TownTaster M
The Green Winer ed
Volume 2 • Issue 2
dies d esig n by
December 2012
Why Are Sulfites In Our Wines?
o go
to 72727
For Weekly Dining Specials!
Photos by Cruz Portrait Design
Tuna Burgers to Die For
For the Love of Food... w w w.To w nTa s t e r. c o m
2012 December TownTaster.indd 1
Enjoy the season with plent y of holiday events
11/26/12 7:27 PM
Making Sweet Memories From the Editor
PCI Publishing, LLC
Valerie Longo 941-932-8884
Web Design
Syd Krawczyk Concept Digital Media
Social Media Lenny Longo
Graphic Design Mara Stork
Contributing Authors The Three Kitcheneers Jeanette Longo Beverly Scott Pamela Swinney Larry Woodham
Cover Design by Cruz Portrait Design
Town Taster and PCI Publishing, LLC does not endorse or warrant any products or services contained herein, unless otherwise expressly noted. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors. Submitted materials will not be returned. Whole or part of this publication may not be used or duplicated in any way without written permission from PCI Publishing, LLC. Advertising rates and information available from: PCI Publishing, LLC, 1202 Gary Avenue, Suite 13, Ellenton, FL 34222 Phone: 941-548-1908 Town Taster is published monthly. Subscriptions are FREE. To continue receiving Town Taster on a regular basis, visit our website:
We have been very involved with many great events these past months – ChowDown for Charity, the Citrus Cooking Competition at Mixon’s and the Hyatt’s “Planting the Seed” event at King Family Farm. Our community is rich in flavors and full of chances to experience the diverse array of seasonal creations of our fine local chefs. Be sure to keep an eye on our calendar for more great fun family food events to come. We hope you will enjoy our special Christmas issue. If you can bear to flip past the goodness on the front cover, you will be happy to find more excitement. Holiday cooking gluten free style…. Check! Scrumptious holiday gift ideas…. Check! Help planning the perfect meal…. Check! You will be thrilled to find how many local restaurant owners are willing and ready to help fill your table and let you focus on making the memories! From our family to yours, we wish all of our readers a happy and safe holiday season. We look forward to seeing you in January for another year of fun and food... Who could ask for more?!
- Valerie
Photos by Cruz Portrait Design
December 2012 Volume 2, Issue 2
Can you smell it? The sweet aroma of cookies baking in the oven and sticky frosting being mixed up and colored red & green to decorate…. Ahhh it must be December! As the holiday season kicks off – we are overwhelmed by smells, tastes & delightful designs of Christmas cookies, pies, treats and more. We were thrilled to have the chance to work with Lyndsy & Chad McDonald of Pastries by Design to bring you a cover to drool over! So as you are making your plans for holiday parties – give them a call and they will be sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.
A Special Thank You
for making our cover super sweet! 2
2012 December TownTaster.indd 2
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le b
O ur 5th A n
n iv
sa r
~ Carmen
ing rat
“Love and food are the two greatest things in the world, and I’ve got a love for food.”
Carmen & Kay Rizzo, Owners
Ask about our weekly specials Dishes are fresh & made to order Desserts straight from Italy Full Liquor Martini Bar
Live Entertainment Most Nights
“Absolutely excellent!!! The food, of course, and the ambience, friendly staff. The perfect place to go. We’ll definitely be back.” ~Gloria, TownTaster reader
Karaoke – Friday 10pm
Tues - Wed: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm Thu - Fri: 11:00 am - 10:00 pm Sat - Sun: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
New Year’s Eve Dinner Now Accepting Reservations
Call for more details
515 27th St E. Bradenton, FL 34208 (941) 745-1540 3
Ladies Night Out • Dec 18 • 5:00 - 10:00 pm in the Martini Bar 2012 December TownTaster.indd 3
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2 5 7 8 11 12
In the Mix
Making Sweet Memories From the Editor
Taste-ful Events
Features in this Issue
December Calendar
Worth The Trip Vinny & Cheryl's Kitchen
The Three Kitcheneers
Holiday Traditions Around the World
Tuna Burgers to Die For
Be Gluten Free Holidays and Gluten Free
The Green Winer Why Are Sulfites in Our Wines?
TownTaster Review
From Our Family to Yours
Pacific Rim
Homemade Gifts
Text “TownTaster” to 941-677-1187
to receive more discounts from El Sombrero and other local businesses
Home of the
$2 Margarita!
1330 U.S. Hwy 301 N. • Palmetto, FL (next to NAPA in the Hall Building on 301)
Awesome Mexican Food! Very authentic and well rounded menu. A couple minor changes since they’re rebranding but all for the better. This place continues to be my favorite place for Mexican Food in all of Manatee County. ~ Mark 4
2012 December TownTaster.indd 4
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Bunker Hill Vineyard 3rd Annual Mulled Wine & Candle Lighting Event
Early Learning Coalition First Annual Breakfast with Santa
6:30 PM, $200 per person inclusive. 1525 4th Street, Sarasota, FL 34236, (941) 343-2165.
Relax and enjoy the holiday spirit, meet new friends, enjoy the wine tasting & laughter! Select dates – Dec. 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22 from 5:30-7:30. Space is limited. 941-776-0418.
R e nais s an ce o n 9 t h f ro m 8:3 0am t o 10:30am Adult ticket $15, Child ticket $10 Enjoy a full breakfast catered by Renaissance on 9th with special Christmas pancakes for the little ones and time for each child to meet with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Also, enjoy caroling and receive a free Christmas book for each child.
Gingerbread House Cooking Classes
Waterfront Brunch with Santa at Riverhouse
Aprons Cooking School at Publix University Walk. Decorate your own gingerbread house and forgo the mess at home. Dec 8, 9, 15, 22, 23. $50 up to 4 participants. Sign up online at or call 941-358-7781.
What is more fun than talking about Santa during the holiday season? Having Brunch with Santa is! 11AM to 3PM. $25 Adults; $12 Kids. Call 941-729-0616 for reservations. 995 Riverside Drive, Palmetto FL 34221.
Breakfast with Santa
14/ 16
Gingerbread Festival
Includes breakfast with Santa at Ed’s Tavern, picture with Santa & a movie ticket to Lakewood Ranch Cinema. $14.99 per person. 10719 Rodeo Dr., Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202. 941-907-0400
Sponsored by the Community Youth Development at Sarasota Fairgrounds (Potter Building). Admission $1 per person. Gingerbread houses for sale, vote for your favorite house. Gingerbread house decorating contest performed by professional and youth chefs. For more information call CYD at 941-922-5126 or
Everything You Wanted to Know About Citrus But Were Afraid to Ask!
Breakfast with Santa at The Ranch
Bash at the Ranch
Taste-ful Events
Celebrity Chef Tour at Darwin’s on 4th.
Come ask Mr. Bill Mixon all those questions you’ve been dying to find answers for. The class is FREE! 1-3pm
Bring the family for a holiday brunch starting at 10am. Santa comes at 11am. Children 10 and under eat for half price! The Ranch Grill, 14475 SR 70, Lakewood Ranch. 941-756-9400.
All you can eat buffet and desserts, DJ, Dancing and more. $75 per person, 8pm. See page 18 for more details. The Ranch Grill, 14475 SR 70, Lakewood Ranch. 941-7569400.
2012 December TownTaster.indd 5
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1418 13th St. West • Bradenton, FL 34205
of the
Hours: Tues. through Sat. Lunch 11:30am - 2:30pm • Dinner 5pm - 9pm
Specializing in Regional Sicilian Food
Live Weekly Entertainment
Cuisine of the Monzu
Catering Private Parties Lunch Meetings
✺ Join us for our New Year’s Eve Party Now Taking Reservations! ✺
Delectable Edibles with Art on the Side
Villag e
Dine inside our re-modeled 1920s bungalow, or in our shaded backyard “park” graced by a huge banyan tree. Arts & Eats has made a name for itself with its casual elegance, outstanding and diverse menu, impeccably prepared foods, and performances by local musicians.
Worth the Trip By Jeanette Longo
It’s Worth the Trip… if you LOVE Italian food and pastries, you MUST try Vinny and Cheryl’s Kitchen on Pine Street on Anna Maria Island!!!!! They have everything from pizza to great dinner choices like Eggplant Parmigiana, Cavatelli, Gnocchi Bolognese, Manicotti and MORE that is made to order. You just call it in and pick it up. Being the dessert nut that I am I couldn’t resist the fresh baked smell of these seashell looking pastries called Sfogliatelle...don’t ask me how to say it...I still can’t pronounce it, but my husband could. He knew exactly what this delicious treat was being that he is Italian and grew up in New Jersey. Sfogliatelle is an amazing, flaky layered pastry that is filled with a scrumptious cream and topped with powdered sugar. Not knowing what this wonderfully smelling treat was...I asked Cheryl and she immediately offered me a sample. I suddenly felt like a kid in a candy store! YUM!!!!!! I was hooked after the first bite! It was warm...just out of the oven a few minutes before and it delighted all my senses. It was so good that we decided to buy 3, one for each of us, my husband, son and myself. On the way home all we could do was enjoy the smell of the tasty treats that were waiting for us in a little white bag that sat nicely on my lap. I wanted to eat mine right there in the car. My husband, being the stronger one, suggested that we wait. (OK dear...UGH!!) We couldn’t wait to get home, have a fresh cup of coffee and savor every bite of our Sfogliatelle!!!! Well, I’d hate to admit this, but when we did get home, we enjoyed every bite and then some. We just looked at each other and the little white bag... back and forth... more than once and then we went for it!!!!! We cut the last Sfogiatelle in half and savored each morsel. (Sorry son!) So, if I could tell you anything...Listen to me - go to Vinny and Cheryl’s Kitchen on Anna Maria Island...It’s definitely “Worth the Trip”!!!!!
Village of the Arts
1114 12th Street West, Bradenton FL 34205
941.201.6647 6
2012 December TownTaster.indd 6
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Strawberries Now In Season Fun and fresh. Call your local farm for information on picking times.
2012 December TownTaster.indd 7
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Tuna Burgers to Die For! Who doesn’t desire a juicy burger every now and again....and again, right? If you are anything like us, then you most likely feel guilty after indulging. Or, maybe you are nothing like us and relish every bite regardless of the consciences. Either way, imagine having no guilt at all when you sink your teeth into this burger. Inspired by those incredible flavors that encompass the Pacific Rim, The Three Kitcheneers cannot wait for you to try this perfect blend of herbs and spices all packed into this guiltless Tuna Burger. Every bite promises to satisfy even the pickiest of palates. Even our little Kitchenettes gave us their “thumbs up” on this one (“with ketchup please”). Email us at threekitcheneers@gmail. com and let us know how your family rated this recipe.
1 lb wild caught Tuna (ground like hamburger meat) 1 bunch fresh organic Cilantro 2 Lemons (juiced) 2 tbsp Sesame Seeds 1/2 tbsp fresh ground Ginger 2 tbsp Soy Sauce 1 1/2 tbsp All Purpose Flour 2 Egg whites 1/2 cup chopped Scallions In a food processor or large mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients to make a mixture. Once all ingredients are blended together, form patties any size you like (from sliders to full size burgers). Place each patty on a hot grill and grill for about 2-4 minutes on each side (time will depend on how large the patties are). Remove patties from grill and serve. We served these with Grilled Bok Choy and Jasmine Rice.
Check out for recipes, articles and webisodes. All food, all the time.
Spice Up the Holidays Gift Cards $25 | $50 | $100
Buy online at SARASOTA
1216 1st Street 8
2012 December TownTaster.indd 8
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Gecko’s Grill & Pub Gecko’s Grill & Pub and TownTaster Magazine would like to congratulate our
WINNER Gordon Wardell Hometown: Largo, FL Current City: Bradenton
The Master Cabinet Maker, Inc. All Custom Cabinetry made in Palmetto, FL USA
Favorite TownTaster Column: The Green Winer Favorite Gecko’s Dish: Jack Daniels Chicken Organizations Served: DeMolay (35 yrs), Master Masons, Officiating Youth/ High School Wrestling and Football, Kiwanis of LWR, and active member of the Manatee Forum. Owner of Concrete On Call, Metered Ready Mix Concrete serving Manatee/Sarasota Counties. Proud Florida Cracker (3rd generation)
Get your dream kitchen for the Holidays!
941-723-0278 ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸
Custom Design & Remodeling Kitchen, Bath, Home Office Entertainment Center & more Outdoor Polymer Cabinets Custom Countertops
Custom carved signs, mantels, decorative wood appliques, “The only person LWR that comes to mind for accent pieces indoor &inoutHometown Hero is Gordon. His selflessness and dedication to the youthdoor in our community is unmatched. He devotes almost all of his time to Kiwanis, and refereeing football/wrestling, never asking for recognition. This is why we hope you will make him a hero..” Nominated by: Jeff Zientara
Locally owned and operated by 3rd generation woodworker Experienced • Insured • References
2012 December TownTaster.indd 9
11/26/12 7:27 PM
After a great round of golf on the area’s premier golf course...
Stoneybrook Golf Club announces
We’re • gonna • feed • yA!
Stop by and Redeem for
One order of Nachos One Per Round - With this ad Expires Jan 31, 2013. One per customer. Cannot be combined with any other coupon. Proof of round required. 10
Redeem in our restaurant or relax near the fire-pit to get your
8000 Stone Harbour Loop, Bradenton, FL 34212 • (941)749-1842 •
2012 December TownTaster.indd 10
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I am wondering about holiday cooking without bread- and wheat-based items and ingredients. I am new to the gluten-free lifestyle, can I expect the same results? — Lynn G. Your holiday meals should not be very different, Lynn. The gluten-free products you are using now can be adapted to most of the recipes you have always used. Stuffing with bread substitutes works very well and some switch to rice-based stuffing, which is my personal preference. Many products will carry recipes and others are available on the Internet. Gravy may be thickened with very fine corn meal or water that potatoes have been cooked in, again look for information on the Internet (how did we ever live without it?). My only caution is that you be careful to obtain products that are organic because now corn, soy, some rice, and many other foods are genetically modified (GMOs) and the threat to the general public from such products is even greater for those with celiac disease or auto immune disorders that require a gluten-free diet. Sugar and soon, potatoes, are foods that are being produced as GMOs, so please be careful to buy organic and read your labels carefully. Generally I recommend an organic diet for all of my customers and my products are made of either organic ingredients or foods from sources that do not use the pesticides and fungicides found in so many foods sold today. Our tomatoes are imported from Italy and they do not use the toxic farming practices that make me unwilling to purchase domestic ones.
Gluten issues seem to be cropping up with so many people, is the problem increasing? — Henry D. Yes, the incidence of celiac disease is increasing in the United States. Research into the cause is not well funded or of a high priority, so very accurate figures are difficult to find. The medical profession also has begun to associate gluten with other medical issues that seem to be increasing, such as Alzheimer’s and other brain disorders such as dementia, which are better treated when gluten is eliminated from the diet. Although the genetically-modified types of wheat being developed are not marketed in the United States yet, the type of wheat now used in our foods is not the same food that was used prior to the 1950s. The gluten content of wheat grown now in the U.S. is much greater than that grown previously. These types of wheat were not bred for a change in gluten content, but that
unfortunate result is a consequence of breeding wheat for types that would be more profitable for large-scale farming practices, as some say, an unintended consequence.
Is growing healthier food the objective of GMOs and is it possible that they will be better choices for people with gluten issues? — Harriet J. The objective of GMOs has no relationship to increasing the healthiness of our food. It has to do only with certain production techniques and marketing appeal for sale of foods that look healthier, tastier, or fresher, but are not. The primary GMO products being sold today were developed or introduced by chemical companies with the intention that the products could withstand chemical dousing and survive when weeds are killed off by the chemicals. Others were developed with insecticides introduced into the genes of foods so that when their seeds germinate, every cell of the plant contains an insecticide that kills pests feeding on the crop, including the food product we eat. This labeling is especially important for those avoiding gluten because as alternative foods such as corn, soy, and now rice products are modified genetically, the possibility of encountering the genetic material of other organisms in foods increases the potential of being exposed to foods that will trigger reactions without people knowing the source. Again, look for organic products and the new label that identifies products that do not contain GM ingredients or GMOs. The bill intended to require labeling of GM foods and ingredients did not pass in California in November. Hopes were that it would pass and the size of that market would drive the food industry quickly to tell us all what is in our food, but it is estimated that more than fifty million dollars was spent to discourage voters from passing that initiative by chemical companies such as Monsanto, DuPont, Dow AgriSciences and food companies such as Kellogg’s, Kraft Foods, General Mills, Coca Cola, PepsiCo, and others. Within months a change from 65 percent approving passage dwindled to less than 40 percent as the massive marketing campaign against the bill influenced enough people to vote against the 2012 bill to cause it to fail. Continued efforts in California are expected. Other states are taking their own actions and it is likely that the labeling will be required sometime in the future after more battles at the ballot boxes. 11
2012 December TownTaster.indd 11
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Why are "Sulfites" in Our Wines? Just like an old can, Sulfites have been kicked around by lots of people for a very long time. It’s been kicked up the hill, down the hill and through the valley. It’s been dented, scratched and bent. Yet, through it all, Sulfites have weathered the abuse and stood with us. There must be more to the Sulfite story than we’ve been told. Of all the questions that we hear at Bunker Hill Vineyard and Winery, the question that’s most often asked concerns, ”Added Sulfites” in our wines. So, come on, put on your can kickin’ boots and walk a ways with me through the vineyard. I do my best talking when I’m walking among the grapes. The fact is, this is where our Sulfite story begins! See those plump black skinned grapes over there on the left? Just look at those luscious golden skinned grapes over there on the right! Remember how delightful those red and white wines tasted? Well, if it wasn’t for the “Sulfites” contained in the skins of those grapes, we would not have this memory. Yep, Sulfites are contained Naturally in the skins of All grapes everywhere in the world! We have a legion of grapes and a plethora of fine wine memories, due in large part, to these natural sulfites. Grapes are packed with lots of great stuff, anti-oxidant, natural sugars and carbohydrates. Besides us, there are lots of other things that like to eat grapes. Lurking on the skins of our grapes are tiny microscopic organisms that would love to take a bite out of our delicious black and golden gems. The barrier that keeps them at bay is, you guessed it, those natural sulfites. So, why do we add ‘additional’ sulfites to our wines? Don’t sulfites give me a headache? First, let me say that we have been adding extra Sulfites to our wines for ‘hundreds’ of years! Most people think that adding Sulfites is a recent thing…It’s NOT. The reason that we add additional Sulfites to our wines is, quite simply, to protect our health. Many of those same bacteria and other organisms that would like to
eat our grapes would just love to get into our wines and make us sick. Most other foods we treat with UHT (Ultra High Temp) to kill these bad bugs. UHT just won’t work with wine. Please consider what the effect of UHT would be on our wine. First, UHT would destroy much of the “taste, flavor & bouquet’ of the wine. Second, UHT would remove most of the alcohol from our wine. We all know what happens to the alcohol in our wine when we cook with it. The alcohol dissipates. Third, the ‘color’ of our wine would be forever changed. So, until something better comes down the pike, we will continue to add some additional Sulfites to our wines. Please note, if your favorite wine is produced in the U.S.A. the Sulfites added to your wine are regulated by three Federal Agencies…the BATF, USDA and the FDA. According to the rules, wines can contain anywhere from 10 parts per million to approx. 385 parts per million. Please, please, don’t get hung up on these numbers. They are pretty low! Those cheese and crackers that we eat with our wine can contain anywhere from 3,000 to 5,000 parts per million! Finally, the question about sulfites and headaches?? Unless you’re asthmatic, sulfites are probably NOT the villain. In America, approx. 5% of our population is asthmatic. About 1% of that 5% are sensitive to sulfites. The rest of us are not sensitive, at all! If, however, you are still convinced that your headaches are being caused by your wine, my suggestion would be to switch to an “Unfiltered” wine! Since Unfiltered wines are NOT filtered in any way, there’s no reason to add “Hints & Notes” to the wine.
Our Sulfite story has come to an end. It’s time to pick up our can, dust it off and put it back on the shelf. Until next time………”Salute and Happy Days”
(This ‘Green Winer’ wine Blog is created by me, Larry Woodham. The views and statements contained herein are exclusively mine. They DO Not necessarily reflect the views of TownTaster magazine. If you have any comments or questions on this Blog or suggestions for future Blogs, please email me at
2012 December TownTaster.indd 12
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2012 December TownTaster.indd 13
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Dining in Decemeber Open to the Public Weekly Events
Wednesday’s - Buy One Get One Meals Saturday’s - 2 for $29 Wine & Dine (Includes glass of wine with meal) Friday & Saturday - 2 for 1 Happy Hour 5-7PM
Friday December 14
Sunday December 16
6-7:30pm Lobster & Seafood Buffet $28.95 per person
Holiday Brunch $19.95 per person
Includes one lobster per person
Reservations start at 11:30AM
December 31 New Years Eve Dinner & Dancing Champagne Greeting
$49.95 per person Reservations starting at 6pm
4350 El Conquistador Pkwy, Bradenton, FL 34210 941-758-1467 •
2012 December TownTaster.indd 14
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Pacific Rim
aster” wnT To
This restaura nt
isited by an “ Of fi
v en be
1859 Hillview Street Sarasota, Florida 34239 941.330.8071
.c w.TownTaster Appetizer: Thai ChiCken LeTTuCe WRaPS - Grilled chicken breast, shredded carrots, bean sprouts, green onions and crispy noodles served with lettuce leaves, peanut sauce and sweet and sour sauce on the side. CeViChe - A mixture of tuna, white tuna and salmon sliced thin, topped with our special citrus sauce.
Entrées: PineaPPLe fRied RiCe - Steamed jasmine rice quickly sauteed with egg, mild yellow and green onions, pineapple, raisins, cashew nuts, baby green peas and carrots & Seafood CombinaTion STiR-fRy
Kid Friendly: yeS ~ Easy to Find: yeS ~ Reservations: yeS ~ Would you Recommend? hiGhLy Both dishes were absolutely delicious! The flavors were wonderful and the food was amazingly fresh. Everything was perfectly cooked and flavorful. While their dessert menu is sparse, consisting of various ice cream flavors, we found the Dessert Combination, which is a tempura fried banana surrounded by multiple flavors of ice cream and topped with honey, chocolate and sesame to be the perfect end to the meal. It was favorable without being over the top. We left there feeling very satisfied.
For a complete menu, visit A special thanks to this issue's TownTasters
Pamela Swinney
for giving their stamp of approval to PACIFIC RIM!
About our TownTasters:
Age: 40’s • Hometown: Sarasota, FL Favorite Food: A nice steak or anything chocolate. Hobbies: Playing tennis, writing, enjoying life to name but a few
2012 December TownTaster.indd 15
Service Quality/Speed
The service was excellent. In fact I even commented to the owner when he came over to say hello that his staff was very well trained and attentive. They were very pleasant and professional, making certain that even the smallest details were promptly taken care of. I like the way they all worked together as a team to make certain everyone was having a good dining experience.
Atmosphere/ Ambiance
Both casual and romantic. Very serene and modern at the same time. The colors and décor are seamlessly blended to create a simultaneously romantic and happy feeling to the restaurant. Pacific Rim is suitable for friendly get-togethers, family meals and romantic moments.
Favorite Aspect of Restaurant
While I thoroughly enjoyed the décor, the food was very delicious so would naturally be my favorite part.
Favorite Menu Item
Since this was our first trip to Pacific Rim I don’t have a lot of experience with the whole menu. Thus far my favorite is the Ceviche, but we look forward to returning and sampling more of their offerings.
“I will most certainly go back. I highly recommend this restaurant. They offer quality food, a very pleasant atmosphere and attentive staff. It is a very enjoyable dining experience!” 1515
11/26/12 7:27 PM
2012 December TownTaster.indd 16
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DID YOU K NOW ? Our mission at TownTaster is to share with our readers the many amazing restaurants, food & wine establishments, farms and more that our community has to offer. If we find something new out there to excite your tastebuds - we are there and wanting to tell you about all the goodness! We also know that many of you like finding great deals and good food. So we have come up with a few ways to help you save while still trying new and exciting flavors all around. So what are you waiting for - utilize these extra special offers as another reason to "LOVE" food...
Eat and $ave Today!
We all know it - texting has now become part of everyday life for most people. So if you are one who smiles when the chime rings for a text message, we will give you another reason to get excited to hear it. We are partnering with local restaurants to bring you weekly specials that you can only receive right to your phone. Freebies, discounts and more will accompany that chime and give you a reason to make dinner plans out on the town. Sign up and see what we mean - we promise not to overload you with messages and. No we won't share your number with anyone else! Simply TEXT "Lovefood" to 72727*
Coupons are available on our website! Looking for discounts and specials when grabbing a bite to eat? VIsit TownTaster. com before you go to download and print coupons to your favorite restaurants. Don't have a computer? No problem! Please call TownTaster at 941-548-1908 if you do not have computer access and would like to receive your coupons by mail!
* Up to 2 texts sent weekly. Msg & Data Rates may apply. For help, text HELP or to cancel, text STOP to 72727. See our website for privacy policy.
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2012 December TownTaster.indd 17
11/26/12 7:28 PM
& SR 70 e in a rr o L f o r e rn o C e th On
14475 SR 70 • Lakewood Ranch 941.756.9400 •
Outdoor Patio • NFL Ticket • Live Music Every Weekend
A T N A S h IT W T S A F k A E BR Sun. Dec 16th 11-1PM Bring the family for a holiday Brunch Starting at 10AM. Santa will join the fun at 11AM.
h C N A R E h T T A h BAS ve • Mon. Dec 31st • 8PM
New Years E
rve your ticket se re to w o n P V RS ed tickets sold 941.756.9400 - Lim
e All incluSRiVin k) (food And d
2012 December TownTaster.indd 18
Closed to the public • $75 per person All you can eat buffet and desserts DJ, Dancing and Hats and noise makers Open bar (well, house wines and domestic drafts) Champaign toast at midnight 11/26/12 7:28 PM
Holiday Traditions Around the World We all know what to expect when the holidays roll around. Tables around America are filled with lavish feasts of turkey, ham, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gingerbread houses, eggnog and don’t forget the milk & cookies for Santa! While each home has their own very special traditions, on a broader spectrum, we thought we would explore some of the traditions held around the world. In Mexico a traditional festive feast is enjoyed on Noche Buena (Christmas Eve) where a variety of flavors can be found. Depending on the region, you will find dishes prepared with romeritos (a green herb resembling rosemary) and mole, soups and stews like pozole, fish such as bacalao, tamales & churros. Most of these dishes will surround a turkey as well. Celebrations of Korean Winter Solstice include a warm bowl of patjuk (a sweet red bean porridge) with rice balls. The red beans are said to chase away evil spirits and the rice balls symbolize new life. The French menu for le réveillon (Christmas Eve or New Year’s dinner) will be filled with goose or duck, oysters, escargot and possibly foie gras (which means “fatty duck liver” and is a controversial delicacy). Not to be overlooked, the vast samplings of beautifully decorated candies, pastries, cookies and a good old-fashioned yule log. German families often celebrate New Year’s Eve with seafood and soups, however some eat meals of pork as the pig is a long-time symbol of good luck. Based on very old superstitions, poultry is avoided as it is seen as taking away happiness for the New Year. A traditional Polish Christmas Eve (Wigilia) supper is meatless - full of fish, borscht, and pierogis. The meal usually begins with Kutia (a wheat grain pudding) and a warm fruit compote as the drink of choice. The Italian Christmas Eve celebration is The Feast of the Seven Fishes. Full of seven (or more) different kinds of fishes, it is a tradition of abstaining from meats and a Biblical reference to the number seven. Combinations of lobster, eel, dried salted cod, shrimp, mussels, squid and clams may be among the menu items.
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Interesting facts…
• Lunar New Year in Vietnam is celebrated with traditional foods include soup made with abalone or shark’s fin.
• In England, Santa forgoes milk & cookies for a mince pie and glass of sherry. • Christmas breads in Greece get shaped like the domes of Orthodox churches
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… y l i m a F r u O m rs o r u o F Y To
Hot Cocoa
This makes a big batch, so make a cup and tie up the rest in small baggies with instructions how to mix. 2 cups powdered sugar 1 cup cocoa 2-1/2 cups powdered milk 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons cornstarch pinch cayenne pepper hot water or milk Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl and incorporate evenly. Use 3 rounded tablespoons for each mug of hot water or milk. Seal rest in an airtight container. Note: This makes a lot and will keep well in pantry.
Homemade Granola
n our home, we have a long list of great recipes that come rolling out around the holidays and we do whatever we can to fit them all in. One thing that brings us great joy is sharing our love of food with the people we love. Whether cooking at home or dining out, there is nothing like sharing a warm meal or a cup of hot cocoa with friends. If you are still searching for that perfect Christmas gift... We are a huge fan of giving gifts of food. Whether in gift card form or sharing a special recipe with a friend - they will surely think it is a fantastic gift! Really... Have you EVER heard someone say they didn't like a gift they could eat?! Get creative! Take a gift card to your favorite restaraurant and dress it up... tie it to a Christmas ornament or put it with a small box of chocolates. For sharing a recipe, handwrite on a peice of paper (for that personal touch) and attach to a container of the finished product. Or if it is something that should be eaten right away, put the dry ingredients together and package in a fun container. We have put together a few recipes from our own recipe book (yes, we still have a few of those paper books laying around) to help get you started.
4 cups old-fashioned rolled oats 2 cups sweetened shredded coconut 2 cups sliced almonds ¾ cup coconut oil (or vegetable oil) ½ cup honey 1-1/2 cups small-diced dried fruit (cranberries, figs, cherries, raisins) 1 cup roasted, unsalted cashews Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Toss together oats, coconut and almonds in a large bowl. Whisk together the oil and honey in a small bowl. Pour liquids over the oat mixture and stir with a wooden spoon until all the oats and nuts are coated. Pour onto a sheet pan. Bake, stirring occasionally with a spatula until the mixture turns a nice, even, golden brown, about 2530 minutes. Remove granola from the oven and allow to cool, stirring occasionally. Add the dried fruit & cashews. Store the cooled granola in an airtight container.
Gifts that come from the heart and fill your belly! 20
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A Wish Fulfilled. The Ones You Love.
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minto creates better places to inspire life • (888) 347-1837 12300 Manatee Ave. West, Bradenton, FL 34209 On SR 64. Turn right just before the Anna Maria Island Bridge Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Oral representations cannot be relied upon a correctly stating the representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to the purchase agreement and homeowner documents, including the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee in condominium communities. Not an offer where prohibited by state statutes. CBC 1258779, CGC 1505726, CGC 1519880. 10/2012.
2012 December TownTaster.indd 21
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Carmen's Italian Cafe 515 27th St. E. Bradenton, FL 34208 941.745.1540
Ceviche Tapas Bar & Restaurant 1216 1st Street Sarasota, FL 34236 941.952.1036
El Sombrero 1330 US Hwy 301 N. Palmetto, FL 34221 941.723.4300
Ferraro's Italian Grille 8348 US 301 N. Parrish, FL 34219 941.723.1111
IMG Academy 4350 El Conquistador Pkwy Bradenton, FL 34210 941-758-1467
Minto Communities 12300 Manatee Ave. W. Bradenton, FL 34209 888.347.1837
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Pita's Republic
2525 27th St. E. Bradenton, FL 34208 941.748.5829
8215 Tourist Center Dr. Sarasota, FL 34201 941.359.1234
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The Master Cabinet Maker, Inc.
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Master Cabinet Maker 941.723.0278
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The Ranch Grill 14475 SR 70 Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 941.756.9400
Riverhouse Reef & Grill 995 Riverside Drive Palmetto, Fl 34222 941.729.0616
2012 December TownTaster.indd 22
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Creating delicious memories for over 20 years 23
2012 December TownTaster.indd 23
11/26/12 7:28 PM
Post Office Box 161 Ellenton, Florida 34222
2012 December TownTaster.indd 24
11/26/12 7:28 PM