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Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs
Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs
By Emil Nazaryan
Are you happy, energetic and vibrant 100 percent of the time? If not, there is a reason for it. There’s something within blocking access to the ever-present field of happiness. What is it? To find out, merely ask yourself what causes you worry, what are you afraid of, what are you lacking? Are you worried about money?
Health? A relationship issue? Lack of confidence to go for what you want? Do you think you’re not as smart or capable as others? Answers will flow to your mind.
Those answers, or rather those thoughts, are in truth the blocks to your happiness.
They are your self-limiting beliefs. Let’s take a moment and see how and when they came into existence.
When you were born, you had no such beliefs. You had no such thoughts. In fact, the first year you had no thoughts at all.
You just were, and that was more than enough. That’s why your every smile and every laugh was a source of inexplicable joy for your parents and others around you. Your happiness was pure, genuine and therefore contagious. 20
So, what happened? Over the years that pure being that you are got programmed by the environment. Depending on how and where you were raised, your entire belief system was shaped, one belief at a time. Like a cobweb, thoughts of lack, inadequacy and fear were woven over that pure little being. Of course, this wasn’t done intentionally to hurt you, but because the environment didn’t know any better. As you grew through the teenage years into adulthood, the cobweb had gotten so thick that your self-identity shifted from the pure being to an unconscious person with merely programmed thoughts—and you lost touch with your true self. Now you are going to ask me, “What does this have to do with being happy? Life happens regardless of what I think of myself.” True or false? Not only do your thoughts about yourself define your reality, but they create your reality. Every thought and feeling you have ever encountered has led you to where you are in your life today. Now comes the question that will change your life. Are you those thoughts? Who are you? Pause for a second. Stop all thoughts, sit silent and just be. Feel a soft, sweet breeze passing through your entire body, leaving the unmistakable stamp of its origin—a warm smile on your face. You smile, then smile wider, and you feel a flow of radiant, vibrant, bright energy throughout your body and mind. It feels like someone is tickling the top of your brain which creates a sensation of pure happiness. All of a sudden you get a sense of dropping a heavy baggage off your shoulders, the baggage that you’ve been carrying for years. This leads to feelings of relief, lightness and peace. You feel like a happy, weightless feather dancing with the wind, unconcerned where it takes you because you are fully enjoying the dance. Light. Relaxation. Serenity. Freedom. Congratulations! You just got a glimpse of your true self. That free, eternal, ever-present, all-powerful spirit is who you are. Your origin is divine and therefore so are you. All else is the cobweb, which you are not. So, now that you have started to unravel the cobweb and found that the real you is still there, how can you go about reprogramming yourself? It has
taken a long time to weave that web and it can’t be undone overnight. But it most certainly can be undone. Let’s see how. First, you have to determine which thoughts affect your happiness the most, at least in your mind. Write down the top 10 thoughts that you think hinder your happiness and expansion. On a different piece of paper add their total opposites. For example: • “I don’t have enough money”— “I have an abundance of money” • “I have health issues”—“I am whole and perfect” • “I’m not smart enough”—“I have infinite potential” • “I’m not pretty”—“I am beautiful the way I am”
• “I’m not strong”—“I’m powerful because of my source” Next, burn, tear up or toss the first piece of paper as a symbolic gesture of letting go of your old “self.” On the flip side, you may want to frame your new affirmations, keep them front and center where you can’t avoid seeing them throughout the day. Read them, listen to them, feel them, live them, act them every day. They may feel like nonsense to the mind in the beginning. But don’t worry. The mind is the cobweb. You are not the mind, you are not the cobweb. As time goes on these affirmations are going to feel true and become true. Don’t stop affirming them. Also, be sure to dedicate at least a few minutes daily to silent contemplation. This is crucial as it brings you back closer and closer to your true self. Whether it takes months or years will depend on your earnestness, intensity and faith. If you persevere, it’s absolutely impossible not to arrive at your new self, your true self, and remain there. But it’s not going to end there. Know that if you are able to accomplish this, what you have really done is you have allowed divine hands to start carrying you, guiding you, showing you the way. And you have done so merely by removing the resistance, the cobweb that had been weaving up since childhood. Then you, yourself will become a tall, powerful beacon, and you will shine your loving light brightly on this beautiful world.
Emil Nazaryan is a motivational writer and a contributor to the monthly Motivational Corner column of HR Realtor Magazine. He has undergone a spiritual transformation which has led the way to sharing the insights he has experienced with the others. He is well acquainted with all major spiritual traditions of the world, but it is the direct experience of the essence of these teachings that is responsible for the altered life outlook and the motivational articles that stem this. In his daily life Emil is a successful REALTOR and he resides in Norfolk, VA, with his wife and two children. Contact him by email at emil.rw@gmail.com.