supertest ultra Hi-rEs displays
Issue 287/january 2014
No.1 for reviews
Speed up your pC
Nvidia GtX 78 OCZ VeCtOr 0 ti 150 ssD BitFENiX pr odiGy M AMD r9 270
Optimise Windows for the best experience
How to
Build a Bf4 rig
¤ Hit 60fps at 1080p in Battlefield 4 ¤ Make a killer system for £740
make your GameS look aweSome Simple monitor calibration for movies and gaming
Set up your own web Server today
Everything you need to build and manage your own site
Get the moSt from your SSd
How to configure your storage for optimal performance
PLUS ¤ Take control of your photos with Gimp ¤ Update your programs automatically ¤ Get your head round qCraft ¤ How to mine Litecoins