OUR RISK MANAGEMENT The Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 requires annual reports to state each direction given by the Minister to the HHS during the financial year and the action taken by the HHS as a result of the direction. During the 2020-2021 period, no directions were given by the Minister to the Townsville Hospital and Health Service.
Internal audit Internal audit is a fundamental pillar in the governance and assurance environment of Townsville Hospital and Health Service and is a valuable tool to manage risk effectively. The HHS’s internal audit function was established by the Board in accordance with the Finance and Performance Management Standard 2019. The key objective of the internal audit function is to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, systems of internal control and governance arrangements across the health service, by providing an independent and objective assurance and consulting service to management and the health service Board. Townsville Hospital and Health Service’s internal audit services are provided through a co-source service delivery model, led and managed by the Director of Internal Audit. The Director of Internal Audit is responsible for the effective, efficient and economical operation of the internal audit function and reports key audit results and program deliverables to the Board Audit and Risk Committee bimonthly. Overall performance and effectiveness of the function is reviewed in consultation with the Board Audit and Risk Committee and reported on annually. The Director of Internal Audit prepares a strategic and an annual operational plan which outline the design and scope of future work to be undertaken by the internal audit team. The plan is developed through a robust planning and consultation process and remains flexible and adaptive to respond to emerging needs and the changing risk profile of the health service. Eight reviews were performed in the 2020-2021 financial year, resulting in business improvement opportunities and internal control enhancements in the following key aspects of the health service: x W orkers Compensation Premium – Data Analysis and Reporting x Fatigue Risk Management Systems x Clinical Incident Management 26
x Information Governance and Security x Aged Care Services x Controlled Drugs Management x Capital Projects and Prioritisation x Enterprise Risk Management System.
External scrutiny, Information systems and recordkeeping External scrutiny Internal and external reviews are often commissioned by government agencies and/or state bodies to provide independent assurance regarding the operations and performance of the business. Therefore, the Health Service’s activities and operations are subject to regular scrutiny from external oversight bodies. These can include, but are not limited to, the Queensland Audit Office, Office of the Health Ombudsman, Crime and Corruption Commission, Medical Colleges, Australian Council on Healthcare Standards, Postgraduate Medical Education Council of Queensland, Australian Aged Care Quality Agency, and the Coroner. Australian Aged Care Quality Agency Parklands Residential Aged Care Facility was re-accredited under the Aged Care Quality Standards in December 2019. This period of accreditation will expire in December 2022. Eventide Residential Aged Care Facility was re-accredited under the Aged Care Quality Standards in November 2020. This period of accreditation will expire in June 2023. Australian Council on Healthcare Standards Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) accreditation for hospital and health services remains current until 26 March 2023. The services covered by accreditation include; acute, community health, dental, mental health, offender health and sub-acute services. The next accreditation assessment is scheduled for October 2021. Regular self-assessments and audits are conducted to ensure compliance to the standards including external assessments by consultants.