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AADM 440/740 CLASS
































EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Every spring, the Arts Administration Department of the Savannah College of Art and Design holds a class designed to teach arts managers and student artists the basics of how to plan and execute an event. On May 20, 2015 the Bee Market was held at the Arnold Hall Auditorium. A class of 23 graduate and undergraduate students organized this event, which included artists exhibiting and selling their work as well as giving demonstrations on their technique. The goal of the Bee Market was for the community to see what SCAD students, alumni, faculty and staff was creating. Our event gave the SCAD community a platform to exhibit and sell their work, while also providing educational experiences to the attendees. The foremost reason we created this event was to promote and exhibit the artwork of SCAD students, faculty, staff and alumni. We planned this event to be enjoyable and informative for all attendees, but also in order to give back to the community. Our class chose the local non-profit organization, Loop It Up Savannah, to donate all of our profits to. This report summarizes the steps that we took as a class to create and execute Bee Market in accordance with our mission statement. To accomplish this goal, the class was divided into five committees: General Management, Program Planning & Evaluation, Marketing & Promotion, Sponsorship & Development, and Production & Logistics. Each committee’s members had responsibilities not only to their own committee, but to the class as a whole, which fostered an interactive and communal atmosphere throughout the quarter. The General Management Committee oversaw the event planning process through creation and management of the budget, photographic and video documentation of the event and facilitation of communication between and within committees. Management also worked very closely with the Sponsorship & Development Committee to ensure that there was enough food and drink for approximately 600 people. The final book that documented the process of event planning leading up to production of the Bee Market was designed and made by the General Management Committee. The Program Planning & Evaluation Committee coordinated the programming of the event, drafted contracts/agreements and connected with the artists to participate in the event, they also created and administered printed surveys and communicated with the other committees regarding the planning of this event. The Marketing & Promotion Committee focused on the publicity of the event. Their duties largely involved spreading the word, which included a press release sent to major press outlets, flyers and postcards which were posted around the city, and managing a Facebook event to continuously release new information about the Bee Market in order to build anticipation throughout the community


The Sponsorship & Development Committee had the goal of raising the necessary funds to produce Bee Market. This fundraising campaign included various revenue producing strategies such as donut sales and an indiegogo crowdsourcing campaign, which was produced in cooperation with General Management and committee chairs. Numerous businesses around the Savannah area were contacted regarding in-kind sponsorship opportunities. Sponsorship & Development also assisted members of the class in figuring out the best way to go about requesting sponsorships. The Production & Logistics Committee was responsible for event space planning, logistics during the days before and after the event, furniture vendor relations, and scheduling of all class members on the day of the event. The members of this committee coordinated with Arnold Hall management to establish on-site security and to ensure that the May 20th production of Bee Market followed the building rules and regulations as specified by SCAD. During the ten weeks that made up the spring quarter at SCAD, the event planning class of the Arts Administration Department went from a group of 23 students with no event plan in mind, to a collaborative team that hosted an event for guests for over 650 people. The Bee Market was an event that benefited the Savannah and SCAD community in many way, just one of those way being a financial donation to Loop It Up Savannah. Twenty-four hours after the event, the SCAD community is already talking about the want and need for Bee Market to become an annual event.


AADM 740/440 SPRING 2015 CREW


Chance Farago

Laura James

Dae’monet Wright

Veronica Del Castillo

Pedro Vazquez

Mariana Velasquez

Weijiao Yan

Ke Chung

Daniella Gonsalves

Rachel Braun

Tranise Sharpe

Xichen Xu

Roberta Rainwater

Kat Morgan

Yin Qiu

Brittany Stafford

Peipei Li

Nan Chen

Jennifer Brogger

Alena Dubik

Aixi Xie

Jesse Mansoor

Shengzhang Gu

Xu Huang 9



Announce the Event Call for Artists

Donut Sale at Eichberg Hall and Montgomery Hall


Poster for the Public Flyer Postcard

Field Trip to the Fire Fly Fleamarket

MAY 4 10


Artist Submission Deadline



Press Release

Committee’s to add survey questions to Program Planning and Evaluation


Social Media (Facebook Page/Instagram hashtags)

Donut Sale at Eichberg Hall and Montgomery Hall

MAY 20


MAY 12

BEE MARKET!!! Day of Event





Chance Farago

General Management Laura James (Chair) Brittany Stafford Yin Qiu Pedro Vazquez

Program Planning & Evaluation Dae’Mone’t Wright (Chair) Ke Chung Weijiao Yan Mariana Velasquez

Marketing & Promotion

Veronica Del Castillo (Chair) Peipei Li Nan Chen Rachel Braun Alena Dubik Daniella Gonsalves Jennifer Brogger

Sponsorship & Development Roberta Rainwater (Chair) Xichen Xu Aixi Xie Tranise Sharpe

Production & Logistics Kat Morgan (Chair) Jesse Mansoor Shengzhang Gu Xu Huang


Arts Administration Fashion Management & Marketing Arts Administration Film & Television

Fashion Management & Marketing Arts Administration Arts Administration Architecture

Interior Design Arts Administration Arts Administration Printmaking Fashion Marketing Fashion Marketing Illustration Arts Administration Arts Administration Arts Administration Fashion Management & Marketing

Illustration Architecture Arts Administration Arts Administration



917-309-9324 239-464-8967 912-306-0879 214-402-1449

914-714-2060 912-257-9468 912-257-8853 305-200-4250

713-632-4731 912-306-0523 415-867-4496 919-880-02113 619-770-0093 786-683-6630 269-370-7289

863-529-1886 912-344-0671 850-339-0375 267-815-5229

704-345-5567 912-996-9224 912-344-1395 912-247-2907



The Bee Market

Master Event Budget Spring 2015

The Bee Market Total Budget

Master Event$3,596.50 Budget

Actual Expenses To-Date Spring 2015 Available Budget

$2,134.29 $1,462.21

Total Budget $3,596.50 Actual Expenses GeneralTo-Date Management & Income $2,134.29 Available Budget Description Actual Cost$1,462.21 Notes Arts Administration Forfeit ICC General Management & Income 1st Donut Sale Description Actual Cost Square Fee Arts Administration Forfeit 2nd Donut Sale ICC Fee Square 1st Donut Sale 3rd Square Fee Fee Square Fedex OfficeSale 2nd Donut Bank Check Square Fee Charge Dropout Vendor 3rd Donut Sale Square Fee Vendor Table Payments Fedex Office PayPal Fee Bank Check Charge Indiegogo Campaign Dropout Vendor Indiegogo Fee The Book Vendor Table Payments In-Kind Donation PayPal Fee Total Indiegogo Campaign

$300.00 -$2.78 Arts Administration $115.50 $680.00 Notes -$7.60 $300.00 -$2.78 Arts Administration $235.00 $115.50 -$2.22 $680.00 $626.00 -$7.60 -$8.04 -$10.00 $235.00 Refund to Pedro Vazquez -$5.00 Roberta's Refund Check -$2.22 -$10.00 $626.00 Refund to Cassandrea Graybeal -$8.04 PayPal $610.00 -$10.00 -$24.93 Refund to Pedro Vazquez -$5.00 Roberta's Refund Check $905.00 -$10.00 $0.00 Refund to Cassandrea Graybeal $0.00 PayPal $610.00 $125.00 -$24.93 $3,525.93 $905.00

Indiegogo Fee $0.00 Program Planning & Evaluation The Book $0.00 Description Actual Cost In-Kind Donation $125.00 Notes Total $3,525.93

Total Description

Program Planning & Evaluation Actual Cost Marketing & Promotion

14 Description Creative Total Approach

Actual Cost

$0.00 Notes

Notes -$156.22 $0.00 Refund to Chance Farago

Fedex Office Bank Check Charge Dropout Vendor

-$10.00 Refund to Pedro Vazquez -$5.00 Roberta's Refund Check -$10.00 Refund to Cassandrea Graybeal

Vendor Table Payments PayPal Fee Indiegogo Campaign Indiegogo Fee The Book In-Kind Donation Total

$610.00 PayPal -$24.93 $905.00 $0.00 $0.00 $125.00 $3,525.93

Program Planning & Evaluation Description

Actual Cost


Notes $0.00

Marketing & Promotion Description Creative Approach Creative Approach Office Depot Gulfstream Center Creative Approach Staples Post Cards

Actual Cost -$156.22 -$141.00 -$28.03 -$43.00 -$10.44 -$347.74 -$71.00

Bee Market Shirts Total

Notes Refund to Chance Farago Refund to Chance Farago Refund to Jennifer Brogger Refund to Veronica Banner Refund to Peipei Refund to Jennifer Brogger

$0.00 Refund to Rachel Braun -$797.43

Sponsership & Development Description Family Dollar Krispy Kreme Krispy Kreme Krispy Kreme Sweet Melissa's Walmart Sam's Club 13 Bricks Total

Actual Cost

Notes Refund to Roberta Rainwater Refund to Roberta Rainwater Refund to Roberta Rainwater Refund to Roberta Rainwater Refund to Chance Farago

-$16.59 -$229.00 -$120.00 -$235.00 -$150.00 -$65.80 -$253.13 -$100.00 Refund to Roberta Rainwater -$1,169.52

Production & Logistics Description City of Savannah Dollar Tree Amazon U-Haul Total

Actual Cost

Notes -$45.00 Refund to Sheila Bolda -$21.40 Refund to Aixe Xie -$35.93 $0.00 -$102.33



April 1 General Management -Create GMail contact list and set up Google Drive -Create folders for committees -Set up everyone’s role for committee -Schedule team member’s available time

Program Planning & Evaluation -Set Up a Google Document for committee -Set Up iMessage -Came up with how to deliver surveys

Marketing & Promotion

Sponsorship & Development

Production & Logistics


April 3 General Management -How are we going to accept money???? -ICC bank account. Where do we hold money?

Program Planning & Evaluation -Start looking at the budget(how much to charge, booth) -Start working on proposals

Marketing & Promotion -Planning to brainstorm event names -Brainstorming logistics of the events

Sponsorship & Development -Prospective charities to include as a benefactor of this event

Production & Logistics -Start brainstorming number of vendors in order to request tables, etc -Decide on electricity, table linens, space designation, layout


General Management -Present findings on Budget (Pedro) -Where should we have a bank account, collect money, etc?

April 6 Program Planning & Evaluation -Go over proposal and Open Call draft -Figure out what time things are taking place

Marketing -Decide on an Event Name -Figure out a timeline for marketing materials -Create the facebook event page -Begin creating promotional drafts

Sponsorship & Development

Production & Logistics


General Management -Goal setting -Set up a meeting time for over the weekend for group to meet or coordinate duties for each member to work remotely and chair to combine work to present our team goals in a cohesive document -Finalize method of taking cash/bank account -Research financial planning documents, etc

April 8

Program Planning & Evaluation


Sponsorship & Development -Talk about ICC funding -Discuss possible sponsor’s -Find out definitive budget -What gifts in kind do we need for event -Possibly having T-shirts with logo and sponsor’s on it -How many people should we plan on attending the event? -What will be the benefits for the sponsor’s? -Goal setting Production & Logistics -Aldine (Arnold Building Manager) re: gallery space decision


General Management -Review and revisit deadlines. -Discuss money management with Professor. -Check in with Sponsorship committee re: financial award letter. -Check in with Marketing in order to create the look of the book. -Talk with class re: what to do with the seats in the auditorium (installation, light show)

April 13

Program Planning & Evaluation -Ask how are the guest coming/ do they need id -Go over workshop ideas

Marketing -Decide on logo -Present poster scheme -Present color palette and typography -Finalize call for artist poster

Sponsorship & Development -Discuss our written Goals/Methods and deadlines for obtaining sponsorships and fundraising -Ask other committees for financial needs and gifts-in-kind -Ask for copy of logo for letter to sponsors -Present ideas for donations to nonprofit organizations -Discuss, with class, benefits to sponsors, i.e. T-shirts, logos on promotional pieces as well as signage and tables.

Production & Logistics -Present stage floor plan options & decide on a layout as a class -Decide who is going to cater event (Bon Appetit or Foxy or ?)


General Management -Where will the list of professors that the Call for Artists will be sent to, be saved? GM should keep track of who it is sent to so evaluation can be performed on percentage of responses, etc. -What charity are we going to donate the profits to? -Budget Update - report on meeting about the holding of class money. -Marketing to get Vector Logo and color scheme

April 15

Program Planning & Evaluation -Mural

Marketing -Present Poster -Typography Toolkit

Sponsorship & Development -Talk to Marketing about having posters for Krispy Kreme sale. -Ask classmates if they have connections with potential sponsors. -Need to know what sponsors can be advertised on.

Production & Logistics -Present stage floor plan options & decide on a layout as a class


General Management -Pedro to update class on financial procedures. Where will money be kept? Meeting with SAM, etc….. -Update class on “The Book.” Process, etc….. -Discuss how to identify documents/designs as “final” with the class. -Which works best for the class? “FINAL” in title of document “FINAL” folder in each committee’s folder

April 17

Program Planning & Evaluation -Go over proposal with class

Marketing -Pedro to provide money for the printing -Marketing-> Tool Kit -> Contains Logo + Fonts + Color Palette -Follow and share Social Media.

Sponsorship & Development -Discuss our written Goals/Methods and deadlines for obtaining sponsorships and fundraising -Ask other committees for financial needs and gifts-in-kind -Ask for copy of logo for letter to sponsors -Present ideas for donations to nonprofit organizations -Discuss, with class, benefits to sponsors, i.e. T-shirts, logos on promotional pieces as well as signage and tables.

Production & Logistics -Run through list of anticipated supplies & edit as needed


General Management -Update committee’s on “The Book” and give a reminder of the “FINAL Documents” email that was sent out -Are there any financial requests at this time? -Remind committee’s to save all correspondence etc, in a manner that can be easily added to “The Book”

April 20

Program Planning & Evaluation -Talk to sponsorship about e-mail from Flourish Collaborative

Marketing -Present blurb -Distribute postcards -Distribute posters

Sponsorship & Development -Discuss donut fundraiser -Budget questions -Sponsor level update

Production & Logistics -Present modifications to stage floor plan & decide as a class


General Management -Take portrait for everyone next week. -LJ to sign up for poster and donut sale

April 22 Program Planning & Evaluation

Marketing -Present Blurb -Present Press Release

Sponsorship & Development -Donut Fundraiser info and sign-up -What is the deadline for sponsor logos on printed materials? -Info from Molly, front booth, photo booth, and booth for Handmade Neighborhood -Letter approval and matching graphics -Sponsor levels and benefits

Production & Logistics


General Management -Prepare for Donut Sale. Make sure whole group is signed up. -Where will table be set up and selling process? -Miki to take individual portraits of entire class. -Pedro to communicate indiegogo video recording possible time -Copy about Loop It Up Savannah: Use copy posted under RED heading

April 27

Program Planning & Evaluation -Go over spreadsheet

Marketing -Press Release -Sponsorship

Sponsorship & Development -Thank you everyone, for signing up to sell donuts -Donuts were ordered Sunday morning 60 dozen plus 5 free $229.00 -Need 2 cash boxes -Advertised on many of the SCAD Facebook pages -Update info and directions on sale day and spreading the word today -ICC response? -Need letterhead for letter/sponsor benefits -Indiegogo draft - plus questions Production & Logistics -Class schedule spreadsheet


General Management -Thank you Sponsorship & Development for all of your hard work organizing the donut sale!!!!!! Budget: How much do we have in our bank account? -Miki: Did all of the photos come out ok? Was everyone in class on Monday? -All committees, look through previous agenda and fill in empty -Chairs to shoot indiegogo video with Pedro at 6pm in Arnold Hall Program Planning & Evaluation -Go over new spreadsheet -How are we getting the money for the tables

Marketing -Poster Designs

Sponsorship & Development -Big thanks for all the work on the donut sale -Results of fundraiser -Schedule next sale -ICC approval??? -Sponsor letter and Sponsor Benefits list are updated ready for use. -What does our current budget look like?

Production & Logistics


April 29

General Management -Update class on indiegogo shoot. Pedro will film the entire class. -Brittany to show “The Book� so far. -Can everyone please put FINAL documents in final folder -THANK YOU Marketing Committee for fabulous postcards and posters! Has everyone gotten some and passed them out/brought them to a business, etc?

May 4

Program Planning & Evaluation -Go over submissions & spreadsheet -Go over response to artists accepted -Update on Workshop!

Marketing -Go over plan to promote Indiegogo -Go over list of places to hang posters/leave postcards and assign people to list

Sponsorship & Development -Discuss details and changes for donut sale -Discuss location of revised letter to sponsors and changes on benefits -Bon Appetit!

Production & Logistics -Questions for Sheila? -CLASS SCHEDULE DOC - filled out by end of class


General Management -Bank Account Update. How much did we make from the donut sale? -Can every committee look at the table of contents and see what is still needed to be completed? -Indiegogo

Program Planning & Evaluation -Show selected artist -Go over demos and workshop

Marketing -Present Postcards -Poster Distribution

Sponsorship & Development -Donut Sales -Loop It Up Savannah update -Sponsorship Update 13 Bricks Tiffani Taylor Gallery Savannah Bee “Those considering�

Production & Logistics -Sheila email by end of class (Kat) -Present event signage floor plan (Jesse) -Class schedule doc reminder (class)


May 6

General Management -Make sure everyone is signed up for indiegogo Make sure everyone is signed up for Donut Sale -Chair needs to go through the Table Of Contents in Shared Folder and make sure that they are putting documents in the FINAL Folder -Wednesday - Do we have a “Day Of” schedule yet?

May 11

Program Planning & Evaluation -Survey Questions -Payment Spreadsheet


Sponsorship & Development -Sponsorship updates: We got 50 sesame balls and 60 Huramaki spring rolls from Super Tastes Letter from 13 Bricks in FINAL folder (view and discuss) -Indiegogo update -THE LAST DONUT SALE!!!! We can do it!!! -Loop it up Update: Photo Fundraiser per Molly Children’s decorations

Production & Logistics


General Management -$ from the donut sale? -How is our overall budget? Make sure that Marketing has $ for printing and Production has $ for rentals, etc... -PRETTY PLEASE remember to keep adding FINAL files to folder in Google Drive

Program Planning & Evaluation -Look at survey questions

Marketing -Review Brochure -Countdown Reminder -Postcards Update

Sponsorship & Development

Production & Logistics -Go over schedule so far -Ask Sponsorship questions (Connie) -Review stage floorplan -Give signage list to Marketing


May 13

General Management -Make sure that everyone knows their duties and schedules for Wednesday’s Bee Market -Everyone do not forget to bring your extra postcards to the event on Wednesday -Where are we at for budget -Indiegogo update. -PLEASE keep updating documents in the Table of Contents!!!

May 18

Program Planning & Evaluation -Look at surveys -Email vendors that paid


Sponsorship & Development -Discuss 13 Brick T-shirt proposal FIRST PART OF CLASS -Sponsorship and Food Sponsor Chart -Logos for marketing -State Farm: Logo & Advertising -Roberta has price comparisons for the paper goods -Balloons

Production & Logistics



A P R General Management -Create GMail contact list and set up Google Drive Create folders for committees Set up everyone’s role for committee Schedule team member’s available time Program Planning & Evaluation -Set Up a Google Document for committee -Set Up iMessage -Came up with how to deliver surveys

Marketing & Promotion

Sponsorship & Development

Production & Logistics

Decisions Made:









General Management -Did a walk through of the theater space where event will located -How are we going to accept money???? -ICC bank account. Where do we hold money? -Decided event is all SCAD student/alumni vendors in all mediums Program Planning & Evaluation -Did a walk through of the theater space where event will located -Started looking at the budget(how much to charge, booth) -Started working on proposals -Decided event is all SCAD student/alumni vendors in all mediums -Started draft on Open Call Marketing & Promotion -Did a walk through of the theater space where event will located -Planning to brainstorm event names -Brainstorming logistics of the events -Decided event is all SCAD student/alumni vendors in all mediums -Discussed contacting student/major clubs Sponsorship & Development -Did a walk through of the theater space where event will located -Decided event is all SCAD student vendors -Started prospecting charities to include as a benefactor of this event -Decided event is all SCAD student/alumni vendors in all mediums Production & Logistics -Did a walk through of the theater space where event will located -Decided event is all SCAD student/alumni vendors in all mediums

Decisions Made:






General Management -Made a schedule of minutes responsibility -Discussed Budget, keep receipts, possible Kickstarter. -Please submit ALL receipts to Pedro in General Management

Program Planning & Evaluation -Logo on Open Call? -Certain email for submissions? -Timeline (4:30 classes letting out. Event starts at 5pm, end event at 8p.. (completely out by 10:00)

Marketing & Promotion -Looking at deadlines of submissions and materials to create Announce the event (April 15) Social Media (ASAP) Call for Artists (April 15) Press Release (May 8) Poster for the Public (May 1) Flyer Postcard (May 1) Application Deadline (May 4) Sponsorship & Development -Discussed how much to charge and how to discourage “no shows”

Production & Logistics -What is the space that we are selling? (Table or portion of a table + space behind it.) -We need dimensions of the spaces that we are selling? (Chance will measure.) What will we be selling?

Decisions Made: -Event will be open for business from 5 - 8pm on Day of Event -DEADLINE : April 15 - Announce Event, May 4 - Application Deadline, May 8 - Announce Fair Merchants. Marketing materials, see above for dates. -We will be selling tables, full and half and each table comes with the space behind it -We will choose workshops to be held during event and artists can do their own demo’s(not too many demo’s though). Not everyone that applies for the Demo will get it -Decided that artists should price their own work 34





General Management -Make all documents looks same and organize them. -Working on the looking for the book.

Program Planning & Evaluation -Create an e-mail address for Bee Marketing apply. -Sent the open call text to marketing group before Friday. (Open call will less than 2-3 pages) -Working on the next step: what the Bee Market looks like.

Marketing & Promotion -Decide the name of the events: THE BEE MARKET (speaking) / BEE MARKET (In paper). -Make the loge, the post and bookmark for Bee Market.

Sponsorship & Development -Budget for now: 415.5$ (115.5$ from school ). -Add the list of sponsor (local company, personal relationship). -Raise more funds for product budget (T-shirt, post card).

Production & Logistics -What is the space that we are selling? (Table or portion of a table + space behind it.) -We need dimensions of the spaces that we are selling? (Chance will measure.) What will we be selling?

Decisions Made:





General Management -Plan the look of event book with marketing committee -Budget draft

Program Planning & Evaluation -Write down the proposal before class, including information about what’s our event, what we want to do,etc. -How and who reply the emails from artists -Make sure the description of event

Marketing & Promotion -Decide the logo of event:drop the “savannah� and color palette Put the event information, date,location,and price on the poster.

Sponsorship & Development -List all the sponsors -How are we going to appeal them

Production & Logistics -Free for food and drinks -Separate special food for artists or the same food for artists and the public? -Make sure who cater event and list cater funders

Decisions Made: -Announcement to the public about event on May 1st -Decide the food and drinks for free -Each committee need to write down a proposal that can be discussed in the class







General Management -Discussed who will be the charity we will donating to. -Questions were solved and answered

Program Planning & Evaluation -Workshop: Mural accepted

Marketing & Promotion -Poster was made and approved by the other committees -Second poster is going to start being developed -Blurb will be developed

Sponsorship & Development -Krispy Kreme sale -Sponsorship levels and benefit list

Production & Logistics -Review floorplans, more will be develop for Friday 17,2015 -Decided on 12 demonstrations for the event -Discussed the signage for the event

Decisions Made: -Poster was approved and it will be printed (Marketing) -Krispy Kreme Locations: Eichberg Gulfstream Montgomery Arnold 37




General Management -Where would we keep the money -Keep track of all expenses -Make FINAL folder for each committee -Get list from each committee chair for expenses next week

Program Planning & Evaluation -Went over proposal and timeline -Discussed what material to use for mural -Changed location for mural to open space

Marketing & Promotion -Went over prices for materials -Have list of places to hang poster -Print the posters and get them stamped -Refashion the blurb -Discussed shirts Sponsorship & Development -Got information to put on promotion pieces -Make sure they talk to Molly about having her audience come as well -Went over giving shirts to sponsors -Put up gofundme sooner than later

Production & Logistics -Show final layout on Monday -Showed potential supplies to class -Give signage its own list; what signs do we need

Decisions Made: -Figure out how to attract attention for event, make brochure for event -Contact hotels, visitor center, two women and a warehouse, etc: give info -Post on different FB pages for event; get PR out -Have FINAL folder for each committee to put final work for book into -Each committee needs to start working on their own budget -Plan to have posters hung by Tuesday and blurb by Monday -Figure out who is paying for tee shirts and how we are paying for them 38






General Management -Will continue working on the book. -Pedro got his first receipt from Chance so he can work on the layout of the budget for the book in excel.

Program Planning & Evaluation

Marketing & Promotion -Marketing passed out a handful of postcards to all of us to handout. -Signed up for specific buildings to go and post posters.

Sponsorship & Development

Production & Logistics

Decisions Made:





General Management -Did prepare for the book of our event -Taking portrait for everyone in our class by Qiu Yin in next Monday -Sign up for poster and donut sale -Budget & Receipt

Program Planning & Evaluation -Sent Email to students, professors for inviting more audiences to get involved -Classified for the information of appliers -Contacted for workshop

Marketing & Promotion -Present Blurb -Present Press Release -Contacted with professors by Email -Summarized for print materials -Promoted by social media, especially using Facebook -Got some suggestions from other groups about distributing postcards Sponsorship & Development -Donut Fundraiser information and sign-up -Deadline for sponsor logos on printed materials -Sponsor levels and benefits Contacted with INDIEGOGO by video Letter approval and matching graphics Information from Molly- booths for Handmade Neighborhood Production & Logistics -Physical resources: tables, etc -Staffing -Floor plan -Security -Trash Decisions Made: -Social Media -Format for book -Evaluation







General Management -Finalized donut sale schedule and details -Took portraits of the class -Looked at/edited IndieGoGo -Interviews with chairs of committees on Wednesday at 6 in Hamilton Hall

Program Planning & Evaluation -Spreadsheet of submissions is now in the Program Planning folder on the Drive

Marketing & Promotion -Press release finished and ready to be sent out! -Confirmed in South Magazine’s online calendar -Need to contact galleries and auction houses about Bee Market -Have a list of Facebook pages of galleries/auction houses on Wednesday -Have poster designs ready to look at on class Wednesday Sponsorship & Development -Divided up sponsors for us to visit and talk to -Roberta will provide training and printed material

Production & Logistics -Fill in your class schedule for the day of the event (file on the Drive)

Decisions Made: -IndieGoGo to be live by Wednesday!






General Management -Decide what aspects of the event needs to measured and how it will be measured, and then tell Program Planning & Evaluation

Program Planning & Evaluation -How to count the number of people who attend the event? -What other aspects of the event need to be measured and how? -How to control distribution of food? -Informational meeting -THIS COMING MONDAY - ARTISTS SELECTED -Inform Marketing Committee of artists selected Marketing & Promotion -Decide what aspects of the event needs to measured and how it will be measured, and then tell Program Planning & Evaluation -Reformat event poster to 27x40 and print at FAHM -Provide images to Press -Poster for Event -Distribute postcards at Art March and Flea Market field trip Sponsorship & Development -Decide what aspects of the event needs to measured and how it will be measured, and then tell Program Planning & Evaluation -Create all stuff for next Tuesday donut sales - sign up sheet, locations, tables, etc. -ICC- call to follow up -Thank high Indiegogo donors on Facebook page and maybe send email Production & Logistics -Decide what aspects of the event needs to measured and how it will be measured, and then tell Program Planning & Evaluation -External posters/banners/balloons - contact Sheila

Decisions Made: -Fill in event date availability -Share Indiegogo link -Decorations -Thank artists for participating and inform them of when doors are opening to the public -Day of event schedule




General Management -Indiegogo video by Wednesday May 6 -Word doc with what each committee needs for the book -Find out how the artists are going to pay. (paypal/square/meeting/cash/day of the event) -Follow up with Fire Flea for flyer’s distribution/sharing on social media Program Planning & Evaluation -Final artist’s list with table size and all the info required -We want 48 artists -Send artists acceptance email by Wednesday -Do we prefer quantity over quality? -Send decline email Marketing & Promotion -List of places for flyer placement (even same buildings as before because some would post them if its a different poster) -Day of the event, pre promotion (park, between Bull st, 37,Henry and drayton) -More postcards -Distribute posters -Fire flea video of the pics for FB post Sponsorship & Development -How are we getting the t-shirts, from who? how much? do they want to participate? -$200 of Bon appetit= what can we get just on drinks (respond to their email with number of guesses) -Food sponsors Production & Logistics -not enough time to discuss

Decisions Made: -EVERYONE= small contribution for indiegogo -Bon appetit $200 will be just for drinks -We are not doing mural -Artist without full info will be disqualified -No table size= half a table -Indigogo and fire fle videos -We need more postcards by monday 43

M A Y General Management -Donut sales made $157 cash and $71 on the square -Table of Contents- Groups need to go in the folder and mark that it’s in the final folder. BOOK DUE: 24th or 25th. Groups should do this sooner vs later. -Indiegogo Update- Post online and on facebook

Program Planning & Evaluation -Create a draft of the survey by Monday May, 11th. Have a final survey for class by Wednesday May, 13th. -Accepted Demo artists automatically, selected 50 artists overall. -45 Full tables for artists -List of artists to Marketing -Send emails to applicants not selected and put on a waitlist Marketing & Promotion -Fire Flea video- Fiona, Adjust the credits to say “The locals are coming, we had a great time at the Fire Flea Market, come check out the Bee Market on May 20th!” -Post artists work online and link their names. 2-3 posts a day so each artist gets featured online before the event. -List of artists and what day to post about them online, as well as who will post. Sponsorship & Development -Sponsors interested in doing t-shirts -Evaluation Survey for sponsors: Figure our best way to get surveys to the sponsors. -Loop it up! -Get posters and postcards for her to hand out. Production & Logistics -Table cloths? -Talk to Sheila-include fire capacity in email -110 chairs & 50 tables

Decisions Made: -Signage- marketing designs and production will place them -Donut sales on Tuesday May 12th at Montgomery and Arnold hall -Sponsors- Up to Roberta on the best way to send surveys -Artists- Give survey at check in and have them fill it out and turn in for check out -Audience- Have surveys printed out and available on clipboards at the exit





General Management -Donut sales list is up and all times need to be filled.

Program Planning & Evaluation

Marketing & Promotion -Signage list needs to be finalized by friday for printing on monday by latest

Sponsorship & Development -Are T-shirts going to be printed by sponsors? needs to be finalized by class 16 -Food sponsors

Production & Logistics -8 foot table layout needs to be done. -How many tables do we need? -Receiving tables from WellFed, possible 75 tables to use -How do we get tables to Arnold?

Decisions Made: -WellFed gets largest sponsorship amount awarded -Layout for tables must be done by class 16 -WellFed may bring tables if not we will rent a truck -Paying for a loading permit for an offload zone




General Management -Mikki to photograph committees during Bee Market -Budget is healthy and we should have no problem purchasing food

Program Planning & Evaluation -Surveys for all participants, sponsors, and guests have been completed during class

Marketing & Promotion -Signs are being worked on -Veronica went during break and picked up 1000 postcards -Saw and reviewed program draft -Needing logo of each sponsor by Monday -Rachel is planning to silk screen our t-shirts -Passed around chart for sizes Sponsorship & Development -State Farm has sponsored at $200 -Donut sales results pending based upon “Square” total -19 boxes were donated to The Savannah Mission -Montgomery team sold all their boxes -Decision to be made about 13 Bricks proposal (by Monday) -Still waiting on sponsors’ commitment Production & Logistics -A new layout is being made for the floor plan to better accommodate traffic and number of tables -Trash cans will be needed -Signage decisions were discussed for restrooms, enter/exit on theater doors, banner for front of building -Proposals for chairs, still be researched Decisions Made: -Program art to go to printer on Monday, May 18 -Posters for Artist and Sponsors will be made for the info table. -Upon final approval/commitment of 13 Bricks, they plan to do the t-shirts for sponsors -Final surveys will be completed




General Management -Confirm the pizza as food -Confirm the meeting time -Check the table of contents

Program Planning & Evaluation -Confirm the final numbers of artists and tables -Created the survey

Marketing & Promotion -Brochure uploaded -Got the banner

Sponsorship & Development -List the price for the food set up including plates; cups -Aixi will bring the pens -CC will go to pick up the balloons -Confirm the sponsors and logos -Confirm to buy the Sweet Melissa’s pizza -Confirm the time for video Production & Logistics -Put sponsor tables in front of stage -Getting the stage set up on Wednesday -Rent a U-Haul: $55.95 plus mileage -Move tables at 5:00 PM pick meet at the shelter at 5:00 pm human society -Alex will get the truck -Thursday at 2:00 pm load the truck Decisions Made: -Meeting at Arnold Hall at 11:00 AM -Go the SAM to purchase food and drinks [Pedro/ Brittany/ Laura] -Pick up the truck and set up the stage -Each committee need to submit works to the final folder -Information need to put together and print out before next Monday -Peer evaluation and self-evaluation due on Monday 47


The General Management Committee was given the task of supervising the other four committees. This was accomplished by establishing means of communication between committees by using Google Drive to share files. General Management tracked the budget of the event while working to compile the final event plan book. The following pages lay out the established goals of the General Management Committee including templates that were created for class agendas and minutes, budget tracking and relevant emails to committee chairs. The General Management Committee consisted of chair Laura James and members Brittany Stafford, Pedro Vazquez and Yin Qiu.



COMMITTEE GOALS Goal 1: Facilitate and foster communication via. Google Drive with all committees while monitoring the process of event planning via the shared drive. Importance: To update all committees on the progression of the event . To reinforce the work flow, so that all committees work cooperatively when contributing to the event. Objective Create and maintain Google Drive event planning folder. Generate a contact sheet, which includes information for all members of each committee. Develop a template for class agendas and assign minutes to individuals. Send email communication weekly and when necessary, regarding the event. Respond promptly to emails. Evaluation The achievement of this goal will be deemed successful if: Communication is clear and consistent. All committees utilize the shared Google Drive folder for event planning. Each individual clearly understands their role and how to achieve their committee’s goals. Key Timeline Weekly - Send class email Every Class - ensure that designated minutes are taken and all agendas are submitted via Google Drive. Goal 2: Ensure that all deadlines are met on a class and weekly basis. Importance: Committee Chair communicates with other chairs to make sure that time management is on schedule. Objective: Create templates for all forms of communication. Provide each committee chair with a folder to ensure that all physical material is submitted.


Evaluation This goal will be successful if: All committees submit physical material on time, minutes are taken and agendas are followed.

Key Timeline Every class - review required deadlines are ensure material is submitted. Goal 3: Create and Balance Budget Importance: To stay in budget while meeting all the other committee needs. Objective: To create a chart that shows all of the revenue and expenses. To organize and maintain all receipts for an accurate budget. Evaluation This goal will be successful if: General Management is aware of financial needs and requests prior to committee purchases. A balanced budget is kept. Key Timeline Every class - General Management(Pedro) is made aware of committee’s financial needs and requests. Goal 4: Generate a final book that documents the process of event planning leading up to the final event Importance: To produce a final book that specifies the development of the event from the start to finish and communicates the goals and actions of all committees. Objective: Combine all the information collected from other committees to create a cohesive aesthetic of the whole process of the event. Work closely with the Marketing and Promotion committee to ensure that the design aesthetic is known and implemented throughout the event-planning book. Evaluation This goal will be successful if: The final book clearly displays cohesiveness through the details and information of the event and the implementation process. The final book is to accurately represent each committee and their contributions made, to put on the final event.


Key Timeline April 27 : General Management and Marketing committees meet to discuss design and layout of final book. May 6: All committee work to be submitted for a final draft to be put together May 13 : Event plan book draft due May 18 : Feedback from committees on book draft May : Committees submit paperwork and forms to General Management May 25 : Final plan and report due Goal 5: To execute a successful and profitable event. Importance: To make the overall event an enjoyable experience for exhibiting artists, guests, volunteers and all committees. Objective: Maintain open means of communication within the group via group texts, emails, and Google Drive chats. Ensure adherence to “Day Of” event timeline in order for event to run smoothly. Evaluation This goal will be successful if: Everyone enjoys and understands their assigned jobs. Artists connect with guests and make sales. Key Timeline Prior to event - create a “day of” timeline. Day of event - follow the “day of” timeline.



Class Number: Date

Program Planning & Evaluation:

Marketing & Promotion:

Sponsorship & Development:

Production & Logistics:


AGENDA Meeting Agenda: Class Number: Date

General Management:

Program Planning & Evaluation:

Marketing & Promotion:

Sponsorship & Development:

‘ Production & Logistics:


COMMITTEE GOALS (Committee Name) Goals 1. Goal one -Importance (why is the goal important?) -Objective (how will your committee achieve this goal) -Evaluation ( how will your -Key Timeline 2. Goal two -Importance -Objective -Evaluation -Key Timeline 3. Goal three -Importance -Objective -Evaluation -Key Timeline 4. Goal four -Importance -Objective -Evaluation -Key Timeline 5. Goal five -Importance -Objective -Evaluation -Key Timeline


COMMITTEE REPORTS Committee Chairs Report Committee Name Committee Group Members’ Names 1.Goal Number 2. How you achieved and met your goal. If didn’t meet goal, explain why. 3. Committee Task Delegation and Initiative:


EMAILS Emails from general management to other committees








The Program Planning and Evaluation Committee devised a program plan for Bee Market, managed the artist submission process, and led a plan to track overall event assessment. The following pages lay out the established goals of the Program Planning and Evaluation Committee, the proposal for Bee Market and the revisions to the program plan, relevant e-mails to artists, etc., and the evaluation plan and survey for the event. The Program Planning and Evaluation Committee consisted of chair Dae’monet Wright and members, Mariana Velasquez, Weijiao Yan, and Ke Chung.



COMMITTEE GOALS Goal 1: Come up with idea for workshop Importance: The workshop is an important part of our event. We are having the workshops to be fun for the public, so that they can socialize with others. Objective Our Committee will reach this goal by introducing artists to provide their essential knowledge for our event. In class on April 13 we will go over what workshops to choose from. Evaluation The achievement of this goal will be deemed successful if: Have a complete list of workshops Talk about supplies for the workshop Key Timeline Propose workshop ideas to all committees on Monday, April 13 Goal 2: Draft contracts/agreements Importance: To make sure that the artist understand the scope of the work so that there isn’t any misunderstandings. Minimize risk. Objective: Our committee will come up with a binding agreement for all of the artist. Something simple. Evaluation The achievement of this goal will be deemed successful if: Have all agreements done before the application deadline Key Timeline Be completed by May 4th Goal 3 : Connecting with the artists to attend the event Importance Keep in touch with artists and check to make sure they are still available.


Objective Go through all applicants, confirm number of artist, and keep contact with all artist.

Evaluation The achievement of this goal will be deemed successful if: We keep contacts with participants up until the event. Key Timeline Keep contact up until May 20th Goal 4: Design printable surveys Importance: To collect feedback from the public on what they thought about our event. To see how we did ourselves on the event. Objective: To have an effective event. To have the public find the event enjoyable and gain knowledge. Evaluation The achievement of this goal will be deemed successful if: We come up with clipboard surveys We evaluate our process through the event planning

Key Timeline Have surveys ready by May 15th Goal 5: Communicate with the other committees regarding the event Importance: To collaborate in making this an effective event. Objective: Get all logistics plan to the tee. Communicate with other committees with things that have to be finalized. Evaluation The achievement of this goal will be deemed successful if: Make sure the other committees do what they need to do for our committee

Key Timeline Throughout the quarter


INITIAL EVENT PROPOSAL Event Programming Proposal


AADM 440/740 Program Planning & Evaluation Committee Dae'Mone’t Wright Mariana Velasquez Weijiao Yan Ke Chung April 13, 2014 Intro: The Bee Market is an event that is being put on by the SCAD AADM 440/740 Event Planning Class. Our main goal for this event is to have the community come and see what SCAD has to offer. We want artist to generate sales from their art pieces. This will be completed by having some artists give demonstrations while also selling items. Description of Event The reason for this event for artist to promote and expose their artwork, while also letting the guest showcase their work with a mural workshop. We want this event to be educational and fun for everyone. Also with having the workshop it won’t necessarily take away from the demonstrations and the fair. Our event will include SCAD Alumni, Faculty/Staff, and students of different mediums. It will be held in the Arnold Hall Auditorium, on the stage and around the area. The demonstrations are for the artist to explain and show the process of their work. Event Theme The general theme of this event is to give SCAD artist a platform to sell and demonstrate work, while also providing educational experience to the attendees.The Arts/Educational Mural Workshop is intended to be a social and fun event for the community. The workshop will let the visitors that aren’t artist open their minds. It is open for all ages. Event Concept The workshop is a lesson in how to turn everyone's ideas into a ginormous piece of artwork. We want to be on hand the whole way through to guide everyone on how to build the mural, but ultimately it’s their creation. The mural workshop as well as being an artistic experience has a strong teamwork component. Everyone will be working together with their own ideas to make a masterpiece. We would like to use one of the dressing rooms for the workshop. First we would start by making sure the room is fully covered and protected, so there will be no stains. Our committee would like to use different drawing materials, and rolling paper. We would also like to maybe get in touch with SCAD clubs or a professor to help out with the workshop. The mural workshops last for around two hours. Now we are just deciding if we want to sketch the groups design lightly onto the paper and the group fills it in with color, adding extra details as necessary; or, the group self manage from start to finish.

FINAL EVENT PROPOSAL Event Programming Proposal AADM 440/740 Program Planning & Evaluation Committee Dae'Mone’t Wright Mariana Velasquez Weijiao Yan Ke Chung May 4, 2014 Intro: The Bee Market is an event that is being put on by the SCAD AADM 440/740 Event Planning Class. Our main goal for this event is to have the community come and see what SCAD has to offer. We want artist to generate sales from their art pieces. This will be completed by having some artists give demonstrations while also selling items. Description of Event The reason for this event for artist to promote and expose their artwork, while also letting the guest watch the artist give demonstrations. The demonstrations are for the artist to explain and show the process of their work. We want this event to be educational and fun for everyone. We decided to not have a mural workshop or a workshop at all because we feel like it will be costly, and we really don’t want it to take away from the actually fair. We want everyone to focus on the event itself. Our event will include SCAD Alumni, Faculty/Staff, and students of different mediums. It will be held in the Arnold Hall Auditorium, on the stage and around the area. Event Theme The general theme of this event is to give SCAD artist a platform to sell and demonstrate work, while also providing educational experience to the attendees.The Demos are intended to be a social and fun event for the community. The Demonstrations will let the visitors that aren’t artist open their minds. It is open for all ages. Artistic Quality The Bee Market will have multiple artist give demonstrations on how to do their work. We have also teamed up with SCAD Radio for the event. We will also be having someone in a bee costume to hype up the crowd. Our goal is to utilize and present fun artistic talent to show that this event meets high artistic condition and show off the SCAD’s community.



ARTIST OPEN CALL Do you have artwork that needs to be sold?

Do you want to share your knowledge with a demonstration or workshop? BEE MARKET is looking for SCAD students, faculty/staff, alumni of all mediums will be considered in this call for submissions,in our upcoming art fair. On May 20th at the Arnold Hall auditorium, artist will be selected to market their work to the public.





LETTER TO ACCEPTED ARTISTS Congratulations! You have been selected to be an exhibitor at the Bee Market.


Here’s what we need from you, if you haven’t already submitted: 1. Payment for the table. If you do not pay for your table by Wednesday, May 13, 5pm, you will forfeit your space and will not be permitted to exhibit. a. Half of a 6’ table = $10 b. Full 6’ table = $20 c. Full 6’ table with demo (by invite only) = $15 d. If you did not let us know what size table you wanted, we have assigned you a half table . Please see the attached spreadsheet to see the size table you have, and how much you owe for the table. e. Payment can be made online by Paypal. A link will be sent to you from Pedro Vazquez requesting payment. If you choose not to do Paypal then payment may be made in cash or with square(debit or credit card) by visiting Arnold Hall or Montgomery Hall on Tuesday, May 12, 7:30am ­ 5:30pm. The Bee Market will be selling donuts, and we will accept your payment there if you’d like. 2. If you haven’t we’d also like your major, year, if you’re Alumni, student, or faculty/staff, website/Facebook/whatever you would like to be included in the Bee Market program. 3. If you need electricity, please let us know. Electricity is not guaranteed. You will need to bring your own extension cord. Additional Details: ● On May 20, 2015, you need to arrive at Arnold Hall Auditorium after 3pm to set up your artwork, and be prepared for the public no later than 4:30pm. ● Also please know that we expect you to exhibit for the entire time of the Bee Market, 5­8pm. If you will be unable to do so, please arrange to have help. ● All art and materials must be removed from Arnold Hall on the day of the market, by 10pm. ● Please consider preparing a price list and any other signs you may need for table presentation. ● All sales, payments, and taxes are your responsibility. We have had success accepting credit card payment via Square, which you may purchase at FedEx on Broughton for $10 with a free app. ● We will provide some food and drinks for audience and vendors. ● If you’re doing a demonstration please make sure it’s cleanable ­ no permanent paints, etc. ● Please share the Bee Market Facebook page with your friends! Invite them to come… If you have any questions please let us know. Thank you for you participation and cooperation in the Bee Market!

VENDOR DEMONSTRATIONS Vendor Demonstrations AADM 440/740 Program Planning & Evaluation Committee Dae'Mone’t Wright Mariana Velasquez Weijiao Yan Ke Chung May 10, 2015 We as a committee have decided that we aren’t having the mural and we spoke to Professor Chance. We feel like it will be costly, and we really don’t want it to take away from the actually fair. We want everyone to focus on the event itself. We have many artist that are doing demonstrations. The demos are: ● Caricature demos by ­ Grant Whitsitt ­ Alejo Porras ­ Gozie Okoro ­ Jess L. Marfisi ● Five Minute Portraits demo ­ Scarlet Nelson ● Minicomic demo by ­ Kailee Roark ● Sustainability and Weaving demo by ­ Rebecca A. Zerby ● Copic Marker demo by ­ Melina J. Jones ● Relief Printmaking demo by ­ Kimberly A. Valentinsson ­ Kory Kingsley ● Dreamcatcher demo by ­ Laura Douglass ● Screen Printing demo ­ Elizabeth Younce ● Character Design demo ­ Gabrielle Kuyper







Grant Whitsitt

Full & Demo


Alejo Porras

Half & Demo


Gozie Okoro

Full & Demo


Kailee Roark

Full & Demo


Rebecca A. Zerby

Full & Demo


Melina J. Jones

Full & Demo


Kimberly A. Valentinsson

Full & Demo


Laura Douglass

Full & Demo


Kory Kingsley

Full & Demo


Gabrielle Kuyper

Full & Demo


Elizabeth Younce

Full & Demo


Scarlet Nelson

Half w/ demo ? Paid

Kat Lanser



Dove McHargue



Molly Lieberman



Ian Mutchler & Harley C. Huang



Jess L. Marfisi & Amy Hudkins


Both paid

Cameron L. Butler & Kelsey Goldych


Both paid

Caroline Director & Lauren Stewart


Both paid

Rae Cook



Cristina P. Quintana & Stephani Bral


Both paid

Fanny L. Hagdahi Soreb & Jin Fang


Both paid

Sean Diaz & Kat Morgan


Both paid

Corrie Young



Caitlyn Kurilich



Denna Demonch



Rebecca Gianforcaro Finol



Gary Rife



Yao Yu



Melissa Brown



Elenna Bakrie



Nan Qin



Ameer Carter



Hao Fang



Ciera Yumi Redifer



Zahra A. Alzayer



Antonella Martinez-Gugliotta



Mericia A. Ramirez



Irena Freitas



Shannon A. Cummings



Manvender S. Bhati



Derik Hobbs



Manuela Sanchez Penaranda



Kirra Haretsu



Kiana Reed



Jonathan Taylor



Peggy Y. Chambers



Shannon E. Pavasko



Andrew Lytle



Sarah Bloom



David Neal



Sidar Soza



Lindsey Cirmotich



Renee Malloy Ludlam



Rachel Braun & Dominque Ta (Doom & Gloo



Kaitlyn Taylor



Samuel Urquhart


Paid may need refund

Chihyu Wu



Yunfan Zhou



Wen He



Cassandrea Graybeal



Wenni Zhen



Genni Koberstein



Rachel Noto



Wenchao Shao



Allison Hall



Hailey McLaughlin

Full & Demo


Chloe Barbosa Ayoub



Bria Jones



Alexander Stefani



Joshua Mcleod



Lauren Ulieme



Vivian Hansen







Start Time

Time Blocks

2:00 PM



Time Blocks

2:00 PM


2:30 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM

2:00 - 4:30 Classes



2:00 PM

4:00 PM

2:30 PM

4:30 PM

3:00 PM5:00 - 7:30

5:00 PM Doors Open Bee Market begins! 5:30 PM

3:30 PM

6:30 PM

4:30 PM

7:00 PM

5:00 PM Doors Open Bee Market begins! 5:30 PM

8:30 PM 9:00 PM

8:00 - 10:30 Classes

6:00 PM


5:00 - 7:30 Classes Event over, Public out Clean Out Auditorium

6:30 PM

9:30 PM

7:00 PM

10:00 PM

7:30 PM

10:30 PM

2:00 - 4:30 Classes


4:00 PM

8:00 PM

Bee Marke

Artist Set- up

6:00 PM

7:30 PM



2:00 PM


Start Time

8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM

8:00 - 10:30 Classes

PROGRAM DRAFT Program Cover Page ­ Poster Re­done Next page ­ Blurb, class info, and about us ● Blurb ○ Unwind, snack and buy art! The Bee Market invites you to the first free, collective and dynamic art fair in the Arnold Hall’s auditorium. It will be happening on May 20th from 5­8pm. We are bringing together SCAD artists who will not only be selling, but also giving free demos to the public. A wide range of art will be offered such as furniture, ceramics, handmade goods, painting photography and more. This is an incredible opportunity to display your work, network with other artists, enjoy the free food and music provided by SCAD radio. Portion of the proceeds will benefit Loop It Up Savannah. ● Class info ○ General Management ■ Laura James (Chair) ■ Yin Qiu ■ Brittany Stafford ■ Pedro Vazquez ○ Program Planning & Evaluation ■ Dae'Mone’t Wright (Chair) ■ Mariana Velasquez ■ Weijiao Yan ■ Ke Chung ○ Marketing & Promotion ■ Veronica Del Castillo (Chair) ■ Jennifer Brogger ■ Rachel Braun ■ Nan Chen ■ Alena Dubik ■ Daniella Gonsalves ■ Peipei Li ○ Sponsorship & Development ■ Roberta Rainwater (Chair) ■ Xichen Xu ■ Aixi Xie ■ Tranise Sharpe ○ Production & Logistics ■ Kat Morgan (Chair) ■ Jesse Mansoor ■ Xu Huang ■ Shengzhang Gu ● About Us




○ [INSERT TEXT] Middle Page ­ Artists, major, type of art, website Artist ­Kat Lanser ­ Illustration, Prints, ­Molly Lieberman ­ Fibers, Handmade items,­Neighborhood­LLC/289634537820907?fref=ts ­Ian Mutchler ­ Animation, Prints, ­Harley C. Huang ­ Animation, Prints, ­Amy Hudkins ­Cameron L. Butler ­ Animation, Prints, ­Kelsey Goldych ­ Prints, ­Caroline Director ­ Prints, ­Lauren Stewart ­ Prints ­Cristina P. Quintana ­ Prints and handmade items ­Stephani Bral ­ Prints ­Fanny L. Hagdahi Soreb ­ Prints ­Jin Fang ­ Animation, Prints ­Sean Diaz ­ Prints, stickers, temporary tattoos, and small cards ­Kat Morgan ­ Illustration, Prints, ­Dove McHargue ­Kiana Reed ­ Sequential Art, Prints, ­Yunfan Zhou ­ Sequential Art, prints ­Cassandrea Graybeal ­ Illustration, Prints, ­Corrie Young ­ Animation, Prints ­Caitlyn Kurilich ­ Illustration Alumni, Prints, ­Alexander Stefani ­ Prints ­Denna Demonch ­ Illustration, Prints, ­Rebecca Gianforcaro Finol ­Gary Rife ­ Prints ­Yao Yu ­ Illustration, Prints ­Melissa Brown ­ SCAD Alumni, Photography ­Elenna Bakrie ­ Prints ­Nan Qin ­ Prints ­Ameer Carter ­ Service Design, Prints ­Hao Fang ­ Handmade leather ­Ciera Yumi Redifer ­ Prints ­Zahra A. Alzayer ­ Prints ­Antonella Martinez­Gugliotta ­ Gugliotta ­ Prints ­Mericia A. Ramirez ­ Fashion Marketing, Jewelry ­Irena Freitas ­ Illustration, Prints, & ­Shannon A. Cummings ­ Illustration, Prints ­Manvender S. Bhati ­ Prints

­Derik Hobbs ­ Prints ­Manuela Sanchez Penaranda ­ Fibers, Coin purses, ­Kirra Haretsu ­ Sequential art/Illustration, Prints and Products, ­Jonathan Taylor ­ Plants, ­Peggy Y. Chambers ­ Prints ­Shannon E. Pavasko ­ Prints ­Andrew Lytle ­ Sequential Art Alumni ­Rae Cook ­ Prints ­Sarah Bloom ­ Prints ­David Neal ­ Film Alumni, Archery bows ­Sidar Soza ­ Illustration, Prints, ­Lindsey Cirmotich ­ Illustration, Prints ­Renee Malloy Ludlam ­ Graphic Design Alumni & Current professor of Graphic Design, tablet, phone, and cookbook holders, as well as hand­carved wands, and handmade mousepads, ­Rachel Braun & Dominque Ta (Doom & Gloom) ­Kaitlyn Taylor ­ Jewelry ­Samuel Urquhart ­ Prints ­Chihyu Wu ­ Prints ­Wen He ­ Printing, Prints Artist w/ Demos ­Grant Whitsitt ­ Caricature demo, Prints ­Alejo Porras ­ Caricature demo, Illustration Major, Prints and CDs, ­Gozie Okoro ­ Caricature demo, Illustration, Prints ­Kailee Roark ­ Minicomic demo w/ binding, Prints ­Rebecca A. Zerby ­ Fibers, Sustainability and Weaving demo, Rugs ­Melina J. Jones ­ Animation, Copic Marker demo, Prints ­Kimberly A. Valentinsson ­Relief printmaking demo, Prints, ­Laura Douglass ­ Dreamcatcher demo, Prints and dreamcatchers, ­Kory Kingsley ­ Photography, Printmaking demo, Prints, ­Elizabeth Younce ­ Illustration, Screen printing demo, Patches, pins, wall hangings, screen prints, relief prints, cards, etc , ­Jess L. Marfisi ­ Caricature demo, Prints, ­Scarlet Nelson ­ Animation, five minute portraits,,, ­Gabrielle Kuyper ­ SEQA, Character design demo, ​ Next page ­ Loop it Up Savannah Last Page ­ Sponsors



Loop It Up Savannah



ee Co.

Arts A







ll Fed Cafe



Bricks Spot


*Collaboration between Program Planning and Marketing & Promotion

Loop It Up Savannah is a community art program that was founded in 2008. Since its inception, Loop It Up Savannah has brought creative arts programming to thousands of children throughout the city of Savannah. Through school residency programs, after school programs, workshops at Community Centers and special events, Loop It Up Savannah creates opportunities for children to celebrate and express themselves, while unifying communities through engagement in the arts. All left over proceeds will be donated to LOOP It UP. If you would like to contribute, go to: indiegogo. com/projects/bee-market.

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Bon A

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Arts Administration

PJ’s Corner

Alejo Porras Gary Rife Sakuma Alissa Berkhan Grant Whitsitt Savannah Bee Co.Hao Fang BarAmeer Food Carter Hudkins SavannahHarley Rae’s C Huang B&DAmy Burgers Andrew Lytle Ian Mutchler State Farm Bella’s Irena Freitas Antonella Martinez-Gugliotta Super Taste BlueCaitlyn DoorKurilich Jess L Marfisi hool Sweet Melissa’s Jin Fang BonCameron Appetit L Butler hool Jonathan Taylor Caroline Director The Spice & Tea Exchange B. Tillman nity Kailee M Roark Chihyu Wu op It Well Fed Byrd Cookies ities Kaitlyn Taylor Ciera Yumi Redifer and Wild Wing CafeKat Lanser Dr. Corrie Stafford Young ttee y Stafford ying Kat Morgan Cristina P Quintana iu Zoes Fresh Market ment ommittee Kelsey Goldych David Neal Zunzi’s Ke Chung Kroger asquez l be Kiana Reed Denna Demonch 13 Bricks Marcos Pizza ittee ould Derik Hobbs Kimberly A Valentinsson Nan Chen ogo. ena Dubik Papillote 5 Spot Dove McHargue Kirra Haretsu Gonsalves Elenna Bakrie Kory J Kingsley mmittee Aixi Xie Elizabeth J Younce Laura Douglass Xu Erica Kelly Lauren Stewart ttee hang Gu Lindsey Cirmotich Fanny L Hagdahl Sorebo oor

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Manuela Sanchez Penaranda Manvender S Bhati Melina J Jones Melissa Brown Mericia A Ramirez Molly Lieberman Nan Qin Peggy Y Chambers Rachel Braun & Dominque Tasker Rae Cook Rebecca A Zerby Rebecca Gianforcaro Finol Renée Malloy Ludlam Samuel Urquhart Sarah Bloom Scarlet Nelson Sean Diaz Shannon A Cummings Shannon E Pavasko Sidar Soza Stephanie Bral Wen He Yao Yu Yunfan Zhou Zahra A Alzayer 79



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Alejo Porras Gary Rife Alissa Berkhan Grant Whitsitt Ameer Carter Hao Fang Amy Hudkins Harley C Huang Andrew Lytle Ian Mutchler Irena Freitas Antonella Martinez-Gugliotta Jess L Marfisi Caitlyn Kurilich Jin Fang Cameron L Butler Jonathan Taylor Caroline Director Kailee M Roark Chihyu Wu Kaitlyn Taylor Ciera Yumi Redifer Kat Lanser Corrie Young Kat Morgan Cristina P Quintana Kelsey Goldych David Neal Kiana Reed Denna Demonch Derik Hobbs Kimberly A Valentinsson Dove McHargue Kirra Haretsu Elenna Bakrie Kory J Kingsley Elizabeth J Younce Laura Douglass Erica Kelly Lauren Stewart Lindsey Cirmotich Fanny L Hagdahl Sorebo

Manuela Sanchez Penaranda Manvender S Bhati Melina J Jones Melissa Brown Mericia A Ramirez Molly Lieberman Nan Qin Peggy The BeeY Chambers Market was developed in theRachel SCADBraun Arts Administration course entitled & Dominque Tasker “Event Planning for Artists & Arts Managers”. The Rae Cook students were charged with creating an event. Rebecca A Zerby They decided to create an event that gave all SCAD Rebecca artists anGianforcaro opportunityFinol to sell their work and promote themselves. Along with assisting RenéetheMalloy Ludlaman event that gave fellow artists, class created Urquhart back to theSamuel community by donating all left-over proceeds to the non-profit Sarah Bloom organization, Loop It Up Savannah. Scarlet Nelson Thank you for your support! Sean Diaz Meet the class: Shannon APROFESSOR Cummings Chance Farago Shannon E Pavasko GENERAL MANAGEMENT Committee Sidar Soza / Brittany Laura James (Chair) Stafford Pedro Vazquez / Yin Qiu Stephanie Bral PROGRAM PLANNING & EVALUATION Committee He(Chair) / Ke Chung Dae’Monet Wen Wright Weijiao Yan Yao/YuMariana Velasquez MARKETING & PROMOTION Committee Yunfan Zhou Veronica Del Castillo (Chair) / Nan Chen Peipei Li Zahra / Rachel Braun A Alzayer / Alena Dubik


Jennifer Brogger / Daniella Gonsalves SPONSORSHIP & DEVELOPMENT Committee

Roberta Rainwater (Chair) / Aixi Xie Tranise Sharpe / Xichen Xu PRODUCTION & LOGISTICS committee

Kat Morgan (Chair) / Shengzhang Gu Xu Huang / Jesse Mansoor 80

Alejo Porr Alissa Ber Ameer Ca Amy Hudk Andrew Ly Antonella Caitlyn Ku Cameron Caroline D Chihyu W Ciera Yum Corrie You Cristina P David Nea Denna De Derik Hob Dove McH Elenna Ba Elizabeth Erica Kelly Fanny L Ha

EMAILS From: allevents To: Dae’ monet Wright






The Marketing and Promotion Committee worked to raise awareness of Bee Market by designing and printing all visual promotional material. The Marketing Committee accomplished this by designing marketing materials that all fit under a cohesive brand. In addition the Marketing Committee worked with social media platforms to raise awareness online as well as offline. The following pages lay out the established goals of the Marketing and Promotion Committee, including the marketing materials that were created, relevant emails, and proposals for all visual promotional material. The Marketing and Promotion Committee consisted of chair Veronica Del Castillo and members Jennifer Brogger, Daniella Gonsalves, Alena Dubik, Rachel Braun, Nan Chen and Peipei Lei.



COMMITTEE GOALS Goal 1: Create a strong and cohesive identity for event. Importance: To unify event and make it easily identifiable for public. To attract SCAD students and Savannah residents to attend event. Objective Use same eye-catching logo, font, color scheme, and overall aesthetic on all promotional material. Evaluation The achievement of this goal will be deemed successful if: Communication of event is deemed clear, consistent, and appealing by both the event committees and attendees. We will receive constant feedback from fellow event committees. Also, we will discuss the identity and the communication of the event with attendees to receive their feedback. Key Timeline On April 13th, the identity of the event (logo, color scheme, etc.) will be decided. On May 1st, all printed promotional material (poster and handouts) will be printed and distributed. Goal 2: Use a variety of media outlets to market event. Importance: To make sure the event has as many attendees as possible. People will discover the event through different media outlets. Objective: Use the following media outlets: Print i.e. posters, flyers, postcards; Social media i.e. Facebook and Instagram; Traditional i.e. press release, newspapers, magazines, email newsletters, and radio. Evaluation This goal will be deemed successful if: All media outlets are noticeably utilized. For example, if the handouts are used, the piles of handouts distributed throughout SCAD and Savannah will shrink in number. Key Timeline On May 1st, all printed promotional material will be distributed and readily checked on and resupplied when needed. 86

Goal 3: Promote event through different SCAD and non-SCAD venues throughout Savannah. Importance: To attract both SCAD and Savannah populations. Objective Promote through SCAD facilities and popular locations and events. Venues include: Arnold Wallin Anderson Alexander FAHM Montgomery O-House SCAD Gym The Hive Turner Dyson Westin Jen Library Gulfstream Norris Building Eckburg Haymans Foxy Loxy The Coffee Fox Butterhead Sentient Bean Civies Future on Forsyth Graveface Blick Vinnie Van Go-Go Kayak Cafe Planet 3 Art March Fire Flea Market Sidewalk Art Festival Evaluation This goal will be successful if: Handouts at most venues are taken. People from different venues attend event. 87

Key Timeline Every class - General Management(Pedro) is made aware of committee’s financial needs and requests. Goal 4: Maintain active communication with fellow event teams. Importance: To update all fellow committees on the progress of the event’s marketing. To strengthen the workflow and collaboration between all committees and its members. Objective: Update and organize Google Drive as needed. Answer and ask questions in a timely manner. Be prepared for class. Update agenda when needed. Know what all committees are doing. Keep all committees up-to-date on marketing initiatives through daily announcements and completion of other objectives. Evaluation This goal will be deemed successful if: All committees and its members know and understand the marketing initiatives. The marketing committee is aware of the initiatives fellow committees are taking and how marketing can assist them. Every member of the marketing committee understands their role and knows what marketing initiatives are being taken and why. Key Timeline During every class the marketing committee announces its progress and receives feedback from other committees. After every class and before the next marketing committee members read the minutes and agenda and edit if needed. Goal 5: Have 150 or more people attend event. Importance: To assist participating artists sell their work. To help publicize sponsors. To help make the event, and the money and the hard work that went into it worthwhile. Objective Smart and successful marketing tactics. Execution of goals and objectives one through four.


Evaluation This goal will be successful if: 150 or more people attend the event. Artwork is purchased.

Key Timeline All marketing initiatives are strong, smart, and creative and are carried out with the utmost care and professionalism. Complete all marketing initiatives on time.


MARKETING PLAN PRE-LAUNCH April MEDIA Social Media Facebook Print Call-for-artists Poster Call-for-artists Postcards Event Poster Event Postcards Press Online calendars News Release Savannah Master Calendar Newsletter Do Savannah Article Grassroots Donut sales 90



DURING May 01-19

May 20

POST May 21-28








e k M a r



MARKETING BLURB DRAFT BLURB The Bee Market Come and buy‌. affordable selling artwork of students, faculty, staff, and alumni of SCAD networking opportunity Collective art fair wide range of art: furniture, ceramics, handmade goods, painting, photography and more! exhibit and sell work demos free food music provided by SCAD Radio free and open to the public Wednesday, May 20th, 6-8pm Arnold Hall, 34th & Bull portion of proceeds to benefit Loop it Up Savannah

FINAL BLURB Unwind, snack and buy! The Bee Market invites you to the first free, collective and dynamic art fair in the Arnold Hall’s auditorium. It will be happening on May 20th from 5-8pm. We are bringing together SCAD artists who will not only be selling, but also giving free demos to the public. A wide range of art will be offered such as furniture, ceramics, handmade goods, painting photography and more. This is an incredible opportunity to display your work, network with other artists, enjoy the free food and music provided by SCAD radio. Portion of the proceeds will benefit Loop It Up Savannah.


PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Contact: Alena Dubik


e M a r k



The Bee Market SCAD students, faculty, staff, and alumni to sell work

Savannah, GA: Students in SCAD’s Event Planning course will present The Bee Market on Wednesday, May 20, from 5:00 - 8:00 PM in the Arnold Hall Auditorium, located at 1810 Bull Street. The event is free and open to the public. The Bee Market will present SCAD artists, who will not only be selling their original art, but will also give free demos to the public. SCAD students, faculty, staff, and alumni will be selling a wide range of art, such as a mural demo, furniture, ceramics, handmade goods, painting, photography and more. “I’ve produced so much art through my studies at SCAD, but I haven’t had as many opportunities to sell my art as I’d like,” said Rachel Braun, a student in the class. Along with the selling of one-of-a-kind art created by some of SCAD’s finest, the Bee Market will offer delicious, free food and music provided by SCAD Radio. The Bee Market is organized by the students of SCAD’s Event Planning class, offered by the Arts Administration department. The 23 graduate and undergraduate students were given a date and a venue, and asked what type of event they wanted to produce, with the understanding that they would need to do all of the work to make it happen, from planning the program, finding the artists, fundraising to provide the resources, marketing the event, and evaluating its success. “The idea for this event came about when students recognized that so much of their art is created, but never shown or offered for sale,” said Professor Chance Farago. He added, “I know I’m looking forward to seeing what new piece of art I’ll take home, and I hope others will take this opportunity to take home a sample of the talent of the SCAD artistic community.”


A portion of the proceeds from The Bee Market will benefit Loop it Up Savannah, a community art program that was founded in 2008. Since its inception, Loop It Up Savannah has brought creative arts programming to thousands of children throughout the city of Savannah. Through school residency programs, after school programs, workshops at Community Centers and special events, Loop It Up Savannah creates opportunities for children to celebrate and express themselves, while unifying communities through engagement in the arts. A few simple guidelines shape Loop It Up’s programs: Make things. Be nice. Respect and celebrate yourself and your friends. Look for and create beauty. Everybody you meet has a special gift, always do your best to find it. For more information on The Bee Market, visit its Facebook page at events/1587153054888066/ or contact Alena Dubik via email at





Savannah Master Calendar

Scott West

http://www.savannahmastercalendar. com

Savannah Magazine

Anita Hagin

South Magazine Connect Savannah Chris Griffin

Do Savannah

Savannah Morning News WJCL News Bunny Ware

WSAV News Visit Savannah Erica Bacjus

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Arnold Hall Wallin Anderson Alexander FAHM Montgomery O-House SCAD Gym The Hive Turner Dyson Westin Jen Library Gulfstream Norris Building Eckburg Haymans Foxy Loxy The Coffee Fox Butterhead Sentient Bean Civies Future on Forsyth Graveface Blick Vinnie Van Go-Go Kayakl Cafe Planet 3 Art March Fire Flea Market Sidewalk Arts Fest Adler Hamilton

Roberta Rachel K Rachel Mariana Peipei Nan Jesse Jesse Veronica Brittany Brittany Tranise Veronica Miki Mariana Kat Kat Xichen Xichen Roberta Kat Brittany Rachel Aixi Jesse Veronica Rachel Rachel ALL ALL Pedro Pedro











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The Bee Market is May 20 in Arnold Hall.

Bee Market showcases SCAD artists to beneďŹ t Loop It Up Savannah

11 May 2015






Savannah College of Art and Design ( students have found the perfect marriage of academia and outreach in the upcoming Bee Market, an interactive art market and benefit show taking place May 20 at the Arnold Hall Auditorium. The market was an event planning class assignment offered by the arts administration departmen. Students were tasked with designing an event that both involved and supported the community, said student Alena Dubik.















Event Approved

From :

Tue, Apr 28, 2015 02:22 PM

Subject : Event Approved To : Dear , Your event The Bee Market on 20/05/2015 17:00:00 - 20/05/2015 20:00:00 has been approved. Best regards, Visit Savannah


Re: DoSavannah article on the Bee Market

From : Molly Hayden <>

Mon, May 04, 2015 01:44 PM

Subject : Re: DoSavannah article on the Bee Market To : Alena S Dubik <> Any photos would be great! Thanks! I'll try to call you Wednesday morning. Molly On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 1:13 PM, Alena S Dubik <> wrote: Hello Molly Hayden, This is wonderful news! My cell phone number is (619) 770-0093. My availability for this week is: - Wednesday May 6th before 11:00 AM and after 4:30 PM - Thursday May 7th before after 11:00 AM and before 1:00 PM - Anytime Friday May 8th Do any of those times work for you? Also, would you like any images for your article? As of now, we have the poster and logo for the event, pictures of the students putting on the event, and pictures of the work being sold. We will also be taking a group photo soon. I look forward to hearing back from you. Alena Dubik 619-770-0093

116 ----- Original Message -----

Alena Dubik <>

Upcoming Premier Event - The Bee Market 3 messages

Alena Dubik <> To: Scott West <>

Fri, May 1, 2015 at 2:21 PM

Dear Scott, I hope life is going well for you. I am contacting you about an upcoming event I am helping produce entitled The Bee Market. The Bee Market is a free, one-time-only art fair. On Wednesday May 20th at Arnold Hall Auditorium from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM, some of SCAD's finest artists will be selling their work or giving demos. A wide range of art will be offered, such as caricature drawing to furniture to photography. Along with exquisite, one-of-a-kind artwork, delicious free food and drink will be available, and music will be provided by SCAD Radio. Below is the news release with further information for The Bee Market, and attached is the event's logo. I would love for you to attend and invite anyone who might be interested. I hope to see you at The Bee Market! Kind regards, Alena Dubik 619-770-0093

For Immediate Release Contact: Alena Dubik

The Bee Market SCAD students, faculty, staff, and alumni to sell work Savannah, GA: Students in SCAD’s Event Planning course will present The Bee Market on Wednesday, May 20, from 5:00 - 8:00 PM in the Arnold Hall Auditorium, located at 1810 Bull Street. The event is



The Sponsorship and Development committee was given the task of raising funds, gaining sponsorship, and locating in-kind donations to support Bee Market. Sponsorship also choose the local non-profit for donations to be given to, from any Bee Market event revenue.The following pages lay out the established goals of the Sponsorship and Development Committee and include correspondence with potential sponsors, sign up sheets for donut sales, relevant emails, as well as information documenting our online indiegogo crowdfunding campaign. The Sponsorship and Development Committee consisted of chair Roberta Rainwater and members Tranise Sharpe, Aixi Xie and Xichen Xu.



COMMITTEE GOALS Goal 1: The Sponsorship and Development Committee will raise enough funds to sponsor the Bee Market Event, with the hope of giving proceeds to a local arts non-profit organization. Importance: Cash contributions must be raised in order to support the activities of each committee for the purpose of marketing, staging, and equipping the and meeting the general needs for a successful event. Donations to a non-profit should increase awareness of the event, sponsorship and attendance and create a social awareness in our community. Objective A: To receive approval from ICC of potential sponsor lists Strategies: Create list of potential sponsors by April 9, 2015 Decide on sponsor benefits and levels by April 12 Send email with list of sponsors and asking gift on April 14 Received approved list from ICC by April 17 (tentatively) Objective B: Form relationships with at least 10 potential sponsors Strategies: Compose an appeal letter template by April 17 Assign each committee member with specific potential sponsors Confirm results with committee Establish method of follow-up and obtaining contribution Send thank-you notes within the first week after the event Objective C: Raising $500 through a Krispy Kreme Donuts Sale Fundraiser Strategies: Determine location (four SCAD buildings) and get approval Set dates, time and volunteer staffing schedule Obtain promo materials for display, tables, chairs, napkins and cash box Contact professors asking for support by purchasing donuts and announcing to students Post signs on bulletin boards two days prior to sale at designated buildings Objective D: Establish a CrowdFunding campaign to raise $500. Strategies: Develop a one-page free funding page with GoFund by April 20 Provide link information to marketing venues, such as social medias by April 22 Keep track of donations 120

Evaluation: The Sponsorship and Development Committee will evaluate its fundraising efforts by the monetary goals being reached: Business Sponsorships: $1,000 Krispy Kreme Donut Sale: $500 CrowdFunding: $500 If any of these goals are not met, the Committee will evaluate the success based upon the percentage of the total amount of received funds. Key Timeline: Begin meeting with potential sponsors on April 17, 2015 CrowdSourcing Campaign will begin April 22 Krispy Kreme fundraising dates are to be determined by students Raise $1,000 from Business Sponsors by April 30 Raise $500 from Krispy Kreme Sale by May 14 Raise $500 from CrowdFunding by May 6 Goal 2: The Committee will raise enough gifts-in-kind donations to supplement the funds available to support the event. Importance: The event requires more than monetary donations to be successful. Many sponsors would prefer to give in-kind contributions. Objective: Solicit donors such as restaurants, food merchants, hardware stores, printers and other appropriate businesses beginning April 17, 2015 Strategies: Gather information from other classmates for idea of needs Estimate amount needed for food, beverages and paper goods Decide on decor items and how much Types of art supplies for demonstrations and how much Meet with promotional and marketing to suggest printing and advertising donations Evaluation: The Committee’s success will be measured both quantitatively and qualitatively: Receipts of goods and services will be documented and totaled, along with number of potential donors asked. Key Timeline: List of items needed will be provided by class on April 15 The Committee will begin approaching potential sponsors on April 20, and continue until all needs are met 121

Goal 3: The Committee will research possible non-profit arts programs to be the recipient of the proceeds of the event: in the form of cash, supplies and donated art work. Objective: Put together information pertaining to potential recipients and present to class for vote and approval Contact the approved recipients and obtain information for marketing Evaluation: Committee will evaluate the success based upon additional contributions, monies, supplies and artwork Key Timeline: Present information to class on April 15 Gather information from organizations by April 17 Present information to Marketing Committee by April 20




Loop It Up Savannah is a community art program that was founded in 2008. Since its inception, Loop It Up Savannah has brought creative arts programming to thousands of children throughout the city of Savannah. Through school residency programs, after school programs, workshops at Community Centers and special events, Loop It Up Savannah creates opportunities for children to celebrate and express themselves, while unifying communities through engagement in the arts. A few simple guidelines shape our programs: Make things. Be nice. Respect and celebrate yourself and your friends. Look for and create beauty. Everybody you meet has a special gift, always do your best to find it.


We're just having a blast with our Planet Earth project! Students from Gadsden Elementary School and St. Mary's Community Center have gone all out on the painting! Make sure to come visit us on Saturday 4/18 to celebrate Earth Day in Forsyth Park and see these beauties in real life! Like what you see? Please consider making a donation today! Help us keep it going round!

In 2008, the most glorious thing happened. I was 19 years old, and a student in the Fibers Department at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Cayewah Easley, our department chair got a call from Howard Morrison, a true Savannah mover and shaker, who had become a board member at a struggling community organization in an underserved neighborhood in Savannah. Howard had learned about a children's knitting and crochet program called Warm Up America, that was happening in other parts of the country with the Craft Yarn Council of America. Well, he thought, why don't we start something like that here in Savannah? Cayewah pulled me in, as well as several other Fiber girls (Lexi Palidino Duckworth, Betsy Bull and Ali Lind!) and Howard pulled in his friend, master knitter, Phillipa Paddeson, and we went to visit the neighborhood. Once in the neighborhood, we met Peter Doliber, Deborah Enoch, Ms. Pearl Williams who was the cook at the community center and a handful of children and families. I fell in love with every last one of them. We started having knitting classes a few afternoons a week, in a run-down room where the lights flickered and water dripped in when it rained. But it didn't matter. We were all there together.


master knitter, Phillipa Paddeson, and we went to visit the neighborhood. Once in the neighborhood, we met Peter Doliber, Deborah Enoch, Ms. Pearl Williams who was the cook at the community center and a handful of children and families. I fell in love with every last one of them. We started having knitting classes a few afternoons a week, in a run-down room where the lights flickered and water dripped in when it rained. But it didn't matter. We were all there together. Knitting and crochet were pretty hard for the kids, I started thinking that maybe they weren't really the right thing to start with, it would be better to talk with the kids and see what they already knew how to do and start there... new skills would come later. The Craft Yarn Council had donated some beautiful fabrics and yarn, we started making self-portrait collages with the yarn and fabric and anything else we could get our hands on... kids would bring bottle caps and fruit-juice stained popsicle sticks from home and we built a materials center. As the weeks turned into months, the program grew. The community center grew. I said to Peter, "I love volunteering and doing this, but I think it's so important that it needs to be somebody's job." He said, "Well, what if it was YOUR job?" Hmmm. good idea. At that point we started applying for grants, and before you knew it Loop It Up Savannah became a funded program, bringing creative art experiences to over a thousand children each year. I enjoyed about 7 years running Loop It Up Savannah at the community center, a place that will always be home. And NOW, I am excited to announce that Loop It Up Savannah is on the road to becoming an independent organization! This independence will allow us to grow, partner with a wide range of organizations throughout the city and ultimately bring more art to more little cute people. I'm reaching out today to create an easy way to support the growth and independence of Loop It Up Savannah! We are thrilled to continue bringing Savannah's neighborhoods together through art and simply being with each other in ways that work for everyone. 126

By making a donation today, you make the following possible: - Pre-school & Kindergarten creative arts classes that focus on building each student's toolbox for success in reading, math, social and fine motor development. - Elementary School Residency projects, which bring project based learning into classrooms across the county, supporting required curricula through creative projects that meet students where they are and celebrate their gifts. - Children's art programming at community wide festivals and events. - Partnership programs with community centers and organizations throughout the city. - Opportunities for women throughout the community to create handmade goods and market them through Handmade Neighborhood LLC. This year, we project that over 5,000 children will participate in Loop It Up Savannah programming. Our focus is in bringing the arts into traditionally underserved neighborhoods, in a sustainable way so that art and creative thinking and empowerment become part of "what just happens" in every neighborhood across Savannah. We appreciate every ounce of your support over the years, and look forward to working together to bring more beautiful art & opportunities to develop life-long self-respect to the incredibly bright and beautiful young people of Savannah GA.


LIST FOR ICC Dear ICC Club: In this quarter, the SAM club is planning to hold an event at the Arnold Hall, May 20th 6:30pm with the name of “Bee Market”. Here is our fundraising plan for raising $500 for covering the projected budget: We plan to sell the Kreme Krispy doughnuts 1-2 days every week. Our price for the doughnut is: One-$1; One Box-$10. For the Company Sponsors, we plan to reach out the following companies to raise cash and in-kind contribution. Cash: ● Savannah Bee Company: $500 - Roberta ● Parker: $200 - CC ● Tiffani Taylor Gallery: $100 - Roberta ● State Farm: $200 - CC ● Thomas Kincade Gallery: $100 - Roberta ● Byrd Cookie: $100 - Rachel ● Behind the Glass Framing: $100 - CC Total: $1,300 In-kind contribution: ● Blick: Art Supplies - Tranise ● Panera: Food = Aixi ● Creative Approach: Printing materials - Nan ● Foxy Loxy: Beverage - Aixi ● Kroger: Decoration; Food; Paper Products - Aixi ● Zunzi’s: Food - Jess


POSSIBLE NONPROFIT LIST Wesley Community Center: Administration: (912) 236-4226, Women's Center: (912) 447-5711, Fax: (912) 2366128 1601 Drayton Street Savannah, GA 31401 Spring program: A one week, full day camp for children ages 5-9 that takes place during public school spring break. This session is jam packed with handson fun activities that focus around a specific rotating theme. Summer program: Is an eight week, full day summer camp for children ages 5-9 that focuses on self-acceptance and the acceptance of others. Themes revolve around different cultures and include cultural cooking, art activities, field trips and guest speakers with a focus on literacy. The Wesley campers write and produce an end-of-camp play that celebrates diversity and depicts the different cultures they studied. This is a treat for parents, guardians, community members, and sponsors alike! Transition to Kindergarten: A special camp segment for children who are preparing to enter Kindergarten. Camp takes place at The Lady Bamford Early Childhood Education Center and focuses on the skills needed for Kindergarten using a fun, hands-on approach to learning. Loop It Up Savannah & Handmade Neighborhood Loop It Up Savannah after school and summer arts program for underprivileged kids.Handmade Neighborhood products are created by the women of Savannah, Georgia. All products are made by hand, by a diverse group of Savannah women in the interest of creating beautiful useful things, creating a strong community of women of all ages and providing a slow and steady economic boost to Savannah's families and neighborhoods. Molly Lieberman, director and former SCAD student 912-660-2812 Molly is interested in renting a table and doing a demonstration Bridge Foundation A nonprofit organization, raising funds for adoption and foster care. (Gathering info) Donate art items for auction.



Sponsor’s List




Blick Art Supplies Whole Food’s Panera Bread Savannah Bee Company Creative Approach Butterhead’s Green Cafe’ Foxy Loxy Scribble Art Studio Girl Scouts Kroger(downtown) Tiffani Taylor Gallery Signature Gallery Zunzi’s 2 Parker’s(Drayton st) District Cafe Leopold’s Byrd Cookie Company The Foundery Coffee Pub Gallery Espresso

Art supplies, Money, Discounts(for patrons) Food, Money Food, Money Money Printing supplies Food Money Food, Utensils, Paper products, Money Money Money, Framing Money, Food Food, Money


Good Afternoon Roberta, Vann and I looked over the levels of sponsorship, and want to help the best way we can. We definitely want to be a part of the market as a vendor, as well as have a level of sponsorship. We’ve decided that it would be best for us to give you additional shirts on top of the shirt order that would be placed for the event. Our smaller sized shirt package includes 24 shirts, which after our setup fees and tax up is $235.00. We are willing to include an additional 12 shirts in for our sponsorship (Retail value over $200) Let us know what you think, and we can work out the details. Jared Jackson Marketing Director 13 Bricks (912) 308-7749



[Name of Contact Company Address] [Date] Dear [Name] This letter is in reference to the sponsorship of an upcoming cultural event, held by the students of the Event Planning class of Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). Your contribution to the success of Savannah, as an extraordinary place to live, vacation and study, has not gone without notice. We commend you and your company for the active role you are playing in the growth and revitalization of the local business sector. For that reason, the Event Planning students are asking for your partnership in making an impact on the local arts community. We are hosting The Bee Market on May 20, 2015, at Arnold Hall, 1810 Bull Street. This open to the public event will provide a place for local residents and tourists to shop for a wide range of art created by SCAD students, alumni, staff and faculty. The market will also provide refreshments, music and a variety of artistic demonstrations. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Loop-It-Up-Savannah, Inc., a nonprofit organization that provides creative programs for thousands of children throughout the city of Savannah. Please consider sponsoring The Bee Market event to further the awareness of your business, SCAD student creativity, and Loop It Up Savannah, Inc. Attached is a list of sponsorship levels for you to consider. The Bee Keeper level will give you the greatest advertising exposure. We appreciate your time and consideration and we will follow-up with you in the next week. If you have any questions or wish to make your contribution sooner, please feel free to contact us by text, phone or email. Sincerely, RobertaRainwater:863-529-1886 Tranise Sharpe C.C. Xu Abby Xie


The Bee Market Sponsorship and Development Committee

SCAD Arts Administration Department

1810 Bull Street

Savannah, Georgia 31401


Sponsorship Levels and Benefits

Spoonful ($1 - $9) A BIG Thank you! Beeswax ($10 - $24) A BIG Thank you! Sponsor Coupon Honey Jar ($25 - $49) All “Beeswax” benefits, plus: Thank you and link on Facebook Honeycomb ($50 - $99) All “Honey Jar” benefits, plus: Personalized thank you photo with class and your logo/name Name listed on Facebook, Tee Shirt and Donor Board Acknowledgement (One Tee-shirt) Beehive ($100 - $199) All “Honeycomb” benefits, plus: Gift bags for provided promotional materials: coupons, samples, advertisements, etc. Medium (less than 2”) logo on sponsor board, t-shirts and program Permanent Inclusion on Bee Market Facebook page description (Two Tee-shirts) Bee Keeper ($200 plus) All “Beehive” benefits, plus: Personalize video thank you, shared on Facebook Table at event for promo display and products Large (2-3” logo) on sponsor poster, t-shirts and program (Three Tee-Shirts)

















The Production and Logistics Committee was given the responsibility of event space planning and coordinating day-of logistics. Responsibilities included, correspondence with the venue, creating event layout, logistics of food service, event traffic flow, and coordination and management of all committees on the day of Bee Market. The Production and Logistics Committee consisted of chair Kat Morgan, and members Shengzhang Gu, Jesse Mansoor and Xu Huang.



COMMITTEE GOALS Goal 1: Complete an organized schedule one week prior to the event so that every class member has their individual schedule and can collectively execute the preparation, duration, and breakdown of the event by 11pm. Importance: The schedule details the assigned work of each class member, ensuring responsibilities are met. Reinforce the workflow, save time, and increase efficiency. Enables us to find the right class member to solve a problem during the event if needed. Ensure proper utilization of skills of each class member effectively. Objective Outline time-sensitive tasks to be completed by each class member for the preparation, duration, and breakdown of the event. Responsibilities for each class member would be clearly defined. Evaluation The achievement of this goal will be deemed successful if: Every class member who is scheduled adheres to their time slot and performs all listed duties assigned to them. Goal 2:Acquire food and drink for 200 people to ensure no attendee that wants a portion goes without, and have designated workers oversee the distribution of food and drink for the entirety of the event in the front gallery space. Importance: The amount of food will be sufficient for the audience; we won’t run out! The food will not be taken into the auditorium and will stay in the front gallery space. Objective: Inventory list of food items and drink for 200 people. Determine the list and schedule of workers who oversee the distribution. Enforce food consumption only outside of auditorium. Set aside enough food to feed class members and artists. Evaluation The achievement of this goal will be deemed successful if: The amount of food provided is sufficient for attendees and participants, as well as food consumption only happens outside of the auditorium. Goal 3: Conduct a sound check with SCAD Radio participant(s) one to three days prior to the event to ensure uninterrupted audio during event at an appropriate volume. 146

Importance: Create a pleasant environment for the event. To make sure the audio can be used without problems and confirm the quality of sound. Additional promotion and collaboration with SCAD Radio. Objective Confirm at least one available participant from SCAD Radio to perform sound check and man the SCAD Radio table at the event. Evaluation The achievement of this goal will be deemed successful if: No problem with sound occurs during the entirety of the event. Goal 4: Communicate with Sheila one week prior to event to first establish on-site security, and secondly to confirm that all maintenance requests have been completed. Importance: Safety of attendees and participants is paramount. To make sure that all of Arnold Hall that has been offered to us is in top condition. Objective: Communicate with Sheila to establish on-site security (number and time) Determine the cost of on-site security and inform Pedro re: budget Schedule four hour shift for security guard into overall event schedule Inform all class members of security guards schedule so that all class members can may locate and approach him/her. Evaluation The achievement of this goal will be deemed successful if: Security is provided, enforced, and if all class members know when he/she is expected to attend. Additionally the goal will be reached if there are not outstanding maintenance requests by the day of the event. Goal 5: Confirm one week prior to event that all participating artists will arrive between 5:005:30pm on the day of the event to set up their own table, which will be laid out according to approved floor plan by 4:30pm on the day of the event. Importance Clarify setup time for every artist. Delegate responsibility for table prep to the artist. No precious time will be wasted from the time the artists arrive to when the doors open to the public. 147

Objective Confirm that all participating artists will arrive 30-60 minutes prior to the event to set up their own table. Confirm that all tables are laid out before 5:00pm so the artists can immediately begin their presentation prep upon arrival. Evaluation The achievement of this goal will be deemed successful if: The tables are laid out according to pre-approved floor plan an hour before the artists begin to arrive to ensure that presentation is done and artists are completely ready to take customers and start demos.



SUPPLIES LIST Potential Supplies Tape Extension cords Tablecloths Tables (6’) Chairs (one per participant, plus SCAD Radio table & Help Desk) Plates, cups, cutlery, napkins Plastic sheets or tarps Plywood, gesso, paint, paintbrushes, stencil for mural Decorations Water bottles Name tags A-frames Signage Directional signs (Production) Bathroom locations Handicap access route Food & drink location “No food in auditorium” “Enter” & “Exit” signs Help Desk signage Outside banner Brochures (Production) Schedule (Event Planning) List of Sponsors (Sponsorship)


PREPARATION QUESTIONS Talk to Sheila ( about: Security Access to Arnold for non-SCAD attendees Do we need more than one security guard? Will this be more than the original $80 for 4 hours? Maintenance Requests Bathrooms cleaned? Trash cans? Sound & Lighting Access Plug in SCAD Radio at podium? (sound check prior to event) Broken lights, etc. cleared up on stage? Ordering & Reserving Tables, Chairs & Linens Can we get 50 tables? What size are the tables? Can we get 110 chairs? Can we get one black tablecloth per table? (plastic is fine!) Can we reserve a few parking spots out front for temporary artist loading/unloading? (Between 3:00 - 5:00 PM) What is Arnold Hall’s fire capacity? What are the auditorium rules concerning wall hanging? (for our signage)












Stage Team ­ Jesse ● Alex drives U­Haul to Arnold ● ALL get t­shirts! (take photo?) ● ALL unload truck ● GEN MGMT, PLANNING, MARKETING: Stay at Arnold with Jesse to: ○ Wipe down tables with Lysol ○ Set up tables according to floorplan ○ Start covering tables with paper (get at least the artist tables done) ● SPONSORSHIP, PRODUCTION: Drive U­Haul to the Porch to: ○ Load chairs & deliver to Arnold ○ Set up chairs according to table type ■ Full artist tables & sponsor tables get 1 chair ■ All other tables get 2 chairs ■ Food tables get 0 chairs


Info & Signage Team ­ Alex ● Laura, Pedro, Brittany go to Sam’s ● Alex, Ke, Vicky, Mariana, Dae, Kat: ○ Set up Info Table, Survey Table, food tables ○ Set up trash cans ○ Display all signage ○ Attach artist names to tables ○ Finish covering left over tables with paper ○ Get Info Table & Survey Table materials ready (store behind table or in stage back room until 4pm) ● Alex return U­Haul?



Food Team ­ Connie Artist Help Team ­ Kat ● ARTISTS & SPONSORS(?) ARRIVE!!! ● Daniella, Aixi: ○ Monitor parking spots out front ○ Direct artist/sponsor inside ○ Wait by cars while the artist/sponsor finds their table ○ Make sure they move their car! ● Laura, Pedro, Brittany return from Sam’s with goodies ● Connie, Vicky lead “food room” prep (storage, organization, set up, etc.)

● Vicky is on stand­by for more food/supply runs if needed ● Roberta to serve as sponsor liaison to assist as needed (may also include assisting with food room set up) ● Rachel, Kat monitor artist & SCAD Radio set up in auditorium


● ● ● ●

Veronica, CC go “parketing” in Forsyth Aixi, Peipei display balloons and banner outside Roberta, Connie set aside artist food in back stage room Kat, Alex, Jesse, Connie, Chance do one last walk through



It’s go time! Great work everyone! Some people had to be scheduled for double shifts in order to cover all time. Thank you for serving! Please follow the below shift schedule, be prompt, and notify Kat (704­345­5567) of any legitimate conflicts:






Alex, Jennifer

Jesse, Vicky

Connie, Nan, Alena



Rachel, Daniella Dae, Aixi

Roberta, Alena, Mariana


Laura, Kat

Peipei, Brittany, Veronica





CC, Pedro

Peipei, Dae

*5­8pm ­ Miki, “floating” photographer


● Event ends at 8pm ● Artists pack up, take surveys & leave by 8:30pm ● ALL breakdown event space: ○ Rip paper off all tables ○ Stack tables & chairs (from stage, hallway, food room) ○ Remove signage, balloons, banner, etc. ○ Dae collects/keeps all surveys ○ Remove all trash & extra food ○ Take food to shelter? ● Coordinate table & chair return trip for Thursday May 21


PURCHASES U-HAUL RECEIPT (2 day rental): Used to transport chairs and tabes to event

KRAFT PAPER: Used to cover the artists tables


EMAILS BEE COSTUME EMAILS: Hi Ms Haney, I received your email from Patty Henke. I am contacting you about acquiring the SCAD Bee Costume for an event I am involved in for my Event Management class. The Event is on Wednesday 20th May from 5pm to 9pm ( ). How do we go about getting the Costume for the Event which is at Arnold Hall. Regards Jesse Mansoor Hi Jesse~ How are you? Can you provide me with more details about the event and what the bee will be used for? I hope you are off to a great day! Best, Olympia Olympia Thank you so much for your quick response! My day has been great so far, I hope yours is as well. We would like to use the Bee at the front of Arnold to try and grab peoples attention to come into the event. The name of the event is the Bee Market and therefore the Bee goes with our theme very well. I attached the facebook event link in my last email if you would like to check us out. Thanks Jesse



Hi!Olympia!! ! Just!Checking!back!in!because!I!haven't!heard!back!about!the!confirmation!of!using! Hi!Olympia!! the!Bee!costume.!! ! !Just!Checking!back!in!because!I!haven't!heard!back!about!the!confirmation!of!using! Hi!Olympia!! Regards!! the!Bee!costume.!! ! !Just!Checking!back!in!because!I!haven't!heard!back!about!the!confirmation!of!using! Jesse! Regards!! the!Bee!costume.!! !! !Jesse! Regards!! !! !Jesse! !! Hi!Jesse!! ! It!has!been!approved.!Do!you!just!need!to!costumer!or!someone!to!be!art!the!bee! ! and!guide?! Hi!Jesse!! ! !It!has!been!approved.!Do!you!just!need!to!costumer!or!someone!to!be!art!the!bee! ! !and!guide?! Hi!Jesse!! !It!has!been!approved.!Do!you!just!need!to!costumer!or!someone!to!be!art!the!bee! !and!guide?! !! Hi!Olympia!! ! !! We!would!just!like!the!costume,!we!have!two!people!already!designated!to!that!task.! Hi!Olympia!! ! When!and!where!can!we!pick!up!the!costume?! ! !We!would!just!like!the!costume,!we!have!two!people!already!designated!to!that!task.! Hi!Olympia!! Many!Thanks! When!and!where!can!we!pick!up!the!costume?! ! !We!would!just!like!the!costume,!we!have!two!people!already!designated!to!that!task.! Jesse! Many!Thanks! When!and!where!can!we!pick!up!the!costume?! !! !Jesse! Many!Thanks! !! !Jesse! !! !! Hi!!! ! You!can!pick!it!up!tomorrow!around!12!or!after!4:00PM.!My!office!is!at!Poetter! ! Hall!!Let!me!know!what!works!best!for!you.! Hi!!! ! !You!can!pick!it!up!tomorrow!around!12!or!after!4:00PM.!My!office!is!at!Poetter! ! Best,! Hall!!Let!me!know!what!works!best!for!you.! Hi!!! Olympia! !You!can!pick!it!up!tomorrow!around!12!or!after!4:00PM.!My!office!is!at!Poetter! !Best,! Hall!!Let!me!know!what!works!best!for!you.! !Olympia! ! !Best,! Olympia!! !Olympia! ! I'll!be!there!at!4!today!to!pick!up!the!costume.! ! !

WELL FED EMAILS: Hi Rene: My name is Alex, from SCAD arts administration. I will take charge for the table and desks's picking up work tomorrow. Could I go to your place at 4.00 or 4:30 pm, 5/19,2015. And could you tell me your address? My phone number is 912-­‐344-­‐1395. Sincerely, Alex Gu Hello Alex, I will meet you tomorrow (Tuesday), 4pm, at The Humane Society of Greater Savannah. It is located at: 7215 Sallie Mood Drive, Savannah, GA 31406 Please call me on my cell phone if you have any questions: 501-­‐650-­‐2936 I recommend you have at least 2 or more people to assist you with moving the tables too. Because it is hot outside, it will take 2 people at least 1 hour to complete. I'm sorry I will not be able to assist you myself, as I have another appointment. I will still meet you at 4pm though, to show you where the tables are being stored. Take care and see you tomorrow. -­‐Rene ........................................................... Hi Rene: Thank you so much, it would be a great help for us! I will take a bunch of people together to pick up the desks and chairs and I rent a 10" truck from U-­‐hual. Thanks for your help and I will make a phone call to you if I have any question. Sorry, I am taking the class right now so that is why I can not pick up your phone call. Anyway, thank you so much ! Sincerely, Alex ........................................................... Hello Alex, I just wanted to be clear: You are picking up only tables. (not desks or chairs, as you mentioned in your email.) See you tomorrow.



xu huang <> 10 May To Roberta We got 50 sesame balls and 60 Huramaki spring rolls from Super Tastes. They already supported another event last month, but they are still wiling to give us something,even though not so many. When I try to contact PJ’s corner, I found the phone number is wrong (only 9 numbers in it), and their restuarant is not open today, so I’ll go there to meet them on Monday~ xu huang <> 11 May To randy May I ask for a quote on how much it would cost to rent 100 chairs on May 20th?

xu huang <> 17 May To chance.farago We check the truck rental on U-haul’s website. the 10’’ truck will cost 19.9 plus 0.69/mile. If we need it, we are required to preorder it, and decide who can drive it. also, do we need to buy the insurance? the cost will be different depending on whether the person is older than 25.


SET UP EMAILS: I'm going to tell Alex to plan on renting the truck for all three days. We can park it overnight tonight​ down the street at the Porch once we get the tables in it. That would actually be really convenient since the chairs are currently at the Porch. We can do both at once. Keep an eye out for a text I sent you a bit ago. Just reiterating the same info here. Thanks! KM ­­­­­ Original Message ­­­­­ From: "Chance Farago" <​​> To: "Kat R Morgan" <​​>, "Shengzhang Gu" <​​> Cc: "​Sheila​ Lynne Bolda" <​​> Sent: Tuesday, ​May 19, 2015​ 12:15:28 PM Subject: Fwd: AADM 440/740 ­ Arnold Hall Questions Kat & Shengzhang ­ see below... If we need to rent the truck for all three days, storing the tables in the truck overnight ​tonight​, so be it. Chance. ­­­­­ Forwarded Message ­­­­­ From: "​Sheila​ Lynne Bolda" <​​> To: "Chance Farago" <​​> Sent: Tuesday, ​May 19, 2015​ 12:09:02 PM Subject: Re: AADM 440/740 ­ Arnold Hall Questions They can only load tables ​tomorrow​, and they will need to be removed ​Thursday​ before 5pm. Securing parking permit ​today​. 10 trash bins were dropped off ​this morning​. I'll be there at 10:45 ​tomorrow​, then. Thanks! Sheila​ Lynne Bolda Programming Director Savannah Film Festival T: ​912.525.5051​ – Fax: ​912.525.5052​ ­ ​



­­­­­ Forwarded Message ­­­­­ From: "Chance Farago" <​​> To: "​Sheila​ Lynne Bolda" <​​> Sent: Tuesday, ​May 19, 2015​ 12:06:00 PM Subject: Re: AADM 440/740 ­ Arnold Hall Questions Sheila​, No worries. The class will be there in whole at 11am to get things set up, artists will start arriving at 3 (if not before) and we'll open to the public at 5. Hopefully the students (Kat, likely) have been in touch with you about arranging to drop off the tables ​today​ and removing them Thursday​. See you ​tomorrow​! Chance. Chance Farago Professor of Arts Administration Savannah College of Art and Design® Arnold Hall, Room 117 1810 Bull Street Savannah, GA 31401 O: (​912) 525­5072 C: (​203) 246­6043​ ­ ​ SCAD: The University for Creative Careers ­­­­­ Original Message ­­­­­ From: "​Sheila​ Lynne Bolda" <​​> To: "Chance Farago" <​​> Cc: "Patrick A. Kelsey" <​​> Sent: Tuesday, ​May 19, 2015​ 11:55:10 AM Subject: Re: AADM 440/740 ­ Arnold Hall Questions I realized I never responded to your run through request. I will be at the auditorium ​tomorrow morning, to help troubleshoot. Let me know if they have any additional questions, thanks! Sheila​ Lynne Bolda Programming Director Savannah Film Festival

­­­­­ Original Message ­­­­­ From: "Chance Farago" <​​> To: "​Sheila​ Lynne Bolda" <​​> Cc: "Patrick A. Kelsey" <​​> Sent: Friday, ​May 8, 2015​ 11:14:02 AM Subject: Re: AADM 440/740 ­ Arnold Hall Questions Sheila​, I emailed Kat, the student who is our production chair, that she should look into rentals. And our non­profit partner, Loop it Up, is also looking into it and I think we may be able to get around 40 via WellFed. I think we'll be okay if physical resources can come up with 10, covering the rest with a combo of borrowed and rented. They have the funds to cover it if necessary. Chairs are another thing. Do you have an idea how many might be possible via physical resources? That might be another rental/borrowed item. Could we schedule a time to run through the Auditorium with the class next week? ​Monday​ or Wednesday​, 11am­1:30pm. Shouldn't take more than an hour. Chance. Chance Farago Professor of Arts Administration Savannah College of Art and Design® Arnold Hall, Room 117 1810 Bull Street Savannah, GA 31401 O: (​912) 525­5072 C: (​203) 246­6043​ ­ ​ SCAD: The University for Creative Careers ­­­­­ Original Message ­­­­­ From: "​Sheila​ Lynne Bolda" <​​> To: "Chance Farago" <​​> Cc: "Patrick A. Kelsey" <​​> Sent: Friday, ​May 8, 2015​ 10:27:38 AM Subject: Re: AADM 440/740 ­ Arnold Hall Questions


Hi Chance, have the students been re­evaluating the tables/chairs request? I didn't hear anything back and wanted to know what to be prepared for. Understandably, there is no way SCAD facilities would be able to accommodate such a request so close to graduation. I didn't realize when we did our walk thru that they were considering these many participants. Any follow up info would be appreciated, thanks! We're still looking into the lighting on stage issue, it may have to suffice with florescent lighting, sadly. I'll keep you posted. Thanks! Sheila​ Lynne Bolda Programming Director Savannah Film Festival T: ​912.525.5051​ – Fax: ​912.525.5052​ ­ ​ SCAD: The University for Creative Careers® ­­­­­ Original Message ­­­­­ From: "Kat R Morgan" <​​> To: ​ Cc: "Chance Farago" <​​> Sent: Thursday, ​May 7, 2015​ 12:03:05 AM Subject: AADM 440/740 ­ Arnold Hall Questions Hi ​Sheila​! I hope this email find you well. Just wanted to run some things by you as the Bee Market approaches: Security: We'll need to address access to Arnold for non­SCAD attendees ­ Do we need more than one security guard? Will this be more than the original $80 for 4 hours?


Maintenance Requests: Bathrooms cleaned? Can we get a few trash cans? Sound & Lighting Access: Plug in SCAD Radio at podium? (sound check prior to event) Broken lights, etc. cleared up on stage? Ordering & Reserving Tables, Chairs & Linens: We anticipate that we're going to need 50 tables, 110 chairs, and 50 black tablecloths. Is this doable? What table size are wee looking at? Misc: Can we reserve a few parking spots out front for temporary artist loading/unloading? (Between 3:00 ­ 5:00 PM) What is the auditorium's fire capacity? What are the auditorium rules concerning wall hanging? (for our signage) That's a lot. Thank you in advance! KM NEW EMAIL CONVERSATION***** Great, thank you! ­­­­­ Original Message ­­­­­ From: "Aldine Armstead" <​​> To: "Kat R Morgan" <​​> Sent: Wednesday, ​April 8, 2015​ 9:42:48 AM Subject: Re: AADM 740/440 ­ Arnold Gallery No problem. You're all set! All the best, Aldine Aldine G. Armstead Assistant to the Chair, Writing Department Building Manager, Arnold Hall



­­­­­ Original Message ­­­­­ From: "Kat R Morgan" <​​> To: "Aldine Armstead" <​​> Sent: Tuesday, ​April 7, 2015​ 9:55:05 PM Subject: Re: AADM 740/440 ­ Arnold Gallery Our event will be open to the public from 5­9pm, though set up will be happening throughout the early afternoon. ­­­­­ Original Message ­­­­­ From: "Aldine Armstead" <​​> To: "Kat R Morgan" <​​> Cc: "Chance Farago" <​​> Sent: Monday, ​April 6, 2015​ 12:42:03 PM Subject: Re: AADM 740/440 ­ Arnold Gallery Dear Kat, That's fine. For what time on ​May 20​ would you like to reserve the space? All the best, Aldine Aldine G. Armstead Assistant to the Chair, Writing Department Building Manager, Arnold Hall Savannah College of Art and Design® P.O. Box 3146 Savannah, GA 31402­3146 T: ​912.525.6029​ ­ F: ​912.525.6409​ – ​

­­­­­ Original Message ­­­­­ From: "Kat R Morgan" <​​> To: ​ Hi Aldine, hope this email finds you well. I was referred to you by ​Sheila​ regarding the small gallery space in the front of Arnold. Our class is hosting an event on ​May 20​ and would like to have access to that space if possible. Would it be available? Currently we're considering having our catered food in that space to try and keep the auditorium clean. Please advise. Thank you! KM On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 11:17 AM, Rene Teran is Well FED <​​> wrote: Hello Kat, Pickup for tomorrow at 5pm should work. I haven't been able to reach anyone at the Humane Society today, since they are closed, but i'm sure that time will be fine. Unless you hear from me before then, let's assume that 5pm will work. Feel free to contact me on my cell if you have any questions: ​501­650­2936 I plan on being there at the time of pickup as well. Rene Teran, Executive Director Main Office: ​912.662.5162 Facebook​ | ​Twitter​ | ​ ........................................................... On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 11:10 AM, Kat Morgan <​​> wrote: Wonderful! Thank you, Rene! We're coordinating a truck rental today but would love to pick them up around 5pm. Does this work for you?


On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 4:44 PM, Rene Teran is Well FED <​​> wrote: Hello Kat, The tables will need to be picked up from the Humane Society on Eisenhower. 60 tables are available for May 19th. Return them at your leisure, within the following week. (Just let me know ahead of time, exactly what day and time you decide on though.) To transport that many tables, you will need to rent at least a 10ft moving truck, if you want to get them all in one load. It will take 2 people at least 30­45min to complete the load in. The tables are plastic, so they're not very heavy (but I wouldn't call them light either) Just to be clear, these are 8ft. tables, not 6ft. Please let me know what time you would like to pick them up and I will coordinate this with the Humane Society. On another note: I'm desperate for volunteers for an event i'm helping with on May 30th. It's for the world record bar crawl, seriously, lol. Volunteers need to be 21 and up. They will receive a tshirt and gift certificate to a local restaurant. If you want to pull a group of volunteers together on behalf of your organization, I will also make a generous donation to that organization in exchange for pulling 10 or more volunteers. Volunteers can sign up here: Call me directly on my cell if you have any questions. ​501­650­2936 Thanks!! ­Rene

Are you Well FED? ........................................................... Rene Teran, Executive Director Main Office: ​912.662.5162


Facebook​ | ​Twitter​ | ​

On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 8:07 AM, Kat Morgan <​​> wrote: Agreed ­ We're probably going to go with a truck rental. Rene, it looks like my first email didn't go to you! Here are the questions Molly is referring to: Hi all! Thanks so much for this! What a HUGE help! In class yesterday we decided to up the table count to 60. Is this still doable for you? Transportation is the biggest concern as of now, since this is quite the delivery. A few questions that came up during our discussion: ­ Where is the storage space? ­ Could we get the tables on Tues May 19? ­ How soon would you need the tables returned? (The night of the event is not doable for us. Could the return wait another day or two?) ­ We certainly are willing to rent whatever vehicle is needed in order to transport the tables ourselves, but figured we'd ask first if y'all had any way of getting them to Arnold Hall. Looking forward to working with you! Thanks again. On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 12:33 AM, Molly Green Lieberman <​​> wrote: I thunk most of these are qyestions fir you, Rene... im guessing y'all will want to rent a truck for pick up and delivery... so you dint have to make a million trips! Yay! On May 12, 2015 8:03 PM, "Kat Morgan" <​​> wrote: Hi all! Thanks so much for this! What a HUGE help! In class yesterday we decided to up the table count to 60. Is this still doable for you? Transportation is the biggest concern as of now, since this is quite the delivery. A few questions that came up during our discussion: ­ Where is the storage space? ­ Could we get the tables on Tues May 19? ­ How soon would you need the tables returned? (The night of the event is not doable for us. Could the return wait another day or two?) ­ We certainly are willing to rent whatever vehicle is needed in order to transport the tables ourselves, but figured we'd ask first if y'all had any way of getting them to Arnold Hall. Looking forward to working with you! Thanks again.


On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Molly Green Lieberman <​​> wrote: Hello Kat and Rene! I'm reaching out to coordinate the table borrowing operation for next week's Bee Market! Rene has generously offered that we can borrow some tables from WellFed for the event! Huge huge help! Thank you! Kat is the chair of the production committee for the Bee Market event which takes place at Arnold Hall on Weds May 20th, 5­8pm. I heard from Chance (the SCAD professor involved with this event) that you guys will need 50 tables, and would be able to transport them from Rene's storage space to the event. Let's iron out some details! Please let me know what I can do to help coordinate this venture! Thanks everyone! Molly Green Lieberman Founder and Director, Loop It Up Savannah Inc. Founder, Handmade Neighborhood LLC. 103 N. Fahm Street Savannah Ga. 31401

912­660­2812 Support Loop It Up Savannah! ​





1. How did you hear about this event? Word of Mouth Social Media Posters/Postcards Calendar Listing Do Savannah Article Other

2. Why did you decide to attend today’s event? To see/buy art Friend of exhibitor Free food Class requirement

3. If you followed the Bee Market on Facebook, did you find it useful or informative? Yes No If not, why not? and If so, what did you like?

4. What changes or improvements would you suggest for the future?

5. Were you satisfied with the food provided at the Bee Market? Yes No N/A

6. Do you have any other comments or suggestions?



Artist Survey

1. How did you hear about this event? Word of Mouth Social Media Posters/Postcards Calendar Listing Other

2. If you followed the Bee Market on Facebook, did you find it useful or informative? Yes No If not, why not? or If so, what did you like?

3. Please rate your satisfaction with the following 1





The booth layout Your booth location The food provided The cost of the booth Communication with the Bee Market

4. What changes or improvements would you suggest for the future?

5. Do you have any other comments or suggestions?




The following documents contain the evaluation for the Bee Market. It describes all of the data from the artist, attendees, and sponsor surveys. We

650 people attended the event. The class originally anticipated about half of that number to attend the event. We collected 129 attendees surveys, 42 artist surveys, and 2 sponsor surveys. Artist made from $0 - $350 minimum in sells. Some also didn’t fully know their price had

because they also used Square. Some artist and attendees didn’t know that there was a Facebook page for the event.

The Bee Market was successful based on the following criteria. The event started on time. From 5:00 to 6:00 we had a total of 320 attendees. From 6:00 to 7:00 we had a total of 188 attendees. 8:00 to 7:00 we had a total of 142. The event provided an instructional, social, and artistic environment. People were able to interact with artists that were doing demonstrations. Most people thought that the venue should’ve been somewhere larger. Most of the comments were letting us know that the event was great, and if we’re doing it again.













COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORTS Committee Chairs Report General Management Committee Chair Report Laura James, Chairperson Brittany Stafford Pedro Vazquez Yin Qiu (Miki) Goal #1 - Facilitate and foster communication via google drive with all committees while monitoring the process of event planning via the shared drive. Accomplishing successful communication through the use of Google Drive was of utmost importance to our class from the beginning. Planning an event with a group of twentythree graduate and undergraduate students from different majors, with different schedules is a significant undertaking and digital communication was key. The Event Planning Spring 2015 folder was set up as soon as the class chose our plan for the event. Google drive was just the beginning of shared communication between our committee’s, we also texted, called each other and met frequently, especially towards the end of the quarter. Communication in our class was successful and easy as is evident by the inclusion of work by every committee in the final book.

Goal #2 - Ensure that all deadlines are met on a class and weekly basis. A weekly goal was one of the easier deadlines to keep track of. As class met twice a week, everyone was always aware of deadlines by including these dates in daily agendas. All members of the GM committee contributed deadlines and tasks and I added them to the class agenda for our committee. 184

Goal #3 - Create and Balance Budget We were down to the dollar on the budget, not with overall budget but with available cash flow. Two of our channels of fundraising or revenue production kept our proceeds for three to four weeks after the event. This was problematic as we raised a generous surplus of cash but over $1,400 of that cash was not readily available. We made changes in the budget where it was necessary and made it work. In the end we raised approximately $1,400 for Loop It Up Savannah, surpassing our goal.

Goal #4 - Generate a final book that documents the process of event planning leading up to the final event. We were so lucky to have a creative and extremely efficient team member who contributed her design skills to layout the final Bee Market book. The sharing of documents on google drive allowed GM to include documents from all committees. The final book reflects all processes that our committee’s used to facilitate a successful Bee Market.

Goal #5 - Execute a successful and profitable event. Not only was Bee Market so successful that within twenty-four hours everyone said that it needed to be an annual event but it was also profitable! Our class raised approximately $1,400 for Loop It Up Savannah, a local non-profit with a mission of introducing children to art.

Committee Task Delegation and Initiative: General Management worked well as a group and luckily all members had specific traits and skills that were helpful to accomplish our goal of hosting a successful Bee Market. On the


day of the event we went above and beyond and coordinated and performed the food shopping for the event, as food sponsorship was not sufficient to feed 650 people. One of our committee members is a photographer so she photographed the event all day. Everyone went above and beyond to ensure a successful Bee Market.


Marketing & Promotion Committee Chair Report Veronica del Castillo, Chairperson Peipei Li Nan Chen Daniella Gonzalez Jennifer Brogger Rachel Braun Alena Dubik Committee Goals Evaluation: Goal #1 - Create a strong and cohesive identity for event. Our committee strived to maintain a cohesive identity package previous and during the event. We achieved this goal by creating a toolkit, which was to follow in compliance during all the stages of execution and design. This toolkit was delivered and used by all the committees in order to maintain cohesiveness. A color palette was defined as well as provision of fonts and templates, which was provided in a folder within the drive for the whole class to have easy access to use. Goal #2 - Use a variety of media outlets to market event. The committee achieved the goal by producing different marketing materials targeted towards various sources of media within the Savannah community. By using print i.e. posters flyers and postcards the group achieved to spread the word in mode than 40 venues which targeted a wider audience than the SCAD community. As well, with the use of Facebook, constant posting, featuring a countdown prior to the event we arouse the attention within social media and achieved an RSVP of more than 600 attendees. In addition to that, we used traditional


press releases, which set the events in some master calendars of the city as well as mail newsletters; such as connect savannah, savannah now and yelp.

Goal #3 - Promote event through different SCAD and non-SCAD venues throughout Savannah. For this goal the committee shared the responsibility with the classroom in order to achieve a greater coverage of the event. We distributed 1500 postcards within artist call and event promotion, along with over 100 posters and flyers within the class in order to achieve coverage in all SCAD buildings as well as various local venues such as coffee shops, bars, galleries, and shops. Our committee worked successfully distributing responsibilities and maintaining a balanced workload during the process of distribution and promotion.

Goal # 4 - Maintain active communication with fellow event teams. To achieve this goal our committee was in often communication, and used the drive as the way to share and connect not only within the team but as well with the rest of the committees. Since we had various documents we maintained an order by using different folders such as maintaining the in process work with the deliverables separated as well as the print ready materials. We maintained this organization throughout the event in order to prevent miscommunications and promoting erroneous materials. We also kept up to date with the agenda and goals, and achieved an active communication with the class, by showcasing our in progress work and maintaining critiques going as we progressed in order to achieve a cohesive brand and 188

marketing identity.

Goal # 5 - Have 150 or more people attend event. Over 450 people surpassed this goal, the event was a complete success and the attendance exceeded our expectative. Over all our marketing efforts maintained surprising us and with the help of all the class we achieved to target a broader and bigger audience than expected. The day of the event the venue was filled with students and locals of the Savannah community this was only met by creating marketing initiatives which where strong, smart, and creative and carried out with the utmost care and professionalism.

Committee Task Delegation and Initiative Report: As a chair it was important to maintain active communication within the committee. Also, delivering tasks and jumping in when someone had to withdraw from a task or retargeting the task, over all our committee had a successful and responsible work environment. The chair maintained and active communication and aided in making a last minute decision yet had a team of enthusiasts which needed little guidance in order to create and produce all the marketing of the event. Overall the teamwork was fluid and very positive, everyone had a vibrant energy and took initiative on producing and delivering. It was a pleasure working with a team of talented students where everyone took their roll seriously and had a sunny disposition.


Sponsorship and Development Committee Chair Report Roberta Rainwater, Chairperson Tranise Sharpe Xu Xichen (CC) Aixi Xie (Abby) Committee Goals Evaluation: The first goal of our committee was to raise enough funds to sponsor the Bee Market Event, with the hope of having proceeds available to contribute to a local arts non-profit organization. We are happy to say that we were successfully able to meet our goal. Cash was raised through three doughnut sales receiving a profit of $964. This surpassed our goal set at $500. We also set up a crowd funding account with an original goal of reaching $500. Later, online we raised the goal to $1,000. To this date our Indiegogo site raised $905, superseding our original goal. However, we fell short of our second revised goal by $95. Next, we evaluated our sponsorship goals through the support of local businesses. We set our goal at $1000 cash and gifts-in-kind, enough to support the event. We raised $1,060 cash from businesses and organizations and over $1,300 in gifts-in-kind, including food, beverages, and tee-shirts. This does not include the amount of the tables and chairs donated by other organizations. We had hoped to include the Savannah Bee Store as sponsor for decorations and give-away items. However, when this became unavailable, we decorated the area with personal items and brightly painted bees designed by the children of our beneficiary organization. Our third goal was finding an appropriate non-profit arts organization to benefit from our proceeds. During my internship I had worked with a couple of such organizations. I gathered the information on three organizations and the class voted on Loop It Up Savannah, led by Molly 190

Lieberman. This, as we discovered, became the perfect fit. Molly was exceptionally helpful in

finding support and working with Well FED to supply our much needed tables. This also allowed us to inter-promote our event across social media. As in all events, everything does not work out the way we originally planned. However, we believe it all worked out beautifully to accomplish our overall goal. We experienced the enjoyment of a community coming together for two great causes. So, that goal was certainly met. Committee Task Delegation and Initiative: As chairperson, I began by getting to know each of my committee members. Our first several meetings began at the local coffee shop. In this environment some of our talents and gifts began to show. Some had good organizational and follow-up skills, while others possessed skills in meeting and communicating with the public. It was obvious that these skills would carry our team to the finish line. Although we had some communication problems at first, we found ways for working through the problems and remaining patient with each other, therefore, accomplishing our overall goals. No one in our group fell short of hard work or sought praise for the work they had accomplished. Even though at times it is simpler to take on the small tasks as a leader, it was beneficial to everyone that those tasks be delegated. As a much older student I have come to realize this fact, through experience and I enjoy watching others grow in their skills and confidence. I believe that this is exactly what happened within our group. The tasks were assigned based upon individuals’ interests and gifts. If someone in the group had a contact and wanted to connect to raise sponsorship, we made the appropriate assignment changes. We kept in communication through Facebook message. This method seemed to suit the entire committee. We posted our work on our own Google drive. Later, we put it directly on the class Google drive. We tried to streamline all communications. This allowed all of us to be in the loop at any given time. Communicating between the group chairs


was critical. I feel I could have improved in this area. Often, we become so busy with our tasks that we fail to update others who need our information. When I was calling on potential clients, two students from other committees came along (at different times) to observe and practice. Both being international students, they were hoping to gain confidence in the language and the approach for sponsorship. As a mentor and teacher, I enjoy working with young people and helping them to reach their potential. I like being a “safeperson” creating a “safe-place” to practice. Encouraging and equipping others is the greatest way to achieve the goals of committee, the group and the community. It is all about the people.


Program Planning & Evaluation Committee Chair Report Dae’Mone’t Wright, Chairperson Mariana Velasquez Vicky Yan Ke Cheng Goal #1 - Come up with idea for workshop This goal was the most troubling for us. We had come up with the workshop, but when it came down to it we decided to drop having a workshop all together. At first we came up with the idea to have a mural workshop, and have the guest be involved with it. Then as the weeks went by, and the event getting closer we just decided to not have a workshop at all because we wanted everyone to focus on the Bee Market itself. We would have also have had to pay for more supplies, that we probably wouldn’t have needed.

Goal #2 - Draft contracts/agreements This goal was completed by sending all of the selected artist an email to them without having them scan contracts and sign forms. The email that was sent was an agreement to all of the exhibitors letting them know that if they didn’t pay by a certain date then they would forfeit their space and will not be permitted to exhibit. Also in the agreement we let artist know what time they had to be there, how long to be there, and what time to be out as well as other information.

Goal #3 - Connecting with the artists to attend the event We successfully completed this goal by keeping in touch with the artist through email. We emailed the artist the day before the event to remind them once again all of the details for the


event, and what to expect. We responded quickly to all of the artist that emailed us with questions. Also we emailed artist that didn’t submit payment in time to be considered a exhibitor, as well as emailing artist that weren’t accepted in the begin to see if they still wanted to participate in the Bee Market.

Goal #4 - Design printable surveys This goal was easy to accomplish. This goal was initially completed before the set deadline. We went online looking for ways to make surveys, and for us the best one was surveymonkey. We set up a Survey Folder for everyone to put in questions they think should be on the surveys. Then made three different surveys, one for artist, then attendees, and final one for the sponsors. We then printed out all of the surveys to handout to receive feedback.

Goal #5 - Communicate with the other committees regarding the event Every committee had questions for another committee. We were mostly concerned with whatever email we received with questions that were more toward another committee. We spoke to other committees about the different table sizes, and about how a branding business could be a sponsor for the event instead of a vendor.

Committee Task Delegation and Initiative: As a committee Program Planning and Evaluation worked very well together, while having fun. We each had something to bring to the table which was great. We met as group a few times to go over what needed to be done in order to have a successful event. All of the tasks were given based off of who wanted to take them, which was no problem. For the most part I was in 194

charge of the emails sent to and from artist, and then the rest of the members sent emails to faculty, and artist that they were connected with. As a group we went over what vendor dropped out before the event, and on the day of the event.


Production & Logistics Committee Chair Report Kat Morgan, Chairperson Shengzhang Gu Xu Huang Jesse Mansoor Committee Goals Evaluation: Our team reached its goals smoothly and even tackled unexpected occurrences in a timely manner. We had agreed early on in the quarter to adhere to a certain schedule and did so for tasks, save for the event shift schedule. That date was pushed back due in part to the juggling of sponsors and the uncertainty of table security. Luckily all things worked out incredibly well! Logistically, we had no lags or set backs during set up and breakdown. Everyone scheduled for a shift and was prompt and engaging, even after all the heavy lifting. Our team did well to oversee operations and ensure that smaller details did not fall through the cracks, down to sound checks with SCAD Radio to distribution of trashcans. Mostly, we're just thrilled that the artists had an enjoyable event and have been clamoring to see it made an annual event.

Committee Task Delegation and Initiative: I coordinated the bulk of the communication with key contacts such as Aldine Armstead and Sheila Bolda (SCAD Arnold Hall) as well as Molly Leiberman (Loop it Up) and Rene Teran (WellFed) to ensure that we had everything we needed for the event: parking permits, maintenance requests for the stage, security, trash cans, access to stage and back rooms when needed, building specific rules, timely exchange of equipment, etc. I delegated tasks such as UHaul rental and table pickup, floor plan layout and design, as well as securing Art the Bee and getting last minute materials to my teammates. When I wasn't overseeing a specific task, I was 196

in. Communicated with my team members via text (quicker!) to ensure that the work was getting done.




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