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Section Title

General Fund Projects

Capital Project: Town Manager - Community Event Permit System


This item is an online document management and workflow software solution specifically designed to support the community event permitting process.


Community events contribute to the spirit, vitality and economic prosperity of our community. Each year, Town staff coordinates the issuance of numerous community event permits. Examples include festivals, concerts, parades, runs/walks, farmer/art markets and internal Town events.

The community event permit process is currently labor-intensive, requires extensive administrative oversight and does not support the Town’s mission of providing exceptional service to our citizens. This new user-friendly software will better meet applicant needs while enhancing interdepartmental communication and coordination.

Project Budget

Funding Sources

General Fund Revenue

Impact On Operating Costs

This software will reduce administrative oversight costs and potentially generate more revenue as it is easier for event organizers to obtain a permit.

Impact On Other Departments

This will improve interdepartmental coordination between the Public Works, Police, Parks, Community Development, Cultural, Town Clerk and Town Manager Departments.

Town Strategic Goals Achieved

Foster Community Creativity and Engagement

Community events foster Parker’s hometown feel. They allow our citizens to attend unique, fun and family-friendly activities that promote community engagement. This software is essential for attracting and retaining event organizers by making the process as seamless as possible.

Promote a Safe and Healthy Community

The size, regulatory requirements, impact on residents and potential for public safety incidents all create risk for community events. This community event software will help ensure compliance and transparency regarding safety measures for the events.

Capital Project: Police Department - SmartForce


SmartForce is a software solution to help crime analysts communicate crime and administrative information in real-time, significantly increasing productive policing hours every day. SmartForce will transform the Parker Police Department from the pitfalls of email to 2-way communication, a collaboration between units, automated workflows, and calculated results.


SmartForce aims to improve communication and leverage data to reduce crime. Going from data-aware to insights-led, or in other words, gaining insight from the data will put the Parker PD in better positions to gain efficiencies. It shifts insights-led decision-making from command staff into an organizational pursuit. SmartForce delivers actionable insights and intelligence rather than historical reports. SmartForce embeds insights into every unit from Patrol to Investigations to Evidence and improves responses so that crime can be thwarted and prevented faster.

Funding Sources

General Fund Revenue

Impact On Operating Costs

Evidence shows that implementing SmartForce has quantifiable benefits in increased policing time, reduced administrative time, and more significant percentages of crime reduction.

Impact On Other Departments


Town Strategic Goals Achieved

Support an Active Community

A significant draw to playing outside in Parker (parks, trails, playgrounds, events) is the quality and reliability of public safety in the Town of Parker. SmartForce and Stratified Policing approaches will increase the efficiency of our crime reduction capabilities, maintaining the safety in Parker that people have come to expect.

Enhance Economic Vitality

By implementing an intelligence-led crime-reduction strategy inside the SmartForce communication and organization system, Parker can continue providing state-of-the-art public safety to the community. A community consistently rated as one of the safest in the State and the Country is attractive to residents and businesses.

Develop a Visionary Community through Balanced Growth

As the Town of Parker continues to grow and attract more visitors, the Parker Police Department needs to adapt and grow professionally alongside the community to ensure the highest level of public safety service to the community.

General Fund Projects

Capital Project: Police Department - Portable Radio Replacements


This project is a three-year, phased replacement of the current police radios that are no longer going to be supported by the manufacturer starting in 2023.


Radio communication is critical to the law enforcement mission. It allows police officers to communicate emergency information to other officers, the dispatch center and other agencies. Starting in 2023, the manufacturer is no longer supporting the radios used by Parker PD. The Department is implementing a three-year plan to replace its fleet of 86 portable radios before they become completely obsolete and unusable.



General Fund Revenue






Enhance Economic Vitality

A low crime rate and a feeling of safety directly correlates to economic vitality. Radios are a critical tool of policing.

Innovate with Collaborative Governance

Radio systems allow immediate communication with surrounding law enforcement and fire agencies.

Compatible radio technology allows for seamless communication in emergency situations and supports interagency cooperation and support.

Promote a Safe and Healthy Community

One of the core functions of law enforcement is to maintain a safe and healthy community through crime reduction and response to emergency situations. A properly equipped police department is vital to maintaining a safe and healthy community.

General Fund Projects

Capital Project: Police Department - Vehicle for Additional Staff Member


This budget item is for a fully-equipped police vehicle for an additional officer.


An additional staff member was approved during the budgeting process. This staff member requires the addition of a dedicated vehicle.


Funding Sources

General Fund Revenue

Impact On Operating Costs

Routine vehicle maintenance

Impact On Other Departments


TOWN STRATEGIC GOALS ACHIEVED Promote a Safe and Healthy Community

One of the core functions of law enforcement is to maintain a safe and healthy community through crime reduction and response to emergency situations. An appropriately staffed police department with the requisite equipment is vital to maintaining a safe and healthy community.

Section Title

General Fund Projects

Capital Project: Public Works - Traffic Detection Equipment


This project is the replacement of failing or obsolete traffic signal detection equipment.


Traffic signal equipment requires routine maintenance and equipment replacement to ensure reliability of the transportation network. Regular replacement of aged traffic signal detection equipment that has shown reliability issues or has reached end-of-service life reduces the number of after-hours repairs and staff callbacks and helps control associated labor costs.

The cost estimates are based on replacing equipment at three intersections each year, with assumed regular cost escalations.

Project Budget

Funding Sources

General Fund Revenue

Impact On Operating Costs

Reduction of the number of after-hours repairs and staff callbacks

Impact On Other Departments



The traffic signals are a critical piece of mobility within the Town of Parker. If citizens and visitors can’t get around town efficiently or conveniently, economic vitality suffers.

Develop a Visionary Community through Balanced Growth

Routine upgrades of obsolete traffic signal equipment are vital to have excellent infrastructure and support a growing Town. Modern detection equipment is needed to keep Traffic Services future-focused and on pace with advances in technology.

Promote a Safe and Healthy Community

Functional and reliable traffic signals assist in providing a safe transportation network.

General Fund Projects

Capital Project: Public Works - Traffic Signal Cabinet Equipment


This project is the replacement of obsolete, failure-prone, or end-of-service-life traffic signal cabinets.


Traffic signal cabinets must be electrically sound and weatherproof to provide reliable service to the traveling public and house the ethernet and fiber optic equipment that supports the Town’s communications network. Replacement of traffic signal cabinets due to end-of-service life, vehicle knockdowns or lightning damage is an ongoing challenge for Traffic Services. Cabinets also can require upgrades due to expanded equipment demands such as new communications or detection equipment. The cabinet is a critical piece of each traffic signal location in Parker. If these cabinets are not purchased, reliability and safety will be compromised.

Project Budget

Funding Sources

General Fund Revenue

Impact On Operating Costs

Ongoing maintenance should have no direct change in routine maintenance man-hours, but newer cabinets may have fewer emergency call-out conditions.

Impact On Other Departments



The traffic signals are a critical piece of mobility within the Town of Parker. If citizens and visitors cannot get around town efficiently or conveniently, economic vitality suffers.

Develop a Visionary Community through Balanced Growth

Traffic signal quantities have increased in the last 20 years with 51 new traffic signals since 2002. The traffic cabinets originally deployed eventually reach an end of useful life. Past growth must be maintained long term.

Promote a Safe and Healthy Community

Functional and reliable traffic signals assist in providing a safe transportation network.

General Fund Projects

Capital Project: Public Works-Tandem Cab/Chassis: Mobile Concrete Batch Truck


This budget item is for a replacement cab & chassis for the mobile concrete batch truck. The unit is four years beyond its useful life and at risk of failure.


The Streets division currently has a mobile concrete batch truck that consists of a concrete batch plant for making concrete on site and a cab and chassis to deploy the concrete for repairs around town. This unit reduces the Town’s reliance on commercially-batched concrete and allows staff to make repairs quickly, regardless of quantity of concrete needed. The cab and chassis part of the unit is beyond its useful life and needs to be replaced before it fails.


2021 - $


General Fund Revenue






Support an Active Community

The concrete batch truck allows Streets staff to quickly make repairs to all concrete assets, including sidewalks, which preserves pedestrian and bicycle mobility.

Enhance Economic Vitality

Well maintained streets result in lower long-term costs by ensuring the usable life of the asset is maximized, and they reduce costly wear and tear on people’s cars.

Promote a Safe and Healthy Community

Providing responsive and proper maintenance of Town streets and sidewalks encourages mobility and keeps them safe for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians.

Capital Project: Public Works - Commercial Riding Mower


This equipment is a commercial grade riding mower for maintaining Town Rights of Way (ROW). The Streets Division currently has two mowers, but a third is needed to keep up with the workload.


The Streets Division is responsible for ROW maintenance, including groundcover mowing. The ROW environment is rough on mowers, resulting in a frequent need for repairs. The third mower ensure that enough mowers are still available, even when others are out of service. The Town is also increasing in size, adding to the volume of ROW and overall workload.


Funding Sources

General Fund Revenue



Impact On Other Departments

The additional mower can be used by Stormwater or Parks when not being used for ROW mowing.

Town Strategic Goals Achieved

Support an Active Community ROW maintenance ensures that sidewalks and bicycle lanes are clean, which encourages active, outdoor use.

Promote a Safe and Healthy Community

ROW maintenance includes removal of trash and debris and maintaining groundcover and vegetation. Most ROWs include a sidewalk and is adjacent to a travel lane or bicycle lane. Keeping these areas clean reduces hazards to pedestrians and motorists. It also mitigates the chance of wildfire.

General Fund Projects

Capital Project: Public Works - Traffic Safety Software


This project will purchase a one-year license for the Town of Parker loaded with normalized crash data for crash analyses as well as training for Town staff.


Traffic Safety Software will allow for improved analysis of crash data to identify existing crash patterns with the potential for mitigation. This will allow staff to identify and scope future projects to improve safety within the Town. The analysis will also allow for identification of systemic projects to be implemented over time to reduce future crash potential. For example, low volume intersections may not have many crashes, but are higher than would be anticipated. This will allow for improved analysis to identify and prioritize safety improvements at these locations.

Project Budget

Funding Sources

General Fund Revenue

Impact On Operating Costs

This software allows for safety analysis which improves project ranking and identification of projects to maximize investments with higher impacts.

Impact On Other Departments

This software may provide additional information for the Police Department in identifying locations where changing enforcement could impact safety.


Crashes cost citizens thousands in repairs, significant lost time dealing with auto repairs and inconvenience, and higher insurance rates. Crashes may result in life altering injuries for citizens, high medical expenses or even worse. Businesses benefit by having safe and easy access.

Develop a Visionary Community through Balanced Growth

Identification of locations for mitigating crashes allows a more efficient use of the existing infrastructure, allowing the continued use of existing roadways and supporting existing businesses while safely supporting new growth.

Innovate with Collaborative Governance

Similar software is being used by Douglas County, CDOT, and others. This will allow staff to coordinate on projects impacting multiple agencies by using the same types of data and analysis.

Promote a Safe and Healthy Community

Crash analysis allows staff to quickly identify safety patterns and select projects to improve safety for the traveling public.

Capital Project: Public Works - Responsible Signal System Power Backup Systems


This project installs uninterruptible power supply (UPS) with battery backup systems at seven stations utilized for the responsive traffic signal control system.


Due to continued development in the Parker area, Parker’s roadways have and will continue to see increased traffic. Town staff has already started the implementation of an advanced traffic signal control system on Parker Road. This first phase was started in 2019 by implementing a responsive traffic control system. This responsive signal system was fully functional by mid-2020 and has already resulted in improved traffic flow on Parker Road (based on field results). This first phase resulted in the system being able to manipulate the fixed cycle programs to better fit the traffic pattern. The phase one system handles the thirteen traffic signals on Parker Road and adjacent traffic signal locations that are in close proximity to Parker Road.

This second phase will provide uninterruptible power supply (UPS) with battery backup. The system will ensure critical loads remain protected and running during power outages and other power disturbances.

Project Budget

Funding Sources

General Fund Revenue

Impact On Operating Costs

The efficiency and accuracy gains with this software will reduce operating costs.

Impact On Other Departments



The traffic signals are a critical piece of mobility within the Town of Parker. Improved operations result in shorter travel times which increases economic activity for Parker services and businesses. The count stations allow for efficient signal timings with improved traffic flow based on live data input; battery backup systems prevent the count stations from losing power during power outages and other power disturbances.

Develop a Visionary Community through Balanced Growth

This program’s effort is part of the needed infrastructure to support the planned development of the Town. The UPS systems with battery backup provides power stability to the expanding infrastructure preventing power loss during outages and power disturbances.

Section Title

General Fund Projects

Capital Project: Public Works - Replace Utility Locate Equipments


This project will replace obsolete utility locate equipment.


Colorado law requires that the Town provide utility location services for its underground infrastructure to contractors doing work in the town. The current back-up utility locate equipment has reached the end of its life and is no longer supported by the supplier. Without a backup, the Traffic department may find itself without available equipment when it is needed.

Project Budget

Funding Sources

General Fund Revenue

Impact On Operating Costs


Impact On Other Departments



The Town’s underground infrastructure, including that which supports traffic signals and stormwater, is a critical component of mobility within the Town of Parker. Damages to existing Town infrastructure can result in significant traffic delays and costly repairs, and the Town is responsible for any damages that are caused by a failure to locate our utilities for contractors.

Develop a Visionary Community through Balanced Growth

Routine upgrades of obsolete utility locate equipment are vital to have excellent infrastructure and support a growing Town. Modern equipment is needed to keep Traffic Services futurefocused and on pace with advances in technology.

Promote a Safe and Healthy Community

Properly functioning and reliable infrastructure is necessary for a safe transportation network.

Capital Project: Parks - Vehicle for Additional Staff Member


This budget item is for a vehicle to be utilized by an additional staff member.


An additional staff member was approved during the budgeting process. This staff member requires the addition of a dedicated vehicle.

Project Budget


General Fund Revenue


Routine vehicle maintenance



Town Strategic Goals Achieved

Enhance Economic Vitality

With the continued growth of the Town, additional staff are needed to support that growth. Depending on the position, staff additions sometimes require an increase in the Town’s fleet of vehicles.

Section Title

General Fund Projects

Capital Project: Parks - Computerized Irrigation Controller Update


This project will retrofit all irrigation controllers with new Toro Sentinel DXI technology capable of supporting cellular connectivity.


This retrofit conversion is necessary to irrigate all Town properties. Toro, the manufacturer of the Town’s computerized irrigation controller system, is replacing the radio-based platform with a new system called DXI. The new system will operate on a cloud/cellular platform and eliminate the use of the current 450MHz radio frequency. Due to the expanse and complexity of computerized irrigation, going to a completely new system is not a viable economic option.



General Fund Revenue






Support an Active Community

This project supports an active community by providing the necessary irrigation for Town sports fields and other outdoor spaces.

Enhance Economic Vitality

This project will ensure that Town assets are maintained to a level that supports Town functions and is inviting for citizens and businesses.


a Visionary Community through Balanced Growth

Providing green spaces for recreation and preserving the scenic outdoors are core components of the Town’s land development strategy.

Promote a Safe and Healthy Community

The Parks and Recreation Department is committed to the promotion of a safe and healthy community by providing safe and inviting landscapes and turf throughout Town.

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