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8.13 Marquee or Canopy Signs
8.13.1 Marquee or Canopy Signs shall have a maximum sign area of less or equal to 25% of the building façade and a maximum copy area of any single face less or equal to 50% of the canopy area as shown in Figure 8.13.
Signage Sign Face
Building Facade
Copy Area
Figure 8.13: Marquee or Canopy Sign Area Requirements
8.13.2 Marquee or Canopy Signs shall conform with the following standards:
a) Shall be located on a business frontage facing a public roadway;
b) Shall have no more than 1.0m (3.3ft) projection above the top edge of the canopy;
c) Shall have a minimum clearance of 2.5m (8.2ft) above grade;
d) Shall not project over a road or lane;
e) Shall be attached to the edge of the marquee or canopy; and
f) Shall have no additional supporting wires or stays attached to the sign structure or wall.