • • • •
opportunities for dialogue between developers and the Town, resulting in a more efficient process and positive experience. Overhauled the Community Integrity notification process to emphasize the need and desire for compliance and not penalty. The new notification process has increased voluntary compliance and decreased confusion about notifications. Created a "Code Awareness Campaign" to keep residents informed on common code violations and provide information on how to abate potential violations through email notifications, social media posts, and videos. Implemented a new facility management software program at the Recreation Center to assure cleanliness, safety, and longevity of equipment and improve overall facility operations. Began offering reservations for the majority of the Parks and Recreation division online to give customers the convenience of making reservations online, even outside of normal business hours.
MAINTAINING EXCELLENCE • The Little Elm Library completed a year-long project to assess • • • • •
material quality and create space for new materials, increasing printed/physical material numbers by 50 percent. Confirmed a AA bond rating from Standard & Poor’s (S&P). Operated a five-year balanced budget. Created an incentive package for Associated Supply Company, Inc. to open in Little Elm in the 380 corridor. Opened 26 new businesses equaling 51,726 square foot of retail, with 575,000 more square feet under construction. Projects opened for business in the last year include: Annie’s Kitchen Qwench Juice Bar/Drnk Coffee Bar Hat Creek Burger India Bazaar/Rujula’s Restaurant Bruster’s Ice Cream Savory Kitchen American Shaman BurgerIM Little Greek One Main Financial Godfather’s Pizza Best Brains Tutoring Haylo CBD Texas Pups Dog Grooming Hair Way Salon Yo Boba Boba Tea Lucky Donuts 13
In 2019, we set out on a journey to help define our workplace culture by creating a Cultural Road Map, to not only define the culture we want for our organization but to also outline the steps and processes we need to take to get there, too.
Why? Where many organizations don’t make defining culture a priority, a culture still develops. It may just not be the desired culture. For some organizations, that may be completely okay, but not defining culture is ver y of ten a mistake. Without a defined culture, team members may not feel engaged in the organization, embrace and exemplify its values, or feel as if their work makes a dif ference. A lack of cohesive culture can also negatively af fect team member per formance, satisfaction, productivity, and par tnerships, too. Being deliberate in defining the behaviors, expectations, and beliefs has its advantages; defining the right culture creates a positive work environment, attracts talent, and can positively af fect per formance. To achieve its vision and goals, an organization must create a culture that encourages team member engagement, investment, and par ticipation. In addition to bringing team members together and encouraging engagement, establishing a strong organizational culture allows an organization the oppor tunity to define what matters, including its mission and Core Values. Creation of culture allows for the definition of goals, too, and the development of strategies to achieve those goals.
A Culture of Servant Leadership 14
EXPANDING IDENTITY Maintain Little Elm’s distinctive look and high development standards that provide vibrant, high-quality neighborhoods, and development. Create a sense of place and brand identity that extends beyond our borders.
FINDING A VOICE • Developed a message strategy and voice for social platforms
• Attended ICSC and Retail Live tradeshows to recruit
through the creation of a Social Media Policy, including posting schedule and response times. • Developed and began installation of LED light strips on Town buildings and various businesses to change colors based off of events going on in the Lakefront year round. Additional up-lighting on the Water Tower, Little Elm Park trees, Lakefront Mural, and Hula Hut/Hydrous trees on Eldorado. • Developed and began program to paint/wrap utility boxes in the Lakefront District
retail prospects to Little Elm. • Worked with Dallas Morning News to publish an annual, special addition insert publication about Little Elm and the Lakefront for the fourth year. • Printed the illustrated map of the Lakefront District for the fourth year, marking the destinations, amenities, and events in the district for the fourth year. • Completion of the Lakefront Mural on Eldorado Parkway and Hardwicke Lane as a placemaking piece for the Lakefront.
• Facebook reach average is 5,000 viewers per post.
• The Recreation Center newsletter has • •
• • Developed and implemented a Digital Road Map to ensure we are meeting stakeholders in a digital environment. • Established a Virtual Town Hall as a central source of digital services. • Developed a Branding & Style Guide and regularly review communications channels and materials to ensure they meet Town standards. • Organized Town communication under one shared communication philosophy with consistent style and branding.
• • •
10,576 email subscribers, with an average open rate of 22.75 percent. The Library email database has 9,051 emails. Established Instagram for the Little Elm Recreation Center to promote programming, classes, and events with 328 followers as of November 27. The Town of Little Elm Instagram account followers by 1329, or 34 percent. Public Works email lists have 4,317 active contacts. The Mainsail weekly newsletter has 2800 subscribers, with an average open rate of 30 percent. Increased Lakefront at Little Elm’s social media presence and engagement by more than 50 percent on Facebook.
9 p erce nt inc rea se in Fa cebook likes . 15
• Participated in the Green Ribbon Program for corridor landscaping improvement to improve the area between Eldorado Parkway to Cottonwood Trail on Oak Grove Parkway. • Installed Beach Information kiosks at the beach to promote events and program information,show a map of the Lakefront, and display ads for local businesses. • Effectively and responsibly communicated information regarding Town of Little Elm programs and services through an organized and systematic framework of communication tools, including video Newsbreaks, multiple social media channels, email marketing platforms, and news releases.
• Installed oversized Adirondack chairs in the Lakefront • • •
to promote the district and provide “Instagrammable” spots to futher the Lakefront and Little Elm brands. Developed and implemented a Town-wide Communication Plan to improve communication. Updated the Zoning Ordinances to align with the Comprehensive Plan and vision of the Town. Began the process to establish a comprehensive wayfinding signage program that captures the branding and identity of the Town that guides the residents and visitors to the community. Increased online social media presence across multiple platforms.
COMMITTED TO COMMUNICATION We r ec o g n i z e t h at commun i cat i on is an obligation of a tr ans par ent m unici pa l gover n m ent , an d t h at ef fecti vel y com municating with the r es idents , v is itor s , a nd bus i n es s lead er s of our commun ity is cr itical to the s uccess of Little Elm . To this en d, t h e Town of L i t t l e E l m created the Marketing & C omm unication Depar tment in ord er to c o n struct our commun i cation ef for ts ef f iciently, prom ote an engaged a nd i nfor m ed c ommun i ty, an d att ract quality employees . The goal of the M arketing & C om m un i c a ti on s Dep ar t men t i s to inform and engage r esidents through the c rea tion of qua lit y c on ten t an d resp on d i n g with timely, accur ate, and r eliable inform a tion. As p a r t of our commi t men t to comm unication, the M arketing & C omm unications Dep a r t m ent d evel op ed p ol i ci es to guide the Town’s futur e com munications, i nc ludi n g a C ommun i cat i on Pl an , S ocial Media Plan, Media Relations Guide, B r a ndi n g & S t y l e Gui d e, an d Di g i tal Road M ap to s er ve as a fr amework for how we us e tec h n olog y to commun i cate with and best s er ve our r esidents in a digita l envi ronm ent. 16
ENSURING EXCELLENCE Little Elm will strive to maintain positive relationships within the community and region. Strong and positive relationships are accomplished by conducting business with a high level of integrity, promoting open communication, transparency, partnership, and displaying a high level of courteousness in all of communications.
SUSTAINING GROWTH • Completed $1.2 million in street, sidewalk, and curb • • • • • • • • • • •
maintenance projects as part of the Annual Street Maintenance program. Completed rehabilitation of the 2-million gallon ground storage tank at the Mansell Pump Station. Completed installation of the Westside Lift Station located on Hill Lane. Completed rehabilitation of the Shell Beach and Cottonwood Lift Stations. Established North and South Districts and added beats 6 and 7 on the 380 corridor. Acquired funds to purchase a 100-ft. platform fire truck. Transitioned to a new Medical Control provider that enhanced service to our residents and stakeholders and expanded training to Fire Department personnel. Updated Town codes to meet the 2018 International Fire Code to ensure we are in line with industry standards. Conducted several in-house certification courses to meet the needs of the Fire Department, including Ropes Rescue Operations and Fire Instructor 2 courses to better prepare personnel. Established Police substation inside FD Station 3. Developed and conducted a firefighter survival training program, also known as Mayday Training, to train firefighters to rescue trapped responders. Maintained Public Works Accreditation with the American Public Works Association.
Prom oted 32 team m ember s a nd r ecognized 23 people for r ea c hing miles tones in their year s of s er v ic e with the Town.
• 2018 Texas Economic Development Council Economic Excellence Award. • The Little Elm Economic Development Corporation was ranked No. 13 in the Dallas • •
• •
Business Journal Book of Lists for developments, up from No. 16 in 2017. Received the 2019 Governor’s Community Achievement Award for outstanding community improvement in the amount of $250,000 for a landscaping project. Received the Texas Municipal Librar y Directors Association Award for providing ser vices to underser ved and special populations, in enhancing ser vices, in marketing their programs and ser vices in innovative ways, in promoting cultural, topical, and educational programming, and providing literacy suppor t. Received the Annual Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award from the National Procurement Institute for the fif th year. Received the Cer tificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Repor ting award from the Government Finance Of ficers Association for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Repor t for Fiscal Year ending September 2018 for the ninth year. 17
WWTP EXPANSION 2019 also saw the expansion of the Town’s Waste Water Treatment Plant. Expanding the WWTP was necessary to accommodate for current and future growth and took handling capacity from three million gallons per day to four million gallons per day. Other benefits include additional automation of some processes, which contributes to improved overall plant operation and an upgraded odor control system. Another significant benefit of the expansion is that it allowed the Town to expand its water reuse program for landscape watering, which, in turn, allows the Town to use reclaimed, treated wastewater instead of purchasing potable water for irrigation.
In March, we opened a brand-new fleet service facility as part of our consolidated fleet program. The goal of the program was to bring fleet services under one umbrella to realize benefits such as a consistent preventative maintenance program, longer equipment life, and decreased downtime for repairs and service. Additional benefits include decreased man-hours by departments managing their fleets, increased vehicle reliability, enhanced customer service, and reduced costs for repairs. The fleet service center staffs five full-time employees and one part-time employee and provides a full range of services to employees, including fleet management and record-keeping, preventative maintenance, fuel management, minor and major repairs, make-ready services for new equipment and vehicles, and state safety inspections.
Broug h t th e veh i c l e sa fety ins pection proces s in-hous e to d ec rea se d ow n t im e fo r veh i c l es a n d s ave 200+ hour s of s taf f time ann ua lly. 18