3 minute read
Step Outside the Box
Use the challenge of self-quarantine to open to fresh, new opportunites.
By Arielle Giordano
Are you ready to step out of you own way? As a college professor discussing creativity with students, I find that most people live in their own box and are afraid to break out of it. I want you to realize that the only containers that exist are those that you create. During the coronavirus pandemic, my life turned upside down just like everyone else’s in the world. Everything I was used to is now different. Indeed, this new normal has changed life and the way we treat, meet and greet each other as human beings. As painful as change can be, the self-quarantine offers the opportunity to inspire ourselves and open new spaces. Personally, I allowed my creativity to soar. I began creating my own dance and stretch videos, developed a dance program, and I put my second book on Kindle Direct Publishing. I transformed my livingroom into a dance studio with lights, camera, microphone and action! Are you ready to break out of your box, become open to fresh, new opportunities, and use your intuition to sense what is next for you? Go for it regardless of discomfort, unfamiliarity, emotional waves, and uncomfortable feelings and thoughts. Know that the more you move into new space, the more the flow of universal energy moves in you and you move in the new flow! Being out of your protected space invites you to find comfort in discomfort. Turning your life upside down can mean letting go of the old and moving into the new. You may get a new job, start a relationship, end or begin a career, get married or divorced, relocate, buy or sell a house. Your heart is the gateway to moving forward from the inside out. When you move into a new space within, a subtle shift and response happens that ripples outward. What change/shift do you know you are ready to step into? Are you resisting or holding back? As children, we played in our innocence and did not question anything or judge anyone. We were carefree and did not have concerns abuout people thought or how we looked to others! We enjoyed every moment, played and had fun. We did not hold back our thoughts, feelings and actions. Life experiences, stories, patterns and beliefs can shift you back into a shell like a tiny turtle afraid to move. You can choose to stay stuck or you can be- come extraordinary and set yourself free. Be open to be the real and true you and dive deeper into the flow of what your heart knows!
Dancing from the Inside Out
with Arielle Giordano
Transformational Life Coach Award-Winning Author & Speaker, Professional Dancer. Arielle’s Award-Winning book for Best Self-Help Award: Dancing With Your Story From The Inside is available on http://www.Amazon.com. Her professional career includes the Lead Faculty Area Chairperson and Professor for the College of Humanities, History and the Arts at the University of Phoenix. She is a published co-author of Transform Your Life Books 1 & 2 and author for Tampa Bay Wellness, Conscious Shift & Transformation magazine. She has published her 4th book, an Instructor’s Manual for Barlow Abnormal Psychology 4th ed. and authored Psychology, A Journey 3rd.ed. Study Guide published by Nelson Education, Toronto, ON. She has also studied philosophy at the College of Integrated Philosophy with John DeRuiter for twenty years. Arielle has been a featured guest on radio and television, in newspapers, and the media across the US and Canada. She is a certified Essentrics Stretch and Dance Instructor. Arielle offers coaching sessions, classes and workshops and a free 30-minute Consultation. Websites: http://www.dancingfromtheinsideout.com, http://www.ariellegiordano.com. Email: agbeautifuldance@gmail.com
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