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6.24 Garden Suite

6.23.3 Windows contained within a garage suite shall be placed and sized such that they minimize overlook into the yards and windows of adjacent properties through one or more of the following:

a) Off-setting window placement to limit direct views of adjacent rear or side yards, or direct view into a garage suite from an adjacent site;

b) Strategic placement of windows in conjunction with landscaping or the placement of other accessory developments; and

c) The placement of larger windows to face a lane, flanking street, or the larger of any side yard adjacent to another property.

6.23.4 A detached garage containing a garage suite shall have a maximum height of 7.5m (24.6ft) or that of the principal dwelling, whichever is less, from finished grade.

6.23.5 A garage suite shall be located a minimum of 2.0m (6.6ft) from the principal dwelling or another accessory building.

6.23.6 Balconies may be allowed as part of a garage suite, provided that the balcony faces a lane or a flanking street.

6.23.7 The Development Authority shall assess the appropriateness of a garage suite when exercising discretion in considering an application including, but not limited to:

a) The siting of the building in relation to compatibility with other developments in the vicinity;

b) The massing of the building in comparison to other buildings on site and in the vicinity; and

c) The design, character, and appearance of the building.


6.24.1 A garden suite shall be accessory to the principal dwelling and shall:

a) Be located in a rear or side yard;

b) Have a minimum side and rear yard setback of 1.5m (4.9ft);

c) Have a floor area of less than that of the principal dwelling; and

d) Be architecturally compatible with the principal dwelling.

6.24.2 Consideration shall be given to the privacy of the suite, the principal dwelling and dwelling unit(s) on adjacent properties through the placement of windows, decks, and balconies.

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