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7.6 Parking Regulations for DT-MU, DT-T, and C-MP Land Use Districts

b) Provide vehicular access to and from a road or lane such that no backing or turning movements of vehicles going to or from the site cause interference with traffic in the abutting roads or lanes;

c) Have loading spaces sited so that the vehicles can be parked and manoeuvred entirely within the bounds of the site;

d) Have loading spaces sited at an elevation or elevations convenient to a major floor level in the building or to an utility elevator serving each major floor level; and

e) Have loading spaces graded and drained as to dispose of all storm runoff.


7.6.1 Notwithstanding Section 7.3, when an applicant has inadequate space for parking, manoeuvring, and loading for a proposed development as required by this Bylaw in the DT-MU, DT-T, or C-MP district, the Development Authority may permit all or part of the parking be provided on an alternate site, provided that:

a) The alternate site is located within 50.0m (164.0ft) of the proposed development requiring the parking;

b) The applicant enter into a Development Agreement with the Town in respect of the provision, development, and maintenance of the off-site parking including the construction of the off-site parking;

c) The applicant register, at its own cost, a caveat for the development agreement against both properties, and provide a copy of that registration to the Development Authority;

d) The applicant register a restrictive covenant in a form acceptable to the

Development Authority against the title of the property where parking is provided, which restricts the use of the property to parking; and

e) The development permit shall be cancelled if the alternate site becomes unavailable for parking and the applicant is unable to provide a replacement space to the satisfaction of the Development Authority within thirty (30) days from when the alternate site becomes unavailable for parking.

7.6.2 The Development Authority may grant approval of development applications which are deficient in on-site parking spaces if, in the opinion of the Development Authority, to do so would facilitate business development and expansion and would not substantially exacerbate parking deficiencies in the Downtown. Doing so would be considered a relaxation, not a variance.

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