TransEurope Tours Italy 2011

Page 1

I TALY 2011

Vi si twww. t ranseuropet ours. com

CONTENTS WhyT r ans Eur opeT our s-4 OurSer v i ces-5 T our sofI t al y Fl or ence&RomebyRai l -6 I t al i aBel l a-8 LaDol ceVi t a-10 I t al i aRomant i ca-12 I t al i anDr eam -14 I t al y&Fr enchRi v i er a-16 I t al y&Fr enchRi v i er awi t h RomeExt ens i on-18 Si ci l i anSer enade-20 Sout her nI t al y&Si ci l y-22 I t al y&Gr eece-24 Hot el s-26 T er ms&Condi t i ons-28

W HY TRANSEUROPE TOURS? W HY “PREM I UM ” TRAVEL? ATr ansEur opeI t al yt ouri sasophi st i cat edexper i enceofI t al y,cr af t edwi t hi nsi der exper t i se.Wepayat t ent i ont odet ai l ssot hatyouenj oyever ymi nut eofyourt r avel .

Sm al lGroups:M axi m um 18 Guests Ourgr oupsar el i mi t edwi t hmaxi mum 18gues t s .Thi spr ov i desa s ophi s t i cat edandpl eas antt r av el exper i ence.Wi t houtt hehas s l e ofal ar gegr oupof50,ourgues t senj oymor et i mes i ght s eei ng andi nt er act i ngwi t ht hei rTourDi r ect or/Gui de.Thei ni t i macyofa s mal l gr oupal s ocr eat esanexcel l entenv i r onmentf ors har i ng t r av el exper i encesl i kewi ni nganddi ni ngwi t hnewf oundf r i ends . W eekl y Guaranteed Departures Fi v eofourmos tpopul art our shav eweekl yguar ant eeddepar t ur eswi t hmi ni mum 4gues t s .Choos et hedepar t ur edat et hat s ui t sy ouandbookwi t ht heconfidencet haty ourt ourwi l l depar t . Fi rstCl ass Hotel s atPrem i um Locati ons Weus eonl yFi r s tCl as sandabov ecat egor yhot el s ,al way si n pr emi um l ocat i ons .Thatmeansatt hehear tofVeni cer at hert han s ur r oundi ngsl i keMes t r e,oratt heci t ycent eri nRomer at hert han t hes ubur banr es i dent i al di s t r i ct s .Thi smaxi mi z esy ourflexi bi l i t yt o enj oyy ourt r av el i ndependent l yandt het i mey oucans pendt o enj oyt hedes t i nat i on.Jus ts t epoutofy ourhot el whenev ery ou l i ket oi ndul gei nanev eni nges pr es s oordi nneronSanMar co Squar e,wi t houthav i ngt oconf or mt ot hes chedul eds hut t l ehour s t oy ourhot el awayf r om t hehear tofact i on. I nsi der Experti se on I tal y Wehav el i v edt her e,wehav eoper at edt r av el bus i nes st her e. . . Thi s hasgi f t eduswi t hexcept i onal knowhowandpas s i onf orI t al y .We l ov et ous et hi sknowhow t opr ov i deunf or get t abl eI t al i anexper i encesf orourgues t s .Weoper at eourownt our si nI t al y ,whi ch ens ur es hi gh s er v i ce qual i t y .Ourr epr es ent at i v e of fice i nI t al y wor ks di l i gent l yt o pr ov i de t he bes tt r av elexper i ence f orour gues t s .

Ri ch I ncl uded Si ghtseei ng i n Ci ti es pl us en-route Ourt our si ncl uder i chs i ght s eei ngwhi chcov er sal l mus t s ees i t es wi t hLi cens edLocal Gui desi nt hekeyci t i es .Howev er ,what di s t i ngui s hesusi st hatouri t i ner ar i esi ncl udes t opov er si nci t i es enr out ef r om oneov er ni ghtdes t i nat i ont onext .Whi l emos tt our s s eeonl yt hekeyci t i es ,Fl or ence,Rome,andVeni ce,ouri t i ner ar i es i ncl udePi s a,Si ena,As s i s i ,Ver onaandMi l anenr out e.Thi st ur ns t heci t y t oci t yt r ans f erday si nt ov er ypl eas ants i ght s eei ngday s . ATr ans Eur opeI t al yt ouri sar ewar di ngt r av el exper i ence. Wi ni ng and Di ni ng I nal l y ouri ncl udeddi nner s ,y ouwi l l enj oyl ocal wi nes .Al l our es cor t edt our sexceptf orI t al y&Fr enchRi v i er a-i ncl udea f es t i v eFar ewel l /Hi ghl i ghtDi nneri nRome,wi t hwi ne,mus i cand s how.Wi net as t i ngi sanot hert r av el pl eas ur ei ncl udedi ns omeof ourt our s . Qual i ty Coaches Weus emoder n,ai r condi t i onedcoachesdr i v enbypr of es s i onal dr i v er s ,i ncompl i ancewi t ht heEur opeanUni ons t andar ds .For upt o4gues t s ,weus emi ni v ans ;f or59gues t s ,weus e mi ni bus es ,andf or10+gues t s ,weus ef ul l s i z ebus es . Tour Di rectors and LocalGui des I nkeyci t i es ,Li cens edLocal Gui deswi l l gui dey out hr oughy our s i ght s eei ng,wi t hv al uabl ecomment ar y .Enr out e,y ouwi l l be accompani edbyTr ans Eur ope’ sLi cens edTourDi r ect or ,whowi l l gi v ey oui ns i ghti nt oI t al yandens ur et haty ouwi l l hav eas moot h andabs ol ut el yenj oy abl et r av el exper i ence.

OUR SERVI CES Sm al lGroup Escorted Tours Ours chedul edes cor t edt our sar ei deal f ort hos et hatwant t oexpl or eI t al yi nt hes ophi s t i cat i onofas mal l gr oup, wi t houtt hehas s l eoft r av el pl anni ng.Choos eoneoft he manycar ef ul l y pl annedi t i ner ar i es ,pr epar ey ourt r av el document sandl ookf or war dt oy ourdepar t ur edat e. I ndependentPackages by Rai l I fy oupr ef ert ot r av el i ndependent l yont hei t i ner ar yofy our choi ce,weof f erpackagest ai l or edt oy ourr eques t s . Hi ghs peedt r ai nsf ori nt er ci t yt r av el i sav er ypl eas antand cos t ef fici entopt i onf ort hes epackages .Dependi ngon y ourpr ef er ence,y ourpackagemayi ncl udehot el si nt he cat egor yofy ourchoi ce,t r ans f er s ,s i ght s eei ngt our s ,and ot herl ocal s er v i ces .Ourr ai l packagesar e: -Compet i t i v el ypr i ced,r eflect i ngourpur chas i ngpower -Ful l yflexi bl e:s t ar tandendonanydat e Thes epackagesar ev er yconv eni entchoi cesf orpr e/ pos t cr ui s et our sandf r ees t y l ev acat i ons .

Pri vate Car Tours I fy ou pr ef ert ot r av el i nt hei nt i macyofy ourf ami l yand f r i endswi t hy ourpr i v at edr i v erandgui de,y oumay cons i derapr i v at ecart our .Weof f erpr i v at ecaropt i onf or al l ouri t i ner ar i esatas uppl ement al r at edepandi ngont he numberofpeopl ei ny ourgr oup,orweof f eri t i ner ar i es t ai l or edt oy ourr eques t . Group Travel Weof f ers peci al gr oupr at esi nours chedul edes cor t edt our s .I fy ourgr ouppr ef er st ot r av el onacus t om i t i ner ar yi n I t al yorcombi ni ngI t al ywi t hot hercount r i es ,wewi l l gl adl y l i s t ent oy ourwi s hes ,gi v ey ouourr ecommendat i onsand pr epar eacus t omi z edi t i ner ar yf ory ou.Wewi l l pl anal l component sofy ourt ourexact l yasy ouwi s h,wi t ht he adv ant ageofourexper t i s eandpur chas i ngpower .Whet her y ouar epl anni ngf oraf ami l y&f r i ends ,as s oci at i onor chur chgr oup,cont actust ogetouri t i ner ar ypr opos al wi t h acompet i t i v el ypr i cedquot e.

8DAY TOUR FROM $1, 299


I TI NERARY DAY 01-DEPART U. S. A. Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oI t al y .


DAY 02 -ARRI VE I N FLORENCE Wel comet oFl or ence,t heCr adl eofRenai ssance…Af t erchecki n,st epr i ghtoutofyour Hot elt ost ar texpl or i ngt hi sf asci nat i ngci t y ,orj ustr el ax.. DAY 03 –FLORENCE I nt hemor ni ng,meetyourl ocalgui def oryourt ourofFl or ence.Thi st ourwi l ll etyou expl or eal lkeysi t eswi t hexper tcomment ar y ,al soor i ent i ngyouwi t ht heci t yf oryour i ndependentexpl or at i onl at er .St ar tt het ourbyvi si t i ngt heAcademyofFi neAr t s,homet o Mi chel angel o’ smast er pi eceDavi d.Thenwal kont oseet heDuomowi t hi t smul t i col or ed mar bl esandmagni ficentdome,t heBapt i st er ywi t hi t sr enownedbr onz e“ Gat esof Par adi se” ,andGi ot t o’ sbel lt ower .St r ol lt hr ought hemedi evalst r eet sofFl or encet o Pi az z aSi gnor i a,ast unni ngsquar er esembl i nganopenai rmuseum wi t hi t sexqui si t e st at uesandpal az z os,endi ngatt hepi ct ur esquePont eVecchi o,t he“ Ol dBr i dge”over Ri verAr no.Af t er nooni syour st oenj oyFl or enceasyoul i ke.( B) DAY 04 -FLORENCE Yourdayatl ei sur et of ur t herenj oyFl or ence,ormaybeevent heT uscancount r ysi de.( B) DAY 05 –FLORENCE -ROM E T r ansf erf r om Hot elt ot hehi ghspeedEur ost ar( Fi r stCl ass) .AtRome,youwi l lbemetat t hest at i onandt r ansf er r edt oyourHot el .Af t erchecki n,st ar tenj oyi ngRome,t heEt er nal Ci t y .( B) DAY 06 –ROM E Af ul ldaydi scover yofRomewi t hyourexper tl ocalgui de.St ar twi t hasi ght seei ngt ourof Anci entRome,i ncl udi ngvi ewsoft heI mper i alFor um,t heCi r cusMaxi mus,homet o


SeeMi chel angel o’ smas t er pi eceDav i di nFl or ence Expl or eAnci entRomei ncl udi ngani ns i dev i s i toft he Col os s eum. Vi s i tt heVat i canMus eum and t heSi s t i neChapel Vi s i tSt .Pet er ’ sBas i l i ca,t he l ar ges tcat hedr al i n Chr i s t endom.

W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 6ni ght sFi r s tCl as shot el accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Fi r s tcl as sFl or enceRomet r ai n t i cket T r ans f er st o/ f r om t r ai ns t at i on T our sofFl or enceandRome wi t hl i cens edl ocal gui des , i ncl udi ngadmi s s i onchar ges Ser v i cesofT r ans Eur opeLocal Hos t

TransEurope’ s Prem i um Tours ofI t al y Sm al lgroups,m ax.18 -Hot el s atprem i um l ocat i ons -Ri ch i ncl uded si ght seei ng



t hechar i otr aces,t heAr chofConst ant i ne,andvi si t oft heCol osseum,t hel ar gestamphi t heat r eoft he RomanEmpi r eandhomet ot hegl adi at orgames.I n t heaf t er noon,youwi l lbei nVat i canCi t y ,vi si t i ngt he Vat i canMuseum t oexpl or ei t swor l dr enowned t r easur es,andt heSi st i neChapelt oadmi r e Mi chel angel o’ sst unni ngcei l i ngpai nt i ngs.Then st r ol lt hr oughStPet er ’ ssquar e,endi ngatStPet er ’ s Basi l i ca,t hel ar gestcat hedr ali nChr i st endom,t o admi r eMi chel angel o’ sPi et a.( B)

Fl or enceAmbas ci at or i -FC

DAY 07 –ROM E Af ul ldayatl ei sur et oenj oyRomeasyoul i ke.Do notf or gett ot hr ow coi nsi nt heT r eviFount ai nso t hatyoucanr et ur nt oRomef oranot herRoman Hol i day .( B) DAY 08 -ROM E /DEPARTURE Yourt ourendst oday;wewi shyouacomf or t abl e fli ghtbackhomeort oyournextdest i nat i on.( B)

Rome -Medi t er r aneo-FC

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper soni ndoubl eoccupancy Jan.02,09, 16

$1, 299


$1, 299

Mar .6,13,20,27

$1, 299

Apr .3,10,17,24;May .01,08,15,22,29

$1, 640


$1, 640

Jul .03,10,17,24,31;Aug.07,14,21,28

$1, 450

Sep.04,11,18,25;Oct .02,09,16,23

$1, 640

Oct .30;Nov .06,13,20,27

$1, 390


$1, 299

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES Ai r por tt r ansf er snoti ncl uded;avai l abl euponr equest . Si mi l arhot el sofsamecat egor ymaybeusedaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar esubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com f orcur r entr at es.

www. t r anseur opet our s. com



I TI NERARY DAY 01-DEPART U. S. A. Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oI t al y .


DAY 02 -ARRI VE I N VENI CE Benvenut iaVenez i a…T r ansf erbyboatt oyourhot elatt hehear tofVeni ce.Af t erchecki n, st epr i ghtoutofyourHot elt ost ar texpl or i ngt hi sf asci nat i ngci t y ,orj ustr el ax. DAY 03 –VENI CE Af t erbr eakf ast ,meetyourexper tl ocalgui def oryourwal ki ngt ourofVeni ce.Expl or et he r omant i cStMar k’ sSquar ewi t hi t scel ebr at edBasi l i ca,t heBr i dgeofSi ghs,andvi si t i nsi deoft heDoge‘ sPal ace.Af t ert het our ,enj oyi ndependentt i met osavort heenchant i ngat mospher eofVeni ce.( B) DAY 04 -VENI CE -VERONA -PI SA -FLORENCE T oday ,headf orT uscany ,t hehear t l andofRenai ssance,gr eatI t al i ancui si neandChi ant i wi ne.Enr out e,yourfir stst opi sVer ona,r omant i chomeofShakespear e’ sst ar cr ossed l over s,RomeoandJul i et ,t oseeJul i et ’ sbal conyandt heRomanar ena.Cont i nueont o Pi sat oseet heLeani ngT ower ,t heCat hedr alandt heBapt i st er y .Uponar r i vali nFl or ence, haveafir stt ast eoft he“ Cr adl eofRenai ssance”byadmi r i ngi t sbr eat ht aki ngpanor ama f r om Pi az z al eMi chel angel o.Endt hedaywi t hdi nneri nFl or ence.( B, D) DAY 05 –FLORENCE Expl or eFl or encewi t hyourl ocalgui de.St ar tbyvi si t i ngt heAcademyofFi neAr t s,home t oMi chel angel o’ smast er pi eceDavi d.Wal kont oseet heDuomowi t hi t smul t i col or ed mar bl esandmagni ficentdome,t heBapt i st er ywi t hi t sr enownedbr onz e“ Gat esof Par adi se” ,andGi ot t o’ sbel lt ower .St r ol lt hr ought hemedi evalst r eet sofFl or encet o Pi az z aSi gnor i a,ast unni ngsquar er esembl i nganopenai rmuseum wi t hi t sexqui si t e st at uesandpal az z os,andendatt hepi ct ur esquePont eVecchi o,t he“ Ol dBr i dge”over Ri verAr no.Af t er nooni satl ei sur et oenj oyFl or enceasyoul i ke.( B)


Vi s i tDoge’ sPl acei nVeni ce

SeeMi chel angel o’ smas t er pi eceDa v i di nFl or ence Vi s i tt heCol os s eum andt he Si s t i neChapel SeeLeani ngT owerofPi s a Vi s i tAs s i s i ,t ownofSt .Fr anci s Far ewel l Di nnerwi t hwi ne, mus i candent er t ai nment W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 6ni ght sFi r s tCl as s accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y T wodi nner swi t hwi ne, i ncl udi ngFar ewel l Di nner . Ai r por tt r ans f er s T our i ngwi t hdel uxeai r condi t i onedmot or coach Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Es cor t edbyourT ourDi r ect or Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngadmi s s i on char ges

TransEurope’ s Prem i um Tours ofI t al y Sm al lgroups,m ax.18 -Hot el s atprem i um l ocat i ons -Ri ch i ncl uded si ght seei ng



DAY 06 -FLORENCE -SI ENA -ASSI SIROM E I nasceni cdr i vet hr ought hepi ct ur eper f ectT uscan l andscapecl adwi t hChi ant ivi neyar ds,headf or Si ena,t hel ovel ymedi evalci t yf amousf ori t s medi eval st yl ehor ser aceeventPal i o.Enj oyf r ee t i mei nSi ena,maybeshoppi ngf orbeaut i f ull ocal l y pr oducedcer ami csorChi ant iwi ne.Nextst opi s myst i calmedi evalt ownofAssi si ,hei rt ot hel egacy ofSt .Fr anci s,t hef ounderoft heFr anci scanor der . Thet owni sf asci nat i ngwi t hi sger ani umhung st r eet s,l ovel yvi ews,f ount ai nspl ashedpi az z as. Vi si tt hegr eatBasi l i caofStFr anci s,wi t ht heSai nt ’ s t ombandst unni ngwal lf r escoes,t heBasi l i caof Sant aMar i adegl iAngel iandt heBasi l i caofSt . Cl ar e.Cont i nueont oRome,t he“ Et er nalCi t y” .( B)

Veni ce-Bonv ecchi at i -FC

DAY 07 –ROM E Ful ldaydi scover yofRomewi t hyourl ocalgui de. St ar twi t hAnci entRome,i ncl udi ngvi ewsoft he I mper i alFor um,Ci r cusMaxi mus,t heAr chof Const ant i ne,andvi si toft heCol osseum.Vi si t Vat i canMuseum t oexpl or ei t swor l dr enowned t r easur es,andt heSi st i neChapelt oadmi r e Mi chel angel o’ sst unni ngcei l i ngpai nt i ngs.St r ol l t hr oughStPet er ’ ssquar et ovi si tStPet er ’ sBasi l i ca, t hel ar gestcat hedr ali nChr i st endom andsee Mi chel angel o’ sPi et a.Atni ght ,cul mi nat et het our wi t hamemor abl ef ar ewel ldi nneri nat ypi calI t al i an r est aur antwi t hmusi candent er t ai nment .( B, D)

Fl or enceAmbas ci at or i -FC RomeMedi t er r aneo-FC

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper soni ndoubl eoccupancy Jan15,29;Feb12,26;Mar5,12,19,26

$2, 440


$2, 690


$2, 690

Jul y2,9,16,23,30;Aug6,13,20,27

$2, 590


$2, 690


$2, 540

Si ngl esuppl ementf r om

$ 425

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES* *wi t hmi ni mum 4guest si nt hegr oup. Si mi l arhot el sofsamecat egor ymaybeusedaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y .

DAY 08 -ROM E /DEPARTURE T r ansf ert oai r por tf oryourfli ghtbackhome.( B)

Forgr oupswi t hl esst han10guest s,T ourDi r ect orwi l lescor tt hegr oupt hr ought hecoacht r i p f r om Veni cet oRome;LocalHostser vi cesgi vendur i ngVeni ceandRomest ays. Rat esar esubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com f orcur r entr at es.

www. t r anseur opet our s. com



I TI NERARY DAY 01-DEPART U. S. A. Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oI t al y .


DAY 02 -ARRI VE I N VENI CE Benvenut iaVenez i a…T r ansf erbyboatt oyourhot elatt hehear tofVeni ce.Af t erchecki n, st epr i ghtoutofyourHot elt ost ar texpl or i ngt hi sf asci nat i ngci t y ,orj ustr el ax. DAY 03 –VENI CE Af t erbr eakf ast ,meetyourexper tl ocalgui def oryourwal ki ngt ourofVeni ce.Expl or et he r omant i cStMar k’ sSquar ewi t hi t scel ebr at edBasi l i ca,t heBr i dgeofSi ghs,andvi si t i nsi deoft heDoge‘ sPal ace.Af t ert het our ,enj oyi ndependentt i met osavort heenchant i ngat mospher eofVeni ce.( B) DAY 04 -VENI CE -VERONA -PI SA -FLORENCE T oday ,headf orT uscany ,t hehear t l andofRenai ssance,gr eatI t al i ancui si neandChi ant i wi ne.Enr out e,yourfir stst opi sVer ona,r omant i chomeofShakespear e’ sst ar cr ossed l over s,RomeoandJul i et ,t oseeJul i et ’ sbal conyandt heRomanar ena.Cont i nueont o Pi sat oseet heLeani ngT ower ,t heCat hedr alandt heBapt i st er y .Uponar r i vali nFl or ence, haveafir stt ast eoft he“ Cr adl eofRenai ssance”byadmi r i ngi t sbr eat ht aki ngpanor ama f r om Pi az z al eMi chel angel o.Endt hedaywi t hdi nneri nFl or ence.( B, D) DAY 05 –FLORENCE Expl or eFl or encewi t hyourl ocalgui de.St ar tbyvi si t i ngt heAcademyofFi neAr t s,home t oMi chel angel o’ smast er pi eceDavi d.Wal kont oseet heDuomowi t hi t smul t i col or ed mar bl esandmagni ficentdome,t heBapt i st er ywi t hi t sr enownedbr onz e“ Gat esof Par adi se” ,andGi ot t o’ sbel lt ower .St r ol lt hr ought hemedi evalst r eet sofFl or encet o Pi az z aSi gnor i a,ast unni ngsquar er esembl i ngandopenai rmuseum wi t hi t sexqui si t e st at uesandpal az z os,andendatt hepi ct ur esquePont eVecchi o,t he“ Ol dBr i dge”over Ri verAr no.Af t er nooni satl ei sur et oenj oyFl or enceasyoul i ke.( B) DAY 06 -FLORENCE -SI ENA -ASSI SI- ROM E I nasceni cdr i vet hr ought hepi ct ur eper f ectT uscanl andscapecl adwi t hChi ant i vi neyar ds,headf orSi ena,t hel ovel ymedi evalci t yf amousf ori t smedi eval st yl ehor se


Vi s i tDoge’ sPl acei nVeni ce

SeeMi chel angel o’ smas t er pi eceDav i di nFl or ence Vi s i tt heCol os s eum andt he Si s t i neChapel i nRome SeeLeani ngT owerofPi s aand StFr anci s ’t own,As s i s i Far ewel l Di nnerwi t hwi ne, mus i candent er t ai nment . Dayatl ei s ur et oenj oyRome i ndependent l y W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 7ni ght sFi r s tCl as s accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y T wodi nner swi t hwi nei ncl udi ngFar ewel l Di nner Ai r por tt r ans f er s T our i ngwi t hdel uxeai r condi t i onedmot or coach Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Es cor t edbyourT ourDi r ect or Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngadmi s s i on char ges

TransEurope’ s Prem i um Tours ofI t al y Sm al lgroups,m ax.18 -Hot el s atprem i um l ocat i ons -Ri ch i ncl uded si ght seei ng



r aceeventPal i o.Enj oyf r eet i mei nSi ena,maybe shoppi ngf orbeaut i f ull ocal l ypr oducedcer ami csor Chi ant iwi ne.Nextst opi smyst i calmedi evalt ownof Assi si ,hei rt ot hel egacyofSt .Fr anci s,t hef ounder oft heFr anci scanor der .Thet owni sf asci nat i ngwi t h i sger ani umhungst r eet s,l ovel yvi ews,f ount ai nspl ashedpi az z as.Vi si tt hegr eatBasi l i caofSt Fr anci s,wi t ht heSai nt ’ st ombandst unni ngwal l f r escoes,t heBasi l i caofSant aMar i adegl iAngel i andt heBasi l i caofSt .Cl ar e,andcont i nueont o Rome,t he“ Et er nalCi t y” .( B)

Veni ce-Bonv ecchi at i -FC Fl or enceAmbas ci at or i -FC RomeMedi t er r aneo-FC

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe

DAY 07 –ROM E Ful ldaydi scover yofRomewi t hyourl ocalgui de. St ar twi t hAnci entRome,i ncl udi ngvi ewsoft he I mper i alFor um,Ci r cusMaxi mus,t heAr chof Const ant i ne,andvi si toft heCol osseum.Vi si t Vat i canMuseum t oexpl or ei t swor l dr enowned t r easur es,andt heSi st i neChapelt oadmi r e Mi chel angel o’ sst unni ngcei l i ngpai nt i ngs.St r ol l t hr oughStPet er ’ ssquar et ovi si tStPet er ’ sBasi l i ca, t hel ar gestcat hedr ali nChr i st endom andsee Mi chel angel o’ sPi et a.Endt hedaywi t hamemor abl eFar ewel lDi nneri nat ypi calI t al i anr est aur ant wi t hmusi candent er t ai nment( B, D)

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y)

DAY 08 -ROM E Dayatl ei sur et oenj oyRomeasyouwi sh.( B)

Perper soni ndoubl eoccupancy Jan15,29

$2, 390


$2, 590


$2, 890


$2, 890

Jul y2,9,16,23,30;Aug6,13,20,27

$2, 690


$2, 890


$2, 590

Si ngl esuppl ementf r om

$ 490

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES* DAY 09 -ROM E /DEPARTURE T r ansf ert oai r por tf oryourfli ghtbackhome.( B)

*wi t hmi ni mum 4guest si nt hegr oup. Si mi l arhot el sofsamecat egor ymaybeusedaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y . Forgr oupswi t hl esst han10guest s,T ourDi r ect orwi l lescor tt hegr oupt hr ought hecoacht r i p f r om Veni cet oRome;LocalHostser vi cesgi vendur i ngVeni ceandRomest ays. Rat esar esubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com f orcur r entr at es.

www. t r anseur opet our s. com



It a l y I TI NERARY


DAY 01-DEPART U. S. A. Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oI t al y .

HI GHLI GHTS Cr ui s eont her omant i cLake Comot oBel l agi o

DAY 02 -ARRI VAL /COM O Benvenut i …Youwi l lbemetatt heMi l anai r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot eli nComo.

Vi s i tDoge’ sPl acei nVeni ce andMi chel angel o’ smas t er pi eceDav i di nFl or ence

DAY 03 –COM O St ar tyourt ourofI t al ywi t hasceni ccr ui seonLakeComo,ar r i vi ngi nbeaut i f ulBel l agi o. Af t erf r eet i met ot ast et hel ocalr esor tl i f ewi t hi t ssmal lar tshops,bout i quesandcaf es, sai lbackt oComo.Af t er noonatl ei sur e,bef or edi nner .( B, D)

Vi s i tt heCol os s eum andt he Si s t i neChapel i nRome.

DAY 04 -COM O -VENI CE Enr out et oVeni ce,st opi nt hef ashi onabl eci t yofMi l an.Seei t sst unni ngDuomocat hedr al ,LaScal aoper ahouse,i t sf amousGal l er i a,andmaybehaveabr i eft ast eofshoppi ng i ni t sdesi gnerst r eet ,Mont eNapol eone.I nVeni ce,yourhot eli si nt hehear toft heci t y .( B) DAY 05 –VENI CE Meetyourl ocalgui def oryourwal ki ngt ourofVeni ce.Expl or et her omant i cStMar k’ s Squar ewi t hi t scel ebr at edBasi l i ca,t heBr i dgeofSi ghs.Vi si ti nsi deoft heDoge‘ sPal ace. Af t ert het our ,enj oyi ndependentt i met osavort heenchant i ngat mospher eofVeni ce.( B)

Pl eas antenr out es i ght s eei ng: Mi l an,Ver ona,Pi s a,Si ena, As s i s i Far ewel l Di nnerwi t hwi ne, mus i candent er t ai nment W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 9ni ght sFi r s tCl as s accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y

DAY 06 –VENI CE -VERONA -PI SA -FLORENCE Headf orT uscany ,t hehear t l andofRenai ssance,gr eatI t al i ancui si neandChi ant iwi ne. Enr out e,st opi nVer ona,r omant i chomeofRomeoandJul i et ,t oseeJul i et ’ sbal conyand t heRomanar ena.Nexti sPi sa;seet heLeani ngT ower ,t heCat hedr alandt heBapt i st er y . Uponar r i vali nFl or ence,haveafir stt ast eoft he“ Cr adl eofRenai ssance”byadmi r i ngi t s br eat ht aki ngpanor amaf r om Pi az z al eMi chel angel o.Endt hedaywi t hdi nner .( B, D) DAY 07 -FLORENCE Expl or eFl or encewi t hyourl ocalgui de.St ar tbyvi si t i ngt heAcademyofFi neAr t s, admi r i ngMi chel angel o’ sDavi d.Seet hemagni ficentDuomo,t heBapt i st er y ,andGi ot t o’ s bel lt ower .St r ol lt oPi az z aSi gnor i a,ast unni ngsquar er esembl i nganopenai rmuseum wi t hi t sexqui si t est at uesandpal az z os,endi ngatt hepi ct ur esquePont eVecchi o,t he“ Ol d Br i dge”overRi verAr no.Af t er noonatl ei sur e.( B)

3di nner swi t hwi ne,i ncl udi ng Far ewel l Di nner Ai r por tt r ans f er s T our i ngwi t hdel uxeai r condi t i onedmot or coach Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Es cor t edbyourT ourDi r ect or Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngadmi s s i on char ges

TransEurope’ s Prem i um Tours ofI t al y Sm al lgroups,m ax.18 -Hot el s atprem i um l ocat i ons -Ri ch i ncl uded si ght seei ng



ComoT er mi nusSFC

DAY 08 -FLORENCE -SI ENA -ASSI SIROM E I nasceni cdr i vet hr ought hepi ct ur eper f ectT uscan l andscapecl adwi t hChi ant ivi neyar ds,headf or medi evalSi ena.Enj oyf r eet i me,maybeshoppi ngf or beaut i f ull ocalcer ami csorChi ant iwi ne.Nexti s myst i calmedi evalt ownofAssi si ,hei rt ot hel egacyof St .Fr anci s,f asci nat i ngwi t hi sger ani umhungst r eet s, l ovel yvi ews,f ount ai nspl ashedpi az z as.Vi si tkeysi t es. Over ni ghti nRome,t heEt er nalCi t y .( B) DAY 09 –ROM E Ful ldaydi scover yofRomewi t hyourl ocalgui de.St ar t wi t hAnci entRome,i ncl udi ngvi ewsoft heI mper i al For um,Ci r cusMaxi mus,t heAr chofConst ant i ne,and vi si toft heCol osseum.Vi si tVat i canMuseum t oexpl or e i t swor l dr enownedt r easur es,andt heSi st i neChapelt o admi r eMi chel angel o’ sst unni ngcei l i ngpai nt i ngs.St r ol l t hr oughStPet er ’ ssquar et ovi si tStPet er ’ sBasi l i ca, t hel ar gestcat hedr ali nChr i st endom andsee Mi chel angel o’ sPi et a.Endt hedaywi t hamemor abl e Far ewel lDi nneri nat ypi calI t al i anr est aur antwi t hmusi c andent er t ai nment( B, D)

Veni ce-Bonv ecchi at i -FC Fl or enceAmbas ci at or i -FC RomeMedi t er r aneo-FC

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper soni ndoubl eoccupancy Mar3,10,17,24

$3, 390


$3, 690


$3, 690

Jul y7,14,21,28;Aug4,11,18,25

$3, 490


$3, 690


$3, 390

DAY 10 –ROM E Dayatl ei sur et oenj oyRomeasyoul i ke.( B)

Si ngl esuppl ementf r om

$ 580

DAY 11-ROM E /DEPARTURE T r ansf ert oai r por tf oryourfli ghtbackhome.( B)

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES* *wi t hmi ni mum 4guest si nt hegr oup. Si mi l arhot el sofsamecat egor ymaybeusedaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y . Forgr oupswi t hl esst han10guest s,T ourDi r ect orwi l lescor tt hegr oupt hr ought hecoacht r i p f r om Veni cet oRome;LocalHostser vi cesgi vendur i ngComo,Veni ceandRomest ays. Rat esar esubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com f orcur r entr at es.

www. t r anseur opet our s. com



I TI NERARY DAY 01-DEPART U. S. A. Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oI t al y .


DAY 02 -ARRI VE I N VENI CE Benvenut iaVenez i a. . . T r ansf erbyboatt oyourhot elatt hehear tofVeni ce.Af t erchecki n, st epr i ghtoutofyourHot elt ost ar texpl or i ngt hi sf asci nat i ngci t y ,orj ustr el ax. DAY 03 –VENI CE Meetyourl ocalgui def oryourwal ki ngt ourofVeni ce.Expl or et her omant i cStMar k’ s Squar ewi t hi t scel ebr at edBasi l i ca,t heBr i dgeofSi ghs.Vi si ti nsi deoft heDoge‘ sPal ace. Af t ert het our ,enj oyi ndependentt i met osavort heenchant i ngat mospher eofVeni ce.( B) DAY 04 -VENI CE -VERONA -PI SA -FLORENCE Headf orT uscany ,t hehear t l andofRenai ssance,gr eatI t al i ancui si neandChi ant iwi ne. Enr out e,st opi nVer ona,r omant i chomeofRomeoandJul i et ,t oseeJul i et ’ sbal conyand t heRomanar ena.Nexti sPi sa;seet heLeani ngT ower ,t heCat hedr alandt heBapt i st er y . Uponar r i vali nFl or ence,haveafir stt ast eoft he“ Cr adl eofRenai ssance”byadmi r i ngi t s br eat ht aki ngpanor amaf r om Pi az z al eMi chel angel o.Endt hedaywi t hdi nner .( B, D) DAY 05 –FLORENCE Expl or eFl or encewi t hyourl ocalgui de.St ar tbyvi si t i ngt heAcademyofFi neAr t s, admi r i ngMi chel angel o’ sDavi d.Seet hemagni ficentDuomo,t heBapt i st er y ,andGi ot t o’ s bel lt ower .St r ol lt oPi az z aSi gnor i a,ast unni ngsquar er esembl i nganopenai rmuseum wi t hi t sexqui si t est at uesandpal az z os,endi ngatt hepi ct ur esquePont eVecchi o,t he“ Ol d Br i dge”overRi verAr no.Af t er noonatl ei sur e.( B) DAY 06 –FLORENCE -SI ENA -ASSI SI-ROM E I nasceni cdr i vet hr ought hepi ct ur eper f ectT uscanl andscapecl adwi t hChi ant i vi neyar ds,headf ormedi evalSi ena.Enj oyf r eet i me,maybeshoppi ngf orbeaut i f ull ocal cer ami csorChi ant iwi ne.Nexti smyst i calmedi evalt ownofAssi si ,hei rt ot hel egacyof St .Fr anci s,f asci nat i ngwi t hi sger ani umhungst r eet s,l ovel yvi ews,f ount ai nspl ashed pi az z as.Vi si tkeysi t es.Over ni ghti nRome,t heEt er nalCi t y .( B)


Vi s i tDoge’ sPl acei nVeni ce andMi chel angel o’ smas t er pi eceDav i di nFl or ence Vi s i tt heCol os s eum andt he Si s t i neChapel i nRome. Vi s i tPompei i ,t heanci ent Romanci t ybur i edunderl av a as hesf or2000y ear s Pl eas antenr out es i ght s eei ng: Ver ona,Pi s a,Si ena,As s i s i Hi ghl i ghtDi nnerwi t hwi ne, mus i candent er t ai nment .

W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 9ni ght sFi r s tCl as s accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y 3di nner swi t hwi ne,i ncl udi ng Hi ghl i ghtDi nnner Ai r por tt r ans f er s T our i ngwi t hdel uxeai r condi t i onedmot or coach Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Es cor t edbyourT ourDi r ect or Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngadmi s s i on char ges

TransEurope’ s Prem i um Tours ofI t al y Sm al lgroups,m ax.18 -Hot el s atprem i um l ocat i ons -Ri ch i ncl uded si ght seei ng



DAY 07 -ROM E Ful ldaydi scover yofRomewi t hyourl ocalgui de. St ar twi t hAnci entRome,i ncl udi ngvi ewsoft he I mper i alFor um,Ci r cusMaxi mus,t heAr chof Const ant i ne,andvi si toft heCol osseum.Vi si t Vat i canMuseum t oexpl or ei t swor l dr enowned t r easur es,andt heSi st i neChapelt oadmi r e Mi chel angel o’ sst unni ngcei l i ngpai nt i ngs.St r ol l t hr oughStPet er ’ ssquar et ovi si tStPet er ’ sBasi l i ca, t hel ar gestcat hedr ali nChr i st endom andsee Mi chel angel o’ sPi et a.Endt hedaywi t hamemor abl eHi ghl i ghtDi nneri nat ypi calI t al i anr est aur ant wi t hmusi candent er t ai nment( B, D)

Veni ce-Bonv ecchi at i -FC

DAY 08 –ROM E Dayatl ei sur et oenj oyRomeasyoul i ke.( B) DAY 09–ROM E -POM PEI I -SORRENTO Depar tf oragui dedvi si tt oPompei i ,t heRomanci t y bur i edundi scover edunderl avaandashesi nt he er upt i onofVol canoVesuvi usf ornear l y2000year s. Cont i nueont oSor r ent o,t hepi ct ur esquecoast al t ownsetat opahi ghpl at eauwi t hst unni ngvi ewsof t heBayofNapl es.( B, D) DAY 10 –SORRENTO Dayatl ei sur et oenj oyt hest unni ngvi ewsand r omant i cat mospher eofAmal fiCoast .( B) DAY 11-ROM E /DEPARTURE T r ansf ert oai r por tf oryourfli ghtbackhome.( B)

Fl or ence-Ambas ci at or i -FC Rome-Medi t er r aneo-FC Sor r ent o-Gr anPar adi s o-FC

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper soni ndoubl eoccupancy Mar5,12,19,26

$3, 390


$3, 790


$3, 790

Jul y2,9,16,23,30;Aug6,13,20,27

$3, 490


$3, 790


$3, 390

Si ngl esuppl ementf r om

$ 590

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES* *wi t hmi ni mum 4guest si nt hegr oup. Si mi l arhot el sofsamecat egor ymaybeusedaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y . Forgr oupswi t hl esst han10guest s,T ourDi r ect orwi l lescor tt hegr oupt hr ought hecoacht r i p f r om Veni cet oRome;LocalHostser vi cesgi vendur i ngVeni ce,RomeandSor r ent ost ays. Rat esar esubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com f orcur r entr at es.

www. t r anseur opet our s. com



I TI NERARY DAY 01-DEPART U. S. A. Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oI t al y .

It a l y

DAY 02 -ARRI VE I N VENI CE Benvenut iaVenez i a. . . . T r ansf erbyboatt oyourhot elatt hehear tofVeni ce.Af t er checki n,st epr i ghtoutofyourHot elt ost ar texpl or i ngt hi sf asci nat i ngci t y ,orj ustr el ax. DAY 03 –VENI CE Meetyourl ocalgui def oryourwal ki ngt ourofVeni ce.Expl or et her omant i cStMar k’ s Squar ewi t hi t scel ebr at edBasi l i ca,t heBr i dgeofSi ghs.Vi si ti nsi deoft heDoge‘ sPal ace. Af t ert het our ,enj oyi ndependentt i met osavort heenchant i ngat mospher eofVeni ce.( B) DAY 04 -VENI CE -LAKE GARDA -M I LAN -COM O Depar tf orI t al y’ sLakeRegi on.Enj oyt hepar adi sel i kescener yofLakeGar dawi t h pi ct ur esquevi l l agesandmedi evalcast l es.I nMi l an,seei t sst unni ngDuomocat hedr al ,i t s Gal l er i aandmaybebr i eflyenj oyshoppi ngoni t sdesi gnerst r eet ,Mont eNapol eone.( B) DAY 05 –COM O Havear el axi ngsceni ccr ui seonLakeComo,ar r i vi ngi nbeaut i f ulBel l agi o.I ndependent t i met oenj oyi t ssmal lar tshops,bout i quesandcaf es.Af t er noonatl ei sur ei nComo.( B, D) DAY 06 –COM O -M ONACO -NI CE Bonj our !Onyourwayt oNi ceal ongt heI t al i anandFr enchRi vi er as,seeMonaco,t het i ny pr i nci pal i t ypopul aramongt heEur opeanj et setwi t hi t sposhMont eCar l ocasi nos.( B, D) DAY 07 -NI CE Ful ldayatl ei sur e.St r ol lal ongPr omenadedesAngl ai sandenj oyFr enchj oi edevi vr e.( B) DAY 08 -NI CE -CI NQUE TERRE Ci nqueT er r ear eai sut t er l yst unni ng…Por t ofinoandt heNat i onalPar kofCi nqueT er r e, compr i sedoffiver emot efishi ngvi l l agesnest l edi nst eepcl i f f sover l ooki ngt het ur quoi se sea,wi l lr evealsomeoft hemostspect acul arvi ewsofI t al y .T ourt hi swi l dl ychar mi ngar ea, whi chappeal st oal lfivesenses,bef or echecki ngi nt oyourhot el .( B)


Vi s i tDoge’ sPl acei nVeni ce andMi chel angel o’ smas t er pi eceDav i di nFl or ence

Cr ui s eont her omant i cLake Comot oBel l agi o Admi r es t unni ngPor t ofinoand char mi ngfis hi ngv i l l agesof Ci nqueT er r e Enj oyMonaco,homeoft he Eur opeanel i t e. Seet heLeani ngT owerofPi s a.

W HATS I NCLUDED 9ni ght sFi r s tCl as s accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l yand3 di nner swi t hwi ne. Ai r por tt r ans f er s T our i ngwi t hdel uxeai r condi t i onedmot or coach Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Es cor t edbyourT ourDi r ect or Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed i ncl udi ngadmi s s i onchar ges

TransEurope’ s Prem i um Tours ofI t al y Sm al lgroups,m ax.18 -Hot el s atprem i um l ocat i ons -Ri ch i ncl uded si ght seei ng



DAY 09 -CI NQUE TERRE -PI SA SAN GI MI NI ANO -FLORENCE Headf orT uscany ,t hehear t l andofRenai ssance, gr eatI t al i ancui si neandChi ant iwi ne.Fi r stst opi si n Pi sa,t oseet heLeani ngT ower ,t heCat hedr aland t heBapt i st er y .Nexti sSanGi mi ni ano,ani ncr edi bl y beaut i f ulwal l edmedi evalt ownonahi l l t op,f amous f ori t s15medi evalt ower s.Uponar r i vali nFl or ence, haveafir stt ast eoft he“ Cr adl eofRenai ssance”by admi r i ngi t sbr eat ht aki ngpanor amaf r om Pi az z al e Mi chel angel o.Endt hedaywi t hdi nner .( B, D)

Veni ce-Bonv ecchi at i -FC

DAY 10 -FLORENCE Expl or eFl or encewi t hyourl ocalgui de.St ar tby vi si t i ngt heAcademyofFi neAr t s,homet o Mi chel angel o’ smast er pi eceDavi d.Wal kont osee t heDuomowi t hi t smul t i col or edmar bl esand magni ficentdome,t heBapt i st er ywi t hi t sr enowned br onz e“ Gat esofPar adi se” ,andGi ot t o’ sbel lt ower . St r ol lt hr ought hemedi evalst r eet sofFl or encet o Pi az z aSi gnor i a,ast unni ngsquar er esembl i ngand openai rmuseum wi t hi t sexqui si t est at uesand pal az z os,andendatt hepi ct ur esquePont e Vecchi o,t he“ Ol dBr i dge”overRi verAr no.Af t er nooni satl ei sur e,t oenj oyFl or enceasyoul i ke.( B)

LakeComo-T er mi nus-SFC Ni ce,Fr ance-Excel s i or-FC Ci nqueT er r e-NHHot el s-FC Fl or ence-Ambas ci at or i -FC

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Apr04

$2, 960


$3, 190

Jul y04,18;Aug01

$2, 690


$2, 790


$2, 960

Si ngl es uppl ementf r om

$ 690

DAY 11-FLORENCE /DEPARTURE T r ansf ert oai r por tf oryourfli ghtbackhome.( B)

Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es.

Foramor edet ai l ed i t i ner ar y, vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com

www. t r anseur opet our s. com





DAY 01-DEPART U. S. A. Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oI t al y .

Vi s i tDoge’ sPl acei nVeni ce andMi chel angel o’ smas t er pi eceDav i di nFl or ence

DAY 02 -ARRI VE I N VENI CE Benvenut iaVenez i a. . . T r ansf erbyboatt oyourhot elatt hehear tofVeni ce.

Cr ui s eont her omant i cLake Comot oBel l agi o

DAY 03 –VENI CE Meetyourl ocalgui def oryourt ourofVeni ce:Seet her omant i cStMar k’ sSquar eand Basi l i ca,Br i dgeofSi ghs.andvi si ti nsi deoft heDoge‘ sPal ace.Af t er noonatl ei sur e.( B) DAY 04 -VENI CE -LAKE GARDA -M I LAN -COM O Depar tf orI t al y’ sLakeRegi on.Enj oyt hepar adi sel i kescener yofLakeGar dawi t h pi ct ur esquevi l l agesandmedi evalcast l es.I nMi l an,seei t sst unni ngDuomocat hedr al ,i t s Gal l er i aandmaybebr i eflyenj oyshoppi ngoni t sdesi gnerst r eet ,Mont eNapol eone.( B)

Admi r es t unni ngPor t ofinoand char mi ngfis hi ngv i l l agesof Ci nqueT er r e Enj oyMonaco,homeoft he Eur opeanel i t e Vi s i tt heCol os s eum andSi s t i ne Chapel i nRome. Far ewel l Di nnerwi t hwi ne, mus i candent er t ai nment

DAY 05 –COM O Havear el axi ngsceni ccr ui seonLakeComo,ar r i vi ngi nbeaut i f ulBel l agi o.I ndependent t i met oenj oyi t ssmal lar tshops,bout i quesandcaf es.Af t er noonatl ei sur ei nComo.( B, D)


DAY 06 –COM O -M ONACO -NI CE Bonj our !Onyourwayt oNi ceal ongt heI t al i anandFr enchRi vi er as,seeMonaco,t het i ny pr i nci pal i t ypopul aramongt heEur opeanj et setwi t hi t sposhMont eCar l ocasi nos.( B, D)

Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y

DAY 07 -NI CE Ful ldayatl ei sur e.St r ol lal ongPr omenadedesAngl ai sandenj oyFr enchj oi edevi vr e.( B) DAY 08 -NI CE -CI NQUE TERRE Ci nqueT er r ear eai sut t er l yst unni ng…T ourofPor t ofinoandt heNat i onalPar kofCi nque T er r e,compr i sedoffiver emot efishi ngvi l l agesnest l edi nst eepcl i f f sover l ooki ngt he t ur quoi sesea,wi l lr evealsomeoft hemostf asci nat i ngvi ewsofI t al y .( B) DAY 09 -CI NQUE TERRE -PI SA -SAN GI MI NI ANO -FLORENCE Headf orT uscany ,t hehear t l andofRenai ssance,gr eatI t al i ancui si neandChi ant iwi ne.I n Pi sa,seet heLeani ngT ower ,t heCat hedr alandt heBapt i st er y .Vi si tt hespect acul ar hi l l t opmedi evalt own,SanGi mi ni ano.Endt hedayi nFl or encewi t hdi nner .( B, D)

12ni ght sFi r s tCl as s accommodat i on

4di nner swi t hwi ne,i ncl udi ng Far ewel l Di nner Ai r por tt r ans f er s T our i ngwi t hdel uxeai r condi t i onedmot or coach Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Es cor t edbyourT ourDi r ect or Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngadmi s s i on char ges

TransEurope’ s Prem i um Tours ofI t al y Sm al lgroups,m ax.18 -Hot el s atprem i um l ocat i ons -Ri ch i ncl uded si ght seei ng



DAY 10 -FLORENCE Expl or eFl or ence,t he“ Cr adl eofRenai ssance” ,wi t h yourl ocalgui de.Seei t st hemagni ficentDuomo, t heBapt i st er y ,andGi ot t o’ sbel lt ower ,Pi az z a Si gnor i a,t hegr acef ulsquar ewt hi t sexqui si t e st at uesandpal az z os,andt hepi ct ur esquePont e Vecchi o.Vi si tt heAcademyofFi neAr t s,admi r i ng Mi chel angel o’ sDavi d.Af t er noonatl ei sur e.( B)

Veni ce-Bonv ecchi at i -FC

DAY 11–FLORENCE -SI ENA -ASSI SIROM E I nasceni cdr i vet hr ought hepi ct ur eper f ectT uscan l andscapecl adwi t hChi ant ivi neyar ds,headf or medi evalSi ena.Enj oyf r eet i me,maybeshoppi ng f orbeaut i f ull ocalcer ami csorChi ant iwi ne. Cont i nueont omyst i calmedi evalt ownofAssi si , hei rt ot hel egacyofSt .Fr anci s;vi si tkeysi t es bef or eheadi ngf orRome.( B)

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe

DAY 12 –ROM E Ful ldayt ourofRomewi t hyourl ocalgui dei ncl udes si ght seei ngofAnci entRomewi t hvi ewsoft he I mper i alFor um,Ci r cusMaxi mus,andt heAr chof Const ant i ne.Vi si tt heCol osseum,Vat i canMuseum, t heSi st i neChapel ,andStPet er ’ sBasi l i cawi t h Mi chel angel o’ sPi et a.Endt hedaywi t hamemor abl eFar ewel lDi nnerwi t hent er t ai nment( B, D) DAY 13 –ROM E Ful ldayatl ei sur et oenj oyRomeasyouwi sh.( B)

LakeComo-T er mi nus-SFC Ni ce,Fr ance-Excel s i or-FC Ci nqueT er r e-NHHot el s-FC Fl or ence-Ambas ci at or i -FC Rome-Medi t er r aneo-FC

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Apr .04

$3, 570


$3, 890

Jul y04,18;Aug.01,15

$3, 690


$3, 890

Si ngl es uppl ementf r om

$ 880

Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Forgr oupswi t hl esst han10gues t s,T ourDi r ect orwi l l es cor tt hegr oupt hr ought het r i p unt i l Rome;Local Hostser vi cesgi v endur i ngRomes t ay . Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i twww. t r ans eur opet our s . com f orcur r entr at es.

DAY 14 -ROM E /DEPARTURE T r ansf ert oai r por tf oryourfli ghtbackhome.( B) Foramor edet ai l ed i t i ner ar y, vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com

www. t r anseur opet our s. com





DAY 01-DEPART U. S. A. Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oSi ci l y . DAY 02 -ARRI VE I N PALERM O Benvenut iaSi ci l i a…Youwi l lbemetatt heai r por tandt r ansf er r edyout oyourhot eli n Pal er mo.Af t erchecki n,t aket her estoft hedayt or el axunt i ldi nner .( D) DAY 03 –PALERM O St ar tbyexpl or i ngPal er mowi t hyourl ocalgui de.Vi si tPal at i neChapelatt hePal aceoft he Nor mans,andChur chofSt .Johnoft heHer mi t s.I nMonr eal e,vi si tt heNor manCat hedr al wi t hi t sspl endi d12t hcent ur ymosai csandt heBenedi ct i necl oi st er .Ther estoft hedayi s atl ei sur et oenj oyPal er moasyouwi sh.( B) DAY 04 -PALERM O -SEGESTA -ERI CE -M ARSALA -AGRI GENTO Adayf ul lofdi ver sepl easur es. . . Thefir stst opi sSegest at ot ourt hear cheol ogi calsi t ewi t h i t si mpr essi veAnci entGr eekT empl e.Thencont i nueont oEr i ce,af asci nat i ngsmal l medi evalt own,si t uat edonal i t t l ehi l l .Nextst opi sMar sal a,t hecoast alt ownf amousf or i t sMar sal awi ne.Vi ew t hel andmar kwi ndmi l l sandsal tmi nes,andenj oywi net ast i ngi n oneoft hear ea' shi st or i cwi ner i es.Cont i nueont oAgr i gent oandendt hedaywi t hdi nner . ( B, L, D) DAY 05 –AGRI GENTO -PI AZZA ARM ERI NA -CATANI A -TAORM I NA St ar tt hemor ni ngwi t hagui dedt ourof“ Val l eyoft heT empl es”t oseesomeoft hemost beaut i f ulandbestpr eser vedGr eekT empl er ui nsout si deGr eece.Cont i nuet oPi az z a Ar mer i nat ovi si t“ Vi l l aRomanadelCasal e” ,aUNESCO Wor l dHer i t agesi t ehousi ngt he r i chestcol l ect i onofl at eRomanmosai csi nt hewor l d.Then,enr out et oT aor mi na,enj oy i ndependentt i meatCat ani aandAci r eal e.Uponar r i vali nT aor mi na,endt hedaywi t h di nner .( B, D)


Excur s i ont oMt .Et na,an act i v ev ol canor i s i ngami ds ta f as ci nat i ngl ands capeofl av a f r om pas ter upt i ons

Vi s i tT aor mi na’ sant i queGr eek t heat erov er l ooki ngt heI oni c Sea T ourt hear cheol ogi cal par kof Val l eyofT empl est os eet he Gr eekt empl es Wi net as t i ngi nMar s al a Far ewel l Di nnerwi t hwi ne, mus i c,andent er t ai nment W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 6ni ght sFi r s tCl as s accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y 4di nner swi t hwi ne,i ncl udi ng Far ewel l Di nner ;1l unch Ai r por tt r ans f er s T our i ngwi t hdel uxeai r condi t i onedmot or coach Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngadmi s s i on char ges Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,hot el por t er age,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes

TransEurope’ s Prem i um Tours ofI t al y Sm al lgroups,m ax.18 -Hot el s atprem i um l ocat i ons -Ri ch i ncl uded si ght seei ng



Pal er mo-NHHot el s-FC DAY 06 -TAORM I NA T oday ,enj oyagui dedt ourofT aor mi naandMtEt na. T aor mi nai sanexcept i onal l ybeaut i f ulsmal l medi evalt ownsetat ophi ghcl i f f sover l ooki ngt he I oni cSea,f amousf ori t st ypi calsmal lst r eet sandi t s f asci nat i ngGr eekt heat r e.MtEt nai st hehi ghest act i vevol canoi nEur opeandast unni ngbackdr op t oT aor mi na.Youwi l lr eachahei ghtof2000met er s atMtEt naacr ossaf asci nat i ngl andscapeofl ava f r om paster upt i ons,wher eyouwi l lenj oyaf ant ast i c panor amaoft heI oni cSea.Remai nderoft hedayi s atl ei sur e.( B)

Agr i gent o-Del l aVal l e-FC T aor mi na-Cor al l o-FC

FC:Fi r s tSFC:Super i orFi r s tD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y)

DAY 07 –TAORM I NA Af ul ldayatl ei sur et oenj oyt hebeaut i f ulT aor mi na ar ea.Atni ght ,enj oyamemor abl eFar ewel lDi nneri n at ypi calSi ci l i anr est aur antwi t hmusi candent er t ai nment .( B, D)

Perper soni ndoubl eoccupancy

DAY 08 -TAORM I NA /DEPARTURE T r ansf ert oai r por tf oryourfli ghtbackhome.( B)


$2, 090


$2, 150

Jul y4,11,18,25

$2, 150


$2, 150


$2, 090


$1, 990

Si ngl esuppl ementf r om

$ 445

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES* *wi t hmi ni mum 4guest si nt hegr oup. Si mi l arhot el sofsamecat egor ymaybeusedaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y . Forgr oupswi t hl esst han10guest s,T ourDi r ect orwi l lescor tt hegr oupt hr ought hecoacht r i p f r om Pal er mot oT aor mi na;LocalHostser vi cesgi vendur i ngPal er moandT aor mi nast ays. Rat esar esubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com f orcur r entr at es.

www. t r anseur opet our s. com



I TI NERARY DAY 01-DEPART U. S. A. Boar dyourover ni ghtfli ghtt oI t al y .


DAY 02 -ARRI VAL I N ROM E Benvenut iaRoma…Youwi l lbemetatt heAi r por tandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el . DAY 03 –ROM E Ful ldaydi scover yofRomewi t hyourl ocalgui de.St ar twi t hAnci entRomewi t hvi ewsof t heI mper i alFor um,Ci r cusMaxi mus,Ar chofConst ant i ne;vi si tt heCol osseum.I nVat i can Ci t y ,vi si tt heVat i canMuseum t oexpl or ei t swor l dr enownedt r easur es,andSi st i ne Chapel .St r ol lt hr oughStPet er ’ ssquar et oStPet er ’ sBasi l i caandseeMi chel angel o’ s Pi et a.Endt hedaywi t hdi nner .( B, D) DAY 04 -ROM E Af ul ldayatl ei sur et oenj oyRomeasyouwi sh.( B)


Vi s i tt heCol os s eum and Si s t i neChapel i nRome.

Vi s i tPompei i ,t heanci ent Romanci t ybur i edunderl av a as hesf or2000y ear s . Excur s i ont oMt .Et na T ouroft heVal l eyofT empl es i nAgr i gent o. Wi net as t i ngi nMar s al a Far ewel l Di nneri nwi ne,mus i c andent er t ai nment W HAT’ SI NCLUDED

DAY 05 –ROM E -POM PEI I-SORRENTO Depar tf oragui dedvi si tt oPompei i ,t heRomanci t ybur i edundi scover edunderl avaand ashesofVol canoVesuvi usf ornear l y2000year s.Cont i nueont oSor r ent o,t hepi ct ur esquecoast alt ownsetat opahi ghpl at eauwi t hst unni ngvi ewsoft heAmal fiCoast .( B)

10ni ght sFi r s tCl as saccommodat i on– i ncl udi ngf er r y Ov er ni ghtf er r yNapl es Pal er mo

DAY 06 –SORRENTO -OVERNI GHT FERRY TO SI CI LY Mor ni ngatl ei sur et oenj oyt her omant i cat mospher eofAmal fiCoast .T r ansf ert oNapl es f ort heover ni ghtf er r yt oPal er mo.Di nneronboar dandaccommodat i oni ndoubl ecabi ns wi t hpr i vat ebat h.( B, D)

Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y

DAY 07 –PALERM O Upondi sembar ki ngf er r y ,expl or ePal er mowi t hyourl ocalgui de.Vi si tPal at i neChapelat t hePal aceoft heNor mansandChur chofSt .Johnoft heHer mi t s.I nMonr eal e,vi si tt he Nor manCat hedr alwi t hi t sspl endi d12t hcent ur ymosai cs,andt heBenedect i necl oi st er . Restoft hedayatl ei sur et oenj oyPal er moasyouwi sh.( B)

T our i ngwi t hdel uxeai r condi t i onedcoach

5di nner swi t hwi nei ncl udi ng Far ewel l Di nner ;1l unch Ai r por tandf er r yt r ans f er s

Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,hot el por t er age, hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Es cor t edbyourT ourDi r ect or Gui deds i ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed,i ncl udi ngadmi s s i onf ees

TransEurope’ s Prem i um Tours ofI t al y Sm al lgroups,m ax.18 -Hot el s atprem i um l ocat i ons -Ri ch i ncl uded si ght seei ng



DAY 08 -PALERM O -AGRI GENTO Headf orAgr i gent owi t hpl easantst opsenr out e: Fi r sti sSegest a,f oragui dedt ourofi t sAnci ent Gr eekci t y .Nexti sEr i ce,af asci nat i ngsmal l medi evalt own.AtMar sal a,seet hel andmar k wi ndmi l l sandsal tmi nesandenj oywi net ast i ngi n oneoft hear ea' shi st or i cwi ner i es.( B, L, D)

Rome-Medi t er r aneo-FC

DAY 09 –AGRI GENTO -TAORM I NA Gui dedt ourof“ Val l eyoft heT empl es”wi l lr evealt he mosti mpr essi veAnci entGr eekt empl er ui ns out si deGr eece.Vi si tVi l l aRomanadelCasal e,a UNESCO Wor l dHer i t agesi t ehousi ngt her i chest col l ect i onofl at eRomanmosai csi nt hewor l d.Enr out e,enj oyi ndependentt i meatCat ani aandatt he char mi ngcoast alt ownAci r eal e,bef or er eachi ng T aor mi na.Endt hedaywi t hdi nner .( B, D) DAY 10–TAORM I NA Gui dedt ourofT aor mi na,anexcept i onal l ybeaut i f ul t ownsetat ophi ghcl i f f sover l ooki ngt heI oni cSea, andexcur si ont oact i vevol canoMt .Et na,whi chhas af asci nat i ngl andscapeofl avaf r om ol der upt i ons. Remai nderoft hedayi satl ei sur e.( B) DAY 11–TAORM I NA Ful ldayatl ei sur e.Atni ght ,endyourSi ci l i an exper i encewi t hamemor abl eFar ewel lDi nneri na t ypi calSi ci l i anr est aur antwi t hmusi candent er t ai nment( B, D)

Sor r ent o-Gr anPar adi s o-FC Pal er mo-NHHot el s-FC Agr i gent o-Del l aVal l e-FC T aor mi na-Cor al l o-FC

FC:Fi r s t SFC:Super i orFi r s t D:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper s oni ndoubl eoccupancy Mar30;Apr06

$3, 750


$4, 390

June01,08,15,22,29:Jul y06,13,20,27

$4, 390


$4, 390

Sep28;Oct .05,12,19

$3, 750


$3, 590

Si ngl es uppl ementf r om

$1, 180

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES* *wi t hmi ni mum 4gues t si nt hegr oup. Si mi l arhot el sofs amecat egor ymaybeus edaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y .

DAY 12 -TAORM I NA /DEPARTURE T r ansf ert oai r por tf oryourfli ghtbackhome.( B)

Forgr oupswi t hl esst han10gues t s,l ocal hos tser vi cesgi veni nov er ni ghtci t i esi npl aceof T ourDi r ect ores cor tser vi ces . Rat esar es ubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;v i s i tourwebsi t ef orcur r entr at esandspeci al of f er s.

www. t r anseur opet our s. com

14DAY TOUR FROM $3, 890




Vi s i tDoge’ sPl acei nVeni ce andCol oos eum i nRome

SeeMi chel angel o’ smas t er pi eceDav i di nFl or ence Seet heLeani ngT owerofPi s a andStFr anci s ‘t own,As s i s i Admi r et hegr andeurof Acr ol pol i si nAt hens Seet heas t oundi ngcl i f f t op monas t er i esofMet eor aand SeeDel phi ,homeoft heOr acl e Hi ghl i ghtI t al i anDi nner

W HAT’ SI NCLUDED 12ni ght sFi r s tCl as s-Del uxe accommodat i on Buf f etbr eakf as tdai l y 4di nner s ,i ncl udi ngHi ghl i ght Di nneri nRome RomeAt hensfli ght Ai r por tt r ans f er s Del uxeai r condi t i onedcoach Hot el s er v i cechar ges ,baggage handl i ng,hot el t i ps ,l ocal t axes Es cor t edbyT ourDi r ect or Si ght s eei ngasi ndi cat ed, i ncl udi ngadmi s s i onchar ges

TransEurope’ s Prem i um Tours ofI t al y Sm al lgroups,m ax.18 -Hot el s atprem i um l ocat i ons -Ri ch i ncl uded si ght seei ng



Veni ce-Car l t onGr andCanal -FC Fl or ence-Ambas ci at or i -FC Rome-St ar hot el Mi chel angel oFC At hens-Di v ani Pal ace-D Del phi -Del phi Pal ace-FC Kal ambaka-Met er or a-FC

DAY 09 -ROM E -ATHENS T r ansf ert oai r por tf oryourfli ghtt oAt hens,wher e youwi l lbemetandt r ansf er r edt oyourhot el .( B) DAY 10 –ATHENS Yourgui dedt ourofAt hensi ncl udesvi si toft he Acr opol i sandAcr opol i sMuseum,t heAgor a, T empl eofZeus,Hadr i an’ sAr ch,andapanor ami c t ourt ovi ew keysi t esofmoder nAt hensl i ke Panat hi nai kosSt adi um,RoyalPal aceand Par l i ament .Af t er noonatl ei sur e.( B) DAY 11-ATHENS -DELPHI Depar tf orDel phi .T ourt hear cheol ogi calsi t eof Del phi ,f eat ur i ngt heSanct uar yofApol l o,wher et he Pr i est essofOr acl ei nt r ancedel i ver edpr opheci esof Apol l o.Vi si tt heMuseum wi t hwor l dr enowned finds.Restoft hedayf r eet oenj oychar mi ngt own ofDel phi .( B, D) DAY 12 -DELPHI-KALAM BAKA Dr i vet hr oughCent r alGr eecet oKal ambaka,asmal l t ownbui l tatt hef ootofmaj est i cgr eyr ocksst udded wi t hMet eor aMonast er i es.Endt hedaywi t hdi nner i nKal ambaka.( B, D) DAY 13 –KALAM BAKA -ATHENS St ar tt hedaywi t hanunf or get t abl eexper i ence: gui dedt ouroft heByz ant i nemonast er i esof Met eor a,per chedonpi nnacl esofst eepcl i f f s,whi ch f orcent ur i espr ovi dedt ot al l yi naccessi bl er et r eat s f ort hemonks.Vi si toft hemonast er i eswi l lr eveal beaut i f ulByz ant i nef r escoes,i nsi ghti nt ot hel i f eof monks,andbr eat ht aki ngvi st as.Backt oAt hens.( B) DAY 14 –ATHENS /DEPARTURE T r ansf ert ot heai r por tf oryourfli ghtbackhome.( B)

FC:Fi r stSFC:Super i orFi r stD:Del uxe

2011Dat es & Rat es ( LandOnl y) Perper soni ndoubl eoccupancy Apr .02,09,16

$3, 890

Apr .23;May .07,14,21,28;Jun.4,11,18

$4, 190


$3. 990

Jul .02,09,16,23,30;Aug.06,13,20

$3, 890


$3, 990

Sept .03,10,17,24;Oct .01,08,15,22

$4, 190

Si ngl esuppl ementf r om

$ 890

ALL DATES ARE GUARANTEED DEPARTURES* *Wi t hmi ni mum 4guest si nt hegr oup. Rat esdonoti ncl udeai r f ar ef r om/ t oUSA,andt axesandf eesf orRomeAt hensai r f ar e. Si mi l arhot el sofsamecat egor ymaybeusedaccor di ngt oavai l abi l i t y Ont heI t al ypor t i on,f orgr oupswi t hl esst han10guest s,T ourDi r ect orwi l lescor tt hegr oupt hr ough t hecoacht r i pf r om Veni cet oRome;LocalHostser vi cesgi vendur i ngVeni ceandRomest ays. Rat esar esubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce;vi si twww. t r anseur opet our s. com f orcur r entr at es.

www. t r anseur opet our s. com




STARHOTELS M ETROPOLE TheSt ar hot el sMet r opol ei sl ocat edi n downt ownRome,cl oset oT er mi niCent r al St at i on,t ot heOper aHouseandt hemost i mpor t anthi st or i calandar t i st i csi t essuch ast heCol osseum ort heT r eviFount ai n. Thi s4st arhot elof f er st hebestofI t al i an hospi t al i t y ,wi despacesdedi cat edt o r el axat i onandcomf or t abl ydecor at ed r ooms.

HI LTON M OLI NO STUCKY Thi sst r i ki nghot eloccupi esar est or ed 19t hcent ur yflour mi l lwi t har edbr i ck f açadeandi ssetonexcl usi veGi udecca I sl andi nt heVenet i anLagoon,oneki l omet r ef r om Veni ce' sStMar k' sSquar e.The Hot elof f er sanout doorr oof t oppoolanda gym;t heni nt hfloorbarover l ooks panor ami cvi ews.The380guest r oomsar e el egant l ydecor at edi ncont empor ar yor t r adi t i onalst yl e.



M EDI TERRANEO 4st arhot eli nt hehi st or i ccent erofRome wasdesi gnedi n1938byMar i oLor et i ,and i sl ocat edont hehi ghestofRome' sseven hi l l s,t heEsqui l i no. TheHot eli soneoft he bestexampl esofAr tDecoi nRome.I t s cent r al l yl ocat edposi t i on,r i ghtnextt ot he T er mi niRai l waySt at i on,makesf oraneasy wal kt ot hemai nsi t esofRome,suchast he Col i sseum,I mper i alFor ums,t heT r evi Fount ai n,t heNat i onalRomanMuseum and t heBasi l i caofSt .Mar yMaj or .

BONVECCHI ATI Refinedel egance,comf or tandexcl usi ve ser vi ces,awat erl andi ngf orgondol asand mot orboat sandar omant i cr est aur anton t het er r ace:t heHot elBonvecchi at i ,whi ch hasbeenwel comi ngguest st ot hehear tof Veni cesi nce1790,i sj ust3mi nut esf r om Sai ntMar k' sSquar eand5f r om t heRi al t o Br i dge,f ort hemostexcl usi veandunf or get t abl eofvi si t s. Locat edi nt hehear tof Veni ce,t heHot elhast hemostpr i vi l eged posi t i onofany4st arhot eli nVeni ce



M ASSI M O D’ AZEGLI O The4st arHot elMassi mod' Az egl i oi n Romehasal ongandcol or f ulhi st or y . The hot el ' s197el egant l ydecor at edr oomsar e di st r i but edon5floor s.TheHot elal sohasa wel l knownr est aur antandat aver n," La Cant i na" ,t hathasani mpor t antcol l ect i on ofwi nes.I ti scent r al l yl ocat edneart he T er mi niRai l waySt at i on,aneasywal kf r om t heT r eviFount ai n,t heCol i sseum,I mper i al For ums,andt heOper aHouse.

CARLTON-GRAN CANAL TheHot elCar l t onont heGr andCanalwi t h i t sonehundr edvi ewsont ot heGr and Canal ,t her omant i cst r et chofwat erl i ned wi t hmagni ficentpal acesandt hei r t housandr eflect i onsandcol or si sl ocat ed i nat r ul yuni quel ocat i onwhi chmakest hi s el eganthot elt heper f ectopt i onf oran unf or get t abl ehol i daydi scover i ngVeni ce-a magi c,t i mel essci t y!



CORALLO Hot elCor al l oi soneoft hebestsol ut i onst o spendapl easantandqui ethol i dayi nt he f amoust ownofT aor mi na,ami dstsea, hi st or y ,ar tandcul t ur e. Thehot eli s compl et el ypanor ami c, ,sur r oundedby l ar gepi ct ur ewi ndowswhi chmakei tseem suspendedovert hesea.Fr om t hi smagni ficentt er r ace,youcansavourmanyspeci al i t i es–aboveal l ,t ypi calSi ci l i andi shes.

NH HOTELS PALERM O TheNHPal er moi sl ocat edont hepi ct ur esqueGul foft heci t yandenj oysbr eat ht aki ngvi ewsacr osst hesea.I ti sl ocat ed cl oset ot hehi st or i cdi st r i ctandt hecent r al t r ai nst at i on.TheHot elof f er sal ar ge out doorswi mmi ngpool .TheHot elhas226 spaci ousr ooms.




AM BASCI ATORI Wi t hbusi ness,shoppi ngandcul t ur al pur sui t satyourdoor ,st epsawayf r om t he Fl or enceConvent i onCent r e,t heHot el r esonat eswi t ht hecosmopol i t anel egance andr efinedT uscanchar mt hatchar act er i sesFl or ence.Al loft heguestr oomshave beenr ecent l yr enewed,andof f eravar i et y off aci l i t i esandser vi cest hatar esur et o meett heneedsofguest s.

LORENZO I L M AGNI FI CO Hot eli ssi t uat edi naqui etl ocat i onatt he gat esofFl or encehi st or i calcent r e,away f r om t r af ficandconf usi onoft heci t y downt own,yetonl y15mi nut es’wal kt o Pont eVecchi o,t heUf fiz iGal l er yandal lt he maj orat t r act i onsi nFl or ence.I nt he peacef ulat mospher ecr eat edbyt hesmal l gar dent hatsur r oundst hevi l l a,youwi l lf eel enchant edbyt hecl assi cel eganceoft he hot el ’ sr oomsandcommonar eas.



TERM I NUS TheHot elwasbor noutoft hecompl et e r est r uct ur i ngofanear l y19t hCent ur y bui l di ngwi t hi t scomposi t el i ber t yst yl eand i t scal m andcomf or t abl et ast et ypi calofa cer t ai nLombar dar i st ocr acy .Thecar ef ul r enovat i on,whi chpr eser vedt hear chi t ect ur alchar act er i st i csoft hehi st or i cal bui l di ng,wasaccompani edbyabsol ut el y r adi calr ef or msi nt hest r uct ur esand ser vi cesi nor dert opr ovi deguest swi t ht he hi ghestl evelofcomf or tandsaf et y .

HOTEL del l a VALLE Achar mi ngf our st arhot el ,t heHot eldel l a Val l eof f er si t sguest sal lt hebenefit sof bei ngatt hecent erofever yt hi ng.TheHot el i ssur r oundedbypal m andol i vet r eesona hi l lover l ooki ngt heVal l eyoft heT empl es. Manyoft he114r oomshaveamagni ficent vi ew oft heVal l eyoft heT empl es.Spaci ous andbr i ght ,t her oomsf eat ur eel egant f ur ni shi ngscombi nedwi t hmoder nequi pment



ARTHOTEL GRAN PARADI SO TheAr t Hot elGr anPar adi soi sl ocat edi na uni queposi t i onwi t hcommandi ngvi ews overt heGul fofNapl es.Or ange,l emonand ol i vet r eesar ei mmer sedi nbeaut i f ulgr een gar denswher ei ti spossi bl et oenj oyt he bestvi ew f r om t heSor r ent oCoastt ot he Vesuvi us.TheHot eldomi nat est hepl easant ci t yofSor r ent o.Fr om t het er r aces,t hebar andt hebeaut i f ulpanor ami cswi mmi ng poolar eper f ect l yi nt egr at edt oexal tt he nat ur albeaut y .

GI OTTO ASSI SI TheHot eli ssi t uat edi nt hecent r eoft he del i ght f ul ,ol dci t yofAssi si ,onl y200 met r esf r om t heBasi l i caofSt .Fr anci s. Onceanobl er esi dence,si nce1899i thas been‘ Hot elGi ot t o’ .Fr om i t sspl endi d posi t i onover l ooki ngt heUmbr i anval l ey ,f or overacent ur y ,i thasbeenapr ef er r ed dest i nat i onf orevent hemostexact i ngof t r avel l er ssear chi ngf orar t ,el eganceanda gr eatt r adi t i on.



M EDI TERRANEO Spect acul ar l yover l ooki ngt heGul fof Sor r ent o,Hot elMedi t er r aneoi sanupscal e hi st or i calbui l di ng,f eat ur i ngaswi mmi ng pool ,sl opedseaaccessandt hebest ameni t i es.Dur i ngyourst ay ,youwi l lbe sur r oundedbyevocat i veat mospher esand exci t i ngar omas,suspendedbet weent he bl ueseaandt hebr i ghtcol or sofa gor geousgar denwi t hor angeandl emon t r ees.

EXCELSI OR Fami l yat mospher e,war m wel come, i mpeccabl eser vi ce,cal m andcomf or t : suchi st hephi l asophyoft heExcel si or hot el .Si t uat edi nt het owncent er ,cl oset o t het het r am andr ai l wayst at i onaswel las t hePr omenadedesAngl ai sandt hebeach. t hehot eloccupi esabui l di ngi nt he Musi ci ans’quar t erdat i ngf r om 1898,t he Bel l eEpoque.


TRAVELLERS REQUI RI NG SPECI AL ASSI STANCE Pas s enger swi t hdi s abi l i t i esar ewel comeonT r ans Eur opet our s pr ov i dedt heyar eaccompani edbyacompani oncapabl eof pr ov i di ngal l neces s ar yas s i s t ance,anddonotr equi r es peci al as s i s t ancef r om T r ans Eur opeT our sper s onnel .Anydi s abi l i t i es r equi r i ngs peci al needsmus tbenot i fiedt oT r ans Eur opeT our s dur i ngbooki ngandT r ans Eur opeT our swi l l maker eas onabl e at t empt st oaccommodat et hes es peci al needs ,buti snotr es pons i bl ei nt heev enti ti sunabl et odos onori si tr es pons i bl ef orany deni al ofs er v i cesbyai rcar r i er s ,hot el s ,r es t aur ant s ,orot her i ndependents uppl i er s . YOUNG TRAVELERS T r av el er sundert heageof18mus tbeaccompani edbyan adul t . T r ans Eur opeT our swel comeschi l dr enof5y earofageand ol deri nes cor t edt our s .Wer ecommendpr i v at et our sf orf ami l i es wi t hchi l dr eny oungert han5y ear s . TOUR PARTI CI PATI ON T r ans Eur opeT our sr es er v est her i ghtt oacceptorr ej ectorr emov e, i ns ol eopi ni onofT r ans Eur opeT our sact i ngi ngoodf ai t h,anyt our memberwhos eheal t h,ment al orphy s i cal condi t i onorconducti s cons i der edt obei ncompat i bl ewi t ht hei nt er es t sofot hert our member s .T r ans Eur opeT our si snotr es pons i bl ef oranyexpens es i ncur r edbyat ourmemberi ns uchacas e. I TI NERARY/SCHEDULE CHANGES Wer es er v et her i ght ,i nourdi s cr et i on,t os ubs t i t ut ecar r i er ,ai r cr af t , char t erfli ghtf ors chedul edfli ght ,cr ui s el i ne,andt oal t ert he i t i ner ar y ,s ubs t i t ut epor t i onsoft hes i ght s eei ng,por t sofcal l , ent er t ai nment ,hot el s ,r es t aur ant s ,par t yandbanquetl ocat i ons ,or ot heraccommodat i ons .Forfli ght s ,cr ui s esandcr ui s epor t i onsof t our s ,T r ans Eur opeT our si ss ubj ectt ooper at i ngdeci s i onsoft he cr ui s el i nesandai r l i nes . NON-OPERATI OPER ON OF ESCORTED TOUR T r ans Eur opeEs cor t edt our ,unl es si ndi cat edasguar ant eed depar t ur e,r equi r eenr ol l mentami ni mum numberofgues t sf or oper at i on. T r ans Eur opeT our sr es er v est her i ghtt ocancel or r es chedul eanyt ourdepar t ur et hatdoesnotmeeti t smi ni mum enr ol l mentcr i t er i aori naccor dancewi t hoper at i ngr equi r ement s .I f cancel l at i oni smadeanyt i mepr i ort odepar t ur eoft het our , T r ans Eur ope' sonl yl i abi l i t ywi l l bet or ef undt ot hepas s engert he amounti thasr ecei v edf ort het ourbooki ng.T r ans Eur opewi l l t r yt o r ebookt hes ameors i mi l art ourand,wher efli ght shav ebeen confir medbyT r ans Eur ope,wi l l at t emptt oconfir m ai rs eat sf ornew dat ess el ect ed,s ubj ectt oav ai l abi l i t y .Pl eas enot et hatT r ans Eur ope i snotl i abl ef oranyt r av el ar r angement saf f ect edandanycancel l at i onpenal t i esi ncur r edonanyot hert r av el ar r angement snotmade byT r ans Eur opeT our s . CANCELLATI ONS AND PROGRAM CHANGES DUE TO CARRI ERS T r ans Eur opeT our si snotl i abl ef oranypr ogr am changesandext r a cos t si ncur r edduet ocancel l at i ons ,s chedul echangesanddel ay s oft r ans por t at i oncar r i er sl i keai r l i nes ,cr ui s el i nes ,f er r yl i nes ,ordue t oanyot herr eas onsbey ondi t scont r ol .Gues t sar es t r ongl y r ecommendedt opur chas et r av el i ns ur ancef orcov er agei ns uch cas es. SM OKI NG Smoki ngi snotal l owedoncoaches ,s hi ps ,mi ni bus esorv ans . Rr egul ars t opsar es chedul edf ort hos ewhowi s ht os moke.

VI SAS & PASSPORTS Apas s por tv al i df oratl eas ts i xmont hsaf t erdat eofr et ur nt ot he U. S.i sr equi r edf oral l pr ogr ams ,bot hf orU. t i z ensand nonU. t i z ens .Al l pas s enger sar er es pons i bl ef orens ur i ngt hat t heyhav eal l pr opert r av el document sandMUSTCHECKwi t ht he r es pect i v econs ul at e( s )orv i s aagencyt odet er mi neanyv i s aorany ot herr equi r ement s .T r ans Eur opeT our scannotacceptl i abi l i t yf or anypas s engerr ef us edent r yont oanyt r ans por tori nt oanycount r y duet of ai l ur eoft hepas s engert ocar r ycor r ectdocument at i on. BAGGAGE Duet ol i mi t edbaggagear eaonbus escoaches ,eachgues ti s r eques t edt ol i mi tl uggaget oones ui t cas eandones mal l car r y on bagwhi chcanfitundert hebuss eat s .Ai r l i nesmayi mpos e s epar at epol i ci esf orl uggage.Pl eas echeckwi t hy ourai r l i ne( s ) di r ect l yf orbaggager egul at i onsandr el at edf ees .Al l baggageand per s onal ef f ect sar eatal l t i mesandi nal l ci r cums t ancesatt her i s k oft hegues t ;baggagei ns ur ancei shi ghl yr ecommended. HOLI D DAYS Dur i ngl ocal ornat i onal hol i day sors peci al occas i ons ,cer t ai n f aci l i t i ess uchasmus eums ,chur ches ,r es t aur ant s ,s i ght s eei ng t our s ,ands hoppi ngmaybel i mi t edornotav ai l abl e.Al t er nat i v es wi l l beof f er edwhenev erpos s i bl e. RESPONSI BI LI TY Magi cUSAI nc,oper at i ngundert heDBAT r ans Eur opeT our s ,i t s empl oy ees ,s har ehol der s ,s ubs i di ar i es ,af fil i at es ,of ficer s ,di r ect or s , s ucces s or s ,agent s ,andas s i gns( col l ect i v el y" T r ans Eur opeT our s " ) , doesnotownoroper at eanyent i t ywhi chpr ov i desaccommodat i on,t r ans por t at i on,r es t aur ant ,l ocal gr oundoper at or ,andot her s er v i cesf ory ourt r i p.Al l s uchper s onsandent i t i esar ei ndependent cont r act or s .Asar es ul t ,T r ans Eur opeT our si snotl i abl ef orany negl i gentorwi l l f ul actorf ai l ur et oactofanys uchper s onorent i t y orofanyt hi r dpar t y . T r ans Eur opeT our ss i gnsonmot orv ehi cl es ,athot el sorel s ewher e ar eonl yf ori dent i ficat i onpur pos esanddonotdenot eowner s hi p, s uper v i s i on,orcont r ol byT r ans Eur opeT our si nanyway .I naddi t i on andwi t houtl i mi t at i on,T r ans Eur opeT our si snotr es pons i bl ef orany i nj ur y ,l os s ,deat h,i nconv eni ence,del ay ,damaget oper s onor pr oper t yorext r aexpens esi nconnect i onwi t ht hepr ov i s i onofany goodsors er v i ceswhet herr es ul t i ngf r om,butnotl i mi t edt o,act sof Godorf or cemaj eur e,i l l nes s ,di s eas e,act sofwarorci v i l unr es t , i ns ur r ect i onorr ev ol t ,ani mal s ,s t r i kesorot herl aboract i v i t i es , cr i mi nal ort er r or i s tact i v i t i esofanyki nd,ov er booki ngordowngr adi ngofaccommodat i ons ,mechani cal orot herf ai l ur eof ai r pl anesorot hermeansoft r ans por t at i on,orf oranyf ai l ur eofany t r ans por t at i onmechani s mt oar r i v eordepar tont i me.Pas s enger s ar eaddi t i onal l yr es pons i bl ef orcompl y i ngwi t ht het er ms ,condi t i onsorr equi r ement sofanys er v i cepr ov i der ,oranycount r yor gov er nment al aut hor i t i es ,orf orbear i nganycos t sorl os s es i ncur r edasacons equenceofnotcompl y i ngwi t ht hem.I nt hecas e ofcomput erorhumanbi l l i nger r orwer es er v et her i ghtt o r ei nv oi cepas s enger swi t hcor r ectbi l l i ng.T r ans Eur opeT our si snot r es pons i bl ef oromi s s i ons ,pr i nt i ngand/ ort y pogr aphi cal er r or s ,i n br ochur es ,onI nt er nets i t escor r es pondenceori nv oi cesori nany ot hermedi awher es uchi nf or mat i onmaybepr es ent ed.Wer es er v e t her i ghtt omakecor r ect i onsasr equi r ed.Thet er msandcondi t i ons l i s t edr emai ni nef f ectunt i l r epl aced.Thes et er msandcondi t i ons r epl aceal l pr ev i ousv er s i ons .Thepay mentofadepos i tandor / t he i s s uanceoft i cket sorv oucher ss hal l bedeemedy ourcons entt o t het er msandcondi t i onsaspr es ent edher ei n.


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