INSPIRATION & GROWTH Embracing the “New Normal” Find the Courage to Let Go Living in the Light of New Knowledge Welcome the Adventure of Change The World Is Shifting. Are You? One Breath One Moment How to Avoid The Self-Help Guru Trap We are the FIRE!
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FEED YOUR SPIRIT The Call of the Mountain
COACH SPOTLIGHT How to Make Your Own Magic
PUBLISHERS Natalie Rivera Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed.
EDITOR Lisa Cedrone
CONTRIBUTORS Mary Boutillier, Arielle Giordano, Mark Pitstick, Gregg Sanderson, Linda Commito, Monica Canducci, Jo Mooy, Dr. Bryan Hawley, AJ Miller, Terez Hartmann
© Copyright 2020 Transformation Services, Inc.
All rights reserved. http://www.TransformationMag.com
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Photo Credit: Unsplash/Lau Keith
Embrace the “New Normal”
What we decide to seed and let grow is a garden rich with possibility. By Mary Boutieller How are you doing? It’s almost funny to me that my first thought after typing this question was, “Fine, I’m just fine.” After all, that’s what we’d normally say in passing because we are often too busy to really consider how we are doing. Except that now, we might have a little more time on our hands to pause and explore how we’re actually doing. I thought I was fine. Really I did. Until I woke up the other day and immediately felt like crying. I told myself, “That’s ridiculous, it’s first thing in the morning, you can’t wake up and want to cry!” Can you hear me telling myself that? So I stuffed it down, took a shower, ate breakfast, and then went with my husband for a really long, really fast, really sweaty walk, ending up in a meditation garden at a nearby church. Interesting that I stopped there, as it wasn’t my original destination! I sat down and gazed at a beautiful angel statue that I’ve always loved. And that’s when my husband asked how I was doing. And that’s when I started to cry. It wasn’t a long sob; it was more like a release of energy, of fear, of tiredness; a mixed bag of emotions that I didn’t really want to feel. But once I cried it out, it was gone— like a weight suddenly lifted and the whole
world feeling much better than it did when I had first awoken. So, why do I tell you all this? Because the day before and the day after this unhappy event, I was FINE! I felt good, I was doing my thing, not super worried...or so I thought. I had not been acknowledging the subtle undercurrent of stress I had been feeling all along. After all, I am a yoga teacher, so I “should” have great stress management skills, right? All of this brings me back to the question I started with, and I ask it earnestly: “How are you doing?” Are things starting to settle in your heart? Has the angst or worry or fear released its hold on your monkey mind? Can you sense a bit of ease coming back into your body? Or are you riding the roller coaster of emotional upheaval—good one day and not so good the next? Once again, there is no wrong answer.
How you are feeling is how you are feeling and as long as you haven’t let the whole world situation overwhelm you to the point of paralysis, it’s going to be okay.
Michael J. Fox once said, regarding his Parkinson’s disease, that he learned to only give it the room it needed and nothing more. In other words, he didn’t let his disease take over his life. And I think most of us aren’t letting this current coronavirus pandemic take over our lives, but it’s still affecting us in various ways. So what do we do with that? How do we go about our lives, loving and caring and feeling empathy and making the best out of the situation? We do it one day at a time. We do it by allowing ourselves to feel what’s happening without pushing it aside. We do it by reaching out, sharing stories, singing, laughing, connecting and, yes, even crying when the need arises. In the movie Almost Famous there is a great quote that I wrote down (I had to rewind several times to get it all!). And although I don’t remember the movie at all, I remember this line:
“The only true currency in this bankrupt world is the truth that we share with one another when we are being uncool.” Sitting in a park and crying—so uncool! Being super silly while teaching yoga on Zoom—totally corny. Being willing to share our thoughts, feelings and truths with one another—worth its weight in gold. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve become a little clearer about what is important in my life. I’ve come to terms with things I had put off saying or doing and addressed some of them. And I’m allowing myself to imagine what could be in my future now that the “wheels are off the bus.”
Buddhist nun and author Pema Chodron wrote this: “There comes a time when the bubble of ego is popped and you can’t get the ground back for an extended period of time. Those times, when you absolutely cannot get it back together, are the most rich and powerful times in our lives.” This is one of those times. How we choose to move through this time is up to each and every one of us. What we decide to seed and let grow is a garden rich with possibility. In yoga, I will often tell students to firm up the muscles or activate the core to find power in the pose. Yet at some point, when we’ve taken ourselves to our edge and when we’ve tired ourselves out, we have to soften into the essence of the pose. Similarly, sooner or later, we have to let down our guard. We have to allow ourselves to soften into our truth and be in all our glory and messiness and humanness. We have to, really, or else we are just a wadded up ball of yarn, and that is no way to live! Breathe here. Place a hand or two on your heart, close your eyes and find a willingness to allow what is there. Don’t push it away. I’m guessing there might be a little more to open in that precious heart of yours. And if you happen to be in a really good place, maybe ask someone you care about how they are doing, and then listen to the answer. Our hearts are ripe for connection, so why not take the leap. Photo Credit: Unsplash/Masaaki Komori
The Yoga of Life with Mary Boutieller Mary Boutieller is a Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance. She has been teaching yoga since 2005. Her work experience includes 22 years as a firefighter/paramedic and 10 years as a Licensed Massage Therapist. Mary’s knowledge and experience give her a well-rounded understanding of anatomy, alignment, health and movement in the body. She is passionate about the benefits of yoga and the ability to heal at all levels through awareness, compassion, and a willingness to explore. She can be reached at: SimplyogaOm@gmail.com.
Find the Courage to Let Go
When fear disappears, love appears. By Arielle Giordano Courage gives a person the ability and willingness to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty and intimidation. Courage can take root when we are moving through life’s hardships as well as its positive moments—and real courage is the ability to know the real you, the authentic Self. Courage knows the difference between truth and untruth, and it leads you to follow your heart. It is a shield in the face of fear, opposition, shame, guilt, scandal, discouragement, and even a pandemic. And authenticity is the courage to be honest no matter what the cost as we move through difficulty, change and challenges. Fear can strip us of our freedom and trigger past memories—and those stories can evoke habitual thoughts, feelings and emotions. When we are lost in our stories, we are not being who we really are. We are not in our hearts.
Stories are a powerful force in human history. We enjoy sharing our life events and telling a story–our story. Stories are about us. However, stories can block us from being our authentic Self if we can’t see them for what they are. However, once we realize we created an unhealthy story about a life event—perhaps casting ourselves as the “victim”—we can change it. Here is how the story goes: A life event happens, we create a perception (interpretation) and give it meaning. Honesty is the awareness that knows and discerns a story from the truth. And the truth can set you free! We all have stories, just recognize them for what they are and know that you can always rewrite the script. During stressful times, when you head is filled with self-talk, take a breath and open your heart to sense the real truth deep within your authentic Self. As you move into softness and honesty and the truth of who you are and what you know, fear disappears, and goodness and love appears.
Dancing from the Inside Out with Arielle Giordano Transformational Life Coach Award-Winning Author & Speaker, Professional Dancer. Arielle’s Award-Winning book for Best Self-Help Award: Dancing With Your Story From The Inside is available on http://www.Amazon.com. Her professional career includes the Lead Faculty Area Chairperson and Professor for the College of Humanities, History and the Arts at the University of Phoenix. She is a published co-author of Transform Your Life Books 1 & 2 and author for Tampa Bay Wellness, Conscious Shift & Transformation magazine. She has published her 4th book, an Instructor’s Manual for Barlow Abnormal Psychology 4th ed. and authored Psychology, A Journey 3rd.ed. Study Guide published by Nelson Education, Toronto, ON. She has also studied philosophy at the College of Integrated Philosophy with John DeRuiter for twenty years. Arielle has been a featured guest on radio and television, in newspapers, and the media across the US and Canada. She is a certified Essentrics Stretch and Dance Instructor. Arielle offers coaching sessions, classes and workshops and a free 30-minute Consultation. Websites: http://www.dancingfromtheinsideout.com, http://www.ariellegiordano.com. Email: agbeautifuldance@gmail.com
Living in the Light of New Knowledge
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Peggy Anke
The term greater reality living describes how you might choose to live as you expand your awareness of reality, which is defined as the state of things as it actually exists. Because so much of reality escapes the five physical senses, you likely have viewed life as if through a tiny pinhole and then wondered why things don’t make sense. As the old saying goes, “There is much more to life than meets the eye.” If you are now inspired to expand your perception and take action in your own life, the Greater Reality Living model outlined in this series of Transformation Coaching articles provides a roadmap to: 1) Learn That Consciousness Survives Physical Death 2) Internalize This Great News 3) Vitalize Your Body, Mind and Spirit 4) Enjoy the Many Benefits of Greater Reality Living 5) Serve Others and Make the World a Better Place I designed this LIVES model to prepare people for optimal living after learning about the findings of Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D., who directs the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona. He is a Harvard graduate, former Harvard and Yale professor, and author of nine books including The Afterlife Experiments and The Sacred Promise. I also started the nonprofit SoulPhone Foundation (http://www.SoulPhone.org) to help fund research and development for the SoulPhone Project. Depending on funding, a reliable and highly accurate SoulSwitch™ that provides yes/no answers from post-material (“deceased”) persons may be completed in 2020. An array of these switches can be used to produce a SoulKeyboard™ to enable texting and typing with them. This will greatly increase the quality and quantity of communication with postmaterial loved ones as well as scientists, inventors, and others who want to help us improve life on Earth. Replicated, multi-center, university-based scientific studies for the SoulPhone™ technology have now — for the first time in human history — definitively demonstrated that death is NOT the end of life.
By Mark Pitstick, MA, DC Congratulations! If you have been following this column for the past five months, you just learned vital information and strategies for improving your life and our world. Are you ready to put that knowledge to use and share it with others? You deserve to feel happy, healthy, peaceful and vibrant. Greater reality living can help you do that when you apply the LIVES formula over time. In addition, however, your assistance is needed to help our planet and others who are in need. As Dr. Larry Dossey stated in his endorsement of the greater reality living model: “We are witnessing a global epidemic of greed, selfishness and destruction of our planet because of the ‘get it while you can’ philosophy that is based on the assumption that this earthly life is the only life there is. Our survival as a species may depend on whether this suicidal trend can be halted and reversed. The [greater reality living] concepts are vital to this task.” Please remember YOU are an integral part of the solution. You now know: • evidence that life continues after your human body dies.
• • • •
how to internalize the great news that death is not an end. strategies for holistically vitalizing and balancing yourself. the many benefits of greater r eality living. the vision for serving others to help them—and yourself—and make our world a better place. Additional suggestions for integrating this information into your daily life include: 1) Form a Master Mind group, locally or online, with several other people. Meet once per month to share your experiences and plans to implement greater r eality living. 2) Attend a Greater Reality Living group meeting online and/ or in your area. If a local group doesn’t exist yet, consider starting one. (http://www.GreaterRealityLiving.com) 3) Network with others to discuss how you can bring more awareness, peace and love to your area. ( Remember that small heartfelt actions can create huge positive ripples.) 4) Stay updated! Join the newsletters at http://www.SoulPhone.org, http://www.GreaterRealityLiving.com and http://www.SoulProof.com to learn about upcoming webinars, workshops and SoulPhone technology updates. 5) Feed your heart and mind with informative and inspiring articles, videos, webinars and other resources at the websites listed in No. 4. 6) Enjoy the journey! You now know that you are a special, powerful and wise being who is part of the Light right now. Relax, love yourself and others and cherish this brief but magnificent earthly experience.
"A-TEAM" ENDORSEMENT OF GREATER REALITY LIVING I want to conclude this series of articles with a mind-
expanding experience that occurred just before the Greater Reality Living book went to print. We have a group of postmaterial luminaries who are helping us on earth, and we lovingly and respectfully refer to them as the “A-Team.” This stellar group of about 30 men and women contributed mightily while living on the planet and have demonstrated their continuing desire to make our world a better place. Rhonda Schwartz is a highly skilled research medium who—along with other top evidential mediums around the world—has relayed key information about the SoulPhone research and development to her husband Dr. Gary Schwartz. While most of the questions posed to the A-Team have been focused on advancing technology, I had the opportunity to make some inquiries on my own. What follows are my recollections written shortly after the session. (I did not want to possibly interfere with the session by using recording devices or taking notes. As such, the statements attributed to the A-Team as reported by Rhonda are not verbatim.) My first question was, “How can we advance world peace?” Rhonda reported Dr. Albert Einstein’s answer: “That’s a difficult question to answer. It doesn’t seem like things on earth have improved much since I was there. The problems are complex and deep-seated. You should keep following your highest callings and do the best you can.” Next, I asked, “From your unique perspective, is there anything we are missing in the Greater Reality Living book?” Rhonda asked me to briefly describe our formula to the team since becoming a postmaterial person doesn’t automatically result in omniscience. I shared the five keys to greater reality living using the LIVES acronym. Since repetition is the essence of learning, here they are again: 1) Learn the evidence that life continues after death of the human form. 2) Internalize the great news that you are a forever being. 3) Vitalize and balance yourself holistically. 4) Enjoy the many benefits of greater reality living. 5) Serve others to help them—and yourself—and make the world a better place.
As soon as I finished describing the five keys, Rhonda excitedly related Einstein’s response: “That’s it! You just answered your first question.” Dr. David Bohm added: “Run, don’t walk! Don’t be afraid of skeptics or critics. Share this with as many people as you can as fast as you can.” It took a moment for their brief but powerful responses to register. With tears in my eyes, I realized we possibly had just received an endorsement from eminently successful geniuses with big hearts and souls. As Dr. Schwartz explained: “As a scientist, I always try to be cautious in drawing conclusions about information, especially if it has not been independently verified. We seek a convergence of evidence from multiple sources before we reach a conclusion. This includes: a) evidential mediums providing independent confirmation of information; b) information validation later confirmed by events, scientific results or researching specific details that the A-Team provides; and c) signs and synchronicity validations that spontaneously support the information. Lacking confirmatory evidence in this special session, we can raise the question, “Can we be certain that Einstein and Bohm were present and expressed what Rhonda experienced and reported?” The answer is obviously no—and she is the first to agree. However, is it reasonably possible that they were present and expressed these sentiments? Given Rhonda’s years of research-supported experience in working with the A-Team, the answer is empirically yes. Both Rhonda and the hypothesized collaborators have earned our giving them the benefit of the doubt and, therefore, our serious consideration and gratitude. Myself, Dr. Schwartz, his team of engineers and specialists, Rhonda Schwartz, and our earthly team of 25 wonderful assistants—are doing everything we can to act upon the ATeam’s wise input. Thank you again for doing the same as you realize the transformative impact of the LIVES formula, know that encountering uninformed skepticism and close-minded criticism is part of being a pioneer in any worthwhile endeavor, and share this information with others and demonstrate the power of it in your own life. Photo Credit: Unsplash/Ekrem Osmanoglu
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, master’s clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and webinar/workshop facilitator. He directs The SoulPhone Foundation and founded Greater Reality Living Groups. Dr. Pitstick can help you know and show—no matter what is happening to or around you— that your earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever. Visit http://www.SoulProof.com for free articles, newsletters and radio interviews with top consciousness experts.
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Welcome the Adventure of Change
“Wisdom comes with age, we’ve known But sometimes, age just comes alone.” By Gregg Sanderson “Being old sucks,” I remarked to a friend as we discussed our health. I was immediately struck by the lightning of realization. “That’s one hell of an affirmation,” I said, and changed it on the spot to, “I live a long life of happy stuff.” As I relished my new declaration, I discovered a gift of many years rarely available to those with fewer, and undiscovered by others. There’s a difference between growing old and being old. Being old is often an attachment to past beliefs and experiences that builds immunity to the present. Growing old is not only the result of a variety of life experiences, but their integration into the psyche. It offers a gift that only comes from many years, if at all. Through my life, I’ve had many changes in location, vocation and relation. Now I joyfully and gratefully welcome the gift of perspective. I have spent time in 45 of our 50 states, Canada, Mexico, Japan and a variety of Pacific islands. I’ve lived in Hawaii, California, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee, New York, New Jersey, Virginia and Florida. I’ve worked as a gas station attendant, door-to-door salesman, truck driver, military officer, warehouse manager, systems analyst, publisher, consultant, matchmaker, author, workshop leader, database developer and psychic healer.
Spiritual development has taken me through Christian Science, Judaism, Atheism, Living Love, Spiritualism, Psychic Development, Teaching of the Inner Christ, Science of Mind, Unity and Infinite Possibilities. There’s a whole lot of synthesis goin’ on. I used to be an argumentative smartass who always had to be right. Now I’m a gentle and tolerant smartass. I can even accept people with other points of view. When I talk about coaching, I like to use the analogy of a scout for the wagon train. A scout at the destination isn’t of much use to the settlers. If they were heading for Dodge City, they don’t need a scout who knows the way to Santa Fe. What they need is one who is just a short ride ahead, to report on the rocks, water holes, and Indians along the way. I like to be sure my clients understand I’m the scout for their mental wagon train, and not their perfect example. I’ve been down many trails, and the more I’ve personally traveled the greater my perspective. I’m at the point now where I can often say, “I’ve been there” physically, mentally and emotionally. That experience helps me communicate, illuminate and pontificate. With all that perspective now, I can only imagine what it will be like when I get old. Oh, wait….
Happiness is BS with Gregg Sanderson
Gregg Sanderson is author of Spirit With A Smile, The World According To BOB. He is a licensed practitioner in the Centers for Spiritual Living, and a Certified Trainer for Infinite Possibilities. His earlier books were, What Ever Happened To Happily Ever After? and Split Happens—Easing The Pain Of Divorce. His latest project is the New Thought Global Network, where subscribers can enjoy the best in New Thought presentations from anywhere at any time. You can see it at http://www.newthoughtglobal.org.
The World Is Shifting. Are You?
We are experiencing dramatic changes—in our climate, our government, our health and financial systems—but the biggest shift may be happening within ourselves. By Linda Commito Awareness doesn’t always come easily. Sometimes it takes a trip down the road of despair to discover who we are and what authentically defines us: What do we stand for? What gives hope, meaning and value to our lives? How are we contributing to the well-being of others? What kind of a future do we want to create? It’s disheartening to experience our country and world so divided that we can’t hear or understand each other, increasing our fear and anxiety. We may feel uncertain as to what and whom to place our faith in, having previously relied on others to lead us, but really, WE’RE IT! This divisive political environment has helped to move us from
complacency to awareness, and, more importantly, to action. There is a positive shift in consciousness taking place, a call to stand up for what we believe in, find our voice, vote, and to unite in creating a better, more equitable world for ourselves and our children. Our world is shifting and many things that we have known, or thought we knew, are already, or will be, falling away. How can we embrace this new era as an opportunity, to simplify and let go of those things that no longer serve us— i.e. the material obsessions, our sense of separation, our prejudices, and fears? Endings create opportunities for new beginnings. Now is a perfect time to evaluate and make enlightened changes in our lives. We can choose to embody a new way of thinking, “a new normal” that will better serve and
support the worldwide community of humans that share our planet. It’s a chance to live from our hearts in a deepening connection to others. We are envisioning a new bottom line. We need to take responsibility, not only for our own lives and the people we love, but also for those around us who are unable to take care of themselves. The concept of “we” doing it together is becoming more important than ever. Who we are and what we do matter. We are the ones who can bring about positive, real and lasting changes. And we may find that a shift to a world that is based on compassion, connection and community will be one that is worth being a part of—a world that we wouldn’t want to trade for the one we used to have, even if we could.
Love is the New Currency with Linda Commito Linda Commito, author, speaker, entrepreneur, consultant and teacher, is passionate about her vision to leave this world a kinder, more loving, and interconnected place. Linda’s award-winning book of inspirational stories, Love Is the New Currency, demonstrates how we can each make an extraordinary difference in the lives of others through simple acts of love and kindness. Her latest project, the card game Just Ask 1 2 3, was inspired by a desire to connect people of all different ages, beliefs and lifestyles to share our individuality and find commonality. Linda also created “Kindness Starts with Me,” a program, book and website for children. For more information visit http://www.LoveistheNewCurrency.com or visit the Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/Justask123game.
The Call of the Mountain
By Monica Canducci As a child, I was attracted to the Faerie world—as probably many other children are. Growing up, I never stopped believing in a kind of “magic” present in our lives, even if somehow unseen. When, at the age of 17, I discovered I had a channel to “download” information from a higher dimension of Consciousness, I felt compelled to deepen my experiential and practical knowledge of different spiritual paths, as well as of the functioning of the human being and of the connections between body, mind, environment and spirit. In my spiritual quest, I never forgot the Faerie world.
When I “downloaded” this tale, I felt that it was my story, unveiling my mission. I felt called to action and committed myself in creating awareness. Today, looking at what is happening to our Mother Earth, I feel even more committed to spread this message. Whether you believe in the existence of Faeries or not, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that we are responsible for our world. May this tale inspire you and support you in your journey of transformation, in harmony with the world around us. Once upon a time, humans used to live in complete harmony with Nature. They loved and respected Nature in all its forms, and they spoke the ancient language of the Seasons, of the Sun, of the Moon and of the
Stars. Humans considered themselves and all the living beings on Earth as part of a large village, with the Earth itself consisting of many Families within the Animal, Vegetable and even Mineral Realms. At that time, humans knew each Family of the Three Realms had a Guardian, a kind of protector who acted as an intermediary, or a bridge, between the forces of Heaven and Earth— to protect the harmonious growth of that Family in balance with the other Families of Animals, Vegetables and Minerals, and with the great Family of Humans. Before proceeding with anything, Humans had the good habit of consulting the Guardians of the Three Realms to be sure they would
contribute to the maintenance of that natural balance, of which they knew and constantly remembered they were part of. The centuries passed and the humans, growing up, forgot. They believed they were the only ones in the world or, at least the best, only because they had more needs, and those needs made them creative— so creative that they flattered themselves believing they could be the architects of every change they desired, damaging the Earth and the natural balance in the process. And humans simplified everything, as if Nature was just a mechanism. Did they need wood to build houses, furniture, or to make paper? They cut down, or even worse, eradicated trees indiscriminately, without thinking about the consequences those actions could generate. It mattered little if the roots of those trees had prevented the land from crumbling until then. It did not matter if the foliage of those trees was part of a precious purifier for the air that humans themselves breathed. They needed wood. Immediately. And the Guardians, who were once intermediaries between Humans and Nature in all its aspects, were now forgotten. They grew sad and concealed themselves from human sight in the Invisible Realm, to shield themselves and continue, unnoticed, protecting and guarding Nature and every family of the Three Kingdoms as much as possible. On Earth, near the Sea, lived a little girl. She was a beautiful little girl, chubby and rosy, always considered a little small for her age. The girl, they said, had too much imagination, as she used to say she could see things that no one else had ever seen. She soon came to the conclusion that no one was able to see what she could see, and she thus decided that she’d better not to talk about it anymore, so as not to be ridiculed or misunderstood. But she felt that she was missing something. She often gazed at the Sun, setting behind the distant mountains, 20
and she sighed with melancholy. “Who knows why...” she wondered. Until one day, a beautiful spring day, driven by something she could not understand, she set out on her way up towards the highest mountain, all alone, careless of what she could find along the way. Moreover, they say, children may be very irresponsible. After a long while, the girl started to feel exhausted, but the closer she was getting to the Mountain, the more she felt a strange joy deep down in her heart, almost like a tickle that made her laugh so happily, that she no longer felt tired. Until she reached the Mountain that is. The sun was hot, so hot that, as she was going up, the girl had to take off her clothes. Finally at the top, she took off her shoes and socks. She sat down on the grass, while thinking: “Well, here I am. And now what?” Then she started playing on her own, as usual. Suddenly, she thought she could hear a big buzzing, like a chattering and a quick shuffling, and in a flash she was surrounded by so many tiny little Beings—so little that she, though small, felt almost huge, in fact a giant compared to them. They were there, for she saw them very well—she was sure others wouldn’t see anything else but the grass and some flowers in her place. One of these creatures moved towards her, climbed up her foot, then moved up along her leg, until the child picked up the creature in her hands and brought it to her face to scan it better. It was a “girl,” or at least it looked like a girl. It was a tiny, pretty, light creature, just a little chubby and rosy, almost naked. “Just like me,” thought the little girl. And to tell the truth, the creature even looked like her, especially her hair, even though she didn’t seem to be made of flesh and bones, but of something much lighter and more impalpable. As the child was watching her, the creature began to shine. The little girl then laid her down on the soft grass and the creature seemed to shed a strong halo of golden light,
before slowly beginning to grow and grow—until she became as big as the girl herself, and then bigger. The creature started to talk. “Welcome, we were waiting for you. We were just wondering how much it would take for you to hear our call. You were born on Earth, among humans, but your spirit belongs to our Realm, the Invisible Realm. It can happen that some of us feel the need to find a human body, a body made of real flesh and bone, in order to live on Earth among humans. It is not for amusement or curiosity, but for fulfilling a task. When some of us feel it is time to fulfil it, they ask for a “lift” to the Earth. Then they come down from the Mountain and let themselves be captured by a human womb, just as you did, to be born and bring the message kept by our people, now reduced to a few individuals compared to how many of us there used to be...The Little People are those who once were the Guardians of the Earth. The message is the very memory of the ancient alliance between Mankind and Nature in all its forms. The few humans that can see us or sense our presence call us the Spirits of Nature, Faeries, Gnomes, Elves, Genies and by many other names, depending on the Realm to which we belong and of which we are guardians, invisible or almost. We are made of subtle matter and we
can change shape, color and size. Yet, we cannot directly communicate with humans, as we used to do in the past, because they no longer look for us. The only way to really communicate with them is to be born among them.” The creature kept on speaking, even though she seemed to express herself without words, since it was if her thoughts directly reached the heart of the child. She was a Fairy. The girl had so many questions to ask, but even before she could do so, she could hear the answer. “When some of us are born on Earth, they’ll hear the call of the Mountain sooner or later. It’s the call of remembrance. We knew that you would come, and we were ready to welcome you, to remind you who you truly are and what your task is, because being born on Earth also means to forget.” The Fairy came up to the girl and touched her forehead. The child thought she was taken by her hand and she too was becoming light. A wonderful world revealed
itself to her sight. For an instant, all the boundaries she knew seemed to dissolve, and she felt herself carried into a dance of iridescent colours. In a flash that seemed like an eternity, she found herself in the depths of the dense earth, where shining crystals glittered like stars. She could perceive the slow and warm pulsation of the Earth itself, its strength, its powerful movements, and she could take part in sensing what the Earth was sensing. She then perceived a stream flowing and filtering towards the surface, and by following it she became the water itself, which was joyously gushing then falling to the ground and merging with the Earth again. The girl remembered who she used to be and began, radiant, to pick up the precious salts from the Earth, dissolving them in the water and directing them to the roots of a nearby plant. She followed the path of the precious nourishment up through the plant roots and stem, drawing pulsing spirals of light and colors. She reached the green foliage and bathed in the sunlight, catching it with her breath. And by breathing and dancing she intertwined Light and Air and Water and Earth, creating magical currents of life inside the plant and around it. Then, gently, everything stopped. The little girl seemed to awaken, hugging the big tree, the life of whom she had sensed by dancing. She could finally understand why she felt a bit different from other children. She knew she was a means, a bridge, a threshold between the Realm of Nature and
those Humans who had forgotten about being a part of Nature itself. The tiny creatures that had welcomed her, like the Fairy who had explained so many things to her, seemed to dissolve in the twilight, but the girl could still hear their voices clearly. “Bring humans the awareness of what they can’t see but which really exists, and that everything is part of the Whole, and it’s easy to break the balance if you act only for your own interest. Bring humans the sense of respect for Life so they can use its precious resources with wisdom. Bring humans the beauty of the colors that can only be seen with closed eyes, the sweetness of the song without words, the pleasure of the dance that intertwines the currents of love between Heaven and Earth, and that follows the magical alchemies of transmutation that create Life. Because everything is dance in the Universe, and if something stops the flow of the dance of Nature, it will bring Nature to an end. Bring this message to humans and we will always be beside you and in your heart and you will be happy.” The Sun went down. The little girl, happy and satisfied, put on her clothes, while going down the slope with her shoes in her hands. She knew she would have to grow older to bring that message to humans, and in the meantime she could not forget. The Mountain was there to remind her, every time she looked at it at sunset. From the book The Faerie Code—A guide to the Faerie Dimension and its Gifts by Monica Canducci.
Monica Canducci is an author, speaker, artist, and performer who loves to work as a healing facilitator, movement coach, and teacher in the fields of self-development and spiritual awareness. Monica is unstoppably committed to connecting dots and “making the invisible seen” by exploring the relationships between thoughts, emotions, words, the world of archetypes, and the human body structure. She loves helping people discover their hidden resources and express their true self, in order to achieve healing and self-realization through personal transformation. E-mail Monica at monica.canducci11@gmail.com.
One Breath One Moment
In challenging times, each single breath can offer a moment of silence, serenity and stillness. By Jo Mooy As you begin reading this article you’re concentrating on the text on the page. In the next couple sentences, the average person breathed in and out a few full breath cycles, depending on how fast they read. Breathing is a process controlled by the brain. It’s automatically taking place in the background without us giving it any thought—but interrupt it for more than four minutes and the human organism dies. For eons, mystics understood that controlling the power of the breath could lead to illumination. Teachers from the East brought specific techniques to harness prana—or the lifeforce—in the breath. The mantra students are taught: “Follow the breath.” That means to sit quietly and observe the steady rhythmic inhalation and exhalation of each breath. The training calms the mind while reducing anxiety in the body. Done perfectly for endless cycles, over years of training, teachers promise it will lead to cosmic realization or enlightenment. For the past several months, the world was sequestered by a virus that rampaged without respect for any geographic borders. Stay home, the authorities urged. It was an order to “flatten the curve” of infections that kept spiraling upward. If you go out, maintain social distancing and wear a mask! As friends lost their jobs, and some developed symptoms, fears ratcheted up. Cooped up at home, days that no longer had a name felt like weeks. One afternoon, after slogging through texts and emails, and dozens of reports, I hit the wall. I needed a major timeout from everything associated with the coronavirus. I wanted to sit—to be—to not do. A practice called Wu Wei floated by. I grasped at it like a drowning victim floating in rough waters in need of a life preserver. I shut down my computer and headed to the sofa to sit quietly for a while. I pulled down the shades
to block out the world so I could focus on the practice. Wu Wei means “The Art of Doing Nothing!” I sat there for a few minutes doing nothing. But too many conflicting thoughts raced by. Each one demanded an audience and resulted in a trip down the rabbit hole. I was in for a long afternoon. Then out of nowhere, one thought glided in and held. Take a breath! I put my head back on the sofa and closed my eyes. I drew in one long, slow breath. All my concentration moved to the inhalation of that breath and the equally matched slow exhalation. In a matter of seconds I was now IN the breath, no longer in the thoughts. I took another long, slow breath and held it for a moment at the top. Then I exhaled slowly. The second breath was more relaxing, and it was anchoring. By the third deep breath, the mind-numbing thoughts disappeared. I sat there for about 10 minutes, eyes closed and breathing slowly. The only thought that came and stayed in consciousness was this one. Nothing else exists but this one breath in this one moment. A visual image surfaced along with that thought. I “saw” the deep sea divers who dive without tanks, holding their breath for 5 to 9 minutes. These “breath-masters” sink 700 feet down into the depths of the ocean with one breath before floating gently back to the surface. Visually they reflected back to me, One Breath— One Moment—One Present. I didn’t do my practice under water but I’d become one of the divers. I went down deep into the breath. I was no longer part of the chaos on the surface. I was in the present moment, floating free without any thoughts. Each single breath was a moment of silence, serenity and stillness. There was no virus, no fear, no anxiety, no worries. In that One Breath in that One Moment I was okay. In every breath in those 10 minutes I experienced the same thing. All I had to do was “follow the breath” that the mystics taught. I did and found myself in the spaciousness of safety.
Conscious Living with Jo Mooy
Jo Mooy has studied with many spiritual traditions over the past 40 years. The wide diversity of this training allows her to develop spiritual seminars and retreats that explore inspirational concepts, give purpose and guidance to students, and present esoteric teachings in an understandable manner. Along with Patricia Cockerill, she has guided the Women’s Meditation Circle since January 2006 where it has been honored for five years in a row as the “Favorite Meditation” group in Sarasota, FL, by Natural Awakenings Magazine. Teaching and using Sound as a retreat healing practice, Jo was certified as a Sound Healer through Jonathan Goldman’s Sound Healing Association. She writes and publishes a monthly internationally distributed e-newsletter called Spiritual Connections and is a staff writer for Spirit of Maat magazine in Sedona. For more information go to http://www.starsoundings.com or email jomooy@gmail.com.
How to Avoid The Self-Help Guru
Self-improvement is a must and there is good guidance out there, but we need “balanced action with accurate intention” to create meaningful change in our lives. By Dr. Bryan Hawley Have you ever heard of The Self-Help Guru Trap? It’s not something that too many are talking about, but it does exist—and it is affecting millions of people without them even knowing it. Now before any Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins or Eckhart Tolle fans start passing judgement on me, let me explain a little more. I would not be where I am today if I did not hear the late Dr. Wayne Dyer speak at a conference many years ago. It really felt like he was putting the show on just for me. It felt
like he plucked me out of the audience and was talking directly to me. He understood my problems, and I was lost. I felt the itch to do something meaningful and be something bigger, and I am sure I was not the only one in the room who felt that way. Many conferences and half a forest worth of books later, I can say that I have become a Self-Help Guru junkie. I mean I love the stuff, and I am always working on myself. Maybe it is the dopamine surge I get when I read an inspiring chapter or finally finish a book… Now, thanks to technology, we can listen to any guru we want, whenever we want. It has become so easy to consume
large amounts of information in short periods of time thanks to the Internet. But is this gluttonous consumption good for us? Is there something missing? I think there is… I have clients who literally go from book to book, online course to online course gaining information, insight and horsepower. Then they do one of two things: Either they do absolutely nothing with it or literally hustle and grind until they burn themselves and all those around them out! I see people following every guru’s advice, and they wind up going in a million different directions. From cold showers, to ice baths, to intermittent fasting, to less sleep to more sleep, from no fat to high fat, from journaling to vision boards, and everything else in between. You can get up at 3 a.m. to be the hardest worker in the gym, get home and drink your Bulletproof coffee in the cold shower while listening to your podcast of Gary V. telling you to work harder, take an Uber to work so you can sit in the back and slosh down your neurotropic vitamins with a protein shake, while multitasking on Instagram and Facebook with your fans, and still not have that lifestyle or dream you want. That just sounds exhausting. So, what’s missing? I call it “balanced action with accurate intention.” Yeah, I just made that up, but it really fits nicely with the point I am making. Let me explain. I think self-improvement is a must and there is some excellent guidance and motivation out there. Creating headspace and breaking through your personal roadblocks is a great start. But let us consider the action part. I see many coming to me exhausted and burnt out. They have put in three lifetimes worth of work, they hustled with a capital H, but they are still at the starting gate. This is “unbalanced action.” I personally was guilty of just such a lifestyle. Always hustling and grinding, chasing the dream, but not really satisfied. Actor and comedian Jim Carrey stated, “I wish everyone could get rich and famous and have everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that’s not the answer.” Now I advise and practice a different approach. After years of chasing my tail because the gurus told me to, I know have a regular meditation practice, study and teach yoga. Yes, I still hit the gym five days a week—but not at 3 am. I have found a comfortable balance that resonates with
me. I help my clients find their personal vibration and get in the flow of the universe so things can come to them. You see, many are too busy working and pushing instead of being and allowing.
The less you struggle to make it happen, the easier and more pleasurable the trip will be and the faster you will see results. Some of the things I personally practice and advice are: 1) Dedicate time for self-help and self-improvement. 2) Keep physically active and maintain a balanced diet 3) Meditate, pray, write, be with yourself and others 4) Find your passion, your goal, and make a plan to get there. 5) Work your plan DAILY, and take action steps DAILY (And plans change, so be ready to shift gears as needed.) 6) Keep a balance in what I call the “foundations” of your life. I actually have eight foundations, including Health and Fitness; Personal Reality (our environment we surround ourselves in everyday); and Spirituality/Religion. (If you want a list of all eight I use, email me at hawleybryan@yahoo.com.) 7) Once you hit your goal celebrate and put a new goal just a bit farther out. The takeaway? Listen to the gurus and consume the self-help advice as along as it is helping you to see your goals more clearly. Then take accurate action steps every day to help reach your goals. The goal of my Eight Foundations Plan is to keep all areas of our lives balanced and in tune with each other. Some areas will need more attention than others depending on your goals, but this should be synchronized with the other areas of your life as well. The ultimate objective is to always reach for new heights, new goals—all the while having fun and discovering yourself along the way. If you get lucky enough, you will even help others find themselves and obtain their goals. This is where the magic of life really happens.
Listen for Your Calling with Dr. Bryan Hawley Dr. Bryan is a published author, national speaker, and personal growth consultant. He also owns an online digital marketing agency and has created a simple online course on digital marketing to help other coaches, and authors break out into the world and reach audiences. You can find out more on his website http://www.drbryanhawley.com or email directly at info@drbryanhawley.com.
How to Make Your Own Magic
We are the genies in the our own lamps, and we can create our own dreams. By AJ Miller I used to spend most of my life daydreaming. I would daydream about finding a magic lamp, and asking the genie inside to make me skinny and confident and cool. I couldn’t imagine looking and feeling that way without magic—and I didn’t think that magic existed outside of daydreams. Most of my life was spent in a state of perpetual fear, doubt and avoidance. My scarcity mindset overwhelmed me. I barely functioned. I was listening to a story told by myself, about myself, that had no happy ending, middle or beginning, and I believed every word. At 17, after a few failed attempts to find a job—with my weight and health starting to catch up with me, and having been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, depression, anxiety, and learning disabilities—I was put on disability benefits, and that was my only means of income for the next 13 years. This created an ironic feedback loop of guaranteed safety and survival alongside crippling feelings of inadequacy, shame, and a lack of identity that only exacerbated the health issues and anxiety that had disabled me in the first place. By the time I moved to Hawaii at 27, I weighed over 400 pounds, I smoked like a chimney, I drank to excess at every opportunity, I spent a vast majority of my waking hours in my room by myself, and I had nothing inside me other than frustration and disappointment in myself. I felt like the complete opposite of skinny, confident and cool. One day I met someone who promised to teach me how to lose weight and reach my goals but, after only a few days, she disappeared without so much as a word of explanation or even an
e xcuse. Normally, I would have used that experience as further proof that I wasn’t good enough, and I would have resumed living a bleak existence. But something clicked inside of me that day, and I decided that instead of being a victim I was going to take control. I said to myself that day: “There’s no such thing as a genie; I have to make my own magic.” I didn’t know how I was going to change myself, but my instinct was telling me that the only thing worth doing any longer was to transform myself into the mental image I had always daydreamed about: someone skinny and confident and cool. There’s nothing unique about me, there’s nothing I did that everyone else on earth isn’t capable of, and I didn’t need to go out and find an enchanted lamp to transform me and build the identity that was waiting for me. The lamp is in us. We are the genies! And when we wish upon ourselves, we can make our own magic. I started by committing to the process. Then, I took a small step. I started going for walks, 5 minutes at a time, and I would actually put a gold sticker on my calendar as a reward for doing something, however insignificant in the grand scheme of things, to fight against my self-limiting beliefs about what I was capable of. From there, I started to clean up my diet: I started cooking for myself instead of relying on processed food. I didn’t cut out soda entirely, but I made a promise to myself that every time I had the opportunity to buy a soda, I would question the urge. From there, I made a rule where I could have soda every OTHER time I went to the store. And from there, I switched entirely over to diet.
I lost 30 pounds the first month, and that proof of concept was all I needed to go all-in on the nutrition strategies that I had been researching. I knew that the time for self-doubt, excuses and hesitation was at an end. My destiny was waiting! Today, at age 30, I weigh 224 pounds. I just passed my one-year anniversary since I quit smoking cold turkey, stopped binge drinking, and started working out, and my health actually improved so much that Social Security approved me to return to work. I was nervous at first because, while I had changed my story about my weight, I still wasn’t confident in my ability to keep a job. However, now I have a great job, working full-time, and most of my waking hours are spent providing service to members of my local community, rather than hiding away in my room. There were a lot of ups and downs along the way, but it was all the first step of my journey of reinventing myself. I don’t always feel skinny, confident and cool, but I feel proud that I managed to accomplish something that I never used to believe I could do. And honestly, I think that’s even better.
AJ Miller recovered from the brink of helplessness, and his next goal is to continue improving himself so that he can pay it forward. He is committed to continuing to learn and grow as a life coach, as well as slowly taking on more challenges and more responsibility. His vision is to use his experiences to help young men improve their physical health, adopt a positive mindset and find the inner strength they never knew they had. You can connect with AJ at ajmillercoaching@gmail.com.
We are the FIRE!
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Carolyn V
By Terez Hartmann WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for! WE are the FIRE!
And as it shines for all to see Another may start to believe
We are the ones to make This night a brand new day The power lies within our hands
WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for! WE are the FIRE!
We are the holders of The vision and the love It’s up to us to understand A Good Vibe Fire Tribe Raising our standards higher To talk the talk and walk the walk So let our power rise From the true flame inside And as we do, then we see we can set each other free! WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for! WE are the FIRE! We will no longer wait For someone else to say That’s it’s okay to live this life
No matter your religion No matter your beliefs We’re all in this together This everyone can see Unite as sisters, brothers From all directions of this earth Let’s help remind each other What this precious life is worth We can start a fire Right here in our own hearts So strike a match, let it burn NOW is where it all starts! WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for! WE are the FIRE! WE.
An evolution revolution Means being part of the solution Let’s show the world THIS is our time
Now is the time to lead With clarity and peace And see the true power of light
So let this spark ignite Your brilliant inner fire
To hear the song, “WE Are The Fire” and be part of the solution by using music to empower and inspire, visit: http://www.FirewomanMusic.com.
ALLOWING YOUR SUCCESS with Terez “Firewoman” Hartmann
Terez “Firewoman” Hartmann,“Your catalyst for all things Fab-YOU-lous,” is the author of Allowing Your Success!, a proud contributing author of Transform Your Life! book one and two, a professional Keynote Speaker/Workshop Facilitator, Singer-Songwriter/Recording Artist, “Allowing Adventures!” & “Savor Vacation” Facilitator, and true Renaissance Woman, and Visionary. She keeps her fire lit by embracing and promoting a lifestyle of “Allowing,” and by using creative expression to elevate and ignite the human spirit, a passion that she shares with her husband, soul-mate and creative partner of over 15 years, John Victor Hartmann. Together they share “Allowing TRUE LOVE” workshops and experiences designed to help others attract, allow, and maintain extraordinary relationships, and create custom jingles and voice-overs in their studio, THE Creativity Express. Visit: http://www.TerezFirewoman.com
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