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The highly anticipated new playground equipment and amenities at O’Brien Park Playground were installed, much to the delight of all ages. We were able to achieve other milestones through the 2022 Budget such as improvements to our network security through advanced endpoint protection and multifactor authentication for Town applications.

Looking ahead, the 2023 Budget demonstrates the Town’s continued commitment to advancing our strategic goals, including innovation and partnerships, while focusing on delivering exceptional services and maintaining a vibrant and healthy community.

Priorities include meeting the General Fund required minimum cash balance; continuing operational recovery in the Recreation and Cultural Funds; balancing the competing needs of our organization such as operational expenses, infrastructure requirements and employee recruitment and retention; and ensuring maintenance and growth of community programs to meet the needs of our growing public.

The 2023 Budget ensures funding for the continuation of our existing services and some new initiatives. Variations are expected in the 2023 Budget as compared to the 2022 Budget, such as a lower sales tax growth rate in 2023 due to economic challenges at the national level; additional key positions across several departments to better meet growth demands and maintain service levels; increased operational costs; and additional capital projects/purchases. It also recognizes the national challenge of workforce recruitment. Some highlights of the 2023 Budget include:

• Planning for future funding requirements related to Town infrastructure and Town buildings

• Implementing the first steps of the Facilities Master Plan Study, including the expansion of Town Hall

• Funding performance pay at an average of 5% for staff and the Police Officer Step Plan

• Implementation of expected compensation study recommendations

• Addition of nine (9) full-time positions across several departments

• Funding to develop studies and plans, such as a Language Access Plan and Traffic Signal Timing Optimization Study

• Investing in public capital improvements throughout the Town, such as Salisbury Park North development and Harvie Open Space improvements

• Improvement projects for several major roadways, including the Dransfeldt Road extension, Chambers Road extension and North Parker Road improvements.

I want to thank our Town staff, the Mayor and Town Council for the many hours of work and discussion that resulted in a fiscally responsible budget that positively impacts our community, now and in the future. Thanks to all these efforts, Parker continues to be highly regarded for our overall quality of life, safety, recreation opportunities and wellness.

Form Of Government

Mayor And Town Council 2023

Form Of Government

The Town of Parker is organized as a Council-Manager form of government. This form of government combines the political leadership of elected officials in the form of a Council with the managerial training and experience of an appointed local government manager. Elected leadership encourages citizens’ civic participation and sets policies and priorities that represent the people of the Town. A full-time professional manager ensures that the policies and priorities are effectively and efficiently implemented and oversees day-to-day Town operations.

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