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This document provides citizens with a comprehensive overview of the Town’s adopted budget, the budget process, Town services and operations, and the resources that fund them. This document first outlines the process, policies, goals and issues involved in developing the budget. It then discusses the financial structure of the Town with an overview of the Town’s various funds, including where the money comes from and how it is spent. Details about the budget, forecasted revenue and appropriated expenditures follow, along with an in-depth look at Town departments and programs. This document is divided into the following sections:
The purpose of this section is to provide the reader with general information about the Town’s history, demographics and economy. The Town’s vision, mission, goals and strategic initiatives, organizational structure, and a message from the Town Manager are also included.
Budget Overview
Information in this section gives the reader an understanding about the services the Town provides to our citizens and the costs incurred in the provision of those services. It includes the sources of funding, including long-term debt financing that support the Town’s operations and capital needs. This section also contains summaries of the budget process, the budget, a fund structure matrix, a description of major fund types and a discussion of revenue and expenditures and how they are forecasted.
Long-Range Plan
The section presents a ten-year road map for the operations and finances of the Town. The tenyear plan for the major operations and funds follows a townwide overview.
Budget Detail
This section includes summaries of the overall budget by fund, sources of revenue, types of expenditures and costs by department, along with the authorized staffing levels by department or division. For comparison, three years of historical results and the prior year amended budget and projections are presented alongside the budget. There is also a fund balance summary for each fund.
Following each fund summary is information at the department and division levels, including explanations of significant budget variances, prior year accomplishments, goals for the current year, authorized positions and significant changes within the department or division.
Revenue Manual
This manual provides information on the Town’s major revenues that are received primarily from outside sources. Major revenues are those in excess of $100,000 annually.
Capital Budget
This section provides detail on the Capital Budget and the 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The capital projects are presented by fund and are grouped by new capital, reinvestment in existing capital, facilities and machinery, equipment and software.
This section contains a copy of the signed budget ordinance, demographic information, and a glossary.