Town of Little Elm Communication Plan

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WHY WE HAVE A COMMUNICATION PLAN We recognize that communication is an obligation of municipal government, and that effectively communicating with the residents, visitors, and business leaders of our community is critical to the success of Little Elm. This Marketing & Communication Plan exists to articulate our intended goals for communication in ways that are both quantifiable and measurable. We believe that having a Marketing & Communication Plan in place will allow us to construct our communication efforts efficiently, promote an engaged and informed community, and attract quality employees.

STATE OF COMMUNICATIONS The primary function of the Town of Little Elm Marketing & Communications Department is to provide a centralized source for information for the residents, visitors, and business leaders of Little Elm to ensure they are informed about municipal government, programs, services, issues, and emergency information. The Marketing & Communications Department works to provide these groups with accurate and timely information so that they may make informed judgments and become engaged residents. An additional goal of the Marketing & Communications Department is to create a two-way channel of communication for these groups to communicate with the Town of Little Elm to express their concerns.


The Marketing & Communications Department provides information through a wide range of communication mediums including print, web, digital newsletters, social media networks, electronic marquees, and alert systems. The Marketing & Communications Department also works closely with local print and broadcast news media outlets to deliver timely information about Town government, programs, and events, in an efficient and proactive manner.


The mission of the Town of Little Elm Marketing & Department is to inform and engage residents through the creation of quality content and responding with timely, accurate, and reliable information.


We Tell Our Story Best. This Communication Plan allows us to tell our story, instead of relying on others to interpret our actions, decisions, and issues. We strive to be the most reliable source of information regarding the Town of Little Elm. We Are Proactive. This Communication Plan allows us to be proactive in initiating communications and open dialogue with stakeholders, instead of being reactive when issues occur. Centralizing Communication is Key for Consistency. This Communication Plan will enable us to develop a centralized source of communication, and this centralization will allow us to develop consistent and purposeful communication. We Encourage Engagement. This Communication Plan will help us to promote positive relationships and engagement with stakeholders.


In addition to operating these guiding principles in mind, we work within the organization mission and values of the Town of Little Elm: The Mission of the Town of Little Elm is to build on our unique lake opportunities and small-town charm, encourage diverse housing options and business opportunities, and provide an unmatched quality of life.


Integrity. We are honest, loyal, trustworthy, transparent, fair and open-minded, and have a culture of accountability. We

keep our word and admit our mistakes. We stand up for what is right, even in the face of a challenge, and do what is right, even if no one notices. •

Customer Service. We are respectful, positive, attentive, approachable, responsive, and empathetic. We focus on being

able to assist internal and external customers, not simply accommodate them. Whether the answer involves going the extra mile or sometimes even delivering bad news, we are courteous, patient, humble, and professional. •

Efficiency. We recognize that we are entrusted with resources ultimately owned by the community, and as stewards of

those, are committed to using the minimum resources required to realize the maximum result. We will find the shortest path on a route or in a process, and operate without waste, with proper use of taxpayer dollars, and without compromising quality. •

Innovation. We have a willingness to grow, to explore ideas, and to challenge the status quo. We are open to change

though we do not seek change unnecessarily. We allow the freedom to try new things, and recognize that through creativity and reasonable risk, we will build a stronger, healthier Town together. We are an organization dedicated to learning and continuous improvement.


The Marketing & Communications Team consists of the Department Head over Marketing & Communications, the Communications Coordinator, the Creative Marketing and Social Media Specialist, and other key communicators. In addition to the Marketing, Communications, and Sales Coordinator and Digital Content Specialist, the Marketing Committee assists in the marketing of the Town of Little Elm and its events and programs. The Marketing Committee consists of representatives from the Communications Department, Information Technology, the Economic Development Corporation, Special Events, and the Town manager who provide feedback regarding communication, marketing, advertising, and social media for the Town of Little Elm. The Marketing Committee meets monthly. In addition to the Marketing & Communications Department and the Marketing Committee, other Town of Little Elm key communicators can communicate on behalf of the Town including the Mayor, members of Town Council, Council-appointed officials, the Town Manager, the Deputy Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Secretary, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Directors of Town Departments, and members of Town boards, commissions, and committees.


Primary Spokesperson Town Manager Matt Mueller Secondary Spokesperson Deputy Town Manager Doug Peach Event Spokesperson Mayor David Hillock Secondary Major Event Spokesperson Mayor Pro Tem Neil Blais Public Safety Spokesperson Assistant Town Manager Joe Florentino Secondary Public Safety Spokespersons Chief of Police Rodney Harrison (LEPD) rharrison2littl Fire Chief Brian Roach (LEFD)

SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS Development Services Director Fred Gibbs Economic Development Director Jennette Espinosa Emergency Management Coordinator Travis Calendine Finance Director/Chief Financial Officer Karla Stovall Fire Department Chief Brian Roach Human Resources Director Deidre Hale City Council Town Secretary Kathy Phillips Municipal Court Court Administrator Jessica Stephens

Parks, Recreation, Library, Animal Services, Communications, and Facilities Director Chad Hyde Police Department Chief Rodney Harrison Public Works Director Kevin Mattingly Planning & Zoning Planning and Community Services Skye Thibodeaux Streets Supervisor Michelle Kuzov


The targeted audience of the Communications Plan includes internal and external stakeholders. These groups are defined below: External Stakeholders: •

Residents – Individuals who live within the Town of Little Elm incorporated boundaries.

Visitors – Individuals who do not live within the Town’s incorporated boundaries, but travel to Little Elm to work, play, or

do business. •

Business leaders – Individuals who operate businesses within the Town.


Community Partners – Nonprofits, churches, school districts, Chamber of Commerce, and other organizations that help

to share and disseminate information to residents and visitors. •

News Media – Media sources to include print, broadcast, and social media.

Internal Stakeholders: •

Employees – Individuals employed by the Town of Little Elm.

Town Council, boards, commissions, and committees – Residents of the Town of Little Elm who are elected or

appointed to work on behalf of the community and Town government.


The Town uses both internal and external communication tools to share information with stakeholders. Internal Communication Channels •

Executive Report – Monthly update regarding major projects and initiatives compiled by the Assistant to the Town

Manager and distributed via email to Department Heads and Town Council. •

The Spinnaker – Internal monthly newsletter designed by the Communications Department and distributed via email

to Town employees. •

News You Can Use – A weekly compilation of content pieces and blogs written by the Communications Department

and sent to key internal and external stakeholders. •

Email – Town-wide internal email system designed to inform Town staff and other internal stakeholders of policies,

procedures, training and professional development opportunities, important notifications, news, and events.

COMMUNICATION CHANNELS EXTERNAL External Communication Channels • The Mainsail – A weekly newsletter of Town information, events, and program updates emailed to more than 2,700 subscribers via Constant Contact. • News You Can Use – A weekly compilation of content pieces and blogs written by the Marketing & Communications Department and sent to key internal and external stakeholders. • Little Elm Action Center – Online reporting system for residents to use to report potholes, water leaks, junk vehicles, and other needs to appropriate Town Departments through a mobile device or computer. • Website – Online communication resource with information and news about the Town, its government, departments, and programs. The website also contains agendas and minutes of all meetings for all Commissions, Committees, and Town Council meetings. The website also features information and resources to pay utility bills, traffic tickets, and secure permits. • Notify Me – Old email subscription system used to notify subscribers of community alerts, jobs, and bid postings. Currently, Notify Me is only being used to alert subscribers that the Council meeting agenda has been posted. • Community Calendar – Central calendar for events and meetings for the Town. Also features sub-calendars for the Economic Development, Facility Rentals, Finance, Fire Department, Garage Sales, the Little Elm Public Library, Marquee Advertisements, Mayor’s Fitness Challenge, Parks and Recreation, Planning and Development, Police Department, and Public Works.


LE Alerts – Emergency email, text, and phone call notification system that pushes news, alerts, and updates

regarding emergencies and severe weather. •

Senior Center Newsletter – Monthly printed newsletter regarding programming, information, and events for the Little

Elm Senior Center. •

Recreation Center Email Blasts – Emailed information regarding programming, information, and events for the Little

Elm Recreation Center. •

Public Works Newsletter – Monthly newsletter with information regarding bulk and brush schedules, road

maintenance projects, water billing, and trash services. •

My Little Elm News – Joint microsite venture between the Town of Little Elm and the Little Elm Independent School

District to share news, information, and programs with Town of Little Elm Residents. •

Electronic Marquees – Seven digital sign boards located throughout the Town with information regarding Town

news, events, and programs. Organizations within the Town can also use these signs to promote information about their events and programs. •

LE Honor Park Website – Microsite dedicated to the fundraising and updates regarding the Town of Little Elm Honor

Park. •

Lakefront Little Elm – Microsite dedicated to the promotion of the Little Elm Lakefront.

Large Message Boards – Portable signs for advising residents of information such as events and road closures.

Social Media – Online communications platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Next Door.

PEG Channel – Public, Educational, and Government access television channel operated through the IT department.

The channel is broadcasted through AT&T and the Town website. •

Activity Guide – Quarterly publication offered in digital and print formats of activities and events for the Recreation

Center, Library, Adult Sports Leagues, Senior Center, and Animal Shelter.

COMMUNICATIONS TOOLS These communication tools help facilitate the sharing of information with stakeholders: Civic Plus – Website content management platform. Constant Contact – Email marketing subscription service. PageFreezer – Social media and website archival service. Site Improve – Online software application that site’s accessibility, SEO, content quality, brand compliance, and data security. Swaggit – Video streaming service to broadcast meetings. Issuu – Digital publishing platform for reports, brochures, and activity guide.

SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS Facebook: • Town of Little Elm: • Little Elm Public Library: • Little Elm Police Department: • Little Elm Fire Department: • Little Elm Recreation Center: • Lakefront Little Elm: • Little Elm Beach: • Little Elm Craft Brew & Que: • Little Elm Emergency Management: • Little Elm Animal Shelter (volunteer run): • EDC: Twitter: • Town of Little Elm: • Chief Harrison: • Emergency Management: •

Little Elm Beach:

SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS CONT. Instagram: • Town of Little Elm: • Group Ex: • Little Elm Beach: YouTube: • Town of Little Elm: SnapChat: • townoflittleelm LinkedIn: • Town of Little Elm: Nextdoor: •

GOALS The goals of the Marketing & Communications Department for 2019 are focused on the following areas: Internal and External Communication – Effectively and responsibly communicate information regarding Town of Little Elm programs and services through an organized framework of communication tools. Crisis Communication – Effectively and responsibly communicate information in times of emergency. Media Relations – Effectively and responsibly communicate information to news media sources. Digital Footprint – Increase awareness of digital communication sources and digital services for stakeholders.

GOALS- INTERNAL & EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION Goal: Effectively and responsibly communicate information regarding Town of Little Elm programs and services through an organized framework of communication tools. Objective 1: Consistently communicate Town of Little Elm Council decisions and Town of Little Elm policy updates. Strategy: Provide regular and consistent updates on Town of Little Elm decisions and actions. Tactic 1: Ensure Compliance with the Texas Open Meeting Act and requirements for Council agenda posting. Tactic 2: Consistently communicate Town of Little Elm Council decisions by sharing Council updates, recaps, and council videos. Tactic 3: Create and distribute media releases on development, projects, and policy changes approved by the Council.

GOALS- INTERNAL & EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION Goal: Effectively and responsibly communicate information regarding Town of Little Elm programs and services through an organized framework of communication tools. Objective 2: Ensure information regarding Town programs and services is accessible and easy to understand. Strategy 1: Establish an easy to use and accurate website presence. Tactic 1: Analyze website for accuracy and quality assurance using Site Improve. Tactic 2: Analyze website to ensure it meets accessibility standards using Site Improve. Tactic 3: Analyze website statistics and usage using Site Improve. Tactic 4: Use Site Improve weekly to monitor the website and make improvements as needed. Tactic 5: Create an internal website survey to gauge employee satisfaction with the website. Tactic 6: Create an external survey to gauge resident satisfaction with the website. Tactic 7: Identify key employees to make website updates. Tactic 8: Establish a “how-to� manual for website updates.

GOALS- INTERNAL & EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION Goal: Effectively and responsibly communicate information regarding Town of Little Elm programs and services through an organized framework of communication tools. Objective 2: Ensure information regarding Town programs and services is accessible and easy to understand. Strategy 2: Ensure communication is through the channels preferred by our stakeholders. Tactic 1: Analyze existing communications tools for readership, subscription numbers, likes/followers, and frequency of utilization/utilization deficiencies. Tactic 2: Review website and communications channels to make sure they meet accessibility and quality assurance standards.

GOALS- INTERNAL & EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION Goal: Effectively and responsibly communicate information regarding Town of Little Elm programs and services through an organized framework of communication tools. Objective 3: Increase awareness, interest, and engagement of stakeholders in Town of Little Elm programs and activities. Strategy: Establish a cross-promotional framework to communicate information to stakeholders consistently. Tactic 1: Identify key communicators in all Town departments. Tactic 2: Create a framework to share information from key communicators. Tactic 3: Identify communication channels for information sharing by type of information. Tactic 4: Consistently monitor social media, noting stakeholder engagement and inquiries. Tactic 5: Respond to inquiries in a timely manner. Tactic 6: Monitor communication channels for usage/effectiveness. Tactic 7: Analyze existing communication channels/practices against industry standards. Tactic 8: Promote communication channels as sources of information for stakeholders.

GOALS- INTERNAL & EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION Goal: Effectively and responsibly communicate information regarding Town of Little Elm programs and services through an organized framework of communication tools. Objective 4: Produce high-quality and consistent communication. Strategy: Regularly review Town communication channels for accuracy and deficiencies. Tactic 1: Develop Branding and Style Guide. Tactic 2: Schedule regular review of all communication materials to ensure they meet the branding and style guidelines spelled out in the Town of Little Elm Branding and Style Guide. Tactic 3: Develop an editorial calendar to schedule all recurring events and communication activities, including videos. Tactic 4: Develop a message strategy and voice for social platforms through the creation of a Social Media Policy. Tactic 5: Train all Town Employees with social media access on Social Media Policy. Tactic 6: Develop a Social Media Archive Policy. Tactic 7: Organize Town communications efforts under one shared communication philosophy and with consistent style and branding.

GOALS-CRISIS COMMUNICATION Goal: Effectively and responsibly communicate information in times of emergency or crisis. Objective 1: Effectively inform and update residents in time of crisis. Strategy: Develop a Crisis Communication Plan. Tactic 1: Assess Town’s current crisis communication plan and state of crisis communication training for members of the communications team. Tactic 2: Establish protocols and tools to facilitate communication during times of crisis. Tactic 3: Develop a crisis communication flow chart of key communicators. Tactic 4: If necessary, draft Crisis Communication Plan as an addendum to Communication Plan. Tactic 5: Promote existing crisis and emergency notification systems to residents.

GOALS-MEDIA RELATIONS Goal: Effectively and responsibly communicate information to media sources. Objective: Positively promote Town of Little Elm events, programs, activities, and news. Goal: Develop and maintain working relationships with members of the local media. Strategy: Provide regular and consistent communication with the media. Tactic 1: Create proactive news releases to achieve accurate coverage of events, programs, activities, and news. Tactic 2: Respond to all media inquiries in a timely manner. Tactic 3: Develop a Media Relations Policy with respect to industry best practices. Tactic 4: Develop and maintain a media contact list.

GOALS-DIGITAL FOOTPRINT Objective: Increase awareness of digital communication sources and digital services for stakeholders. Goal: Increase digital footprint for the Town of Little Elm. Strategy: Develop a Digital Road Map Campaign to reach stakeholders through digital channels. Tactic 1: Develop Digital Road Map. Tactic 2: Ensure digital sources are accurate and accessible. Tactic 3: Develop content promoting digital communication sources and services. Tactic 4: Develop phone app.

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