StreetScape Magazine Spring 2010

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Home Beautiful Interior Decorating

Fashion Forward Spring Awakening SPRING


Jessie’s Girl Interview with Rick Springfield

• Where to go • Events • Fashion • Life Styles

En j o y o ur l arg e s e l e c t i o n o f B ri g h t o n ac c e s s o ri e s .





Spring 2010 22 32 45



| TOOFERS— Billy-Bob


| RESTAURANTS— 20 UNDER $20 It’s easy to spend a lot of money on fine dining, but you don’t have to.

| FASHION - Spring Awakening - Greater Saint Charles Fashion Week - Beauty Advisor - Boutique Profile



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ON THE COVER | Photo by Michael Schlueter - Schlueter Location Photography - (636) 926-8181 STREET SCAPE MAGAZINE |3




Spring is in the Air! Welcome to the fifteenth edition of Streetscape Magazine. As always, we invite you to come as our reader and stay as our friend.

TOM HANNEGAN Tom, Co-Owner of Hannegan Real Estate & Construction, LLC holds a master’s degree from Lindenwood University. Hannegan shares his passion for real estate, community volunteering, and his appreciation of St. Charles in Street Scape magazine.

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS ROBIN SEATON JEFFERSON Robin has been a writer/journalist for more than 18 years working in print and electronic media. She holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from UM–St. Louis, with minors in writing and criminal justice. ANN HAZELWOOD Ann Hazelwood is an accomplished quilt author, historian, and appraiser with several titles to her credit.

MONICA ADAMS Monica is a certified personal trainer and hosts a health and fitness show Sunday afternoons on KMOX Radio, and is the traffic reporter for FOX 2 News in the Morning. Monica is a St. Louis native who enjoys entertaining family and friends, and doing charitable work.

TAMI SCOTT Makeup / Hair Salon / Academy Society - Brides Models - Makeovers 314-346-8834

MARY ELLEN RENAUD Mary Ellen is a seasoned Public Relations & Marketing professional. You can contact her at Universal B.P.R. (cell) 314-660-1975


Be thankful! Be passionate. Life is not only good. It is GREAT!

Michael photographs people and places for advertising and corporate accounts locally and nationally. “The exploration and discovery process is what keeps photography so exciting for me.”


Thomas P. Hannegan Publisher and Founder Streetscape Magazine


Donna was a tourism professional for 25 years as the Assistant Director of the St. Charles CVB. She is now an independent meeting & event planner. Contact Donna by email at or 314341-2790 for your next event.

BEHIND THE SCENES ADVISORY BOARD Deborah Alessi Mary Banmiller Susan Berthold Nadine Boon Diane Burkemper Erica Butler Sue Casseau Jody Cox Ann Dempsey Barbara Drant Cindy Eisenbeis Sally Faith Lorna Frahm Bill Goellner Sheryl Guffey Mary Lou Hannegan Grace Harmon Ann Hazelwood Chris Hoffman Jason Hughes Jan Kast Mike Klinghammer Martha Kooyumjian Caryn Lloyd Jeremy Malensky

Nancy Matheny Denice McKeown Bob Millstone Sandy Mohrmann Suzanne Matyiko Maurice Newberry Craig Norden Grace Nichols Kim Paris Toekie Purler Kathy Robertson Marc Rousseau Rocco Russo Richard Sacks Keith Schneider Bob Schuette Teri Seiler Joyce Shaw Kelley Scheidegger-Barbee Karen Vehlewald Aleece Vogt Brian Watkins Brian Wies Mary West Gail Zumwalt

ADVERTISING JUDY PETERS As Director of Sales, Judy Peters uses her many years of PR and marketing experience to consult with businesses and organizations on the many ways StreetScape Magazine may serve their marketing needs. Contact her at 636448-2074 or TIFFANY SMITH Contact her at 636-544-3029

KATE SANTELLANO Contact her at 314-249-2454

DISTRIBUTION Call Tom Hannegan at 636-949-2973 or via email at Distributed to: Chesterfield, Cottleville, Dardenne Prairie, Maryland Heights, Lake St. Louis, St. Charles, St. Peters, New Town, O’Fallon, Weldon Spring, Wentzville, Wright City and Warrenton.








Smoke-Free • Free Birthday Dinner


Volume 5, Issue 1 • SPRING 2010 TPH Media 223 North Main Street, St. Charles, Missouri 63301 PHONE 636-949-2973, FAX 1-866-231-6159 WWW.STREETSCAPEMAG.COM Any reproduction of Street Scape magazine or its contents requires publisher’s prior written consent. Street Scape magazine aims to ensure that information is accurate and correct at all times but cannot accept responsibility for mistakes. Street Scape magazine reserves the right to refuse any advertisement and assumes no responsibility for submitted materials. Unsolicited material must include a self-addressed stamped envelope. © 2010 TPH Media. All Rights Reserved.



Stephen Walker of one of St. Louis’ most famous families—the Lemps.

Photo by Michael Schlueter

“It started as a hobby and grew into an obsession,” Stephen said. He was working in a camera store near the infamous Lemp brewery in downtown St. Louis at the time, when he went to lunch at the mansion with a buddy. The Lemps are best known for their untimely deaths—three of them suicides—but Stephen said their story of immense wealth and elite social status are every bit as intriguing. “During their brief and stormy days, the Lemps built one of America’s earliest and largest brewing empires—one with a rich and colorful history that deserves to be brought to light,” Stephen writes in the book, “Lemp-The Haunting History,” he went on to publish about the famous German beer barons that flourished during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The book is now in its tenth printing since its publication in 1988.

Story by Robin Seaton Jefferson

tephen Walker takes his hobbies seriously. The artist-turnedauthor-turned-amateur astronomy buff started out creating pen and ink likenesses of his friends’ houses “just for fun.” It was his wife, Carole Walker, who suggested he take his hobby to a new level and open a business on the side to sell his works.


But it was more than 20 years ago when a luncheon set Stephen Walker on a path to penning the first and foremost book on the saga 6|STREET SCAPE MAGAZINE

The Lemp Mansion in St. Louis is said by many to harbor ghosts of the tragic days that the Lemps occupied the residence and has become one of St. Louis’ most popular and interesting attractions. When Stephen lunched with his friend that day he said the stories he heard there stayed with him. “I couldn’t pull myself away. Three hours later, I almost got fired for being so late,” he said. Then after finishing his shift at the store, Stephen went back to the mansion again. “I wanted to know everything about the Lemps. It was like St. Louis’ version of the Titanic. It’s historic, but it’s right here, unlike the Titanic, which is gone.” And Stephen always did like a good haunting. “I always had a fascination for a good ghost story. I just couldn’t believe that the first time I was ever in a house reputed to be haunted, it was right in our own backyard.”

An award-winning graphic designer for SSM Health Care in St. Louis, Stephen has always had a love for the arts. His house portraits are drawn in pen and ink, then richly blended and shaded with colored pencil, marker and pastels. His house portraits run from $150 to $350 and can be done in about four weeks. He can work from photos, but prefers to visit the property if it’s located in the St. Louis area. Stephen said a photo of a house can provide an accurate portrayal of that house, but “the photo also captures imperfections in the scene: dead or untrimmed foliage, dormant flowers long past their prime, fire hydrants, utility poles and other unsightly obstructions. But a photograph can inspire a more artistic drawing, where I can alter or remove imperfections, make minor touch-ups to parts of the house that need painted or repaired, enhance or trim landscaping, make flowers bloom at their peak, and make sure the grass is vibrant and green. I can also make a more interesting and dramatic sky than is likely to occur by chance in a photo.” Clients shouldn’t worry that their homes are not worthy of a portrait, Stephen said. “I have created portraits of large and small homes, both vintage and modern, and they all have one thing in common: The owner feels a deep personal attachment to their home. A house doesn’t have to be huge or expensive to be treasured by its owner. I’ve never had a client commission a portrait based on the price tag of the house.” Along with drawing houses and writing a book, Stephen also likes astronomy—so much so in fact that he created a scale model of the solar system in University City’s famous Delmar Loop. The 2,800-foot Delmar Loop Planet Walk begins at the Moonrise Hotel with a model of the sun and follows west, ending at Cicero’s, with Neptune’s likeness. Pluto was “demoted,” said Stephen, as the International Astronomical Union decided in 2006 that Pluto would be downgraded to a dwarf planet. The Walk is comprised of five-foot-tall signs bearing fun facts about astronomy. Stephen said he developed the Planet Walk after visiting the website for the Sagan Planet Walk in Ithaca, NY in 2006. “As an amateur astronomy buff, I found the idea of a scale model solar system to be a fascinating concept,” Stephen said. “While researching other such models on the Internet, I developed the idea to build one in St. Louis.” Stephen’s design for the Delmar Loop Planet Walk incorporated many of the most userfriendly features found in the finest of the world’s planet walks, including an easy-to-follow linear path and a distance that can easily be walked in a reasonable timeframe. The information about each planet is written in non-technical language that can be appreciated by adults and children alike, Stephen said. The Planet Walk was dedicated in November 2009, in the International Year of Astronomy. A native of St. Louis, Stephen lives in O’Fallon, Missouri with his wife and their children, Janna and Matthew. For more information about his work, visit or ■ STREET SCAPE MAGAZINE |7




Waiting to Exhale Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n a l B r e a t h w o r k

Story by Robin Seaton Jefferson Photo by Michael Schlueter

he average person takes about 21,600 breaths per day as the body brings some 8,000 liters of air and 1.5 liters of blood through the lungs every 24 hours. The body requires 88 pounds of oxygen daily. Oxygen is the most important chemical in the body and increased levels of it have been shown to increase IQ in older people. The brain uses 25 percent of the body’s oxygen and yet is only three percent of its mass.


So is it any wonder, asks Jeanne Radtke, why breathing correctly can make such a profound impact on a person’s overall well being? Radtke is a meditation instructor and Transformational Breathwork facilitator. She said we are all born knowing how to breathe correctly—using our diaphragms—and yet somewhere along the line, we lose the ability. One need only picture a sleeping baby with his or her stomach moving up and down to witness this concept. Radtke contends it is this lack of oxygen resulting from incorrect breathing that is responsible for many of the physical and psychological ills we face each day. With degrees in chemistry and biology, Radtke knows a little bit about the chemicals in the body. Still, she said most of our knowledge about the benefits of breathing comes from the ancient Eastern philosophies. The power of conscious breathing has been used in the East as a vehicle for spiritual enlightenment for many centuries. Only recently has interest and research in the mindbody connection developed in the West—a failure on the part of our medical and scientific communities that desperately needs rectifying, she said. The ancients spoke of the air carrying “Prana: or life force energy,” Radtke said. “They said that it was everywhere and that we take it into our bodies from exposure to sunlight and the ingestion of foods, which store it. Through Transformational Breathing, we believe that Prana is drawn into the body in great quantity, producing a strong positive energy vibration that alters the body’s electromagnetic field. As the life force energies enter the body, emotions are lifted. Because of the change in vibration, trauma is permanently cleared and no longer remains in the energy field.” Western researchers have discovered that altering the breath pattern can alter mental and emotional states, Radtke said. “We can consciously change our chemistry, outlook and attitude by changing the depth, rhythm and rate of our breathing. And as we make these changes, we alter our perspective to engage a more positive mind-body state, and improve our lives dramatically. The use of breath to improve our health, emotional state and mental clarity is a skill everyone could benefit from learning.” Radtke said our breath is our connection to life. “We can go without food for 30 days, without water for three days, but in three minutes 10 | S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E

without breath, we die. Most people think that if they breathe in and out they are healthy. The truth, however, is that unless we are breathing deeply and fully, our bodies are not getting the oxygen needed for optimal health.” Oxygen feeds the cells and Radtke maintains that most people are starving their cells of oxygen. “No wonder so many people feel tired all the time. This is quite a problem in our busy world. Yet the solution can be as simple as conscious redirection of the breathing pattern. Too many people breathe in shallow and constricted patterns, cutting off the full benefit of their breath and never realizing the potential they are wasting for a more healthful life. The pattern can be reprogrammed and the breathing muscles retrained.” Radtke said studies have shown that some 70 percent of the toxins we take in each day are released through the breath and that heart patients who learned diaphragmatic breathing significantly improved the health of their hearts. “Researchers have proven that hypertension and anxiety can be relieved with conscious breathing. In addition to the physical benefits of effective breathing, emotional distresses can also be addressed with specific breath techniques.”

Jeanne Radtke

Transformational breathing opens and clears restricted breathing patterns which Radtke said produces more energy, increased detoxification, better health, improved respiratory capacity and a strengthened immune system as well as clears the subconscious mind. She said the breathing techniques she teachers can be effective for therapeutic use in instances of pain control, heart conditions, phobias, panic attacks, depression, PMS, headaches, addictions, respiratory ailments, chronic fatigue, infertility, digestive ailments, stress, birthing, apnea and TMJ.

“Transformational Breathwork is a complete healing system,” Radtke said. “We use full circular breathing techniques and combine it with a host of other tools that allow us to move energy and initiate a shift to higher consciousness and healing.” Although Radtke would never suggest stopping any medication or therapy prescribed by an individual’s doctor, she contends that Breathwork is safe. “Breathing is the safest activity in the world,” Radtke said. “For all intents and purposes there are no contraindications.” Radtke said science is “slowly catching up” with what Easterners have known for centuries. “They can actually measure the energy level of the body and it will be higher in a healthy person or someone experiencing love, compassion and forgiveness. They vibrate stronger than someone who is experiencing fear, anger or depression.” For more information about Transformational Breathwork, call Radtke at 636-293-9655 or email her at Radtke practices Transformational Breathwork and meditation at the Health First Wellness Center at 615 Westridge in O’Fallon. ■

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Dynamic Duo The Merolds

Story by Robin Seaton Jefferson Photo by Michael Schlueter

t’s been said that The Rev. Ben Merold keeps his wife Pat Merold on a “very long” leash, and that if he just tugs a little once in a while, she responds.


The Merolds accept this analogy joyfully. In fact, the two say it’s her zest for life and his willingness to serve as head of their household that have kept the couple happily married for over 60 years. “In my mind I might be rebellious, but I respect him and I believe in letting him be the head of the household,” Pat said. That’s not to say Pat hasn’t had to be tough, though. The wife of a nationally-renowned preacher and teacher, she, for many years, had to run things while he was away. The Merolds had three children of their own—Mike, Mark and Joe—and cared for numerous foster children over the years. It was one of these foster children that pointed out Pat’s adventurous spirit on one occasion to her husband. “My foster child said, ‘Dad, did you know mom is taking flying lessons?’ Well, she was able to solo before I knew,” Ben said. “And she had already rented a parachute by the time I found out she wanted to skydive. She told me the other girls were doing it. And I said, ‘They’re 19, you’re 40’!” So that was one of the times Ben tugged on the leash. And, although she flew a plane, she never jumped out of one. Ben said the Bible has some things to say

Pat and Ben Merold

about the relationship between a husband and wife. The fifth chapter of Ephesians commands that wives submit to their husbands and states that the husband is head of the wife, as Christ is head of the church. But it also tells husbands to love their wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her.

is Ephesians 5:21, where the Bible says for husbands and wives to submit to one another.”

“The keywords for him are love and head of the house. The keywords for her are to submit and respect him,” Ben said. “A male mind can’t see the love without respect in it. A female can’t see the respect without love in it.”

“Ben’s biggest strength is that he’s always let me be me,” Pat said. “He makes no demands.”

The Merolds point out that people like to quote the Bible on the matter of the wife submitting herself to her husband, but they forget to point out that just above that verse

Ben said man gave the right to demand, not the Bible. “My view is that she is a responder and that to get the right response, you have to act right toward her,” Ben said.

The Merolds have not been without their share of sorrow. Two of their three sons died in adulthood. Many people have suffered through this kind of pain. The difference, they say, is their reaction to their sorrow.

Steve and Jean Ehlmann 12 | S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E

“We have as much sorrow as anyone, but we are able to function because we have learned to hold on to God,” said Ben. “He keeps his promises.” Pat said they haven’t blamed God for their circumstances, but rather embraced Him in the midst of them. “God is what holds you together because you know you are going to see them again. (The Apostle Paul) said, ‘I don’t want you to sorrow like those who have no hope.’ There is a verse in Isaiah that says that when a righteous man dies, he is taken away to be spared from the evil. With all the bad things in this world today, it’s comforting to know you are spared from that evil in Heaven.” The Merolds say their commitment to each other and their shared values have sustained them for over six decades. “You just make a decision,” Pat said. “You decide to stay together and work out your problems.” Ben and Pat met in Tennessee at Johnson Bible College in 1948, he a WWII veteran Marine, and she a college student. After the war, Ben took a job in his uncle’s grocery store in Florida. The uncle was an elder in his church and started taking Ben to Bible studies on Wednesday nights. The uncle would also go on to become the largest farm implement dealer in the country for 8 years. His name was Leroy Trulock, owner of Trulock Machinery Fair. Pat had been a Christian since childhood and always knew she wanted to be a missionary or a singing evangelist. The Merolds’ first date was to hear a piano quartet from New York perform at the University of Tennessee. They attended in Ben’s 1930 Buick. It was love at first sight for Pat, the girl Ben described as having a brash Pittsburgh accent. “Pat never met a stranger. She talked to everybody. She was good looking,” he said. But it was Easter weekend of that year that the relationship was sealed. “His girlfriend from Illinois came to spend the weekend,” Pat said. “We were on a hike in the Smoky Mountains. The two things we did the most in those days were hike and run around with a shooting rifle. We were near a fruit orchard and there was a little sapling with one leaf. He said, ‘If I can shoot that leaf, I’ll marry you.’ He shot it and I said ‘when?’” The Merold’s opened their first church in Assumption, IL in 1949. The church had been closed for some time but Ben was invited to preach for the summer. He stayed, and grew that church to 130 members. He continued school, obtaining his Bachelor of Arts degree in Ministry from Lincoln Christian College in Lincoln, IL. He also holds honorary Doctorate degrees from Los Angeles Seminary and Pacific Christian College.

the time he retired everyone under him had degrees in chemical engineering, she said. Pat’s mother kept foster children until she died at the age of 66. A story was written on the family by the “Pittsburgh Press” on how their family had produced a second generation of adopting children. In other words, the children the Bock’s had adopted were adopting children of their own. “They were just good people who believe in sharing what they had,” Pat said of her parents. Ben’s ministries also included a five-year ministry at Villa Grove, IL and a 13-year ministry in Sullivan, IN. In 1969, the Merold’s moved to Fullerton, CA where they pastored the Eastside Christian Church, growing it from 180 members when they arrived to some 3,200 when they left. “It was an exciting time to be in the ministry,” Pat said. “It was the ending of the hippie movement and the beginning of the Jesus movement. Conservative society was having a revival.” It was nearly 23 years later, when Ben received a call asking him to take a look at a little church in St. Charles County. That church was Harvester Christian Church. Ben took the call and came to preach to about 200 people. When Ben retired from Harvester in 2008, he was preaching to about 3,300. The church holds one of the largest Christmas pageants in the country, “Journey to Bethlehem”, teaching over 18,000 people the story of the birth of Christ each year. Ben is past president of the North American Christian Convention. He served on the board of directors at Hope International University and was an instructor at the college. He has taught at Cincinnati Christian University, Central Christian College of the Bible, Lincoln Christian College and others. Ben is a speaker for numerous revivals, men’s retreats, state conventions and leadership and church growth seminars. His video series, titled “Principles of Church Growth” has been popular in the United States and Australia. As well as serving as a teacher and author for numerous Bible studies, Pat started a ministry of her own at Harvester—Step Up— which ministers to and finds homes for battered women and their children. The Merolds will celebrate their 61st wedding anniversary in August of this year. It’s safe to say the two are happy. “I like her and I like to be with her,” Ben said. “And I’m still kinda nuts about him,” Pat said. “I think he’s cute.” ■

Ben was the only son of Carl and Phyllis Merold, a farmer and his wife. Pat was the oldest of six adopted children of Alex and Helen Bock. Her father worked in a chemical plant after the war, and by S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E | 13


Benjamin Smith Coach and Mentor

he Boys & Girls Clubs of America have taken members from the clubhouse to the White House, from the game room to the corporate boardroom, from the high school orchestra to Carnegie Hall. With programs in the areas of education, the environment, health, the arts, careers, alcohol and drug abuse prevention, pregnancy prevention, gang prevention, leadership development and athletics, the Boys & Girls Clubs of America helps many youth as well as their volunteer leaders to reach their full potential.


Just ask Benjamin Smith. “I’ve seen young kids today who don’t have positive role models in life. They get into drugs and other problems.” The son of a preacher, Smith was raised in the country, in Arkansas, and wasn’t exposed to many of the temptations that face the kids he helps. For nearly a decade, Smith has been a volunteer coach and official for both basketball and football at the Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Charles County. Club Director Dennis Forrest says Smith is invaluable to the mission of the Boys and Girls Clubs. “Typically men coach the team their child is playing on requiring one practice and one game per week for the season,” said Forrest. “Then there is the way Ben volunteers. Although he and his wife have no children at the club, Ben coaches four basketball teams and one football team. For each he writes a playbook, and teaches ageappropriate plays. Aside from fundamentals of the game, Ben teaches sportsmanship and team work through positive interaction and encouraging words. One day a week he brings the kids to the club so they can participate in club activities other than sports, but while he is here he supervises and interacts with all youth in the gym.” Officials are paid for their service, but Smith never accepts the money, preferring it to stay in the club, Forrest said.

and be successful in school,” Forrest said. “They can’t practice until homework is finished. It is not uncommon to see dressed out football players sitting at a table doing school work. Ben cares about the consistency and quality of their lives, not just the game.” Forrest said he can recall many football seasons when Ben and his wife raised money to pay enrollment fees for underprivileged families. “It would be nothing for him to work on a particular job or project, receive a monetary donation, then give the money to a needy family so their child could play sports at the club.” Smith lives in St. Louis and owns a construction business there, yet routinely volunteers three evenings a week at the St. Charles Club, even more during basketball season. “He coaches nine months out of each year to be a dependable and consistent influence in the lives of children who are not his own,” Forrest said. “Everything Ben does is genuinely from the heart to benefit the kids.” Smith was honored by the Boys and Girls Clubs of America with its National Service to Youth Award at the club’s Annual Football Awards Banquet in October. Smith was selected by the St. Louis Rams Foundation as one of eight finalists for the 2009 Georgia Frontiere Community Quarterback Award. As part of that award, the Boys and Girls Clubs of St. Charles County received a $1,250 check for its athletic programs. He takes it all in stride. “I can’t save them all, but I try to save as many as I can,” Smith said. “In many cases, if they weren’t with me they might be out on the streets.” ■ © 2009 Scott Rovak/St. Louis Rams

Story by Robin Seaton Jefferson

Ninety percent of the boys on Smith’s teams have no father in their homes, so he takes the responsibility of role model very seriously. “These youth are from lower socioeconomic families and typically being raised by single parents or grandparents,” Forrest said. “Without Ben these kids would not play extracurricular sports. Ben personally pays participation fees for those from families unable to pay, and purchases shoes and equipment when needed. He provides transportation for those who have no way to get to the club or games.” He’s particularly notorious for feeding those from families with limited resources, too. He’s also been known to discipline his team from time to time. “He encourages each one to be do homework 14 | S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E

Smith was honored by the Boys and Girls Clubs of America with its National Service to Youth Award.

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Toofers Billy-Bob

Story by Robin Seaton Jefferson Photos provided by Jonah White


ou might be a redneck if you’ve read his new book—that is if you can open it. It’s duck-taped shut.

He’s the owner of the veritable tooth mecca of the world, just an hour’s drive from St. Charles in Hardin, IL. Just up Hwy. 16 from Hardin is the hometown of a somewhat overzealous state football rushing champion who had the vision to take a college prank and turn it into a million-dollar industry in just about every corner of the globe. Jonah White has sold some 15 million pairs of Billy-Bob Teeth in 20,000 stores on every continent, bringing fame and fortune to the son of 5 Bears, a fullblooded Cherokee, and Ella, the daughter of immigrant Jews. Hippies and war activists, the two met as protestors at the first U.S. Intercontinental Nuclear Missile Base in Cheyenne, WY. With high ideals and even higher education, his parents never cared much for making a living, White said. His father, fluent in nine languages, left a curator position at the Native American Indian Division of the Field Museum in Chicago. White’s parents would later park their $300 bus—three children aboard—behind a bank and begin to raise their family in very rural Illinois. Many years the kids never even had shoes. White said he didn’t have running water until he was out of high school, his own life experiences fueling many of his ideas today. “I really feel that everybody’s got a little white trash in them,” he said. “It’s most of my family tree.” 16 | S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E

From Huntin’ Teeth to Puck Teeth to Full Grill, Full Grill Gold and Pimp Grill Teeth; from toilet lid decals to nerd birth control glasses to fun hair to a Wet T-Shirt Contest in a Bottle (which actually is a 16-ounce bottle of water with a t-shirt inside), Jonah White has capitalized in a huge way on this country’s love of the redneck. White said the possibilities are endless. “Ideas come to me in bad dreams. I have too many of them,” he said. “The hardest job I have is to control the ideas. It costs too much money to launch an idea.” White didn’t just play football in high school or for Missouri State University at

Springfield, he literally lived the game for eight years of his life. But like any good businessman, he knew when to bow out. When his life-long dream of being drafted into the NFL didn’t happen, he retreated to the home he loved, or rather a cave behind it. White spent the biggest part of 1994 living in that cave outside his parent’s home in Michael, IL. He said he did a lot of soulsearching there. “I have never done so much introspective thinking as I did that year. Every now and then 5 Bears would come back there and sleep the night in the cave with me. For the most part I was alone, looking into a campfire, learning more about who I am and where I want to go in life.” Two decisions were made in that cave, White said. One, that he would seek a wife in Australia, and two, that he would go into the mail order business—both of which he did. “I remember it took several days to fully convince myself that what I needed to do was to find something, a small gizmo or widget that I could make and sell a single unit at a time through an 800 telephone number,” White said. “If I could be successful marketing something simple to the millions of people that live in the cities, I could succeed where I failed with football.” With mail order, White could run his business from the country, which he loves, and still make his millions. “Money could be made 24 hours a day, not just while I was at work. Suddenly I began to study, in much detail might I add, the opportunity of a mail order business. The only thing I was lacking was an item. So I kept my

made the teeth in Bailey’s dental lab at Southern Illinois State University at Edwardsville on Thursdays and Fridays and the two took their teeth, business cards and their show on the bar circuit in St. Louis on the weekends.

mind and eyes open and my brain was on constant scanning mode.” His break came not long after when he went to watch his former college roommate, teammate and best friend play a game of football. While watching the game at the Plaster Sports Complex in Springfield, MO, he noticed a “ruckus or commotion about 20 rows below.” A rather “ripped” young man (missing his shirt) was teasing a group of girls with lines like, “I see you staring at me, like a pork chop on a plate” and “If you want a pickle then open the jar.” White said growing up in Illinois and Missouri, he has seen a lot. “I’ve seen Amish pulling new John Deere combines with oxen. I’ve seen people without driver’s licenses driving lawnmowers to the bar, but this scene took the cake,” White said. “Hundreds of people were laughing (him), and the best of all were his teeth. This fella could have sat in for the donkey on ‘Hee Haw’. I remember thinking, with a body like that how could he let his teeth get so bad. I mean these teeth were from ‘Jurassic Park’ and the guy was so confident and cocky.” Seeing his partner and the biggest novelty item in US history in the stands of Plaster Sports Complex was luck, concedes White. But thousands of other people had seen him too. It was White who saw the potential in Bailey’s creation.

White said he gets asked a lot why he keeps his international company and big city wages in Calhoun County, IL. “There are beautiful places all over the world and I’ve been to more of them then most people. I like to travel the world and it’s important that my family sees the world, but this is where there is the best ratio to what I want. I’m 22 minutes from Walmart but yet I have a ¾mile long driveway and 900 acres. I can shoot an assault rifle off of my front deck.” And it’s some deck. White’s 8,000-square-foot rich man’s cabin is made from 250 tons of Tammarac logs from Alaska. Its center is supported by a 170-year-old Scotch Pine from the high mountain regions of France. His property plays host to goats, chickens, miniature cows, rabbits, ducks, geese, a llama named Lanny and an African Spurred Tortouise named Seakia. When he started the company, White dreamt mainly of paying off the $49,800 farm on which his home now sits. He made $60,000 his first year in business. Of course he’s made many times that amount in the 15 years since that chance meeting on the football field. White has been featured on “Good Morning America”, CNN, “Joan Rivers’ How’d You Get So Rich” and in just about every major news and entertainment magazine in the country. His book, “The Billy-Bob Secret” is available in stores or at He said he almost called it “The Life of a Crooked Tooth Salesman”, a title that made his mother smile. When asked if he thinks the Billy-Bob Teeth brand will ever play itself out, White replies simply, “I guess you’ve never been to a NASCAR race.” ■

White ran into Richard Bailey in the locker room after the game. Only his teeth were perfect and he was wearing a shirt. “I kept staring at Rich’s teeth,” White said. “I said, ‘Please forgive me for being rude, but did you like go to the dentist and maybe get a partial over halftime’?’ Rich cracked a big smile and said, ‘So you like my BillyBob teeth?’ Rich pulled them out of his pocket and snapped them into his mouth.” As it turned out, Bailey was a dental student and had made the teeth as a prank. White and Bailey started the Billy-Bob Teeth company out of White’s parent’s shack in Michael, IL with an answering machine and an 800 number produced through a phone line attached to the back of the house—cut off from the world when the occasional passing ram would inadvertently get his horn stuck in the phone line. White S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E | 17

Photos provided by G4U

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A MISSOURI MILE with Ann Hazelwood 1 0 T I P S F O R T R AV E L I N G I N R U R A L M I S S O U R I Photos by JHWiV Photography

issouri is largely a rural state. Its urban areas stretch across the state off Interstate 70. We enjoy beautiful rolling hills that shine in all seasons. They contain wineries, farms, country stores, villages, charming B&B’s, and historic parks and sites that will take your breath away. If you are not accustomed to the challenges to traveling in the rural areas of our state, here are some tips that can make your experience safe and fun.


1. One must be cautious on a two lane road. Many times there is not a shoulder to pull over in an emergency. Local travelers who know the road will encourage you to travel at a faster speed. Take your time and pass with extreme caution. 2. Turning off rural roads are reacted to differently. Local drivers may come to a complete stop before making their turn, and some will curve out, making a wide turn, so be careful not to go around them till they have made their turn. The scenic roads are popular with motorcycles, so give extra caution to their needs. 3. Keep in mind that an overnight place to stay may not easily be found, unless you have researched that possibility ahead of time. Experiencing local food can be wonderful. Look for signs advertising church suppers in the spring and fall. Wineries often offer food as well, besides great Missouri wine. 4. Communication on your cell phone may vary. Be sure to carry a car charger for your phone. Flash lights, and an emergency kit will certainly make you feel more at ease. 5. Unless you are on a leisurely drive, having directions for where you are going does not hurt. Using a GPS can be a life saver. “Down the road a piece, or hang to the left,” may not be the directions you want to follow!

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6. There can be many distractions on the countryside. Be careful not to react too quickly to that awesome view, the charming barn, or the animals that cluster along the road. Night time can be hazardous for deer crossing the roads, so proceed with caution. 7. Speed traps may be a regular and lucrative income for some of the communities to encounter. The speed limits can change quickly and drastically. Warnings are seldom given, so be alert! 8. When your destination has occurred for whatever length of time, ask the locals where your needs can be met. It never hurts to know where the closest gas station is located or what hospital is close by. It’s also great to know where everyone eats, to get the best food. If there is an attraction nearby that you may not want to miss, they will know all about it. 9. Missouri’s weather can change within the hour, so layers of clothes are a good idea. An umbrella should be handy as well. Having insect repellent available for those hike and bike rides may be a blessing. Bottled water is a must for any activity, plus the local water may not taste the same as what you are used to. 10. Bring your camera and perhaps paper and pen. You never know if you will encounter a festival or event that you might want to attend. There is much beauty in what you might experience. Breathe in the fresh air, feed your eyes, and then listen to the sound of silence and nature. This “show me” state is ready to show you what it has to offer! ■


Spring Decorating Project Design

Story by Amy Armour


edecorating a home can be as simple as rearranging furniture, painting the walls or adding accessories. But finding the right combination can be complicated.

Luckily, St. Charles is home to many fabulous interior designers who are willing to share their expertise and experience to help homeowners create a haven for themselves. Laurie Burns, owner of Laurie’s Home Staging and Interior Design, stages homes for REALTORS and homeowners before the home goes on the market.

service interior design firm that offers shop at home service. “The biggest problem people have is buying furniture that doesn’t fit. It may physically fit, but it’s the wrong size for the room,” said Sowatsky, who can help homeowners pick everything from wall colors to window treatments to flooring and accessories. However, homeowners can avoid that problem with some simple planning. A classic example is a homeowner paints the walls and then tries to retrofit everything to the color, Sowatsky said. “You need a plan and to know where everything is going to go,” said Sowatsky.

Burns provides in-home interior consultations and uses current pieces of furniture to update the room.

Sowatsky said to start first with an area rug, then find furniture to match and then paint the walls.

“We help change the look of a home by trying to use what you already have and re-invent the room,” said Burns. With the current economy, Burns said many families are trying to cocoon into their homes and use existing furniture to redecorate.

“Find an item you can’t do without in the room and work around that,” said Pam Schwarz, owner of Silks and Treasures, a home décor shop on Main Street in St. Charles. If you have one item, whether it’s a floral arrangement or a couch that must stay in the room, work around that piece, she said.

Staging is a way to redecorate without spending a lot of money, she said. “You can reinvent things you already have and make it spectacular,” said Burns. Finishing Touches by LuAnn Ziles provides homeowners with inhome consultations for interior decorating. She can help homeowners refresh existing décor or help shop for the perfect addition. Ziles can help homeowners choose everything from a new wall color to kitchen countertops to hardwood flooring.

Penny Pinching Decorating A coat of paint is a quick, cheap and effective redecorating solution for homeowners according to Burns. “The best way to redecorate is to paint. It’s the simplest, least expensive and easiest change to make,” said Burns. “Painting the walls really makes a place look cleaner and fresher,” said Ziles.

Sometimes it can be as simple as rearranging a bookcase, moving furniture around or adding accessories.

Curtis Stevens, who owns Curt’s Painting, said earth tone colors, like beige and tan, remain popular for his customers. “Everyone is really set on normal and neutral colors…The wild colors are too individualized and too personalized,” said Stevens. Homeowners worry about future moves and are concerned with re-painting, he said. “But I tell my customers you live in this home now and you should (paint) it however you want,” said Stevens.

“When you leave furniture in the same way for so long, I can see things that you don’t. I can move things around and get a whole new look,” said Ziles.

But sticking to the neutral colors can also simplify decorating, Stevens said. “If everything is neutral tones, it’s really, really easy to decorate the house,” said Stevens.

Planning Makes Perfect

For homeowners looking for some professional painting help, Stevens has a word for the wise—don’t pay for the work until it’s completed.

“With the economy the way it is, I’ve been pretty much updating what the homeowners already have,” said Ziles. “I’m not opposed to using their items if it will help them achieve their look.”

A sure-fire way to create the perfect room is a fine tuned plan, said Heidi Sowatsky, owner of Interiors By Decorating Den, a full22 | S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E

“Any reputable company will have an account at a paint store. And if they are taking money beforehand you have to question it,” said Stevens. “Don’t pay for anything, but maybe materials beforehand.” And before hiring someone inexperienced to paint the living room, Stevens said to remember you get what you pay for. “Have the right person or the right job,” said Stevens. To bring more color into the room without replacing furniture, Burns suggests investing in slipcovers and adding pillows for a splash of color. Colorful accessories can also add that needed glimpse of color. But don’t go overboard and create a rainbow colored room. Burns suggests choosing three main colors for the room. “You want to se a color flow when you walk into a room. You don’t want your eye to jump…it’s calming when everything looks cohesive,” said Burns. And when bringing a color into the room, Ziles suggests using at least three pieces within that color, whether it’s a picture frame, pillow or candle. “Bring the color in the room three times, otherwise it looks like you just threw a color in,” said Ziles. Adding a touch of black can also add to the room. “I always incorporate a little black somewhere in the room. It’s a very grounding color,” said Burns. It can be as simple as a black picture frame, she said. For simple, cost-effective redecorating solutions, Ziles likes to use colorful throw pillows and small area rugs in front of the family room couch. For a quick and simple update for kitchen cabinets, Ziles suggests replacing or adding new handles to the existing cabinets. “With a new accessory pillow, a new throw rug and switching out a picture, we can rearrange with stuff you already have,” said Lisa Hagemann, owner of Oma’s Barn, a home décor, garden, and gift store. “We really try and do stuff that’s not too expensive.”

Hot Spring Colors As the temperature is slowly rises this spring, certain colors will be hotter than others. While browns and earthy tones will continue to be popular in 2010, Burns said the color tones will lean more toward the grey color scheme, with charcoal and pewter tones. “Grey is the new black,” agreed Hagemann. According to Burns, purple will also be a hot color this season. Not bright Barney-the-purple-dinosaur, but soft lilacs and deep plum shades will be popular. “Purple is coming back, but the problem with the Midwest is that it takes a while for it to catch on,” said Ziles. Rich, dark browns are also hot colors this spring. Sowotsky said expresso browns partners well with blue and green. With many homes being built with open floor plans picking a bold color can be daunting. Ziles said homeowners are sticking to the neutrals for wall colors, furniture and flooring. “Everyone is staying with neutral …because it’s a safe way to save money and last a long time,” said Ziles. “If you S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E | 23

SPRING DECORATING go neutral it’s more economical.” But homeowners can still bring color into the home with accessories like throw pillows or candles, said Ziles. “One of my favorite things to do is change my throw pillows three to four times a year (with the season),” said Ziles.

If the color is going to be popular for interior design, Ziles said the color would also be popular in fashion, cars and other areas as well. “Just look around and see what colors are surfacing,” said Ziles.

A+ Accessories

Sowotsky suggests picking a neutral color for the open areas, and testing the bolder colors in a smaller more confined area like the powder room or a dining room, which is generally enclosed.

“Don’t forget the finishing touches,” said Sowatsky. “Whether it’s lighting, lamps, accessories, greenery or artwork…finishing touches make a big different to a room.”

But don’t shy away from the color. “People tend to be afraid of color, but it’s the least expensive way to change the look of a room,” said Sowatsky.

Looking for a hot accessory? Hagemann has found that oversized clocks and roosters are popular spring items for homeowners in the Midwest.

Sowatsky said homeowners can still pick a darker accent color for a wall in a large room. “You can still do an accent wall. Paint the wall with the fireplace a bold color,” said Sowatsky.

“Wine is also big. Whether its pictures of wine or anything related to wine,” said Hagemann.

Global decorating is also on the rise, with bold colors remaining popular and Russian décor, with deep, rich jewel tones coming onto the scene. Green will also be a popular color—going green that is. Burns said in 2010 and beyond, the use of ‘green’ products like recycled glass and natural products will become—and continue to be—more of a trend.

Designers are clustering items like photo frames, clocks or same subject photos on a single wall. Lighted tree branches placed in a vase is a cool, trendy accessory for spring, according to Charlotte Schuman, owner of Finishing Touches by Charlotte located on Main Street in St. Charles. Schuman’s store offers accessories for women, for the home and for the garden. Lighted tree branches, which can be plugged in or are battery operated, were all over the market, said Schuman. Brighter is better this spring, according to April Feldewerth, with the Flower Petaler. Bright and cheery colors like hot pink, bright purple, yellow and lime green will be popular colors for accessories and floral arrangements this spring. Feldewerth said the shop’s brightly colored stained glass accessories— like vases, serving trays and candle holders--are hard to keep on the shelf. The Flower Petaler, in St. Charles, specializes in custom floral designs and home accessories. The shop also has interior designers on staff to help homeowners put together a room. Pictures of scenery are out—and photos with people or animals are in. “People used to really like the trees and scenery pictures, but now they want somebody in the picture,” said Feldewerth. “People want something warm and comfy.” Hagemann said animal prints are also coming back this season. Utilizing antique pieces in modern decorations adds a cool twist. “Keeping your vintage and antique pieces and using them with modern furniture can be done,” said Burns. “Heirlooms can be incorporated into a décor.”

A Little Money To Spare? Homeowners with a few dollars to spare should consider upgrading flooring. Whether it’s throwing out the kitchen linoleum for ceramic tile or swapping worn carpet for hardwood floors, Burns said flooring can be a great upgrade for any room in the house. Ziles said if the furniture is in good shape and the wall color is fine, homeowners should invest in new lamps. “Lamps are not real 24 | S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E

expensive, but they can give a new look to a room,” said Ziles.

systems that are personalized for the consumer.

Ziles also likes to layer area rugs over carpeted areas. “I really think it anchors the room and makes it feel cozy,” said Ziles.

“Have a place for everything and everything in its place,” said Wunderlich.

Window treatments can enhance the room greatly. “Draperies on a plain window can have a huge impact,” said Sowatsky. “It can make a window look taller, a room look bigger and warmer.”

Beware of Trend Traps Trendy may seem like a good way to go, but Burns warns decorators to stay away from being too trendy. So before painting the walls lime green or investing in the super cool plastic furniture, consider how it will affect the adjoining room. With the extreme trendy look, a lot of it can’t be brought into another room, said Burns. Schuman said not to invest too much money into a trend. “Items that are so trendy won’t stick around…it’s here today and gone tomorrow,” said Schuman. “Make the room ‘you’ and avoid trying to do something that somebody else wants.” Burns also said that themed rooms are a bad idea. And everything does not have to match—in fact it should not all match perfectly. “You don’t have to make everything matchymatch,” said Hagemann. “Mix colors and textures in a room.” And don’t forget to include the sentimental items, like family photos or furniture with a family history. “Pictures lead to great stories and great memories,” said Feldewerth. But remember to keep it simple—less is more. Elaborate is out and clean lines are in, said Sowatsky.

Spring Cleaning Cleaning out or organizing the old can make a difference in the appearance of any room. Rick Wunderlich, president of Closet Tailors, said the first and least expensive step is to organize existing items. Closet Tailors is a national brand that specializes in the design and installation of custom storage

Start with five baskets, one for keep, donate/sell, discard, repair or for another spot in the house. And the key to completing the organization project is— baby steps. “Attacking the problem in smaller chunks allows you to feel a sense of accomplishment and will motivate you to continue the task,” said Wunderlich. “Next, set a goal to throw away unused, unwanted or broken items in a week…once you decide on the items you choose to keep, it's important to assign a spot to each piece so you can maintain the order. Closet Tailors has a variety of shelves, bins, rods and cabinets that can be used in a space designed specifically for the unique needs of each household.” In today's environment, many homeowners looking to move up are having a harder time selling their homes and now want to maximize the living space they currently have, Wunderlich said. “Whether it’s converting a spare bedroom into a home office or temporary exercise room, or better utilizing a closet, pantry laundry room, or garage, Closet Tailors can help,” said Wunderlich.

Outdoor Education Decorating the exterior part of the home is also important. And with spring flowers out, it’s the perfect time to start that landscaping project. But, first things first, Hagemann said to find out where the sun rises. “The exposure is the most important (aspect). Is that spot wet, dry, sunny or shady?” said Hagemann. “Find the right spot for the right plants.” No idea where to start? Hagemann suggests driving through the neighborhood and admiring neighbors landscaping. “See what you like and find out what the plant is,” said Hagemann. Then take a photo to a landscaper, she said.

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“With a little bit of information I can tell you a lot,” said Hagemann. “If you can visualize it, we can help you put it together.”

Out Roses. “Find a place for these (knockout roses). (They are) colorful, easy and low maintenance,” said Koenig.

backyard for less than you would think,” said Wayne Bowman, owner of Florissant Ornamental Iron Works, Inc.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and very helpful for a landscape designer.

Koenig also said lantana and diamond frost will both be hot annuals for pots and landscaping. And container gardening continues to be very popular, she said.

Bowman said other hot outdoor items are authentic wrought iron back yard fences, arched walk gates and trellis arbors. The company also can create gazebos, garden bridges, topiary and edging.

“Take pictures of areas to be landscaped,” said Monica Koenig, with Daniel’s Farm & Greenhouse. “This will help in the design of your landscaping by showing where windows are located, porch layouts and roof lines.” The must have flower this spring—Knock

To keep the lawn and plants beetle-free, Koenig also suggests applying milky spore to the lawn and systemic tree and shrub insecticide to protect plants from pesky Japanese beetles. What not to buy this season? “Weed barrier to put under mulch--this does not work,” said Koenig. “Weed barrier should be called ‘dirt-rock separator.’ Not born with a green thumb? Daniel’s can help homeowners make the proper plant selection according to the site and the needs of the plant. “Factors involved are mature size of plants, sun requirements, and maintenance requirements. Soil requirements should also be considered. In addition, we can make design suggestions regarding problem areas,” said Koenig. A good plant for the landscape-challenged, according to Koenig, is the green velvet boxwood. The plant stays small, can grow well in sun or shade, tolerates irregular watering and is pest resistant. Wine and rose weiglia is also a good choice for a sunny area. It flowers in May and grows three- to fourfeet tall with Burgandy foliage. For the shady area, try Oakleaf Hydrangeas. The plant flowers in June with dark green foliage and white flowers and a burgundy fall foliage that holds through January. Koenig also suggests adding ornamental grasses to add texture and motion to the garden. And don’t forget the outdoor accessories. “Don't forget to incorporate boulders, water features, arbors, benches…these don't overgrow their spot or die from lack of care,” said Koenig. With warmer weather bringing homeowners outside, spring is also the perfect time to recreate the deck. “We invariably have inquiries this time of year to install a spiral staircase to give an elevated deck more convenient access to the yard or pool below which also incidentally creates an elegant work of art in your

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“We are proud to be offering a new specialty in fabricating personal wine/champagne glass and bottle racks, with earth stake or decorative bases--great for lounging around the pool or patio - a perfect way to "have a glass" just about anywhere,” said Bowman.

Decorating 911 And when in doubt, call in a professional…whether for interior or exterior work. “The sooner you get in a designer, the fewer mistakes you’ll make,” said Sowatsky. “Just have fun with it. Your home is your refuge. It should be a place you can have fun,” said Schwarz. ■

Top it Off ne of the most visual and functional aspects of a kitchen are the countertops. The countertops you choose can often make or break the kitchen’s overall look. “Whether your emphasis is on design and entertaining or using it to collect whatever can be put away later, more than likely your interest and use of a countertop falls somewhere in between,” said Rich Sterling, owner of, an online resource for whatever the kitchen builder or remodeler needs.


Sterling is all about educating his clients, stressing that he makes it his personal business to see that his clients know just what they are getting with the product as well as the price. “We are a trustworthy, upright company,” Sterling said. “My motive is not just to increase my sales. My motive is to educate people and make a significant difference in a human being’s life and help them choose a product that will benefit them for many, many years to come.” A life-long designer and remodeler, Sterling knows his business. Educated and experienced in architectural and mechanical drawing, Sterling has worked for large retailers such as Lowe’s and higher end remodelers such as Signature Kitchens & Baths. “My experience with counter tops has involved the construction, installation, replacement and design for the past 30 years,” he said. His business was founded on customer service and education, he

said. “How many times does a customer call an installer with a problem and get the runaround? That isn’t going to happen with my fabricator, and it’s not going to happen with me. They share my values of excellent customer service and a high value product.” Sterling said customers are most interested in the differences between the many products available to them. “Before purchasing a counter top, two questions must be answered: ‘What do I want?’, and ‘Where do I find it?’ Fortunately, there are plenty of materials, colors and price ranges to choose from. But knowing and comparing their characteristics in order to make a decision can become a bit daunting.”

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SPRING DECORATING Laminate has been around for many years. But there is a much broader selection of colors, patterns and looks than the solid color laminate counters of yesterday. There are simulated wood, butcher block and simulated stone in finishes from matte, etched, honed and polished. Solid surface is a nonporous, polyester or acrylic resin material. It’s easy to clean and comes with a 10-year warranty. Solid Surface comes in many colors from simple patterns to designs with soft movement. Seams are bonded together which make them hard to see. The material is scratch and stain resistant and can be repaired if damaged by a hot pan. Quartz is Sterling’s favorite. It is a component of granite crystals that make up those counter tops consisting of 93 percent quartz. “It’s an unknown secret to being the closest match to granite but has less maintenance, lower cost for 3 cm thickness material and offers a 10year warranty,” he said. Some brands, such as Cambria, offer a lifetime warranty. “It is also a nonporous material and is one of the most scratch, heat and stain resistant of all products on the market today,” said Sterling. “The popularity of quartz over granite has not caught on in the Midwest as it has on the east and west coasts.”

penetrate the surface, thus eliminating the risk for growth of harmful bacteria.” Granite is a porous material and no two slabs are alike. “Some customers prefer the uniqueness and thrill of picking out their own piece,” Sterling said. “On the other hand, some people do not like the choice of granite because of the grains not matching at the corners of their counter or because no guarantee comes with the purchase.” Granite is available in 1 cm, 2 cm and 3 cm thicknesses. It is recommended that 1 cm should be used for window sills and shelves, 2 cm for bathroom vanity tops and small tables, and 3 cm for kitchen counter tops. Granite should be sealed once a year. Recycled glass is a certified “green”, 3 cm product consisting of 75-85 percent recycled glass with a Boston concrete mixture. Somewhat like granite, it is a porous material and will need to be sealed once a year. “It is not as resistant to stains or heat as quartz or granite, but it definitely has its own great look,” Sterling said. “Rich glass colors of blue, red, brown, white and black certainly do justice to recycled traffic lights, wine and beer bottles and other scrap glass from the landfill. It certainly has a beautiful place in the right kitchen.”

Seams are more noticeable but a certified fabricator/installer can make them much less conspicuous.

Sterling said price varies on all products but cautions customers to be leery of square footage pricing, which he said almost never includes fabrication, installation and edging.

“Quartz has been certified by NFS International as safe for use as a food preparation surface,” Sterling said. “Food and moisture can not

For more information on Sterling’s products, visit online at or call him at 1-888-789-TOPS (8677). ■

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Iron it Out Homeowners looking to get the most remodeling impact for the least remodeling dollar should check out Florissant Ornamental Iron Works, Inc. From a grand entry doorway or European balcony to elegant driveway gates or an opulent fireplace, you tailor the service to fit your budget.


Florissant Ornamental Iron Works is the oldest of its kind in the greater St. Louis region. Since 1951, they have specialized in custom shop fabrications along with a myriad of services that include innovative design, fine finishing, onsite installations, historic preservations, heirloom restorations, replications, and repairs. “We specialize in decorative architectural metal work and interior and exterior iron décor. Our work spans most decorative metals including wrought, cast, and forged iron, various alloys, aluminum, stainless, brass, & bronze. Our Customers become emotionally connected to the timeless appeal of their piece. We like to think that the work we do for our Customers becomes the jewelry of their home and the heirlooms of their heart,” said Wayne Bowman, who co-owns the business with his wife Michele. Florissant Ornamental Iron Works can create a one-of-a-kind staircase masterpiece, whether it’s a spiral, circular or elliptical design. The company can also create yard and pool fence, unique ceiling fan enclosures, pot racks, and wine cellar gates. Any of their products can be designed in practically any traditional period or contemporary style. “With such a portfolio, we are sought after by clients in numerous residential and commercial markets. However our focus is with Homeowners, Homebuilders, Private Businesses, and their various support groups such as Interior Designers, Building Architects, Landscape Designers and Architects, Subcontractors, and Remodeling Specialists. ,” said Bowman. For inside the home, Florissant Ornamental Iron Works can design and custom fabricate a wide selection of fine furniture, unique candelabras and light fixtures, bar foot rest rails, wine racks and accessories, mirrors and picture frames. With spring in full bloom, outdoor decorating is in full swing. Florissant Ornamental Iron Works can help customers create a backyard haven with topiary and garden sculpture, gazebos, trellis arbors, patio lamps, European wall sconce lanterns, and outdoor benches.

“There are many other utilitarian products and market specific items we fabricate and service including window guards, security doors, garden edging, awnings, mailbox stands, signs, and entry monuments,” said Bowman. Perennial spring cleaning triggers many homeowners to freshen up their existing staircases. “One of the largest requested items of interest this time of year is to replace the old, plain, large, square, wooden interior railing balusters on their stairs and landings,” said Bowman. “This is especially popular in the spring because they have been homebound for months reminded daily of how out of date their railing has become and how it is affecting their home's appeal and value.” Florissant Ornamental Iron Works can remove the old wood railing which is often set in a basic colonial style and replace it with a beautiful contemporary or traditional railing in decorative metal work. They can either replace only the balusters or they can remove the entire railing and replace it all including the top rails. While a “baluster-only” replacement option is slightly less expensive, replacing it all serves to create an authentic wrought iron balustrade that gives a more stunning impact to the property. The full replacement option causes the balusters and panel decorations to be literally framed by the top and bottom rails and posts resulting in a true work of art. Starting a spring home improvement project can be daunting. Bowman suggests Homeowners start looking in magazines and browsing the web for ideas. “Take a few digital photographs or scan your sketches with site measurements if required, then email them to us with your inquiry and we can likely give you a very good idea of what it will take to bring your dreams to reality without taking too much of your time in the discovery phase,” said Bowman. “Once past this phase we provide a firm fixed price proposal for review to get the ball rolling.” The company offers all quotes, bids, measurements, onsite meetings and design services free of charge. For more information about Florissant Ornamental Iron Works, call 314-837-3363. ■

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Story by Robin Seaton Jefferson Photo by Michael Schlueter

Russo’s has managed the Xavier Ballroom at St. Louis University since 1995.

t all started in a little coffee shop some five decades ago. Matthew Russo opened Meramec Cafeteria in Clayton with three employees. Today his sons— John, Mark, Tom and Mike operate Russo’s Gourmet Catering from four locations in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area. Some 40 chefs, salespeople and servers work for Russo’s.

Russo’s most recent business expansion includes their newest banquet facility, “Russo’s Spazio at Westport Plaza”, which opened in the fall of 2001. Located at 12031 Lackland Rd. in Maryland Heights, Spazio is opened for lunch and dinner Monday through Friday. Spazio means “space” in Italian. And with a ballroom and garden room, as well as a bistro, Spazio has a lot of it


After managing the coffee shop in Clayton for years, Matthew Russo started Meramec Catering Company in 1961. Though Matthew Russo passed away in 1979, his wife, Frances, and son John, took over the operation. Eventually all of the Russo children came into the business that would come to be known as Russo’s Gourmet Catering. By 1985 the company had relocated its headquarters to the Creve Coeur Country Club and added a full-service kitchen and banquet room. In 1989, Russo’s took over the catering management of the Graphic Communications International Banquet and Conference Center in Maryland Heights. Later that year, Meramec Catering Company’s name was changed to Russo’s Gourmet Catering Company. Mark Russo said he and his four siblings— three brothers and one sister—weren’t slated for the family business. “The history is that as kids we all worked the parties,” Mark said. “We never thought we would go into it. We all said there’s no way. But it just gets in your blood. We all grew to love the business and it’s provided for us all.” The company’s headquarters as well as its central commissary was moved to 9904 Page Ave. in 1991. A full in-house bakery is also located at the headquarters where all of Russo’s bread, pastries, wedding cakes and desserts are made. “We supply ourselves,” Mark said.

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The Russo’s matriarch, Frances Russo, still holds to her husband’s “old school” style of business, Mark Russo said. At 83 years old,

Frances still plans weddings at Spazio. “Dad was from the old school,” mark said. “He provided for his family, he always believed in growth.” Both Matthew and Frances Russo were born of Sicilian parents who came to America to find a better life. Frances’ maiden name was Messina. The Russos had five children. Today, Frances has 13 grandchildren and several great grandchildren. For more information on Russo’s visit or call 314-4276771. ■

Jim Lloyd, CPA Julie Pryor

Sue Miller

40 Portwest Court • St. Charles, MO 63303

636.946.3411 “Work Hard — Play Hard”

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20 UNDER $20


It’s easy to spend a lot of money on fine dining, but you don’t have to.

Story by Kate Santellano

nd in this economy it is more important than ever to expand your hard earned dollar. But, finding great tasting menu bargains is sometimes hard to uncover so we did the heavy lifting for you. We scoured the land for values and compiled a list of the best deals in dining right now. Some restaurants offer early bird specials, nightly specials, late night specials, while others tout an everyday family deal. All are $20 and under, without wine, tax or tip.





BUGATTI’S STEAK AND PASTA T– Sat 5pm– 11pm; Closed Sunday & Monday. 1260 South Main Street, St. Charles, MO 63301 (636)940-4471

Sometimes a steak house is just too much. Too much food, too much money. The folks at Ameristar’s Bugatti’s have a nifty solution: A menu with an array of entrées, specializing in the finest steaks; mouth watering Italian cuisine, and decadent seafood. Not sure if you want pasta or seafood? Try the Orecchiette del Mar which combines crab, calimari and shrimp in a white wine garlic butter sauce. And with most entrées coming in under the $20 mark, you will soon be a regular! Reservations recommended.

Bugatti’s Shrimp Scampi

LOUISIANA CAFÉ M-TH 11am – 8:30pm; F & Sat 11am– 9pm; Closed Sunday 2698 Technology, O’Fallon, MO 63368 (636)561-8878

The cutlery’s as plastic as the upholstery here, but the Cajun-Creole offerings are deliciously authentic. A red beans–and–rice perfume scents the air. Classics, like chicken and sausage jambalaya, a chocolate-brown roux of crawfish étouffée, and fried catfish are the exquisite taste of New Orleans. Dirty rice, peppered pork chops, and shrimp and oyster po’ boys will have you longing for the municipal corruption, garish beads, and institutionalized indolence of the real Big Easy. Menu offerings range from $7.70 to $9.95. Or you can feed a family with a scrumptious 8 piece fried chicken and 2 large sides for $18.80. BC’S KITCHEN Su 11:15am-8pm; M-TH 11:15am – 9:30pm; F & Sat 11:15am-10:30pm 11 Meadows Circle, Lake Saint Louis, MO 63367 (636)542-9090

Thoroughly upscale, this new spot at the Meadows Shopping Center in Lake Saint Louis puts the “urban” in suburban. Begin with an order of crispy Saratoga chips and golden-fried threads of lightly breaded sweet onion—with delicious bleu cheese and piquant barbecue dips, it’s enough for four. Check out their sophisticated, yet deliciously familiar nightly features. Entrées such as their grilled pork chop and New Orleans “Camellia” for $16.75 headline the Monday night specials. Other tantalizing options include their lobster and cheese ravioli, chicken breast stir fry, or smoked St. Louis style Missouri Heritage Acres pork spare ribs. Wait…there’s more. Each entrée comes complete with red beans and rice, side salad and French bread. THE VINE WINE BAR AND BISTRO M-TH 5pm– 10pm; F – Sun. 11am – 11pm 325 South Main Street, St. Charles, MO 63301 (636)946-8463

It has a beautiful front gated seating area, a nice intimate dining room, and a lovely courtyard in back. On the wine list you will find over 100 wines from around the world and 20+ wines by the glass. Diners can score an array of mouth watering entrees such as seared Ahi tuna served over saffron risotto and sauté spinach and finish with a garlic ginger sauce or pan fried chicken breast topped with grape tomatoes, garlic, shallots, fresh tarragon, and melted buffalo mozzarella served with seasoned vegetables. You guessed it - both under $20. GRAPPA GRILL S-TH 11am –10pm; F & Sat 11am –11pm 1644 Country Club Plaza, St. Charles, MO 63303 (636)940-5400

Grappa Grill is a Polished Casual Italian-American Restaurant with a kick! Early bird specials on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays are offered from 3:00pm – 6:00pm. Diners can choose from a 16 oz. Kansas City Strip steak, fried jumbo shrimp or fried tilapia, 2 sides, and a salad for $12.99. Make Monday or Tuesday date night and enjoy their 2 for $20 pasta special that includes 2 pastas, 2 salads and 2 non alcoholic drinks. Other nightly specials are offered throughout the week.

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TRAILHEAD BREWING COMPANY Sun –TH, 11am – 11pm; F & Sat 11am – 12:30am 921 South Riverside Drive, St. Charles, MO 63302 (636) 946-2739

Besides learning about brewing beer, you’ll be pleased to know that drink specials and ½ price appetizers are part of their happy hour specials Monday through Friday from 4 pm – 7 pm. Trailhead's American-style menu features items ranging from meats prepared using a wood-fired smoker to a selection of gourmet pizzas, appetizers, sandwiches, soups and salads as well as house specialties and entrees. And all come in well under $20. You won’t want to miss the ale-battered fish & chips, a house favorite!




FRANKIE TOCCO’S PIZZERIA T-TH 11am– 9pm; F & Sat 11-10pm; Sun Noon-8pm; Closed Monday 108 South Main Street, St. Charles, MO 63301 (636)947-7007

Offering one-hundred-year-old traditional and timeless Italian recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation, the restaurant successfully combines cuisine and atmosphere to create a dining experience that won't soon be forgotten. Best known for their pizza, pasta and sandwiches, there is something sure to please every palate….and wallet. MCGURK'S PUBLIC HOUSE T-TH 11am-1am; F-Sat, 11 am-1:30am; Sun Noon-10 pm; Closed Monday 108 South Main Street, O'Fallon, MO 63366 (636)978-9640

It's easy to see just from a glance that McGurk's Public House is smack dab in the middle of the older area of historic O'Fallon. The historic plaques on the front of the building tell the real story, and once inside you can sense the historical significance. As for the current-day food and atmosphere, McGurk's is a steakhouse that will definitely stand out from the rest and is worth a try. It is hard to believe that you can walk out for under $20 and get an 8oz Black Angus filet mignon served with Yukon mashed potatoes, green beans and carrots and a Madeira glace. But you can! TONY’S ON MAIN STREET T-TH 11am – 9pm; Fri 11am – 10:30pm; Sat 3pm – 10:30pm; Sun. 4pm – 8:30pm; Closed Monday 132 North Main Street, St. Charles, MO 63301 (636)940-1960

Enjoy casual dining in a relaxed environment or sit on their new balcony that overlooks Main Street. Regardless of your seating preference, all entrees are cooked to order and offer made from scratch soups and hand-cut steaks. For under $20 bucks you can walk away with a Blackened Yellow Fin Tuna -10 oz portion lightly blackened served on a bed of rice. And, all entrees (except pasta) are served with soup or salad, and your choice of homemade au gratins, baked potato, sautéed zucchini, steamed broccoli, fries, red or white pasta. AMERISPORTS BAR & GRILL M-TH, 4pm – Midnight; F, 4pm – 1am (Kitchen closes at Midnight) Sat. 11am – 1am (Kitchen Closes at Midnight); Sun. 11am – Midnight. One Ameristar Boulevard, St. Charles, MO 63301 (636)940-4935

Sports fans congregate at this high-energy spot where you can enjoy the big game on the giant, 34-foot video wall or on a smaller screen in your own private booth. Show your competitive side with pool tables, dart boards or Golden Tee. When you are ready for food, order from the wide variety menu, including beer-battered chicken tenders, made-toorder pizzas, burgers, salads, and sandwiches. Casual favorites so easy on the wallet that even with a glass of wine or cold beer, you can stick to the budget.

Amerisports Philly Cheese Steak

LOCO’S GRILL AND PUB Sun-TH 11am-11pm; F & Sat 11am-12am 3803 Elm St., St. Charles, MO 63301 (636)916-4888

Loco’s Grill and Pub is a laid back, calm and smoke free environment where you can relax and enjoy your meal. Special menus like their $9.99 delicious pork chop entrée with choice of two sides is sure to please any wallet and appetite. As if this special is not enough to request a standing reservation, one child can eat free Monday through Thursday with each paying adult. FRATELLI’S M-TH 11am-9pm; Fri 11am-10 pm; Sat 4pm – 10pm; Sun 4pm – 9pm 2061 Zumbehl Road (Bogie Hills Plaza), St. Charles, MO 63303 (636)949-9005

Rich in family tradition and sharing a common love for cooking, the Alagna family perfected their old world Sicilian recipes passed down from one generation to the next in the American kitchen. The elegant, relaxed atmosphere is perfect for enjoying such entrees as Vitello Picata, Pollo Marsala for under $20. All entrees are made from scratch giving your palette and your wallet a marriage made in heaven.

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ERIO'S RISTORANTE M-TH 4pm-9pm, F & Sat 4pm-10pm; Closed Sunday 951 Jungermann Rd, St Peters, MO 63376 (636)928-0112

Family owned and operated for over 30 years. This is value at its best. Completely authentic Sicilian entrées make this a favorite with the locals. Nightly specials start at $14.95 and can include delights like hand cut certified Black Angus steaks, chicken or veal. Fresh ocean clams, scallops and other sea worthy delights tossed in linguini noodles make the another favorite. CHEVYS FRESH MEX RESTAURANT

M-TH 11am – 10pm; F & Sat 11am – 11pm; Sun. 11am – 9pm 2911 Veterans Memorial Parkway • St. Charles, MO 63303 (636) 946-3434

Ole! Fresh Mexican cuisine is the specialty at Chevys with all items on the menu made-from-scratch. Yes. House made chips, salsa and even tortillas. Here you can enjoy a mix grill variety of fajitas for $16.00 which features steak, chicken and shrimp, carnitas, beans, rice and fresh flour tortillas. Close out your meal with delicious desserts like fried vanilla ice cream rolled in an almond nut crunch topped with house made chocolate and caramel sauce. Yum. MOTHER-IN- LAW HOUSE T-Sat 5:30pm - 9:30pm; Closed Sunday and Monday 500 South Main Street, St. Charles, MO 63301 (636) 946-9444

Located in the center of Historic St. Charles, the Mother-in-law House Restaurant offers fine dining in a white tablecloth setting where the food is cooked to order for a reasonable price. A local favorite, chicken Veronique, encompasses chicken sautéed in a cream sauce with grapes, chives and mushrooms. And coming in just under $20 has everyone lining up for their share. MOE’S PASTA BOWL M-Sat 11am-10pm; Sun 11am-8pm 318-D Mid Rivers Mall Drive, St. Peter, MO 63376 (636)278-8646

When we say “delicious Italian cuisine,” you might not think “St. Peters strip mall.” But you should. Travertine tile walls, a bright kitchen, and a comfortable setting elevate this friendly, locally popular place far above the average neighborhood trattoria. Dishes like chicken-stuffed cannelloni; penne baked with grilled chicken, salami, and Parmesan; and spinach-filled tortellini smothered in rich cream sauce; along with sandwiches, hand-tossed pizzas, and calzones. All prices are well under $20 so you can bring the family! QUINTESSENTIAL M-Sat 11am-1:30am; Sun 11am-12am 141 N. Main Street, St Charles, MO 63301 (636)443-2211

The menu? Smoked duck tacos, bison sliders and chickpea hummus are just a few of the unique starters at this new St. Charles hotspot. If that doesn’t fit your fancy, try the medallions of beef or veal scaloppini. All under $20. Entrées come with choice of potatoes and vegetables. Save room for dessert or a nightcap while enjoying the stunning rooftop patio, finished in stained Brazilian ironwood, replete with pop-top cabanas and grand, semicircular groupings of soft seating. VIVIAN’S VINEYARDS M-TH 5pm-9pm; F & Sat 5pm-10pm; Sun 4:30pm-9:30pm 1409 N. 2nd Street, St. Charles, MO 63301 (636) 940-8444

Occupying a turn-of-the century house, this Frenchtown restaurant offers a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Starting with Happy Hour specials Monday through Friday, diners can start their experience with half off appetizers. Ready to enjoy are such tantalizing options featuring fresh steaks, delicious seafood and chicken. While the nightly specials are the highlight, the regular menu offers plenty of delicious staples well within your budget. Included with every entrée (excluding pasta entrées) is your choice of soup or salad, veggie or potato, bread and complimentary dessert and champagne. Yes, complimentary dessert and champagne with all entrees! (Excluding pasta entrées) PIO’S RESTAURANT & COCKTAIL LOUNGE M-Sat 10am-Midnight; Sun 3-10 pm 403 First Capital Drive, St. Charles, MO 63301 (636) 724-5919

Family owned and operated since 1955, this St. Charles landmark is best known for their homemade salad dressings, pizza, pastas and desserts. The menu offers budget friendly options, serving everything from St. Louis style pizza to char broiled steaks. SHOGUN OF JAPAN STEAKHOUSE AND SUSHI Open 7 days a week for dinner at 5pm 2057 Zumbehl Road, St. Charles, MO 63303 (636) 940-2090

Featuring tableside Hibachi cooking, full sushi bar and an array of traditional Japanese cuisine, your palate, and wallet is sure to be pleased. Mouth watering entrees such as the hibachi scallops or teriyaki salmon, filet mignon and crab or succulent calamari can be found for under $20. Appetizer, soup, Japanese vegetables, fried rice and salad are included with all table side dinner entrees.

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The New Q Story by Amy Armour Photo by Michael Schlueter


t’s not just a restaurant or a bar. And it’s not just a nightclub. Quintessential has all three entertaining elements rolled into one fabulously hot night spot—and it’s in St. Charles.

Quintessential opened its doors at 149 North Main Street last summer to offers its customers a place to dine, drink and be merry through the night. “(Customers) can have a really nice, upscale dinner, stay for drinks and have a good time with live entertainment,” said Jeff Q. Parrish, owner. Known by many simply as Q, the nightclub/restaurant/bar is geared toward satisfying an element not yet met in the area. “I wanted to go after a different element that’s not really, I think, satisfied in St. Charles County,” said Parrish. From the deep blue colored walls, to the high backed booths lining the wall to the thick Brazilian granite bar top with flecks of gold to match the flooring, Parrish put a lot of thought into the design and decoration of Q which he calls art deco or old Hollywood in the 1930s. The acoustic ceiling tiles, which are painted copper to match dark wood colored plank tile flooring, are designed to improve sound quality. The booths are elevated six inches higher than the floor seating, and the chairs in front of the booths can turn for a better view of the stage. Deep red pillows are arranged throughout the high-backed booths, to keep diners comfy. “I wanted to have as many good viewpoints as I could,” said Parrish. A stage is situated in the far corner, closed off with thick red curtains during the day. But on Friday and Saturday nights, the curtains open to acoustic performers during dinner. “You can get entertained at the same time you have a (wonderful) dinner,” said Parrish.

St. Louis favorite, Q offers handmade toasted ravioli. And the liquor selection is just as vast. The bar offers more than 70 kinds of beer—bottles only, no draft. Customers can also choose from 70 types of vodka including infused vodkas. The bar also carries many high end liquors and an extensive wine list. After dinner is over, local bands like Contagious, Plastic and My Own Medicine will take the stage on weekend nights. “We have a lot of different kinds of acts and entertainment that hits a lot of different target markets,” said Parrish. “We’re definitely not just a younger crowd.” A DJ or band takes the stage from 9 p.m. to close Wednesday through Saturday. When the stage is empty, a large screen descends so customers can check out the football, basketball or baseball game. Thick silver curtains divide the restaurant from the VIP section, which is a more luxurious feel, with softer, more cushioned chairs and booths. Parrish also built a row of 24 lockers in the VIP section, where members can store their high-end liquor in between visits. The room can also be used for private parties. “The fun vibe permeates the whole experience,” said Parrish. And that’s just the on the first floor. Travelling upstairs, customers will feel like they are visiting Aspen, Colorado. With high wooden tables and flat screen televisions hanging from the ceiling, customers can eat, drink and smoke on the second floor, which is surrounded by floor to ceiling glass windows and doors.

Q offers a wide variety of menu items from steaks to pastas to salmon to sandwiches. Parrish recommends the smoked duck breast or the medallions of beef.

And when the weather’s right, customers take it outside—to the rooftop terrace. The 5,000-square foot deck is decorated with comfy outdoor furniture in a South Beach design. Tiki torches and twinkly lighting line the deck and an herb garden grows on the ledge. During the colder weather, large cabanas--complete with heat lamps--keep customers cozy and warm.

Q also has a wide selection of flatbread pizzas from the traditional pepperoni to the non-traditional goat cheese pizza. A popular favorite among regulars is mushroom pizza with an alfredo sauce.

“It’s fabulous. The terrace really is the crown jewel of the place. It came out just like I anticipated,” said Parrish. “The terrace really differentiates us from the other (nightclubs).”

“People are crazy about the mushroom pizza,” said Parrish. And for a

Owning a business is nothing new for Parrish, who has owned Self-

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Lock Storage for the last 15 years. He is also part owner in USA Mortgage. “I know the restaurant business is a risky business venture, but I always wanted to do it. And I wanted to do it right,” said Parrish. Starting up a restaurant/bar/nightclub has been a dream job. “My father started a nightclub in Southern Illinois years ago. I was too young to enjoy it, but I always loved hearing the stories…(Q) is a way to pay homage to him,” said Parrish. Parrish came up with the name Quintessential because he thought the definition—which is ‘the perfect embodiment of something’ was a neat concept. In ancient times, the definition of quintessential is the fifth element of the heavenly bodies—the other four being wind, earth, fire and water. Parrish also thought the name could be shortened to Q which would be easy for patrons to remember—and his middle name is Quentin. And Main Street in St. Charles was the perfect fit for Parrish’s new business adventure. “I love the area down there (on Main Street)…and I love the history.

You can’t buy history,” said Parrish. “It’s such a nice area. And there are all the festivals…it just has a really neat vibe.” Parking is a cinch. After 4:30 p.m., patrons can park for free in the city parking garage and walk right to the rooftop entrance. So far, Parrish said the public has responded very well to Q. “People have really appreciated the ambiance,” said Parrish But it wasn’t an easy process. Parrish purchased the building in November 2007. The process for gaining permits and designs approved in the Historic District took almost two full years. Parrish started renovations in January 2009 and opened in August 2009. But it was all worth it for Parrish. “I love it. It’s so rewarding to see how people have responded to the atmosphere,” said Parrish. For more information about Q, visit or call 4432211. ■

Crazy about Locos ocos Grill and Pub, 3803 Elm Street in St. Charles, is located right off Highway 370 and Elm/New Town Blvd., making it a favorite gathering spot for families, the business lunch, the happy hour crowd and area sports fanatics.


And, they haven’t forgotten the adults. Locos has a full service bar area, with live music every Saturday night featuring local bands such as Dan Kuse and The Double D duo group.

The restaurant, which opened in 2008, prides itself with being a local hangout and providing a little something for everyone.

With so many area businesses close by like Boeing and Earth City, Locos provides great happy hour specials which start at 4pm and go until close, making it a perfect place to celebrate a new employee, a birthday or a going away party.

“We like to provide a wide variety of great food in a comfortable and casual atmosphere,” said Marty Kaiser, owner of Locos in St. Charles. ‘We have a great menu with sandwiches, salads, entrees and 10 signature chicken wing sauces.”

And for the sports fans in the area, Locos televises all of the popular sporting events. “Right now, we have two really great menu specials,” said Kaiser. “We have a burger, fries and a beer or soda for just $7.99 and a half dozen boneless wings and beer or soda for $5.99.”

In addition to great food, Locos is a smoke-free restaurant, making it an ideal place for families. Making it even more family-friendly, Locos offers a “Kids Eat Free” every Monday through Thursday.

Locos also offers services such as catering, delivery, boxed lunches and call ahead ordering. For more information, call 636-916-4888, visit the Locos website at www., or follow Locos on Facebook and Twitter. ■

“We also have a great balloon artist every Wednesday night to entertain the kids,” said Kaiser.

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Mary Ellen’s Corner Dos and Don’t of Social Networking! Don’ts: 1. The largest taboo of them all, spamming. It is counterproductive and might even get you prohibited or punished. Don’t spam. 2. If you have requested someone to become your “friend” and they have declined the request, do not, in any manner, persist. Don’t stalk people.

you write and how you write it. It is baffling how there are still people who don’t recognize that writing in caps IS LIKE SHOUTING. Be respectful. 3. If you want to be triumphant in social media consider what the readers would want to know, what information would be most helpful to them. It’s not completely about self-promotion. You may, however, use the insight gathered from years of experience and share this wealth of knowledge. It will truly be cherished. Submit original content.

3. As the saying goes, “if you can’t say something nice... “ That doesn’t mean you can’t share an opposing view with someone and offer constructive criticism. What should be steered clear of at all costs is creating the type of atmosphere where accusations fly and insults are flung with careless abandon. It’ll get you nowhere and only reflect negatively on you and your organization. Don’t be negative.

4. You want to make sure you’re seen and heard, so submit editorials, post remarks and rate entries. Keep it on the positive side. You’ll gain nothing from engaging in online feuds, but don’t carry it too far. Don’t post comments everywhere just to get your link in. In most sites these are “no follow” anyway. Contribute constructive comments after you read something that is particularly appealing. And don’t forget to praise the author of a superior post. You know you’d be grateful for it. Participate actively.

4. Don’t lie, scam or indulge in plagiarism. If you think you won't be found out, you’re wrong. Don’t hide underneath a blanket of anonymity. If you’re hiding your true identity, then what’s the point? What kind of valuable relationships do you hope to build? Don’t engage in dubious behavior.

5. One of the foremost goals in social media is sharing and collaborating, so if someone says you overlooked a significant point or would like to add something to what you’ve said, be cordial about it. Furthermore, you should openly welcome feedback from your peers. Be open-minded about other points of view.

5. Do not tell us what you are doing every second of the day - no one cares if you ate a hot dog or went to the bathroom.

6. Set aside a time to focus on social media daily.

6. Don’t be linked all day - you will never get anything done. Dos: 1. What do you hope to achieve through social media? Do you want to reach prospective customers or share knowledge with others who work in your industry? This Do is something that should be done before you do anything else. Always keep your goals in mind to lead you through all your actions in social media. Define your goals. 2. Treat others as if you were looking them in the eyes. The same rules apply in social media settings. An awful lot can be conveyed in what

To sum up, act like a decent human being and you’ll do well. Promote your business, products and services, but do so in a non-invasive way. Try to be positive, take criticism or negative comments in stride and keep yours to yourself. Participate and encourage others to do so. And exploit the full potential offered by social media to connect with others who share your interests. Let everyone know about what you do and how it contributes to the collective effort. Your networking friend,

Mary Ellen Renaud S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E | 39


Young People’s Theatre

an actor forgets lines or someone doesn’t make an entrance, she said.

Story by Amy Armour Photos by Michael Schlueter


cting runs in the family for the Andrews family—and it’s now a career for a mother and son team at the Young People’s Theatre at St. Charles Community College.

After moving to St. Charles County in 1990, Brisby Andrews introduced her shy son Sean to theatre at the age of seven. “His first play was Little Red Riding Hood and he played the wolf,” said Brisby. “It was great. It was a lot of fun.” Sean loved it, and when he was eight years old, he joined the Young People’s Theatre. Young People’s Theatre is a division of the continuing education department at St. Charles Community College. It was started 20 years ago as the first children's theatrical arts program in St. Charles County. YPT, which is open to children between the ages of eight and 18, puts on three productions a year. “One in the fall that is typically a “Halloween” type theme, one at Christmas and another one in the spring, which is always our biggest production and is a musical. We have auditions for every production,” said Peggy Schreiner, public relations coordinator at SCC.

Sean and Brisby Andrews

YPT performance of Scrooge - the Stingiest Man in Town

“We teach them how to think and help out a fellow actor,” said Brisby. Schreiner said it's a great forum for children to participate in and develop their acting skills and interests on stage, as well as socially. “All the behind the scenes jobs that we need in order to make a production run are done by parent volunteers. This makes for a very unique, family oriented program,” said Schreiner. The theatre program also teaches the children commitment, Brisby said. “These days so many children are involved in so many things,” said Brisby But the Young People’s Theatre is not for the weak. After completing auditions, the actors practice for three and a half hours on Mondays and Thursdays and all day Saturday. And two weeks before the show, the actors will rehearse for a few hours each night. “The key is whether the kids can handle practice every night of the week and all day on Saturday,” said Brisby. “That’s where the kids fall apart. It’s very intense. You cannot do theater on a Monday, Thursday, Saturday schedule.” “You have to have a child who is really committed,” said Brisby. Every semester the college offers children's theatre classes. When children audition for YPT and receive a part, they are required to take an Introduction to Theatre class and officially become a member of YPT.

And it’s no surprise that Andrew enjoyed the theatre, as it seems to be in his genes. Brisby’s mother taught theater at the college level. And Brisby has spent years in community theatre, acting for ACT II, Chesterfield Community Theatre, Spotlight and the St. Charles Community Theatre, to name a few.

“Students are required to take one class a year to fulfill their membership requirements. Through the Continuing Education Department we offer many performing arts classes each semester and theatre camps in the summer,” said Schreiner.

Sean participated in YPT as an actor, set builder and designer, director, and everything in between, until he reached the maximum age of the program—18.

And YPT has developed many actors who have gone on to work in some aspect of the theater as adults.

But the involvement of the Andrews family in the YPT was not over yet. After helping out as a parent volunteer for the years Sean was involved, the director asked Brisby if she would like the job as assistant director.

“I told her no because I had too many little kids running around (at the time),” said Brisby, mother of four. But the director wanted to retire and offered her a part-time position, which she took. Brisby has been employed in the theatre for five years. She is now the director for the Young People’s Theatre. When Brisby could not find a piano player to accompany a production, she asked her son Sean to fill in. Then the choreographer didn’t work out and Brisby relied on help from her son again. “And he loved it. (Sean) has a good repertoire with the kids. And it’s nice to have both a male and female perspective,” said Brisby. Now, Sean is back with the Young People’s Theatre as an adult. Sean is the assistant director and choreographer for the Young People’s Theatre. “His brainstorming helps me. He’s a very gifted musician. He plays the piano. He composes,” said Brisby. Brisby said the students in the theatre program walk away with life skills. “They get the poise it takes to be in front of people in a live audience. They learn to think on their feet. In live theatre, something always happens,” said Brisby. Whether a piece of the set falls, 40 | S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E

Parent involvement is an important and integral aspect of the program. Brisby said parents are required to volunteer time in assisting the production, whether it’s selling tickets, helping back stage or building the set.

“We have had many, many students in the past 20 years go on to major in different aspects of theatre (technical theatre, vocal performance, performing arts, dance, etc.),” said Schreiner. “We have had students who have gone on to be in professional productions and television work.” The next YPT production of Beauty & the Beast will take place on March 19, 20, 21, 26, 27 and 28 in the Donald Shook Theatre at St. Charles Community College. Tickets are $8 for adults and $7 for students and seniors. “I believe theatre skills are life skills,” said Brisby. “You learn how to be poised, how to think on your feet and how to be more eloquent.” ■


All in the Family The wilderness of the river

Story by Robin Seaton Jefferson Photo by Michael Schlueter

ike Baalman loves the river. The senior project manager and architect at LePique & Orne Architects in St. Charles has spent his life teaching his sons about hunting and the beauty and respectability of the water.


The oldest of six boys, Baalman said his dad was an avid hunter while he was growing up and passed his love of the wild on to his own sons. Baalman has done the same. His oldest son, Mitchell Baalman has a full scholarship to Southeast Missouri State University in the fall. He will study environmental biology. His youngest son Neal Baalman wants to go to the University of Missouri at Columbia to study forestry and biology. And although neither of them will follow their dad into architecture, he couldn’t be happier. Mike Baalman said his time on the river with his boys has been precious to him and he is proud that they want careers involving wildlife. “I use hunting and spending time on the river as a way to spend quality one-on-one time with the boys—to get away from the distractions of life and focus on them,” Mike said. “It’s a way to get away from the hustle and bustle of the work week, a chance to be outside. The river is one of the only truly wild areas left in the Midwest.”

Mike said aside from the hunt itself, it’s the comradery that the sport offers that is priceless. “Growing up we used to go hunting to socialize with our family and friends. It’s not just about hunting and harvesting ducks, but it’s the focus on the bond that you forge with your family and friends. Hunting is secondary to spending time together.” February is the only month of the year the Baalmans do not hunt or spend time on the river. “February is the only month we don’t use the john boat because the river is usually frozen over,” Mike said. But starting in March, they’re out crappie fishing and turkey hunting. By mid-summer, they’re building duck blinds and preparing decoys. In September the migrating ducks start Teal season. November brings with it the fullblown duck season. And by mid-January, geese season is in full swing. The Baalmans hunt primarily on the river and in public areas, although they do still visit Mike’s dad’s farm in Calhoun County. Mike said he and his sons are usually the first ones on the river after the ice breaks free. He said he’s appreciative of the proximity of the river and the wildlife to his home. “It’s just wild that we can be in downtown St. Charles putting our boat into the river. It’s the wilderness of the river and how primitive it is that fascinates me. I feel like Lewis and Clark or Marquette or (from left) Neil, Mike and Mitch Baalman

Mike said he remembers many times in the wild with his own father and treasures those memories. Mike grew up on his father’s 300-acre farm in Calhoun County, IL where his father did row-cropping and raised livestock. Mike grew up duck and squirrel hunting. “It was the culture in rural Illinois where I’m from,” Mike said. “One of the earliest memories I have of hunting with my dad was even before I could shoot. We went on a hunting trip the day after Halloween. I was about seven or eight and as all good Catholic schoolboys, we had the day off for All Saints Day. It was always a day we could go off with dad and go duck hunting.” 42 | S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E

Lafayette must have felt. It gives us a connection to what those guys went through on their explorations of the river,” Mike said. “It really doesn’t matter what we’re doing. We like to hunt, but if the birds weren’t there, we would still find ourselves on the river.” He said he believes it’s that love of the outdoors and the time he has spent with his kids that has made all the difference in their lives. “They’re good kids. They’re more interested in where we are going hunting than what’s going on after the ball game.” Neal Baalman is also an amateur photographer. He and his dad spend a lot of time at conservation areas photographing the wildlife. “We’re just as excited about the Spring fly-back, when the ducks are migrating back North. Their colors are more vibrant in the Spring for mating. We crawl through the weeds and spend hours on end in the marsh to get photos on the river.” Mike’s wife, Connie Baalman, and daughter Nichole Baalman, aren’t too interested in the outdoors, he said. But they do support him and besides, while the guys are out on the river, the women get in some good shopping time. ■

Lake St. Charles Offering Choices


Story by Robin Seaton Jefferson Photo by Michael Schlueter

f there’s a way to make their residents happier, Lake St. Charles Senior Living will do it. “That’s been our theme over the years— what else can we do to satisfy our residents,” said Director Elaine Bastl. “Our mission is to create an affordable living center for seniors with innovative services for a lifestyle of encouragement and convenience.”


To accomplish that, the Lake St. Charles community boasts longevity of staff and very little turnover of employees. Now a staple of many senior living communities, Lake St. Charles has offered restaurant-style dining since day one. With a coffee café offering danish and donuts to a soup, sandwich and ice cream café to a main dining room, Lake St. Charles is a community with plenty of palatable choices. Of course all rooms have kitchens so community dining is always optional. And Lake St. Charles keeps up with the times. The community recently added Skype, an innovative and interactive computer system that allows residents to communicate with their families, including their grandchildren, from the comfort of their own homes. “We try to get them involved in new things they wouldn’t have thought of,” Bastl said. “That’s why we got the Skype because people living in their own home probably would not have the technology available to do that.” The staff at Lake St. Charles is “handpicked and each one goes through at least three interviews before being offered a position here,” Bastl said. “Yes, that means all the staff, dishwashers, housekeepers, bookkeepers, etc.—everyone. National background checks are completed on all employees.” Bastl challenges visitors to talk to any one of her staff and “ask them any question on your mind.” Or check out the community’s “Wall of Fame” to see how many employees have been working there for two or more years—some of them more than 20. A 23-year veteran herself, Bastl said she loves hearing residents tell her she’s doing a good job “as it just energizes me to start another improvement project. I enjoy designing new social rooms, outdoor gardens, new apartment styles and anything else residents or future residents tell me they’d like to have.” Located on a beautiful hillside with a panoramic lake view in St. Charles, Lake St. Charles prides itself on “offering choices,” including

Resident Josephine Graf receives a proclamation from Mayor Patti York and LSC Director Elaine Bastl in celebration of her 105th birthday.

optional meal plans, activities, various rental arrangements and six sizes of apartments. The community offers some kind of recreation seven days a week, Bastl said, from “Lunch & Learn” lectures to exercise programs, to movies and billiards. Various levels of care are offered, including independent living, wellness assistance, day care, licensed assisted living, and skilled nursing and rehabilitation next door at NHC St. Charles. A physician’s office is on site, staffed by gerontologists from St. Louis University. Retirement or independent apartments are available with bathing, dressing, meal preparation and dog walking services available. Assisted living is designed for the person whose medications must be monitored and administered, all following the physician’s orders. Three meals per day, snacks, assistance with bathing and dressing and medication distribution are included. Bastl said people often mistakenly believe senior living is costprohibitive and that it is cheaper to live in one’s own home. “Experts point out that home ownership may no longer be as beneficial to people over 65,” she said. “This is especially true where there is the option of a retirement community within one’s own locality. The retirement community offers everything a house does, plus security, companionship, health services, wellness services and recreational activities.” Lake St. Charles has earned the Better Business Bureau’s World Class Customer Satisfaction Award, SSM St. Joseph Hospital’s “Champion of Older Persons” award, the city of St. Charles’ “Employer of the Year” award in the Service Category, Central Missouri State University Gerontology Institute’s “Best Practices” in numerous categories, and is accredited by the Better Business Bureau with an “A Rating.”

Visit Lake St. Charle’s Annual Classic Car Show. For more information call Donna Blackmon at 636-947-1100.

For more information on Lake St. Charles, call 1-877-947-1103. ■

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Andrea Robertson, Mrs. America ,will serve as Mistress of Ceremonies for The Greater S a i n t C h a r l e s F a s h i o n We e k o n We d n e s d a y a n d T h u r s d a y evenings (August 25, 26)



Vi c k i e N e w t o n , K M O V p e r s o n a l i t y, w i l l s e r v e a s Mistress of Ceremonies for The Greater Saint Charles Fashion We e k o n F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y evenings (August 27, 28)



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Bring on Spring Beauty! W a y s t o R e j u v e n a t e y o u r H a i r, M a k e u p & S k i n c a r e Story by Tami Scott

hether or not you have stayed on your commitment of a new year’s resolution to shape up, eat better or create better habits, it’s never too late to make a change or new commitment with your hair, skin & makeup. When is the last time you made a change in your appearance? It is life changing…in a good way!


It’s time for a new haircut or hair color to liven up skin that isn’t quite sun kissed yet. Brunette shades are the new Blonde! And there are so many shades of brunette to be! And if you don’t think so…come visit me or your trusted stylist. Deep chocolate brown or warm auburn brown or even light golden brown if you’ve always been blonde. Even a cool dark brown can be striking! You can still have highlights of blonde or caramel or light brown mixed in. Or if you went darker for winter, add just a few more highlights back to make skin look warmer. So many possibilities to choose from. I am a big fan of more than one color in the hair. All one color hair can look flat. At least a couple colors in the hair adds contrast & texture. To revive your thirsty locks from winter weather, get a clear coat gloss all over your hair to punch up the shine & make hair look healthy. And how about kicking up the fun with a sassy new cut! There’s not just one style anymore that’s hip to be wearing. Anything from short to long can be spiced up to feel new! Check out fashion magazines you can get a clue for something different. If you are drawn to a look, think about how you could try something similar or even exact. Whatever you are willing to try. But get out of your same old box & have some fun with it. Only be as daring as you wish, but try something as simple as cutting fringy or blunt bangs or redirecting the layers in your hair or taking off a couple inches will get you noticed by everyone. And when it comes to your skin & makeup…Listen up! Start with good skincare. Moisturize – Time to lighten up & probably change your moisturizer when coming into Spring. A lot of women don’t change their skincare routine or makeup when the seasons change. This is a very important step to look & feel rejuvenated. You’ll need to accommodate change in environment & skins natural adjustment to those changes. Exfoliate – Coming out of winter, you need to slough off that dry skin that cold weather brought you. Remove dead skin cells to reveal smoother skin underneath. All that dry heat possibly gave you flakes that you can’t even see. Those flakes can make your makeup appear blotchy by catching on the dry spots. You’ll want a smooth fresh face for Spring! Use a face primer or moisturizer with retexturing properties like glycolic or fruit acid to slough dead skin cells & keep skin smooth. Bonus when it has SPF it protects that new skin that emerges. I have a great TAMI SCOTT Face Primer with SPF 15 does both jobs to resurface & protect. My Liquid to Powder Mineral Foundation also has SPF15. I have you covered with protection & coverage without feeling heavy. Everyone who uses these two products, can’t live without them once they use them.

Protect – You need SPF all year round. Just because it’s not blazing temperatures yet doesn’t mean you can’t get sun exposure. That walk from the car into work or running errands can still get you sun exposure even if it’s not 80 degrees. So if your foundation doesn’t have an SPF, you need one under it. Color – For Spring makeup color, think warm! Pinks, Corals and warm browns are great because they make up for the color you don’t usually have yet in the Spring. For cheeks, pinks & corals will give the illusion of sun kissed skin. Pinks are more for blondes. Redheads and those with yellow undertones may want to consider a coral-pink instead of a berry tone. You can also still get away with mauves and subtle berries if you’re a brunette. For eyes, use shadow colors like golden or chocolate brown, berry or plum if you are brunette. Grays are good, as well, for a smoky eye effect. Subtle light berry tones for blondes, with a hint of brown or grey in your crease. I have a great assortment of colors in my TAMI SCOTT line that have these tones but still look really natural when you wear them. I can also give you the “how to” of application. Everyone can use a refresher course in application. Learn something new! For lips, use more corals & pinks. Adding this color to your lips automatically adds more colors to your cheeks and sparkle to your eyes. Added bonus: they make your teeth look whiter because they’re blue-based. Shimmer – Add a little shimmer instead of bronzer to give illusion of glowing skin. If you are going to use bronzer before getting sun exposure, just don’t use too much …it really shows up on paler skin before you get a sun kissed glow & can look orangey like a fake tan & not in a good way. I have a skin perfecting shimmer powder in my TAMI SCOTT MAKEUP line. So, if you don’t have someone you trust to help you make some of these decisions, hair or can email me through my website contact page @ and I can schedule a time to meet with you or you can send me a picture & I can suggest options! Please view the pages of my site for all the options for your hair & I have pages dedicated to my makeup line for you to check out as well. You’ll Love the way you look! Have a beautiful Spring! Your Essential Beauty Advisor - Tami Scott ■


MOss Designer Opens New Main Street Boutique

Story by Amy Armour Photo by Michael Schlueter

Sewing was a necessity for Gail Logsdon back in the 1970s. “Having three daughters and a small budget, I sewed my kids clothes because I had to,” said Logsdon. Her daughter Nicole Moss used to “play” sew and create her own pretend masterpieces. “My mom sewed and I was always playing sewing. I was her little shadow,” said Moss. “And I liked art.” Moss started sewing from patterns—with the help of Logsdon--when she was only six years old. The recipients of her projects were her Barbie dolls. By the time Moss was in high school, she was designing real masterpieces. Her first official design—her prom dress in 1988.

Charles and she always dreamed of opening her shop in her home town—specifically on Historic Main Street. “I absolutely love Main Street,” said Moss. “As soon as I moved back I kept my eye out for a location on Main Street.” And the designers found the perfect spot. MOss Boutique opened for business on August 1 at 424 South Main Street in St. Charles. “It’s so great on Main Street. Everyone’s so friendly and supportive,” said Moss. “We really enjoy our spot on the street.” The name of the shop is a combination of Nicole’s last name coupled with a love for Missouri. MOss Boutique started out selling souvenir T-shirts for historic St. Charles. Customers can show state pride—along with boutique preference—with the ‘I love MO’ T-shirts.

Moss also designs unique custom clothing including silk shirts from different patterns of scarves. A shopper can choose a scarf and a decorative beading that will wrap around the neck. Then Moss or Logsdon will create the shirt within a week. “I like being creative and talking with people, forming new relationships and meeting people from all over,” said Logsdon. Another popular item is ‘It’s a Wrap.’ The ‘wrap’ can be worn endless ways—as a long skirt, a short skirt, a dress, a swimsuit coverup or a shirt. Different straps and buttons allow the shopper to choose a variety of ways to wear the versatile piece of clothing. Customers also have the option of choosing their own fabric. “It’s a one of a kind piece. It’s machine

Moss fell in love with design and studied it in college. She graduated with a degree in fashion design from Southwest Missouri State in 1993. She started designing clothing in Dallas, TX before spending 10 years in Los Angeles, CA. Moss developed a young and contemporary clothing line—Nicole Moss—which still is available in many retailers throughout the United States and Mexico. Moss moved back from California two and a half years ago and the mother and daughter team have opened a custom clothing boutique on Main Street in St. Charles. Moss said the target market for the boutique is women of all ages who want to look stylish and fashionable. “I worked with so many store owners and buyers and I always wanted my own store,” said Moss. Moss grew up on Fourth Street in St. Nicole Moss 54 | S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E

washable and easy to travel with,” said Moss.

she could also custom design men’s clothing.

Before finding the perfect downtown location, MOss Boutique had its start as a home-based business focusing primarily on alterations and custom designs. Moss designed custom wedding gowns, mother of the bride dresses and bridesmaid dresses.

Moss dedicates most of her time to the designing. Once she creates a new design, she shows Logsdon how to replicate it.

“One of a kind dresses are my favorite thing to design,” said Moss, who designed her own wedding dress for her February 2010 wedding. And one-of-a-kind items are well-stocked at MOss Boutique. The shop offers its customers the chance to create a beautiful new look–and no experience is necessary. Customers can bring in ideas from magazines, sketches or from their imagination. “I can make something that’s really flattering for her body,” said Moss. Customers make an appointment with Moss, and come in with ideas and she will design their dream outfit with them. “I get inspiration by anything from a detail on a purse, to a piece of jewelry, to vintage clothing,” said Moss. “Right now a mix of the 20's and the 70's have been an important part of our store.” For a fun and unique evening out, MOss Boutique hosts a ‘jean party.’ Customers can bring in their favorite fitting jeans and Moss can help re-create them.

“And then she goes on and designs something else,” said Logsdon. The shop also employs a seamstress. “We’re very fortunate to have Vera Kavoris as an accomplished seamstress for alterations,” said Logsdon. And so far, the mother and daughter team love to work together. “I love it. It’s so fun having her home after all those years. It’s wonderful,” said Logsdon. “I love Main Street. I can’t imagine being anywhere else in the world. I love having a family business. I’m really enjoying it.” “It’s been wonderful working (with my mom). I’ve been away for so long and now we’re together 24/7. We’re a lot alike,” said Moss. “We both can do a lot of different things. It’s been really nice spending time together.” Her advice for aspiring designers? “Do what you know and love,” said Moss. ■

Moss can add embroidery or patches or a fabric trim. She could also turn them into ‘vintage’ jeans or maybe rock n’ roll is more the style. Within a week, customers can pick up their ‘new’ jeans. Customers can also mail in old jeans and MOss Boutique will ship the finished product to their home. MOss Boutique primarily sells women’s clothing, but Moss said

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SOCIETY SIGHTINGS … by Teri Seiler Ho..Ho..How did you warm the needy hearts in our community during the blustery and bitter cold days of winter? Did you don a Mrs. Claus suit, like the Reverend Pat Powers, to welcome friends to Mrs. Claus’ Closet, a fundraiser held at The Columns Banquet Center? Or, were you one of the nearly 200 guests such as Grace Harmon, Jean Roberson, Deborah Alessi, Kathy Conard, Cheryl Primm, Toekie Purler, Elaine Bastl, Denise McKeown, Pam Reynolds, Aleece Vogt, Laurie Feldman, Grace Daniels, Betty Baker, Carol Alexander, Edwina Conley, and Debbie Bearden who dined on scrambled eggs and bacon to lend their support to the cause? Or, did you model the season’s finest fashions as did John Knecht, Marilyn McIntyre, Donna Costellia, Michael Houck, Carmen and Shelly McManus, Sally Faith, Rozella House, Lauren, Cody and Justin Goeke, while the audience applauded their approval of the quality selection of threads from Moe Thro’s namesake store, Thro’s, and Michelle’s clothiers, and Peggy Desmond’s The Dancing Yogi store (where environmentally friendly bamboo clothing is featured), and Heather Highfield’s IT Boutique? Laura Hopson (Rumors Salon & Day Spa) donated gift certificates to all the attendees, while Lori Reifsteick, of Salon St. Charles, kept things from getting a little “hairy” by coiffing the strands of the models. Avon representatives, Stephanie Goeke, Rose Schmidt and Kathy Bray created masterpieces with their makeup brushes on the facial canvases of the models. The designing talents of Bren Powell, from Parkview Gardens, transformed the venue into a sparkling holiday world of magic. Chris Siebert played Mrs. Claus’ better half, and perhaps a bit more recognizable, to provide photo opportunities for the guests as well as their pampered pooches such as the furry friends of Carol Mason and Loretta Moore. Jody Blanton, chair of this year’s event, can rest at ease knowing her efforts, along with 20 other volunteers and all the vendors who participated in the early morning fundraiser, raised close to $4,000.00 to help fund Bridgeway’s support programs for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.


The Boys for Bots (you know the group of guys who like to stop by Grappa Grill’s bar, after a hard-day’s work, for a little beverage of enlightenment) organized their Fourth Annual Toys for Tots holiday toy drive at (where else?) Grappa Grill. Jim Pauley and A.J. Edgar co-chaired the evening event that enticed over 250 people to brave the elements to drop off their generous donations into the accepting hands of Bonnie Edgar and Jo Lauck. They, in turn, passed them on to the men-in-blue (Marines) who in turn, passed them out to needy children in our community. Jack Borgmeyer, manager of Grappa Grill, offered guests half price appetizers and special deals throughout the night in celebration of the attendees’ kind hearts and open pocketbooks. Helping make this year’s toy drive and fundraiser the biggest and best to date were: 56 | S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E

Sally and Joe Glosier, Stan and Dianne Siegfried, Tom Johnson, Jay and Tammy Mudd, Conrad Towers, Ted Stranz, Terry Zensen, Tom Lauck, Edward Sandt, Tim Redmond, Tom Goessling, and Stan Pattie, along with a host of others. In addition to the van loads of toys that were collected, the group raised over $2500.00 in cash. Erin Bode and her band of three: Adam Maness, Syd Rodway and Derrek Phillips, entranced a crowd of approximately 400 people with her smooth vocals and their melodic songs at the Foundry Arts Center. The evening began with a meet-and-greet with the artists in residence and segued into a relaxing night of magical music performed by Bode and the boys. Elic and Luanne Cundiff, Brad and Sandy Franta, Dr. Dennis Parrot, Dr. Zora Hanko, Patrick and Lauren Longwell, John and Grace Nichols, Carol and Craig Felzien, Gary Rehm, Kathleen and Richard Keusenkother, John LeTourneau, Dave and Kathy Strauss, Richard and Valerie Lanning, Mark and Julie Hoeman were just a few of the folks on hand who helped the Foundry raise approximately $4500.00 by attending the concert. Immanuel Lutheran Church’s Fellowship Hall was the place to be for fashionistas who wanted to lend their support to the Auxillary Board of SSM St. Joseph Health Centers. Marilyn Bock, President of the Auxillary, was delighted with the $6000.00 plus dollars that were raised during the $50.00 a plate fashion, food, and fun event. While dining on honey lemon chicken and shrimp scampi over a bed of rice, which was catered by Blue Sky Café and Bar off Winghaven Blvd. in O’Fallon, guests such as Martha Kooyumjian, Paul and Edith Tally, Debbie Wiegmann, Sharon and Ted Piven, Rick and Marge Pundmann, Elizabeth Rauch, and Jack Zerr, watched community-minded models, Gayle Horn, Sharon Kendall, Judge Lucy Rauch, Jo Sisco and Sharon Gerke preview the latest styles from Coldwater Creek from the Meadows Shopping Center. Health Center President, Gaspare Calvaruso and his darling wife, Melissa, along with the President of SSM St. Joseph Hospital West, Drew Rector, and his lovely wife, Laurel, and Julia Echelmeyer, Hillard Gordon, Karen Zerr, Gerry Wiegmann, and Bob Bock strutted their stuff in the season’s defining attire from Thro’s and Michelle’s. Jo Sisco and Jill Steep gave a preview of the engaging line of clothes available at the hospital’s gift shop. In addition to the fashion show, the Auxillary has been working hard to raise money for their beloved hospital with a trivia night and a luncheon to celebrate 75 years of health service to our community. Speaking of St. Joseph Health Center…Registered Nurses, Rachel Sparks, Dottie Merritt, Katy Burke, and Josie Durano were given permission for destruction when they were presented sledge hammers and orders by Gaspare Calvaruso, President of St. Joseph Health Center, and Aaron Robinson, Director of Strategy and Business Development, to search and destroy any and everything they disliked about their working environment at the old ICU. Hesitate…they did not. One of the first things to go were the cabinets that they always hit their heads on. The sledgehammer

swings were part of the celebration of opening the new ICU and renovating the old ICU which will become a part of the new Emergency Room. A fun-filled evening at Dave & Busters is what the doctors prescribed for staffers of Boonslick Medical Group such as Kim Weis, Patsy Feeherty, Terri Nash, Charolotte Rudin, Ellen Bates, Betty Ossendorf, Una Schlenter, Collien Beyer, Trish Schmidt, Kelly Stockton, and Kevin Smith to cure the mid-winter blahs and get in the spirit of the holidays. Dr. Kurt Piening, Dr. Jamie Puckett, Dr. Randall Friesen, Dr. Evelyn Schuetz, Dr. Ferd Del Pizzo, Dr. Gary Meltz and Dr. John Uhlemann, decked in his finest holiday-inspired vest, travelled over the river and through the cold and rain for a dose of appetizers and drinks. The evening was an injection of fun and everyone was glad they followed their doctors’ orders. Congratulations to Kevin and Vicky Nguyen (owners of Fashion Nails & Spa off Muegge Road) on their recent marriage. The couple honored their Vietnamese heritage by beginning their special day with the groom, and his party, loading separate trays of sticky rice, tea, wine, a roasted pig and a lucky cake and taking them to the home of the bride, where the bride’s grandmother, Nguyet Nguyen, accepted the gifts; thus, approving the union. Vicky looked like royalty as she wore a traditional Vietnam dress, in bright colors of red and orange, with a head-dress to match, that was hand-sewn and beaded in Vietnam by a friend. For the wedding ceremony, Vicky changed into a traditional and exquisite white wedding gown. Her mother, Thao Luong, watched with pride as the couple became husband and wife at Resurrection of Christ church in south St. Louis. Of course, everyone’s nails looked perfect! They honeymooned in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, where they celebrated their marriage with the groom’s family, who were unable to make the St. Louis celebration. What does it take to make a marriage last? Ask those with experience like Don and Marlene Schneider, who recently celebrated their Golden Anniversary with a mass by Father John Reiker and Father Don Schramm at the scene of their first vows – St. Charles Borromeo Church. Nancy Page, Jeanette Garrison, Rae Dell Sturmon, Margaret Gutmann, Ted (Sam) Kottmann and Lloyd Schneider, all members of the original wedding party, were on hand to re-witness the renewal of the couples’ vows. The event was made special by the participation of the couples’ grandchildren, in particular, 15-year-old Haley Schneider, who sang Ava Marie in Latin at the mass. Celebrating their parents’ marital bliss were Christy and Greg Early, Michelle and Doug Maloney, Doug and Kelly Schneider, and Brad and Nancy Schneider. Nancy, by the way, baked and decorated the tiered anniversary cake that was enjoyed by the 140 guests. Tim Glosier, of Manhattan Catering, provided a delicious lunch for guests such as Karen and Jim Bond, Gene and Suzanne Carroll, Joyce Bruening, Joleen Meers, Jay and Mary Schultehenrich, Beverly and Ron Nolle, Marty Dyer, Josey Page, Harriett and Tom Pallardy, Dick and Wanda Saip and Joanne and Ted Runge in the

New Café, the church’s newly renovated fellowship hall. Congratulations to Chicago White Sox pitcher, and hometown hero, Mark Buehrle and his darling wife, Jaimie, and their two children, as they spent their first night in their newly constructed and beautiful estate manse on Christmas Eve. Welcome home! Happy 40th Birthday to Mike Burke. Mike faces the challenges of cystic fibrosis and to celebrate this special birthday is a marvel for anyone who suffers this disease. Thanks to Dave and Debbie Spaetnagel, owners of Fleet Feet who sponsored a marathon and a half-marathon and designated Cystic Fibrosis as the lead charity recipient. Jack Burke and Tom Burke were instrumental in getting close to 100 volunteers to work the event. Just so happens this year’s races had over 5000 runners who participated, like Brian Wies and Jason Sandfort; with St. Charles native, Jackie PirtleHall, taking first place in the women’s half marathon. The Over the Top luncheon held to benefit the Crisis Nursery featuring honorary chair, Heidi Glaus, of KSDK-TV, Channel 5, took place at The Columns Banquet Center and was packed with hundreds of ladies who lunch for a cause, like Sandy Polley, Mary Russo, Linda Techmeyer, Jeanette Koechner, Nadine Boon, Nancy Hazelwood, Cathy Glosier, Kim Eglehoff, Lena Hartshorn, Heidi Sowatsky, and a few men, too, like Jack Banas, prosecuting attorney for St. Charles County, who was presented the Guardian Angle Award and Gaspare Calvaruso, who accepted the Children’s Champion Award on behalf of SSM St. Joseph Health Center. The co-chairs of the event, Connie Cissell, Debbie Faulkner, Elaine Kneemiller, Bee Morrell, Penny Rogers and Deb Smith were overjoyed when Marlene Gebhard, President of Shop-N-Save, presented a $10,000.00 check to the organization and Vince Blood, with UPS, presented a check for $25,000.00 from the UPS Foundation. Lindenwood University introduced our community, with the help of radio personality, Bob Ramsey, to new men’s head basketball coach, Brad Soderberg, at an early morning breakfast where over 100 college basketball enthusiasts, like County Executive Steve Ehlmann, Dr. Bernard DuBray, Barb Clark, Dale Brown, Ryan Robertson, Gary Melchior, Scott Queen, John Oldani, Francis Huss, and Ben Blanton, gathered to hear what plans the coach had in store for the Lindenwood Lions. A part of his game plan is based on five principles that we can all live by: Humility, Passion, Unity, Servant-hood and Thankfulness. Congratulations to Ron Ohmes, past CEO of Kirchner Brick, for receiving the Sibley Medallion of Honor from Lindenwood University. The exclusive award is presented annually to a person who has a deep commitment to Lindenwood University. Ron’s company provided over 5 million bricks during Lindenwood’s 15year construction burst. Until next time…I got my eyes on you. ■

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Take Care of Your Best Friend! Photos by Michael Schlueter

n November 2010, Missourians will have the opportunity to relieve the suffering of hundreds of thousands of dogs and puppies by voting YES on the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act but only if enough signatures are collected to placec this measure on the ballot. This reform would address some of the most inhumane practices at puppy mills. We need your help collecting signatures to put the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act on the ballot. For more information, visit or call 573-263-9226. ■


Grab the leash and your canine and head on down to Canine Cookies N Cream Dog Bakery. Sniff around, you'll be HAPPY you did and your canine will find something to BARK about to the neighborhood pups. We all love to pamper our pets and Canine Cookies N Cream Dog Bakery would like to help you with the spoiling in the best possible way, the Healthy Way. They offer: Hand dipped treats, Bulk cookies, Custom made cakes, Baskets and Unique Gifts. They are the bakery that all dog lovers can feel good about. Canine Cookies N Cream Dog Bakery 822 S Main Street (636) 443-2266

Information provided by Missourians for the Protection of Dogs.

After spoiling your dog, don’t forget to treat yourself to the The Corner Candy Shoppe. Come and experience the feel of the past. Complete with old fashion candy jars, you can buy candy by the piece or the pound. They have over 200 candies to choose from! Old fashion stick candy, rock candy, button candy, salt water taffy, hore hound, mary janes and much, much, more! Also includes a special Jelly Belly section, Yummy Earth Organic Candy, gift boxes and many special occasion gift sets. A specially selected SUGAR FREE section, all the taste without the sugar. They do special order candies for baby or bridal showers, wedding receptions, anniversary’s and banquets of all kinds! The Corner Candy Shoppe 409 S. Main St. (636) 724-8400 58 | S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E

by Henry Herbst, Don Roussin, and Kevin Kious ST LOUIS BREWS features hundreds of historical images, a full chronology of the city’s 200 year brewing history, fascinating profiles of more than 125 local breweries and capsules on the craft, regional and 19th century weiss beer breweries.

Reedy Press, Hardcover, 39.95

Available at Main Street Books 307 South Main | 636-949-0105



S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E | 59


Who’s in Charge of My Breasts? Story by Monica Adams

reast cancer is the top cancer killer of women globally, killing 500,000 annually. Knowing this, the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (U.S.P.S.T.) still recommends "against" routine mammograms for women in their 40's and suggests women 50 to 74 only get a mammogram every other year. The panel says it would sharply curtail the number of breast mammograms done in the United States, sparing women the worry of false alarms and the cost and trouble of extra tests. Critics, including the American College of Radiology, American Cancer Society, American Society of Breast Surgeons, Society of Breast Imaging and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, believe more women will die if they follow these recommendations. The guidelines are based largely on computer projections from six independent research groups in the United States and Europe. They predicted that screening women 50 to 69 every other year will catch nearly as many breast cancers, 81%, while producing half as many false positive results.


SSM St Charles Clinic Medical Group Breast Surgeon, Dr. Aislinn Vaughan, MD, has seen what many physicians around the country have experienced, which is an uproar from patients fearing they might not be able to get their mammograms or that insurers, both private and public, might use the recommendations to pare back health costs. Dr. Vaughan says since the story has fallen under the radar in the past three months she is no longer hearing that people think it may be politically motivated or has to do with healthcare reform, but now patients asking "do I really need to get mammograms" and this is what concerns her. Vaughan, along with her medical peers, continue to recommend mammograms at age 40 or earlier for those with a family history of breast cancer. She 60 | S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E

stressed since patients aren't in the back and forth discussions between all of the panels who disagree with these recommendations, they are only hearing what the U.S.P.S.T.F. is recommending. That same panel recommended that physicians should stop teaching women to do self exams because they could not find it reduced mortality rates. Dr. Vaughan says "it's scary because Medicare can use these recommendations from the U.S.P.S.T.F. to change their reimbursement and policies". That panel was made up of many health insurers, primary care physicians and

last recommendations in 2002 called for routine mammograms every one to two years for all women older than 40. Vaughan says "we know mammographies save lives in the 40's population, it's just that it takes more women to do these screenings for those lives to be saved". The American College of Radiology responded by saying we don't know how fast a cancer can grow...some may double in a month and some in a year. If you are one of the lucky ones in a slow growing cancer than Dr. Vaughan, says "yes screening every other year might be fine, but there's no way to know that". She goes on to say that "the chances that a cancer is going to be found on an every year basis is much better than an every other year least at a stage that we can hopefully prevent death from it". If you are a high risk woman, you are still encouraged to get a mammogram every year starting at least at the age of 40, but some younger than that. Dr. Vaughan also stresses for those high risk women to talk to their physicians about having high risk M.R.I.'s added to their screening. These are women who have a lifetime calculated risk of greater than 20 percent as opposed to the average woman's risk of 10 to 12 percent.

epidemiologists but as Dr. Vaughan says, "not a single radiologist, oncologist, breast surgeon or anyone who actually takes care of breast cancer patients". She goes on to say, "for the government to change their recommendations, based on non experts, seems counterintuitive and non scientific and is the physicians concern". The panels

The panel also said there is not enough evidence to say women over 74 benefit from mammograms because at that age, screening may be detecting cancers that will not ever kill a woman. Dr. Vaughan says, "the general idea is that if you have a predicted 5 to 10 year life expectancy, and you would treat your cancer if it was found, than you should continue to undergo screenings". Vaughan adds, "since the health of each 74 year old woman can vary so drastically it should become a decision between that patient and their doctor whether the benefits of mammograms are worth the risk".

Anxiety was a factor that came in to play with the false positive results. Eight to ten percent of women get called back for additional pictures, of those only a few are recommended biopsied and of the women who undergo biopsy, even a smaller few actually have cancer. Dr. Vaughan says, "the good thing about biopsies these days is that they're almost always able to be done as a needle biopsy, rather than a surgical biopsy, so it is very low risk and very low pain". She says "in no way do I want to minimize the anxiety but the advantage of trying to save lives from breast cancer certainly mitigates the anxiety factor". With regards to the physical exams; there are no studies showing that "regular" self exams save lives but as Dr. Vaughan says, "it reminds women to pay attention to their breasts and to notice changes that might not otherwise be noticed". Most breast cancers that are found by a woman feeling the lump are not found when they decide to do their monthly check, it is more so from when they randomly feel it. This is why the panel is saying checking your breast once a month doesn't find more cancers. Physicians teach the exams, not necessarily because it in itself finds breast cancer, but so that it reminds women to "know" their breasts, to get their mammograms annually and to get their friends, relatives, co-workers, etc. talking about it. A downside of checking your breast might bring you into your doctor's office to get a lump checked out but many believe a little anxiety can be weathered in order to save lives. So what's next, will guidelines change for men to be screened for prostate cancer? Where does it end? While these new breast cancer

recommendations come out, American women are being told they should get Pap smears to detect cervical cancer beginning at age 21, instead of three years after their first sexual experience, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Medical experts previously recommended that women receive their first Pap test no later than age 21, with annual checkups after that. The new guidelines call for checkups every two years for women who have not had any previous abnormalities. The group cited studies showing no increased risk of cancer developing in women in their 20's if they extended Pap screening from every year to every two years. In a positive light of changes coming, Full field digital mammography (FFDM) and computed radiography mammograms (CRM) are replacing film screen mammograms at a number of facilities. This technology is versatile and has the ability to gather more information than ever before. Post processing techniques, tomosynthesis, contrast subtraction, CAD and many more tools are available to help detect breast cancers. Dr. Vaughan is excited about the use of digital but says, "the downside is that each screening machine is 200 to 400 thousand dollars, making it tough for hospitals and imaging centers, in this current economic climate, to bring those machines in." Digital is a much more sensitive type of mammography, meaning you can see things better. Dr. Vaughan says this new way of screening can evaluate microcalcifications better and will improve the way they screen women, especially younger women who have denser breast tissue, which is harder to evaluate. The digital will allow them to see dense breasts better than they could in the old analog technology. ■

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Rock On Story by Robin Seaton Jefferson


ock icon Rick Springfield was not a popular teenager. Ironically for the man who made every young girl in the mid 1980s wish they were “Jessie’s Girl,” the Grammy-award-winner, singer, songwriter and actor said adolescence was for him a very traumatic time. “Music saved me,” he said. “Adolescence is the most traumatic time in anyone’s life other than dieing.” Springfield described himself as a sort of anti-social teen who was not so good at school. Springfield rocked the house at the American Liver Foundation’s 2010 Boogie Ball February 12 at Ameristar Casino Resort & Spa Conference Center. Springfield recently signed with Stacy Creamer, vice president and publisher of Touchstone Fireside, a division of Simon & Schuster, to write his memoir. Best known for his 17 Top-40 hits including the now classic number one song “Jessie’s Girl,” Springfield also played Dr. Noah Drake on ABC’s daytime soap “General Hospital” and a wickedly twisted version of himself on the Showtime hit series “Californication.” The memoir, dubbed “Late, Late at Night” after a line from “Jessie’s Girl” and Springfield’s life-long battle with depression, shares the candid story of Springfield’s initial rise, subsequent fall and his rise again in the music and entertainment business as well as in his life. The book will be published in October.

his family and to attempt to deal with the depression that had plagued him since his adolescence. The trip to St. Charles was not the star’s first to Missouri. In 2007, Springfield performed a benefit concert in Cape Girardeau for Sahara Aldridge, who was suffering from brain cancer. Aldridge died shortly afterward at the age of 14 and Springfield’s 2008 album, “Venus In Overdrive” is dedicated to her. Springfield is still “very good friends” with former girlfriend, actress Linda Blair. He often helps her with the charity she founded, “Linda Blair’s World Heart Foundation.” “We have a great relationship and we try to do our best for the dogs of the world,” he said. “Whether it’s kids or dogs, I will sign on to anything that makes a difference.” Springfield’s own dog, a “rescue mutt” named Scooby Gomer, passed away in January at the age of 15. Springfield won a Grammy in 1982 for Best Male Rock Vocal Performance for “Jessie’s Girl,” which reached number one on the billboard Hot 100 for two weeks, as well as the 1983 American Music Award for Favorite Pop/Rock Male Artists with John Cougar Mellencamp. But the mega star said he has his own favorite. It’s called “My Father’s Chair.” “I wrote it after my dad died of cancer. It was my memorial to my dad,” he said. Today the song is played at many graveside services and funerals.

The truth behind “Jessie’s Girl” is actually a rather simple one. While he was taking a stained glass class with a friend named Gary “Many of the things I have had to face in and his girlfriend, Springfield became ©Rick Springfield. All rights reserved. my life are universal issues; my lifelong infatuated with his friend’s girl. Springfield battle with depression, fear of failure, self claims he does not remember the name of doubt and my journey to overcome these,” the girlfriend, and says she probably has no idea she inspired the song, Springfield said. “There have been ups and downs in my life and reaching telling Oprah Winfrey, “I was never really introduced to her. It was always the milestone of my 60th birthday made me want to tell my story finally just, like, panting from afar.” and honestly. I seized the opportunity to tell my story in my own words, so those who may be going through similar things in their lives, can take To date, Springfield has sold over 19 million records. His most recent my experiences, grow from them and hopefully have a good laugh along studio album, “Venus in Overdrive,” debuted on the Billboard chart at the way.” number 28. Still, he maintains an active touring schedule playing 90 to 100 high-energy shows per year across the United States. Springfield dropped out of high school in 1967 to begin his professional music career as a singer and guitarist in the band “Pete Watson’s Rock He also released an album last year filled with modern lullabies he said he House.” The band changed its name to “MPD, Ltd.” in 1968 and toured wrote for his sons, now 20 and 24 years old. “My Precious Little One” is Vietnam to entertain troops stationed there. a collection of songs Springfield said spared him from “watching Barney 30,000 times.” A self-proclaimed “push over” as a parent, Springfield said By 1981, Springfield had secured a role on “General Hospital” and signed the album puts his heart out there for all to see. “I hope people can enjoy a contract with RCA Records after recording the album “Working Class it for what it is. It’s a very vulnerable record for me. I never intended for Dog.” everyone to listen. The songs are really something from my heart.” After releasing the album “Tao” in 1985, Springfield participated in the Live Aid charity concert. Soon after he took time off to spend time with

For more information on ■





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What? ... ... is new in Hearing Health Care?

Story by Robin Seaton Jefferson Photo by Michael Schlueter

earing Health Centers is a family-owned and operated audiology center with the goal of providing the rehabilitation of the hearing impaired. Mother-daughter team of audiologists, Dr. Carol Bergmann and Dr. Alison LeGrand, as well as associate Dr. Kate Sinks, provide hearing health care to all ages. Hearing Health Centers uses equipment with the latest technology in audiology, hearing aids and assistive listening devices.


An audiologist is a person who has a masters or doctoral degree in audiology—the science of hearing. An audiologist must be licensed or registered by their state to practice audiology. Hearing health care has changed significantly over the last several years with hearing aids becoming increasingly smaller, less noticeable and more sensitive to noise. Audiology testing equipment has also become more advanced to provide for the best fitting of hearing aids, said LeGrand. “Most advancements are found in hearing aid technology,” LeGrand said. “They now allow for wireless connections to televisions and telephones.” In addition, there are hearing aids that can completely eliminate background noise. Digital hearing aids are indeed complete computers. Custom-made hearing aids are made from ear molds, which are made from a cast of the ear or ear impression. This takes about 15 minutes and is done in the audiologist’s office.

LeGrand said for the general population, wax build-up can usually be taken care of with hydrogen peroxide drops or over-the-counter remedies, (never with Q-Tips), but for some people whose hearing and balance have been affected, an audiologist is needed. Assisted Listening Devices or ALDs are used when certain communication needs cannot be solved by the use of hearing aids alone, such as situations involving the use of the telephone, radio, television, door chimes, or alarm clocks. In CIC, ITC and ITE hearing aids, the receiver, microphone and amplifier are contained in a shell, which is worn in the ear. Completely-in-the-canal aids are the newest and smallest model available. They fit deep inside your ear canal so that they’re practically invisible. In-the-canal aids are small enough to fit almost entirely in your ear canal, making them hardly noticeable. In-the-ear aids fit within your outer ear and are the most widely recommended hearing aid style. The ear is divided into three parts: an external ear, middle ear and inner ear. Each part performs an important role in the process of hearing. LeGrand said some five thousand children are born profoundly deaf each year in the United States. Another 10 to 15 percent have a partial hearing handicap. So it’s important to have children’s hearing checked and to continue hearing health throughout life. For more information about Hearing Health Centers, call 636-3919622 or visit ■

“Generally, a family member or friend will notice first that a person needs to get a hearing test or the person themselves will notice they seem to be missing conversations, which will prompt them to seek help,” LeGrand said. The most common hearing problems are hearing loss due to noise exposure from hunting, power tools or other occupational hazards; ear infections; wax build-up; and hearing loss due to age. Hearing loss can also be caused by exposure to medications, infections, head or ear trauma, congenital or hereditary factors, diseases and a whole host of other causes. Tinnitus, a very common disorder, is an abnormal perception of a sound that is unrelated to an external stimulation. Often referred to as “ringing in the ears”, Tinnitus can also cause some people to hear hissing, roaring, whistling, chirping or clicking. It can be caused by various lesions and from different sites of the ear canal. “Generally, most patients will not need any medical treatment for their Tinnitus,” LeGrand said. “For patients who are greatly affected by Tinnitus, they may use some masking techniques such as listening to a fan or radio which would mask some of the noise.” Dr. Allison LeGrand with patient 64 | S T R E E T S C A P E M A G A Z I N E









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