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Capital Project: Salisbury Park North


Based on the Salisbury Park Master Plan which was approved in 2014, the next steps include: completion of a comprehensive site analysis including research and preparation of various technical reports and studies, project due diligence, soil testing, traffic analysis, development of a detailed phasing plan with cost per phase, initiation of entitlement process and necessary project reviews/approvals from various outside agencies, and consultant support as needed.


Based on the scope of this project, staff anticipates a significant amount of background research and technical support will be needed prior to construction. These efforts, coordination, and documentation will continue into 2023.

Project Budget

Funding Sources

Parks and Recreation Fund Revenue

Impact On Operating Costs

When the park is operational, it will incur maintenance and programming costs, which will be partially offset by new revenue.

Impact On Other Departments

Parks and Recreation coordinates with Public Works/ Engineering on selecting and hiring contractors and on construction. The department’s time and resource allocation is limited with these trail sections.

Town Strategic Goals Achieved

Support an Active Community

This park will support outdoor activities for all demographics, including ball fields for team sports.

Develop a Visionary Community through Balanced Growth

As the Town continues to grow there will be a commensurate increase in the need for parks and sports fields. This project will ensure that the visionary goals embodied in the original Salisbury Park Master Plan are implemented in the future so that the Town can maintain adequate recreational infrastructure to serve the entire community.

Parks And Recreation Fund Projects

Capital Project: Harvie Open Space


Six years ago, the Town acquired the 72-acre Harvie property from Douglas County, and in 2017, the Town completed the Harvie Open Space Master Plan for the property. The proposed funding will allow the Town to implement this master plan. Uses include soft-surface trails, picnic amenities, bathrooms and historic structures.


Acquisition of the Harvie property substantially increased the Town’s inventory of natural open space that will be protected and maintained in perpetuity. The site includes significant open space areas, several stands of ponderosa pines and a variety of prairie grasses and flowers. Portions of the site offer views of the entire Front Range. Implementation of the master plan will maximize this open space for the community.

Project Budget

Funding Sources

Parks and Recreation Fund Revenue

Impact On Operating Costs

On-going maintenance of the development



Town Strategic Goals Achieved

Support an Active Community

Adding amenities to the Harvie Open Space will encourage more citizens to take advantage of the Town’s hiking trails and outdoor activities.

Innovate with Collaborative Governance

The property is maintained by the Town and used for organized nature hikes in collaboration with Douglas Land Conservancy.

Develop a Visionary Community through Balanced Growth

Citizen surveys conducted by the Town show that residents desire the preservation of open space, including access to these areas. As the Town has grown, the desire for additional open space in the community has also increased. The Harvie open space property preserves natural and environmentally sensitive areas, acts as a community separation buffer, incorporates trail and wildlife corridors and maintains the “small town feel” of Parker.

Promote a Safe and Healthy Community

Completion of the improvements to the Harvie property will encourage Town residents to hike the soft-surface trails anticipated on this site.

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