Edgars Club Magazine November 2018 - Health News

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club NOVEMBER 2018








thE LatEst hEaLth aNd WELLNEss NEWs. bY JocELYN stIEbEL

too MuCH oF A gooD tHing…

is not a good thing. Some nutrition experts are saying that there is such a thing as eating too much healthy food. Foods with carotene (the orange pigment in veggies like carrots and sweet potatoes) are good for you, yes, but too much of it can turn your skin orange! Excessive fibre can result in gas and bloating, and can block the absorption of some nutrients. And while protein is essential for you, too much protein can stress out your liver and kidneys, as well as increase the risk of osteoporosis.


A global study led by Keele University in England shows that people who sleep for more than eight hours a night are at a greater risk of mortality and cardiovascular disease than people who sleep for seven hours or less. Researchers were eager to learn whether it was more harmful to sleep more or less than the recommended sleep duration of seven to eight hours. What’s more, the study showed that people who sleep for 10 hours increase their risk of death from stroke by 56%.


It has been found that excessive probiotic use can result in the build up of bacteria in the small intestine which can result in both brain fogginess and significant belly bloating. The reason? D-lactic acid, produced by the probiotic bacteria’s fermentation of sugars, is known to be temporarily toxic to brain cells, which leads to fogginess, and an overgrowth of probiotic bacteria in the gut leads to a bloated belly. Doctors’ advice is to treat probiotics as a drug and not a food supplement. 86 NoVEMbEr 2018

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The thicker the better

According to King’s College in London, the way people typically apply sunscreen doesn’t provide the best protection from ultraviolet radiation. People generally tend to apply a thin layer of sunscreen when out in the sun, instead of the required 2mg/cm2 that manufacturers use to achieve their SPF rating. Results showed that sunscreen with an SPF 50 applied in the typical way would, at best, provide 40% of the expected protection. So don’t be afraid to lather on your SPF for the ultimate protection this summer.

Yoga poses for back pain images: gallo images/getty images & supplied

You don’t even need to leave the comfort of your home to benefit from these simple poses

Cat and cow: Get on your hands and knees, your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Lengthen your spine, then inhale while arching your back, looking forward. Exhale and round your back, looking toward your naval. Repeat for 10 cycles or until your back pain eases. Low-lunge variation: Stand in a lunge position with your right foot forward. Put your left hand on the floor as far to the left as possible while keeping your hips square and your front knee over your foot. Swing your right arm alongside your right ear and turn

your chest upwards. Look under the top of your arm toward the ceiling. Hold the pose for several breaths and repeat on the other side. Dead bug: On your back, bend both knees in toward your chest and hold your shins just below your knees. Widen your knees enough to cradle your torso. Flex your feet, press your shins up against your hands and move them away from your chest, enough to feel a slight arch in your lower back. Breathe fully and imagine your back swelling up like a parachute. Hold still or rock from side to side.

Bugging out

Ever thought of crickets for dinner? Recent studies show that the consumption of crickets will support the growth of healthy gut bacteria as well as reduce inflammation in your body, not to mention being an excellent source of protein, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. Now you know what to cook up for dinner next time you’re out of ideas!

SAVE On your monthly Run/Walk For Life membership fee! Edgars Club VIP and Edgars Club Life members only pay R150 per month (instead of R260). The monthly fee also includes access to eatForLife at no extra cost! Visit edgarsclub.co.za for more information. Terms and conditions apply.



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