TransEurope Tours Greece 2011

Page 1


Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com

CONTENTS WhyT r ans Eur opeT our s-4 OurSer v i ces-5 I ndependentPackages Gr eekI s l andsPackages-6 At hens&Gr eekI s l ands-8 Bes tofT ur keyandGr eece-10 T our sofGr eece Gr eekOdy s s ey-12 LegendsofGr eece-14 T our Cr ui s es At hens&3ntCr ui s e-16 At hens&4ntCr ui s e-18 At hens&7ntCr ui s e-20 Gr eekOdy s s ey&3ntCr ui s e-22 Gr eekOdy s s ey&4ntCr ui s e-24 Gr eekOdy s s ey&7ntCr ui s e-26 I s t anbul ,At hensand6ntcr .-28 I t al y&Gr eece-30 Hot el s-32 Cr ui s eShi ps-34 T er ms&Condi t i ons-36

GREECE W I TH TRANSEUROPE TOURS Tr ans Eur opeTour si sani ns i dert oEur opeandt heMedi t er r aneanr egi on.Wi t houri ns i derknowhow, wepr ov i dehi ghqual i t yandeas i l ycus t omi z abl et r av el packagest oGr eeceandt hes ur r oundi ngr egi on.

W eekl y Guaranteed Departures: Al l ourGr eecees cor t edt ourandt our &cr ui s epackageshav e guar ant eeddepar t ur esev er yweekwi t hi nt het r av el s eas ons ubj ectt ocr ui s ecabi nav ai l abi l i t y .Choos ey ourt ourandt he depar t ur edat et hatbes ts ui t sy ou,andbookwi t ht heas s ur ance t haty ourt ouri sguar ant eedt odepar t .

Fi rstCl ass - Del uxe Hotel s: Weus eonl yFi r s tCl as s ,Super i orFi r s tCl as s ,Del uxeandLuxur y hot el s ,al way si npr emi um l ocat i ons .Thatmeansi nacent r al l ocat i oni nci t i esandonoratwal ki ngdi s t ancet ot hebeachon Gr eekI s l ands .Jus ts t epoutofy ourhot el t oenj oyt hedes t i nat i on.

Wi de choi ce for custom i zati on: Weof f ercompr ehens i v et r av el s er v i cest oGr eeces ot haty ou candes i gny ourper f ectt r av el .Sel ectoneofoures cor t edt our s ort our &cr ui s epackages ,addhot el s t ay si nMy konosand Sant or i ni ,orext endy ourv acat i ont oTur keyorI t al y .Al t er nat i v el y , j us tas kust ocr af tav acat i oncus t omt ai l or edf ory ou.

Desti nati on Experti se: Wehav ei ns i derexper t i s eonGr eeceandt hes ur r oundi ngr egi on. Weknow t hebes thot el s ,t hemos tf as ci nat i ngs i t est ov i s i t ,t he bes tcabi nsi nGr eekI s l andscr ui s es .Butwhat ’ smor e,weknow t hel ocal andr egi onal f er r yl i nesandai r l i nesaswel l asnei ghbor i ngdes t i nat i onsl i keTur keyandI t al y ,whi chal l owsust oconv eni ent l ycombi ney ourGr eekv acat i onwi t hTur keyorI t al y .

Ri ch I ncl uded Si ghtseei ng: Gr eecei sbl es s edwi t hr i chhi s t or i cal her i t age.Ourt our si ncl ude r i chs i ght s eei ngwhi chcov er sal l mus t s ees i t esoft hi sher i t age wi t ht hei ns i ght f ul gui danceofy ourPr of es s i onal Local Gui de. Youwi l l notonl ys eemas t er pi ecesoft heAnt i qui t y ,butal s ogai n ani ns i ghti nt ocul t ur e,hi s t or yandt r adi t i onsofanci entand modentGr eece.

OUR SERVI CES Escorted Tours and Tour&Crui se Packages Oures cor t edt our sf eat ur ei t i ner ar i escov er i ngt hemos t i mpor t ants i t esofGr eecemai nl and.Mul t i l i ngual pr of es s i onal gui deses cor tt hegr oupt hr oughoutt het our ,as s ur i ng ani ns i ght f ul ands eaml es st r av el f orourgues t s .Weal s o of f ert our &cr ui s epackagescombi ni ngourl andt our swi t h Gr eekI s l andsandTur keycr ui s es . Greek I sl ands Vacati ons Weof f erGr eekI s l andsv acat i onst ai l or edt or eques t .We hav eanext ens i v el i s tofcont r act edhot el sandv i l l asf r om Fi r s tCl as st oLuxur ycat egor i esonal l I s l ands.So,whet her y oudr eam ofas er enehoney moononani s l andorwantt o goi s l andhoppi ng,wewi l l of f ery ouy ourv acat i onpackage compl et ewi t hhot el si nt hecat egor yy oupr ef er ,t r ans f er s andai rorf er r yt r ans por t at i on. Pri vate Car Tours I fy ou pr ef ert ot r av el i nt hei nt i macyofy ourf ami l yand f r i endswi t hy ourpr i v at edr i v erandgui de,y oumay cons i derapr i v at ecart our .Weof f erpr i v at ecaropt i onf or al l ouri t i ner ar i esatas uppl ement al r at edepandi ngont he numberofpeopl ei ny ourgr oup. Extensi ons to Turkey and I tal y Weal s oof f erawi des el ect i onof“ weekl yguar ant eeddepar t ur e�t our st oTur keyandI t al y ,whi chy oucancombi newi t h y ourGr eekv acat i on.Sel ectt het oury oupr ef erandwewi l l combi ne i t wi t h y our Gr eek pr ogr am wi t h t he bes t l ocal / r egi onal f er r yorai r l i neconnect i ons .Orj us tas kusf ora cus t omi z edext ens i on.

Group Travel Weof f ers peci al gr oupr at esi nours chedul edes cor t edt our s . I fy ourgr ouppr ef er st ot r av el onacus t om i t i ner ar yi nGr eece orcombi ni ngGr eecewi t hot hercount r i es ,wewi l l gl adl yl i s t en t oy ourwi s hes ,gi v ey ouourr ecommendat i onsandpr epar ea cus t omi z edi t i ner ar yf ory ou.Wewi l l pl anal l component sof y ourt ourexact l yasy ouwi s h,wi t ht headv ant ageofour exper t i s eandpur chas i ngpower .Whet hery ouar epl anni ng f oraf ami l y&f r i ends ,as s oci at i onorchur chgr oup,cont actus t ogetouri t i ner ar ypr opos al wi t hcompet i t i v el ypr i cedquot e.





Escapet hewor l dasweknow i tont hei dyl l i cGr eekI sl ands.Rel axont hesunl i tbeaches, swi mi nt hecr yst albl uewat er soft heAegeanSea,si pyourwi newat chi ngt hest unni ng vi ewsofwhi t ewashedchur chesagai nstt hebackdr opofaz ur eski es.

CHOOSE ONE I SLAND OR COM BI NE I SLANDS MYKONOS Mykonosi soneoft hemostpopul arGr eekI sl andswi t hi t ssandybeaches,sapphi r e bl uewat er s,wor l dr enownedbeachpar t i esandvi br antni ght l i f e. SANTORI NI Themostr omat i cGr eekI sl and,Sant or i nienchant si t svi si t or swi t hst unni ngvi ews, dr amat i cal l ybeaut i f ulsunset s,uni quel ocalwi nesandar efinedl i f est yl e. RHODES Rhodes,cal l ed“ t heI sl andofRoses”i soneoft hel ar gestGr eekI sl ands.I tof f er sa pl easantmi l dcl i mat e,choi ceofbeaches,andr i chhi st or i calher i t agef orsi ght seei ng. CRETE Thel ar gestGr eekI sl and,Cr et eof f er st heper f ectcombi nat i onofbeaches,cr yst alcl ear wat er s,nat ur albeaut yandhi st or i calsi ght seei ng.

GREEK I SLANDS VACATI ON TAI LORED FOR YOU *ChooseanyI sl andorcombi neI sl ands *Choosef r om Fi r stCl asst oLuxur yHot el sandVi l l as *Addext r ani ght s YourGr eekI sl andsvacat i onwi l li ncl udehot el sofyourchoi ce,dai l ybr eakf ast ,f er r yorai r t r anspor tf r om/ t oAt hensandbet weent heI sl ands,andt r ansf er sont heI sl ands,al lwi t h t heassur anceofourl ocalsuppor tf oracar ef r eevacat i on.

W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 3ni ght si nFi r s tCl as st oLuxur y cat egor yhot el s .Addi t i onal ni ght sav ai l abl e Br eakf as tdai l y My konospackages : Hi ghs peedf er r yr et ur nt i cket s f r om At hens Ot herI s l andPackages : Ret ur nai r f ar ef r om At hens Ar r i v al anddepar t ur et r ans f er s ont heI s l ands Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,por t er ageathot el s ,l ocal t axes T r ans Eur opel ocal s uppor t s er v i ces

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com W e of f era wi de sel ect i on ofhot el s on each I sl and.Bel ow rat es are f or3ni ghtpackages wi t h sel ect ed hot el s.Pl ease cont actus f orf ul lsel ect i on and t o cust om i ze yourvacat i on.

2011Dat es & Rat es -Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy

Al lpackagesi ncl udebr eakf ast .Room upgr adesavai l abl euponr equest . Pr i cesdonoti ncl udeupt o$65i nai r por tt axesandf ees. Sur char gemayappl yf ordat eswher et hei ght sar eonweekends. Rat essubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com f orcur r entr at es.



I TI NERARY DAY 01–DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oAt hens.


DAY 02 -ARRI VAL I N ATHENS Wel comet oAt hens.T r ansEur oper epr esent at i vewi l lmeetyouatt heai r por tandt r ansf er yout oyourhot el .Af t erchecki n,st ar texpl or i ngt heci t yorj ustr el ax. DAY 03 –ATHENS Af t erbr eakf ast ,expl or eAt hensi nagui dedt our .Vi si tAcr opol i swi t hi t scr owndi amond Par t henonandt heAcr opol i sMuseum.I napanor ami ct our ,vi ew ot heranci entt r easur es l i ket heAgor a,t heT empl eofZeusandHadr i an’ sAr chaswel lasi mpor t antsi t esof moder nAt hensl i kePanat hi nai kosSt adi um t hatwasbui l tf ort hefir stmoder nOl ympi c Gamesi n1896,RoyalPal aceandPar l i ament .Af t er nooni satl ei sur et oenj oyAt hensas youwi sh.( B) DAY 04 –ATHENS -M YKONOS I nt hemor ni ng,youwi l lbet r ansf er r edt opor tf oryourhi ghspeedf er r yt oMykonos, wher eyouwi l lbemetatt hepor tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .Af t erchecki ngi nt oyour hot el ,st ar tenj oyi ngt hebeaut i f ulwhi t esandybeaches,cr yst alcl earwat er sandexci t i ng cosmopol i t anat mospher eofMykonos.( B) DAY 05 -M YKONOS Enj oyyourdayatl ei sur ei nMykonos.( B) DAY 06 -M YKONOS Enj oyyourdayatl ei sur ei nMykonos.( B) DAY 07 –M YKONOS -SANTORI NI T oday ,youwi l lbet r ansf er r edt ot hepor tf oryourhi ghspeedf er r yt oSant or i ni .Sant or i ni i si nar guabl yt hemostf amousGr eekI sl andwi t hi t sdr amat i cvol cani cl andscape,whi t ewashedhousesandpanor ami cvi ewsofbr eat ht aki ngbeaut y .Uponar r i val ,youwi l lbe metatt hepor tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .Af t erchecki n,enj oyt hei sl and’ sst unni ng vi ewsandi t ssunset ,consi der edt hemostbeaut i f uli nt hewor l d.( B)


Fl exi bl e:depar tanyday Vi s i tt heAcr opol i sand Acr opol i sMus eum Vi s i tt heAcr opol i sMus eum Vacat i onont hemos tpopul ar Gr eekI s l ands ,My konosand Sant or i ni W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 8ni ght sDel uxeorFi r s t / Sup. Fi r s tCl as saccommodat i on Br eakf as tdai l y At hens My konosand My konos Sant or i ni hi ghs peedf er r i es Sant or i ni -At hensfli ght ,i ncl udi ngai r por tt axes Ai r por tandpor tt r ans f er s Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,por t er ageathot el s ,l ocal t axes Si ght s eei ngi nAt hensasi ndi cat edwi t hPr of es s i onal Gui de, i ncl udi ngadmi s s i onf ees T r ans Eur opel ocal s uppor t s er v i ces

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



DAY 08 –SANTORI NI Enj oyyourdayatl ei sur ei nSant or i ni .( B)

Del uxe

Fi r st / Sup.Fi r stCl ass

At h e n s-Di v a n i Pa l a c e

At h e n s-At h e n i a nCa l l i r h o e

DAY 09 –SANTORI NI Enj oyyourdayatl ei sur ei nSant or i ni .( B)

My k o n o s-Ro y a l My k o n i a n My k o n o s-Ma n o u l a sBe a c h Sa n t o r i n i -Ar e s s a n a

ORAn dr o n i k o s Sa n t o r i n i -El Gr e c o

DAY 10 – SANTORI NI/DEPARTURE YourGr eekI sl andsvacat i onendst oday .Youwi l lbe t r ansf er r edt ot heai r por tyourfli ghtt oAt hens, wher eyouwi l lt akeyourfli ghtbackhome.Anext r a ni ghti nAt hensi sal soavai l abl e.( B)

2011Dat es & Rat es (Land i ncl .dom est i c ai r) Del uxePackage

Fi r s tCl as sPackage


$1, 785

May01-Jun14 $1, 600


$1, 915

Jun15Jul 20

$1, 809


$1, 998

Jul 21-Aug31

$1, 945

Jun24-Jul 21

$2. 035

Sep01-Sep14 $1, 885

Jul 22-Aug27

$2, 357



$2, 150

Si ngl es up.f r om $ 480


$2, 025


$1, 856

Si ngl es up.f r om

$ 460

$1, 740


Ext endyourvacat i ont oT ur keyorI t al y . Cal lust oi nqui r e!

Sur char gemayappl yf ordat eswher et hefli ght sar eonweekends. Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es.

16DAY TOUR FROM $2, 980




DAY 1–DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oI st anbul DAY 2 –ARRI VAL I NI STANBUL Wel comet oI st anbul ,wher eEastmeet sWest .Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .Af t erchecki n,st ar texpl or i ngt heci t yort aket i met or el ax. DAY 3 -I STANBUL I naf ul ldaygui dedt ouroft heOl dCi t y ,expl or eHagi aSophi a,t hepr i nci palchur choft he Byz ant i neEmpi r e,t hegr acef ulBl ueMosque,T opkapiPal ace,andByz ant i neHi ppodr ome Squar e.Endwi t havi si tt ot hebuz z i ngGr andBaz aar .( B) DAY 04 –I STANBUL St ar tyourdayenj oyi ngt heexot i cat mospher eoft hebust l i ngSpi ceMar ket ,wi t hi t ssmal l shopsbr i mmi ngwi t hf r agr antspi ces,nut s,andT ur ki shdel i caci es.Then,r el axi na pel asantcr ui seont heBoshpor us,t hewi ndi ngst r ai t ssepar at i ngt heEur opeandAsi a, vi ewi ngt hebeaut i f ulshor esl i nedwi t hmoquesadpal aces.Af t er nooni satl ei sur e.( B) DAY 05 –I STANBUL -CAPPADOCI A T r ansf ert oai r por tf oryourfli ghtt oCappadoci a;t r ansf ert oyourhot el ;dayatl ei sur e.( B) DAY 06 –CAPPADOCI A Expl or es pect acul arCappadoci ai naf ul l daygui dedt our :Vi s i tt heunder gr oundci t yof Kay makl i ,car v edmor et han7s t or i esbel ow t heear t hbyear l yChr i s t i ans ,andGor eme Openai rMus eum wi t hear l yChr i s t i aner acav echur ches .Enj oydemons t r at i onsof t r adi t i onal pot t er y maki ngandhandmadecar petar t i s ans hi pi nUchi s ar .( B)

DAY 07 –CAPPADOCI A -KUSADASI T r ansf ert ot heai r por tf oryourfli ghtt oI z mi r ;t r ansf ert oyourhot eli nt hebeaut i f ulr esor t t ownofKusadasi .Remai nderoft hedayatl ei sur et oenj oyt het ownandi t sbeaches.( B) DAY 08 –KUSADASI( EPHESUS) Enj oyyourf ul ldaygui dedt our ,st ar t i ngwi t hEphesus,ananci entci t ysowel lpr eser ved t hatRomanhi st or ycomest ol i f ewhi l ewal ki ngdownt heMar bl eSt r eet .Vi si tVi r gi nMar y’ s House,wher eshel i vedherl astyear s,andseet her ui nsoft heT empl eofAr t emi s.( B)

HI GHLI GHTS Pr emi um t ourwi t hdomes t i cfli ght sandT ur key Gr eece fli ght s ,i ncl udi ngai r por tt axes Fl exi bl e:depar tanyday Seet hebes tofT ur key :Gui ded t our sofI s t anbul ,Ephes us ,and Cappadoci a Vi s i tt heAcr opol i si nAt hens Vacat i onont hemos tpopul ar i s l ands ,My konosandSant or i ni W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 14ni ght si nDel uxeor Fi r s t / Sup.Fi r s tCl as shot el s Br eakf as tdai l y Fourdi nner s-Fi r s t/Sup.Fi r s t Cl as spackageonl y I s t anbul –Cappadoci a, Cappadoci a–I z mi r ,I z mi r At hens ,Sant or i ni At hens fli ght s ,i ncl udi ngai r por tt axes At hens My konosandMy konos -Sant or i ni hi ghs peedf er r i es Ai r por tandPor tt r ans f er s Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,por t er ageathot el s ,l ocal t axes Si ght s eei ngasi ndi cat edwi t h Pr of es s i onal Local Gui des , i ncl udi ngadmi s s i onf ees T r ans Eur opel ocal s uppor t s er v i ces

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



DAY 09 –I ZM I R -ATHENS T r ansf ert oai r por tf oryourfli ghtt oAt hens;t r ansf er t oyourhot el .Remi nderoft hedayatl ei sur e.( B)

Del uxe

Fi rstCl ass

I st anbul -Cr ownPl az aOl dCi t y

I st anbul-Ti t ani cCi t y

Cappadoci a-YunakEvl er i

Cappadoci a-T our i stHot el

DAY 10 –ATHENS Expl or eAt hensi nagui dedt our :Vi si tt heAcr opol i s andt heAcr opol i sMuseum.I napanor ami ct our , vi ew t hei mpor t antsi t esofanci entandmoder n At hens.Af t er noonatl ei sur e.( B)

I z mi r-Swi ssHot elEf es

Kusadasi-Sur nel iEphesus

At hens-Di vaniPal ace

At hens-At heni anCal l i r hoe

Mykonos-RoyalMykoni an Ambassador

Mykonos-Manoul a’ sBeach orAndr oni kos

Sant or ni ni-Ar essana

Sant or ni ni-ElGr eco

DAY 11–ATHENS -M YKONOS T r ansf ert opor tf oryourhi ghspeedf er r yt o Mykonos;t r ansf ert oyourhot eli nMykonos.St ar t enj oyi ngt hesandybeaches,cr yst alcl earwat er s andt heexci t i ngcosmopol i t anat mospher e.( B)

2011Dat es & Rat es (Land i ncl .i nt rat ourfli ght s) Del uxe Package

Fi rstCl ass Package

DAY 12 -M YKONOS Enj oyyourdayatl ei sur ei nMykonos.( B)


$3, 480


$2, 980


$3, 685


$3, 080

DAY 13 –M YKONOS Enj oyyourdayatl ei sur ei nMykonos.( B)

May27-Jul 21

$3, 780


$3, 190

Jul 22-Aug27

$3, 990

Jul 01-Jul 20

$3, 275

DAY 14 –M YKONOS -SANTORI NI T r ansf ert ot hepor tf oryourhi ghspeedf er r yt o Sant or i ni ;t r ansf ert oyourhot eli nSant or i ni .Enj oy t hei sl and’ sst unni ngvi ewsandi t ssunset ,consi der edt hemostbeaut i f uli nt hewor l d.( B)


$3, 895

Jul 21-Aug31

$3, 390


$3, 760


$3, 190


$3, 625


$3, 130

Si ngl ef r om

$4, 670

Si ngl ef r om

$3, 880

DAY 15 –SANTORI NI Enj oyyourdayatl ei sur ei nSant or i ni .( B) DAY 16 – SANTORI NI/DEPARTURE T r ansf ert ot heai r por tyourfli ghtt oAt hens.Anext r a ni ghti nAt hensi sal soavai l abl e.( B) Foramor edet ai l edi t i ner ar y,vi si twww. Tr ansEur opeTour s. com

Sur char gemayappl yf ordat eswher et hefli ght sar eonweekends. Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es.

7DAY TOUR FROM $1, 190


I TI NERARY DAY 01–DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oGr eece



Vi s i tt heAcr opol i sandadmi r e t hegr andeurofPar t henon

DAY 02 -ARRI VAL I N ATHENS Wel comet oAt hens.Af t erbei ngmetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el ,youwi l l havet i met or el axorexpl or et heci t y .( B)

Vi s i tt heAcr opol i sMus eum

DAY 03 –ATHENS Expl or eAt henswi t hyourexper tl ocalgui de:Vi si tt heAcr opol i swi t hi t scr owndi amond Par t henonandt heAcr opol i sMuseum.Seeot heranci entt r easur esl i ket heAgor a,t he T empl eofZeusandHadr i an’ sAr ch.Youwi l lal sovi ew i mpor t antsi t esofmoder nAt hens l i kePanat hi nai kosSt adi um t hatwasbui l tf ort hefir stmoder nOl ympi cGamesi n1896, RoyalPal aceandt hePar l i amenti napanor ami ct our .Af t er nooni sf r eet oenj oyAt hensas youwi sh.( B)

Vi s i tt hes t unni ngMet eor a monas t er i es ,s t andi ngper ched ont opofpi nnacl esofr ockf or ov er500y ear s .

DAY 04 -ATHENS -DELPHI T oday ,youdepar tf orDel phi ,homeoft heOr acl e.Del phiwasconsi der edt hecent eroft he ear t handt heuni ver se,andpl ayedacent r alr ol ei nt hecl assi calGr eekwor l d.The hi ghl i ghtofyourgui dedvi si toft hear cheol ogi calsi t ewi l lbet heSanct uar yofApol l o, wher et hePr i est essofOr acl ei nt r ancedel i ver edpr opheci esofApol l o.Youwi l lal sovi si t t heMuseum t oseewor l dr enownedfinds,i ncl udi ngt heuni quebr onz eChar i ot eer .Restof t hedaywi l lbef r eet oenj oyt hechar mi ngt ownofDel phi .( B, D) DAY 05 -DELPHI-KALAM BAKA Dr i vet hr oughCent r alGr eecet oKal ambaka,asmal lt ownbui l tatt hef ootofmaj est i cgr ey r ocksst uddedwi t hMet eor aMonast er i es.Themyst i calvi ew oft heByz ant i nemonast er i es onpi nnacl esofst eepcl i f f si sbr eat ht aki ngbyanyst andar d.Endt hedaywi t hdi nneri n Kal ambaka.( B, D)

SeeDel phi :f as ci nat i ngi ns i ght i nt ot heOr acl esofApol l o

W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 5ni ght sFi r s tCl as s-Del uxe accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y T wodi nner s Ai r por tt r ans f er s Del uxeai r condi t i onedcoach Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Pr of es s i onal Local Gui de t hr oughoutt het our Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngent r ancef ees

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



DAY 06 –KALAM BAKA -ATHENS St ar tt hedaywi t hat ourt hati ssur et obean unf or get t abl et r avelmemor y:gui dedt ouroft he Byz ant i nemonast er i esofMet eor a.Met eor a monast er i esar eper chedonpi nnacl esofst eep cl i f f s,whi chf orcent ur i espr ovi dedt ot al l yi naccessi bl er et r eat sf ort hemonks.Theenvi r onmenti s st unni ngl ymyst i c.Vi si toft hemonast er i eswi l l r evealbeaut i f ulByz ant i nef r escoes,ani nsi ghti nt o t hel i f eofmonks,aswel lasbr eat ht aki ngvi ewsover t hepl ai n.Af t ert het our ,cont i nueont oAt hens,wi t h abr i efst opatt hemonumentofKi ngLeoni dasof Spar t ai nTher mopyl aeont heway .( B)

At hens-Di v ani Pal ace-D

DAY 07 –ATHENS /DEPARTURE Af t erbr eakf ast ,t r ansf ert oAt hensai r por tf oryour fli ghtbackhome.( B)

Del phi -Apol l oni a-FC Kal ambaka-Met eor a-FC

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Apr02,09,16,23

$1, 190


$1, 290

Jul y09,16,23,30;Aug06,13,20,27

$1, 230


$1, 290

Si ngl ef r om

$1, 690


Ext endyourvacat i onwi t ha post t ourst ayont heGr eekI sl ands. Askus!

Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es.

8DAY TOUR FROM $1, 390


I TI NERARY DAY 01–DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oGr eece


DAY 02 -ARRI VAL I N ATHENS Wel comet oAt hens.Af t erbei ngmetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el ,youwi l l havet i met or el axorexpl or et heci t y .( B) DAY 03 –ATHENS Expl or eAt henswi t hyourexper tl ocalgui de:Vi si tt heAcr opol i swi t hi t scr owndi amond Par t henonandt heAcr opol i sMuseum.Seeot heranci entt r easur esl i ket heAgor a,t he T empl eofZeusandHadr i an’ sAr ch.Youwi l lal sovi ew i mpor t antsi t esofmoder nAt hens l i kePanat hi nai kosSt adi um t hatwasbui l tf ort hefir stmoder nOl ympi cGamesi n1896, RoyalPal aceandt hePar l i amenti napanor ami ct our .Af t er nooni sf r eet oenj oyAt hensas youwi sh.( B) DAY 04 -ATHENS -NAUPLI A-M YCENAE -OLYM PI A Dr i veal ongt hecoast alr oadt ot heCor i nt hCanalandcr ossi nt ot hePel eponneser egi on. Yourfir stst opi satEpi daur ust ovi si tt heSanct uar yofAscl epi os,t hemostcel ebr at ed heal i ngcent eroft hecl assi calwor l dandt hebi r t hpl aceofAscl epi os,t heHeal i ngGod.The amaz i ng2300year sol damphi t heat eri nt hesi t ei sst i l li nuset oday .Then,pr oceed t hr ought hechar mi ngr esor tt ownNaupl i at oMycenae,wher eyouwi lvi si tt hear cheol ogi calsi t et oseeBeehi veT ombs,t heT r easur yofAt r eusandt heT ombofAgamemnon. Af t er war ds,depar tf orOl ympi a,t hebi r t hpl aceofOl ympi cGames.( B, D) DAY 05 -OLYM PI A -DELPHI I nt hemor ni ng,vi si tt hear cheol oi calsi t eofOl ympi awi t ht heT empl eofZeus,t heT empl e ofHer a,t heAl t aroft heOl ympi cflameandt heSt adi um,aswel last heAr cheol ogi cal Museum.Then,t aket hemoder nbr i dgeont heGul fofCor i nt ht or et ur nt omai nl and Gr eece.Dr vi ngal ongt hecoast alr oad,ar r i veatDel phi ,homeoft heOr acl e.I nt he af t er noon,youwi l lvi si tt hepi ct ur esquemount ai nvi l l ageofAr achova.( B, D)


Vi s i tt heAcr opol i sandadmi r e t hegr andeurofPar t henon Vi s i tt heAcr opol i sMus eum

Seet hebeaut i f ul coas t al t own Naupl i a SeeOl y mpi a,t hebi r t hpl aceof Ol y mpi cGames SeeDel phi :f as ci nat i ngi ns i ght i nt ot heOr acl esofApol l o Vi s i tt hes t unni ngMet eor a monas t er i es ,s t andi ngper ched ont opofpi nnacl esofr ock W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 6ni ght sFi r s tCl as s-Del uxe accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y Thr eedi nner s Ai r por tt r ans f er s Del uxeai r condi t i onedcoach Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Pr of es s i onal Local Gui de t hr oughoutt het our Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngent r ancef ees

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



DAY 06 -DELPHI-KALAM BAKA Del phiwasconsi der edt hecent eroft heear t hand t heuni ver se,andpl ayedacent r alr ol ei nt he cl assi calGr eekwor l d.Thehi ghl i ghtofyourgui ded vi si toft hear cheol ogi calsi t ewi l lbet heSanct uar y ofApol l o,wher et hePr i est essofOr acl ei nt r ance del i ver edpr opheci esofApol l o.Youwi l lal sovi si tt he Museum t oseewor l dr enownedfinds,i ncl udi ngt he uni quebr onz eChar i ot eer .Af t ert het our ,depar tf or Kal ambaka,asmal lt ownbui l tatt hef ootof maj est i cgr ayr ocksst uddedwi t hMet eor amonast er i es.( B, D)

At hens-Di v ani Pal ace-D

DAY 07 –KALAM BAKA -ATHENS St ar tt hedaywi t hat ourt hati ssur et obean unf or get t abl et r avelmemor y:gui dedt ouroft he Byz ant i nemonast er i esofMet eor a.Met eor a monast er i esar eper chedonpi nnacl esofst eep cl i f f s,whi chf orcent ur i espr ovi dedt ot al l yi naccessi bl er et r eat sf ort hemonks.Theenvi r onmenti s st unni ngl ymyst i c.Vi si toft hemonast er i eswi l l r evealbeaut i f ulByz ant i nef r escoes,ani nsi ghti nt o t hel i f eofmonks,aswel lasbr eat ht aki ngvi ewsover t hepl ai n.Af t ert het our ,cont i nueont oAt hens,wi t h abr i efst opatt hemonumentofKi ngLeoni dasof Spar t ai nTher mopyl aeont heway .( B)

Ol y mpi a-Eur opa-FC Del phi -Apol l oni a-FC Kal ambaka-Met eor a-FC

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Apr02,11,16

$1, 390


$1, 490

Jul y04,09,18,23,30;Aug06,13,22

$1, 440


$1, 490


$1, 490

Si ngl ef r om

$1, 980


DAY 08 –ATHENS /DEPARTURE Af t erbr eakf ast ,t r ansf ert oAt hensai r por tf oryour fli ghtbackhome.( B) Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y

Ext endyourvacat i onwi t hapost t ourst ay ont heGr eekI sl ands!Seeourpackageson ourwebsi t eorcal lusat18008000747

Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es.





DAY 01–DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oGr eece DAY 02 -ARRI VAL I N ATHENS Wel comet oAt hens.Af t erbei ngmetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el ,youwi l l havet i met or el axorexpl or et heci t y .( B) DAY 03 –ATHENS Expl or eAt henswi t hyourexper tl ocalgui de:Vi si tt heAcr opol i swi t hi t scr owndi amond Par t henonandt heAcr opol i sMuseum.Seeot heranci entt r easur esl i ket heAgor a,t he T empl eofZeusandHadr i an’ sAr ch.Youwi l lal sovi ew i mpor t antsi t esofmoder nAt hens l i kePanat hi nai kosSt adi um t hatwasbui l tf ort hefir stmoder nOl ympi cGamesi n1896, RoyalPal aceandt hePar l i amenti napanor ami ct our .Af t er nooni sf r eet oenj oyAt hensas youwi sh.( B) DAY 04 –ATHENS /EM BARK CRUI SE -M YKONOS I nt hemor ni ng,t r ansf ert oPi r aeuspor tt oembar kt hecr ui sel i nerf oryourAegeancr ui se. Thefir stpor tofcal li sMykonos,wi t hi t sbeaut i f ulwhi t esandybeaches,cr yst alcl ear wat er s,whi t ewashedhouses,l andmar kwi ndmi l l s,andexci t i ngcosmopol i t anat mospher e.Enj oyal i vel yeveni ngont hei sl andf r om 6: 00PM t o11: 00PM.Sai lover ni ghtt o KusadasionT ur ki shcoast .( B, L, D) DAY 05 –KUSADASI-PATM OS Ear l ymor ni ngar r i valatKusadasi .Kusadasiof f er shi st or i calexper i encest hatshoul dnot bemi ssed,i ncl udi ngt heHouseofVi r gi nMar y ,asacr edsi t ewher eshel i vedherl ast year s,andEphesus,ananci entci t ysowel lpr eser vedt hatRomanhi st or ycomest ol i f e whi l ewal ki ngdownt heMar bl eSt r eett ot heanci entpor t ,passi ngbyt heLi br ar yofCel sus andt heT empl eofHadr i anus.Depar t ur ef r om Kusadasiat12: 00PM andar r i vali nPat mos at4: 00PM.Pat mosi soneoft hemostbeaut i f ulDodecaneseI sl andsandi sbestknownas t hepl acewher eSt .Johnr ecei vedhi svi si onsandwr ot et heBookofRevel at i on.Pat mos of f er soppor t uni t yf orf asci nat i ngdi scover i esi ncl udi ngSt .John’ sMonast er y ,Gr ot t oof Apocal ypse,quai ntvi l l agesandpi ct ur esquewi ndmi l l s.Depar t ur ef r om Pat mosat9: 00 PM,sai l i ngover ni ghtt oCr et e.( B, L, D)

HI GHLI GHTS Vi s i tt heAcr opol i sandadmi r e t hegr andeurofPar t henon Vi s i tt heAcr opol i sMus eum Cr ui s et of ourmos tcel ebr at ed Gr eekI s l ands :My konos , Pat mos ,Cr et eandSant or i ni AtKus adas i ,t aket heoppor t uni t yt ov i s i tEphes usandt he Hous eofVi r gi nMar y


Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



DAY 06 –CRETE ( HERAKLI ON)SANTORI NI Ar r i valatCr et eat7: 00AM.Cr et ei st hel ar gest Gr eekI sl andandhomet ot hegr eatanci entMi noan ci vi l i z at i on,car r i edt oourer abyt hepar t i al l y r econst r uct edr emai nsoft hePal aceofKnossos. Depar t ur ef r om Cr et eat11: 30AM andar r i valat Sant or i niat4: 30PM.Sant or i nii si nar guabl yt he mostf amousGr eekI sl andwi t hi t sdr amat i c vol cani cl andscape,whi t ewashedhousesand panor ami cvi ewsofbr eat ht aki ngbeaut y .Enj oyt he i sl and’ sst unni ngvi ewsandi t ssunset ,consi der ed t hemostbeaut i f uli nt hewor l d,bef or esai l i ngf or Pi r aeusat9: 00PM.( B, L, D)

At hens-Di v ani Pal ace-D

DAY 07 –PI REAUS /DEPARTURE Ar r i valatt hepi erat7: 00AM;t r ansf ert ot heai r por t f oryourr et ur nfli ght( B)

Cr ui s es hi p-Maj es t y * Super i orout s i decabi n

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe * Cr i st al orCal yps oi sus edoncer t ai nsai l i ngdat es.

2011Dat es & Rat es ( Land & Crui se) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Apr .05,12,19,26

$1, 060

May .03,10,17,24,31;Jun.07,14,21,28

$1, 098

Jul .05,12,19,26;Aug02,09,16,23

$1, 075

Aug.30;Sept .06,13,20,27;Oct04,11

$1, 098

Oct . 18,25

$ 998

Si ngl ef r om

$1, 530

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES* Ot hercabi ncat egor i esoncr ui seav ai l abl e;pl easecal l usf orr at es. Rat esdonoti ncl udepor tt axesandf ees,andi nt er nat i onal ai r f ar e. Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es.

Pl easant l yi nt er r uptyourcr ui sewi t ha 4ni ghtst ayonMykonosorSant or i ni . . . Askus!

*Subj ectt ocr ui s ecabi navai l abi l i t y





DAY 01–DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oGr eece. DAY 02 -ARI VAL I N ATHENS Wel comet oAt hens.Af t erbei ngmetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el ,youwi l l havet i met or el axorexpl or et heci t y .( B) DAY 03 –ATHENS Expl or eAt henswi t hyourexper tl ocalgui de:Vi si tt heAcr opol i swi t hi t scr owndi amond Par t henonandt heAcr opol i sMuseum.Seeot heranci entt r easur esl i ket heAgor a,t he T empl eofZeusandHadr i an’ sAr ch.Youwi l lal sovi ew i mpor t antsi t esofmoder nAt hens l i kePanat hi nai kosSt adi um t hatwasbui l tf ort hefir stmoder nOl ympi cGamesi n1896, RoyalPal aceandt hePar l i amenti napanor ami ct our .Af t er nooni sf r eet oenj oyAt hensas youwi sh.( B)

HI GHLI GHTS Vi s i tt heAcr opol i sandadmi r e t hegr andeurofPar t henon Vi s i tt heAcr opol i sMus eum Cr ui s et ofiv eGr eekI s l ands : My konos ,Pat mos ,Rhodes , Cr et eandSant or i ni AtKus adas i ,t aket heoppor t uni t yt ov i s i tEphes usandt he Hous eofVi r gi nMar y

W HAT’ SI NCLUDED DAY 04 –ATHENS /EM BARK CRUI SE -M YKONOS I nt hemor ni ng,t r ansf ert oPi r aeuspor tt oembar kt hecr ui sel i nerf oryourAegeancr ui se. Thefir stpor tofcal li sMykonos,wi t hi t sbeaut i f ulwhi t esandybeaches,cr yst alcl ear wat er s,whi t ewashedhouses,l andmar kwi ndmi l l s,andexci t i ngcosmopol i t anat mospher e.Enj oyal i vel yeveni ngont hei sl andf r om 6: 00PM t o11: 00PM.Sai lover ni ghtt o KusadasionT ur ki shcoast .( B, L, D) DAY 05 –KUSADASI-PATM OS Ear l ymor ni ngar r i valatKusadasi .Kusadasiof f er shi st or i calexper i encest hatshoul dnot bemi ssed,i ncl udi ngt heHouseofVi r gi nMar y ,asacr edsi t ewher eshel i vedherl ast year s,andEphesus,ananci entci t ysowel lpr eser vedt hatRomanhi st or ycomest ol i f e whi l ewal ki ngdownt heMar bl eSt r eett ot heanci entpor t ,passi ngbyt heLi br ar yofCel sus andt heT empl eofHadr i anus.Depar t ur ef r om Kusadasiat12: 00PM andar r i vali nPat mos at4: 00PM.Pat mosi soneoft hemostbeaut i f ulDodecaneseI sl andsandi sbestknownas t hepl acewher eSt .Johnr ecei vedhi svi si onsandwr ot et heBookofRevel at i on.Pat mos of f er soppor t uni t yf orf asci nat i ngdi scover i esi ncl udi ngSt .John’ sMonast er y ,Gr ot t oof Apocal ypse,quai ntvi l l agesandpi ct ur esquewi ndmi l l s.Depar t ur ef r om Pat mosat9: 00 PM,sai l i ngover ni ghtt oRhodes.( B, L, D)

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



DAY 06 –RHODES Ar r i valatRhodesat07: 00AM f oraf ul ldayt oenj oy t heI sl and.Rhodes,cal l ed“ t heI sl andofRoses” ,i s t hel ar gestoft heDodecanesei sl ands.I ti sf amous wor l dwi def ort heCol ossusofRhodes,oneoft he SevenWonder soft heWor l d.Thei sl andi sr i chwi t h manyhi st or i calt r easur esl i ket hemedi evalOl d T ownbui l tbyt he14t hcent ur yKni ght sofSt .John andt heAcr opol i sofLi ndosover l ooki ngt he sapphi r ebl ueAegeansea.Depar t ur ef orCr et eat 6: 00PM.( B, L, D)

At hens-Di v ani Pal ace-D

DAY 07 –CRETE -SANTORI NI Ar r i valatCr et eat7: 00AM.Cr et ei st hel ar gest Gr eekI sl andandhomet ot hegr eatanci entMi noan ci vi l i z at i on,car r i edt oourer abyt hepar t i al l y r econst r uct edr emai nsoft hePal aceofKnossos. Depar t ur ef r om Cr et eat11: 30AM andar r i valat Sant or i niat4: 30PM.Sant or i nii si nar guabl yt he mostf amousGr eekI sl andwi t hi t sdr amat i c vol cani cl andscape,whi t ewashedhousesand panor ami cvi ewsofbr eat ht aki ngbeaut y .Enj oyt he i sl and’ sst unni ngvi ewsandi t ssunset ,consi der ed t hemostbeaut i f uli nt hewor l d,bef or esai l i ngf or Pi r aeusat9: 00PM.( B, L, D) DAY 08 –PI REAUS /DEPARTURE Ar r i valatt hepi erat7: 00AM;t r ansf ert ot heai r por t f oryourr et ur nfli ght .( B)

Cr ui s es hi p-Maj es t y * Super i orout s i decabi n

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe * Cr i st al orCal yps oi susedoncer t ai nsai l i ngdat es.

2011Dat es & Rat es ( Land & crui se) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Apr .01,08,15,22

$1, 199

Apr .29;May .06,13,20,27;Jun.03,10,17,24

$1, 249

Jul .01,08,15,22

$1, 199

Jul y .29;Aug.05,12,19,26

$1, 235


$1, 199

Sept . 16,23,30;Oct .07,14

$1, 275

Oct .21,28;Nov04

$1, 199

Si ngl ef r om

$1, 840

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES* Ot hercabi ncat egor i esoncr ui seav ai l abl e;pl easecal l usf orr at es. Rat esdonoti ncl udepor tt axesandf ees,andi nt er nat i onal ai r f ar e.

Pl easant l yi nt er r uptyourcr ui sewi t ha 3ni ghtst ayonMykonosorSant or i ni . . . Askus!

Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es. *Subj ectt ocr ui s ecabi navai l abi l i t y






DAY 01–DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oGr eece.

Bes tofGr eeceandT ur key : At hens ,Gr eekI s l ands ,I s t anbul andKus adas i

DAY 02 -ARRI VAL I N ATHENS Wel comet oAt hens.Af t erbei ngmetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el ,youwi l l havet i met or el axorexpl or et heci t y .( B)

Admi r et hegr andeuroft he Acr opol i si nAt hens

DAY 03 –ATHENS Expl or eAt henswi t hyourexper tl ocalgui de:Vi si tt heAcr opol i swi t hi t scr owndi amond Par t henonandt heAcr opol i sMuseum.Seeot heranci entt r easur esl i ket heAgor a,t he T empl eofZeusandHadr i an’ sAr ch.Youwi l lal sovi ew keysi t esofmoder nAt hensl i ke Panat hi nai kosSt adi um bui l tf ort hefir stmoder nOl ympi cGamesi n1896,RoyalPal ace andt hePar l i amenti napanor ami ct our .Af t er nooni sf r eet oenj oyAt hensasyouwi sh.( B) DAY 04 –ATHENS /EM BARK CRUI SE Mor ni ngatl ei sur e.Depar t ur et i mef r om Pi r aeust oI st anbuli sat5: 00PM.( B, D) DAY 05 -I STANBUL Ar r i valat3: 00PM.I st anbul ,t heonl ymet r opol i si nt hewor l dt hati ssi t uat edont wo cont i nent s,i swher eEastmeet sWest .I thasanal mostmagi calat mospher et hatbl ends t heeast er nandwest er ncul t ur esandabuz z i ngni ght l i f et oenj oy .( B, L, D) DAY 06 -I STANBUL Expl or et heuni quel yenchant i ngci t y ,vi si t i ngi t swor l dr enownedl andmar ksi ncl udi ng Hagi aSofia,Bl ueMosque,T opkapiPal ace,andGr andBaz aari ndependent l yori nan opt i onalgui dedexcur si on.Depar t ur ei sat7: 00PM.( B, L, D) DAY 07 –M YKONOS Ar r i vali nMykonos,Gr eeceat3: 00PM.Mykonosi soneoft hemostpopul arGr eeki sl ands wi t hi t sbeaut i f ulwhi t esandybeaches,cr yst alcl earwat er s,whi t ewashedhouses, l andmar kwi ndmi l l s,andexci t i ngcosmopol i t anat mospher e.Enj oyt heaf t er noonandt he vi br antni ght l i f eont hei sl andunt i ldepar t ur eatmi dni ght .Sai lover ni ghtt oPat mos.( B, L, D)

Seeenchant i ngI s t anbul ,wi t h i t shi s t or i cal t r eas ur es Cr ui s et ofiv eGr eekI s l ands : My konos ,Pat mos ,Cr et e, RhodesandSant or i ni AtKus adas i ,t aket heoppor t uni t yt ov i s i tEphes usandt he Hous eofVi r gi nMar y W HAT’ SI NCLUDED

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



DAY 08 –PATM OS -KUSADASI Ar r i vali nPat mosat7: 00AM.Pat mos,wher eSt . Johnwr ot et heBookofRevel at i on,of f er soppor t uni t yf orf asci nat i ngdi scover i esl i keSt .John’ s Monast er y ,Gr ot t oofApocal ypse,quai ntvi l l ages andpi ct ur esquewi ndmi l l s.Depar tPat mosat10: 30 AM;ar r i vei nKusadasiont heT ur ki shcoastat2: 30 PM.Kusadasiof f er st heoppor t uni t yt oseespect acul arsi t es,l i ket hesacr edHouseofVi r gi nMar y , wher eshel i vedherl astyear s,andEphesus,an anci entci t ysowel lpr eser vedt hatRomanhi st or y comest ol i f e.Depar t ur ei sat08: 30PM.( B, L, D)

At hens-Di v ani Pal ace-D

DAY 09 –RHODES Ful ldayatRhodesf r om 07: 00AM t o06: 00PM. Rhodes,t hel ar gestoft heDodecanesei sl ands,i s r i chwi t hhi st or i calt r easur esl i ket hemedi evalOl d T ownbui l tbyt he14t hcent ur yKni ght sofSt .John andt heAcr opol i sofLi ndosover l ooki ngt he sapphi r ebl ueAegeansea.( B, L, D) DAY 10 –CRETE -SANTORI NI Ar r i vei nCr et eat7: 00AM.Cr et e,t hel ar gestGr eek I sl and,i shomet ot her emai nsofgr eatanci ent Mi noanci vi l i z at i on,l i ket hePal aceofKnossos. Depar tCr et eat11: 30AM;ar r i veatSant or i niat 5: 00PM.Sant or i nii si nar guabl yt hemostf amous Gr eekI sl andwi t hi t sdr amat i cvol cani cl andscape, whi t ewashedhousesandpanor ami cvi ewsof br eat ht aki ngbeaut y .Enj oyt hei sl and’ sst unni ng vi ewsandsunset .Sai lt oPi r aeusat9: 00PM.( B, L. D)

Cr ui s es hi p-Cr i s t al Super i orout s i decabi n

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( Land & Crui se) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Mar .29;Apr .12

$1, 535

Apr .26;May .10,24;Jun.07,21

$1, 750

Jul .05,19

$1, 670


$1, 735


$1, 629

Sep.13,27;Oct .11

$1, 790

Oct .25

$1, 629

Si ngl ef r om

$2, 420

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES* Ot hercabi ncat egor i esoncr ui seav ai l abl e;pl easecal l usf orr at es. Rat esdonoti ncl udepor tt axesandf ees,andi nt er nat i onal ai r f ar e.

DAY 11–PI REAUS /DEPARTURE Ar r i valatt hepi erat6: 00AM;t r ansf ert ot heai r por t f oryourr et ur nfli ght( B)

Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es. *Subj ectt ocr ui s ecabi navai l abi l i t y





DAY 01–DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oGr eece DAY 02 -ARRI VAL I N ATHENS Wel comet oAt hens.Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .( B) DAY 03 –ATHENS Yourgui dedt ourofAt hensi ncl udesvi si toft heAcr opol i sandAcr opol i sMuseum,t he Agor a,T empl eofZeus,Hadr i an’ sAr ch,andapanor ami ct ourt ovi ew keysi t esofmoder n At hensl i kePanat hi nai kosSt adi um,RoyalPal aceandPar l i ament .Af t er noonatl ei sur e.( B) DAY 04 -ATHENS -DELPHI Depar tf orDel phi .T ourt hear cheol ogi calsi t eofDel phi ,f eat ur i ngt heSanct uar yofApol l o, wher et hePr i est essofOr acl ei nt r ancedel i ver edpr opheci esofApol l o.Vi si tt heMuseum wi t hwor l dr enownedfinds.Restoft hedayf r eet oenj oychar mi ngt ownofDel phi .( B, D) DAY 05 -DELPHI-KALAM BAKA Dr i vet hr oughCent r alGr eecet oKal ambaka,asmal lt ownbui l tatt hef ootofmaj est i cgr ey r ocksst uddedwi t hMet eor aMonast er i es.Endt hedaywi t hdi nneri nKal ambaka.( B, D) DAY 06 –KALAM BAKA -ATHENS St ar tt hedaywi t hat ourt hati ssur et obeanunf or get t abl et r avelmemor y:gui dedt ourof t heByz ant i nemonast er i esofMet eor a,per chedonpi nnacl esofst eepcl i f f s,whi chf or cent ur i espr ovi dedt ot al l yi naccessi bl er et r eat sf ort hemonks.Theenvi r onmenti smyst i c, t hevi st abr eat ht aki ng.Vi si toft hemonast er i eswi l lr evealbeaut i f ulByz ant i nef r escoesand i nsi ghti nt ot hel i f eofmonks.Af t ert het our ,r et ur nt oAt hensf orover ni ght .( B) DAY 07 –ATHENS /EM BARK CRUI SE -M YKONOS T r ansf ert oPor tt oembar konyourcr ui se.Fi r stpor tofcal li sMykonos,wi t hi t swhi t ewashedhouses,l andmar kwi ndmi l l s,andexci t i ngcosmopol i t anat mospher e.Enj oya l i vel yeveni ngont hei sl andf r om 6: 00PM t o11: 00PM.Sai lover ni ghtt oKusadasi .( B, L, D) DAY 08 –KUSADASI-PATM OS Ear l ymor ni ngar r i valatKusadasi .Kusadasiof f er st heoppor t uni t yt oseespect acul ar si t es,l i ket hesacr edHouseofVi r gi nMar y ,andEphesus,ananci entci t ysowel lpr eser ved t hatRomanhi st or ycomest ol i f ewhi l ewal ki ngdownt heMar bl eSt r eet .

HI GHLI GHTS Vi s i tt heAcr opol i si nAt hens SeeDel phi ,homeof t heOr acl esofApol l o Vi s i tt hemy s t i cMet eor amonas t er i es ,per chedont opof pi nnacl esofr ock Cr ui s et of ourmos tcel ebr at ed Gr eekI s l ands :My konos , Pat mos ,Cr et eandSant or i ni AtKus adas i ,t aket heoppor t uni t yt ov i s i tEphes usandt he Hous eofVi r gi nMar y W HAT’ SI NCLUDED

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



Depar tKusadasiat12: 00PM andar r i veatPat mos at4: 00PM.Pat mos,wher eSt .Johnwr ot et heBook ofRevel at i on,of f er soppor t uni t yf orf asci nat i ng di scover i esl i keSt .John’ sMonast er y ,Gr ot t oof Apocal ypse,quai ntvi l l agesandpi ct ur esque wi ndmi l l s.Depar tPat mosat9: 00PM andsai l over ni ghtt oCr et e.( B, L, D)

At hens-Di v ani Pal ace-D

DAY 09 –CRETE ( HERAKLI ON)SANTORI NI Ar r i valatCr et eat7: 00AM.Cr et ei st hel ar gest Gr eekI sl andandhomet ot hegr eatanci entMi noan ci vi l i z at i on,car r i edt oourer abyt hepar t i al l y r econst r uct edr emai nsoft hePal aceofKnossos. Depar t ur ef r om Cr et eat11: 30AM andar r i valat Sant or i niat4: 30PM.Sant or i nii si nar guabl yt he mostf amousGr eekI sl andwi t hi t sdr amat i c vol cani cl andscape,whi t ewashedhousesand panor ami cvi ewsofbr eat ht aki ngbeaut y .Enj oyt he i sl and’ sst unni ngvi ewsandi t ssunset ,consi der ed t hemostbeaut i f uli nt hewor l d,bef or esai l i ngf or Pi r aeusat9: 00PM.( B, L, D)

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe

DAY 10 –PI REAUS /DEPARTURE Ar r i valatt hepi erat7: 00AM;t r ansf ert ot heai r por t f oryourr et ur nfli ght( B)

Foramor edet ai l edi t i ner ar y ,vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com

Del phi -Apol l oni a-FC Kal ambaka-Met eor a-FC Cr ui s es hi p-Maj es t y * Super i orout s i decabi n

* Cr i st al orCal yps oi susedoncer t ai nsai l i ngdat es.

2011Dat es & Rat es ( Land & Crui se) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Apr02,09,16,23

$1, 575


$1, 695

Jul 02,09,16,23

$1, 635

Jul 30;Aug06,13,20,27

$1, 680


$1, 658

Sept17,24;Oct01, 08, 15

$1, 735


$1, 658

Si ngl ef r om

$2, 320

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES* Ot hercabi ncat egor i esoncr ui seav ai l abl e;pl easecal l usf orr at es.

Pl easant l yi nt er r uptyourcr ui sewi t ha 4ni ghtst ayonMykonosorSant or i ni . . . Askus!

Rat esdonoti ncl udepor tt axesandf ees,andi nt er nat i onal ai r f ar e. Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es. *Subj ectt ocr ui s ecabi navai l abi l i t y




DAY 01–DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oGr eece DAY 02 -ARRI VAL I N ATHENS Wel comet oAt hens.Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .( B) DAY 03 –ATHENS Yourgui dedt ourofAt hensi ncl udesvi si toft heAcr opol i sandAcr opol i sMuseum,t he Agor a,T empl eofZeus,Hadr i an’ sAr ch,andapanor ami ct ourt ovi ew keysi t esofmoder n At hensl i kePanat hi nai kosSt adi um,RoyalPal aceandPar l i ament .Af t er noonatl ei sur e.( B) DAY 04 -ATHENS -DELPHI Depar tf orDel phi .T ourt hear cheol ogi calsi t eofDel phi ,f eat ur i ngt heSanct uar yofApol l o, wher et hePr i est essofOr acl ei nt r ancedel i ver edpr opheci esofApol l o.Vi si tt heMuseum wi t hwor l dr enownedfinds.Restoft hedayf r eet oenj oychar mi ngt ownofDel phi .( B, D) DAY 05 -DELPHI-KALAM BAKA Dr i vet hr oughCent r alGr eecet oKal ambaka,asmal lt ownbui l tatt hef ootofmaj est i cgr ey r ocksst uddedwi t hMet eor aMonast er i es.Endt hedaywi t hdi nneri nKal ambaka.( B, D) DAY 06 –KALAM BAKA -ATHENS St ar tt hedaywi t hat ourt hati ssur et obeanunf or get t abl et r avelmemor y:gui dedt ourof t heByz ant i nemonast er i esofMet eor a,per chedonpi nnacl esofst eepcl i f f s,whi chf or cent ur i espr ovi dedt ot al l yi naccessi bl er et r eat sf ort hemonks.Theenvi r onmenti smyst i c, t hevi st abr eat ht aki ng.Vi si toft hemonast er i eswi l lr evealbeaut i f ulByz ant i nef r escoesand i nsi ghti nt ot hel i f eofmonks.Af t ert het our ,r et ur nt oAt hensf orover ni ght .( B) DAY 07 –ATHENS /EM BARK CRUI SE -M YKONOS T r ansf ert oPor tt oembar konyourcr ui se.Fi r stpor tofcal li sMykonos,wi t hi t swhi t ewashedhouses,l andmar kwi ndmi l l s,andexci t i ngcosmopol i t anat mospher e.Enj oya l i vel yeveni ngont hei sl andf r om 6: 00PM t o11: 00PM.Sai lover ni ghtt oKusadasi .( B, L, D) DAY 08 –KUSADASI-PATM OS Ear l ymor ni ngar r i valatKusadasi .Kusadasiof f er st heoppor t uni t yt oseespect acul ar si t es,l i ket hesacr edHouseofVi r gi nMar y ,andEphesus,ananci entci t ysowel lpr eser ved t hatRomanhi st or ycomest ol i f ewhi l ewal ki ngdownt heMar bl eSt r eet .

HI GHLI GHTS Vi s i tt heAcr opol i si nAt hens SeeDel phi ,homeof t heOr acl esofApol l o Vi s i tt hemy s t i cMet eor amonas t er i es ,per chedont opof pi nnacl esofr ock Cr ui s et ofiv eGr eekI s l ands : My konos ,Pat mos ,Rhodes , Cr et eandSant or i ni AtKus adas i ,t aket heoppor t uni t yt ov i s i tEphes usandt he Hous eofVi r gi nMar y W HAT’ SI NCLUDED

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



Depar tKusadasiat12: 00PM andar r i veatPat mos at4: 00PM.Pat mos,wher eSt .Johnwr ot et heBook ofRevel at i on,of f er soppor t uni t yf orf asci nat i ng di scover i esl i keSt .John’ sMonast er y ,Gr ot t oof Apocal ypse,quai ntvi l l agesandpi ct ur esque wi ndmi l l s.Depar tPat mosat9: 00PM andsai l over ni ghtt oCr et e.( B, L, D)

At hens-Di v ani Pal ace-D

DAY 09 –RHODES Ful ldayt oenj oyRhodes,f r om 07: 00AM t o06: 00 PM.Rhodes,t hel ar gestoft heDodecanesei sl ands, i sr i chwi t hhi st or i calt r easur esl i ket hemedi evalOl d T ownbui l tbyt he14t hcent ur yKni ght sofSt .John andt heAcr opol i sofLi ndosover l ooki ngt he sapphi r ebl ueAegeansea.( B, L, D) DAY 10 –CRETE ( HERAKLI ON)SANTORI NI Ar r i valatCr et eat7: 00AM.Cr et ei st hel ar gest Gr eekI sl andandhomet ot hegr eatanci entMi noan ci vi l i z at i on,car r i edt oourer abyt hepar t i al l y r econst r uct edr emai nsoft hePal aceofKnossos. Depar t ur ef r om Cr et eat11: 30AM andar r i valat Sant or i niat4: 30PM.Sant or i nii si nar guabl yt he mostf amousGr eekI sl andwi t hi t sdr amat i c vol cani cl andscape,whi t ewashedhousesand panor ami cvi ewsofbr eat ht aki ngbeaut y .Enj oyt he i sl and’ sst unni ngvi ewsandi t ssunset ,consi der ed t hemostbeaut i f uli nt hewor l d,bef or esai l i ngf or Pi r aeusat9: 00PM.( B, L, D) DAY 11–PI REAUS /DEPARTURE Ar r i valatt hepi erat7: 00AM;t r ansf ert ot heai r por t f oryourr et ur nfli ght( B) Foramor edet ai l edi t i ner ar y ,vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com

Del phi -Apol l oni a-FC Kal ambaka-Met eor a-FC Cr ui s es hi p-Maj es t y * Super i orout s i decabi n FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe * Cr i st al orCal yps oi susedoncer t ai nsai l i ngdat es.

2011Dat es & Rat es ( Land & Crui se) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Apr12

$1, 795


$1, 930

Jul 05,19

$1, 840


$1, 899


$1, 865


$1, 979


$1, 865

Si ngl ef r om

$2, 630

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES* Ot hercabi ncat egor i esoncr ui seav ai l abl e;pl easecal l usf orr at es. Rat esdonoti ncl udepor tt axesandf ees,andi nt er nat i onal ai r f ar e. Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es. *Subj ectt ocr ui s ecabi navai l abi l i t y






DAY 01–DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oGr eece

Gr eecei ndept h,wi t hbes tof T ur key :I s t anbul andKus adas i

DAY 02 -ARRI VAL I N ATHENS Wel comet oAt hens.Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .( B)

Vi s i tt heAcr opol i si nAt hens

DAY 03 –ATHENS Yourgui dedt ourofAt hensi ncl udesvi si toft heAcr opol i sandAcr opol i sMuseum,t he Agor a,T empl eofZeus,Hadr i an’ sAr ch,andapanor ami ct ourt ovi ew keysi t esofmoder n At hensl i kePanat hi nai kosSt adi um,RoyalPal aceandPar l i ament .Af t er noonatl ei sur e.( B) DAY 04 -ATHENS -DELPHI Depar tf orDel phi .T ourt hear cheol ogi calsi t eofDel phi ,f eat ur i ngt heSanct uar yofApol l o, wher et hePr i est essofOr acl ei nt r ancedel i ver edpr opheci esofApol l o.Vi si tt heMuseum wi t hwor l dr enownedfinds.Restoft hedayf r eet oenj oychar mi ngt ownofDel phi .( B, D) DAY 05 -DELPHI-KALAM BAKA Dr i vet hr oughCent r alGr eecet oKal ambaka,asmal lt ownbui l tatt hef ootofmaj est i cgr ey r ocksst uddedwi t hMet eor aMonast er i es.Endt hedaywi t hdi nneri nKal ambaka.( B, D) DAY 06 –KALAM BAKA -ATHENS St ar tt hedaywi t hanunf or get t abl eexper i ence:gui dedt ouroft heByz ant i nemonast er i es ofMet eor a,per chedonpi nnacl esofst eepcl i f f s,whi chf orcent ur i espr ovi dedt ot al l y i naccessi bl er et r eat sf ort hemonks.Vi si toft hemonast er i eswi l lr evealbeaut i f ulByz ant i ne f r escoes,i nsi ghti nt ot hel i f eofmonks,andbr eat ht aki ngvi st as.Ret ur nt oAt hens.( B) DAY 07 –ATHENS /EM BARK CRUI SE Mor ni ngatl ei sur e.Depar t ur et i mef r om Pi r aeust oI st anbuli sat5: 00PM.( B, D) DAY 08 -I STANBUL Ar r i valat3: 00PM.I st anbul ,t heonl ymet r opol i si nt hewor l dt hati ssi t uat edont wo cont i nent s,i swher eEastmeet sWest .I thasanal mostmagi calat mospher et hatbl ends t heeast er nandwest er ncul t ur esandabuz z i ngni ght l i f et oenj oy .( B, L, D) DAY 09 -I STANBUL Expl or et heuni quel yenchant i ngci t y ,vi si t i ngi t swor l dr enownedl andmar ksi ncl udi ng Hagi aSofia,Bl ueMosque,T opkapiPal ace,andGr andBaz aari ndependent l yori nan opt i onalgui dedexcur si on.Depar t ur eat7: 00PM.( B, L, D)

SeeDel phi ,homeoft heOr acl e Vi s i tt hemy s t i cMet eor amonas t er i es ,per chedonr ocks . Cr ui s et ofiv eGr eekI s l ands : My konos ,Pat mos ,Rhodes , Cr et eandSant or i ni Seeenchant i ngI s t anbul ,wi t h i t shi s t or i cal t r eas ur es W HAT’ SI NCLUDED

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



DAY 10 –M YKONOS Ar r i vali nMykonos,Gr eeceat3: 00PM.Mykonosi s oneoft hemostpopul arGr eeki sl andswi t hi t s whi t ewashedhouses,l andmar kwi ndmi l l s,and exci t i ngcosmopol i t anat mospher e.Enj oyt he af t er noonandt hevi br antni ght l i f eont hei sl and. Sai latmi dni ghtf orPat mos.( B, L, D)

At hens-Di v ani Pal ace-D

DAY 11–PATM OS -KUSADASI Ar r i veatPat mosat7: 00AM.Pat mos,wher eSt . Johnwr ot et heBookofRevel at i on,of f er st he oppor t uni t yt oseeSt .John’ sMonast er y ,Gr ot t oof Apocal ypse,quai ntvi l l agesandpi ct ur esque wi ndmi l l s.Depar tf orKusadasi10: 30AM;ar r i veat 2: 30PM.Opt i onalexcur si ont ot heHouseofVi r gi n Mar y ,andEphesus,ani ncr edi bl ywel l pr eser ved Anci antRomanci t y .Depar tat08: 30PM.( B, L, D) DAY 12 –RHODES Ful ldayatRhodesf r om 7: 00AM t o6: 00PM. Rhodes,t hel ar gestoft heDodecanesei sl ands,i s r i chwi t hhi st or i calt r easur esl i ket hemedi evalOl d T ownbui l tbyt he14t hcent ur yKni ght sofSt .John andt heAcr opol i sofLi ndos.( B, L, D) DAY 13 –CRETE -SANTORI NI Ar r i vei nCr et eat7: 00AM.Cr et e,t hel ar gestGr eek I sl and,i shomet ot her emai nsofgr eatanci ent Mi noanci vi l i z at i on,l i ket hePal aceofKnossos. Depar tf orSant or i niat11: 30AM;ar r i valat5: 00PM. Sant or i nii swor l dr enownedf ori t sdr amat i c vol cani cl andscape,whi t ewashedhousesand panor ami cvi ewsofbr eat ht aki ngbeaut y .Enj oyt he i sl andunt i lsai l i ngt oPi r aeusat9: 00PM.( B, L. D)

Del phi -Apol l oni a-FC Kal ambaka-Met eor a-FC Cr ui s es hi p-Cr i s t al Pr emi um out s i decabi n

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( Land & Crui se) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Apr09

$2, 199


$2, 499

Jul 02,16

$2, 349

Jul 30;Aug13

$2, 469


$2, 349


$2, 529


$2, 349

Si ngl ef r om

$3, 190

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES* Ot hercabi ncat egor i esoncr ui seav ai l abl e;pl easecal l usf orr at es. Rat esdonoti ncl udepor tt axesandf ees,andi nt er nat i onal ai r f ar e. Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es.

DAY 14 –PI REAUS /DEPARTURE Ar r i veatpi erat6: 00AM;t r ansf ert ot heai r por t .( B)

Foramor edet ai l edi t i ner ar y ,vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com





DAY 01–DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oI st anbul . DAY 02 -ARRI VAL I NI STANBUL Wel comet oI st anbul .Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .( B) DAY 03 – I STANBUL I st anbul ,homet odi ver seci vi l i z at i onsf orcent ur i es,hasauni quel yf asci nat i ngat mospher ebl endi ngt hewest er nandeast er ncul t ur es.Yourgui dedt ouroft heOl dCi t ywi l l r evealmast er pi ecesofi t sdi ver sehi st or y:Hagi aSophi a,t hepr i nci palchur choft he Byz ant i neEmpi r e,t hegr acef ulBl ueMosque,andT opkapiPal ace,homeoft heOt t oman sul t ans.St r ol li nByz ant i neHi ppodr omeSquar et oseet heEgypt i anObel i sk,Ser pent i ne Col umnandt heGer manFount ai n,andendwi t havi si tt ot hebuz z i ngGr andBaz aar .Af t er t het our ,embar kyourcr ui sel i ner ,whi chwi l lr emai ndockedi nI st anbul ,l et t i ngyouenj oy t hevi br antni ght l i f ei nI st anbul .( B, D) DAY 04 -I STANBUL Af r eedayt oexpl or et hi senchant i ngci t yasyouwi sh.Depar t ur et i mei sat7: 00PM. DAY 05 -M YKONOS Ar r i vali nMykonos,Gr eeceat3: 00PM.Mykonosi soneoft hemostpopul arGr eeki sl ands wi t hi t sbeaut i f ulwhi t esandybeaches,cr yst alcl earwat er s,whi t ewashedhouses, l andmar kwi ndmi l l s,andexci t i ngcosmopol i t anat mospher e.Enj oyt heaf t er noonandt he vi br antni ght l i f eont hei sl andunt i ldepar t ur ef orPat mosatmi dni ght .( B, L, D) DAY 06 –PATM OS -KUSADASI Ar r i vali nPat mosat7: 00AM.Pat mos,wher eSt .Johnwr ot et heBookofRevel at i on, of f er soppor t uni t yf orf asci nat i ngdi scover i esl i keSt .John’ sMonast er y ,Gr ot t oof Apocal ypse,quai ntvi l l agesandpi ct ur esquewi ndmi l l s.Depar tPat mosat10: 30AM;ar r i ve i nKusadasiont heT ur ki shcoastat2: 30PM.Kusadasiof f er st heoppor t uni t yt osee spect acul arsi t es,l i ket hesacr edHouseofVi r gi nMar y ,wher eshel i vedherl astyear s,and Ephesus,ananci entci t ysowel lpr eser vedt hatRomanhi st or ycomest ol i f e.Depar t ur ei s at08: 30PM.( B, L, D) DAY 07 –RHODES Ful ldayatRhodesf r om 07: 00AM t o06: 00PM.Rhodes,t hel ar gestoft heDodecanese

HI GHLI GHTS Per f ectcombi nat i on: Gr eekI s l andscr ui s ewi t hPr e andPos t s t ay si nI s t anbul and At hens Di s cov erOl dI s t anbul :Hagi a Sophi a,Bl ueMos que,T opkapi Pal ace,Gr andBaz aar Vi s i tt heAcr opol i sandadmi r e t hegr andeurofPar t henon Cr ui s et ofiv eGr eekI s l ands : My konos ,Pat mos ,Cr et e, RhodesandSant or i ni W HAT’ SI NCLUDED

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



i sl ands,i sr i chwi t hhi st or i calt r easur esl i ket he medi evalOl dT ownbui l tbyt he14t hcent ur yKni ght s ofSt .Johnandt heAcr opol i sofLi ndosover l ooki ng t hesapphi r ebl ueAegeansea.( B, L, D)

I s t anbul -Ti t ani cCi t y-SFC

DAY 08 –CRETE -SANTORI NI Ar r i vei nCr et eat7: 00AM.Cr et e,t hel ar gestGr eek I sl and,i shomet ot her emai nsofgr eatanci ent Mi noanci vi l i z at i on,l i ket hePal aceofKnossos. Depar tCr et eat11: 30AM;ar r i veatSant or i niat 5: 00PM.Sant or i nii si nar guabl yt hemostf amous Gr eekI sl andwi t hi t sdr amat i cvol cani cl andscape, whi t ewashedhousesandpanor ami cvi ewsof br eat ht aki ngbeaut y .Enj oyt hei sl and’ sst unni ng vi ewsandsunset .Sai lt oPi r aeusat9: 00PM.( B, L. D) DAY 09 –ATHENS Ar r i ve06. 00am att hepi er .Af t erdebar kat i on, expl or eAt henswi t hyourexper tl ocalgui de.Your t ourwi l li ncl udevi si toft heAcr opol i swi t hi t scr own di amondPar t henon,Acr opol i sMuseum,andot her anci entt r easur esl i ket heAgor a,t heT empl eofZeus andHadr i an’ sAr ch.Youwi l lal sovi ew keysi t esof moder nAt hensl i kePanat hi nai kosSt adi um bui l tf or t hefir stmoder nOl ympi cGamesi n1896,Royal Pal aceandt hePar l i amenti napanor ami ct our . Af t er noonatl ei sur e.( B) DAY 10 –ATHENS Af r eedayt oexpl or et hi sf abul ousanci entci t yof t heGr eekGodsasyouwi sh.( B) DAY 11–ATHENS /DEPARTURE Af t erbr eakf ast ,t r ansf ert oAt hensai r por tf oryour fli ghtbackhome.( B)

At hens-Di v ani Pal ace-D Cr ui s es hi p-Cr i s t al Super i orout s i decabi n

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( Land & Crui se) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Mar31;Apr14

$1, 815


$2, 090

Jul y07,21

$1, 835


$2, 075


$1, 850


$2, 130


$1, 850

Si ngl ef r om

$2, 690

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES* Ot hercabi ncat egor i esoncr ui seav ai l abl e;pl easecal l usf orr at es. Rat esdonoti ncl udepor tt axesandf ees,andi nt er nat i onal ai r f ar e. Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es. *Subj ectt ocr ui s ecabi navai l abi l i t y

14DAY TOUR FROM $3, 890




Vi s i tDoge’ sPl acei nVeni ce andCol oos eum i nRome

SeeMi chel angel o’ smas t er pi eceDav i di nFl or ence Seet heLeani ngT owerofPi s a andStFr anci s ‘t own,As s i s i Admi r et hegr andeurof Acr ol pol i si nAt hens Seet heas t oundi ngcl i f f t op monas t er i esofMet eor aand SeeDel phi ,homeoft heOr acl e Hi ghl i ghtI t al i anDi nner

W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 12ni ght sFi r s tCl as s-Del uxe accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y 4di nner s ,i ncl udi ngHi ghl i ght Di nneri nRome RomeAt hensfli ght Ai r por tt r ans f er s Del uxeai r condi t i onedcoach Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Es cor t edbyT ourDi r ect or Si ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed, i ncl udi ngadmi s s i onchar ges

TransEurope’ s Prem i um Tours ofI t al y Sm al lgroups,m ax.18 -Hot el s atprem i um l ocat i ons -Ri ch i ncl uded si ght seei ng



Veni ce-Car l t onGr andCanal -FC Fl or ence-Ambas ci at or i -FC Rome-St ar hot el Mi chel angel oFC At hens-Di v ani Pal ace-D Del phi -Del phi Pal ace-FC Kal ambaka-Met er or a-FC

DAY 09 -ROM E -ATHENS T r ansf ert oai r por tf oryourfli ghtt oAt hens,wher e youwi l lbemetandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .( B) DAY 10 –ATHENS Yourgui dedt ourofAt hensi ncl udesvi si toft he Acr opol i sandAcr opol i sMuseum,t heAgor a, T empl eofZeus,Hadr i an’ sAr ch,andapanor ami c t ourt ovi ew keysi t esofmoder nAt hensl i ke Panat hi nai kosSt adi um,RoyalPal aceand Par l i ament .Af t er noonatl ei sur e.( B) DAY 11-ATHENS -DELPHI Depar tf orDel phi .T ourt hear cheol ogi calsi t eof Del phi ,f eat ur i ngt heSanct uar yofApol l o,wher et he Pr i est essofOr acl ei nt r ancedel i ver edpr opheci esof Apol l o.Vi si tt heMuseum wi t hwor l dr enowned finds.Restoft hedayf r eet oenj oychar mi ngt own ofDel phi .( B, D) DAY 12 -DELPHI-KALAM BAKA Dr i vet hr oughCent r alGr eecet oKal ambaka,asmal l t ownbui l tatt hef ootofmaj est i cgr eyr ocksst udded wi t hMet eor aMonast er i es.Endt hedaywi t hdi nner i nKal ambaka.( B, D) DAY 13 –KALAM BAKA -ATHENS St ar tt hedaywi t hanunf or get t abl eexper i ence: gui dedt ouroft heByz ant i nemonast er i esof Met eor a,per chedonpi nnacl esofst eepcl i f f s,whi ch f orcent ur i espr ovi dedt ot al l yi naccessi bl er et r eat s f ort hemonks.Vi si toft hemonast er i eswi l lr eveal beaut i f ulByz ant i nef r escoes,i nsi ghti nt ot hel i f eof monks,andbr eat ht aki ngvi st as.Backt oAt hens.( B) DAY 14 –ATHENS /DEPARTURE T r ansf ert ot heai r por tf oryourfli ghtbackhome.( B)

FC:Fi r stSFC:Super i orFi r stD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper soni ndoubl eoccupancy Apr .02,09,16

$3, 890

Apr .23;May .07,14,21,28;Jun.4,11,18

$4, 190


$3. 990

Jul .02,09,16,23,30;Aug.06,13,20

$3, 890


$3, 990

Sept .03,10,17,24;Oct .01,08,15,22

$4, 190

Si ngl esuppl ementf r om

$ 890

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES* *Wi t hmi ni mum 4guest si nt hegr oup. Rat esdonoti ncl udeai r f ar ef r om/ t oUSA,andt axesandf eesf orRomeAt hensai r f ar e. Si mi l arhot el sofsamecat egor ymaybeusedaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Ont heI t al ypor t i on,f orgr oupswi t hl esst han10guest s,T ourDi r ect orwi l lescor tt hegr oupt hr ough t hecoacht r i pf r om Veni cet oRome;LocalHostser vi cesgi vendur i ngVeni ceandRomest ays. Rat esar esubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com f orcur r entr at es.

www. t r anseur opet our s. com




GRANDE BRETAGNE Thehot elhasr epr esent edt heessenceof hospi t al i t yi nGr eecef ormor et han140 year sandhasbeenr ecogni z edi nt er nat i onal l y .Wi t hbr eat ht aki ngvi ewsoft hef amed Acr opol i sandPar t henon,r egalConst i t ut i on Squar eandt hePar l i ament ,l ushLycabet t us Hi l lort heor i gi nalOl ympi cSt adi um,t he mul t i awar ded5st arHot elof f er san unr i val l edper spect i veofAt hens'myt hi cal hi st or y .

DI VANIPALACE ACROPOLI S Si t uat edi nt heshadow oft heAcr opol i s, andaf ew st epsawayf r om t hevi br ancyof t hecel ebr at edPl akadi st r i ct ,l i est hedel uxe Di vaniPal aceAcr opol i shot el .Renovat edi n 2001,t hi sl uxur i ousof f er i ngf r om t heDi vani Col l ect i onaf f or dsguest sauni queoppor t uni t yt oexper i enceal lt hatAt henshast o of f er .Di vaniPal aceAcr opol i shas2 r est aur ant s,abar / l ounge,anout doorpool andapool si debar .



ROYAL OLYM PI C Thehot eli scent r al l ysi t uat edj usti nf r ontof t hef amousT empl eofZeusandt he Nat i onalGar dens,under neat ht he Acr opol i s.Af t ercompl et er enovat i ont hat fini shedi n2009,t heRoyalOl ympi cwas t r ansf or medt oanar thot elver yel egant l y decor at edi never ydet ai l .TheHot elhas2 r est aur ant sandal sof eat ur esabar / l ounge, acof f eeshop/ caf é,apool si debar ,and compl i ment ar yhi ghspeedWI FI .

M ELI A ATHENS TheHot elMel i ãAt hensi sacont empor ar y hot elsi t uat edi nt hehear tofAt hens. I tl i esataf ew mi nut eswal ki ngf r om t he Ar chaeol ogi calMuseum,Gr eekPar l i ament andNat i onalLi br ar y ,andatonl yf ew yar ds f r om t hemet r ost at i on.Al lt heaccommodat i onsar epr ovi dedwi t ht hebestcomf or t s andser vi ces,i ncl udi ng:sycamor ewood f ur ni shi ng,mar bl ebat hr oomswi t hJacuz z i bat ht ubsorshowerj etmassagecabi ns, sat el l i t eTVandhi ghspeedi nt er net.



ATHENI AN CALLI RHOE TheAt heni anCal l i r hoeHot eli sauni que 4st arbout i queHot eli nt hehear tof At hens.Thehot elcoupl esst yl eand comf or tt oof f erapl easantst aywi t ht he finestaccommodat i onandcul i nar y exper i ences.Cent r al l yl ocat ed,i ti sashor t wal kf r om al lt heAt hensci t y' scul t ur al hi ghl i ght sandat t r act i onsl i kePl aka, Acr opol i s,t heBr andNew Acr opol i s Museum andcommer ci alcent ermaki ng.

APOLLONI A BAY Thehot eli sl ocat edi nt hesout hwestpar t oft hei sl and.I ti soneoft hemostbeaut i f ul ar easofMyconoswi t hsandybeachesand cr yst alcl earwat er s.Thehot eli sonl yaf ew mi l esf r om t het own.Ther oomsmani f esta beaut i f ulexampl eofcont empor ar y ar chi t ect ur ebui l tont het opofPeni nsul a wi t hsuper bvi ew.



ANDRONI KOS Hot eli ssi t uat edi noneoft hemost pi ct ur esquer egi onsoft heenchant i ng i sl andofMykonos.Thi s' new gener at i on' hot eli sbui l tont heedgeoft het ownand l i eswi t hi neasyr eachf r om ever ycent erof act i vi t yont hi scosmopol i t ani sl and.The hot eli sdesi gnedasaser i esofsi xsepar at e bungal owst yl ear eascompr i si ng52 guest r oomsandsui t es,eachwi t hasea vi ew bal conyort er r acewi t hgar denvi ew.

PORTO M YKONOS Hot elboast st hemosti deall ocat i oni nt he t ownofMykonos,over l ooki ngt hePor tand t hedar kcol or soft heseat hr ought her oom wi ndowsandbal coni es.Thechar m oft he Cycl adesandt hel i f est yl eofMykonosar e combi nedwi t ht heser eni t yofapr i vi l eged l ocat i on,j ustashor tst r ol lawayf r om Mykonost own.Thehot el ' sseavi ew pool of f er smagni ficentvi ewsf orsunbat her sand af t ersunset .




EL GRECO Hot eli sl ocat edmi nut esawayf r om t he cent r eofmagni ficentFi r at own,t hecapi t al oft heuni queandbeaut i f ulSant or i ni .The t r adi t i onalandcol our f ular chi t ect ur ef ound her eenhancest hespaci oussur r oundi ngs andaddt ot heover al lenvi r onmentof l ei sur e. Hot eli sawel lbal ancedest abl i shmentequal l ysui t abl ef orf ami l i es,duet oi t s l ocat i onandf aci l i t i es,andf orcoupl es,due t oi t scol our f ulr eflect i onofchar m!

ANDROM EDA VI LLA Thi si sanel eganthot elsi t uat edi nt he beaut i f ulset t l ementofI mer ovi gl i ,a char mi nghaml etper chedont hecl i f f sof west er nSant or i ni ,300yar dsabovet he dr amat i cCal der a.Oneoft hemostat t r act i vef eat ur esoft heHot eli si t sbr eat ht aki ng vi ew oft hevol canoandAegeanSea.I t s l ocat i on,i ncombi nat i onwi t hi t sexcel l ent ser vi ceandt opnot chaccommodat i on, makeAndr omedaVi l l asoneoft hebest Sant or i nihot el s.



ARESSANA TheAr essanaSpaandSui t eshot el pr ovi desadi st i nct i ve,el eganthomeaway f r om homeexper i ence.Afivest ardesi gn hot eli never ysense,i ti saqui etheaven, oneoft hoset ownhot el sf r om whi chone nevereverwant st ol eavet hecocooni ng pr i vacyofi t swal l s.Thehot eli scent r al l y l ocat edi nt hemai nt own,Fi r a,andi s whi t hi nwal ki ngdi st anceoft her est aur ant s, t aver nsshops,bout i ques,gal l er i esand ni ghtl i f et hatSant or i nii sf amousf or .

APOLLONI A Hot eli ssi t uat edi nt hemoder nci t yof Del phiatani deall ocat i on,wi t hmaj est i c vi ew t ot heCor i nt hi angul f .I ti sbui l ti nl ocal t r adi t i onalst yl e,combi ni ngwoodand st one.Ser vi cesi ncl uder est aur ant ,bar / pub, busi nesscent er ,andi nt er netaccess. Roomsar eequi ppedwi t hai rcondi t i oni ng, hai rdr yer ,saf e,TV ,mi nibar .



DI VANIM ETEORA Sur r oundedbyt hemaj est i c,t ower i ngr ocks knownasMet eor a,i nt hechar mi ngvi l l age ofKal ambaka,l i est heDi vaniMet eor a Hot el .Wi t hadesi gnt hati smoder n,yet har moni ousl ybl endi ngwi t ht headj acent nat ur alspl endour ,t hecompl et el y r enovat edhot elof f er sar emar kabl e wi ndow t ot hest ar kbeaut yofMet eor a.

BEST W ESTERN EUROPA Hot elEur opai sbui l tont het opofDr ouvas Hi l li nAnci entOl ympi a,att hef ootofwhi ch t her ei st heSacr edAl t iwi t hbr i l l i ant monument sandt hest adi um oft heAnci ent Ol ympi cGames.Thehot elser vi cesi ncl ude a24hourr ecept i on,al obbywi t hTVand newspaper s,ar est aur ant ,3bar s,i ncl udi ng apoolbar ,anout doorswi mmi ngpool ,a t enni scour t ,acomput erwi t hI nt er net f aci l i t i es,wi r el essI nt er netconnect i oni nt he commonar eas.



SHERATON Sher at onRhodesResor ti sconveni ent l y l ocat edi nI xi a,j ustashor tdr i vef r om t he i sl and’ sf ashi onabl ecapi t al .I t sposi t i onon I xi aBayal l owst hehot elt oof f erspect acul arsunset sandseavi ews,whi l stt hehot el ’ s sandandshi ngl ebeachi saccessedvi aan under gr oundwal kway .Themoder ni nt er i or i sfini shedt ot hehi ghestst andar ds,usi ng l ocalwoodandmar bl ecombi nedwi t h st r i ki ng,cont empor ar yar chi t ect ur e.

RODOS PARK Anew smal ll uxur i ousSui t esHot el desi gnedt oof f erexcl usi veser vi cesand qual i t yt ot hemostdemandi ngt r avel ert o i sl andofRhodes.Thehot eli si deal l y l ocat edi nt hehear toft hel ar gestar eawi t h par ksofRhodesT own,mostsui t abl ef or j oggi ngandonl yaf ew mi nut eswal ki ng di st ancef r om t heMedi evalCi t y .


M AJESTY SHI P SPECI FI CATI ONS T onnage 40, 876 Lengt h 680f t Br eadt h 91f t Dr aught 21f t Cr ui si ngspeed 19knot s Passengerdecks 10 El evat or s 6 St abi l i z er s YES El ect r i ccur r ent 110-220VAC Cl assi ficat i on DNV

STATEROOM ACCOM M ODATI ONS T ot alOut si deSt at er ooms 482 T ot alI nsi deSt at er ooms 250 T ot alSt at er ooms 732

STATEROOM AM ENI TI ES Al lst at er oomsar eequi ppedwi t hshower ,WC,wash basi n,ai rcondi t i on,t el ephoneandTV .Al lSJO,SJ&S cat egor i eshavef r i dge.Hai r dr yeri nal lcat egor i esS Sui t es.

SERVI CES Restaurants SevenSeasDi ni ngRoom -At l ant i cDeck LeBi st r oCaf é-At l ant i cDeck Caf éRoyal-SunDeck Past aCaf é/ RoyalObser vat or y-Nor wayDeck FourSeasonsRest aur ant-At l ant i cDeck HouseofLor dsLounge-At l ant i cDeck Mont ecar l oCasi noandPol oCl ubPi anoBar-Maj est ydeck PoolBar,T opsi der sBar -SunDeck RendezVousLoungeandBar-At l ant i cDeck Sports & Fi tness Swi mmi ngPool -SunDeck Basket&Vol l eyCour t-Pr omenadeDeck Gym /Sauna-Pr omandadeDeck Massage-Pr omenadeDeck Beaut ySal on-Pr omanadeDeck Other Servi ces Chi l dr enFaci l i t i es-Nor wayDeck Car dRoom -At l ant i cDeck I nt er netCor ner-At l ant i cdeck Phot oGal l er y-Maj est yDeck Shor eExcur si onDesk-At l ant i cDeck Dut yFr eeShop-At l ant i cDeck Hospi t al-Bi scayneDeck Recept i on-At l ant i cDeck

CRI STAL SHI P SPECI FI CATI ONS T onnage 25, 611 Lengt h 532f t Br eadt h 84f t Dr aught 20f t Cr ui si ngspeed 18knot s Passengerdecks 9 El evat or s 4 St abi l i z er s YES El ect r i ccur r ent 110VAC Cl assi ficat i on DNV


STATEROOM ACCOM M ODATI ONS T ot alOut si deSt at er ooms 317 T ot alI nsi deSt at er ooms 163 T ot alSt at er ooms 480

Sports & Fi tness Swi mmi ngPool -Deck9 Wel l nessCent er-Deck9 Beaut ySal on-Deck9 Whi r l poolBat h-Deck5

STATEROOM AM ENI TI ES Al lst at er oomsar eequi ppedwi t hshower ,WC,washbasi n,ai r condi t i on,phone,hai rdr yerandTV .

Restaurants T r avi at a&Ri gol et t oCasualDi ni ng-Deck9 LaScal aRest aur ant-Deck8 Car usoRest aur ant-Deck5 RendezVousLounge-Deck8 St ar sLoungeandDi sco-Deck10 Theat herLounge-Deck9 Ri vi er aPoolBar-Deck9 Met r opol i t anShow Lounge -Deck8 Romeo&Jul i etBar-Deck8 Mont eCar l oCasi no-Deck8

Other Servi ces Conf er enceRoom-Deck8 I nt er netCor ner-Deck5 Phot oShop-Deck5 Recept i on-Deck5 Shor eExcur si onOf fice-Deck5 Dut yFr eeShop-Deck5 Hospi t al-Deck4



TRAVELLERS REQUI RI NG SPECI AL ASSI STANCE Pas s enger swi t hdi s abi l i t i esar ewel comeonT r ans Eur opet our s pr ov i dedt heyar eaccompani edbyacompani oncapabl eof pr ov i di ngal l neces s ar yas s i s t ance,anddonotr equi r es peci al as s i s t ancef r om T r ans Eur opeT our sper s onnel .Anydi s abi l i t i es r equi r i ngs peci al needsmus tbenot i fiedt oT r ans Eur opeT our s dur i ngbooki ngandT r ans Eur opeT our swi l l maker eas onabl e at t empt st oaccommodat et hes es peci al needs ,buti snotr es pons i bl ei nt heev enti ti sunabl et odos onori si tr es pons i bl ef orany deni al ofs er v i cesbyai rcar r i er s ,hot el s ,r es t aur ant s ,orot her i ndependents uppl i er s . YOUNG TRAVELERS T r av el er sundert heageof18mus tbeaccompani edbyan adul t . T r ans Eur opeT our swel comeschi l dr enof5y earofageand ol deri nes cor t edt our s .Wer ecommendpr i v at et our sf orf ami l i es wi t hchi l dr eny oungert han5y ear s . TOUR PARTI CI PATI ON T r ans Eur opeT our sr es er v est her i ghtt oacceptorr ej ectorr emov e, i ns ol eopi ni onofT r ans Eur opeT our sact i ngi ngoodf ai t h,anyt our memberwhos eheal t h,ment al orphy s i cal condi t i onorconducti s cons i der edt obei ncompat i bl ewi t ht hei nt er es t sofot hert our member s .T r ans Eur opeT our si snotr es pons i bl ef oranyexpens es i ncur r edbyat ourmemberi ns uchacas e. I TI NERARY/SCHEDULE CHANGES Wer es er v et her i ght ,i nourdi s cr et i on,t os ubs t i t ut ecar r i er ,ai r cr af t , char t erfli ghtf ors chedul edfli ght ,cr ui s el i ne,andt oal t ert he i t i ner ar y ,s ubs t i t ut epor t i onsoft hes i ght s eei ng,por t sofcal l , ent er t ai nment ,hot el s ,r es t aur ant s ,par t yandbanquetl ocat i ons ,or ot heraccommodat i ons .Forfli ght s ,cr ui s esandcr ui s epor t i onsof t our s ,T r ans Eur opeT our si ss ubj ectt ooper at i ngdeci s i onsoft he cr ui s el i nesandai r l i nes . NON-OPERATI OPER ON OF ESCORTED TOUR T r ans Eur opeEs cor t edt our ,unl es si ndi cat edasguar ant eed depar t ur e,r equi r eenr ol l mentami ni mum numberofgues t sf or oper at i on. T r ans Eur opeT our sr es er v est her i ghtt ocancel or r es chedul eanyt ourdepar t ur et hatdoesnotmeeti t smi ni mum enr ol l mentcr i t er i aori naccor dancewi t hoper at i ngr equi r ement s .I f cancel l at i oni smadeanyt i mepr i ort odepar t ur eoft het our , T r ans Eur ope' sonl yl i abi l i t ywi l l bet or ef undt ot hepas s engert he amounti thasr ecei v edf ort het ourbooki ng.T r ans Eur opewi l l t r yt o r ebookt hes ameors i mi l art ourand,wher efli ght shav ebeen confir medbyT r ans Eur ope,wi l l at t emptt oconfir m ai rs eat sf ornew dat ess el ect ed,s ubj ectt oav ai l abi l i t y .Pl eas enot et hatT r ans Eur ope i snotl i abl ef oranyt r av el ar r angement saf f ect edandanycancel l at i onpenal t i esi ncur r edonanyot hert r av el ar r angement snotmade byT r ans Eur opeT our s . CANCELLATI ONS AND PROGRAM CHANGES DUE TO CARRI ERS T r ans Eur opeT our si snotl i abl ef oranypr ogr am changesandext r a cos t si ncur r edduet ocancel l at i ons ,s chedul echangesanddel ay s oft r ans por t at i oncar r i er sl i keai r l i nes ,cr ui s el i nes ,f er r yl i nes ,ordue t oanyot herr eas onsbey ondi t scont r ol .Gues t sar es t r ongl y r ecommendedt opur chas et r av el i ns ur ancef orcov er agei ns uch cas es. SM OKI NG Smoki ngi snotal l owedoncoaches ,s hi ps ,mi ni bus esorv ans . Rr egul ars t opsar es chedul edf ort hos ewhowi s ht os moke.

VI SAS & PASSPORTS Apas s por tv al i df oratl eas ts i xmont hsaf t erdat eofr et ur nt ot he U. S.i sr equi r edf oral l pr ogr ams ,bot hf orU. t i z ensand nonU. t i z ens .Al l pas s enger sar er es pons i bl ef orens ur i ngt hat t heyhav eal l pr opert r av el document sandMUSTCHECKwi t ht he r es pect i v econs ul at e( s )orv i s aagencyt odet er mi neanyv i s aorany ot herr equi r ement s .T r ans Eur opeT our scannotacceptl i abi l i t yf or anypas s engerr ef us edent r yont oanyt r ans por tori nt oanycount r y duet of ai l ur eoft hepas s engert ocar r ycor r ectdocument at i on. BAGGAGE Duet ol i mi t edbaggagear eaonbus escoaches ,eachgues ti s r eques t edt ol i mi tl uggaget oones ui t cas eandones mal l car r y on bagwhi chcanfitundert hebuss eat s .Ai r l i nesmayi mpos e s epar at epol i ci esf orl uggage.Pl eas echeckwi t hy ourai r l i ne( s ) di r ect l yf orbaggager egul at i onsandr el at edf ees .Al l baggageand per s onal ef f ect sar eatal l t i mesandi nal l ci r cums t ancesatt her i s k oft hegues t ;baggagei ns ur ancei shi ghl yr ecommended. HOLI D DAYS Dur i ngl ocal ornat i onal hol i day sors peci al occas i ons ,cer t ai n f aci l i t i ess uchasmus eums ,chur ches ,r es t aur ant s ,s i ght s eei ng t our s ,ands hoppi ngmaybel i mi t edornotav ai l abl e.Al t er nat i v es wi l l beof f er edwhenev erpos s i bl e. RESPONSI BI LI TY Magi cUSAI nc,oper at i ngundert heDBAT r ans Eur opeT our s ,i t s empl oy ees ,s har ehol der s ,s ubs i di ar i es ,af fil i at es ,of ficer s ,di r ect or s , s ucces s or s ,agent s ,andas s i gns( col l ect i v el y" T r ans Eur opeT our s " ) , doesnotownoroper at eanyent i t ywhi chpr ov i desaccommodat i on,t r ans por t at i on,r es t aur ant ,l ocal gr oundoper at or ,andot her s er v i cesf ory ourt r i p.Al l s uchper s onsandent i t i esar ei ndependent cont r act or s .Asar es ul t ,T r ans Eur opeT our si snotl i abl ef orany negl i gentorwi l l f ul actorf ai l ur et oactofanys uchper s onorent i t y orofanyt hi r dpar t y . T r ans Eur opeT our ss i gnsonmot orv ehi cl es ,athot el sorel s ewher e ar eonl yf ori dent i ficat i onpur pos esanddonotdenot eowner s hi p, s uper v i s i on,orcont r ol byT r ans Eur opeT our si nanyway .I naddi t i on andwi t houtl i mi t at i on,T r ans Eur opeT our si snotr es pons i bl ef orany i nj ur y ,l os s ,deat h,i nconv eni ence,del ay ,damaget oper s onor pr oper t yorext r aexpens esi nconnect i onwi t ht hepr ov i s i onofany goodsors er v i ceswhet herr es ul t i ngf r om,butnotl i mi t edt o,act sof Godorf or cemaj eur e,i l l nes s ,di s eas e,act sofwarorci v i l unr es t , i ns ur r ect i onorr ev ol t ,ani mal s ,s t r i kesorot herl aboract i v i t i es , cr i mi nal ort er r or i s tact i v i t i esofanyki nd,ov er booki ngordowngr adi ngofaccommodat i ons ,mechani cal orot herf ai l ur eof ai r pl anesorot hermeansoft r ans por t at i on,orf oranyf ai l ur eofany t r ans por t at i onmechani s mt oar r i v eordepar tont i me.Pas s enger s ar eaddi t i onal l yr es pons i bl ef orcompl y i ngwi t ht het er ms ,condi t i onsorr equi r ement sofanys er v i cepr ov i der ,oranycount r yor gov er nment al aut hor i t i es ,orf orbear i nganycos t sorl os s es i ncur r edasacons equenceofnotcompl y i ngwi t ht hem.I nt hecas e ofcomput erorhumanbi l l i nger r orwer es er v et her i ghtt o r ei nv oi cepas s enger swi t hcor r ectbi l l i ng.T r ans Eur opeT our si snot r es pons i bl ef oromi s s i ons ,pr i nt i ngand/ ort y pogr aphi cal er r or s ,i n br ochur es ,onI nt er nets i t escor r es pondenceori nv oi cesori nany ot hermedi awher es uchi nf or mat i onmaybepr es ent ed.Wer es er v e t her i ghtt omakecor r ect i onsasr equi r ed.Thet er msandcondi t i ons l i s t edr emai ni nef f ectunt i l r epl aced.Thes et er msandcondi t i ons r epl aceal l pr ev i ousv er s i ons .Thepay mentofadepos i tandor / t he i s s uanceoft i cket sorv oucher ss hal l bedeemedy ourcons entt o t het er msandcondi t i onsaspr es ent edher ei n.



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