TransEurope Tours Turkey 2011

Page 1


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Tu r k e y ,

al andr i chwi t h

t heher i t ageofmanydi f f er entcul t ur es goi ngasf arbackas8000B. C.Fr om I s t anbulwi t hi t s uni que at mos pher e bl endi ngeas t er nandwes t er ncul t ur es , t ot heas t oundi ngcol os s als t at ueson Mt .Nemr ut ,i thasal ott of as ci nat ei t s v i s i t or s ,al lgener ous l y of f er ed i na t r adi t i onofhos pi t al i t y .Asi ns i der swi t h v as texper i enceofhos t i ngt r av el er si n Tur keyf orl ongy ear s ,weknow Tur key i ns i deout :t hemos tf as ci nat i ngs i t es , t he bes thot el s ,t he r es t aur ant s wi t h del i ci ousaut hent i cf ood.Letusgui de y out hr ought hebes tt r av elexper i ence i nTur keywi t houri ns i derexper t i s e.

TransEurope Tours

CONTENTS T ur keywi t hT r ans Eur opeT our s-4 OurSer v i ces-5 I ndependentPackages 3ni ghtI s t anbul Package-6 I s t anbul &Ephes us-8 I s t anbul &Cappadoci a-10 Bes tofT ur keybyai r-12 Bes tofT ur keyandGr eece-14 Es cor t edT our s I s t anbul t oEphes us-16 Hi ghl i ght sofT ur key-18 T ur ki s hGems-20 T ur ki s hCl as s i cs-22 Wonder sofT ur key-24 AegeanBr eez e-26 T ur ki s hJewel s-28 T ur quoi s eCoas t-30 Gr andT ourofT ur key-32 Hot el s-34 T er ms&Condi t i ons-36


Tr ans Eur opeTour si sNor t hAmer i ca’ sexper ti nt r av el t oTur key .Wear ei ns i der st oTur key ,wi t hexper i enceofhos t i ngt hous andsofv i s i t or si nTur keys i nce1984.Si mpl yput ,weknow Tur keyi ns i deout . Letusgui dey out hr oughaf as ci nat i ngj our neyofexot i cbeaut y ,hi s t or yandcul t ur ei nTur key.

Ri ch Sel ecti on AsTur keyexper t s ,weof f eroneoft her i ches ts el ect i onofi t i ner ar i es ,r angi ngf r om 3t o15day s .Someofouri t i ner ar i esar es peci fical l ydes i gnedt obeconv eni ent l ycombi nedwi t hGr eekI s l andsby f er r y .Bes i dess chedul edes cor t edt our s ,weoper at ecus t omt ai l or edgener al i nt er es torf ai t hbas edt our s .

W eekl y Guaranteed Departures Al l ourt our sof f erweekl yguar ant eeddepar t ur es .Choos ey our t ourandt hedepar t ur edat et hatbes ts ui t sy ou,andbookwi t ht he as s ur ancet haty ourt ouri sguar ant eedt odepar t .

Hotel s Al l ourhot el sar eofFi r s tCl as sorabov ecat egor i es .Wi t hour i ns i derexper t i s e,weknow eachhot el i nTur keyandar eabl et o s el ectt hos et hatof f ert hehi ghes tv al ue.Wechoos eamonga pool ofr eput abl ei nt er nat i onal chai ns ,hi ghs t andar dl ocal chai ns ,anduni quebout i quehot el ss uchasr enov at edOt t oman mans i onsorl uxur i ous l yaut hent i ccav ei nnsi nCappadoci a.We pays peci al at t ent i ont ochoos i nghot el st hatar ei ngood l ocat i ons ,wher eourgues t scans t epoutoft hehot el t oenj oyt he t ownort hear ea,wher ev erpos s i bl e.

Qual i ty Coaches Weus emoder n,ai r condi t i onedmi ni v ans ,mi ni bus esor coaches ,dependi ngont hes i z eoft hegr oup. Ri ch I ncl uded Si ghtseei ng Ourt our si ncl uder i chs i ght s eei ngwhi chcov er sal l mus t s ees i t es wi t ht hei ns i ght f ul gui danceofy ourPr of es s i onal Local Gui de.But y ous t i l l hav eampl ef r eet i mei nkeyci t i esl i keI s t anbul andr es or t t ownst oexpl or eorr el axi ndependent l y .YourTr ans Eur opet ouri s acompl et eexper i ence,del i v er i ngy oual l t her ei st os ee,l ear nand enj oyi nTur key . LocalExperti se /Custom i zati on Asi ns i der s ,weknow Tur keyi ns i deandout .I fi ti sy ourfir s tt i me i nTur key ,wewi l l cons ul ty ouont hebes ti t i ner ar ydependi ngon y ouri nt er es t s .I fy ouhav es peci ficwi s hes ,l i kea boatcr ui s e al ongt heTur quoi s eCoas torr el i gi oust r av el t os acr eds i t esi n Tur key ,wewi l l cr af tacus t om pr ogr am f ory ouwi t hourunmat chabl eknowhow. TransEurope Gui des Al l ourgui desar eof fici al l yl i cens edmul t i l i ngual pr of es s i onal gui des .Thr ought hei rgui dance,y ouwi l l notonl ys eeTur key ,but under s t andi t shi s t or y ,cul t ur eandl i f es t y l e.Theywi l l bewi t hy ou t hr oughoutt het ourt oens ur eanexcel l entt r av el exper i ence.

OUR SERVI CES Escorted Tours I noures cor t edt our s ,ourmul t i l i ngual pr of es s i onal gui des es cor tourgr oupt hr oughoutt het our ,as s ur i ngani ns i ght f ul ands eaml es st r av el f orourgues t s .Jus tchoos et he i t i ner ar yt hati nt er es t sy oumos t ,packy ourl uggageand expectt hebes t .

I ndependentPackages Weof f erpackagescov er i ngTur key ’ smos tpopul ar des t i nat i ons ,I s t anbul ,Cappadoci aandKus adas i ,oper at ed wi t har r i v al ev er yday .Thes epackagesar ecompl et ewi t h hot el sofal t er nat ecat egor i es ,i nt er ci t yi ght s ,ai r por t t r ans f er sands i ght s eei ngt our s .Theyar eexcel l entchoi ces f orani ndependentv acat i on,addont oaGr eeceorEgy pt t ourorasapr e/ pos t cr ui s et our .

Pri vate Car Tours I fy ou pr ef ert ot r av el i nt hei nt i macyofy ourf ami l yand f r i endswi t hy ourpr i v at edr i v erandgui de,y oumay cons i derapr i v at ecart our .Weof f erpr i v at ecaropt i onf or al l ouri t i ner ar i esatas uppl ement al r at edepandi ngont he numberofpeopl ei ny ourgr oup.

Group Travel Weof f ers peci al gr oupr at esi nours chedul edes cor t ed t our s .I fy ourgr ouppr ef er st ot r av el onacus t om i t i ner ar yi n Tur keyorcombi ni ngTur keywi t hot hercount r i es ,wecan bui l danyi t i ner ar ywi t houri ns i derexper t i s e.Wewi l l pl anal l component sofy ourt ourexact l yasy ouwi s h,wi t ht he adv ant ageofourknowl edgeandpur chas i ngpower . Whet hery ouar epl anni ngf oraf ami l y&f r i ends ,as s oci at i on orchur chgr oup,cont actust ogetouri t i ner ar ypr opos al wi t hcompet i t i v el ypr i cedquot e.






DAY 1–ARRI VE I NI STANBUL Wel comet oI st anbul ,wher eEastmeet sWest .T r ansEur opeHostwi l lmeetyouatt he ai r por tandt r ansf eryout oyourhot el .Af t erchecki n,r el axormakeadebuti nt ot he al mostmagi calat mospher eoft heci t y . DAY 2 -I STANBUL I st anbul ,homet omanydi f f er entci vi l i z at i onsf orcent ur i es,hasauni quel yf asci nat i ng at mospher et hatbl endswest er nandeast er ncul t ur es.Ful ldayt ouroft heOl dCi t ywi t h yourexper tl ocalgui dewi l lr evealt hemagni ficentexampl esoft hesemanyci vi l i z at i ons. Vi si tHagi aSophi a,t hepr i nci palchur choft heByz ant i neEmpi r e,andt heBl ueMosque, wor l dr enownedf ori t sdel i cat ebl uet i l es.St r ol li nt hesi t eoft heByz ant i neHi ppodr ome, set t i ngoft heByz ant i nechar i otr aces,t oseet heEgypt i anObel i sk,Ser pent i neCol umn andt heGer manFount ai n.Vi si tT opkapiPal ace,homeoft heOt t omansul t anscent ur i es agoandoft hei rpr i cel esst r easur et oday .Endyourt ourwi t havi si tt ot hebuz z i ngGr and Baz aarwhi chgat her sanunbel i evabl evar i et yofl ocalj ewel r y ,ant i ques,obj ect sofar t , f abr i csandcol or f ulspi ces.( B) DAY 3 -I STANBUL St ar tt hedayenj oyi ngt heexot i cat mospher eoft hebust l i ngSpi ceMar ket-acol or f ul baz aarof17t hcent ur yor i gi n,wi t hi t ssmal lshopsbr i mmi ngwi t hf r agr antspi ces,nut s, dr i edf r ui t sandvar i et i esofT ur ki shdel i caci es.Then,havear el axi ngcr ui seonBoshpor us, t hewi ndi ngst r ai t ssepar at i ngEur opeandAsi a.Zi gz agi ngbet weenbot hshor es,vi ew t he beaut i f ulshor esl i nedwi t hor nat emosques,Ot t omanmansi ons,Dol mabahceand Beyl er beyiPal aces,t her esi dencesofOt t omansul t ansi nt hel at ercent ur i es,andt he15t h cent ur yRumel iFor t r ess.Af t er nooni sr eser vedast i meatl ei sur ef orsavor i ngt hel astbi t s ofI st anbulexper i enceasyouwi sh.( B) DAY 4 -I STANBUL /DEPARTURE T r ansf ert oai r por tf oryourfli ghthomeort oyournextdest i nat i on.( B)

HI GHLI GHTS Exl por eOl dI s t anbul : Hagi aSophi a,Bl ueMos que, T opkapi Pal ace,Gr and Baz aar ,Spi ceMar ket Bos phor uscr ui s e

W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 3ni ght shot el accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y Ai r por tt r ans f er s Si ght s eei ngasi ndi cat edwi t h Pr of es s i onal Local Gui de, i ncl udi ngent r ancef ees Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Local s uppor ts er v i cesof T r ans Eur opeHos t

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2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Packageav ai l abl ewi t har r i v al ev er yday .

TI T ANI CCI TY-Super i orFi r stCl ass Jan.1,2011-Mar .15,2011


Mar .16,2011-Oct .31,2011


Si ngl eSuppl ementf r om


SUL T ANAHMETPALACE-Ol dCi t yBout i que Jan.1,2011-Mar .31,2011


Apr .1,2011-Oct .31,2011


Si ngl eSuppl ementf r om


CROWNEPLAZAOLDCI TY-Del uxe Jan.1,2011-Mar .15,2011


Mar .16,2011-Oct .31,2011


Si ngl eSuppl ementf r om


Rat esar el andonl yperper sonbasedondoubl eoccupancy . Pl easei nqui r ef orsi ngl eandt r i pl er at es. Bl ackoutdat esdur i ngcer t ai ni nt r enat i onalevent sappl y . Rat esar esubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com f or cur r entr at es





DAY 1 – ARRI VAL I N I STANBUL Wel comet oI st anbul ,wher eEastmeet sWest .T r ansEur opeHostwi l lmeetyouatt he ai r por tandt r ansf eryout oyourhot el .Af t erchecki n,r el axormakeadebuti nt ot he al mostmagi calat mospher eoft heci t y .

DAY 2 -I STANBUL I st anbul ,homet omanydi f f er entci vi l i z at i onsf orcent ur i es,hasauni quel yf asci nat i ng at mospher et hatbl endst hewest er nandeast er ncul t ur es.Ful ldayt ouroft heOl dCi t y wi t hyourexper tl ocalgui dewi l lr evealt hemagni ficentexampl esoft hesemanyci vi l i z at i ons.Vi si tHagi aSophi a,t hepr i nci palchur choft heByz ant i neEmpi r e,andt heBl ue Mosque,wor l dr enownedf ori t sdel i cat ebl uet i l es.St r ol li nt hesi t eoft heByz ant i ne Hi ppodr ome,set t i ngoft heByz ant i nechar i otr aces,t oseet heEgypt i anObel i sk, Ser pent i necol umnandt heFount ai nofGer manEmper orWi l hel mI I .I nt heaf t er noon,vi si t T opkapiPal ace,homeoft heOt t omansul t anscent ur i esagoandoft hei rpr i cel esst r easur e t oday .Endyourt ourwi t havi si tt ot hebuz z i ngGr andBaz aarwhi chgat her sanunbel i evabl evar i et yofl ocalj ewel r y ,ant i ques,obj ect sofar t ,f abr i csandcol or f ulspi ces.( B) DAY 3 -I STANBUL -I ZM I R( KUSADASI ) St ar tt hedayenj oyi ngt heexot i cat mospher eoft hebust l i ngSpi ceMar ket-acol or f ul baz aarof17t hcent ur yor i gi n,wi t hi t ssmal lshopsbr i mmi ngwi t hf r agr antspi ces,nut s, dr i edf r ui t sandvar i et i esofT ur ki shdel i ght sanddel i caci es.Then,havear el axi ngcr ui seon t heBosphor us, t hewi ndi ngst r ai t ssepar at i ngEur opeandAsi a.Zi gz aggi ngbet weenbot h shor es,vi ew beaut i f ulshor esl i nedwi t hor nat emosques,Ot t omanmansi ons, Dol mabahceandBeyl er beyiPal aces,t her esi dencesofOt t omansul t ansi nt hel at er cent ur i es,andt he15t hcent ur yRumel iFor t r ess.Af t ert het our ,youwi l lbet r ansf er r edt o t heai r por tf oryourfli ghtt oI z mi r ,wher eyouwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt o yourhot eli nt hebeaut i f ulr esor tt ownofKusadasiont heAegeancoast .( B) DAY 4 –KUSADASI :EPHESUS EXCURSI ON Af t erbr eakf ast ,youwi l lbepi ckedupf r om yourhot elf oraf ul ldayofunf or get t abl e hi st or i candcul t ur aldi scover i eswi t hyourexper tl ocalgui de. . . St ar twi t havi si tt o Ephesus,ananci entci t ysowel lpr eser vedt hatRomanhi st or ycomest ol i f ewhi l ewal ki ng downt heMar bl eSt r eett ot heanci entpor t ,passi ngbyt heLi br ar yofCel sus,t heGr eat


Ful l dayt ourofOl dI s t anbul : Hagi aSophi a,Bl ueMos que, T opkapi Pal ace,Gr and Baz aar Bos phor uscr ui s eandv i s i tt o t heSpi ceMar ket Ful l dayt ouri nKus adas i : Ephes usandt heHous eof Vi r gi nMar y

W HAT' SI NCLUDED 4ni ght sDel uxeorFi r s tCl as s hot el accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y I s t anbul -I z mi rfli ght Ai r por tt r ans f er s Si ght s eei ngasi ndi cat edwi t h Pr of es s i onal Local Gui de, i ncl udi ngent r ancef ees Hot el s er v i cechar ges , baggagehandl i ng,hot el t i ps , l ocal t axes Local s uppor ts er v i cesof T r ans Eur opeHos t

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Theat er ,andt heT empl eofHadr i anus.Then,cont i nue ont ovi si tt heHouseoft heVi r gi nMar y ,consi der eda sacr edpi l gr i magesi t e.Af t eryourvi si t ,enj oyseei ng andl ear ni ngaboutt r adi t i onalT ur ki shcr af t s,bef or e r et ur ni ngt oyourhot elf orover ni ght .( B)

Del uxe package

DAY 5 -KUSADASI/DEPARTURE Af t erbr eakf as t ,y ouwi l l bet r ans f er r edt ot heai r por t f ory ourfli ghtbackhomeort ot hepor tt oboar dy our cr ui s e.( B)

Fi rstCl ass package

I s t anbul -Cr ownePl az aOl dCi t y I z mi r-Swi s s ot el Ef es

I s t anbul -Ti t ani cCi t y Kus adas i -Sur mel i Ephes us

2011Dat es & Rat es Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Thi spackagei sav ai l abl ewi t har r i v al ev er ydayy ear r ound. Del uxe Package Jan04-Mar31

$1, 095


$1, 180

Si ngl es uppl ementf r om

$ 490

Superi orFi rstCl ass Package Thi spackagei savai l abl eal soi n r ever sedi r ect i on,st ar t i ngi n Kusadasiandendi ngi nI st anbul .


$ 890


$ 960

Jul y01-Sep15

$ 990

Combi net hi spackageconveni ent l ywi t hGr eece,wi t hadi r ect fli ghtf r om KusadasiorI st anbul . Askus!


$ 960

Si ngl es uppl ementf r om

$ 460

Sur char geupt o$70mayappl yf orweekendI st I z mi rfli ght s . Bl ackoutdat esdur i ngcer t ai ni nt er nat i onal event sappl y . Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y . Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es.





DAY 1–ARRI VAL I NI STANBUL Wel comet oI st anbul ,wher eEastmeet sWest .Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .Af t erchecki n,r el axormakeadebuti nt ot heal mostmagi cal at mospher eoft heci t y . DAY 2 -I STANBUL I st anbul ,homet omanydi f f er entci vi l i z at i onsf orcent ur i es,hasauni quel yf asci nat i ng at mospher et hatbl endst hewest er nandeast er ncul t ur es.Ful ldayt ouroft heOl dCi t y wi t hourexper tl ocalgui dewi l lr evealt hemagni ficentexampl esoft hesemanyci vi l i z at i ons.Wewi l lvi si tHagi aSophi a,t hepr i nci palchur choft heByz ant i neEmpi r e,t heBl ue Mosque,wor l dr enownedf ori t sdel i cat ebl uet i l es,andT opkapiPal ace,homeoft he Ot t omansul t anscent ur i esagoandoft hei rpr i cel esst r easur et oday .Wewi l lst r ol li nt he si t eoft heByz ant i neHi ppodr ome,set t i ngoft heByz ant i nechar i otr aces,t oseet he Egypt i anObel i sk,Ser pent i neCol umnandt heFount ai nofGer manEmper orWi l hel mI I . We’ l lendourt ourwi t havi si tt ot hebuz z i ngGr andBaz aarwhi chgat her sanunbel i evabl e var i et yofl ocalj ewel r y ,ant i ques,obj ect sofar t ,f abr i csandcol or f ulspi ces.( B) DAY 3 -I STANBUL -CAPPADOCI A T oday ,youwi l lst ar tbyenj oyi ngt heexot i cat mospher eoft hebust l i ngSpi ceMar ket-a col or f ulbaz aarof17t hcent ur yor i gi n,wi t hi t ssmal lshopsbr i mmi ngwi t hf r agr antspi ces, nut s,dr i edf r ui t sandvar i et i esofT ur ki shdel i ght sanddel i caci es.Then,youwi l lhavea r el axi ngcr ui seont heBosphor us,t hewi ndi ngst r ai t ssepar at i ngEur opeandAsi a. Zi gz aggi ngbet weenbot hshor es,youwi l lvi ew beaut i f ulshor esl i nedwi t hor nat e mosques,Ot t omanmansi ons,Dol mabahceandBeyl er beyiPal aces,t her esi dencesof Ot t omansul t ansi nt hel at ercent ur i es,andt he15t hcent ur yRumel iFor t r ess.Af t ert he t our ,youwi l lbet r ansf er r edt ot heai r por tf oryourfli ghtt oCappadoci a,wher eyouwi l lbe metandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .( B) DAY 4 – CAPPADOCI A Cappadoci ai soneoft hemostcel ebr at edt our i st i cdest i nat i ons,wi t hi t ssur r eal i st i c l anscapeof“ f ai r ychi mneys”r esembl i ngmoonl andscape,dot t edwi t hcavechur ches andunder gr oundci t i escar vedbyear l yChr i st i ans.Youwi l lhaveaf ul ldayt ourt odi scover


Di s cov erOl dI s t anbul :Hagi a Sophi a,Bl ueMos que,T opkapi Pal ace,Gr andBaz aar Bos phor uscr ui s e Seet hes t unni ng“ f ai r y chi mney s ” ,amaz i ngunder gr oundci t i es ,and cav echapel sofear l y Chr i s t i ani t yi nCappadoci a.

W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 4ni ght sDel uxeorFi r s t / Sup. Fi r s tCl as saccommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y I s t anbul Cappadoci a onewayfli ght Ai r por tt r ans f er s Si ght s eei ngasi ndi cat edwi t h Pr of es s i onal Local Gui de, i ncl udi ngent r ancef ees Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Local s uppor ts er v i cesof T r ans Eur opeHos t

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t her i chesoft hi sst unni ngar ea,st ar t i ngwi t ht he amaz i ngt her i chesoft hi sst unni ngar ea,st ar t i ngwi t h t heamaz i ngunder gr oundci t yofKaymakl i ,car ved mor et han7st or i esbel ow t heear t hbyChr i st i ans fleei ngper secut i oni nt he7t hcent ur y .Youwi l lvi si t Gor emeopenai rMuseum t oseet heear l yChr i st i an er acavechur chescutoutofsof tr ock,wi t hbeaut i f ul i nt er i orf r escoes.Then,youwi l lcont i nuet oUchi sar ,a nat ur alci t adelwi t hanamaz i ngpanar omi cvi ew oft he r egi on,wher eyouwi l lhavet heoppor t uni t yt odi scover andunder st andt her i chhi st or ybehi ndl ocalcr af t sl i ke handmadeT ur ki sht i l esandpot t er y ,handmade car pet s( B)

Del uxe package

DAY 5 -CAPPADOCI A /DEPARTURE T r ans f ert ot heai r por tf ory ourfli ghtt oy ournext des t i nat i on.Anext r ani ghti nI s t anbul i sal s oav ai l abl e. ( B)

I s t anbul -Cr ownePl az aOl dCi t y Cappadoci a-YunakEv l er i Sup.Fi rst/Fi rstCl ass I s t anbul -Ti t ani cCi t y Cappadoci a-Dedeman

2011Dat es & Rat es Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Thi spackagei sav ai l abl ewi t har r i v al ev er ydayy ear r ound. Del uxe Package Jan04-Mar31

$ 995


$1, 145


$ 995

Si ngl es uppl ementf r om

$ 490

Superi orFi rstCl ass Package

Thi spackagei savai l abl eal soi nr ever se di r ect i on,st ar t i ngi nCappadoci aand endi ngi nI st anbul .


$ 795


$ 945


$ 795

Si ngl es uppl ementf r om

$ 380

Sur char geupt o$70mayappl yf orweekendI st Cappadoci afli ght s . Bl ackoutdat esdur i ngcer t ai ni nt er nat i onal event sappl y . Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y . Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es.

9DAY TOUR FROM $1, 397




DAY 01–DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oT ur key . DAY 02 -ARRI VAL I NI STANBUL Wel comet oI st anbul ,wher eEastmeet sWest .Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .Af t erchecki n,r el axormakeadebuti nt ot heal mostmagi cal at mospher eoft heci t y . DAY 03 –I STANBUL I st anbul ,homet omanydi f f er entci vi l i z at i onsf orcent ur i es,hasauni quel yf asci nat i ng at mospher et hatbl endst hewest er nandeast er ncul t ur es.Ful ldaygui dedt ouroft heOl d Ci t ywi l lr evealmagni ficentexampl esoft hesemanyci vi l i z at i ons.Vi si tHagi aSophi a,t he pr i nci palchur choft heByz ant i neEmpi r e,t heBl ueMosque,wor l dr enownedf ori t s del i cat ebl uet i l es,andT opkapiPal ace,homeoft heOt t omansul t anscent ur i esagoandof t hei rpr i cel esst r easur et oday .St r ol li nt hesi t eoft heByz ant i neHi ppodr ome,set t i ngoft he Byz ant i nechar i otr aces,t oseet heEgypt i anObel i sk,Ser pent i neCol umnandGer man Fount ai n.Yourt ourwi l lendwi t havi si tt ot hebuz z i ngGr andBaz aarwhi chgat her san unbel i evabl evar i et yofl ocalj ewel r y ,ant i ques,obj ect sofar t ,andcol or f ulspi ces.( B) DAY 04 –I STANBUL Yourdaysst ar t sbyenj oyi ngt heexot i cat mospher eoft hebust l i ngSpi ceMar ket-a col or f ulbaz aarof17t hcent ur yor i gi n,wi t hi t ssmal lshopsbr i mmi ngwi t hf r agr antspi ces, nut s,dr i edf r ui t sandvar i et i esofT ur ki shdel i ght sanddel i caci es.Then,r el axi napl easant cr ui seont heBoshpor us,t hewi ndi ngst r ai t ssepar at i ngEur opeandAsi a.Zi gz agi ng bet weenbot hshor es,vi ew t hebeaut i f ulshor esl i nedwi t hor nat emosques,Ot t oman mansi ons,Dol mabahceandBeyl er beyiPal aces,t her esi dencesofOt t omansul t ansi nt he l at ercent ur i es,andt he15t hcent ur yRumel iFor t r ess.Af t er nooni sr eser vedast i meat l ei sur ef orsavor i ngt hel astbi t sofyourI st anbulexper i enceasyouwi sh.( B) DAY 05 –I STANBUL -CAPPADOCI A T oday ,youwi l lbet r ansf er r edt oai r por tf oryourfli ghtt oCappadoci a,wher eyouwi l lbe metandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .Remai nderoft hedayatl ei sur e.( B)

HI GHLI GHTS Pr emi um t ourwi t ht r av el bet weenci t i esbyai ri ncl udedFl exi bl es chedul e:depar tany day Di s cov erOl dI s t anbul :Hagi a Sophi a,Bl ueMos que,T opkapi Pal ace,Gr andBaz aar Ful ldayt ouri nKusadasi : Ephes usandt heHous eof Vi r gi nMar y SeeCappadoci a’ sst unni ng f ai r ychi mneys,cavechapel s, andunder gr oundci t i es. W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 7ni ght sDel uxeorFi r s t/Sup. Fi r s tCl as saccommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y Fourdi nner sFi r s t/Sup.Fi r s t Cl as spackageonl y I s t anbul –Cappadoci aand Cappadoci a–I z mi rfli ght s Ai r por tt r ans f er s Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,por t er ageathot el s ,l ocal t axes Si ght s eei ngasi ndi cat edwi t h Pr of es s i onal Local Gui de, i ncl udi ngadmi s s i onf ees

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com

I TI NERARY CONTI NUED DAY 06 –CAPPADOCI A St ar tyourf ul ldaygui dedt ourbyvi si t i ngt he amaz i ngunder gr oundci t yofKaymakl i ,car vedmor e t han7st or i esbel ow t heear t hbyChr i st i ansfleei ng per secut i oni n7t hcent ur y .Then,vi si tGor eme openai rMuseum t oseet heear l yChr i st i aner a cavechr uchescar vedi nt or ocks.Cont i nueont o t henat ur alci t adelofUchi sart oenj oyt heamaz i ng panor ami cvi ew oft her egi onanddemonst r at i onsof t r adi t i onalpot t er ymaki ngandhandmadecar pet ar t i sanshi p.( B) DAY 07 –CAPPADOCI A -KUSADASI Youwi l lbet r ansf er r edt ot heai r por tf oryourfli ghtt o I z mi r ,wher eyouwi l lbemetandt r ansf er r edt oyour hot eli nt hebeaut i f ulr esor tt ownofKusadasi . Remai nderoft hedayi satl ei sur et oenj oyt het own andi t sbeaches.( B) DAY 08 –KUSADASI( EPHESUS) Af t erbr eakf ast ,yourgui dedsi ght seei ngt ourst ar t s wi t hEphesus,ananci entci t ysowel lpr eser vedt hat Romanhi st or ycomest ol i f ewhi l ewal ki ngdownt he Mar bl eSt r eett ot heanci entpor t ,passi ngbyt he Li br ar yofCel sus,t heGr eatTheat er ,andt heT empl e ofHadr i anus.Af t erEphesus,vi si tVi r gi nMar y’ s House,wher eshel i vedherl astyear s,now asacr ed pi l gr i magesi t e.Onyourwaybackt oyourhot el ,you wi l lseet her ui nsofT empl eofAr t emi s.( B) DAY 09 –KUSADASI/DEPARTURE Yourt ourendst odayatKusadasi .Youwi l lbe t r ansf er r edt ot heAi r por tf oryourfli ghtbackhome ort oGr eece.( B)


16DAY TOUR FROM $2, 980




DAY 1–DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oI st anbul DAY 2 –ARRI VAL I NI STANBUL Wel comet oI st anbul ,wher eEastmeet sWest .Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .Af t erchecki n,st ar texpl or i ngt heci t yort aket i met or el ax. DAY 3 -I STANBUL I naf ul ldaygui dedt ouroft heOl dCi t y ,expl or eHagi aSophi a,t hepr i nci palchur choft he Byz ant i neEmpi r e,t hegr acef ulBl ueMosque,T opkapiPal ace,andByz ant i neHi ppodr ome Squar e.Endwi t havi si tt ot hebuz z i ngGr andBaz aar .( B) DAY 04 –I STANBUL St ar tyourdayenj oyi ngt heexot i cat mospher eoft hebust l i ngSpi ceMar ket ,wi t hi t ssmal l shopsbr i mmi ngwi t hf r agr antspi ces,nut s,andT ur ki shdel i caci es.Then,r el axi na pel asantcr ui seont heBoshpor us,t hewi ndi ngst r ai t ssepar at i ngt heEur opeandAsi a, vi ewi ngt hebeaut i f ulshor esl i nedwi t hmoquesadpal aces.Af t er nooni satl ei sur e.( B) DAY 05 –I STANBUL -CAPPADOCI A T r ansf ert oai r por tf oryourfli ghtt oCappadoci a;t r ansf ert oyourhot el ;dayatl ei sur e.( B) DAY 06 –CAPPADOCI A Expl or es pect acul arCappadoci ai naf ul l daygui dedt our :Vi s i tt heunder gr oundci t yof Kay makl i ,car v edmor et han7s t or i esbel ow t heear t hbyear l yChr i s t i ans ,andGor eme Openai rMus eum wi t hear l yChr i s t i aner acav echur ches .Enj oydemons t r at i onsof t r adi t i onal pot t er y maki ngandhandmadecar petar t i s ans hi pi nUchi s ar .( B)

DAY 07 –CAPPADOCI A -KUSADASI T r ansf ert ot heai r por tf oryourfli ghtt oI z mi r ;t r ansf ert oyourhot eli nt hebeaut i f ulr esor t t ownofKusadasi .Remai nderoft hedayatl ei sur et oenj oyt het ownandi t sbeaches.( B) DAY 08 –KUSADASI( EPHESUS) Enj oyyourf ul ldaygui dedt our ,st ar t i ngwi t hEphesus,ananci entci t ysowel lpr eser ved t hatRomanhi st or ycomest ol i f ewhi l ewal ki ngdownt heMar bl eSt r eet .Vi si tVi r gi nMar y’ s House,wher eshel i vedherl astyear s,andseet her ui nsoft heT empl eofAr t emi s.( B)

HI GHLI GHTS Pr emi um t ourwi t hdomes t i cfli ght sandT ur key Gr eece fli ght s ,i ncl udi ngai r por tt axes Fl exi bl e:depar tanyday Seet hebes tofT ur key :Gui ded t our sofI s t anbul ,Ephes us ,and Cappadoci a Vi s i tt heAcr opol i si nAt hens Vacat i onont hemos tpopul ar i s l ands ,My konosandSant or i ni W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 14ni ght si nDel uxeor Fi r s t / Sup.Fi r s tCl as shot el s Br eakf as tdai l y Fourdi nner s-Fi r s t/Sup.Fi r s t Cl as spackageonl y I s t anbul –Cappadoci a, Cappadoci a–I z mi r ,I z mi r At hens ,Sant or i ni At hens fli ght s ,i ncl udi ngai r por tt axes At hens My konosandMy konos -Sant or i ni hi ghs peedf er r i es Ai r por tandPor tt r ans f er s Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,por t er ageathot el s ,l ocal t axes Si ght s eei ngasi ndi cat edwi t h Pr of es s i onal Local Gui des , i ncl udi ngadmi s s i onf ees T r ans Eur opel ocal s uppor t s er v i ces

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



DAY 09 –I ZM I R -ATHENS T r ansf ert oai r por tf oryourfli ghtt oAt hens;t r ansf er t oyourhot el .Remi nderoft hedayatl ei sur e.( B)

Del uxe

Fi rstCl ass

I st anbul -Cr ownPl az aOl dCi t y

I st anbul-Ti t ani cCi t y

Cappadoci a-YunakEvl er i

Cappadoci a-T our i stHot el

DAY 10 –ATHENS Expl or eAt hensi nagui dedt our :Vi si tt heAcr opol i s andt heAcr opol i sMuseum.I napanor ami ct our , vi ew t hei mpor t antsi t esofanci entandmoder n At hens.Af t er noonatl ei sur e.( B)

I z mi r-Swi ssHot elEf es

Kusadasi-Sur nel iEphesus

At hens-Di vaniPal ace

At hens-At heni anCal l i r hoe

Mykonos-RoyalMykoni an Ambassador

Mykonos-Manoul a’ sBeach orAndr oni kos

Sant or ni ni-Ar essana

Sant or ni ni-ElGr eco

DAY 11–ATHENS -M YKONOS T r ansf ert opor tf oryourhi ghspeedf er r yt o Mykonos;t r ansf ert oyourhot eli nMykonos.St ar t enj oyi ngt hesandybeaches,cr yst alcl earwat er s andt heexci t i ngcosmopol i t anat mospher e.( B)

2011Dat es & Rat es (Land i ncl .i nt rat ourfli ght s) Del uxe Package

Fi rstCl ass Package

DAY 12 -M YKONOS Enj oyyourdayatl ei sur ei nMykonos.( B)


$3, 480


$2, 980


$3, 685


$3, 080

DAY 13 –M YKONOS Enj oyyourdayatl ei sur ei nMykonos.( B)

May27-Jul 21

$3, 780


$3, 190

Jul 22-Aug27

$3, 990

Jul 01-Jul 20

$3, 275

DAY 14 –M YKONOS -SANTORI NI T r ansf ert ot hepor tf oryourhi ghspeedf er r yt o Sant or i ni ;t r ansf ert oyourhot eli nSant or i ni .Enj oy t hei sl and’ sst unni ngvi ewsandi t ssunset ,consi der edt hemostbeaut i f uli nt hewor l d.( B)


$3, 895

Jul 21-Aug31

$3, 390


$3, 760


$3, 190


$3, 625


$3, 130

Si ngl ef r om

$4, 670

Si ngl ef r om

$3, 880

DAY 15 –SANTORI NI Enj oyyourdayatl ei sur ei nSant or i ni .( B) DAY 16 – SANTORI NI/DEPARTURE T r ansf ert ot heai r por tyourfli ghtt oAt hens.Anext r a ni ghti nAt hensi sal soavai l abl e.( B) Foramor edet ai l edi t i ner ar y,vi si twww. Tr ansEur opeTour s. com

Sur char gemayappl yf ordat eswher et hefli ght sar eonweekends. Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es.



I TI NERARY DAY 1-DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oT ur key .


DAY 2 –ARRI VE I NI STANBUL Wel comet oI st anbul ,wher eEastmeet sWest .Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .Af t erchecki n,r el axormakeadebuti nt ot heal mostmagi calat mospher eoft heci t y . DAY 3 -I STANBUL I st anbul ,homet omanydi f f er entci vi l i z at i onsf orcent ur i es,hasauni quel yf asci nat i ng at mospher et hatbl endst hewest er nandeast er ncul t ur es.Ourf ul ldayt ouroft heOl dCi t y wi t hourexper tl ocalgui dewi l lr evealt hemagni ficentexampl esoft hesemanyci vi l i z at i ons. Wewi l lvi si tHagi aSophi a,t hepr i nci palchur choft heByz ant i neEmpi r e,t heBl ueMosque, wor l dr enownedf ori t sdel i cat ebl uet i l es,andT opkapiPal ace,homeoft heOt t oman sul t anscent ur i esagoandoft hei rpr i cel esst r easur et oday .Wewi l lst r ol li nt hesi t eoft he Byz ant i neHi ppodr ome,set t i ngoft heByz ant i nechar i otr aces,t oseet heEgypt i anObel i sk, Ser pent i neCol umnandt heFount ai nofGer manEmper orWi l hel mI I .We’ l lendourt our wi t havi si tt ot hebust l i ngSpi ceMar ket-acol or f ulbaz aarof17t hcent ur yor i gi n,wi t hi t s smal lshopsbr i mmi ngwi t hf r agr antspi ces,nut s,dr i edf r ui t sandvar i et i esofT ur ki sh del i ght sanddel i caci es( B)


Di s cov erOl dI s t anbul :Hagi a Sophi a,Bl ueMos que,T opkapi Pal ace,andSpi ceMar ket Vi s i tEphes us ,awonder f ul l y pr es er v edAnci entRomanci t y I ns i ghti nt oHel l eni s t i cEr a: Vi s i tT r oyandPer gamon Vi s i tt hepi ct ur es quev i l l ageof Si r i nceandl ear naboutl ocal cul t ur eandt r adi t i ons

W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 5ni ght sSup.Fi r s tCl as sDel uxeaccommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y 3di nner s

DAY 4 -I STANBUL –GALLI POLI-CANAKKALE Af t erbr eakf ast ,west ar tdr i vi ngt owar dst heAegeanCoast .AtGal l i pol i ,t heset t i ngoft he Gal l i pol iCampai gn,wewi l lvi si tt heAnz acCoveandt heLonePi neCemet er y .Wewi l l cr osst heDar danel l est ot heAsi anmai nl andofT ur key .Over ni ghtatCanakkal e.( B, D)

Canakkal ef er r yf ar e

DAY 5 -CANAKKALE -TROY -PERGAM ON -KUSADASI T oday ,weheaddownt heAegeancoastofT ur key .Ourfir stst opi satt hear cheol ogi calsi t e ofT r oy ,t hel egendar yci t yofanci entt i mesandt heset t i ngf ort hef amousT r oj anWari n Homer ’ sI l i ad.Next ,wevi si tt hear cheol ogi calsi t ePer gamon,ananci entki ngdom oft he Hel l eni st i cer a.TheAcr opol i sofPer gamonwi t hr ui nsofAl t arofZeus,T empl eofT r aj an, 10, 000seatPer gamonTheat erandPer gamonLi br ar yt hathoused200, 000vol umes,

Hot el s er v i cechar ges , baggagehandl i ng,hot el t i ps , l ocal t axes

Ai r por tt r ans f er s Del uxeai r condi t i onedcoach

Pr of es s i onal Local Gui de t hr oughoutt het our Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngent r ancef ees

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



I st anbul-RamadaOl dT own-SFC

gi v enbyMar cAnt honyt oCl eopat r aashi sweddi nggi f t ,al l r eflectt hegr andeuroft heanci entci t yati t st i me.Thef act t hat“ par chment ”wasi nv ent edi nPer gamon–t hewor d “ par chment ”i sder i v edf r om t henameoft heci t y “ Per gamon” -r ev eal t hecul t ur al i mpor t anceofPer gamoni n i t ser a.Weendt hedayi nKus adas i .( B, D) DAY 6 –KUSADASI(EPHESUS –SI RI NCE) Af t erbr eakf as t ,wewi l l v i s i tEphes us ,ananci entci t ys o wel l pr es er v edt hatRomanhi s t or ycomest ol i f ewhi l e wal ki ngdownt heMar bl eSt r eett ot heanci entpor t , pas s i ngbyt heLi br ar yofCel s us ,t heGr eatTheat er ,and t heT empl eofHadr i anus .Af t erEphes us ,wewi l l cont i nue ont oSi r i nce,adel i ght f ul v i l l ageofGr eekor i gi n. I ndependentt i mei sr es er v edt oenj oyt hev i l l ageand may bet odos omes hoppi ngofl ocal handi cr af t sandt o t as t el ocal wi nes .T oday ,wewi l l al s os eedemons t r at i onsof t r adi t i onal T ur ki s hcr af t sl i kehandwov encar pet sand T ur ki s ht i l es .( B, D) DAY 7 –KUSADASI-DEPARTURE Ourt ourendst odayatKus adas i .Youwi l l bet r ans f er r edt o t hePor tf ory ourf er r yt ot heGr eekI s l ands .( B)

Canakkal e-Kol i n-SFC Kusadasi-Char i sma-D

FC:Fi r stSFC:SupFi r stD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Apr .08,15,29

$1, 053


$1, 053


$1, 053

Jul y 01,08,15,22,29

$1, 095


$1, 095

Sep.02,09,16,23,30Oct .7

$1, 075

Oct .14,21

$ 999

Si ngl es uppl ementf r om

$ 495

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es.

8DAY TOUR FROM $1, 081




DAY 1-DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oI z mi rvi aI st anbul .


Expl or eOl dI s t anbul :T opkapi Pal ace,Hagi aSophi a,Bl ue Mos que,Gr andBaz aar

DAY 2 –ARRI VE I NI ZM I R /KUSADASI Wel comet oT ur key .Youwi l lbemetatt heI z mi rai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot eli n Kusadasi ,abeaut i f ulr esor tont heAegeancoast .T aket i met or el axbef or edi nner .( D)

Bos phor uscr ui s e

DAY 3 -KUSADASI St ar tyourodysseyofunf or get t abl ehi st or i candcul t ur aldi scover i es.Af t erbr eakf ast ,st ar tby vi si t i ngEphesus,ananci entci t ysowel lpr eser vedt hatRomanhi st or ycomest ol i f ewhi l e wal ki ngdownt heMar bl eSt r eett ot heanci entpor t ,passi ngbyt heLi br ar yofCel sus,t heGr eat Theat er ,andt heT empl eofHadr i anus.Af t erEphesus,vi si tt heHouseofVi r gi nMar y ,asacr ed pi l gr i magesi t e,bef or er et ur ni ngt oyourhot eli nKusadasi .( B, D)

I ns i ghti nt oHel l eni s t i cer a:Vi s i t Per gamonandT r oy

DAY 4 –KUSADASI-PERGAM ON -TROY -CANAKKALE Yourfir stst opt odayi nPer gamon,ananci entki ngdom oft heHel l eni st i cer a.TheAcr opol i sof Per gamonwi t hr ui nsofAl t arofZeus,T empl eofT r aj an,10, 000seatPer gamonTheat erand Per gamonLi br ar yt hathoused200, 000vol umes,gi venbyMar cAnt honyt oCl eopat r aashi s weddi nggi f t ,al lr eflectt hegr andeuroft heanci entci t yati t st i me.Next ,vi si tt hel egendar y T r oy ,t heset t i ngf ort hef amousT r oj anWari nHomer ’ sI l i ad.( B, D) DAY 5 –CANAKKALE -I STANBUL Depar tf orI st anbul .Ont heway ,seet heAnz acCoveandt heLonePi neCemet er y ,t heset t i ng f ort heGal l i pol iCampai gn.Atyourhot eli nI st anbul ,r el axormakeadebuti nt ot heal most magi calat mospher eoft heci t y .( B) DAY 6 –I STANBUL I st anbul ,homet omanydi f f er entci vi l i z at i onsf orcent ur i es,hasauni quel yf asci nat i ngat mospher et hatbl endst hewest er nandeast er ncul t ur es.Yourf ul ldayt ouroft heOl dCi t ywi l l r evealmagni ficentexampl esoft hesemanyci vi l i z at i ons.Vi si tHagi aSophi a,t hepr i nci pal

Vi s i tEphes us ,awondef ul l y pr es er v edAnci entRomanci t y

Vi s i tt heHous eofVi r gi nMar y

W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 6ni ght sSup.Fi r s tCl as sDel uxeaccommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y ,3di nner s Canakkal ef er r yf ar e Ai r por tt r ans f er s Del uxeai r condi t i onedcoach Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Pr of es s i onal Local Gui de t hr oughoutt het our Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngent r ancef ees

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



Kusadasi-Char i sma -D chur choft heByz ant i neEmpi r e,t hemagni ficentBl ue Mosque,andT opkapiPal ace,homeoft heOt t oman sul t anscent ur i esagoandoft hei rpr i cel esst r easur e t oday .St r ol li nt hesi t eoft heByz ant i neHi ppodr ome andseet heEgypt i anObel i sk,Ser pent i necol umnand t heGer manFount ai n.Endyourt ourwi t havi si tt ot he buz z i ngGr andBaz aarwhi chgat her sanunbel i evabl e var i et yofl ocalj ewel r y ,ant i ques,obj ect sofar t ,and f abr i cs.( B) DAY 7 –I STANBUL St ar tt hedayenj oy i ngt heexot i cat mos pher eoft he bus t l i ngSpi ceMar ketof17t hcent ur yor i gi n,wi t hi t s s mal l s hopsbr i mmi ngwi t hf r agr ants pi ces ,nut s ,dr i ed f r ui t sandv ar i et i esofT ur ki s hdel i caci es .Then,hav ea r el axi ngcr ui s eont heBos hpor us ,t hewi ndi ngs t r ai t s s epar at i ngEur opeandAs i a.Vi ew t hebeaut i f ul s hor es l i nedwi t hor nat emos ques ,Ot t omanmans i onsand pal acesandt he15t hcent ur yRumel i For t r es s . Af t er nooni satl ei s ur ef ors av or i ngt hel as tbi t sof I s t anbul exper i enceasy ouwi s h.( B) DAY 8 –I STANBUL /DEPARTURE T r ans f ert ot heai r por tf ory ourfli ghtbackhome.( B)

T r oy -Kol i n -SFC I st anbul-Ti t ani cCi t y -SFC

FC:Fi r stSFC:Sup.Fi r stD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Jan.18;Feb.1,15

$1, 081

Mar .1,15,29;Apr .5

$1, 081


$1, 081

June7,14,21,28;Jul y12,19,26

$1, 081


$1, 081

Sept .6,13,20,27

$1, 081

Oct .4,11,18,25

$1, 081

Nov .1,8,22;Dec.6,27

$1, 081

Si ngl eSuppl ementf r om

$ 400

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeusedaccor di ngt oav ai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r anseur opet our s. com f orcur r entr at es.

8DAY TOUR FROM $1, 135


I TI NERARY DAY 1-DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oI st anbul .


DAY 2 -ARRI VE I NI STANBUL Wel comet oI st anbul ,wher eEastmeet sWest .Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .Af t erchecki n,r el axormakeadebuti nt ot heal mostmagi cal at mospher eoft heci t y . DAY 3 -I STANBUL I st anbul ,homet omanydi f f er entci vi l i z at i onsf orcent ur i es,hasauni quel yf asci nat i ng at mospher et hatbl endst hewest er nandeast er ncul t ur es.Ful ldayt ouroft heOl dCi t y wi t hourexper tl ocalgui dewi l lr evealt hemagni ficentexampl esoft hesemanyci vi l i z at i ons.Wewi l lvi si tHagi aSophi a,t hepr i nci palchur choft heByz ant i neEmpi r e,t heBl ue Mosque,wor l dr enownedf ori t sdel i cat ebl uet i l es,andT opkapiPal ace,homeoft he Ot t omansul t anscent ur i esagoandoft hei rpr i cel esst r easur et oday .Wewi l lst r ol li nt he si t eoft heByz ant i neHi ppodr ome,set t i ngoft heByz ant i nechar i otr aces,t oseet he Egypt i anObel i sk,Ser pent i neCol umnandt heFount ai nofGer manEmper orWi l hel mI I . We’ l lendourt ourwi t havi si tt ot hebust l i ngSpi ceMar ket-acol or f ulbaz aarof17t h cent ur yor i gi n,wi t hi t ssmal lshopsbr i mmi ngwi t hf r agr antspi ces,nut s,dr i edf r ui t sand var i et i esofT ur ki shdel i ght sanddel i caci es( B) DAY 4 –I STANBUL –GALLI POLI-CANAKKALE Af t erbr eakf ast ,west ar tdr i vi ngt owar dst heAegeancoast .AtGal l i pol i ,t heset t i ngoft he Gal l i pol iCampai gn,wewi l lvi si tt heAnz acCoveandt heLonePi neCemet er y .Wewi l l cr osst heDar danel l est ot heAsi anmai nl andofT ur key .Over ni ghtatCanakkal e.( B, D) DAY 5 –CANAKKALE –TROY –PERGAM ON –KUSADASI T oday ,weheaddownt heAegeancoastofT ur key .Ourfir stst opi satt hear cheol ogi cal si t eofT r oy ,t hel egendar yci t yofanci entt i mesandt heset t i ngf ort hef amousT r oj anWar i nHomer ’ sI l i ad.Next ,wevi si tt hear cheol ogi calsi t eofPer gamon,ananci entki ngdom of t heHel l eni st i cer a.TheAcr opol i sofPer gamonwi t hr ui nsofAl t arofZeus,T empl eof T r aj an,10, 000seatPer gamonTheat erandPer gamonLi br ar yt hathoused200, 000 vol umes,gi venbyMar cAnt honyt oCl eopat r aashi sweddi nggi f t ,al lr eflectt hegr andeur oft heanci entci t yati t st i me.Weendt hedayi nKusadasi .( B, D)


Di s cov erOl dI s t anbul :Hagi a Sophi a,Bl ueMos que,T opkapi Pal ace,andSpi ceMar ket . Expl or eHel l eni s t i candRoman her i t agei nT r oy ,Per gamonand Ephes us .

Vi s i tt hechar mi ngv i l l ageof Si r i nceandt as t el ocal f oodand wi nes . Seet hewhi t ecas cadi ng t er r acesofPamukkal e Eas ycombi nat i onwi t hGr eek I s l ands :t akeaf er r yt oRhodes f r om Mar mar i s W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 6ni ght sFi r s tCl as s-Del uxe accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y ;4di nner s Canakkal ef er r yf ar e Ai r por tt r ans f er s Del uxeai r condi t i onedcoach Hot el s er v i cechar ges , baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Pr of es s i onal Local Gui de t hr oughoutt het our Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngent r ancef ees

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



DAY 6 –KUSADASI(EPHESUS –SI RI NCE) Af t erbr eakf as t ,wewi l l v i s i tEphes us ,ananci entci t ys o wel l pr es er v edt hatRomanhi s t or ycomest ol i f ewhi l e wal ki ngdownt heMar bl eSt r eett ot heanci entpor t , pas s i ngbyt heLi br ar yofCel s us ,t heGr eatTheat er ,and t heT empl eofHadr i anus .Af t erEphes us ,wewi l l cont i nue ont oSi r i nce,adel i ght f ul v i l l ageofGr eekor i gi n. I ndependentt i mei sr es er v edt oenj oyt hev i l l ageand may bet odos omes hoppi ngofl ocal handi cr af t sandt o t as t el ocal wi nes .T oday ,wewi l l al s os eedemons t r at i onsof t r adi t i onal T ur ki s hcr af t sl i kehandwov encar pet sand T ur ki s ht i l es .( B, D) DAY 7 –KUSADASI–PAM UKKALE M ARM ARI S Dr i v i ngt hr ought hecot t onfiel ds ,wewi l l headf or Pamukkal e,anar eacombi ni nguni quenat ur al beaut yand i mpor t anthi s t or i cal s i t es .ThenamePamukkal e,meani ng “ Cot t onCas t l e” ,des cr i best hel ands capeofdaz z l i ngwhi t e cas cadi ngt er r acesf or medbyhots pr i ngs ,uni quet ot hi s ar eai nt hewor l d.Thet her mal wat eroft her egi oni sf amous f ori t st her apeut i cpr oper t i es .Wewi l l enj oys i ght s eei ngof t hi sext r aor di nar yenv i r onment ,f ol l owedbyat ouroft he ant i queci t yofHi er apol i s ,aUNESCO Wor l dHer i t ageSi t e. We’ l l cont i nuet ot hecoas t al r es or tMar mar i sf orov er ni ght . ( B, D)

I s t anbul -RamadaOl dT ownSFC T r oy-Kol i n-SFC Kus adas i -Char i s ma-D Mar mar i s-Anemon-FC

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Sup.Fi r s tD.Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Apr .08,15,29;May06,13,20,27

$1, 135

June03,10,17,24;Jul y1,8

$1, 175

Jul y15,22,29;Aug.05,12,19,26

$1, 195

Sept .02,9,16,23,30;Oct7,14,21

$1, 175

Si ngl es uppl ementf r om

$ 390


DAY 8 –M ARM ARI S /DEPARTURE T r ans f ert ot hepor tf ory ourf er r yt ot heGr eekI s l ands .( B)

Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce.Vi s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s. com f orcur r entr at es.

10DAY TOUR FROM $1, 195




DAY 1-DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oT ur key . DAY 2 –ARRI VAL I NI STANBUL Wel comet oI st anbul ,wher eEastmeet sWest .Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt o yourhot el .Af t erchecki n,r el axormakeadebuti nt ot heal mostmagi calat mospher eoft heci t y . DAY 3 -I STANBUL I st anbul ,homet odi ver seci vi l i z at i onsf orcent ur i es,hasauni quel yf asci nat i ngat mospher e bl endi ngt hewest er nandeast er ncul t ur es.Yourf ul ldaygui dedt ouroft heOl dCi t ywi l lr eveal mast er pi ecesofi t sdi ver sehi st or y:Hagi aSophi a,t hepr i nci palchur choft heByz ant i neEmpi r e, t hegr acef ulBl ueMosque,andT opkapiPal ace,homeoft heOt t omansul t anscent ur i esagoand oft hei rpr i cel esst r easur et oday .St r ol li nByz ant i neHi ppodr omeSquar et oseet heEgypt i an Obel i sk,Ser pent i neCol umnandt heGer manFount ai n,andendwi t havi si tt ot hebuz z i ng Gr andBaz aar .( B) DAY 4 -I STANBUL-ANKARA -CAPPADOCI A Af t erbr eakf ast ,depar tf orCappadoci a.Ont heway ,st opoveri nAnkar at ovi si tMausol eum of At at ur k,f ounderofmoder nT ur key .Af t erAnkar a,cont i nueont oCappadoci aandendyourday wi t hdi nner .( B, D) DAY 5 – CAPPADOCI A Cappadoci ai saspect acul arr egi onwi t hi t ssur r eal i st i cl andscapeof“ f ai r ychi mneys”r esembl i ngmoonl andscape,dot t edwi t hcavechur ches.St ar tyourf ul ldaygui dedt ourbyvi si t i ngt he amaz i ngunder gr oundci t yofKaymakl i ,car vedmor et han7st or i esbel ow t heear t hbyChr i st i ans fleei ngper secut i oni n7t hcent ur y .Then,vi si tGor emeopenai rMuseum t oseet heear l y Chr i st i aner acavechur chescar vedi nt or ocks.Cont i nueont ot henat ur alci t adelofUchi sart o enj oyt heamaz i ngpanor ami cvi ew oft her egi onanddemonst r at i onsoft r adi t i onalpot t er ymaki ngandhandmadecar petar t i sanshi p.Thedayendswi t hdi ner .( B, D)


Di s cov erOl dI s t anbul :Hagi a Sophi a,Bl ueMos que,T opkapi Pal ace,Gr andBaz aar Expl or e“ f ai r y chi mney s ”of Cappadoci a,dot t edwi t h chapel sofear l yChr i s t i ani t y SeeKony a,homeoft heSufi der v i s hes Vi s i tEphes us ,awonder f ul l y pr es er v edAnci entRomanci t y Vi s i tVi r gi nMar y ’ sHous e

W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 8ni ght sFi r s tCl as s-Del uxe accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y 5di nner s Ai r por tt r ans f er s Del uxeai r condi t i onedcoach Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Pr of es s i onal Local Gui de t hr oughoutt het our Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngent r ancef ees

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



I s t anbul -Ti t ani cCi t y-SFC

DAY 6 – CAPPADOCI A -KONYA PAM UKKALE Enr out et oPamukkal e,spl eas antmor ni ngbr eakat Sul t anhani ,a13t hCent ur yCar av ans er ai .Next ,i nKony a, homeoft hemy s t i cs ectofSufiWhi r l i ngDer v i s hes ,v i s i tt he t ombofMev l anaRumi ,t hes pi r i t ual f ounderoft hes ect . ( B, D) DAY 7 – PAM UKKALE -KUSADASI Pamukkal e,t he“ Cot t onCas t l e” ,combi nest henat ur al beaut yofauni quel ands capeofdaz z l i ngwhi t ecas cadi ng t er r acesf or medbyhots pr i ngsandi mpor t anthi s t or i cal s i t es .Vi s i tt heant i queci t yHi er apol i si nPamukkal e.Head wes tt ot heAegeancoas tofT ur key ,t oKus adas i .Enr out e, s eet her ui nsoft heT empl eofAr t emi s ,oneoft hes ev en wonder soft heanci entwor l d.( B, D) DAY 8 –KUSADASI T oday ’ shi ghl i ghti st heexcur s i ont oEphes us ,ananci ent ci t ys owel l pr es er v edt hatRomanhi s t or ycomest ol i f e whi l ewal ki ngdownt heMar bl eSt r eett ot heanci entpor t , pas s i ngbyt heLi br ar yofCel s us .Vi s i tt heHous eofVi r gi n Mar y ,as acr edpi l gr i mages i t e.( B, D) DAY 9 -KUSADASI-I ZM I R -I STANBUL T r ans f ert ot heai r por tf ory ourfli ghtbackt oI s t anbul . T r ans f ert oy ourhot el andhav et her es toft hedayt oenj oy afinal t as t eofI s t anbul .( B) DAY 10 -I STANBUL /DEPARTURE T r ans f ert oai r por tf ory ourfli ghtbackhome.( B)

Cappadoci a-Dedeman-SFC Pamukkal e-Ly cusRi v er-FC Kus adas i -Char i s ma-D

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Sup.Fi r s tD;Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Jan.13,27;Feb.10,24;Mar .10

$1, 195

Mar .24,31;Apr .28;May5,12,19,26;June2

$1, 250

June9,16,23,30;Jul y7,14,21

$1, 295


$1, 295

Oct .6,13,20,27

$1, 295

Nov .3,17;Dec.1,22

$1, 195

Si ngl es uppl ementf r om

$ 350

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES i z mi r-I s t anbul fli ghtnoti ncl uded;t hi sfli ghtmaybei ncl udedi ni nt er nat i onal ai rt i cketormay beaddedi nt hel andonl yr at euponr eques t . Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es.

Foramor edet ai l ed i t i ner ar y, vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com

11DAY TOUR FROM $1, 190


I TI NERARY DAY 1-DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oT ur key .


DAY 2 –ARRI VE I NI STANBUL Wel comet oI st anbul .Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .Af t er checki n,r el axormakeadebuti nt ot heal mostmagi calat mospher eoft heci t y . DAY 3 -I STANBUL I naf ul ldaygui dedt ouroft heOl dCi t y ,expl or eHagi aSophi a,t hepr i nci palchur choft he Byz ant i neEmpi r e,t hegr acef ulBl ueMosque,T opkapiPal ace,andByz ant i neHi ppodr ome Squar e.Endwi t havi si tt ot hebuz z i ngGr andBaz aar .( B) DAY 4 -I STANBUL-ANKARA -CAPPADOCI A Af t erbr eakf ast ,depar tf orCappadoci a.Ont heway ,st opoveri nAnkar at ovi si tMausol eum ofAt at ur k,f ounderofmoder nT ur key .Af t erAnkar a,cont i nueont oCappadoci aandend yourdaywi t hdi nner .( B, D) DAY 5 –CAPPADOCI A St ar tyourf ul ldaygui dedt ourbyvi si t i ngt heamaz i ngunder gr oundci t yofKaymakl i , car vedmor et han7st or i esbel ow t heear t hbyChr i st i ansfleei ngper secut i oni n7t h cent ur y .Then,vi si tGor emeopenai rMuseum t oseet heear l yChr i st i aner acavechur ches car vedi nt or ocks.Cont i nueont ot henat ur alci t adelofUchi sart oenj oyt heamaz i ng panor ami cvi ew oft her egi onanddemonst r at i onsoft r adi t i onalpot t er ymaki ngand handmadecar petar t i sanshi p.Thedayendswi t hdi nner .( B, D) DAY 6 – CAPPADOCI A -KONYA -PAM UKKALE Enr out et oPamukkal e,spl eas antmor ni ngbr eakatSul t anhani ,a13t hcent ur y Car av ans er ai .Next ,i nKony a,homeoft hemy s t i cs ectofSufiWhi r l i ngDer v i s hes ,v i s i tt he t ombofMev l anaRumi ,t hes pi r i t ual f ounderoft hes ect .( B, D) DAY 7 – PAM UKKALE -KUSADASI Pamukkal e,t he“ Cot t onCas t l e” ,combi nest henat ur al beaut yofauni quel ands capeof daz z l i ngwhi t ecas cadi ngt er r acesf or medbyhots pr i ngsandi mpor t anthi s t or i cal s i t es .


Di s cov erOl dI s t anbul :Hagi a Sophi a,Bl ueMos que,T opkapi Pal ace,Gr andBaz aar SeeCappadoci a’ ss t unni ng “ f ai r y chi mney s ” ,cav echapel s ,andunder gr ound ci t i es . Expl or eHel l eni s t i candRoman her i t agei nT r oy ,Per gamon andEphes us Vi s i tKony a,homeoft heSufi der v i s hes

W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 9ni ght sFi r s tCl as s-Del uxe accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y 6di nner s Canakkal ef er r yf ar e Ai r por tt r ans f er s Del uxeai r condi t i onedcoach Hot el s er v i cechar ges , baggagehandl i ng,hot el t i ps , l ocal t axes Pr of es s i onal Local Gui de t hr oughoutt het our Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngent r ancef ees

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



I st anbul-Ti t ani cCi t y-SFC

Vi s i tt heant i queci t yHi er apol i si nPamukkal e.Headwes tt o t heAegeancoas tofT ur key ,t oKus adas i .Enr out e,s eet he r ui nsoft heT empl eofAr t emi s ,oneoft hes ev enwonder s oft heanci entwor l d.( B, D)

Cappadoci a-Dedeman-SFC Pamukkal e-LycusRi ver-FC Kusadasi-Char i sma-D

DAY 8 –KUSADASI T oday ’ shi ghl i ghti sexcur s i ont oEphes us ,ananci entci t y s owel l pr es er v edt hatRomanhi s t or ycomest ol i f ewhi l e wal ki ngdownt heMar bl eSt r eett ot heanci entpor t , pas s i ngbyt heLi br ar yofCel s us .Vi s i tt heHous eofVi r gi n Mar y ,as acr edpi l gr i mages i t e.( B, D) DAY 9 –KUSADASI-PERGAM ON -TROY CANAKKALE Vi s i tt heAcr opol i sofPer gamon,cel ebr at edf ori t s10, 000 s eatt heat erandt hePer gamonLi br ar yt hathous ed 200, 000v ol umes .Cont i nueont ov i s i tl egendar yT r oy ,t he s et t i ngf ort hef amousT r oj anWari nHomer ’ sI l i ad.( B, D) DAY 10 –CANAKKALE -GALLI POLII STANBUL Depar tf orI s t anbul .Cr os st heDar danel l esdi v i di ngEur ope andAs i a,byf er r y .Enr out e,v i s i tt heAnz acCov eandt he LonePi neCemet er yi nGal l i pol i ,t hes et t i ngoft hef amous Gal l i pol i campai gn.( B) DAY 11-I STANBUL -DEPARTURE T r ans f ert ot heai r por tf ory ourfli ghtbackhome.( B)

T r oy -Kol i n-SFC

FC:Fi r stSFC:SupFi r stD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Jan13,27;Feb10,24;Mar10,24,31

$1, 190


$1, 190

Jul y07,14,21;Aug04,11,18,25

$1, 245


$1, 245


$1, 190


$1, 190

Si ngl es uppl ementf r om

$ 495


Foramor edet ai l edi t i ner ar y,vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com. Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce.Vi s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s. com f orcur r entr at es.

11DAY TOUR FROM $1, 745


I TI NERARY DAY 1-DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oT ur key .


DAY 2 –ARRI VE I NI STANBUL Wel comet oI st anbul ,wher eEastmeet sWest .Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .Af t erchecki n,r el axormakeadebuti nt ot heal mostmagi calat mospher eoft heci t y . DAY 3 -I STANBUL I st anbulhasbeenhomet odi ver seci vi l i z at i onsf orcent ur i es.Yourf ul ldaygui dedt ourof t heOl dCi t ywi l lr evealmast er pi ecesofi t sdi ver sehi st or y:Hagi aSophi a,t hepr i nci pal chur choft heByz ant i neEmpi r e,t hegr acef ulBl ueMosque,andT opkapiPal ace,r esi dence oft heOt t omansul t ans.St r ol li nByz ant i neHi ppodr omeSquar et oseet heEgypt i an Obel i sk,Ser pent i neCol umnandt heGer manFount ai n,andendwi t havi si tt ot hebust l i ng Spi ceMar ket .( B) DAY 4 -I STANBUL –GALLI POLI-CANAKKALE Headf ort heAegeancoast .Ont heway ,vi si tt heAnz acCove,t heset t i ngoft heGal l i pol i Campai gn.Cr osst heDar danel l est ot heAsi anmai nl andofT ur key .Over ni ghti nCanakkal e. ( B, D) DAY 5 -CANAKKALE -TROY -PERGAM ON -KUSADASI T oday’ sfir stvi si ti st ot hear cheol ogi calsi t eofT r oy ,t heset t i ngf ort hef amousT r oj anWar i nHomer ’ sI l i ad.Cont i nueont oPer gamon,ananci entki ngdom oft heHel l eni st i cer a. Expl or et heAcr opol i sofPer gamonwi t hr ui nsofAl t arofZeus,T empl eofT r aj an,10, 000 seatPer gamonTheat erandPer gamonLi br ar yt hathoused200, 000vol umes,gi venby Mar cAnt honyt oCl eopat r aashi sweddi nggi f t .Endt hedayi nKusadasi .( B, D) DAY 6 –KUSADASI( EPHESUS –SI RI NCE) St ar tt hedaywi t havi si tt oEphesus,ananci entci t ysowel lpr eser vedt hatRomanhi st or y comest ol i f ewhi l ewal ki ngdownt heMar bl eSt r eet .Cont i nueont oSi r i nce,adel i ght f ul vi l l ageofGr eekor i gi n.Ti meatl ei sur e,maybeshoppi ngf orl ocalhandi cr af t sandt ast i ng l ocalwi nes.T oday ,al soenj oydemonst r at i onsoft r adi t i onalT ur ki shcr af t sl i kehandwoven car pet sandT ur ki sht i l es.( B, D)


Di s cov erOl dI s t anbul :Hagi a Sophi a,Bl ueMos que,T opkapi Pal ace,Spi ceMar ket Expl or eHel l eni s t i candRoman her i t agei nT r oy ,Per gamon andEphes us Enj oyt woGr eekI s l ands : SamosandKos Enj oyBodr um,oneoft he mos t et r endycoas t al r es or t s oft heMedi t er r anean

W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 9ni ght sFi r s tCl as s-Del uxe accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l yand 4di nner s Canakkal ef er r yf ar e; Kus adas i SamosandBodr um Kosf er r yr et ur nt i cket s Ai r por tandpor tt r ans f er s Del uxeai r condi t i onedcoach Hot el s er v i cechar ges , baggagehandl i ng,hot el t i ps , l ocal t axes Pr of es s i onal Local Gui de t hr oughoutt het our Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngent r ancef ees

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



I st anbul-RamadaOl dT own-SFC

DAY 7 –KUSADASI–SAM OS -KUSADASI Af t erbr eakf as t ,t r ans f ert ot hepor tf ory ourf er r yt oGr eek I s l andofSamos .Enj oyy ourdayexpl or i ngSamosi ndependent l y ,s t r ol l i ngal ongi t ss t r eet sl i nedwi t hwhi t ewas hed hous esandmay bet as t i ngi t sf amouswi nesmadewi t h l ocal Mus catgr apes .T aket hel at eaf t er noonf er r ybackt o Kus adas i .Youwi l l bemetatt hepor ti nKus adas i andbe t r ans f er r edt oy ourhot el .( B, D) DAY 8 –KUSADASI-BODRUM Headf orBodr um,acoas t al r es or toft oppopul ar i t ywi t hi t s f as ci nat i ngnat ur al beaut yandi t swor l dcl as sent er t ai nments cene.Af t erchecki ngi nt oy ourhot el ,enj oyy ourday atl ei s ur e.( B) DAY 9 –BODRUM –KOS -BODRUM Enj oyanot herGr eekI s l and,Kos ,t oday .Af t erbr eakf as t , t r ans f ert ot hepor tf ory ourf er r yt oKos .Expl or eKos i ndependent l y ,bef or er et ur ni ngt ot hepor tf ory ourl at e af t er noonf er r ybackt oBodr um.Youwi l l bemetatt hepor t i nBodr um andbet r ans f er r edt oy ourhot el .( B) DAY 10 –BODRUM -I STANBUL T r ans f ert ot heai r por tf ory ourfli ghtbackt oI s t anbul .You wi l l bemetatt heai r por tandt r ans f er r edt oy ourhot el . Remai nderoft hedayatl ei s ur ef orafinal t as t eofI s t anbul . ( B) DAY 11–I STANBUL /DEPARTURE T r ans f ert oai r por tf ory ourfli ghtbackhome.( B)

Foramor edet ai l edi t i ner ar y, vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com

Canakkal e-T usan-FC Kusadasi-Char i sma-D Bodr um -El vi no-FC

FC:Fi r stSFC:SupFi r stD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Apr .08,15,29

$1, 745


$1, 745


$1, 795

Jul y 01,08,15,22,29

$1, 795


$1, 795


$1, 795

Oct .7,14,21

$1, 795

Si ngl es uppl ementf r om

$ 495

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES OnewayBodr umI s t anbul fli ghtnoti ncl uded;t hi sfli ghtmaybei ncl udedi ni nt er nat i onal ai r t i cketormaybeaddedi nt hel andonl yr at euponr equest . Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y . Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es.


12DAY TOUR FROM $1, 285


I TI NERARY DAY 1-DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oT ur key .


DAY 2 –ARRI VAL I NI STANBUL Wel comet oI st anbul ,wher eEastmeet sWest .Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .Af t erchecki n,r el axormakeadebuti nt ot heal mostmagi cal at mospher eoft heci t y .


Di s cov erOl dI s t anbul :Hagi a Sophi a,Bl ueMos que,T opkapi Pal ace,Gr andBaz aar Rel axont hes ceni cbeaches oft heT ur quoi s eCoas t

DAY 3 –I STANBUL Ful ldaygui dedt ouroft heOl dCi t ywi l lr evealmast er pi ecesofI st anbul ’ sdi ver sehi st or y: Hagi aSophi a,t hepr i nci palchur choft heByz ant i neEmpi r e,t hegr acef ulBl ueMosque, T opkapiPal ace,andByz ant i neHi ppodr omeSquar ewi t hEgypt i anObel i skandSer pent i ne Col umn.Endwi t havi si tt ot hebust l i ngSpi ceMar ket .( B)

SeeCappadoci a’ ss t unni ng “ f ai r y chi mney s ” ,cav echapel s ,under gr oundci t i es .

DAY 4 -I STANBUL -M ARM ARI S T r ansf ert ot heai r por tf oryourfli ghtt oDal aman.Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tand t r ansf er r edt oyourhot eli nMar mar i s.( B, D)

Enj oyT ur ki s hhos pi t al i t yi nan aut hent i cOt t omanmans i oni n Saf r anbol u

DAY 5 -M ARM ARI S –KOYCEGI Z –KAYAKOY -FETHI YE Ont hewayt oFet hi ye,enj oyacr ui set hr ought hesceni ci nl andwat er wayt ot heT ur t l e Beach,t heconser vat i onar eaoft her ar eCar et t aCar et t at ur t l es.Vi si tKayakoy ,adeser t ed Gr eekvi l l age r esembl i nganopenai rmuseum.Endt hedaywi t hdi nneratal ocalr est aur anti nFet hi ye.( B, D) DAY 6 -FETHI YE Dayatl ei sur et or el axont hebeach.( B) DAY 7 –FETHI YE –SAKLI KENT GORGE -ANTALYA Af t erbr eakf ast ,depar tf orAnt al ya.Ont heway ,vi si tt hest unni ngl ybeaut i f ulSakl i kent Gor ge,T ur key’ sl ongestanddeepestcanyon.Cr ossi ngt heT aur usmount ai ns,ar r i veat Ant al ya,apr emi um r esor tdest i nat i onofi nt er nat i onalpopul ar i t y .( B, D) DAY 8 –ANTALYA –KONYA -CAPPADOCI A Headf ort hehear t l andofT ur key .Fi r s tv i s i ti st oAs pendos ,t hebes tpr es er v edRoman t heat eri nt hewor l d,s t i l l act i v el yus ed.Cont i nueont oKony a,homeoft hemy s t i cs ectof

Di s cov erKony a,homeoft he my s t i cSufider v i s hes .


Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



SufiWhi r l i ngDer v i s hes .Vi s i tt het ombofMev l anaRumi , t hes pi r i t ual f ounderoft hes ect ,andMev l anaMus eum,a 13t hcent ur ySufimonas t er y .Enr out et oCappadoci a, enj oyabr eaki nt he13t hcent ur yCar av ans er ai ,Sul t anhani . ( B, D)

I s t anbul -RamadaOl dT own-SFC

DAY 9 –CAPPADOCI A Expl or es pect acul arCappadoci ai naf ul l dayt our :v i s i tt he under gr oundci t yofKay makl i ,car v edmor et han7s t or i es bel ow t heear t hbyear l yChr i s t i ans ,andGor emeopenai r Mus eum wi t hear l yChr i s t i aner acav echur ches .Enj oyt he amaz i ngv i ew oft her egi onandt hedemons t at i onsofl ocal ar t i s ans hi patUchi s ar .( B, D)

Cappadoci a-Dedeman-SFC

DAY 10 –CAPPADOCI A –ANKARA SAFRANBOLU Depar tf orAnkar a.Vi s i tAni tKabi r ,t heMaus ol eum of Kemal At at ur k,f ounderoft heT ur ki s hRepubl i c.Cont i nue t oSaf r anbol u,aUNESCO Wor l dHer i t ageT own,unbel i av abl ychar mi ngwi t hi t sper f ect l ypr es er v edwooden Ot t omanmans i ons ,oneofwhi chwi l l hos tusf ort heni ght . ( B, D) DAY 11–SAFRANBOLU -I STANBUL Vi s i tSaf r anbol uands ampl et hel ocal l ypr oducedT ur ki s h Del i ght s .Depar tf orI s t anbul .Endwi t hav i s i tt ot hebuz z i ng Gr andBaz aarwhi chgat her sanunbel i ev abl ev ar i et yof l ocal j ewel r y ,ant i ques ,obj ect sofar tandf abr i cs .( B) DAY 12 –I STANBUL /DEPARTURE T r ans f ert oai r por tf ory ourfli ghtbackhome.( B)

Foramor edet ai l edi t i ner ar y, vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com

Mar mar i s-Anemon-FC Fet hi y e-At apar k-FC Ant al y a-Dedeman-SFC Saf r anbol u-As maz l arKonagi SPC FC:Fi r s t

SFC:Sup.Fi r s t

D:Del uxe SPC:Speci al Cat .

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy May11,18,25

$1, 397


$1, 397

Jul y6,13,20,27

$1, 397


$1, 397

Sept .7,14,21,28;

$1, 397


$1, 397

Nov .16;Dec.14

$1, 285

Si ngl es uppl ementf r om

$ 640

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES I s t anbul Dal amanfli ghtnoti ncl uded;t hi sfli ghtmaybei ncl udedi ni nt er nat i onal ai rt i cketor maybeaddedi nt hel andonl yr at euponr equest . Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es.

12DAY TOUR FROM $1, 295


I TI NERARY DAY 1-DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oT ur key .


DAY 2 –ARRI VAL I NI STANBUL Wel comet oI st anbul ,wher eEastmeet sWest .Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt o yourhot el .Af t erchecki n,r el axormakeadebuti nt ot heal mostmagi calat mospher eoft he ci t y . DAY 3 –I STANBUL Ful ldaygui dedt ouroft heOl dCi t ywi l lr evealmast er pi ecesofI st anbul ’ sdi ver sehi st or y:Hagi a Sophi a,t hepr i nci palchur choft heByz ant i neEmpi r e,t hegr acef ulBl ueMosque,T opkapi Pal ace,andByz ant i neHi ppodr omeSquar ewi t hEgypt i anObel i skandSer pent i neCol umn.End wi t havi si tt ot hebust l i ngSpi ceMar ket .( B) DAY 4 –I STANBUL –GALLI POLI-CANAKKALE Af t erbr eakf ast ,st ar tdr i vi ngt owar dst heAegeancoast .Vi si tt heAnz acCoveatGal l i pol i ,t he set t i ngoft heGal l i pol iCampai gn.Cr osst heDar danel l est ot heAsi anmai nl andofT ur key . Over ni ghtatCanakkal e.( B, D)


Expl or eOl dI s t anbul :T opkapi Pal ace,Hagi aSophi a,Bl ue Mos que,Spi ceMar ket I ns i ghti nt oHel l eni s t i cand Romaner a:Vi s i tEphes us , Per gamon,andT r oy Enj oyt hefineMedi t er r anean beachesonT ur ki s hRi v i er a Exper i encel ocal l i f eatt he pi ct ur es quev i l l ageofSi r i nce W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 10ni ght sFi r s tCl as s-Del uxe accommodat i on

DAY 5 –CANAKKALE –TROY –PERGAM ON –KUSADASI T oday’ sfir stvi si ti st ot hear cheol ogi calsi t eofT r oy ,t heset t i ngf ort hef amousT r oj anWari n Homer ’ sI l i ad.Cont i nueont oPer gamon.Expl or et heAcr opol i sofPer gamonwi t hr ui nsofAl t ar ofZeus,T empl eofT r aj an,10, 000seatPer gamonTheat erandPer gamonLi br ar y .Endt heday i nKusadasi .( B, D)

Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y ;7di nner s

DAY 6 –KUSADASI( EPHESUS –SI RI NCE) St ar tt hedaywi t havi si tt oEphesus,ananci entci t ysowel lpr eser vedt hatRomanhi st or y comest ol i f ewhi l ewal ki ngdownt heMar bl eSt r eet .Cont i nueont ot hedel i ght f ulvi l l ageof Si r i nce.Ti meatl ei sur e,maybeshoppi ngf orl ocalhandi cr af t sandt ast i ngl ocalwi nes.T oday , al soenj oydemonst r at i onsoft r adi t i onalT ur ki shar t i sanshi pofhandwovencar pet sandT ur ki sh t i l es.( B, D)

Del uxeai r condi t i onedcoach

DAY 7 –KUSADASI–PAM UKKALE -M ARM ARI S Depar tf orPamukkal e,t he“ Cot t onCas t l e” ,whi chcombi nest henat ur al beaut yofauni que

Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngent r ancef ees

Ai r por tt r ans f er s Canakkal ef er r yf ar e

Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Pr of es s i onal Local Gui de t hr oughoutt het our

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



I st anbul-RamadaOl dT own -SFC

l ands capeofdaz z l i ngwhi t ecas cadi ngt er r acesf or med byhots pr i ngs ,andi mpor t anthi s t or i cal s i t es .Vi s i tt he ant i queci t yHi er apol i si nPamukkal e.Cont i nueont ot he coas t al r es or tMar mar i sf orov er ni ght .( B, D)

Canakkal e-Kol i n -SFC Kusadasi-Char i sma -D

Mar mar i s-Anemon-FC Fet hi y e-At apar k-FC

DAY 8 -M ARM ARI S –KOYCEGI Z– KAYAKOY -FETHI YE Ont hewayt oFet hi ye,enj oyacr ui set hr ought hesceni c i nl andwat er wayt ot heT ur t l eBeach,t heconser vat i on ar eaoft her ar eCar et t aCar et t at ur t l es.Vi si tKayakoy ,a deser t edGr eekvi l l age r esembl i nganopenai rmuseum. Di nneratal ocalr est aur anti nFet hi ye.( B, D) DAY 9 -FETHI YE Dayatl ei sur et or el axont hebeach.( B)

Ant al y a-Dedeman-SFC FC:Fi r s tSFC:Sup.Fi r s tD.Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy May6,13,20,27

$1, 399


$1, 425

Jul y1,8,15,22,29

$1, 425


$1, 425


$1, 425

DAY 11-ANTALYA Dayatl ei sur et oenj oyAnt al yabeaches.( B, D)

Oct .7,14,21

$1, 425

Nov .11

$1, 325

DAY 12 –ANTALYA /DEPARTURE T r ans f ert oai r por tf ory ourfli ghthome.( B)


$1, 295

Si ngl eSuppl ementf r om

$ 400

DAY 10 –FETHI YE –SAKLI KENT GORGE ANTALYA Enr out et oAnt al ya,expl or et hest unni ngl ybeaut i f ul Sakl i kentGor ge,T ur key’ sl ongestanddeepestcanyon. Enj oyAnt al ya,ar esor tdest i nat i onofi nt er nat i onal popul ar i t y .( B, D)

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES Foramor edet ai l edi t i ner ar y, vi si tww. t r anseur opet our s. com

Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeusedaccor di ngt oav ai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r anseur opet our s. com f orcur r entr at es.

15DAY TOUR FROM $1, 495


I TI NERARY DAY 1–DEPART USA Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oI st anbul


DAY 2 –ARRI VAL I NI STANBUL Wel comet oI st anbul .Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .Af t er checki n,t aket i met or el ax. DAY 3 -I STANBUL I naf ul ldaygui dedt ouroft heOl dCi t y ,expl or eHagi aSophi a,t hepr i nci palchur choft he Byz ant i neEmpi r e,t hegr acef ulBl ueMosque,T opkapiPal ace,andByz ant i neHi ppodr ome Squar e.Endwi t havi si tt ot hebust l i ngSpi ceMar ketwi t hi t sshopsbr i mmi ngwi t hl ocal del i caci es.( B) DAY 4 -I STANBUL -CANAKKALE ( TROY) Headf ort heCanakkal eont heAegeancoast .Vi si tt heAnz acCoveatGal l i pol i ,t heset t i ng oft heGal l i pol iCampai gn.Cr osst heDar danel l esbyf er r yt oAsi anmai nl andofT ur key . Over ni ghti nCanakkal e.( B, D) DAY 5 –CANAKKALE -TROY -PERGAM ON -KUSADASI T oday’ sfir stvi si ti st ol egendar yT r oy ,t heset t i ngf ort hef amousT r oj anWari nHomer ’ s I l i ad.Cont i nueont oPer gamonandvi si tt heAcr opol i sofPer gamon,cel ebr at edf ori t s 10, 000seatt heat erandPer gamonLi br ar yt hathoused200, 000vol umes.Over ni ghti n Kusadasi .( B, D) DAY 6 -KUSADASI( EPHESUS -SI RI NCE) Vi si tEphesus,ananci entci t ysowel lpr eser vedt hatRomanhi st or ycomest ol i f ewhi l e wal ki ngdownt heMar bl eSt r eet .Nexti sapl easantvi si tt ot hechar mi ngSi r i ncevi l l age. Enj oyshoppi ngf orl ocalhandi cr af t sandt ast i ngl ocalwi nes.( B, D) DAY 7 -KUSADASI-PAM UKKALE-M ARM ARI S Pamukkal eboast sr i chhi st or yi nauni quel andscapeofwhi t ecascadi ngt er r acesf or med byhotspr i ngs.T ourt hear eaandt heant i queci t yofHi er apol i s.Cont i nueont ot hecoast al r esor tMar mar i s.( B, D) DAY 8 -M ARM ARI S -FETHI YE Att hel akesi det ownofKoycegi z ,t akeacr ui set hr ought hesceni ci nl andwat er wayt o T ur t l eBeach.Cont i nueont oKayakoy ,anabandonedGr eekvi l l ager esembl i nganopenai r museum.Endwi t hdi nneri nFet hi ye( B, D)


Di scoverOl dI st anbul :Hagi a Sophi a,Bl ueMosque,T opkapi Pal ace,Gr andBaz aar I nsi ghti nt oAnt i qui t y:T r oy , Ephesus,Per gamon SeeCappadoci a’ sst unni ng f ai r ychi mneys,cavechapel s, andunder gr oundci t i es. Enj oyt hefineMedi t er r anean beachesonT ur ki s hRi v i er a Vi si tKonya,homeoft heSufi der vi shes Enj oyT ur ki s hhos pi t al i t yi nan aut hent i cOt t omanmans i oni n Saf r anbol u

W HAT' SI NCLUDED 13ni ght sFi r s tCl as s-Del uxe accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y 9di nner s Ai r por tt r ans f er s Canakkal ef er r yf ar e Del uxeai r condi t i onedcoach Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Pr of es s i onal Local Gui de t hr oughoutt het our Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngent r ancef ees

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com



DAY 10 -FETHI YE -ANTALYA Vi s i tt hes t unni ngl ybeaut i f ul Sakl i kentGor ge,t hel onges t anddeepes tcany oni nT ur key .Ov er ni ghti nAnt al y a.( B, D)

I s t anbul -RamadaOl dT ownSFC T r oy-Kol i n-SFC Kus adas i-Char i s ma-D Mar mar i s-Anemon-FC Ant al y a-Dedeman-SFC Cappadoci a-Per i s s i a-SFC Saf r anbol u-As maz l arKonagi SPC

DAY 11–ANTALYA -KONYA-CAPPADOCI A Vi s i tAs pendos ,t hebes t pr es er v edRomant heat eri nt he wor l d,anddepar tf orKony a.I nKony a,t hehomeoft he SufiWhi r l i ngDer v i s hes ,v i s i tT ombofMev l anaRumi , f ounderoft hes ect .Enr out et oCappadoci a,apl eas ant br eakat13t hcent ur yCar av ans er ai Sul t anhani .( B, D) DAY 12 –CAPPADOCI A Ful l dayt ourofs pect acul arCappadoci a:v i s i tt heunder gr oundci t yofKay makl i ,car v edmor et han7s t or i esbel ow t heear t hbyear l yChr i s t i ans ,andGor emeopenai r Mus eum wi t hear l yChr i s t i aner acav echur ches .Enj oy demons t r at i onsoft r adi t i onal pot t er y maki ngandhandmadecar petar t i s ans hi pi nUchi s ar .( B, D) DAY 13 –CAPPADOCI A -ANKARA SAFRANBOLU Depar tf orAnkar a.Vi s i tAni tKabi r ,t heMaus ol eum of At at ur k,f ounderoft heRepubl i c.Cont i nuet oSaf r anbol u,a UNESCO Wor l dHer i t ageT own,unbel i av abl ychar mi ngwi t h i t sper f ect l ypr es er v edwoodenOt t omanmans i ons ,oneof whi chwi l l hos tusf ort heni ght .( B, D) DAY 14 –SAFRANBOLU -I STANBUL Vi s i tSaf r anbol uands ampl et hel ocal l y pr oducedT ur ki s h Del i ght s .Depar tf orI s t anbul .Endwi t hav i s i tt ot hebuz z i ng Gr andBaz aarwhi chgat her sanunbel i ev abl ev ar i et yof l ocal j ewel r y ,ant i ques ,obj ect sofar tandf abr i cs .( B) DAY 15 –I STANBUL /DEPARTURE T r ans f ert oai r por tf ory ourfli ghtbackhome.( B) Foramor edet ai l edi t i ner ar y, vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Sup.Fi r s tD:Del uxe SPC:Speci al Cat egor y

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy May06,13,20,27;June03,10,17,24

$1, 570

Jul y01,08,15,22,29,Aug05,12,19,26

$1, 595

Sept .02,09,16,23,30;Oct07,14,21

$1, 570

Nov .11

$1, 525


$1, 495

Si ngl es uppl ementf r om

$ 680


Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce.Vi s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s. com f orcur r entr at es.




CROW NE PLAZA OLD TOW N Thi shot eli sadel uxefivest arci t yhot elat t hehear toft hehi st or i calpeni nsul a. Si t uat edi nGr andBaz aarnei ghbor hood, t hehot eli snearHaghi aSofia,Bl ueand Sul eymani yeMosques,andT opkapi Pal ace.Thi snewl yr enovat edhot elof f er s hi ghspeedi nt er netaccess,compl i ment ar y t eaandcof f eesetup,andheal t hand fit nessf aci l i t i esi ncl udi ngmassaget her apy , T ur ki shBat h,st eam bat h,andi ndoor swi mmi ngpool .

TI TANI C CI TY HOTEL Thi sbr andnew ci t yhot eli sl ocat edi n T aksi m Squar er i ghtatt hehear tofmoder n I st anbul .Wi t hani mmensesel ect i onof r est aur ant sandent er t ai nmentspot si nt he quar t er ,j ustst epoutoft hehot elt oenj oy t hevi br antmet r opol i t anl i f est yl eof I st anbul .Thehot elpr oper t yi sel egant l y decor at edi ncont empor ar yst yl e.Hot el f aci l i t i esi ncl uder est aur ant sandbar s,Spa andWel l nessCent er ,andi ndoorpool .



CELAL AGA KONAGI Thi sbout i quehot elpr ovi desl uxur i ous accommodat i onsi nt hehear tofOl d I st anbul ,wi t hf r eespaandpoolf aci l i t i es andf r eewi r el essi nt er net .Hot el ' sspaand heal t hcl ubf eat ur esal ar gei ndoor swi mmi ngpoolandahi st or i chammam. Ther ei sast unni ngr oof t oppoolandgym ar eawi t hpanor ami cci t yvi ews.Si t uat edi n Gr andBaz aarnei ghbor hood,t hi shot eli s nearHaghi aSofia,Bl ueandSul eymani ye Mosques,andT opkapiPal ace.

RAM ADA OLD CI TY TheRamadaI st anbulOl dCi t yi sl ocat ed neart hehi st or i calpenni nsul a,cl oset ot he maj orhi st or i calmonument sl i ket heBl ue Mosque,T opkapiPal aceandHagi aSophi a. Thehot el ,desi gnedi ncont empor ar yst yl e, i ssi t uat edi namet r opol i t andi st r i ctwi t h manycaf esandr est aur ant sar ound.Hot el f aci l i t i esi ncl uder est aur ant s,oneont he r oofover l ooki ngamagni ficentvi ew of I st anbul ,bar sandcaf es,andHeal t hCl ub. .



CHARI SM A DE LUXE HOTEL Char i smai st henewestoft hedel uxehot el s i nKusadasi ,openedi n2006.I ti ssi t uat ed r i ghti nt heci t ycent er ,onl ymi nut esf r om t heyachtmar i na.Thi sel egant l ydecor at ed cont empor ar yhot elt ower sovert heshor es oft heAegeanSeawi t hi t sownbeach. Hot elf aci l i t i esi ncl udear esor t st yl e out doorpoolwi t hj acuz z i ,heat edi ndoor pool ,wat erspor t scent er ,r est aur ant sand bar s,andanext ensi veheal t hcl ub.

LYCUS RI VER Thi st her malspahot eli si nawhi t epar adi se i noneoft hemosti mpor t antt our i sm cent er sofT ur key ,wher eyouf eelt henat ur e andl i vet hehi st or y .Wat eroft het her mal poolwi t h140F t emper at ur eof f er sr el i ef f r om di sor der sl i ker heumat i sm,sci at i ca, ski ndi seases,ki dneydi seases.Thehot el hasai rcondi t i onedr oomswi t hmount ai n andpoolvi ew.Hot elf aci l i t i esi ncl ude r est aur ant s,di scobar ,Jacuz z iBar ,pool bar s,T ur ki shbat h,sauna,fit nesscent er .



SURM ELIEFES Thehot el ,35mi l esf r om I z mi rAi r por tand j ustt hr eemi l esf r om EphesusRui ns,i s l ocat edi nt heBayofPamucakr i ghtatsea l evel ,wi t hi t sownpr i vat ebeach.Eachofi t s r oomsi ssetwi t hi nani ncompar abl e t ur quoi seat mospher eandhasseavi ew and bal cony .Hot elameni t i esi ncl udei ndoorand out doorpool s,t eni scour t s,r est aur ant s andbar s,andheal t handfit nesscl ub

DEDEM AN ANTALYA Thi sfivest arbeachf r onthot elst andsi na cent r all ocat i oni nAnt al ya,neart heAnt al ya Har bor .Thecont empor ar yst yl ehot elhas i t sownpr i vat ebeachandar esor t st yl e out doorpool .Ot herameni t i esi ncl ude r est aur ant ,caf e,ni ght cl ub,i ndoorpool , Heal t hCl ub,spaser vi cesand24hour Busi nessCent er .




HOTEL EL VI NO ElVi noi sachar mi ngsmal lhot elof f er i ng t hemosti nl uxur y ,ambi ance,andcui si ne. I thasapr i mel ocat i onover l ooki ngBodr um Cast l e,wi t hspect acul arsunset sover Bodr um.ElVi nof eat ur esaheat edopenai r j acuz z i ,pool si der est aur antandl ounge, poolt owelser vi ces.Ati t sr est aur ant ,you cant ast et hei rownpr oducedH&G Or gani c Wi nes,speci alMedi t er r aneancui si neand t hef r eshestl ocalseaf ood

HOTEL PERI SSI A Thehot eli si nt hehear tofaWor l dHer i t age Si t eandhomet omanynat ur alwonder s suchast heFai r yChi mneys,under gr ound ci t i esandcavechur chesi nt hi sr egi onof ear l yChr i st i ani t y .Thehot el sof f er s many act i vi t i essuchasbal l ooni ng,hi ki ng,r af t i ng, hor sebackr i di ng,mount ai nbi ki ng.Joi nt he l i vel yni ght l i f ewhi l et ast i ngt hef amous Cappadoci anwi nesi nt heeveni ng.



HOTEL ANEM ON AnemonHot eli sconveni ent l yl ocat edof f t hemai nboul evar dofMar mar i s,onl y100 yar dsf r om t hebeach.Thi sr esor thot el of f er si ndoorandout doorr est aur ant s,pool bar ,snackbar ,i ndoorandout door swi mmi ngpool s,T ur ki shbat h,saunaand fit nesscent er .

YUNAK EVLERI Thehot eli sacombi nat i onofsi xcave houseswi t hat ot alof30pr i vat ecave r oomsdat i ngbackt ot he5t hand6t h cent ur i esandcr ownedwi t ha19t hcent ur y Gr eekMansi on.Theseexcept i onalcave housesar er enovat edanddecor at edwi t h car eandi nt hei rowndi st i nctst yl ewi t h st r i ct l yr espect i ngt hel ocalchar act er .The decori sel egantandper sonal i z edwi t h beaut i f ulhandcr af t edf ur ni shi ngsand ant i ques.



HOTEL ATA PARK Si t uat edatseal evel ,Hot elAt aPar ki sby t heFet hi yeBay ,wher et hepi net r eesmeet t hesea.Thi sbout i quehot elhas52r ooms wi t hseaorf or estvi ew.Faci l i t i esi ncl ude i ndoorandout doorswi mmi ngpool , r est aur ant ,poolandsnackbar ,fit ness cent er ,T ur ki shbat handsauna.

DEDEM AN CAPPADOCI A DedemanCappadoci ai sa5st arhot eli n cont empor ar yst yl e.Faci l i t i esi ncl ude i ndoorandout doorswi mmi ngpool s,heal t h cl ub,sol ar i um,sauna,T ur ki shbat h,and fit nesscent er .TheHot elhassever al r est aur ant sandbar sandof f er sf r eeWi Fi .



KOLI N HOTEL Thi shot elwi t h276r oomshasgar dens over l ooki ngt heDar danal l es.Faci l i t i es i ncl udebi cycl eandt r ekki ngcour ses, soccer ,vol l eybal l ,basket bal landt enni s cour t s,out doorandi ndoor( heat ed)pool s, sauna,T ur ki shbat h,Fi nni shbat h,Jacuz z i , fit nesscent er ,spa,bi l l i ar d,dar t ,t abl e t enni s,t abl esoccer ,ai rhockey ,bar sand ni ghtcl ub.

ASM AZLAR M ANSI ON Asmaz l arMansi oni sanaut hent i cOt t oman mansi oncompl exconver t edi nt oa char mi nghot el .Roomsar edecor at edwi t h char act er si t i cf eat ur es oft her egi onl i ke bedswi t hbr assbear i ngcapsandshel ves wi t hl acewor kcl ot h.Thi si soneoft hemost spl endi dOt t omanhousesi nSaf r anbol u, bot hi nt er msofi t si nt er i orandext er i or decor .Thehot eli sal sohomet oa r enownedr est aur ant .



TRAVELLERS REQUI RI NG SPECI AL ASSI STANCE Pas s enger swi t hdi s abi l i t i esar ewel comeonT r ans Eur opet our s pr ov i dedt heyar eaccompani edbyacompani oncapabl eof pr ov i di ngal l neces s ar yas s i s t ance,anddonotr equi r es peci al as s i s t ancef r om T r ans Eur opeT our sper s onnel .Anydi s abi l i t i es r equi r i ngs peci al needsmus tbenot i fiedt oT r ans Eur opeT our s dur i ngbooki ngandT r ans Eur opeT our swi l l maker eas onabl e at t empt st oaccommodat et hes es peci al needs ,buti snotr es pons i bl ei nt heev enti ti sunabl et odos onori si tr es pons i bl ef orany deni al ofs er v i cesbyai rcar r i er s ,hot el s ,r es t aur ant s ,orot her i ndependents uppl i er s . YOUNG TRAVELERS T r av el er sundert heageof18mus tbeaccompani edbyan adul t . T r ans Eur opeT our swel comeschi l dr enof5y earofageand ol deri nes cor t edt our s .Wer ecommendpr i v at et our sf orf ami l i es wi t hchi l dr eny oungert han5y ear s . TOUR PARTI CI PATI ON T r ans Eur opeT our sr es er v est her i ghtt oacceptorr ej ectorr emov e, i ns ol eopi ni onofT r ans Eur opeT our sact i ngi ngoodf ai t h,anyt our memberwhos eheal t h,ment al orphy s i cal condi t i onorconducti s cons i der edt obei ncompat i bl ewi t ht hei nt er es t sofot hert our member s .T r ans Eur opeT our si snotr es pons i bl ef oranyexpens es i ncur r edbyat ourmemberi ns uchacas e. I TI NERARY/SCHEDULE CHANGES Wer es er v et her i ght ,i nourdi s cr et i on,t os ubs t i t ut ecar r i er ,ai r cr af t , char t erfli ghtf ors chedul edfli ght ,cr ui s el i ne,andt oal t ert he i t i ner ar y ,s ubs t i t ut epor t i onsoft hes i ght s eei ng,por t sofcal l , ent er t ai nment ,hot el s ,r es t aur ant s ,par t yandbanquetl ocat i ons ,or ot heraccommodat i ons .Forfli ght s ,cr ui s esandcr ui s epor t i onsof t our s ,T r ans Eur opeT our si ss ubj ectt ooper at i ngdeci s i onsoft he cr ui s el i nesandai r l i nes . NON-OPERATI OPER ON OF ESCORTED TOUR T r ans Eur opeEs cor t edt our ,unl es si ndi cat edasguar ant eed depar t ur e,r equi r eenr ol l mentami ni mum numberofgues t sf or oper at i on. T r ans Eur opeT our sr es er v est her i ghtt ocancel or r es chedul eanyt ourdepar t ur et hatdoesnotmeeti t smi ni mum enr ol l mentcr i t er i aori naccor dancewi t hoper at i ngr equi r ement s .I f cancel l at i oni smadeanyt i mepr i ort odepar t ur eoft het our , T r ans Eur ope' sonl yl i abi l i t ywi l l bet or ef undt ot hepas s engert he amounti thasr ecei v edf ort het ourbooki ng.T r ans Eur opewi l l t r yt o r ebookt hes ameors i mi l art ourand,wher efli ght shav ebeen confir medbyT r ans Eur ope,wi l l at t emptt oconfir m ai rs eat sf ornew dat ess el ect ed,s ubj ectt oav ai l abi l i t y .Pl eas enot et hatT r ans Eur ope i snotl i abl ef oranyt r av el ar r angement saf f ect edandanycancel l at i onpenal t i esi ncur r edonanyot hert r av el ar r angement snotmade byT r ans Eur opeT our s . CANCELLATI ONS AND PROGRAM CHANGES DUE TO CARRI ERS T r ans Eur opeT our si snotl i abl ef oranypr ogr am changesandext r a cos t si ncur r edduet ocancel l at i ons ,s chedul echangesanddel ay s oft r ans por t at i oncar r i er sl i keai r l i nes ,cr ui s el i nes ,f er r yl i nes ,ordue t oanyot herr eas onsbey ondi t scont r ol .Gues t sar es t r ongl y r ecommendedt opur chas et r av el i ns ur ancef orcov er agei ns uch cas es. SM OKI NG Smoki ngi snotal l owedoncoaches ,s hi ps ,mi ni bus esorv ans . Rr egul ars t opsar es chedul edf ort hos ewhowi s ht os moke.

VI SAS & PASSPORTS Apas s por tv al i df oratl eas ts i xmont hsaf t erdat eofr et ur nt ot he U. S.i sr equi r edf oral l pr ogr ams ,bot hf orU. t i z ensand nonU. t i z ens .Al l pas s enger sar er es pons i bl ef orens ur i ngt hat t heyhav eal l pr opert r av el document sandMUSTCHECKwi t ht he r es pect i v econs ul at e( s )orv i s aagencyt odet er mi neanyv i s aorany ot herr equi r ement s .T r ans Eur opeT our scannotacceptl i abi l i t yf or anypas s engerr ef us edent r yont oanyt r ans por tori nt oanycount r y duet of ai l ur eoft hepas s engert ocar r ycor r ectdocument at i on. BAGGAGE Duet ol i mi t edbaggagear eaonbus escoaches ,eachgues ti s r eques t edt ol i mi tl uggaget oones ui t cas eandones mal l car r y on bagwhi chcanfitundert hebuss eat s .Ai r l i nesmayi mpos e s epar at epol i ci esf orl uggage.Pl eas echeckwi t hy ourai r l i ne( s ) di r ect l yf orbaggager egul at i onsandr el at edf ees .Al l baggageand per s onal ef f ect sar eatal l t i mesandi nal l ci r cums t ancesatt her i s k oft hegues t ;baggagei ns ur ancei shi ghl yr ecommended. HOLI D DAYS Dur i ngl ocal ornat i onal hol i day sors peci al occas i ons ,cer t ai n f aci l i t i ess uchasmus eums ,chur ches ,r es t aur ant s ,s i ght s eei ng t our s ,ands hoppi ngmaybel i mi t edornotav ai l abl e.Al t er nat i v es wi l l beof f er edwhenev erpos s i bl e. RESPONSI BI LI TY Magi cUSAI nc,oper at i ngundert heDBAT r ans Eur opeT our s ,i t s empl oy ees ,s har ehol der s ,s ubs i di ar i es ,af fil i at es ,of ficer s ,di r ect or s , s ucces s or s ,agent s ,andas s i gns( col l ect i v el y" T r ans Eur opeT our s " ) , doesnotownoroper at eanyent i t ywhi chpr ov i desaccommodat i on,t r ans por t at i on,r es t aur ant ,l ocal gr oundoper at or ,andot her s er v i cesf ory ourt r i p.Al l s uchper s onsandent i t i esar ei ndependent cont r act or s .Asar es ul t ,T r ans Eur opeT our si snotl i abl ef orany negl i gentorwi l l f ul actorf ai l ur et oactofanys uchper s onorent i t y orofanyt hi r dpar t y . T r ans Eur opeT our ss i gnsonmot orv ehi cl es ,athot el sorel s ewher e ar eonl yf ori dent i ficat i onpur pos esanddonotdenot eowner s hi p, s uper v i s i on,orcont r ol byT r ans Eur opeT our si nanyway .I naddi t i on andwi t houtl i mi t at i on,T r ans Eur opeT our si snotr es pons i bl ef orany i nj ur y ,l os s ,deat h,i nconv eni ence,del ay ,damaget oper s onor pr oper t yorext r aexpens esi nconnect i onwi t ht hepr ov i s i onofany goodsors er v i ceswhet herr es ul t i ngf r om,butnotl i mi t edt o,act sof Godorf or cemaj eur e,i l l nes s ,di s eas e,act sofwarorci v i l unr es t , i ns ur r ect i onorr ev ol t ,ani mal s ,s t r i kesorot herl aboract i v i t i es , cr i mi nal ort er r or i s tact i v i t i esofanyki nd,ov er booki ngordowngr adi ngofaccommodat i ons ,mechani cal orot herf ai l ur eof ai r pl anesorot hermeansoft r ans por t at i on,orf oranyf ai l ur eofany t r ans por t at i onmechani s mt oar r i v eordepar tont i me.Pas s enger s ar eaddi t i onal l yr es pons i bl ef orcompl y i ngwi t ht het er ms ,condi t i onsorr equi r ement sofanys er v i cepr ov i der ,oranycount r yor gov er nment al aut hor i t i es ,orf orbear i nganycos t sorl os s es i ncur r edasacons equenceofnotcompl y i ngwi t ht hem.I nt hecas e ofcomput erorhumanbi l l i nger r orwer es er v et her i ghtt o r ei nv oi cepas s enger swi t hcor r ectbi l l i ng.T r ans Eur opeT our si snot r es pons i bl ef oromi s s i ons ,pr i nt i ngand/ ort y pogr aphi cal er r or s ,i n br ochur es ,onI nt er nets i t escor r es pondenceori nv oi cesori nany ot hermedi awher es uchi nf or mat i onmaybepr es ent ed.Wer es er v e t her i ghtt omakecor r ect i onsasr equi r ed.Thet er msandcondi t i ons l i s t edr emai ni nef f ectunt i l r epl aced.Thes et er msandcondi t i ons r epl aceal l pr ev i ousv er s i ons .Thepay mentofadepos i tandor / t he i s s uanceoft i cket sorv oucher ss hal l bedeemedy ourcons entt o t het er msandcondi t i onsaspr es ent edher ei n.



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