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About Public Works

The Public Works Department is responsible for the installation, maintenance and repair of Town streets, traffic signals, traffic signs, sidewalks, curb and gutter, development engineering, inspection and review services, stormwater management, traffic management, snow plowing and street sweeping. Capital improvement projects, including new construction or replacement of roads, bridges, trails and Town facilities, are managed by Public Works. The department also performs fleet maintenance for Town vehicles and provides custodial and maintenance services for Town facilities. Stormwater management is accounted for in its own enterprise fund. Fleet services and facility services are accounted for in internal service funds and the cost for these services is allocated back to the appropriate departments.

Department: Public Works



Shaded sections represent equivalent positions with title or level changes.

Explanation Of Significant Budget Variances

2023 Adopted Budget vs. 2022 Projected Actual

Overall Budget Variances

• Across the department, the 2023 budget for Salary and Benefits includes funding for the performance pay adjustment of 5% and healthcare cost increases. Public Works will also be hiring an additional project manager in the Engineering Division.

Streets Function

• Labor and materials cost increases for street and bridge maintenance, including concrete and resurfacing, are driving the overall budget increase for Purchased Services.

• Fleet services and replacement and a change in how technology management costs are allocated make up most of the overall Internal Services increase.

Engineering Function

• The increase in the Engineering Division includes the additional Capital Project Manager to handle the increased workload from the large amount of infrastructure projects planned.

• Increases in Purchased Services include additional construction inspection and architecture services to support the robust capital plan.

Traffic Services Function

• The increase in the Traffic Services division includes an increase in engineering design support and a traffic signal timing study.

Public Works Facility Function

• There are no significant variances related to the Public Works Facility.

General Government Buildings Function

• The decrease from 2022 to 2023 is due to the completion of roof boiler replacement at Town Hall and the Town Hall expansion project moving to the Capital Renewal & Replacement Reserve Fund.

Department: Public Works




Enhance Economic Vitality/Promote a Safe and Health

• Completed 63,000 square yards of resurfacing on portions of Cottonwood Drive and Jordan Road

• Completed 554,000 square yards of pavement preservation on multiple residential, collector and arterial roadways and parking lots

• Completed 91,000 square yards of diamond grinding, sawing, sealing and select concrete replacement on Motsenbocker Road

• Swept 9,600 miles of Town streets and collected/disposed of 900 tons of debris from Town roadways

• Deployed staff and equipment in response to 17 winter storms, plowing 33,000 miles

• Processed 117 customer service requests


Department: Public Works


Develop a Visionary Community Through Balanced Growth

• Conducted construction inspections of significant public infrastructure within the Trails at Crowfoot, Cottonwood Highlands, and Compark Village South developments. These projects have constructed new segments of or improvements to major regional roadways such as Cottonwood Drive, North Pinery Parkway, Belford Avenue, and several collector roadways.

• Completed review of all infrastructure associated with the first segment of the Anthology North/Tanterra development. The project will construct a new 1.25-mile segment of Chambers Road as a six-lane principal arterial roadway, including a bridge structure over Oak Gulch.

• Inspected over 200 right-of-way permits for work within public right-of-way

• Completed inspection of over 2,000 infrastructure elements related to development projects

Traffic Services

Support an Active Community

• Completed construction of a traffic signal at the Motsenbocker Road/French Creek Avenue intersection

• Completed Motsenbocker Road communication upgrades consisting of fiber optic and radio communications for improved communications to traffic signals

• Completed design and bid work to improve traffic signal communications along Canterberry Parkway

• Completed preliminary work for new traffic signals at Jordan Road/Parkerhouse Drive and Chambers Road/Red Sky Drive

• Installed two rectangular rapid flash beacon (RRFB) pedestrian crossing locations and a curve guidance warning system

Promote a Safe and Healthy Community

• Performed nearly 12,800 underground utility locate tickets for contractors and homeowners

• Completed signal warrants for Jordan and Cedar Gulch, Jordan and Parkerhouse, Motsenbocker and Triple Crown, Pine and Carlson, Pine and Summerset, Pine and Wintergreen, and Twenty Mile and Pony Express to evaluate the need for installing new traffic signals

Develop a Visionary Community Through Balanced Growth

• Utilize new technology to monitor real-time traffic flows along Parker Road and adjust traffic signal timing to improve traffic flow

2023 Goals


Promote a Safe and Healthy Community

• Clean/sweep 13,000 miles of streets


Department: Public Works


Develop a Visionary Community Through Balanced Growth

• Propose revisions to the Town’s Storm Drainage and Environmental Criteria Manual, in conjunction with a revision to Mile High Flood District criteria

Traffic Services

Promote a Safe and Healthy Community

• Complete MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) warrant studies of 6 relatively high-volume locations to see if new signals are needed.

• Complete crash analyses for 6 intersections to see if geometric or engineering applications may improve safety.

• Complete the construction of the following traffic signals: Parker Road/Parkglenn, Crowfoot Valley Road/Chambers Road/Bayou Gulch Road, Chambers/Red Sky & Jordan/Parkerhouse

Innovate with Collaborative Governance

• Partner with the City of Centennial in a design and systems engineering project to improve connectivity between the neighboring communities

Performance Measures By Strategic Goal



Develop a Visionary Community through Balanced Growth

OUTPUT MEASURE: Number of right-of-way permits administered and inspected

Right-of-way permits are an indicator of the amount of utility and development construction occurring in the Town that requires oversight and inspection by Engineering staff.

OUTPUT MEASURE: Number of site plans reviewed and inspected

Site plans are one indicator of the amount of development occurring in the Town which requires Engineering staff to review and inspect public improvements associated with those projects.

Measure: 100 130 100 110


Department: Public Works



OUTPUT MEASURE: Square yards of streets milled and resurfaced by Town contractors

Maintaining Town streets at a high level allows for safe and efficient travel by residents as well as protecting the investment.

OUTPUT MEASURE: Number of potholes repaired by Town crews

The quick repair of potholes assures residents that the Town is responsive and engaged in maintaining the community. These repairs ensure that the roadway does not deteriorate further.

OUTPUT MEASURE: Tons of debris collected by Town sweepers on roadways

Street sweeping is a tool used to ensure a clean and aesthetically-pleasing appearance of streets and is a first line of defense to ensure healthy water and air quality. Sweeping is measured in lane miles completed and the volume of debris collected by sweepers from Town roadways.

OUTPUT MEASURE: Number of customer service requests processed

Increasing or decreasing call volumes indicate the health of the Town’s road network and/or the performance and efficacy of maintenance activities.

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