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6.31 Show Homes and Temporary Sales Centres
6.30.3 A shipping container shall be used for only storage purposes, and shall not be used to store any dangerous or hazardous materials.
6.30.4 A shipping container shall not be used as a dwelling unit.
6.30.5 Shipping containers shall not be stacked one on top of another and must be properly anchored to avoid movement or tipping.
6.30.6 Shipping containers shall be located a minimum of 3.0m (9.8ft) from the principal building.
6.30.7 Shipping containers must be kept in good repair and sightly, to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.
6.31.1 A development permit is required for a show home or temporary sales centre and shall be issued for no more than one (1) year. The Development Authority may consider an application to renewal the approval annually.
6.31.2 A show home or temporary sales centre shall be subject to the following provisions:
a) The appearance of the building shall, in the opinion of the Development
Authority, be compatible with the architectural character of other buildings in the neighbourhood in which it is located;
b) Parking for employees and customers of the show home or temporary sales centre shall be on-site; and
c) The setbacks for a temporary sales centre shall be consistent with the
Land Use District in which it is located.
6.31.3 Signage on show homes shall be subject to the following regulations:
a) Signage shall be located on site;
b) A maximum of four (4) signs, which can be a combination of portable, fascia and freestanding signs, are permitted on site;
c) Signage shall be removed at the developers or builders expense upon expiry of the development permit.
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