Fall mini cleanse e book

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Eat to Thrive Eat to Thrive 7 Day Cleanse 7 Day Mini Cleanse


Medical Disclaimer All information contained in this manual is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. It is recommended to check with your healthcare provider before beginning any type of diet or exercise program. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation or advice of your physician or healthcare provider. This is not medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and and consult your physician before purchasing this or any health related service or product. I do not recommend the self-management of health problems. Information obtained by using my services is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions or their treatment. Should you have any healthcare related questions, please seek out your physician or other healthcare provider promptly. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

Welcome to the Eat to Thrive Cleanse I am so psyched you decided to take charge of your health. There is nothing more precious on this planet than your body. Cleansing is essential to keep it running smoothly and in optimal condition. You wouldn’t really want to hop on an airplane that hasn’t been serviced in years, would you? Cleansing is a service we give to ourselves. A service of honor and respect to the most magnificent machine ever created, your body. You have a choice on which body to step into every moment of the day. What are you choosing? A cute outfit full of toxins because it’s trendy? Or do you choose the classic subtle outfit of nourishment and selflove that never goes out of style? There’s always a choice. You can choose: • to put the most nutrient-dense foods in your body. • to put the most kind and peaceful thoughts in your mind. • to create the most serene landscape in your environment. • to create more space and freedom in your schedule. This simple 7 Day Mini Cleanse will help stimulate your body’s natural ability to burn fat, release toxins, reduce cravings and support proper digestion. And lucky you! You get to eat the entire time! This is not a time of deprivation, but a time of nourishing the body and opening up to the possibilities of a new mindset on how to care for your body and mind. It’s about taking a time out to check in. When we don’t take the time to reevaluate and simplify what we’re putting in our bodies, how we’re moving through life and what habits we’ve acquired, we unconsciously go in whatever direction the patterns take us. Pause. Slow down. Reflect. What “outfit” do you want to wear today? Let’s clean out the closet. Rid yourself of outdated habits. Empty the cabinets of toxic overload. Clear your space of clutter and open to expanded consciousness. Ground yourself in the freedom of choice. Are you tired of your own B.S.? Prepared for a transformation? Ready to shift your shit? Giddy up…

Contents Introduction Chapter 1 – Preparing to Cleanse Chapter 2 – Cleansing and the Fall Season Chapter 3 – What to Expect During a Cleanse Chapter 4 – Cleanse Guidelines Chapter 5 – Meals Chapter 6 – Recipes Chapter 7 – Emerging Conclusion

Introduction It’s about nourishment…not deprivation In the next 7 days, you will have an opportunity to cleanse, restore and rejuvenate both your body and your mind from the inside out. This minicleanse is designed to begin to discover your body’s natural rhythm and learn how to adjust and attune it to the rhythm of nature. The daily menu is a simple baseline to start you on the path of a diet that you co-create that is made of seasonal whole foods that strengthen the digestive system and nourish the body. There are more intense cleanses and detoxes with more rules and guidelines…let’s keep this one simple and easy to navigate. During the cleanse you will not only uplevel your body, but also your environment. You will embrace better routines in your kitchen to nourish yourself. You’ll clean up your act on many levels. You will desire to purge the stuff taking up space that’s cluttering your mind and not earning its keep. Start where you are. you can be a beginner…you can be an expert. You will go on an exploration within and on this journey you will acquire tools that will fundamentally and absolutely change the way you grow. Our habits determine our health. Become the architect of your destiny. Small changes can create the biggest impact.

Embrace slowing down. Embrace more silence. Embrace simplicity.


1 Preparing to cleanse Setting yourself up for success

Your anchor‌

This keeps you tethered to your goals.

What is your WHAT?

What do you want? This is specific and measurable.

What is your WHY?

WHY do you want your what? WHY are you showing up for this? Dig deep.

Who is your WHO?

See yourself at the end of this cleanse. This is your potential. WHO is this person? How does she/he feel?

2 Cleansing and the Fall Season Why this time of year?

FAll is a great ,me to do a cleanse. This is a simple cleanse that is an easy way to buer your health and protect your well-being for the coming months and beyond. At the pivotal shi>s in seasons (Fall and Spring) cleansing and detoxing are an essen,al part of preparing the body and mind for the more extreme seasons (Winter and Summer). In the fall, we start to adapt to the changing environment around us. We use a cleanse to release the body of excess heat and toxins accumulated in the body over the summer months. We aFune ourselves with nature and become more introspec,ve. We contract. We start to move towards more darkness as the sun sets earlier and becomes lower in the sky. Connect with your intui,on and become aware of the natural tendency to take more rest, sit in silence and reect.


What to expect during a cleanse

Moving through resistance and getting out of your own way

During your cleanse, a few good things may arise for you: A feeling of lightness due to the quality of foods A feeling of being more rested due to tuning out to tune in. You can experience more efficient bowel movements. An increased need to clear out the clutter and purge old bad behaviors.

Or‌some interes,ng things to become curious about: Old emotions may arise as toxins are being released. Bouts of spaciness Some people experience an extra thick coating on their tongue or metal taste in their mouth. Some people may experience a breakout on their skin as the body is cleansing. (the skin is our largest organ of detoxification)

Listen intuitively to your body. Some of the practices and recipes may not appeal to you. Let your inner guide lead the way. If you feel stressed over any part of this program‌do some investigating. Sometimes our resistance is brought on as a safety mechanism to the ego. We are set in our ways. The ego likes it that way. But if your current habits and choices do not align with why you are here and where you are going, the ego can create some tension. Ease in and allow yourself time to explore this growing edge. On the other side may be bliss!

4 Guidelines

General ways to enhance the effects of your cleanse

what is your constitution?

example of a 7 day dosha diet

To enhance the cleanse,

DAILY PRACTICES To achieve even beFer results from your cleanse, incorporate the following as part of your daily rou,ne: • Hydrate and sleep • Arise at 6am – re,re by 10pm • Scrape your tongue every morning • Give your body at least 20 minutes of movement • Prac,ce self massage with warm oil • Sit in silence • Sip hot water between meals • Take in less screen ,me • Reduce external s,mula,on • Allow yourself ,me to wind down • Journal your experiences

To enhance the cleanse,

ANCHOR HABITS Cleansing can be different for each person. One person may want to eat 4 meals a day and another only 2. The main goal of a cleanse is to take the pressure off digestion, absorption and elimination. Our body is constantly detoxing naturally, this is a time to slow down and give the body time, space and nutrients to support these processes. Simple strategies to follow: •  Eat 2 – 4 times a day •  No snacking •  Allow only water (hot, spiced or lemon) to enter your belly between meals These alone will jumpstart your system into a mild and pleasant detox.


7 Days to reconnect and restore

breakfast: fresh fruit or lemon/smoothie or oat groat cereal with banana mylk


lunch: simple soup dinner: salad or simple soup or kanjee breakfast: fresh fruit or green smoothie or cooked apples

7 day menu


lunch: ginger carrot soup dinner: salad or ginger carrot soup


breakfast: fresh fruit or smoothie or baked apples or chia porridge lunch: butternut apple soup dinner: salad or butternut apple soup


breakfast: fresh fruit or basic smoothie lunch: cleansing soup dinner: salad or cleansing soup breakfast: basic smoothie


lunch: kitchari dinner: kitchari


breakfast: green smoothie lunch: kitchari or wellness broth dinner: kitchari or wellness broth


breakfast: cooked apples or green smoothie lunch: green goddess soup dinner: green goddess soup, or any other soup

plan your own 7 day menu



Lunch: Dinner:



Lunch: Dinner:


Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner:


Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Breakfast:


Lunch: Dinner:


Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner:


Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner:

6 Recipes

How to prepare your nourishing dishes


each day breakfast can be a seasonal fresh fruit some of you may not need breakfast, but listen to your body


Hearty breakfast

Lighter and quicker

Warmer and deeply nourishing

Green Smoothie 1 cup leafy greens 1 peeled orange 1 cup apple juice 1 banana

Lemon-Lime Smoothie ½ peeled lemon ½ peeled lime 1 banana 1 orange 2 cups leafy greens 1 cup water

Basic Smoothie

Oat Cereal with Banana Milk Milk: 1 banana Handful cashews Pinch of cinnamon Pinch of nutmeg Dash of clove 4 soaked and piFed dates (or honey) 1/8 – ¼ cup water

Cereal: ½ cup soaked oat groats 1 tbsn sunflower seeds Blend all milk ingredients in blender un,l smooth. Pour over oat and seeds. Garnish with fruit.

Chia Porridge

1 piece of fruit 1 cup greens

½ cup chia ¼ tsp cinnamon

1 tbsp. chia seeds or ground flax seed Honey, maple syrup or stevia Add any super food you like (spiralina, maca, wild berries, goji berries, etc)

½ cup almonds (soaked overnight) Maple syrup Rice or almond milk to desired thickness

Cooked Apples 1-2 sliced apples Cinnamon Dried fruit (if you’d like) Oatmeal (if you’d like)

In a heated saucepan add ¼ c. water and ¼ tsp cinnamon. When water boils, add apples and dried fruit and/ or oatmeal if using. Cook about 10 minutes adding more water if necessary.

Baked Apples (serves 2) 2 medium apples 2 tbsp maple syrup ¼ cup chopped walnuts or pecans ¼ tsp cinnamon 1/8 tsp nutmeg Pinch of ground cloves 1 tbsp ghee or coocnut oil Preheat oven to 375. Core the apples. Mix everything else. Stuff the apples with the mix. Lightly grease the pan and place apples in. Pour a liFle water around the apples and cover lightly with foil. Bake 20 minutes, then remove foil and bake another 20-30 minutes. Allow to cool before enjoying.

Add ingredients to pot and warm over medium heat

These recipes are guidelines. I encourage you to be intuitive with your cooking and create a healthy masterpiece of your own!


Lunch will be your largest meal of the day. The ideal ,me to eat lunch is between 12-1pm. Dinner will be your smallest meal of the day. The ideal ,me for dinner is between 5-6pm.

Simple Soup

Carrot Ginger Soup

5 cups vegetable broth 3 bay leave 3 cups leafy greens (washed and torn) 1 cup chopped carrots

6 carrots 1 med onion 1 tsp salt 4 cups water or vegetable broth

1 chopped apple 1 cup mung bean sprouts

6-inch piece ginger, juiced Fresh parsley

1 Tbsp grated fresh ginger 1 tsp each turmeric, ground cumin and ground coriander 1 Tbsp oil (ghee or coconut) Op,onal garnish: cilantro, parsley, red pepper

In the pot, add vegetable broth, carrots, apple and bay leaves. Cover and let cook 20 minutes. Turn o heat and Add in leafy greens and sprouts to lightly wilt. In a small pan, heat the oil and lightly toast the spices for a minute. Add to soup pot. G a r n i s h w i t h y o u r c h o s e n e x t r a s .

Kanjee 1 cup brown basma, rice, well rinsed 8 cups water Pinch each of salt, turmeric, and ginger powder In a large pot, boil the water , salt and spices on high heat. Add In the rice. Allow water to boil again, then turn heat down to low. Cover the rice and simmer for 1 hour, un,l the the grains begin to split.

Wash, peel and cut carrots into chunks. Place vegetables, broth and salt into pot. Bring to a boil. Turn heat to low and simmer for 25 mins. Transfer soup to blender, add ginger juice and blend. Add water if necessary to achieve desired consistency. Garnish with parsley.

BuFernut Apple Soup 4 cups chopped buFernut squash 1 cup fresh apple juice or cider 1/3 cup orange juice 1/3 cup water 2 large stalks celery ½ leek 4 soaked and piFed dates 1 tsp salt 1 tsp nama shoyu Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender un,l smooth and creamy. *For a hot soup, boil water and steam the squash and celery. This will also help with blending.

These recipes are guidelines. I encourage you to be intuitive with your cooking and create a healthy masterpiece of your own!


Lunch will be your largest meal of the day. The ideal ,me to eat lunch is between 12-1pm. Dinner will be your smallest meal of the day. The ideal ,me for dinner is between 5-6pm.

Cleansing Soup

Green Soup

1 large leek, chopped small 3 bay leaves 1 large turnip or sweet potato chopped small 5 cups vegetable broth 1 inch piece of ginger, minced ½ tsp dried turmeric

3 leaves chard, de-stemmed 1 stalk celery ½ bunch fresh parsley 1 lemon, juiced 1 avocado 2 cups hot water

1 zucchini, chopped small 2 cups minced kale 1 cup spinach, coarsely chopped

Sprouts for garnish

1 lemon, juiced Fresh chopped parsley and black pepper for garnishment Saute the leek in a large pan with a liFle water or ghee for a few minutes. Add the turnip or sweet potato and cook un,l they begin to so>en. S,r in the stock, bay leaves, ginger and turmeric. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add zucchini and kale, cover and cook over medium/low heat for 20 minutes. At the end, s,r in spinach and lemon lemon juice, allowing the spinach to wilt. Remove bay leaves. Puree half the soup in a blender and garnish with parsley and pepper.

Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender un,l smooth and creamy. Add water as needed and blend to desired consistency. Garnish with sprouts.

Green Goddess Soup 3 cups sunflower seeds, soaked ½ cup parsley ½ cup cilantro 2 Tbsp dill weed 3 lemons, juiced ½ tsp salt Blend in high speed blender.

Wellness Broth 4 cups water 1 celery stalk, chopped 3 stalks kale or collards, de-stemmed and chopped 1 cup fresh parsley 1 cup green beans, 1 inch piece fresh ginger, sliced Lemon slices Bring water to boil in a medium pot. Add vegetables and ginger to pot. Simmer on a low boil for 30 minutes. Toss in lemon slices or lemon juice.

These recipes are guidelines. I encourage you to be intuitive with your cooking and create a healthy masterpiece of your own!


Kitchari is the traditional detox food of Ayurveda. The philosophy is simple. The body detoxes when it is given the opportunity. Lighten up what you eat, and nourish the 6 tastes, and 5 senses at the same time, and voila, you’ve created the opportunity. Kitchari is a considered a complete food in Ayurveda. You can eat it for weeks. Or do kitchari for a day. It’s like baby food. Simple to cook and easy to digest.

1 c split yellow mung beans or 2 c. mung bean sprouts 1 c white basmati rice 1 Tbs fresh ginger root 1 Tbs ghee 1 tsp each black mustard seeds, cumin and fenugreek seeds 1 tsp each coriander powder, fennel and turmeric powder 1 pinch Hing (asafetida), and cloves 3 bay leaves 6-8 c .water (for desired consistency) rock salt, sea salt or Bragg's, + black pepper to taste 1 c. chopped cilantro lemon juice or lime juice Soak rice and beans overnight, if possible. Wash split yellow mung beans (dal) and rice together until water runs clear. Heat a large pot on medium heat. Melt the ghee. Add all the spices (except the bay leaves) and roast for a few minutes. Add dal and rice and stir again. Add water and bay leaves and bring to a boil. Boil for 15 minutes on medium heat. Turn heat to low, cover pot and continue to cook until dal and rice become soft (30-40 minutes) Add salt or Bragg’s to taste. Garnish with cilantro, lemon or lime. Add more water when you reheat it later in the day. •For weak digestion, gas or bloating: Soak your beans overnight, or first par boil the split mung dal (cover with water and bring to boil), drain, and rinse of the bean scum Repeat 2-3 times + add more asafetida if you have major bloating issues. •Use a pressure cooker to shorten cooking time. Add vegetables after rice + beans are cooked.

What about vegetables? This recipe is the most basic for detox or rejuvenation. Adding 2-3 cups of vegetables is a good idea. Add diced roots in the last 20 minutes of cooking: carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips, or sweet potato. Stir in greens when done cooking. Allow to sit for a few minutes: kale, chard, collards, celery or shredded fennel Stir in delicate greens just before serving: spinach, arugula, alfalfa sprouts, sunflower sprouts.

These recipes are guidelines. I encourage you to be intuitive with your cooking and create a healthy masterpiece of your own!


Dinner will be your smallest meal of the day. The ideal ,me for dinner is between 5-6pm.

Your ideal dinner will consist of a light salad or a smaller por,on of one of the lunch/dinner op,ons. A mono-diet during a cleanse is an op,mal way to help the diges,ve system calm down and bring restora,on. So listen to what feels good in the moment. At the end of the day, no,ce if your body wants lightness (salad) or if you need to feel more nourished and grounded (soups and kitchari). This is a ,me to get really curious.

Other ideas for dinner:

Roasted beets with basil Roasted herbed veggies Green beans with lemon Sauteed greens with spices Warm turmeric mylk Asian sauteed turnips Steamed veggies and rice

Keep it light‌keep it simple

These recipes are guidelines. I encourage you to be intuitive with your cooking and create a healthy masterpiece of your own!

7 Emerging

Transition smoothly into a daily rhythm

Take it slowly And now what happens? Coming out of a cleanse is just as important as the preparation phase and cleanse phase. Take your time and reflect on what feels right for you. The transition should be slow and mindful. Introducing too many foods at once may have adverse effects, so we take it back to simplicity. Continue to notice what foods are local and abundant‌that is your key to transitioning into fall and winter with grace and ease. We don’t want to overburden the body with foods that are hard to digest and that are not in rhythm with nature. Continue to dial in your habits. Take rest when you are tired. Drink water when you are thirsty. Massage and move the body daily to keep all systems flowing. Sit in silence. Eat your largest meal in the middle of the day. Eat an early, light dinner. Slow down.

8 Conclusion

7 days is just the beginning… Some changes take much longer

So how do you stay in alignment with your goals and keep moving forward on this journey of optimal health?

Return to your source. Come back to your WHY. It’s a constant practice to be in integrity with nature and our natural rhythms. Our society is making it increasingly more Challenging to take time for ourselves and be in silence. But is scrolling Facebook for an hour better than an hour of sleep? Or is watching zombies tear apart humans better than journaling and creating? Or is stressing over things out of your control better than moving your body and meditating? Hmmmm… Need more support? Join the next 10 week program where we dive deep into habit evolution. You can find me and more info at :


This cleanse is but a small step towards your Health Evolu,on. Con,nue moving in the direc,on of thrive. We all need it…our planet needs it. Building a support system around your op,mal health goals keeps you rooted in integrity and will keep you mo,vated to uplevel your life.

connect – transform – evolve - thrive tracy j stonaker

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