TownTaster M
February 2013
Volume 2 • Issue 4
Perfect Valentine’s Day Menu… Page 14
Romantic and Simple
The Saucy Sicilian Page 6
Love to Eat & Eat to Live
Page 7
It’s Not a Diet, It’s Math
TEXT w w w.To w nTa s t e r. c o m
to 72727
For Weekly Dining Specials!
February 2013 Volume 2, Issue 4 Publisher
PCI Publishing, LLC
Valerie Longo 941-932-8884
Web Design
Syd Krawczyk Concept Digital Media
Social Media Lenny Longo
Graphic Design Mara Stork
Contributing Authors
Gaetano Cannata, Ortygia Paige Estigarribia The Three Kitcheneers Lenny Longo Cathy Vande Mheen Larry Woodham Cover Photo from CafĂŠ L'Europe taken by Cruz Portrait Design Town Taster and PCI Publishing, LLC does not endorse or warrant any products or services contained herein, unless otherwise expressly noted. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors. Submitted materials will not be returned. Whole or part of this publication may not be used or duplicated in any way without written permission from PCI Publishing, LLC. Advertising rates and information available from: PCI Publishing, LLC, 1202 Gary Avenue, Suite 13, Ellenton, FL 34222 Phone: 941-548-1908 Town Taster is published monthly. Subscriptions are FREE. To continue receiving Town Taster on a regular basis, visit our website:
Expanding Our Reach From the Editor
Welcome to another mouthwatering issue! As foodies, we love to read, talk, dream and learn about food. We enjoy hearing current food news and the opportunity to advance our quest in the knowledge for the best in food quality and culinary experience. At TownTaster, we strive to stay on the forefront of the food world and find new and unique ways to bring you with us. We are starting 2013 with a bang‌ So much to share, we are bursting at the seams. In the coming weeks we will be starting on a new course that will broaden our audience and allow so many more foodies to enjoy what you already do. We will expand our reach to the radio waves bringing our community exclusive interviews with restaurant owners, chefs and other talented foodies in our area. Airing on local radio 1490, the TownTaster Radio Program will tickle your taste buds and whet your appetite on a whole different level. Even better news, you will be able to hear these programs On-Demand right on our website! Watch our website for specific times and dates for the start of the radio show. If this announcement is not enough excitement for one issue, we have added a few new guest authors to our line up. We will be featuring celebrity chef writers who will expand your horizons on a variety of subjects. This issue, we introduce Gaetano Cannata aka the Saucy Sicilian. He brings a history lesson of Sicilian cuisine right into these pages. Another new blog unfolds as well, documenting a story of an intense love of food coupled with an extraordinary commitment to weight loss and health. An avid food lover, Lenny, has some interesting tips and advice to share based on his experience that we think our readers will enjoy. So, are you ready to indulge in the wonders of food that lie ahead? If so, sit back relax and enjoy a latte while digging into the following reviews, stories and news articles. Enjoy and happy reading!
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Valerie Longo
Visit our Bakery Department or Floral Experts for planning that
Perfect Valentine’s Surprise! February Bakery Special
Cassata Torte - $19.99
Beneath a cloud of vanilla whipped topping lie three layers of rum-flavored vanilla cake, luscious chocolate rum filling, and cannoli cream. For dramatic decoration, the sides are coated with toasted almonds, and the top is embellished by a chocolate-dipped cannoli.
Treat your Valentine to a Unique Date Night The Queen of Tarts – Feb 6th Food for Lovers – Feb 13th
Calendar Taste of Korea (D)............................................................................................................ Feb 1 Weekend Warrior Breakfast (H).................................................................................. Feb 2 Classic Pairings (D).................................................................................................. Feb 2, 23 The Queen of Tarts (H).................................................................................................. Feb 6 Wine & Dine in Spain (D).............................................................................................. Feb 8 Bayou Crawl (D)............................................................................................................... Feb 9 Latin Cooking Techniques (3 Part series).............................................. Feb 12, 19, 26 Food for Lovers (D).......................................................................................................Feb 13 Zydeco Steakhouse (D)..............................................................................................Feb 15 Going with the Grain (H)............................................................................................Feb 16 Cibo e Vino (D)........................................................................................................Feb 16, 22 The Basics of Culinary (6 part series)............................Feb 20, 27, Mar 6, 13, 20, 27 Shore Dinner (D)...........................................................................................................Feb 21 Call or stop by for times and cost.
2874 University Pkwy. Sarasota, FL 34243
(D) Demonstration • (H) Hands On
Let us know you saw us in TownTaster
For help planning your party – call the Apron’s Event Planning team at
941.358.7781 3
on the cover
Rack of Lamb, Café L'Europe
in this issue The Saucy Sicilian.................... 6 Love to Eat & Eat to Live It's Not a Diet, It's Math............... 7 Meet the Chef Kim Hoffman, Charisma Café..... 8 Reviewed by You Café L'Europe........................ 10 Ferraro's Italian Grille.............. 12 The Three Kitcheneers The Perfect Valentine's Day Menu, Romantic & Simple................ 14 The Green Winer Wine Bottle Wedding Arch..... 17
Chateaubriand, Café L'Europe
F e b r ua ry
Taste-ful Events
February 7 – 10
27th Annual "Greek Glendi A Greek Festival"
St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church at 7671 N. Lockwood Ridge Road. Admission is $4. Traditional Greek food & pastries & live music.
February 9
2nd Annual "Tasting Wine to Help Fight Crime”
Manatee CrimeStoppers hosts an event at the Bradenton Country Club to let you enjoy imported international wines from 10 different wine producing nations, as well as the USA. Attendees will receive a “Passport” to visit each National Station where they will receive a sample of wine and a dish of ethnic food from that nation. Starts at 6pm. Tickets $100 per person. Info call 941-792-2732.
February 12
Feb 15-17, 22-24, March 1-3
Murder Mystery Dinner Train “The Case of the Malted Falcon”
Florida Railroad Museum, Parrish. $45-$55 per person. or 941-776-0906.
February 21 – 24
25th Annual Venice Italian Feast and Carnival
Mr Beery’s Craft Beer Bar presents 5 craft beers selected and carefully paired with 5 artisan cheeses... It will WOW your palate. "Beer works well with cheese”. $18 per person. 8-10 pm. 2645 Mall Dr., Gulfgate, Sarasota, FL, 34231 - (941) 343-2854.
At the Venice Airport Paved Midway. Features all your Italian favorites from Sausage & Peppers, Meatballs, Pizza Fritta, Cannollis, Calzones, Spaghetti, Ravioli, Chicken and much more. Admission is free. Parking is $4. Food and carnival rides at cost. Sponsored by the Italian American Club of Venice.
February 14
February 23
Cheese & Beer Pairing
Riverhouse Sweetheart Night
Flowers, chocolates, bottle of wine, lobster, filet, live music, dancing....$100 couple. Perfectly romantic! Call or email to book NOW! You can call 941-7290616 or email to
“Just In Queso”
Sponsored by Tijuana Flats at the World of Beer. Benefiting the “Just in Queso Foundation”. $10 admission includes drink & raffle tickets. 2-6pm. Information call 941-330-0989.
The Saucy Sicilian
By Gaetano Cannata of Ortygia Restaurant
Sicily…The flavor of civilization. Those words say it all when attempting to describe the unique cuisine that bursts forth from the largest island located in the center of the Mediterranean Sea. Fifty miles south from the tip of the boot, Sicily has had its shores invaded by many countries throughout history due to their natural resources and strategic location. The Arabs, Greek, Moors, French, Spanish, and even the Scandinavians have left their footprint on this “Island of the Sun.” Part of that footprint was the food. The Arabs left the biggest culinary influence of all of them. Citrus fruits, nuts, figs, eggplant, raisins and countless other fruits, nuts, and vegetables were brought into Sicily by the Saracens. Agriculture, distillation, methods of food preservation, such as dehydration, salting, and pickling, and other skills that are still employed today in Sicily came from the Arabs. Sicilian food is not Italian food. Yes, there is some Italian influence, but unknown to most people Sicily has its own unique cuisine. And in Sicily as well as in Italy, the cuisine varies from region to region. Until quite recently the couscous and harissa dishes in North African influenced southwestern Sicily and were virtually unknown in the Northeast part of the island. The first wave of Italians to enter the U.S. at the turn of the 20th century were the Neapolitans. When the second wave, the Sicilians, entered the country, they were thrilled to find that some of the products that the Neapolitans had produced here were very similar to the products the Sicilians were familiar with. Most Sicilians wound up adopting and merging their cuisine with the Neapolitans and restaurants have modified it for American palates. Southern Italian/American cuisine was born for better or for worse. Stay tuned for more intriguing articles, food thoughts and recipes from the Saucy Sicilian in upcoming issues!
Hunsader Farms 5500 CR 675, Bradenton, FL 34211
Farm Market: 941-322-2168
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Love to Eat & Eat to Live It’s Not a Diet, It’s Math By Lenny Longo
Hi, my name is Lenny and I am an avid foodie. What makes me different from many of my other food loving friends is that I have trained myself and learned how to eat to live. Five years ago I lost 120 pounds and have maintained the loss since. This series of articles shares my journey and all of the tips & tricks I have learned to let me continue my weight loss success without sacrificing my love of food. I know many people have been in my same shoes - and no I have not given up eating foods I love or going to my favorite restaurants! The only difference is now I have a greater appreciation for food and a better understanding of how to make food work for me and not against me. It all started in the parking lot of a fast food joint. Well, it started a lot earlier than that, probably when my mother gave me every piece of cake or fried food that I requested. My mother loved me and always wanted to please me--even to this day. She just wasn’t educated on food health when I was young. When I got older she learned quickly and attempted to change my food habits--but it was a bit too late as I was already set in my ways. I had no intention of changing my habits as food comforted me.
Lenny after
Let’s fast-forward to December, 2007. I was sitting in a parking lot eating my usual triple bacon cheeseburger that dripped enough grease to lube 8 cylinders, and let’s not forget about the fries and nuggets on the side. I think my “healthy” choice for that meal was a diet soda. This was a typical lunch for me and I had probably gone to another fast food place that morning and had a steak, bagel, egg and cheese...6,000 calories? Why not? Up to this point, I had been relying on the benefit of youth. Being 29, I felt there was very little chance I could have a heart attack as the statistics were against it, no matter what my weight. So there I was, sitting in the parking lot and I noticed that it was hard to breathe--at least to get a full breath of air. This was the awakening moment in my life that I may die if I keep this up. I have a wife and kids. I don’t have time to die...I have plans and promises to keep to my family. I left the parking lot and have never been back. What’s funny is I remember people saying once they stopped eating this stuff; just the thought of it disgusted them. To them, I say I am jealous. I would be lying if I didn’t think about going back there when I see someone eating a burger. The only thing that stops me is now being educated of calories in the food coupled with the nutrientional value (or lack there of ). I would rather eat the same high calories in a giant bowl of fresh pasta or homemade pizza--which I now frequently pig out on! There is something to be said about your body functioning better with quality food. Calories do not necessarily equal calories, I can explain more with the second law of thermodynamics but we will get to that. Believe me, I’ve tried working out the next day after 3,000 calories of ice cream and cookies and also with 3,000 calories worth of a quality balanced meal. One of those meals leaves me with a food hangover and a lazy mind and body. You guess which one….
Lenny before
My tastes have changed, and now I appreciate food with an even greater love. I will see you next month where I will begin to share my journey with you and explain how I have been able to love food in a whole different light.
Lenny Longo is now entering his fifth year of maintaining 120+LBS of weight loss. The articles written in TownTaster Magazine are his story, which will contain lessons learned with tips, advice and/or answers to questions people have asked him. Lenny has no formal training in any health field and what works for one person may not work for another. Please be sure to consult your physician, before making changes to your regimen.
The Incredible Joy of Using
} s t n e i d e r g n I c {Organi
by Valerie Longo
Kim Hoffman at Charisma Café & Art has an unmistakable desire to please customers and to open their eyes to the incredible joy of using fresh local organic ingredients. As we sat and enjoyed lunch together, I admit I got lost in the crisp cool AMAZING flavors that melted in my mouth. What looked like a simple turkey wrap was so much more. Tri-color sweet peppers, fresh organic lettuce, smoked turkey and savory gouda wrapped in goodness. A side salad with avocado and cucumbers had the freshest ingredients you could find – most coming straight off the bushes of her hydroponic garden in the back – and topped with an orange blossom vinaigrette. I can assure you this was no standard “wrap w/ a salad” lunch! Don’t believe me? Her dressing was even made out of honey from her own beehives… You have to experience it to understand it! As one of 10 children growing up, she learned a love of food early in life. She began working in a Boston bakery at the age of 12 which began her story and no doubt influenced her decision to move to Florida to work with her sister at Kress Coffee in Downtown Sarasota. After buying a quaint 1920’s house in the Village of the Arts, which initially was for a rental property, she discovered she was smack in the middle of a unique “village” and was looking at a new canvas of opportunity. Could this house be home to a café or perhaps an art gallery? During an ArtWalk event one Friday 6 years ago, while displaying local artwork along with simple h’orderves
in her newly opened business, she was asked what her menu was going to be like. Menu? Well, she told people to come back the next day to find out. Little did she know, a customer base had already begun to gather. For the next two weeks she worked, without a menu, and not charging her patrons a dime. In return, she asked their opinions, suggestions and about their taste in food, which has developed into the unique menu she shares today.
the girls or an exciting room of fun for a little girl’s birthday Tea Party. Complete with hats and gloves, this private tearoom is a delectable setting for finger sandwiches, sweets and elegant teas. Charisma is open for lunch Wed-Sat from 10am-4pm or you can visit them at the Bradenton Farmer’s Market on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month to try her delectable scones and her much desired “Famous Veggie Pie”.
Since that time 6 years ago, Kim continue to serve up her heart and soul with every plate. Not only is every dish full of flavor, but also thoughtfully laid out on the plate to reflect her elite attention to design and detail. An edible flower from the garden nicely adorns each plate as well. If the food doesn’t come right from her garden, you can be certain it comes from right around the corner. Everything is purchased from local farms, bakeries, and other local businesses – her motto... Eat Local – Shop Local – Think Local In addition to her lunch menu, the tearoom at Charisma Cafe is known to be a place to relax, engage in conversation, or stimulate the mind. Featuring all local teas made especially for Charisma. Each tea tells its own story. The tearoom is a perfect setting for an afternoon with
1004 10th Ave. W., Bradenton, FL 34205 in the Village of the Arts • 941.748.8203 • 8
Mr. Cheesecake & More Where Elegant Meets Delicious!
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• VIP ticket $30 - Special VIP entrance opens 30 minutes prior to general ticket holders (advanced sales only) To purchase tickets and for more information contact UCP at: or call
To Benefit
Tell Us What You Think Restaurant Name Day Visited Time Visited
Café L’Europe
1-10-13 Noon
What did you order? Please be specific
431 St. Armand's Circle Sarasota, FL 34236 941.388.4415
A special thanks to this issue's TownTaster
Cathy Vande Mheen for giving her stamp of approval to Café L'Europe
About our TownTaster: Age: 49 Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska Current City: Sarasota Favorite Food: Runza
(a popular Midwestern sandwich)
Hobbies: decorating cookies and volunteering
Café onion soup gratinee, grilled chicken sandwich/ bourbon pecan salad lunch combo, potato crusted grouper, banana foster. Kid Friendly Yes Easy to Find? Yes Reservations needed?
No No Yes
Please describe:
We were outdoors where lighting was perfect. There was plenty of shade to keep us out of direct sun. Lighting
Ambiance & Décor
We peeked indoors where you could see the brick walls, the artwork, flowers, it was an older elegant building. There were two outdoor seating areas and we chose the area out front which also welcomes pets. The tiles on the ground were a conversation starter. The foliage which surrounded the seating area made it seem more private. It was beautiful. No need to travel overseas, we felt like we were on vacation. Atmosphere It was cozy, intimate, and relaxing. The seating was comfortable and the friendly staff was very welcoming. Service (Quality/ Speed)
Since the manager/waiters were unaware we were the town taster team until the very end, it was refreshing and impressive to know that the attentiveness and quality service we received was their normal service. The wait staff worked together by helping each other clear tables of dishes, offering assistance to another’s table, etc. They showed respect to each other as well as the guests. Favorite Aspect of the restaurant
We liked being able to pick our own seating in the outdoor section and am excited to know that they offer a doggie dining menu. Least Favorite Finding a parking spot can be difficult. At least there is valet service available right out front, although at an extra cost.
Favorite Menu Item
I loved everything I ordered I simply cannot choose. Interesting menu items (any unusual specialties/unique items – i.e. vegan, organic)
I thought the café’s version of French onion soup served in a hollowed out large onion was quite a novelty. And the dishes (including 3 dessert choices) that are prepared table-side are entertaining. Would you go back?
This will definitely be one of the places I will bring my out-of-town visitors to. And I will add this to my personal list of local favorites. Also, I joined the Sarasota Sally Dining Club but have never had a chance to join them when they dine at Café L”Europe. I will try not to miss out on that again. Would you recommend (Why/why not)?
I would definitely recommend this restaurant to others. This is a really nice place to take a date. It has affordable prices with reasonable portions. The average price of their lunch entrees were around $9-12. The wait staff conducts themselves professionally. And although I do not drink wine, based by my observations, this is the place to go. I checked out their website and by joining their online café club, you receive a complimentary bottle of wine. Nice way to try them out. Comments
This was my first visit and I was totally impressed with the whole experience. Thank you to Pablo for being such a great waiter. He was a pro at creating fire while he made the banana foster dessert. And the other waiters attended to us as well when Pablo was busy with others. We appreciated having the manager stop by to greet us. I also enjoyed watching the woman from Foxy Lady who modeled clothes from her store. She approached us once, talked to us long enough to let us know where she was located , handed us a coupon and then let us be. Also, by the time we left it seemed that all the tables were filled. I would probably recommend reservations if you have a large party or if you have time restrictions.
Each month, our TownTaster reviews are completed by loyal readers who want a chance to share their dining experiences. If you would like a chance to be chosen as a TownTaster and enjoy a dinner for two - register on our website
Tell Us What You Think Restaurant Name Day Visited
Ferraro’s Italian Grille
Time Visited
Absoulutely! The service was impeccable, and the flavor of the food was a total treat!
5:00 P.M.
What did you order? Please be specific
8348 US 301 N. Parrish, FL 34219 941-723-1111
A special thanks to this issue's TownTaster
Paige Estigarribia for giving her stamp of approval to Ferraro’s Italian Grille
About our TownTaster: Age: 36 Hometown: Fairhope, AL Current City: Palmetto Favorite Food: Fresh Strawberries Hobbies: gardening, cooking and working out
I went with my family, and we asked the manager for his recommendations. He recommended an amazing bruschetta to start, and then a wonderful chicken parmesan in a puttenesca sauce. We also got Cannolis and a Frankie’s delight for dessert! Kid Friendly Yes Easy to Find? Yes Reservations needed?
No No Yes
Please describe: Lighting
Well lit, but not too bright so that it wasn’t
Ambiance & Décor
Wonderful, family friendly ambience, with a large dining area inside, and a perfectly lit, cozy patio for outdoor dining Atmosphere
Warm, friendly
Service (Quality/ Speed)
Fast, attentive and very friendly Favorite Aspect of the restaurant
The service was amazing, and the food was some of the best Italian food I’ve eaten Least Favorite
Would you recommend (Why/why not)?
I loved it all!
Favorite Menu Item
The chicken parmesan in puttenesca was out of this world! It was amazing! Interesting menu items (any unusual specialties/unique items – i.e. vegan, organic)
One of the best things about the restaurant is that they will create for you an authentic Italian dish, based on what you’d like. All of the menu items are completely fresh and made to order. Frank, the owner, is Italian, and his menu items are as authentic as they come.
When you open the door of Ferrarro’s Italian Grille, you are walking into a true Italian culinary experience. From the casual, family-friendly staff, to the comforting and inviting garlic aromas, the baking pizzas and stewing sauces all under creation in the kitchen, Ferrarro’s is an Italian dining experience not to miss. The staff greets you with a smile at the door, and once seated, service is prompt with drinks and warm buttered bread before the meal. Ferraro’s menu is a testament to the restaurant owner’s Italian family heritage, with menu items including specialty pizzas, homemade frittatas, made-to-order pastas and accompanying sauces, as well as veal, seafood and poultry dishes to delight the palate. After opting to ask for the manager’s recommendations for appetizers and dinner, our dinner started with a bruschetta appetizer, artfully hand-crafted with cheese, fresh olives, tomatos and herbs – such a treat! After the bruschetta, our waiter brought out a perfectly authentic chicken parmesan in a puttenesca sauce, again, completely made fresh to order. The flavors of fresh tomatoes, Italian parsley and capers, with the chicken, were absolutely delicious. Dessert was cannolis, filled with homemade cream right before they were served, as well as a Frankie’s Delight, a fried Italian doughnut filled with cannoli cream and drizzled with chocolate. Ferraro’s is its own slice of Italian heaven here in Parrish. Those who opt to visit Ferraro’s Italian Grille will no doubt enjoy a truly authentic and affordable experience and will be ready to return soon to its welcoming family atmosphere and excellent fare.
Would you go back?
VED APPRO Each month, our TownTaster reviews are completed by loyal readers who want a chance to share their dining experiences. If you would like a chance to be chosen as a TownTaster and enjoy a dinner for two - register on our website
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Perfect Valentine’s Day Menu…
Romantic and Simple
Chocolate. Romance. Candles. Roses. Sweeping them off their feet. Creating a perfect backdrop for that special someone. These are just some of the things we think about when we think about Valentine’s Day. You remember what St. Valentine said “the way to someone’s heart is through their stomach.” OK, we’re not really sure that it was St. Valentine that actually said that but either way, it’s the truth for most of us. That being said, 3K set out to plan the perfect menu this Valentine’s day for our significant someone. What better way to satisfy the palate than with fresh Gulf caught scallops and lobster from Maggie’s Seafood?? Yea, that’s what we thought, there is no better way. Scallops, delicious, tender, like butta scallops. Lobster! NOTHING says “I love you” like lobster! You’re sure to knock the socks off anyone who tries this dish. It’s everything you need, romantic and simple!
Chili dusted Sea Scallops, Lobster Spaghetti Squash with White Chocolate Parsnip Puree and Apple Fennel salad Serves 2
Ingredients: 8 oz of cooked lobster meat shelled 6 jumbo sea scallops dry packed 1 whole spaghetti squash (baked) 1/2 lb of parsnips (peeled and diced) 3 cups of whole milk 4-6 oz of white chocolate 6 tablespoons of unsalted butter Olive Oil for coating the pan and squash (about 4 tbsp) 2 shallots sliced 4 garlic cloves sliced chili seasoning of choice (for example ancho chili powder) For the salad: 1 whole honeycrisp or hard sweet apple sliced and julienned 1 bulb of fennel cored fennel fronds set aside and sliced thin 1 whole lemon juiced pepper and salt to taste toss together and serve
Start by cutting the spaghetti squash in half long ways and drizzle with olive oil about 2-3 tablespoons, Place the squash flat side down onto a sheet pan or oven safe dish and roast in a oven at 400 degrees for 35-45 minutes or until tender. Next fill a stockpot with the milk. add your diced parsnips and place into the pot with milk. cook on a medium until parsnips are tender (test with pointed knife) then add the white chocolate. puree the mixture with a blender or immersion blender season to taste with white pepper and salt and set aside When the squash is finished cooking spoon out the inside of the squash this is your spaghetti mixture be careful not to mash the squash take a fork and pull apart the strands of squash to resemble spaghetti. In a saute pan place in 2 tbsp of oil, 2 tbsp of butter, shallots & garlic. cook until slightly browned, just a few minutes then add in the cooked lobster meat and juice of ½ lemon followed by the cook spaghetti squash. cook for an additional minute on medium heat being careful not to mash your spaghetti squash. set the mixture aside. Finish the dish by dusting your sea scallops with chili mix In a separate saute pan. Add butter and oil let them melt before adding your scallops to the pan (do not cover the pan, it will steam the scallops) Cook until brown on the one side, flip over and cook for an additional 15 seconds on the other side with pan turned off take out of the pan immediately so not to overcook the scallops. To plate the dish place down your parsnip white chocolate puree then your lobster squash mixture followed by the scallops arranged around the plate you should have three scallops per plate. Place the fennel apple salad on top and garnish with fennel fronds. *All seafood from Maggie’s Seafood. To learn more about Maggie’s Seafood visit or catch them every Saturday morning at the Sarasota Farmers Market.
Check out for recipes, articles and webisodes. All food, all the time.
Our 5th Ann g n i iver at r b s ele
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Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Oral representations cannot be relied upon a correctly stating the representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to the purchase agreement and homeowner documents, including the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee in condominium communities. Not an offer where prohibited by state statutes. CBC 1258779, CGC 1505726, CGC 1519880. 2/2013.
Wine Bottle Wedding Arch! With ‘Valentine’s Day’ on February 14th, it seems only appropriate that we dedicate this month’s Blog to…”Lovers and Sweethearts”! At BHV, we handcrafted a memorial to those in Love! Using over 450 empty recycled wine bottles we created our areas most iconic and unique…”Wedding Arch”! Framed by BHV’s own grapevines, it rises to over 10 ft. high and over 20 ft. wide. The Arch is capped with a wine bottle heart, a Bride and Groom figurine and two Bridesmaids. When the Florida sun is shining, the blue, green, amber and clear wine bottles sparkle like diamonds. When you visit BHV and our Wedding Arch, please look closely at the empty wine bottles embedded in the concrete matrix. What you will see are ‘Bride and Groom’ memories etched into the glass wine bottles! When the loving couple selects BHV as their wedding venue, we ask them to select an empty wine bottle on the Wedding Arch. Prior to the day of their wedding, we ‘engrave’ their names and their wedding date into their glass wine bottle. The permanence of their glass wine bottle becomes the celebration of the permanence of their Love and commitment to each other! Throughout the year, under the Wedding Arch, we perform “Vow Renewals and Commitment Ceremonies” at no charge to all that ask. If you would like to renew your commitment to each other or proclaim to the world your commitment and love, please drop us an email so we can set it up. Even though Valentine’s Day comes but once a year, we should remember that it’s a celebration of Union, Love and Commitment that knows no limits or bounds or timeline.
When guests visit BHV, we always discuss the importance of wine in our adult relationships. For thousands of years, wine has been a vital part of our human fabric. At most of the important moments in our lives,…weddings, holidays, graduations, New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, etc.,…wine has been the glue that has sealed the occasion. There are few moments as precious as when a couple sips a glass of wine, stares into each other’s eyes and says… “I Love You”! HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! Until next time..”Salute and Happy Days”!
(This ‘Green Winer’ wine Blog is created by me, Larry Woodham. The views and statements contained herein are exclusively mine. They DO Not necessarily reflect the views of TownTaster magazine. If you have any comments or questions on this Blog or suggestions for future Blogs, please email me at
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