Isle Of Man Dental Tracey Bell Spreads Smiles... ... as Children of Chernobyl’s Dental Health Improves again this 2012. Contact: Phone: 0151 707 0340
For the past 11 years, the children of Chernobyl have attended the Tracey Bell Clinic and it’s smiles all round as their oral health has improved dramatically again this year. The clinic’s Dr. Ivan Santa with his flock of hygienists in the guise of Gail Roberts, Phil Lucas and Sam Bestall, took to the challenge with ease and flair- the team set about like an army of tooth fairies, polishing, scaling and whistling as they worked. The children visit the clinic because of the valuable work of the IOM charity Friends of Chernobyl, and they will hopefully continue their dental visits with the continued support of the islanders. Dr.Tracey Bell, CEO enthuses ‘Nowadays the story is so different’, she smiles, ‘to see the children now smiling with an array of white healthy 1