Gastech 2012 London

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UK | ExCeL London | 8-11 October 2012

Hosted by

UK | ExCeL London | 8-11 October 2012

Fuelling the future by investing in Gas


8-11 October 2012

ExCeL London | UK

Welcome We are delighted to be hosting the 26th edition of the Gastech conference and exhibition in London 2012. As one of the world’s most significant gas events, we look forward to welcoming all of the industry’s key players and decision-makers for a four-day event that promises to deliver significant business opportunities and networking at the highest level. Sir Frank Chapman, BG Group, Chief Executive

Now celebrating its 39th year, Gastech continues to serve the commercial and technical gas industry by encouraging growth, innovation and thoughtprovoking discussion. We are pleased to welcome our new hosts BG Group and are delighted to be bringing the event to ExCeL London. The UK has a proud history of delivering engineering and technical excellence and is widely considered the global hub for project finance and trading. One of Europe’s principal LNG consumers and one of a handful of countries with the experience, skill base and technological prowess to do so, the UK provides reliability on a world-class scale. The event and the LNG and natural gas marketplace have changed immeasurably since the first Gastech. We pay homage to this today with a broader content base than ever before - drilling even deeper into key issues, reporting on new developments and projects and sharing insights and knowledge. The exhibition floor is incredibly diverse and the new Centres of Technical Excellence (CoTEs) will deliver specialist engineers a new experience and depth of understanding about industry innovation. Over 300 exhibitors will then provide the products and services to match. I am also delighted to announce the launch of ignite!, an exciting new event running alongside Gastech dedicated to personal training and growth, recruitment and workforce development. In the conference our Governing Body and co-chairs Chris Clucas and Paul Sullivan will steer us towards another compelling independent programme bringing together business leaders from around the world. Powerfully supported by our VIP programme, Gastech 2012 is set to be another huge success and we looking forward to welcoming you to London in autumn of next year.

Jason Franks Executive Vice President Energy Division – Gastech Portfolio dmg :: events

8-11 October 2012

ExCeL London | UK


About Gastech Gastech is the global meeting place for energy professionals working in the natural gas industry. Operating on an 18 month cycle, the 26th edition of Gastech will take place at the award-winning ExCeL Conference & Exhibition Centre in London’s Docklands, 8-11 October 2012. Originally set up to bring together the technical decision-makers involved in LNG and LPG shipping, Gastech now attracts the major technical and commercial players from around the world to meet, discuss and exchange ideas affecting the upstream, midstream, downstream and power generation sectors of the industry. With increasing commitment from the global community to reduce carbon emissions, decarbonise, and move to gas fired power generation, Gastech addresses the importance now being placed on gas as a critical source of clean fuel for the 21st Century.

A History of Gastech: 2012 – London, UK 2011 – Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2009 – Abu Dhabi, UAE 2008 – Bangkok, Thailand 2006 – Abu Dhabi, UAE 2005 – Bilbao, Spain 2002 – Doha, Qatar 2000 – Houston, USA 1998 – Dubai, UAE 1996 – Vienna, Austria 1994 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1993 – Paris, France 1990 – Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Gastech is: • The world’s leading commercial and technical gas conference • Celebrating its 39th year serving the gas industry • Organised by the industry for the industry • Featuring over 400 international exhibitors • Supported by 35 leading associations • Partnered with the foremost publications from across the industry

1988 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1986 – Hamburg, Germany 1979 – Houston, USA 1978 – Monaco 1976 – New York, USA 1975 – Paris, France 1974 – Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1973 – London, UK 1972 – London, UK


8-11 October 2012

ExCeL London | UK


A must-attend for anyone operating in the global gas industry, the Gastech conference brings the world’s professional gas community together, to understand the issues impacting our business today and in the future. An important meeting place, Gastech offers delegates face-to-face networking at the very highest level. The conference features more than 120 of the industry’s most prominent speakers and representatives, and is comprised of ministerial keynotes, addresses, commercial, technical and specialty presentations, question and answer sessions and panel debates.

Governing Body The Gastech Governing Body comprises of: Co Chairman: Chris Clucas Commercial Director Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement Ltd. Co Chairman: Paul Sullivan Director of Global LNG and FLNG Worley Parsons Chris Finlayson Executive Director and Managing Director, BG Advance BG Group Charles Durr Gas Monetization Development KBR De la Rey Venter Head of Global LNG Shell Noel Tomnay Head of Global Gas Wood Mackenzie Paul Sibal Chief Process Engineer ExxonMobil Production Company Bill Wayne General Manager SIGTTO Mikhail Barkov Vice-President Transneft Hans-Joerg Rudloff Chairman of the Executive Committee Barclays Capital Ieda Gomes Head of New Ventures BP Gas, Asia & Middle East Elizabeth Spomer Senior Vice President, Business Development BG Group Georg Krude Senior Vice President Strategy Gas Supply E.ON Ruhrgas AG

8-11 October 2012

ExCeL London | UK

Guy Broggi Senior Advisor to Director LNG Total SA Heather Rodgers Chief Procurement Officer Centrica Bill Sember Vice President ABS Patrick Olinma General Manager Nigeria LNG David Messersmith Manager of LNG Technology and Services Group Bechtel Brian Price Vice President, LNG Technology Black & Veatch Graham Moore Senior Commercial Adviser Chevron Global Gas David Brookes Chief Engineer, Subsea & Floating Systems BP PLC Deborah Turner Director LNG Braemar Shipping Services James Ball Director Gas Strategies Jan Van Aken Secretary General EFET (European Federation of Energy Traders) Daniel Hec Secretary General Marcogaz Walter Boltz Chairman of Gas Group ERGEG (European Regulators Group for Electricity & Gas) Beate Raabe Secretary General Eurogas Thierry Rouaud Secretary General CEDIGAZ Fereidun Fesharaki Chairman & CEO FACTS Global Energy Group Iain MacNeil Managing Director Witherby’s Seamanship



8-11 October 2012

ExCeL London | UK

The Conference Day 1 Monday 8 October Morning Session • Opening Ministerial Speech • Keynote Speech • Executive Leadership Panel – Debating “A Golden Age for Gas?” • Inspirational Speaker • Exhibition Opened by VIP Tour Afternoon Session • The Regional Executive Leadership Panels: - Europe – Debating “Security of Supply Vs. Liberalisation” - Asia Pacific – Debating “Meeting Demand Growth” - The Americas – Debating “From Demand Sink to Supplier?”

Day 2 Tuesday 9 October • Commercial Streams • Technical Streams • EFET Streams: “Gas Trading, Origination & Regulation”

Day 3 Wednesday 10 October • Commercial Streams • Technical Streams • Financing & Legal Streams: “Financing Gas Supply & Infrastructure Stream”

Day 4 Thursday 11 October Morning Session • Special Energy Panel Debate: “The Energy Dilemma” Conference Closes

8-11 October 2012

ExCeL London | UK

Executive Leadership Opening Day Monday 8th October Have we Entered the Golden Age for Gas? Gastech continues to respond to demands from delegates for refreshing, dynamic and open content by evolving the first day of the conference further. Building on the success of the well-received Executive Leadership Panel Debate on the first morning in Amsterdam in 2011, the conference in London will continue this theme by dedicating all of Monday 8th October to a host of global and regionally-specific leadership panel discussions that encompass the international gas community. As delivered in Amsterdam, the opening morning at Gastech London will welcome opening keynotes from senior industry and political representatives, before breaking into a global gas leadership panel debate examining: “Have we Entered the Golden Age for Gas?” Once concluded, the Exhibition Floor will be opened at midday by a wealth of international VIPs who will then tour selected stands. All conference delegates will be welcome to tour the Exhibition Floor before taking lunch. Upon resumption in the afternoon, all delegates will then regroup in the main Auditorium for our new, exclusive, hour-long Regional Leadership Panels. These panels mirror the morning session and will welcome speakers at the highest level representing key gas suppliers, consumers, politicians, and global engineering companies. The themes for the three special hour-long sessions will be: “Europe: Security of Supply versus Liberalisation” “The Americas: From Demand Sink to Supplier?” “Asia-Pacific: Meeting Demand Growth”

Additional Streams Gas Trading, Origination & Regulation

We have agreed with the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET) to build upon last year’s success of the “Gas Trading, Origination & Regulation” day, by developing another of these days for 2012. Themes will again include: The impacts of the ‘Third Package’ & ACER on European energy Increased need for improved infrastructure to enhance security of supply Hubs & trading issues Power generation & utilities

Financing Gas Supply & Infrastructure Session themes to include: Securitisation (projects such as Nabucco/South Stream/Norway LNG) Infrastructure & ownership Project finance Legal & Contractual Mergers & Acquisition



8-11 October 2012

ExCeL London | UK

The Call for Papers Commercial Sessions:

Technical Sessions:

1. Natural Gas & LNG Project Developments • Supply & infrastructure project developments • New realities for LNG – new opportunities for LNG moving forwards • Pipelines

1. Gas Shipping, Storage & Transport Operations • Safety developments & regulatory updates • Accident prevention & “Lessons Learned” in safety (onshore & offshore) • Innovations in shipping & containment technology

2. Market Outlook • The development of global & regional supply & demand • Global market dynamics • Implications of economic realities on supply & infrastructure development 3. Connecting East & West • Infrastructure development specific to east-west linkages • Growth of gas demand in China & India • LNG supply & new market opportunities 4. Gas Contracting & Trading • Impact of new LNG supplies on pricing • Trading models in Asia-Pacific & Atlantic Basin • Future development in European hub pricing 5. Gas Monetisation • Gas-to-Liquids – projects, complexity, viability • Gas demand and initiatives in the transport and industrial sector • Future role & competitiveness of gas 6. Unconventional Gas • Latest developments of international projects • Addressing challenges of international unconventional gas growth • Potential impact of UCG on market dynamics 7. Gas Storage • Role of storage to enhance market flexibility • Security of storage & improving infrastructure • Carbon capture & storage (CCS)

Call for Papers is scheduled to close 31st January, 2012.

2. Unconventional Gas • Technology practices & advances to address environmental issues • Hydraulic fracturing & produced water • Latest innovations for effective & viable gas production 3. Floating LNG • Latest international projects & developments • FSRU and FPSO technology & application • Case studies & project updates 4. Advances in Gas Technology • LPG, Chemical Gas, CNG & LNG production • Gas hydrates • Carbon capture & storage (CCS) technology 5. LNG as Fuel • LNG as commercial fuel ashore • LNG as fuel for the commercial shipping & transport sectors • Storing, delivering & handling LNG for marine fuel 6. Fuelling the Future – Talent Development • Recruitment & retention • Future career development prospects • Why work in the gas industry?

To submit a paper for Gastech 2012, please visit: Alternately, if you have any questions or technical issues regarding the 2012 call for papers, you may contact or call +44 (0) 203 180 6574.

8-11 October 2012

ExCeL London | UK


VIP Programme

National Oil Companies, International Oil Companies, and Governmental representation forms a core around which the global gas industry revolves. For London 2012, Gastech is working with the UK government and our hosts, BG Group, to welcome select VIPs from across the globe representing the international gas and energy community at the highest levels. Opening the international exhibition before lunch on Monday 8th October, this special delegation of VIPs will then publically tour the hall, visiting a selection of our exhibitors.

Become a Gastech 2012 Delegate Early Bird Rate ends 29.02.2012 - £1,999 Spring Rate ends 30.06.2012 - £2,249 Full Delegate Rate ends 07.10.2012 - £2,499 call: +44 (0) 203 180 6593 email:

Student Programme

Now entering into its sixth year, the Gastech Student Programme allows us to introduce the natural gas industry to the next generation of engineers, by providing a unique opportunity for 60 university students to gain an insight into the oil and gas industry. Participating students are carefully selected by the Governing Body based on their CV’s and academic background. Students take part in a specially designed programme, where they hear first hand from senior speakers about the challenges and opportunities facing the industry, as well as on advice on how to begin their own career. As part of the Gastech experience, the selected students will also receive access to the main conference, exhibition and ignite!

It was interesting to learn how people have developed their career in the industry and motivating to learn that despite all the time they have spent in this sector, they are still so passionate about it. This gave me an extra boost of reassurance that this industry is just as exciting as I had envisioned and it is where I want to develop my career. Liz Simpson, MSc. Energy Trade and Finance, City University, London, UK


8-11 October 2012

ExCeL London | UK

Exhibition Serving the full Gas Supply Chain Upstream Covering all aspects of upstream production, from unconventional gases, ultra-deepwater plays and challenging frontiers through to drilling, completions and subsea engineering, Gastech 2012 provides the ideal platform for senior professionals working in the upstream sector to discuss and discover the latest innovations, advances in production and crucial concerns of the industry. The upstream element of Gastech incorporates many important processes including Exploration, Drilling completion, Facilities Management, Reservoir Management and Health & Safety.

Subsea and Offshore: Marine Seismic Surveying, Offshore Drilling Technology, Enhanced Recovery, Instruments and Control, Flow Assurance, Landing String Services, Lift Systems, Marine Equipment and Services, Offshore Platforms, Offshore Well Equipment/Services, Power Supply, Process Equipment, Pump Equipment, Safety Equipment, Ships Vessels Equipment, Technical, Lab and Computer Services, Pipelines, Valves, Subsea Manifolds, Subsea Tree Systems, Subsea to Subsurface

Drilling Technology: Coiled Tubing, Measurement While Drilling, Slimhole Drilling, Logging while Drilling, Drilling Technology, Well Services and Control, Hydraulic Fracturing, Horizontal Drilling, Casing, Rigs

Production and Technology: Gas Turbines, Compressors, Steam Turbines, Drives, Heat Exchangers, Control and Safety Valves, Steam Condensers, Product Installation, Maintenance, Centrifugal Pumps Reservoir Management: Operations, Development, Well Completion Technologies

Exploration and Production: Computer Hardware and Software, Data Storage, Seismic Instruments, Geophysical Services and Equipment, Gas Origination Upstream Exhibitors Include:

Most of the companies that are involved in the gas industry get together to discuss technical, commercial and geopolitical subjects, so it’s a very exciting venue to be at Ieda Gomes, Vice President, BP Asia & Middle East

8-11 October 2012

ExCeL London | UK


Midstream Examining the relationships between upstream activities with downstream markets is critical to understanding the strategic and financial drivers of the midstream sector. From pipeline construction and expansions, gas processing, storage and new technologies, to transport, environmental impact, regulation and project finance. Gastech 2012 provides the ideal platform for professionals within the sector to source partners and suppliers, conduct business and ultimately discuss innovative strategies that will streamline business and raise top line profitability.

Pipelines: Pipeline Projects Procurement, Technical and Commercial challenges for Major Pipeline Projects, Onshore Pipeline Technology, Offshore Pipeline Technology, Safety and Security Management, Route Design and Planning, Pipeline Operations, Construction, Excavation, Damage Management, Corrosion, Welding, Maintenance and Repair, Coating Materials, Inspection Management, Integrity Management, Environmental Health and Safety, and Valves

FLNG: Offloading Technologies - Ship-To-Ship, Tandem & Cryogenic Hose transfer, Containment Systems - ADBT, Moss System & Sloshing, Liquefaction Technologies - Liquefaction requirements, Power Requirements, The challenge of Sour Gas, & Critical Equipment selection, Energy Companies, Floating Production, Storage and Offloading Operators/Designers, Floating Storage, Regasification Unit Operators, Shipyards, Marine Engineers, Systems Providers and Financier

Shipping: Tender Management, Chartering, Contracting, Safety, Mooring and Jetty Infrastructure, Cargo-Handling Equipment, LNG Regasification Vessels, Floating Storage and Regasification Units (FSRUs), Ship-to-Ship transfers, LNG Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Vessels, Q-flex and Q-max LNG Carrier Liquefaction Midstream Exhibitors Include:

Gastech is a vehicle for bringing all of the gas experts and gas marketers around the world into a single location; it plays a key role in bringing colleagues together and having those face-to-face discussions. You really just can’t get that communication done or provided by other mechanisms Paul Sibal, Chief Engineer, ExxonMobil



8-11 October 2012

ExCeL London | UK

Downstream The downstream industry connects the gas industry to the consumer market. Originally set up to bring together the technical decision-makers involved in LNG and LPG shipping, the Gastech audience has expanded to incorporate all areas of the downstream industry; from transportation, shipping, processing and storage, to trading, legislation and distribution, Gastech will be the key meeting place for all areas of the downstream sector. Gastech 2012 will provide the ideal platform for senior professionals working in the downstream sector to discuss and discover more concerning the latest innovations, advances and crucial concerns of the industry. Terminals, Regasification, Storage and Trading:

Terminals: Gas Turbine Packages for Power Generation, Turbo Expanders, Air Cooled Heat Exchangers, Control & Safety Valves, Product Installation & Maintenance Services

Storage: Aquifer Reservoirs, Salt Cavern Reservoirs, Depleted Gas Reservoirs, Underground Storage, Carbon Capture Storage (CCS), Cryogenics,

Trading: Trading Systems, Active Trading Programs, Carbon Credits, Emission Permits & Transfer of Permits, Economic Incentives Utilities: Refineries, Gas Processing, Transportation, Plants, Safety Equipment

Legal / Policy: Commercial Management, Contracts, Health and Safety, Governmental Policy, Associations and Government Bodies, Markets, Prices and Optimisation Downstream Exhibitors Include:

Gastech is a unique gathering because it brings together the technical and the commercial leaders in the industry and that’s an important alchemy. I think it’s also important as we look to increase the advocacy for gas; this could be an important forum to help do that. Elizabeth Spomer – VP Regional Business Development, BG Group USA

8-11 October 2012

ExCeL London | UK

Show Features Centres of Technical Excellence The Gastech Centres of Technical Excellence (CoTEs) are free exhibition-floor venues dedicated to the presentation of technological innovation and dispersal of knowledge throughout the global natural gas industry. First introduced at Amsterdam in 2011 with two theatres, for 2012 the CoTEs are increasing to three theatres, each hosting a set of seminar sessions (a ‘stream’) per day of the exhibition that will provide a comprehensive and expert look at many of the issues concerning technical gas professionals internationally. These twelve CoTE streams will be themed around the topics of: Gas Processing Unconventional Gas FLNG Cryogenics Subsea Technology Offshore Technology Power Generation Safety & Regulation Project Delivery Pipelines & Transmission UK Innovation

LNG Innovation: Small/Mid-Scale Projects and as a Shipping Fuel

Best of British Innovation and Services at Gastech ‘Best of British’ is the working title for the umbrella under which Gastech, with the support of UK Trade & Investment will present a showcase for British technical excellence and innovation. To complement the international exhibitors and the conference papers covering global issues Gastech will always shape itself to serve and represent the local issues, interests and expertise of the host nation. Stimulating global interest in British trade, industry & expertise it also represents, for UK based companies, a global trade mission on your doorstep. The constituent elements under this umbrella are: A product and innovation showcase CoTE session topics addressing procurement best practices and UK innovation A UK exhibitor pavilion giving access to our attendees for small and medium sized UK companies Various networking functions including the opportunity to meet with major producers and EPC



8-11 October 2012

ExCeL London | UK

ignite! career development UK | ExCeL London | 9–10 October 2012

New to the Gastech exhibition, ignite! is a concurrent personal and workforce development programme for the gas industry based around career progression and training.

Ignite is specifically designed for: Employers looking to recruit motivated, skilled, relevant job seekers.

Business leaders and HR teams looking for professional training and a means to manage their HR and workforce development strategies.

Employees looking to improve their skills through a range of CPD accredited training courses provided by key associations within the industry.

Skilled job seekers looking to meet with HR teams and recruiters from some of the best known organisations in the Oil & Gas sphere.

Sourcing partners who share our ambition to invest in the gas industry and community, ignite! will provide free cutting-edge training opportunities for employees and students in addition to a forum for recruitment from amongst the industry’s top graduates and professionals, helping to ensure the continued health of the sector and ongoing growth in its members. Association partners who are at the forefront of the industry will support Gastech in providing classes and certified courses aimed at giving a valuable experience to Gastech participants. Some of these include:

The National Skills Academy, will deliver a number of technical training programmes focused on transmission systems.

OPITO, the Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organisation, will engage with North Sea producers to run workshops with their trainers aimed at optimising workforce development in the sector.

The Energy Institute, will produce a two-day accredited training course centred on LNG, at which attendees will be able to earn CPD points to go towards their personal development plans.

Oil Careers, the largest recruitment medium in the energy industry, which will mediate job opportunities and provide advice on career moves and CV workshops.

With many more partnerships focused on the enrichment of both the Gastech experience and individual careers on a broader scale, ignite! promises to be a invaluable addition to the show for businesses, professionals and new entrants to the sector. Sponsored by

Strategic Partnerships

How to get involved: Book exhibition space and meet highly skilled job seekers: contact Paul Sinclair +44 (0) 203 180 6576 • Attend cutting edge workshops • Register your interest to attend • Register your place as a job seeker

8-11 October 2012

ExCeL London | UK


Exhibitors & Sponsors Include:

Associations & Partners Include:

Media Partners Include:


8-11 October 2012


ExCeL London | UK

Gastech 2011 Audience Profile Gastech attracts almost 10,000 industry professionals from around the world, who control in excess of £8 billion in spend on the products and services exhibiting companies provide. Based on comprehensive independent research: Conference delegates stated they expected to spend 20% of their annual purchasing budget with Gastech exhibitors Three-quarters of the Gastech exhibition visitors were likely to do business with contacts they met at the show 68% of Gastech’s exhibition visitors did not attend any other gas event in the last three years 88% of visitors had responsibility to authorise a purchase 79% of visitors came to meet new potential suppliers 32% of attendees found a new business supplier as a direct result of attending

Job titles Chairman / President / CEO Commercial / Business Development / Trader Manager Analyst / Consultant / Financial / Legal Technical Directors / Managers / Engineers / R&D Project Directors / General / Operations Other Directors / Managers Purchasing / Buyer / Manager

31% 24% 14% 13% 8% 6% 4%

Visitors attended from the entire value chain Downstream Midstream Upstream NA / None of these

39 38 33 29

Influence on purchasing Influence Authorise None Specify

46% 29% 12% 13%

Visitors who have purchased from or are likely to invest with Gastech exhibitors as a result of attending Gastech: Yes No

61% 39%

Visitors were interested in a wide range of company types Oil & Gas Equipment LNG/LPG/GTL/CNG Production & Marketing International Oil & Gas Company (IOC) Plants, Terminals, Transmission & Gas Storage National Oil & Gas Company (NOC)

52% 43% 40% 38% 38%

Data taken from a sample of voice verified customers

Exhibitor profile Gastech exhibitors span multiple areas within the natural gas industry such as: Association/Regulatory Bodies • Classification Societies • Consultancies • Drilling Contractors • EPC/LEAD Contractors • Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers • Exploration & Production Companies • Financiers/Banks • Geosciences • International Oil & Gas Companies • Legal Services • LNG/LPG Shipping Operators • LNG/ LPG Production & Marketing • National Oil & Gas Companies • Pipeline Technology, Maintenance & Operations • Plants, Terminals & Storage Operations • Power Generation/Utility Companies • Processing • Research & Development • Safety Equipment & Training Providers • Service Companies • Shipbuilders/Yards • Traders Source: Gastech 2011 Visitor Survey conducted by Vivid Research

8-11 October 2012

ExCeL London | UK


88% of visitors had responsibility to authorise a purchase 79% of visitors came to meet new potential suppliers 32% of attendees found a new business supplier as a direct result of attending Innovation, technology and networking are key visitor motivators Meet potential / new business partners 56% Meet existing business partners 46% To keep up to date with new products and technology 45% To meet up with colleagues in the industry 43% Obtain general information / literature 39% Came to have meetings with suppliers, clients or stakeholders 30% Looking for innovation 30% To see a specific business supplier/s 28% I was requested to attend by my company 15% To source a specific product / service 11% Data taken from a sample of voice verified customers

Attendees visited from 75 countries Europe Africa Asia North America South America Australia

37% 18% 14% 11% 10% 10%

Attendee job titles Chairman/President/CEO Commercial/Business Development/Trader Manager Technical Director/Buyer/Procurer/Other Management Analyst/Consultant/Financial/Legal Project Director/General/Operations

31% 24% 23% 14% 8%

A senior and engaged audience Lead Process Engineer Chairman/President/COO/CEO/VP/HD Commercial/Business Development Director/Manager Head of Technology Technical Director/Manager Operations Director/Manager Project Manager Research & Development Other Director/Manager

28% 17% 16% 14% 11% 4% 4% 3% 3%

Source: Gastech 2011 Visitor Survey conducted by Vivid Research

For Sponsorship and Exhibition Enquiries please contact: Paul Sinclair, Sales Director Elly Shirkhan, Senior Sales Executive Simon Ford, Senior Sales Executive

Gastech 2012 Exhibition Pricing:

+44 (0) 203 180 6576 +44 (0) 203 180 6531 +44 (0) 207 005 2894

Shell Scheme ÂŁ525m2

Space Only ÂŁ465m2

Our city ranks within the top 10 destinations in the world for international congresses and is truly capable of delivering an event of the magnitude and scale of Gastech. It is a city where the world connects with more destinations, accessible in less time than any other international city. ExCeL London has cemented its reputation as the leading conference & events venue for London and the UK, making it in the ideal facility to deliver a world class event such as Gastech.


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