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The major revenue source for the Parks and Recreation Fund is the half-cent sales tax that is dedicated to parks and recreation in Town. As such, the LRP assumes the same revenue growth as the General Fund, with larger increases in early years that taper off by 2032. There is also a $4 million transfer from the Excise Tax Fund in 2024 to fund the construction of the Salisbury Park North facilities according to the Salisbury Park Master Plan.

The Parks and Recreation Fund is where most of the capital projects for parks and recreation are held, so expenditures vary with anticipated development and infrastructure needs. Major projects include the Salisbury Park North project in 2024, ongoing parks and trails development and a second recreation center at Reata West in 2030. The incremental revenues and expenses associated with the operation of Salisbury Park North are reflected in the Recreation Fund, while no incremental expenditures and revenues are included for the second recreation center due to anticipated construction time.

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